• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 23: Humans And Unicorns

As the three walked a few paces into the Forbidden Forest, it seemed to be lacking in its signature dark, oppressive aura. It seemed more tame, calm. Less... forbidden. By the time they could no longer see the edge of the woods, Harry was beginning to feel an almost magnetic attraction pulling him through the forest. It was like his heart was pushing against his ribcage in a specific direction.

"This way, I think we're close," Harry said as he spotted a clearing a small distance ahead. "I think she's meeting us just up ahead." He could see something glowing up ahead.

As the group passed another tree, the glimmering item became more apparent. It wasn't a unicorn, but a glowing mote of light.

"That's not a unicorn," Ron said. "I think."

The spark of light pulsed once, then twice, then three times before it grew to about Harry's height. Once it stabilized, a human figure walked through the orb, now revealed as a portal. A familiar purple head of purple hair poked through.



Twilight pulled herself out of the portal. She stumbled for a second before Harry caught her. She had to get used to walking like this.

"You good?" Harry asked.

"Just fine. But thank Celestia, I thought I was in a random forest," Twilight said. "I went to Cnaterlot to present your letter to Princess Celestia. She was very interested in the prospect of the unicorns here knowing about our home. Everything was so fascinating! The pegasi and Moonpool, I didn't know you could do that. I mean, the unicorns of your world know about Equestria, if only as a fairytale myth. Celestia was curious about the nature of the unicorns in your world. They might not be her ponies, but still, it's such a discovery!

"She so wanted to be here, but with a Princess summit and the Summer Sun Celebration upcoming in a few weeks, she just couldn't. She sent me to join your meeting if you don't mind," Twilight explained. "This could go down in history books or a reference in an academic study!" she squealed.

"Merlin's ghost, there's two of them," Ron groaned.

Harry smiled.

"Why would I mind? Moonpool was very curious about Equestria; who better to talk about it than you?" Harry said. The two exchanged a hug before looking at the other two students. "Ron, Hermione, I'm sure you remember my friend, Twilight Sparkle," he introduced her.

"How do you—" Hermione was cut off.

"You're purple!?" Ron exclaimed, confused.

"It's my natural skin tone, thanks for asking," Twilight deadpanned. Hermione coughed loudly.

"As I was going to say, how do you keep getting in and out of the castle grounds?" Hermione demanded immediately. "I mean, Harry can teleport, he won't tell me how, but he's already within the grounds. How are you getting in?"

"Rude," scoffed Ron. "She just got here."

"Last time you two saw each other you were fighting, Ronald," Hermione snapped back.

Twilight moved between them.

"The wards don't stop everything, plus the last few times were powered by magic users with unique magical natures," Twilight said simply. "And you can stop worrying over the fight, I've been in worse."

"Princess Celestia, right? Well, I've gone through the library and found nothing on her. For being so powerful she's very nonexistent. Honestly, I doubt she's real," Hermione said dismissively.

Twilight turned to Harry, confused. She thought he might have talked to them, even with their watered-down alibi.

"You never told them?" Twilight asked.

"Told us what? asked Ron.

"It's your secret," said Harry.

"What secret?" said Hermione.

"They're your friends," said Twilight.

"HEY!" shouted Ron and Hermione. "What's going on!?"

Harry and Twilight looked back and forth between each other and the two.

"I've got a lot to explain. I'll talk on the way, I think there's another clearing just up ahead," Harry said. He and Twilight walked ahead, shoulder to shoulder, as Harry began to explain the whole story between him, Twilight, the letters, and his disappearance.

"It started when I wrote a letter five years ago..."

Harry recounted how he and Twilight had become friends, starting with his first letter. He then described the ins and outs of Equestria, in more detail than what he told Dumbledore. He talked about their magic and the Princesses, everything except the fact Equestria was in another universe, Discord, the Elements, and the powers of the Princesses.

By the time he wrapped up the story, the next clearing was just barely in view. When Harry finished, Ron and Hermione were shaken. Harry analyzed his friends, gauging their reactions.

"So, let me get this straight," Ron started slowly. "She's a unicorn in disguise from a faraway country filled with ponies who sing songs and have access to magical powers. You two met when Harry accidentally sent a letter through a hole in the fabric of the universe that cannot be explained, and have been talking behind everyone's back. Additionally, she becomes a human when she visits, and the opposite for him. And the country she's from is ruled by two immortal pony goddess sisters. Did I miss anything?"

Harry and Twilight shared a look.

"Nope," the two said as they walked, Ron and Hermione stumbling along numbly.

"It sounds unbelievable, what you two describe," Hermione confessed. "I mean, a place with more magic than we could imagine, where you don't have to hide from the mundane world? It sounds so—"

"Fantastic?" Twilight gussed.

"Unrealistic," Hermione corrected.

Twilight hummed to herself.

"It may seem that way to you, but it's normal for me and Harry. It's the truth, whether you'll accept it or not."

The two humans followed along silently after that.

Eventually, they entered the next clearing. It was a medium size, probably big enough to fit a dozen or so Earth unicorns. The ground was firm enough to not sink but was a far cry from packed dirt.

"We're here," Harry said, stopping.

"Harry, I don't get it, where are the..." Hermione trailed off as a unicorn entered the clearing. Harry looked closely, recognizing the unicorn.

"Moonpool, you're here," he said. The mare shook her mane.

"Yes, of course I am." She flicked her nose towards the group behind Harry. "And I see you're not alone."

Twilight stepped forth. She looked very curious about these unicorns. If Harry had to guess, she was slightly confused about why they were larger than most ponies but lacked the ethereal appearance of the Princesses, who grew larger than others.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia sent me," she said with the slightest bow. Ron and Hermione nervously realized they were the only two who couldn't understand unicorns here.

"So you are from Equestria then? I was told humans don't exist here." Moonpool said suspiciously. Twilight nodded.

"Moving to and from Equestria changes our physical forms. Harry is a unicorn in Equestria, and I'm a human here. The Princess wanted to learn more about unicorns over here, see what connects us," Twilight said with her trademark studious tone.

Moonpool was silent for a moment.

"Then I think there are a few someones you'd like to meet." At Moonpool's words, six more unicorns entered the clearing. "Meet Dusk, Starfall, and Shine." Three mares entered, one old, and two recently of age. "And Albedo." A stallion followed, standing tall amongst the three mares. Finally, two golden fillies followed, hiding behind the legs of the younger mares, presumably being their foals. The assembled teens felt their hearts melt.

"Oh, hello, what are your names?" Twilight asked with a smile. One of the fillies peaked her head out.

"I'm Aurora," she said, her voice carrying an accent that reminded the two of Apple Bloom.

"I'm Chime," the other spoke in a more refined voice. The unicorn fillies walked out from behind their mothers. "Mother says humans are scary. You seem nice."

"Well, we're not exactly normal," said Harry. "Would you like to meet our friends?" He gestured for Ron and Hermione to get closer.

The two approached the seven unicorns, and while they were slightly wary of Ron, it wasn't long before they were encircled by a ring of white pelts and golden foals.

"We learned a lot about unicorns today, and now we get to meet two foals. Harry, if I didn't know better, I'd think to could talk to every animal," Hermione said.

"I think just equines and serpents, I overheard the Beauxbaton pegasi talking earlier, it's why I tried to talk to Moonpool. Twilight's friend, Fluttershy, can talk to most animals," Harry explained.

"It's confirmed then, Harry's a... um... a horse-mouth?" Ron fumbled for a word to fit.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Ronald, you can't make words up. The words parselmouth and parseltongue are derived from a French word meaning 'incomplete or forked tongue', like those of a snake," Hermione corrected.

"Hermione, all words are made up. When did you become an expert on this?"

Harry laughed at the two good-naturedly.

"She read it, Ron, like everything else. Besides, it's more of a condition or side effect than a skill," Harry said before he turned to the unicorns. "So, how do you know about Equestria?"

The stallion stepped forth.

"It's an old legend dating back to the first unicorns," said the stallion. "It's been passed down for generations; I still remember my mother telling it to me when I was a young colt," he reminisced. "She said that long before we unicorns roamed this earth, there was a distant land of perfect harmony called Equestria. It's our oldest myth, a tale for foals who are too young to know the dangers of this world. "

"What did he say?" Hermione whispered in Harry's ear. Harry briefly summarized the explanation. "This is so interesting. Unicorns have cultures, myths, legends. The Ministry has no idea, do they?"

"What's next, S.P.U.D.? Society for the Protection of Unicorn Dignity?" Ron joked but was shushed by two elbows to the ribs, courtesy of Hermione and Harry. "Ow! Alright, I get it."

Twilight, meanwhile, was wrapping her head around the implications of this revelation.

"I can't believe it. Unicorns of this world are descendants of Equestria! Harry, do you know what this means?! You're not the first person or pony to cross between our universes!" Twilight said excitedly.

"I suppose that is important. Equestria was a myth of our origins, partially," said the stallion, Albedo. Harry and Twilight translated his sentence.

"Partially?" Harry asked.

"According to the legends, there were others who came to this world: a pegasus tribe, a group of griffons, and others. But time has eroded our noble heritage, we are becoming more like lesser animals. I fear we will succumb in time," Starfall said. Harry translated this time, but left out the "world" part.

"What does she mean, eroded?" Hermione asked.

Harry was quiet, thinking.

"Do you remember what I said about my zoo trip? I talked to a snake. He could talk to me, express gratitude, but his words felt... different. He had intellect, but not— what's the word?" He asked.

"Sapience? The ability to collect wisdom with higher thought?" Twilight suggested.

"This is getting a bit much, don't you think?" Ron interrupted. "We came here to learn, not stumble upon ancient conspiracy theories."

"These aren't conspiracy theories, Ron," Harry scolded.

"But what about your magic? We unicorns of Equestria can cast spells, but you don't seem to do that. Why was that?" Twilight asked.

The assembled unicorns looked at each other for a moment before the old mare spoke up.

"We unicorns have much magic, but we cannot use it like you humans can. Legend says we used to, but our decline has left us unable. Some believe our condition is the result of a blood curse, and that same curse still runs through our blood today," Starfall said. Everyone knew what they were talking about: the unicorn blood Voldemort drank. "Because of that curse, we are prey with no predators and abnormal in the natural balance. Some believe our magic was stolen." Twilight was quick to translate for Ron and Hermione.

"Stole it?" echoed Hermione. "That's impossible, you can't steal magic from anyone."

"I think we passed the line of what defines possible a while back," Harry rebutted. "Besides, when I go to Equestria I'm a unicorn, and Twilight becomes a human over here despite the fact unicorns already exist here."

"I don't know what having magic would feel like, but I would have loved to have it," Moonpool said. "Besides, there is much more to learn. Could we hear about the alicorns? They are legendary, and Harry suggested he's met three," she said. Harry translated again.

"The Princesses? Okay, sure." Twilight said. "There are three. The sisters, Princesses Celestia and Luna, and my sister-in-law, Princess Cadance," she said before she began recounting the stories of Equestria to the unicorns.

Ron leaned over Harry's shoulder.

"Wait, her sister-in-law is a Princess? She's royalty?! Was that how she afforded her clothes?"

"Why didn't you tell us you knew actual royalty?" Hermione added.

Harry chuckled at the two.

"Twilight's not royalty. Her brother just married the Princess of the Crystal Empire, and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was her foalsitter as a filly."

"Harry, you lost us there," Hermione said. "I thought the Princess was named—"

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Princess Cadance are the same pony," Harry interrupted. "She's the adopted niece of Princess Celestia. She was also Twilight's babysitter, technically her foalsitter. I suspect it was so she could be near Twilight's brother, whom she married later. After the wedding, she took responsibility of the Crystal Empire, an empire in the frozen north of Equestria."

Ron and Hermione looked even more confused.

"So you don't know any royalty?" asked Ron.

"Oh no, I absolutely do," Harry countered. "I've gotten to meet all three Princesses on separate occasions. Twilight introduced me, she's Celestia's personal student," Harry tried to explain.

"A student of a monarch? What I wouldn't give for that," Hermione whispered to herself.

"So she's not royalty? Then, what about the fancy robes?" Ron asked.

"Twilight's friend, Rarity, is one of the best in the business. She has a natural affinity for gemstones and fashion. She practically invented a spell that can find gemstone deposits as a foal. But those robes were a gift, she's not the Element of Generosity for nothing," Harry explained.

The three stayed silent before Ron started to laugh about something. Everyone, unicorns included, looked at him.

"Look at us. I know more about the magical community, Hermione knows more about muggles, and Harry knows about Equestria," Ron said between laughs.

Harry allowed himself a brief laugh, then joined Twilight to talk to the unicorns.

"I have something to ask of you. I know it is not my decision, but I must ask it nonetheless," asked Skyfall.

"What do you want?" Twilight replied.

"We know Equestria is distant from this world, it remains a myth even to us. But I must ask, is it safe?" the unicorn asked.

"Safe? Why do you ask?" Harry said.

"Because there is a growing darkness, we all feel it. The murder of even one of our kind is a tragic loss, but someone has been killing many of us recently. We are rare as is, we are afraid of disappearing forever," Moonpool revealed.

"Voldemort. He's still using your blood to stay alive," Harry realized.

"If you are safe in our ancestral homeland, than I am relieved."

"Don't sound so defeated," said Twilight.

"That is how we have lived. For generations, our blood has been used as a poison and our hairs stripped for weapons, every part of us is used to benefit others. We are barely more than animals, but we are prey with no predators, we exist with no purpose in this world," said the oldest mare, Dusk.

Harry and Twilight looked at each other, then back at the unicorns.

"I'm so sorry," was all Twilight could say.

"Thank you, little one. Life is cruel, but I hope it can get better."

"I can talk with Celestia, maybe she can help," Twilight said.

"If it helps, I can come back to visit, maybe I can try to show you some of Equestria's magic," Harry said.

It was starting to become more clear to Harry that Voldemort was a threat to more than just wizards. If he returned, the pain would be felt by everyone, not just humans. These unicorns, they didn't deserve this.

"Thank you for your kind words. But let us enjoy happier topics, while the young ones are here." Dusk said, looking at the two foals, who were prancing around Ron and Hermione.

The group stayed in the Forbidden Forest 'till late in the afternoon, exchanging bits of folklore from unicorns, Equestria, and humanity. Hermione and Twilight blitzed through their papers, recording everything learned, while Harry took the chance to give his condolences to the unicorns about their losses in the first year. They were saddened by the reminder of the loss but appreciated Harry's attempts to console them.

But, sooner than anyone would have liked, the Hogwarts curfew cut their meeting short. Hermione and Ron ran ahead of Harry, giving him time to say goodbye.

"That was... strange. These unicorns, we all thought they were less than sapient," Harry said awkwardly. He clenched his fist, emotions shifting towards frustration. "I should've known better when I saw the thestrals."

"It can't be changed, that's how you were taught. Besides, we can help them now," Twilight reasoned.

"Help? Twilight, they're animals to the Ministry. I don't even know where to begin with this."

"I'll ask Celestia, maybe she'll have some ideas—"

"Such as?" Harry retorted. "On the one hoof, Celestia would have to fight for the rights of entire species. On the other, she might have to abandon some of them here, which will make things worse in the long run."

"I don't know!" Twilight shouted. "I just feel bad for them. They're animals here, but can't prove otherwise. They're treated as lesser because of that they are, doesn't that sound familiar?"

At Twilight's words, Harry was filled with great shame. The Dursleys treated him as dirt because he was magical, was this so different? He would be a hypocrite if he said the unicorns and him were different. For Celestia's sake, he was a unicorn! He should be sympathizing more, not less!

"Then we'll figure something out. I'll visit them when I can. For now, I'm glad you stopped by," said Harry.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world," replied Twilight.

"I'm glad. The last three weeks have been dismal," commented Harry.

Twilight looked confused.

"Three weeks? Harry, it hasn't even been two days. I just got back to Ponyville when your last letter arrived," said Twilight.

Harry slapped his forehead.

"Two days? Oh, Celestia, here we go again," Harry groaned. "Let me guess, time dilation?"

"With our luck? Yes, and I think it's getting worse. But at this point there's nothing we can do about it. We can induct a proper study during the summer." Twilight shrugged.

"It's the weirdest part of our friendship," Harry said. "I mean, I've known you for five years, but you've known me for significantly less. That doesn't feel off?"

"Well, it is a little strange. But considering I de-age when on this side of the portal, it's not that weird."

"It absolutely is. My body doesn't age up over there," Harry reminded her.

"And speaking of your body, about your scar, how are you holding up?" she asked. She placed her hand on Harry's forehead, running a finger over the mark.

"I'm alright. I haven't had any dreams since the one in the letter, and my scar doesn't hurt anymore. I'm trying to learn anything I can, but the library doesn't have anything on magical scars," said Harry. He pulled Twilight's hand away from his head.

"Okay, so there's some good news and some bad news. But Cadance's magic is working, so that's a win. I promise that once we get you back to Equestria, I'll help find a solution. I'm not leaving you out in the rain on this.

"Oh, before I forget; I have something for you." Twilight reached into her satchel, retrieving a thin book from within. The cover had half of Twilight's cutie mark displayed on the front, the other half blank. "I wanted to thank you properly for the Christmas gift. When you told me about the charms incident, it gave me an idea. If Equestrian magic draws too much attention, why couldn't I write up some verbal components? I can translate your magic to Equestrian, why not the other way around? A lot of your spells share roots with words of similar meanings. Lumos and luminate, Bombarda and bomb, Leviosa and levitate, et cetera." She flipped to a random page, showing off a spell or two. "I have spells you already know, plus one or two extras, already written in with some incantations. It should help you blend in," she said, pushing the book into Harry's hands. Harry was stunned.

"Twilight, I can't accept this—"

"Yes, you can. You're always so stingy about these things. Consider it a late Christmas and birthday gift," insisted Twilight.

Harry took the book reluctantly.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Celestia gave me her blessing to use the summoning spell," said Twilight, grinning practically ear to ear.

"That's great! I can't wait to see you. Just a few more months, right?"

"For you, yes. Probably less for me. And one more thing. Rainbow Dash wants to watch the final task. You wouldn't mind if we dropped by?" she asked.

"Of course not. You're all welcome to watch. But I'm not here to win," Harry warned. Survival was his goal here.

"We're here for you regardless."

A hum of magic echoed through the forest. Twilight glowed white for a second as the spell took hold of her.

"I'll see you when term ends to bring you back, good luck!" And with Twilight's last words, she vanished in a spark of light, leaving Harry alone in the forest.

"You know, maybe I will win, just for Rainbow's sake."

"Celestia, we need to talk."

Author's Note:

So, yeah, that happened. I wanted to show the unicorns as sapient, but realized this would mean they are abused by the Ministry as "beasts" when they should be "beings". So we take a slight redirection. Please review and share!

Okay, MAJOR confession. This chapter had to be rewritten not once, but twice. A review from FIMfiction prompted me to rethink how this arc would go. So, enjoy this little gem.
Also, expect the updates to slow down, maybe. I'm having to rethink a lot of stuff.

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