• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 27: The Maze

When the whistle blew, Harry lit his wand and ran as fast as he could. He wanted to put as much distance behind him when he reached a fork in the path.

"Good luck!" Harry called back before he teleported to the other side of a hedge.

Teleportation was going to get tiring fast, but if it got him past whatever dangerous barriers stood before him, Harry was all right with that. After all, no one could see him. Harry sped on forward when he heard the second and third whistle blow, signifying all champions were now in play. He sped through the maze, the compass spell helping him get a general idea of where to go. Harry didn't want to exhaust himself with excessive teleports, so he would have to navigate manually for now.

He could briefly see a glimpse of Cedric at one point, his robes scorching and muttering about Blast-Ended Skrewts. When Harry ran to the fork in the road, he turned the corner to see... a dementor! Over twice his height, hidden by long black robes, a rotting hand outstretched in a clutching motion, it advanced hauntingly towards Harry. Harry could sense the despair it oozed, feeling a deep coldness try to penetrate his bones. Harry remembered exactly what he had to do.

Harry called forth the happiest thought imaginable: he centered his mind on getting out of the maze, back to his friends, and then spending his summer in Equestria. Harry cast his spell.

"Expecto Patronum!"

It was like a star exploded out of his wand, nearly blinding Harry. This was brighter than it had ever been before! A white aura surrounded Harry as the dementor tried to flee, tripping over its robes. Harry knew dementors didn't trip.

"Wait a second, you're a boggart! Riddikulus!" The boggart exploded into black ink. Harry relaxed, dimming the blinding light of his patronus so he could see it. "What?"

Harry's patronus had changed. Before, it looked like a white stag, similar to his father's animagus form. Now his patronus looked like a unicorn stallion. Or rather, Harry's unicorn form. It was like looking in a mirror, even the hair was the right shape. He watched as it slowly faded away, wishing the company could stay, even if holding the spell was impractical. But the fact he patronus was different was... something interesting.

Harry couldn't help but ponder it further, the fact was something called out of his memories had changed. Maybe it was a sign he belonged in Equestria, or perhaps just a side effect of his visits? Either way, he should investigate after he escaped.

Harry continued along the maze, following his wand's compass directions. He followed until he met a strange mist, and decided to teleport past it, not willing to take undue risks. He moved on through the maze, pausing when he heard a distinctly female voice scream.

"Fleur?!" Harry yelled.

Harty redoubled his speed. He didn't know where Fleur was, he couldn't help her. There were no sparks, meaning she could be fine, had lost her wand, or was unconscious. Despite the Ministry's assurances, Harry knew the dangers were far too real. If he could reach the cup now, the teachers could grab Fleur before anything else happened. But at the same time, Harry couldn't help but think, one champion down.

Harry ran for five more minutes before encountering another challenge. It was an enormous Blast-Ended Skrewt, ten feet long. Harry didn't give it a moment before he leveled his wand at the thing.


The blast rebounded off of the skrewt's armor; Harry dipped to the right to avoid getting his hair singed. The skrewt spewed fire as it prepared to attack. Harry realized its armor was resistant to his spells and opted for another method. He pointed his wand at the ground below the skrewt.

"Bombarda!" Harry shouted as the ground beneath the skrewt exploded upwards, taking the creature with it. Harry stumbled away as the skrewt reached the apex of its flight. Harry held his hand up as his unicorn magic came to life. "Stay down!"

Harry slammed his free hand down, using telekinesis to crash the skrewt into the dirt, heavily disorientating it, before he flung it far away with a final push. Panting, Harry picked himself up as he watched the fiery beast vanish over several rows of hedges. Unicorn magic was very nice in a pinch.

Harry ran again, opting to teleport through walls rather than risk more time here. He kept an eye on his wand's four-point spell, making sure he was still moving in the right direction. He ran until he could hear something in the lane next to him, a person's voice.

"What are you doing?" yelled Cedric's voice. "What the hell d'you think you're doing?"

And then Harry heard Krum's voice.


The air was filled with Cedric's screams of pain. Harry panicked, running in a sprint to the other side. When the hedge was less than a foot away, Harry teleported through it, landing on solid ground. Less than a meter to his right was Cedric convulsing on the ground, Krum standing above him.

Harry didn't stop to think as he balled his fists, unleashing a devastating left hook to Krum's unfortunate nose. While the older boy stumbled, Harry followed up with a potent Equestrian spell Twilight had "translated" for him. To put it simply, sun fires.

"Solaris Flamma!"

A burst of firey green energy released from Harry's wand, sending Krum flying through the brambles. With the threat neutralized, Harry ran to get Cedric, who had stopped screaming and writhing.

"Cedric, you all right?" Harry asked roughly, steadying Cedric by his arm.

"Yeah." Cedric panted, a little tired. "Yeah... I don't believe it... he crept up behind me... I heard him, I turned around, and he had his wand on me..."

"I thought he was good," Harry said.

"So did I."

"Then you heard Fleur earlier?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, you don't think Krum got her too?"

"I think we can assume he did."

"Think we should leave him?" Cedric muttered.

"No, we can't," Harry reasoned. "He'll be attacked if we don't alert the teachers."

"It's no less than he deserves."

"No it's not." Harry stood silently, thinking over what had just happened.

Harry walked over to where Krum had been blasted through the bushes, keeping his wand up. The boy was slumped backward, his face turned away from Harry and his body embedded in the hedge. Some of Krum's clothes were instantly incinerated by the spell, the rest were smoldering harmlessly. Harry turned Krum's face to a better look. There was a light burn on the older boy's face but otherwise appeared unharmed. Unconscious, yes, but mostly unharmed. Harry listened for the other's breathing: it was faint and ragged, but he was at least breathing. Harry laid Krum on the ground, out of the maze wall.

"Something about this is wrong. Krum, he's competitive, but a Cruciatus curse? That's life in Azkaban, he couldn't have gotten away with it. Something's amiss here. This whole thing, this tournament, has been rotten from the start. First my entry, then Crouch's mysterious disappearance, and now this? It can't all be a coincidence. I'm willing to bet something else is going on. Send up sparks. We're telling the teachers and getting out of here."

And so, with some reluctance, Cedric shot a shower of red sparks upwards to signal the teachers. The sparks hovered over where Krum had been propelled through the bushes.

"Nice shot by the way."


The two stood in silence and darkness for a moment, recovering from what had transpired.

Finally, Cedric spoke.

"Well... I'd suppose we'd better go on."

"What?" Harry said. "Just- just stay here."

"Why?" Cedric asked.

"Isn't it obvious? This is a trap," Harry said. "Whoever or whatever did this to Krum attacked Fleur, and they were going to get you. Krum might have been under the Imperius curse. And only a dark wizard would use an unforgivable curse," Harry explained his train of thought.

"I suppose you're right," Cedric admitted. "But we can't forfeit. That magical contract—"

Harry scowled. "Of course. That. Look, we don't even know how it works, it's hundreds of years old. So let's just get this over with, both of us. We're so close. No matter which of us wins, Hogwarts gets the cup; there's no reason for us to compete." Harry offered his hand up. "Friends? Or at least, allies?"

Cedric shook Harry's hand firmly. "Friends. We've saved each other too many times for just allies."

At Cedric's nod, the two calmly walked on, together. It was... odd. With Krum, the two were united, but the tournament pitted them against each other. And, yet, a budding friendship kept them together. They continued down the path until it diverged, at which point Harry reactivated his four-point spell. Harry guided the two to the path that looked closest to the center. He and Cedric crept through the maze, alert, but Harry's thoughts kept drifting off. There was something bizarre about Krum. To risk life in Azkaban for a stupid cup made no sense. Krum was already successful, he was already one of the youngest and most talented seekers in the world. He had to be under someone's control, but who? There were two former Death Eaters at school, but surely they were too obvious to get away with it? Harry's resolve only strengthened the more he thought about it.

He would find that cup, and he would find the truth. Whoever was pulling the strings was about to be tangled in their threads.

Harry and Cedric navigated the dead ends, making their way through the maze to bypass the twists and turns. When they hit a long straightaway, Cedric's light caught movement up ahead. A large creature was ahead of them, one Harry recognized only from the pictures in his Monster Book of Monsters. That and one of Rainbow Dash's Daring Do books had one, albeit with wings and a different face.

It was a sphinx. It had the body of an oversized lion: great clawed paws and a long yellowish tail ending in a brown tuft. Its head, however, was that of a woman. She turned her long, almond-shaped eyes to look down at Harry and Cedric. Harry raised his wand tentatively, unsure of what to do. She wasn't poised to pounce or strike, but simply pacing back and forth, blocking the path forward. She then spoke in a very deep, coarse voice.

"You are very near your goal. The quickest way is past me."

"So will you move, please?" said Harry, who already knew what the answer was going to be.

"No," she said, continuing to pace. "Not unless you can answer my riddle. Answer on your first guess— I let you pass. Answer wrongly— I attack. Remain silent— I will let you walk away from me unscathed."

Harry's stomach took a troublesome tumble. Hermione was better at riddles, mind games were her forte. Harry weighed his options. If he guessed right, he was in the clear, but if he ran or guessed wrong, it might take too long to get out.

"Give us a minute or two," Cedric asked of the Sphinx. He and Harry backed up a few feet, thinking. "You have any ideas? I'm not looking for a fight."

"Neither am I."

But what if we didn't have to? A small, cunning, piece of Harry's mind was already at work. Harry raised his wand and traced several letters into the air before Cedric.

Stay close, and follow my lead.

Harry and Cedric turned back for the sphinx, and Harry formed a new sentence for the creature to see.

If I'm quiet, will you let me walk away from you?

The sphinx raised one of her slender eyebrows at Harry, a grin pulling at the edge of her face.

"Clever boy. Yes, if you do not speak, I will let you walk away."

The sphinx's eyes sparkled with a challenge. She wanted Harry to guess her riddle, but Harry had other ideas. He raised his wand, and with a sparkle of emerald magic, teleported both himself and Cedric behind the sphinx. Harry began to slowly inch backward, his wand etching another message in the air.

I did not approach you, and I'm walking away, just as you said I could.

The sphinx read the message, confusion momentarily written on her face, before it morphed into a wicked grin. She threw her head back in a booming laugh.

"Well done, boy! Caught me in my own words, how cunning. I half expected you to run, but this is surprising! You've earned your passage, good luck!" the Spinx sounded proud. She sat on her haunches watching the boy and imitated a wave goodbye.

Stunned at his quick wit, Harry barely could manage a "Thanks!" before he rushed down the path.

"What was that?" Cedric asked as they rounded another corner.

"Teleportation, Twilight taught me. It's similar to apparition, but different enough that Hogwart's wards don't block it. That, or because it's Equestrian magic."

Cedric made an odd face as he slowed down. "Okay, what is this 'Equestrian' magic you talk about? I'm not one for gossip, but I've heard you've been doing some wierd magic lately."

"I was hoping everyone forgot about the wandless magic incident," Harry groaned. "Well, to put it simply, Equestrian magic is just a different type of magic, like elf or goblin magic. I'm starting to enjoy it."

Harry didn't offer any elaboration, but Cedric nodded along. As Harry and Cedric continued to navigate they took a right turn and could see a bright light at the end of the row, barely a hundred yards away. It was the Triwizard Cup, Harry knew it. It was sitting on a plinth, gleaming ominously. They ran as fast as they could, trying to keep themselves aware of any last-minute traps.

Cedric's longer legs gave him a slight advantage in the sprint, putting some small distance between them. Then, out of nowhere, a large creature burst out from the hedges. It was on a direct collision course with Cedric, but the Hufflepuff's eyes were solely on the cup.

"Cedric, look out! On you left!"

Cedric was able to spot the thing and dive away from being crushed. Unfortunately, in his haste to dodge, Cedric's wand was dropped to the ground. Harry could see the creature, a giant spider bearing down toward Cedric.


Harry sent the spell at the spider, but it only seemed to irritate it further. Harry might as well have thrown a small rock at it; the thing only decided to become more aggressive. It turned from Cedric and instead ran at Harry.

"Stupefy! Impedimenta! Stupefy!"

All of Harry's spells simply reflected or had no effect. The thing was either too large or too magical for the spells of Harry's level. As it got closer, Harry could see its beady black eyes and massive pincers snapping at him.

Harry was lifted by its massive front legs, struggling in desperation. He could see Cedric casting several Stupefy spells, but they were barely any more effective than Harry's. As the creature opened its pincers, Harry had an idea, a very stupid one.


It worked— the disarming spell forced the spider to drop him, but that still left Harry with a twelve-foot drop. Harry dropped to the ground, roughly landing flat on his back. The spider, still leaning back, prepared to drop onto Harry.

Harry raised his wand, but rather than pointing at the spider, he looked at the hedges next to it.

Grow! Harry mentally commanded the bushes, forgoing the false incantation. The branches spiraled up and out, reaching for the spider. They grasped at the arachnid, branches entwined around it. With a thrust of his wand, Harry sent the spider back, the hedges wrapping around the creature completely in a mimicry of a cocoon. Harry calmed at the bundle of leaves and twigs stopped thrashing.

"Bloody hell, where'd you learn that one?" Cedric said in surprise. He walked over to offer Harry a hand up.

"A friend taught me that one," Harry said as Cedric pulled him up. Harry felt a bout of dizziness and exhaustion wash over him. "Might have overdone that."

"I'll say."

Harry looked at Cedric and the cup that rested only a few feet behind him gleaming in the darkness.

"Go on," Harry said to Cedric. "Take it. It's your win."

But Cedric didn't move. He just stood there, looking between Harry and the cup. It was clear, the emotions on his face. Longing, regret, and conflict. Cedric took a good look at Harry, who was still hunched over, breathing heavily from magical exhaustion.

"You should take it. You've saved my life twice now. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here."

"That's not how this should work," Harry said with a smirk. "But we're hardly playing by the rules now. But let's be quick, Fleur is still out there. The sooner we win, the sooner they can get her out of here."

Cedric walked back a step, looking down at the brambles ensnaring the spider. Cedric looked at Harry, who steadied himself against the hedges.

"All the same, you deserve that cup more than me."

"Stop thinking that," Harry scolded. "You put your name in the goblet, you wanted to be here, to win for your school! I'm not taking credit for what's rightfully yours. Either we win together, or I will stun you and drag you to the cup myself. You deserve this as much as I do, if not more."

"You told me about the dragons, I would have gone down in the first task if it weren't for you."

"Everyone else already knew, you were the only one following the rules, the rest of us cheated!" Harry snapped. "You helped me with the egg, we're square."

"Except you already solved the egg, didn't you?" Cedric rebuked. Harry was shocked. "You were trying to hide it, but you already knew about it. You've been ahead of me this whole time. You got more points in the second task—"

"Because I was the only one thick enough to take the riddle seriously! Cedric, you are the Hogwarts champion, this is your victory! We're taking it together, or I won't take it at all!"

Cedric looked unsure. "Harry, you're the only reaon I'm able to win. I know you want both of us to finish the task, but you deserve it more."

Harry looked at Cedric, then the cup. Hufflepuff hadn't achieved anything in years. No quidditch or house cups, he was walking away from all the glory the house could ever want. Then again, Hufflepuff was never the house of ambition or adventure. Cedric was being true to himself, to his house.

For a traitorous moment, Harry could see himself winning. He saw himself emerging from the maze, cup lifted high in the air. The crowd was cheering, roaring a proclamation of his victory over all others. He could see Twilight and the others, watching as he got swept up by the crowd... He could see relief on their faces, but not pride... The vivid picture faded, leaving Harry again stuck between Cedric and the cup. This wasn't his victory, not really. By all rights, Harry shouldn't be here. It wasn't fair for him to take this victory.

"Neither of us is much for fame and glory, are we?" Harry staggered for a moment before Cedric caught him. "Truth is, I want to win, so bad. And if we both take it, I still win. I have more points than you, but at least you'll be tieing for the third task. We'll both take it, together, at the same time. It's still a Hogwarts victory."

Cedric looked down at Harry.

"You're- You're sure about it?"

"Yeah. I mean, what have I got to win?" Harry shrugged. "My name's already in the history books, I've got a mountain of gallons in my family's vault, and I have the respect of my friends, what more do I need? All the galleons in the world can't buy me the magic of friendship."

Cedric laughed. "You sure you're not a Hufflepuff?" he asked sarcastically.

"The hat might have mentioned it," Harry snarked back good-naturedly.

For a moment, Cedric looked to be in disbelief; then a massive grin stretched across his face.

"Alright then, let's finish this."


Cedric supported Harry enough to stagger towards the cup and its plinth. When they were within distance of the cup, each one held a hand over one of the cup's gleaming handles.

"You sure this isn't too easy?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I mean, the task was the maze, not the cup. Why would they jinx the cup without a proper counter-curse? First one here wins, there's no need to anything more."

Harry shrugged. "If you're sure. On three. One, two, three—!"

He and Cedric grasped the cup.

Instantly, Harry felt a familiar jerk behind his navel. The ground disappeared beneath his feet. Harry's hand couldn't unclench itself from the Triwizard Cup. He and Cedric were pulled along in a vortex of howling wind and swirling colors.

Author's Note:

Okay, I feel like I need to say, my previous chapter seemed to give off the impression I was against shipping. Let me be clear, Twilight is older, but age is ambiguous due to physical changes between universes. Even Lauren Faust doesn't know her age. Besides, Harry didn't start dating until his sixth year.

Also, a relationship wouldn't be bestiality, it's actually xenophilia as Twilight is technically an alien, which isn't unethical or illegal. Have fun with that knowledge. ;)

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