• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,081 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 20: Rita Skeeter's Scoop

All was calm on the day after the Yule Ball. Most of the houses were sleeping in, even the Ravenclaws, whose studious tendencies normally kept them in check. When Harry woke up, it was to a risen Sun, and most of the dormitory was still fast asleep. He had a feeling that it was the same on the girl's side, possibly worse.

After dressing into a casual pair of clothes, Harry slowly made his way into the common room. Only Seamus Finnigan was awake, hunched over a copy of The Daily Prophet. Harry plopped himself down onto a nearby couch.

"Morning, Seamus," Harry said groggily.

"You mean afternoon. Someone spiked the punch last night with a batch of delayed sleeping potions," Seamus said dryly. "I heard even Snape got it. I doubt anyone remembers half of what happened last night."

Harry took a moment to realize that Seamus wasn't joking. Harry, of course, hadn't drunk much punch but did spend most of the night lying awake after Twilight's departure, so his drowsiness was expected. After collecting himself, Harry looked at the paper in Seamus's hands.

"Anything interesting?" he asked. Seamus folded the paper to the front page and handed it to Harry.

"See for yourself."

Harry read the front cover.

Harry Potter: Tragic Hero or Vicious Ladykiller?

"What the— What is this?"

The article was an image of the Yule Ball, with a strong focus on Harry and his partner, Twilight. They were dancing together, showing off Rarity's best (and only) human clothing. Rita Skeeter's name was proudly displayed as a "special correspondent".

"Someone snapped a picture of you and your mysterious friend. Read it," Seamus insisted.

A lot more than just dancing happened at last night's Triwizard Yule Ball. This year's champions, especially the mysterious fourth entry of Harry Potter, surprised everyone with a night to remember at the Yule Ball. The Yule Ball is a formal event that is traditionally hosted during the Triwizard Tournament. As was expected of a gathering of this magnitude, students were dressed to impress in their finest dress robes and formal wear.

However, two people stood out amongst the rest. Harry Potter and his mystery date, whose true identity remains unknown. Their appearances alone gathered the envy of all. Potter was displaying a robe so fine it outshone all of the richer guests and students. His robe was decked out in gold, fine fabrics, and gemstones. One can only imagine how he produced the galleons to purchase such clothes, though an anonymous source has suggested he used the old Potter family vaults. The Potter family, prior to the death of James Potter, was still a very influential and well-off family. Although he is not of age, it is possible Harry manipulated some loophole to obtain his family's vast fortune.

That is to say nothing of Mr. Potter's date, who never revealed her full name throughout the entire event. However, she was referred to as "Twilight" by Harry. It is unclear if this was a real name, an alias, or a pet name the boy gave her. Her dress was even more extravagant and expensive, with even more jewels and gold in her clothes and hair. An ensemble worth a small fortune, no doubt. But it undoubtedly made her the most alluring lady of the night, rivaling Triwizard Champion Fleur Delacour, a one-fourth Veela hybrid. "Twilight" stayed with Harry the whole night and never left his side, reportedly looking uncomfortable all the while. She rarely talked unless spoken to, and even less when Harry wasn't involved.

The events of the night came to a head in a heated, but undisclosed, argument between the girl and two of Harry Potter's other friends, resulting in a violent altercation. Harry Potter struck first with a common muggle attack using one's hands. The rest of the fight cannot possibly be described by words alone. However, the brutal attack from Harry against his classmate ended when "Twilight" joined his side to end the conflict with a frightening show of wandless magic.

As is common knowledge, all wizards use wands or similar magical trinkets for everything except the most paltry of tricks. Few can cast full spells without one. In regards to wandless magic, many government officials often are concerned with the danger such volatile magic poses to the Statute of Secrecy, with wizards performing magic in broad daylight. Performing advanced wandless magic shows either raw talent or extensive training. "Twilight's" impressive display no doubt shows Harry intentionally chose a partner possessing significant talent and if common pure-blood beliefs are to be held true, powerful magical heritage.

The conflict ended with the girl strangely apparating out of the building, a feat previously thought impossible. Hogwarts's wards, constructed by some of the most talented wizards in recorded, are well known to prevent all unauthorized wizard transportation. Undermining them must require substantial cunning or raw power.

After her surprise disappearance, Harry dragged his fellow student, who was revealed to be Ronald Weasley, out of the ballroom, and they were heard fighting later. Weasley later returned to the ballroom with several scrapes and a bruised ego. But as for Harry and his partner, neither of the two were seen or heard from for the rest of the ball. No one knows where they went or what they were up to late that night.

One can only speculate the true identity of The Boy Who Lived's date and her choices in clothes. The girl in question reportedly attends none of the three schools and is from another country. Another source who was at the party accused Potter's date of being "some rich girl hanging off Harry". If this is true, one must ask if she was drawn in by the boy's tragic history or his family inheritance. Was her appearance her choice, or his? Did she entrance the young man to her side with her enchanting looks, or something else?

What can also be speculated is the nature of Harry Potter's choices. Was his excessive show of money an attempt to impress upon this young lady? Does he have a secret love for lavish displays of wealth, especially toward beautiful women? Was this an attempt to show off to his peers?

Many things about last night might remain hidden from all of us. But what is certain is that the Yule Ball has revealed a hidden dark side of this enigmatic young man.

Harry read the news in shock and no small amount of anger. Rita Skeeter!? AGAIN!? Harry tossed the paper across the room.

"I was reading that!"

"How does she keep doing this!?" Harry yelled. He'd been mocked almost every year by various parties, but he wouldn't tolerate his friends being insulted. And that wasn't all. Skeeter was insinuating Twilight, his first friend, was some sort of floozie! This was the last straw by that woman!

"Dumbledore got rid of her! She's banned!" Harry yelled.

"Beats me if I know, blasted insect." Seamus picked up the paper and folded it up nicely. "She's bashed the reputation of almost every teacher here. Why, what I wouldn't give to slip her some of the twin's stuff. A good toxic prank. Good for nothing charlatan," he said while he flipped to another article. Harry paused, thoughtful.

"What did you say?" Harry said, an idea coming to mind.

"I'd like to slip her some of the twin's stuff?" Seamus said awkwardly.

"No, after that."

"Good for nothing charlatan?" Seamus tried.

"No, before the last one, after the first," Harry demanded.

"A good toxic prank?" Seamus guessed.

Harry was silent, an idea having sprouted out of the depths of his mind. If he really wanted to get back at Skeeter, he'd have to be subtle, but profound. Something she wouldn't be able to trace, track, or report. He did have one method to do just that. And the punishment, whatever it was, would hurt her where it stung worst.

"Toxic prank... toxic... poison... prank... joke..." Harry muttered to himself. He giggled childishly.

"Harry, you're not thinking of poisoning her, are you?" Harry continued to mutter past Seamus's confused questions before speaking up.

"It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead this plant just wants a laugh," Harry said in a sing-song rhyme. Without another cryptic word, he sprung off the couch, and up to the dorm room.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?"

Harry rushed up into his room, grabbing his wand, quills, and parchment. He dabbed his quill in ink and started to write.

Dear Twilight.

I want to start by saying it was great to have you in the human world, even if it was only for less than a week. Honestly, with Quidditch canceled, I needed something to do. I'm still sad to see you go, but I think we both know we should remain in our respective domains, at least until this whole tournament thing is settled. Can't wait to see you again. The worst days in Equestria are better than my best ones with the Dursleys. Please tell everyone how much I miss them.

Also, can't believe if forgot to mention this, but there are some details about last night I should share. Cedric tried to give me a tip about the egg last night. Was very subtle about it, frankly I almost didn't realize what he was talking about. Then I remembered he was telling me how to solve the egg's clue. Shame that we've already cracked it, he went out of his way for nothing. He seemed to think it was making us even for the whole dragon thing, but I told him I wanted to survive, and I didn't care about winning. Honestly, I think this tournament's cursed, everyone's so competitive.

Secondly, about my dream. I forgot to mention this, but I was an alicorn in my dream. Normally I'm human or a unicorn when I dream. I don't feel any different and my magic is still the same, so it might be all in my head. My sense of self is usually askew in these visions, I'm not sure.

Finally, I have a small request to make. There's this nasty reporter, Rita Skeeter. I've told you about her. She's horrible, slandering everyone with libelous articles about how Dumbledore is a manipulative old fool and how our teachers are dangerous. And while Dumbledore is a little manipulative, note my first year, he's well-intended. But that's not the worst of it. She wrote about us, about you. She suggested you were only there for my fortune and that I was trying to "impress" upon you with money, as though our friendship was bought! And the worst part was what she called you. I won't repeat it, but I won't stand my friends being insulted like this. So, I want a small amount of payback.

I'm asking you to go to the Everfree Forest at your soonest convenience, and pluck a particular flower for me, I think you know which one, so I can send it to her. I'll send the flower with a banishing or burning charm to destroy the evidence, and she'll be out of commission until she can clear the effects. I'll admit, it is a low blow, but she deserves so much worse for what she does to people as her "hobby".

Hoping to hear form you soon.

With love,


Rita Skeeter was having the time of her life. Her fame at the Daily Prophet and the Weekly Witch was only going up, each submission gathered more of her well-deserved recognition.

"I wonder what's next? Perhaps the animagus teacher? Or maybe that half-giant would make a good subject. Oh, the scandal of a part giant living on campus, it'll make such a stir," she pondered aloud. Suddenly there was a loud pop, and a package dropped into her lap. "What's this?" She opened the package to find a beautiful exotic blue flower and a note. She placed her reading glasses on.

To Rita Skeeter

For inventive reporting and storytelling.


A follower of your work.

Rita almost squealed as she put the blue flower in her hair. It bobbed up and down in a funny way. She got fan mail! Finally, someone was getting the purpose of her work! Things were looking up!

Such was her elation that she failed to notice the flower disappear an hour later. What she did notice the next day were the effects of one Poison Joke flower.

Her skin became stiff and turned black with small polka dots, like an insect's shell. That alone nearly caused her to faint at the sight of herself. But the effects didn't stop there. Furthermore, with every sneeze, Skeeter would shift into her unregistered animagus form and vice versa. Unable to find a cure, and unwilling to expose herself to find someone who could, Skeeter would be forced to take a much longer holiday, postponing her plans on the half-giant's article indefinitely.

Author's Note:

Okay, things are getting more serious soon, but right now, we're still in the aftermath of the Yule Ball. But was it fair to use the Poison Joke? Yes, absolutely. It's better than she deserves, but this is the best catharsis I can offer, for now.

Stay tuned for next chapter, where we go back to school.

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