• Published 9th Apr 2023
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Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 33: Explanations

When Twilight entered Dumbledore's office, she was greeted with the sight of a man who looked as gaunt as Equestria's frozen north. In a swift movement, he crossed the room to stand closer to Harry, but Twilight pulled back on Harry's arm, pulling him away from him. She didn't know him, she wasn't going to let anyone near Harry unless he wanted it.

"Harry?" she asked, looking at the man questioningly.

"Twilight, it's okay. This is Sirius, my godfather." Harry, realizing Twilight's confusion, was quick to explain. "Sirius, this is Twilight. She's a friend of mine."

"Your ball date? Looks like you inherited some of your father's charm," Sirius said, trying to lighten the mood. He seemed to realize the context of his comment a little too late. "Sorry, that was in bad taste. Please, take a seat, you look exhausted."

Twilight guided Harry to sit down. Dumbledore recounted what Moody— Crouch— had said in his office. Twilight could tell Harry was barely listening at all. His eyes looked faded— drained. Harry was so exhausted that Twilight was surprised he was still awake. Maybe once he slept he would be able to process the last... however long it had been since the third task. Whatever burst of energy he had in Moody's office was wearing off.

There was a soft rush of wings as a phoenix left his perch to land on Harry's knee. Twilight was surprised phoenixes existed on Earth and Equestria. Convergent evolution, perhaps? Fluttershy let out a quiet gasp.

"Oh my, is that a phoenix?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

Harry smiled at her as he reached for the bird. "Yes. Fluttershy, this is Fawkes," Harry said, stroking the phoenix's gold-and-scarlet plumage.

Fawkes puffed out his feathers proudly.

"Oh. Hello Fawkes, it's nice to meet another phoenix," Fluttershy said gently. Fawkes squawked back at her. She nodded her head and brushed a strand of hair back. "Oh, why, thank you. I think your plumeage looks great, too. You must take great care of it," she said, reaching over to run a hand down his spine, leading to a happy trill from the bird.

Harry chuckled. Despite the events of the night, everyone found themselves laughing with him. It was... comforting.

Dumbledore stopped talking to Sirius. He sat down opposite Harry, behind his desk. He was looking at Harry, who distracted himself by keeping his eyes on Fawkes, who was practically melting under Fluttershy's hand.

"Harry, I need to know what happened after you touched the portkey in the maze," said Dumbledore.

"Can't this wait till morning, Dumbledore?" Sirius said seriously. "Let the boy sleep."

"No, I'm fine. This is more important than me," Harry said.

"No, it's not," Twilight interrupted. She placed a hand on his shoulder; his body felt too cold for her liking. "You're barely awake."

"I can manage," Harry said with a firm tone.

"If you insist," Twilight conceded. She would have to watch Harry torture himself a bit more before she could see him cared for, but she would watch over him, for now.

Harry took a deep breath and began to recount the events of the night. Harry told them of Krum's attack, and how he and Cedric decided to take the cup as one. He told them how it had taken them both to the graveyard. He talked about how he had managed to save Cedric from Wormtail's killing curse and get him back to the cup. Harry briefly theorized how Voldemort's killing curse must have damaged the cup, which was why Cedric got Splinched and took so long to return. At several points, Sirius looked like he wanted to speak, but Dumbledore stopped him. It was a good thing too, just talking was making Harry more tired. He stopped when the ritual was brought up, rolling up his sleeve to expose his arm, the one Wormtail drew blood from.

"Voldemort wanted my blood to make himself stronger. He wanted to absorb my mother's protection, and he succeeded, sort of. He can touch me, but it hurts us both. I think Cadance empowered it beyond what he could manage." Harry reached up to rub at his scar. He briefly saw an odd emotion in Dumbledore's eyes, triumph, perhaps?

"Very well," said the old wizard. "Voldemort has overcome that particular barrier, at least partially."

Rainbow Dash huffed. "Not anymore. I'd like to see him try."

Harry turned back to the tomboyish pegasus. "Do you want to sit here and tell the story?" When Rainbow Dash shrugged and stepped back, Harry continued, describing the three ingredients Wormtail added, and how Voldemort had returned to life.

"I got my wand at one point, I tried to fight him. But I wasn't- I wasn't strong enough," Harry admitted shamefully. He clenched his fists, angry with himself for being so weak. "He beat me so easily. He told me his plans, he was going to kill me in front of his Death Eaters. But when he discovered the enhanced charm he thought he conquered, he was going to kill me right away. He was going to cast the killing curse, but..." Harry trailed off, a smile on his face. "someone wasn't keen on seeing me die." He looked directly at Twilight and the others. "Although, I'm not sure how you found me."

"She went to the graveyard? How did she know you were there, or that you were gone?" Sirius asked with ill-concealed suspicion in his voice. Twilight's eyebrows lowered.

"If you're suggesting I had had anything to do with it, you're dead wrong. We were tracking Harry during the whole tournament," Twilight said. She held out her hand and conjured a pink orb. "I modified your government's trace charm to visually track Harry. When we could no longer see him, we knew something was wrong. We left to go find him."

"See? It's just like I told ya," Spike said from the ground. "Listen to the dragon every once and a while."

Dumbledore looked at the orb in Twilight's hand, as though he could see the value of what she held in her hand.

"An impressive feat. That charm has been around as long as the Ministry, conjured by some of the greatest wizards of all time. It's a small wonder you found Harry," Dumbledore complimented, looking surprised and impressed.

"But how did she find him?" Sirius demanded, his hand plunging into a deep pocket. "It does seem a little convenient, doesn't it? Harry disappears for several days, shows up with a girl he's never mentioned before, whom then disappears again just as mysteriously after causing a public scene. Now all of the sudden she's playing savior to him? Bullocks."

"She's my friend and I trust her," Harry said as he shakily pulled himself up, placing himself between his godfather and best friend. "Twilight's been studying magic her whole life, I know no one better at it. I'd risk my life for her, as she did for me tonight." Harry and Twilight shared a look that encapsulated her appreciation and his sincerity.

"Sirius, I know you are concerned for Harry, but I do not believe Twilight poses a threat to him," Dumbledore said, beckoning Sirius to see reason. After a few tense moments, the latter of the two eventually backed down. "Thank you. Now, seeing as all of you were directly involved, please continue," Dumbledore said. Harry cleared his throat.

"Well, Twilight's arrival bought her time to free me. We were about to leave when Voldemort's Death Eaters arrived. He tried to curse her for interfering, tried to kill her. I thought he succeeded," Harry explained grimly. Twilight placed a hand on his shoulder, a reassurance of her presence. Seeing that green light scared him unlike anything before. Harry cared about Twilight more than anyone else; he thought he lost her.

I won't let that happen.

"Are you alright, my dear? His curse didn't hit you, I hope?" Dumbledore asked, concerned.

"I had a magic barrier up, his curse failed. Felt weird, though," Twilight commented reassuringly.

"Sounded like a fool, doing it," Rarity spoke. "What was it he said?"

"Abracadabra or something," Pinkie Pie said. "You should've seen the look on his face when nothing happened, he was all like 'What?', and then, when she slapped the second bolt, he was all like 'Bwah?'; it was so cool," she said, making a silly face.

"Avada Kedavra?" Dumbledore sounded like he was going to be the one to drop dead. "The killing curse?"


They were boxed in. As far as anyone knew, you don't survive a curse like that, not without what his mother did.

"I can explain," Twilight said.

"I don't think you can," Sirius rebutted.

"I'll explain later, can we please finish?" Harry pleaded.

When Dumbledore warily nodded, Harry continued.

"Voldemort set his Death Eaters on us when he realized he couldn't use Avada Kedavra through her barrier. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy made us some cloud cover to hide. We were going to escape when Voldemort attacked again. Twilight and I fought him off, and put him on defense. I distracted him long enough for her to use—" Harry cut himself off. "—long enough to turn all of the Death Eaters to stone, Voldemort was no exception. Twilight brought all of us back to the maze, that's where we ran into you," Harry finished.

There was a good moment before Dumbledore spoke. "A harrowing tale, Harry. I believe we all owe a debt of gratitude to your friends. They saved your life."

"You don't have to tell me twice, professor. I'm just glad no one died tonight. But Cedric got hurt, and that's my fault," Harry said.

"He will survive, though his injuries may persist. It is because of you that he is even alive," Dumbledore said as Fawkes moved off Harry. "You have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected out of you tonight. You and your friends showed great bravery, fighting Voldemort where many have fallen before you. You have shouldered a terrible burden. Harry, you can go to the hospital wing when Cedric's condition stabilizes. I do not want you to return to the Dormitory tonight. However," Dumbledore looked more serious now, "there are still a few matters to attend to. First, what of Voldemort? Did he escape?"

"Dead, maybe," Harry said.

"Maybe?" Dumbledore echoed.

Twilight nodded. "Something happened between Harry's and Voldemort's wands. They were anchored down, their wands tied together."

"It started creating images of his spells," Harry said. He thought back to the ghost-like things that had appeared. "And for a second I saw my parents. They told me to hold on, to keep the link between our wands. I managed to hold Voldemort long enough for Twilight to catch him with her spell. They all got turned to stone."

"How long will that last?" Dumbledore asked.

"Forever, hopefully," Twilight said.

"You mean you defeated Voldemort!?" Sirius exclaimed.

"For now," Harry answered, still a little unsure himself. "His statue crumbled to dust, all on its own. Maybe it was a result of his resurrection or his dark magic, but his body is gone. But I can still feel him." Harry rubbed at his scar. The emotion behind felt close to fear. "Worst case: he is back at square one to returning."

Dumbledore sighed in surprise. "Let's hope he stays that way for a while. But regardless of Voldemort's state, I must ask how your friends managed such a rescue. I understand things are very different when they are from, but I must know how Twilight survived the killing curse without the same protections afforded by your mother," the old man said.

Harry and Twilight looked at each other, then briefly at where her crown was in her bag.

"I think he can know. We've revealed enough and I think we can trust him," Harry said.

"Everyone back home knows, so I don't see the harm," Twilight responded, shrugging. "But why don't you tell them?"

Twilight reached into her bag, drew out the Element of Magic, and handed it to Harry, who was shocked. Though he had seen them before, Twilight never let him touch the Elements. Holding it, he could feel the magic within pulsing like a heart, a flood of unimaginable power lying just beneath the surface that dwarfed his own. It was a roaring furnace of power. Harry could feel Dumbledore's and Sirius' eyes inspect the item in Harry's hand.

"I suppose this is what started it all," Harry said, idly tracing the gems in the crown.

"A girl's tiara?" Sirius asked, incredulous.

"A magical tiara," Harry corrected. "I'll explain this one last. But, for now, you need to understand that there is more about Equestria that I don't know. Equestria's magic is ancient and alive, more so than anything I've experienced at Hogwarts. But with that magic comes magical threats. When I said it was peaceful, I meant it. The chances of being robbed, mugged, or shanked are practically nonexistent. Most of Ponyville's dangers come from the Everfree Forest. But many of their biggest threats are the kind that make Death Eaters look like children. Immortal or undying threats that can warp reality or level cities, few as they may be." Harry looked closer at Twilight's Element. "That's why things like this exist.

"This is how Twilight found me, how she survived Voldemort's power. This is an Element of Harmony, one of six magical artifacts that possess more power than anything I've heard or seen. Each Element represents an aspect of Harmony, this one represents the most illusive Element of all: the Element of Magic." Harry held up the Element, which glinted in the light. The others revealed their Elements, still fastened around their necks. Dumbledore looked disturbed at this information.

"An artifact? Made by whom?" Dumbledore asked.

"No one knows," Twilight explained. "Princess Celestia suspects they've been around as long as Discord, as his thematical mirror. They've only occupied myths before the Age of Discord."

Harry nodded. "And they possess the power to defeat him. The last individual to wield all six was Princess Celestia when she banished Nightmare Moon to the Moon for a thousand years. With these, my friends have more power than Voldemort— or any wizard— could ever wield. The killing curse's power can't hurt them," Harry finished.

Dumbledore looked shell-shocked. For a moment, Harry caught the old wizard glance at his wand, concerned. Dumbledore was quick to tuck it away as he looked closer at the Element in Harry's hands.

"You mean to tell me she has an all-powerful magical relic, and she just happened to have it on her?" Sirius, however, looked suspicious.

"We've had them for a while now, ever since we defeated Nightmare Moon. Celestia tasked us with holding onto them, seeing as we represent the spirit of our Elements. Discord recommended we take them tonight, he seemed to believe we would need it," Twilight answered.

Harry handed the crown back to Twilight, who took it back and placed it in her satchel.

"And, given what Harry said about this Discord, I am willing to believe you, for now," Dumbledore said. "But I disagree with the ownership of them. Six young ladies do not seem to be proper owners of such power."

"Our personalities perfectly embody the spirits of each Element, it was not a decision made lightly," Twilight countered.

Dumbledore nodded. "I will only ask you to keep them far away from magical Britain when you leave."

"Dumbledore, you can't be buying this! Elements of Harmony? It sounds like a myth given life! You can't seriously—" Sirius's rant was promptly arrested by Twilight.

"Would a demonstration help?" she said sarcastically. When Sirius gave no sign of relenting, Twilight sighed irritably. "Fine, if it'll convince you." She picked up the crown with her magic, placed it on her head, and allowed her transformation to take place. Sirius was shocked to see a purple girl with pony features. "Believe me now?"

"It's a neat trick. Transfiguration and illusions. Aren't you supposed to be the great and powerful Twilight?" he responded, unconvinced and sarcastic.

Twilight practically growled at Sirius.

"And he flicked the Trixie switch." Applejack muttered.

Twilight stomped to the window, flung it open, and looked at something in the distance. There was a dangerous gleam in her eyes, the kind that came from her getting a very dangerous idea. Harry had a sinking feeling build in his gut.

"Twilight, what are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Proving a point. Headmaster, how attached are you to these mountains?" she asked out of the blue.

Dumbledore seemed confused for a moment. "Not terribly attached. I can't say the same of the creatures that live at the base of them, but the peaks are unihabited." He said, not quite grasping what the Equestrian was planning.

"That's perfect," Twilight said.

She held out her right hand in a tight fist and an orb of volatile-looking magic formed around her hand. When she opened her hand a blinding beam of pink magic blasted out of her. The beam traveled out into the distance, eventually becoming a small line as it traveled miles away. There was a bright twinkle and crackle as it hit the largest mountain.

Harry blinked. "Well, that wasn't too bad-"


Fissures spread up the mountain's top. The earth shifted as gravity seemed to cease functioning, lifting pieces of rubble the size of houses to float. The remains of the mountains went up and up, then hovered over the air, suspended by Twilight's magic. Magenta sparks flickered from each fragment of the mountaintop. The reverberating air carried the earth-shattering sound for miles away in a concussive wave. The castle itself shook, dust falling from the ancient ceiling of Dumbledore's office. Everyone was looking in shock at the image of the mountain, seeming frozen in time. But Twilight wasn't done with her "demonstration" yet.

With a resounding snap of her fingers, the mountain rubble spun through the air, slowly returning to the ground. The mountain's peaks reformed under Twilight's command, but with noticeable changes. The mountain no longer held one clear peak, but many, giving it a jagged look. Additionally, little sparkles of light glinted in the moonlight from large gemstones left behind by Twilight's "redecorating". Everyone was in shock or awe (Harry and the girls belonged to the latter). Twilight had destroyed the mountain peak, then rebuilt it from the ground up. And that girl was calmly placing her Element back in her bag as though she had done the simplest of tasks.

"How's that for a 'neat trick'?" she said with visible frustration. While Harry and the girls looked at Twilight with awe, the older adults were staring in abject fear.

"Twilight, don't you think that might have been overkill, just a little?" Harry demanded.

Twilight waved her hand in a so-so manner. "Well, I'm not boasting. This isn't like Trixie and the ursa minor incident."

"I wasn't there for that," Harry chimed. He wished he could've seen the ursa minor attack and how Twilight removed it from Ponyville.

"But you remember my letter. I am showing an example, not showing off."

Sirius, however, wasn't paying attention to their playful banter. "How— What—" Sirius fumbled for words.

Harry turned to his godfather, noting the stupefaction on his face. "Twilight represents the Element of Magic. Believe me when I say magic in Equestria is vastly different than ours. I have seen incredible things during my time there, you'll just have to accept it as what it is," Harry said.

"Accept it? Harry, this isn't some girl's plaything—"

Sirius was cut off by Dumbledore. "If you truly believe that, then feel free to try and take them. However, I believe you will find Twilight's mastery of wandless magic far exceeds your dueling skills, even without her 'Element'. In the past few months, Harry himself has shown a talent for it. She has surpassed the castle wards and bent the trace charm to her will, in addition to what we just witnessed. Her normal magic is beyond that of most, I am willing to believe her after what I have witnessed these past few months." Dumbledore sighed tiredly. Dumbledore waited for Sirius to do something, only for the fugitive to scowl angrily. The old man rose out of his seat, checking one of the various devices about the room.

"I cannot condone the use of such items, but I recognize I cannot stop you from using them, so I will ask you keep them hidden when possible. Harry, I believe Cedric may be stable enough to send you down for a sleeping potion."

Dumbledore stood up, gesturing that they could leave. Twilight supported Harry in getting to his feet, helping him walk the way to the hospital wing, the others following behind. Applejack took Harry's other arm as he staggered along. Harry leaned into them as they helped him walk down the stairs out of Dumbledore's office. Just knowing everyone was alright made him feel lighter, or maybe that was the exhaustion talking.

"You were really brave tonight, I hope you know that," Twilight said suddenly.

"It wasn't enough. Cedric almost died tonight, and if it weren't for the Elements, you would have too," Harry said solemnly. "I was the reason it all went wrong. If I was alone, I might have made it back, but I dragged Cedric with me."

"And it was because of you he's alive. Crouch might have killed him through Krum, as might've Voldemort and Wormtail," Twilight replied softly.

"You did well, sugercube," Applejack reassured Harry.

Rainbow Dash jogged up to walk backward in front of the two. "It was a trap. But we didn't save Cedric, you did. You held Voldemort in place, not us. That was you being your awesome self." Rainbow Dash complimented.

"It was heroic," Twilight said.

Harry smiled. "Thanks, all of you," he said. "I won't let this happen again," he whispered under his breath.

Twilight guided her friend to the hospital wing without him collapsing. When they arrived, Madame Pomfrey had stabilized Cedric's condition. The Hufflepuff was resting in a bed, numerous bandages wrapped around him to cover the effects of the splinching. True to Crouch's and Dumbledore's words, the wounds had resisted Pomfrey's skills. Twilight handed Harry over to Madame Pomfrey. Madame Pomfrey set Harry down and gave him a goblet full of a sleeping potion, but Twilight had something to share with him before he drank it.

"Harry, I know you won't like it, but I and the others have to return to Canterlot soon. But I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can, the Princess needs the hear about tonight. Just drink, and I'll be back before you awake, alright?" she said regretfully.

Harry nodded slowly. "I understand. Goodnight, Twilight," Harry said before he took a sip of the potion.

Before he could finish the rest, he was out like a light. Twilight took the goblet from him before he spilled the rest of it and set it on the nightstand.

"So, uh, how do we get back home?" Spike asked.

Twilight scooped the dog up in her arms, keeping her gaze on Harry. "We'll know when Celestia summons us. For now, we wait."

Author's Note:

Okay, I know the scene with the mountains was over the top, but I wanted to do something cool with the Elements, considering they only shoot rainbows in all three of so of their uses. But now, Dumbledore has to contend with forces beyond his control.

Stay tuned for a little insight as to what happened to Voldemort, we all need to see that. Bye!

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