• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 7: Redeeming The Sun

Harry opened his eyes to be greeted with the other side of the mirror. He noticed he was in the same clothes, with his Invisibility Cloak over his shoulders, hiding him. Harry quickly looked back. He was at the statue, again. The smell of smoke hung heavily in the air, and Harry could feel some magic in the air.

Harry turned around. To his shock, there were six girls on the ground. Harry noticed five girls who looked nearly identical to the five Element Bearers. What? Did they follow me? No, they would've gotten here after me. Then how— Twilight!

Harry noticed the sixth girl. Lavandar skin with indigo hair that had twin streaks of color. And like the others, she too was unconscious. Harry rushed to her at the same time as a purple-and-green dog standing at his feet; Spike.

"Spike, what happened!?" Harry shouted.

"Harry?" the dragon said, puzzled. Harry pulled off his cloak so Spike could see him.

"Spike, what happened to..." Harry looked at the crater in front of the school, "this!"

"Twilight fixed everything, I think," Spike said. "Sunset had the crown, turned into a demon-thing, then Twilight beat her."

Harry blinked owlishly at him, a little surprised. I didn't know the Element could do that.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

Harry's loud outburst seemed to startle Twilight awake. Her eyes blinked rapidly.

"Harry!?" Twilight shouted. "What're you—"

"I'm well aware of what I was told, but my friends are more important," Harry countered. "I thought you were in trouble. But I guess you didn't need me," he said, a little disappointed in himself.

Harry held his hand out for Twilight to help stand up. Harry followed her to the crater in front of the school. As the smoke cleared, Harry could see the thief, Sunset Shimmer at the bottom.

Twilight's words were firm when she spoke, "You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart."

Sunset's face tilted up to look at Twilight; was only then Harry realized she had been crying.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Sunset sobbed. "I didn't know there was another way."

"The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria." Twilight turned around to look at the other girls, eyes glistening. "It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours."

Sunset crawled to the edge of the crater, still sobbing.

"But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship."

Twilight reached down to pull Sunset out of the crater.

"I bet they can teach you," Twilight said, gesturing to the other girls.

A taller adult stepped forward. She looked like a pinker version of Princess Celestia's human form

"I believe this belongs to you. A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that." The duplicate Celestia placed the crown on Twilight's head. "I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight."

The crowd erupted into cheers. Twilight and Harry were startled, not expecting the uproar. A boy with gamboge-colored skin and blue hair walked up to Twilight and offered her his hand.

"Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?" he asked. He looked at Harry. "Unless he's—"

"Don't finish that sentence," Harry said firmly. Twilight glanced at Harry, and he gestured for her to go on without him. "Twilight, go. I'll be here. I... want to talk with Sunset."

She followed Harry's eyes to Sunset. "Go easy on her, please. I think she'll do better this time."

"You really think so?" Harry asked.

"She asked for another chance, I couldn't say no," Twilight countered.

"Alright," Harry conceded reluctantly.

Twilight and her friends went back inside the school. The crowd of teenagers slowly migrated back in until it was just Harry and Sunset Shimmer outside. Harry walked to the girl, who hadn't moved from where she stood at the crater.

"So..." she said awkwardly, "sorry for hitting you?"

"You kicked me through the portal," Harry said flatly.

Sunset Shimmer threw her hands in the air. "I just said that, and I said I'm sorry! What else do you want!?" she shouted.

"Just the apology, that's all," Harry replied in a kinder tone.

"Oh, really!? I kicked you through a portal yesterday! I should—" Sunset cut herself off. Her hands went up to cover her face, still wet with tears. "I'm- I'm sorry. I don't know the first thing about friendship, much less apologies. How do I do this?" she whimpered.

Sunset Shimmer sat down on the edge of the crater. Harry followed behind her, a little unsure of what to do. This was weird and new to him. How could this have been the girl who stole Twilight's crown and put Equestria in danger? All that, and for what? That's a good question. Why did she do that?

Sunset cupped her face in her hands. "I've spent years evading and tearing down friendships; I can't even apologize for pushing someone. So much for the great Sunset Shimmer."

Harry felt something tug at his heart. Harry couldn't quite put it into words. A nudge of some sort that told him to not berate Sunset and to give her the chance Twilight believed in. Harry followed that nudge and sat down at the edge of the crater, next to Sunset. He looked at her puffy eyes and felt a well of pity open up.

"Twilight thinks you've got a second chance. She wouldn't give you that if you didn't deserve it."

Sunset scoffed. "You wouldn't be saying that I you were here five minutes ago," she groaned, largely to herself.

"I saw the aftermath."

Sunset sighed. "I put on the crown and turned into a demon. Celestia, it hurt, I felt like I was dying, turned inside-out. But had everything I thought I wanted. Then I started flinging magic before the princess intervened. I almost killed her." She gripped her hair in a pit of panic, hyperventilating. "Celestia, what was I thinking!? I never meant to go that far! This is a mess- I'm a mess!" The tears in her eyes flooded down her cheeks and she was racked with sobs.

That strange sensation seemed to push him to act again. Harry knew he wasn't the best at helping people, Twilight always seemed to know what to say. Harry feared making it worse. If Twilight believes in her, then I might as well try. Harry placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"But Twilight thinks you've got a second chance, that's what matters," Harry said. "I doubt she'll hold it against you. She doesn't hold Nightmare Moon against Princess Luna."

"You make it sound so easy," Sunset chuckled mirthlessly.

"When you've got the right friends, sure. Some steal, are dishonest, insensitive, miserable, or disloyal."

Sunset Shimmer counted the attributes listed on her fingers. "Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, and Loyalty. Five out of six. Do they all do that?" she asked, partially inquisitive and remorseful.

"No. They're good people, but no one's perfect. They don't understand friendship like Twilight does. We're strange, Discord finds us boring."

Sunset's head jerked up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Did you say Discord? As in Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony?" Sunset demanded, her arms waving around widely. Harry remembered that Sunset Shimmer hadn't seen Equestria in several years.

"Yeah, a lot's happened recently. Nightmare Moon returned and was turned back into Princess Luna by the Elements. Discord freed himself and was turned back to stone. Changelings invaded Canterlot. The Crystal Empire returned after a thousand or so years. Most recently, Discord was reformed," Harry explained.

"Reformed? How the hay did Celestia reform Discord?"

"She didn't; Fluttershy did."

Sunset's jaw dropped open. "Fluttershy? As in Fluttershy, the girl who can barely hold a conversation? How in Tartarus did that happen?"

Harry shrugged. "I have no idea. I was only Twilight's penpal at the time. Things like that just happen around her. It's better than being me."

"Speaking of, I never got your name," Sunset asked. "I didn't ask when... you know."

"Harry Potter." Harry held out, which Sunset shook.

"Harry. When I... kicked you... you dropped this." Sunset pulled a long holly stick from a pocket. "You left your... whatever this is, here. It didn't do anything more than let off some sparks."

"My wand!" Harry exclaimed. With all the commotion, he almost forgot about it. He plucked it from Sunset and inspected it before pocketing it. No damage, thank Celestia. "Thanks, humans kind of need it to do magic back home."

"I wonder why it didn't work," Sunset pondered aloud.

"Wands don't work for non-magical humans," Harry said.

"Oh, I get it!" Sunset said. "The Element gives its user magic through channeling Harmony, whereas the wand channels the user's innate magic. No wonder it didn't work for us! I initially assumed this world was devoid of magic by nature, but I might have to rethink that. Maybe humans lack magic here and this world can sustain it, but there's so little magic it functionally doesn't exist. That would comply with magical equilibrium and the density-power theorem."

Harry tilted his head in confusion. Yep, she's Celestia's former student.

"I'll be honest, that's over my head," Harry admitted. "My studies are not that advanced. But I prefer those over life-threatening adventures."

"Okay, I'll bite. Those sound interesting." Sunset leaned back until she was lying on the ruined pavement. She wiped the remains of her tears from her face. "I'm still... processing everything that happened, but would you mind just, I don't know, talking?" Sunset asked.

Harry nodded slowly. I suppose even evil people— formerly evil— can have a bad day.

"Well, people in my world either have magic or don't, and I'm one of the former. Even by their standards, I'm abnormal. I should start with the fact that I am— was— a cursed child. It's this scar." Harry parted his hair so the lightning-shaped scar was visible. "Until a few days ago, my scar contained a terrible curse. Celestia removed it before your theft. I got it when I was a baby; a dark wizard tried to kill me after he murdered my parents. I was found not long after; having survived the magic used against me, a dying gift from my mother."

"An orphan? You too?" Sunset asked, propping herself up. Harry looked at her, surprised. "I was an orphan when I got into the school. Celestia was the closest thing I ever had to a mother. Family wasn't the biggest part of my life."

"I'm guessing it was better than my fate. I was dumped to live with my abusive relatives. They hated me for my mother's magic, then for mine. I never even knew what she looked like. I was locked in a cupboard under the stairs, and I stayed like that for nearly ten years."

Despite the circumstances, Harry smiled. "Well, that's where friends come in. Twilight's letters pulled me out of my dark spots and helped me see some good in life. Princess Cadance once told me there are two types of family in the world: those we're born with and those we choose. Here, or in Equestria, I'm sure you'll find someone or someone to connect with."

Sunset flopped backward, chuckling tiredly. "You sound as sappy as the princess. Would you mind continuing?"

Harry nodded again. He continued to tell various stories as the remaining hour ticked by. He talked about the Hogwarts letters, and how he was given a bigger room because his relatives were afraid. Harry talked about how paranoia consumed his uncle until they were holed up like rats. Harry described in detail his first encounters with wizarding magic. Sunset seemed interested in learning about other worlds. At one point he could have sworn he heard her mutter about how she "ended up in the wrong universe". Harry trudged on with his story. Diagon Ally and the misadventures of his first year. Harry continued to bleed out more and more of his life story to Sunset Shimmer., and she responded on occasion. He talked about the stigma of parseltongue and how he had come within inches of dying to basilisk venom. He talked about the dementors and their numerous attempts to eat what little happiness lived within him. Harry finished his tale by recounting the Triwizard Tournament. By the end of his tale, Harry too was lying on his back, feet dangling over the edge of the crater. Both he and Sunset looked up at the night sky.

"Wow." Sunset Shimmer said. "That's... a lot."

"I've heard that before."

"I'm serious. Life wasn't easy after I... left Equestria. But I don't have words for that."

Harry chuckled mirthlessly. "I wish things were easy. They've only gotten worse back home. Twilight is the only reason I'm in Equestria."

"Those little princesses really change ponies— people." Sunset chuckled.

"This was before she ascended."

Sunset sat up quickly. "Wait, how long ago did she ascend?" she asked.

"Less than a month, I'm not sure. I've got the worst case of jet lag ever."

"She hasn't been a princess for a month?!" Sunset sounded shocked.

"Is that surprising?" Harry asked.

"I... I thought Celestia would have replaced me faster than that." Sunset Shimmer hunched over, her head hung low. "I wanted to be a Princess; a part of me still does. Celestia always said I was so special, destined for so much. I thought she was trying to hold me back. I felt like I deserved more. And when she showed me that mirror, I saw myself as a Princess: regal, mighty, and immortal. I wanted what she had. That's where I... I failed."

"That reminds me of a mirror that showed my desires." Harry said, thinking of the Mirror of Erised.

"Really? What'd you see?" Sunset asked.

"My parents," Harry said sadly. "I never knew what they looked like, my aunt didn't keep photos of her sister. The mirror showed me what my parents looked like. I saw us as a family, being happy. Nothing more."

"All things considered, that doesn't sound too bad." Sunset chuckled. "You could have desired anything in the world, and you wanted a family."

"It was the happiest I was in years. Those memories powered my first patronus." Harry smiled at the memory. "Though thoughts of my friends make stronger ones now."

"Patronus?" Sunset tilted her head.

"A magically conjured guardian made of positive thoughts. Apparently it's a very advanced spell for my kind."

Sunset smiled at that. "Not bad, kid. You know, you're a nice guy. Shame we don't have more time; you have to go, the portal closes soon." She stood up to look at the statue and its hidden portal back home. She walked towards it until she was a hair's breadth away.

Harry walked up behind her. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"You could come back, I'm certain Celestia will forgive you."

"I don't think I can forgive myself," Sunset whispered numbly. "I've hurt people here, I need to fix it before I can even think of coming home."

Harry nodded, understanding Sunset's motives. She was taking responsibility. He felt similar about Voldemort, but Harry knew he couldn't be of use yet. He was sure he would be strong enough to help once he returned.

"If you're sure. If I can find a way to stay in touch, I will," Harry said. "Whenever you're ready, I have no doubt Celestia would move the heavens to get you back."

"Thanks," Sunset replied. "I think you deserve that life in Equestria."

"So do you. Just don't vanish for over a decade," Harry replied.

"Wait, 'decade'?" Sunset looked very confused. "How long have I been gone? It hasn't been that long over here."

Harry chuckled. "Really? Twilight's been Celestia's student for years. I find it better to ignore what time does."

Sunset let out a full laugh this time. "Oh my Celestia, I should be almost thirty!"

Harry laughed with her. "Good luck with that, I guess. Anyways, I should be heading back."

"Yeah, you should," Sunset said. "Just don't take Equestria for granted while you're over there."

Sunset and Harry shared a smile. With their goodbyes said, they waited for Twilight and Spike to arrive, which wasn't long.

"You'll look out for her, won't you?" Twilight asked the girls.

"Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring," the Rarity lookalike said.

"I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies," Twilight said.

Harry looked to see someone who looked like a human version of Princess Luna handing a trowel to Sunset Shimmer. Harry felt a twinge of irritation; that job was for qualified workers, not students. Granted, that could be a symbolic gesture, and she was just on cleanup.

"Just make sure you don't apologies turn into petty revenge," Harry added.

"Who are you?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

Harry held out his hand. "Harry Potter, I'm a friend of Twilight," he looked down at the purple dog, "and Spike."

"Then you'll try and keep her out of trouble?" Applejack asked.

Harry shrugged noncommittally. "No promises; trouble finds us all the time."

"We better get going." Spike reminded them.

"I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much," Twilight said to her new friends. Harry shook his head. Of course, Twilight had time to make new BFFs. When Twilight and Spike said their goodbyes they walked up to the mirror.

"That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight," Spike commented.

"It always did," Harry said.

"You know what? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it," Twilight said.

"About time, princess," Harry said.

"And the wings?" Spike asked.

Twilight scoffed. "Harry taught me to walk on two legs and pick things up with fingers! Wings? It'll be easy!"

"Well, let's go!" Harry said. He waved back at Sunset and jumped through the portal, Twilight and Spike right behind him.

As soon as he exited the portal Harry realized he had made a mistake in jumping through the mirror. The moment the trio exited the portal, they collapsed in a jumble of pony and dragon limbs.


"Ah, you're back!"

"You've got your crown!"

"I knew you could do it!"

"Oh, we were so worried."

Harry, Spike, and Twilight untangled themselves. Somepony grappled them all with a hug.

"Wait, Harry!?"

Suddenly, Applejack pinned Harry to the ground.

"You went through the portal!? Why?! If I could ground you, I would!" Applejack scolded Harry. "Whatcha ya got ta say for yourself?"

"Twilight's all I've got here. Spike went, and I don't see you criticizing him!" Harry exclaimed.

"Twilight practically raised Spike, she can deal with him herself," Rainbow countered.

Harry shook his head, reminding himself they were rightfully concerned. "I'm not apologizing for going, but I am sorry for making you worry."

Celestia stepped forth. "Make no mistake, we will discuss this later." She looked down at Harry, who shamefully averted his eyes. The princess's glare felt worse than Molly's or Dumbledore's. "But what happened to Sunset Shimmer, is she alright?"

Harry looked up at the princess. "She's fine; we talked before I left. I think she's going to be a much better person now. She wants to try and fix her mistakes before she feels her return is earned."

Celestia relaxed as soon as she heard the good news.

"I'm glad that she wants to make amends."

"We left her in good hands," Twilight said. Harry rolled his eyes at the usage of "hands". Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor looked confused.

"Hands?" Shining Armor asked.

"Picture griffon talons mixed with squid arms," Harry said. Everypony who had seen a human chuckled at the others' reactions.

"I believe there are some things we ought to be informed of," Luna commented.

"We can do that tomorrow during the summit, sister," Celestia decided. "None of us have slept well as of late. We shall reconvene when we are well-rested."

Celestia and Luna left the room first. As soon as they were out of sight, Shining Armor barreled over his little sister with a shout of her name.

"I'm so glad you're back safe." His hug was so tight Harry could see Twilight contort around her brother's limbs like putty. Everypony covered their mouths to conceal their laughter. Letting go of his sister, Shining Armor turned his ire on Harry.

"And you!" Shining Armor scolded. "I should throw you in the dungeons for disobeying Celestia! If you ever, ever, pull a stunt like that again, I will rescind my invitation to train you!" Shining Armor threatened. However, his anger dissipated when Cadance placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I know what you're going to say, Cadance: just get some sleep and work it out tomorrow. Still, don't pull that again, Harry, please."

"Come on, let's go," Cadance said gently.

They all walked away from the inactive mirror together. And, despite Celestia's suggestions, the girls could not stop demanding answers. The young princess was too tired to properly answer. She was so tired she didn't notice when she bumped into a familiar pegasus guard.

"We've got to stop bumping into each other like this," he said, before walking away.

Harry watched the guard walk away, confused. He looked familiar.

"Who was that?" Twilight asked.

"He's an addition to the castle guard, just passed training," Shining Armor said. "Flash Sentry."

"Why? Do you know him?" Cadance asked.

"Not exactly," Twilight said.

"Oooh! Somepony's got a crush on the new guy!" Applejack chimed.

"No. No, I don't! Harry, back me up," Twilight pleaded.

"No thanks, Twi," Harry said.

"She does! She absolutely does!" Rarity declared. "Harry's got competition!"

"Excuse me—!"

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't even know him," Twilight fumbled for an answer.

"So you're blushing because...?" Rarity said slyly.

"I'm not blushing!" Twilight deflected.

"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie Pie blurted. "He totally reminds you of a guy you met who—" Pinkie Pie was cut off by Harry covering her mouth with a hoof.

"We're all too sleep-deprived to deal with whatever you are going to say. We can do this tomorrow, we need sleep now," Harry grumbled.

The rest mumbled tiredly in agreement. Everypony separated to go to bed.

"Good night, princess," Harry yawned.

"Night, Harry. Thanks for having my back," Twilight said.

"I didn't do anything."

"You tried, and that's what counts in my book," Twilight gave Harry a brief hug. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Harry could barely stay on his hooves as he stumbled to bed. His friends were safe, maybe he made a new one, and that's all that mattered.

Author's Note:

And that's the end of Equestria Girls! This is much longer than I expected, but there was no good place to cut it into two.
I won't lie, this chapter was the hardest to write because I couldn't decide when Harry made it through the portal. That changes Harry's entire perception of the events.
Anyways, with that out of the way, I think we should know what comes next! See you in a week!

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