• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,129 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 4: Back In The Empire

Being a Princess wasn't all fun and games. It came with its own set of responsibilities and duties. One of the most important duties was the Princess Summit, an event that hadn't been anything of interest until recently. Cadance now ruled an empire of her own, Luna was back with her sister, and Twilight was now among their ranks. The next summit, held in the Crystal Empire, was guaranteed to be one for the history books.

If only Twilight could keep her head on straight.

She was sitting amongst a pile of other lists and bags that had been packed a dozen times over. Her mane and tail had been brushed so many times Harry half expected her to start pulling them out.

"Crown? Check. Papers for notes? Check. Official documents? Check." Twilight buzzed through her list.

"Twilight, you'll be fine, trust me." Harry tried to calm her down. "You've been ready for this summit since last night. I doubt packing, unpacking, and repacking will help. What's the worst that could happen?" he reasoned.

"Yeah, it's not like this is only one of your many super-important Princess roles," Spike said.

Harry glared down at the dragon who was only trying his best to help.

"What's the worst?" Twilight echoed. She turned on the two of them with a wild look. "What if I lose something super important, or forget to pack something I need? And what if something goes terribly wrong while at the Crystal Empire? I might disappoint Celestia!" she ranted.

"Twilight, you'll do fine," Harry said. "I doubt there's anything you need that bad beyond forgetting your crown. That alone proves you deserve to be there. But if you think something could go wrong, I could always take the Elements with me. That way you can take care of a problem beyond four alicorns and the Crystal Heart," Harry reassured Twilight.

Harry picked up the Elements and deposited them in his bag.

"There, see? Now nothing can get in your way."

Twilight slumped over a little.

"Thanks for trying to help, Harry. I guess I'm just really anxious over this whole summit. You're the best," she said. She reached over to give Harry a hug, which he accepted reluctantly. Physical contact was a... learning process for him. "I'll check it over one more time, and that's it," she promised.

"Only once. You keep going and we might miss our train," Harry said. He and Spike left Twilight to her packing. "You know," Harry said, "at this rate Celestia should give me a stipend for being Twilight's helper."

"Hey, what about me?" Spike demanded. "I have senior- seniorite-"


"Yeah, that!"

"Well, I'm sure we can split it sixty-five/thirty-five, in your favor," Harry joked.

"Who," hooted Owlicious.

"Fine, sixty/thirty/ten. How's that?" Harry quipped. He and Spike shared a laugh. "Now come on, the others are probably at the station by now. Let's make sure her highness gets there on time."

"Yes, sir!" Spike said with a sharp faux salute.

The train ride to the Empire itself wasn't anything noteworthy. Just another long train trip up the formerly frozen north. It was the afternoon when their train stopped. Twilight was so anxious to visit. She hadn't seen her brother or sister-in-law since the coronation. And now she was here on official Princess business.

The train pulled into the station right on time. The party departed the station to make a beeline towards the palace, the place of the summit. They stopped beneath the palace itself.

"Hoo-wee! Your very first Princess Summit. You must be over the moon, Twilight," Applejack said.

"Oh, I am excited. But, to be honest, I'm a little nervous, too," Twilight confessed.

Of course, who wouldn't be nervous at a time like this? Twilight's whole body felt abuzz with tingly energy.

"You're 'nervicited'!" shouted Pinkie. "It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell "YAY ME!" But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time! We've all been there!" Pinkie Pie said, unfolding herself from her curled-up position with an oddly metallic sound.

"I'm there almost every day," Fluttershy said meekly.

"You've got no reason to fret, Twi. Everything's gonna be just—" Applejack was cut off by Rarity.

"TWILIGHT! Oh, sorry, darling, but I just realized you're not wearing your crown. You haven't forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you?" Rarity gushed.

"She packed it, don't worry," Harry said "It's in her bag. I've got the other Elements with me, just in case," Harry added.

"I just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it. Haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet, either," Twilight said, flapping her wings.

"You are a princess now, Twilight. Embrace it! I'm telling you, if I had a crown like that, I would never take it off. Why, I'd sleep in the thing," Rarity declared.

"You can always wear your Element," Harry said.

"Well, yes, but it's just a necklace."

The conversation was cut off when the eight friends entered the castle. Six crystal guards let their instruments blare out, announcing Twilight's arrival. Twilight, a little shocked by the fanfare, didn't even notice when she bumped into the only non-crystal pony in uniform, a gamboge-colored pegasus. If he was bothered or surprised, he hid it well enough.

"Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" the guard announced.

The other three Princesses walked toward Twilight and her friends.

"Twilight! I haven't seen you since the coronation!" Cadance exclaimed.

Shining Armor entered the room a second later.

"Hey, little sis! Good to see you," he exclaimed. He hugged her tightly.

"Great to see you, Shi. It's been too long," Twilight replied as she was let out of the bear hug.

"We have so much to discuss," Celestia said. "But it can wait until tomorrow. You all look tired from your journey. Now, off to bed, all of you."

Twilight was a little relieved Celestia was allowing her another night to prepare for the summit. The group turned to leave just as fast as they had arrived. Each pony was escorted to their room. Twilight yawned, despite having done little all day. Maybe the stress was getting to her.

Before she closed the door Twilight noticed Cadance knock on the door of the room Harry occupied. Twilight watched with curiosity as she walked in.

"I wonder why she wants to talk with Harry."

When Harry heard a knock at the door, the last thing he expected was for Princess Cadance to ask if he was available to talk.

"I'm glad you're okay, I heard about the Tournament," Cadance said when she closed the door behind her. "You have no idea how relieved I am to know you all got out safe and sound."

"Most of us," Harry mumbled. "One of my classmates got hurt, he almost died."

"Oh no! Is he okay?"

"We don't know. He's in a hospital back in my world, recovering. And he only got hurt because of me," Harry said.

"I'm certain that's not true," Cadance said.

"Well you're wrong. The whole thing was a trap, and I let Cedric walk into it with me. I helped him escape, but he nearly died; I got out without a scratch. Twilight and the others had to save me, I hardly did anything," Harry bemoaned.

"Don't be like that. Twilight is older than you, she's had more practice with magic, and she has different experiences. She's trying to help you," Cadance tried to console Harry. She placed a wing on Harry, but he shrugged it off.

"That's the problem," Harry said. "I don't want to keep relying on her, putting her in danger. I want to help, I want to be able to defend myself. I just feel..." Harry struggled to find the right word.

"Inadequate?" Cadance asked.

"Yes," Harry said with a sigh. Inadequate.

Cadance placed a hoof on her chin, thinking.

"You know, you could go talk to Shining Armor about that. He was part of the Canterlot guard before the wedding. If there's anyone who can teach defensive magic, it's him. I'm certain he wouldn't mind. He's not exactly doing much tomorrow, aside from organizing security," Cadance suggested.

Harry stood up a little taller.

"You really think he'd help?"

"Of course, he would. He'd be ecstatic to teach any of Twilight's friends self-defense, he's been pushing to have at least one guard assigned to her since her coronation. He's very protective of her," Cadance said.

"Wish I could say I knew what it's like, having family that cares."

Cadance shook her head and titled Harry's chin up.

"That's where you're wrong, Harry. Some say blood is thicker than water, but there are two types of family in the world: those we're born with and those we choose. You have people that care for you, never forget that," Cadance replied sagely. "Remember to talk to Shining Armor tomorrow, I'm sure he'll understand," she said.

Harry smiled back at her.

"Now, in the meantime, let me look at that scar," she said.

Harry set back obediently as she inspected the scar. She closed her eyes and let her horn hover over the mark. Harry watched a nearby mirror, watching his scar intensely. He felt fear race through him when his scar turned black as Cadance's glowing horn came close. A black mist hung over the mark, contrasting the calming aura of Cadance's magic. Cadance furrowed her brow in concentration.

"Harry, you need to calm down. Your negative emotions are feeding it," she warned.

Harry closed his eyes tightly and tried to calm down. He took deep breaths and focused on his friends. Sure, they were adults, but they were nice, nicer than the Dursleys ever were, and they treated him like anypony else. They loved him.

Harry opened his eyes, and was relieved to see the cloud of darkness over his scar had withered away. As Cadance's horn got closer the scar seemed to writhe in pain.

"It's more active than last time, stronger too. And the charms in your blood feel weaker, stretched," she said.

Magical threads weaved over the scar like stitches. The inky blackness faded away, leaving Harry's forehead looking exactly as it had the day before.

"There, it be should contained until Aunt Celestia can give you her permanent solution."

Somepony knocked on the door. When Harry responded that the pony could enter, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked inside. Harry gave a small bow as the two rulers stood next to Cadance.

"Aunt Tia! I was just enhancing Harry's protections. His scar, it's becoming restless."

"I overheard you talking, niece. If Harry wants, we can try that 'permanent solution' right now," Celestia said.

"You finished it?" Cadance said in surprise. "I thought it would be another month!"

The Princess of the Sun turned to face Harry. A necklace materialized in the air. A small amulet hung from the thin silver chain. The amulet itself was a golden locket with six small gemstones of different colors. The outer casing covered a clear gemstone center. Strange markings circled the outside edges. Celestia held the necklace out to Harry.

Celestia smiled. "I was planning to have this finished by the Summer Sun Celebration, but the allure of such a challenge drew me in. I will admit, I was stuck until a student by the name of Dream Catcher offered a solution. If Luna met her, my sister might take up a student of her own."

Luna blushed. "Sister—!"

"I'm only teasing, little sister," Celestia chuckled. She walked up to Harry. "But, Dream Catcher's studies provided me an idea of how best to proceed. So, I crafted this pendant to deal with your... parasite." She reached to part Harry's mane, revealing his scar.

Harry looked numbly at her. "Really? You mean it's done?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes. I planned to give it to you after the Summer Sun Celebration, but sooner is better than later. This amulet will absorb your mother's protection, and draw the soul into itself; it will be rendered inert. After that, we can deal with it properly."

Celestia deposited the magical charm on Harry's outstretched hoof. Harry looked down at it. This thing would finally remove whatever was connecting him to Voldemort. Harry would finally be able to get rid of the headaches, the visions, and everything he had "stolen" from the man who murdered his family. He thought back to the others, who willingly became friends with him, despite the danger around him.

Harry took a shaky breath. "Alright, let's do this." Harry slipped on the charm.

The locket opened up. Harry's whole body glowed a light pink as the protection from his mother's sacrifice was pulled out of his blood. The pink light was drawn from his body as a faint mist-like substance and funneled into the locket. The gems and writing glowed as the magic was powered. Next, Harry's scar leaked black smoke, also being pulled toward the locket. Harry grunted in pain as the thing fought to stay attached to Harry. The young stallion staggered as more black smoke poured out from his head. A distorted scream filled the air, full of malice and agony. The final plume of the smoke left Harry's scar and was sucked into the charm; when the last of it entered, the locket sealed close.

Harry staggered to regain his balance, feeling exhausted. Cadance steadied him as he fought a wave of vertigo. Harry rubbed his head, expecting to feel pain but felt nothing, just a faded old scar.

"Did- did it work?" he asked.

Celestia lifted the pendant with one hoof, inspecting it. The gemstone center, once clear, now swirled in a mix of black and pink. "It did. My theory was right, this was a soul fragment, a small one. Thankfully, its magic is powerless in the amulet." She dropped the amulet, letting it hang.

Tears pricked the edges of Harry's eyes. He dipped into a low bow. "Thank you, Celestia! You don't know how much this means to me."

The princess smirked. "I can guess."

Harry lifted the necklace with his magic. Celestia seemed to be surprised by something.

"How odd," the princess noted.

"Sorry?" Harry said, confused.

"You've undergone a change," Celestia said. The air in front of Harry shimmered, casting a reflection. Harry could see something about him had changed. His eyes weren't emerald-green, but emerald-green and turquoise. He also noticed a strand of his mane and tail was this new color.

"Along with these physical changes, your magic is no longer the green it once was, but turquoise. Most unicorns have magic color matching their eyes, though many exceptions exist. It is uncommon, but some unicorns' magic undergoes drastic changes with emotional or spiritual shifts. For you, it may be a side effect of the soul," Celestia guessed.

"The soul was effecting my body and magic?" Harry said, surprised.

"Minimally. That would leave one thing left to notice, that cutie mark."

Harry looked at his side, surprised to see something other than a "blank flank". Six white stars decorated the edge of the mark in a circle, but the center was empty. But the stars' appearance faded slowly, like a mirage. Eventually, the mark couldn't be seen unless you looked closely.

"Fascinating, I have never seen a cutie mark do that before. It looked almost incomplete; something is missing," Luna said.

"What does it mean? Did I not get a cutie mark?" Harry asked.

"Cutie marks are an innate part of pony magic, but this feels different," Celestia stated. "Stars and the number six are often symbols of magic, which you have proficiency in. But it is odd to have no centerpiece. You never had the chance to stretch out and learn what makes you special. Perhaps your cutie mark is discovered in parts. In any case, it is as unique as you, and it will be discovered by you alone.

"But for now, our amulet worked. Once it is opened, the spirit inside will fade without a host. However, I'm not sure if opening it here would be wise," Celestia's tone gained a wariness to it. "Its enchantments are stronger than any of us have the power to break, but I wouldn't trust an evil spirit around us, not after what Nightmare Moon did."

"I can hide it until I return to Earth. That should be safe enough," Harry offered.

"Is that a risk you want to take?" Luna questioned.

"This is my battle. I can hide it away," Harry promised.

"It is terrible, for one so young to carry such a burden," Celestia said

"Keep it hidden. Regardless of how powerful the enchantments are, dark magic is dark magic," Luna warned.

"Don't get this stolen, broken, or lost, note taken," Harry replied grimly.

"And stay away from changelings, my magic went into that, and it's a walking buffet for them. So be careful," Cadance said. "And enjoy your stay." With a smile and a wave, the Princess of Love left Harry's room.

Celestia nodded. "Excellent. We bid you goodnight, Harry." Celestia and Luna turned to leave the room, leaving Harry alone to his thoughts.

Voldemort's soul was gone; it couldn't hurt him anymore; it couldn't hurt his friends. Harry was well and truly free. The younger stallion thought to himself about what Cadance said, about family. Harry knew she was right, Twilight was near and dear to him. But that was why he needed to find Shining Armor in the morning, so Harry could learn to defend his friends— his family. But that could wait until morning.

Author's Note:

Yep, we are finally here, the Equestria Girls movie. Honestly, I struggled with this because of how the movie was written. I feel like I've reached a decent balance of original and new plot points to be satisfactory.
Also, yes, I (mostly) solved the scar issue. I realized Celestia wouldn't dare allow such darkness in her little ponies, but erasing it too fast felt cheap. This is my balance, having this necklace to be dealt with later.

Also, if anyone wonder what Harry now looks like, I used that 3D model website to do my best guess. People to ponies is alwasy harder than the other way around. I didn't feel comfortable making an art commission, so here it is:

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