• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,099 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The B.F.A.Ts

Shortly after Discord had departed on Sunday, after he'd received yet another stern talking to from Molly and Madam Pomfrey, Scootaloo had very much been forgotten about because Harry had suddenly woken up. She spent most of the remainder of her time in the infirmary doing her usual personal hygiene routine for her wings before having some lunch and then, after a rigorous examination by Madam Pomfrey, was informed that she was free to leave after finishing the last of her lunch.

Scootaloo had been over the moon upon hearing the news and had never eaten so fast in her life, barely listening as Madam Pomfrey instructed her to return for a precautionary check later in the week. As soon as she’d finished wolfing down the remainder of her food, she had raced from the infirmary out into the sunny grounds and immediately taken to the air to stretch her wings, closing her eyes as she floated lazily across the sky.

She was free at last, with nothing but the open air for company for the next two weeks. Discord had even removed the bracelets! And after that she had a whole two months of nothing but lazy summer days with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“You could have come and found me,” a disgruntled voice echoed across the sky and snapped Scootaloo back to the present. Her eyes shot open. “Okay that’s just freaky,” Hermione added hovering next to Scootaloo on Brunhilda whilst staring at the eight ball that now adorned the space where Scootaloo’s right eye should be. “Discord?”

“Yep, it even acts like a normal Magic eight ball.”

“Oh, does it now?” Hermione stated with a wicked grin. “Magic eight ball, will Scootaloo and I go the distance and get married someday.

“What!” Scootaloo exclaimed suddenly forgetting to flap her wings for a moment and dropping a few feet as her cheeks went bright red.

Three words flashed across Scootaloo’s vision.

It is certain.

“Well? I’m waiting.” Hermione said with a look of expectance.

Scootaloo tried to think of a lie, her face becoming redder by the second, but for once was lost for words. “It is certain,” she finally mumbled.

“Sorry, what was that?” Hermione teased mercilessly. “And damn, you are so cute when you’re flustered!”

“It is certain,” Scootaloo grumbled. “And I am not cute!” she pouted.

Hermione placed a hand across her mouth and stifled a giggle, using all her will power just to not fall into a laughing fit and thus fall off her broomstick. Finally, she mustered enough strength to eke out, “Glad to hear it. And you so are, Miss Flustery Wustery pants,” while grabbing Scootaloo’s red cheeks and kissing her on the nose. She then sped off on Brunhilda at top speed without another word.

Scootaloo simply stared in astonishment after her girlfriend wondering if the stress of the exams had finally sent her over the edge.

“Well, we having a race or what?” Hermione bellowed in the distance.

Scootaloo’s trademark smirk slowly reappeared upon her face and she took off after her girlfriend.


For the rest of the afternoon Scootaloo and Hermione shot across the sky either chasing after one another or performing a wide array of ludicrous tricks and stunts either individually or together. It truly was exhilarating stuff, even for those just watching. The examiner on Wednesday would certainly be in for a surprise!

Afterwards, the two girls parted ways to return to their separate dorms, each for a well-earned shower and rest. As Scootaloo crawled through the tunnel that led to the Hufflepuff common room her mind started to wander and she wondered what her friends had been getting up to while she’d been exercising and if they’d be up for another evening of magical charades.

That was when she suddenly noticed there was no light appearing at the end of the tunnel as she approached it. Strange? She thought, grasping her wand just in case as she cautiously lowered herself out of the entrance tunnel.

“Apple Bloom? Sweetie? Anyone?”


The candles around her suddenly ignited and she stared at all the people in front of her. If she wasn’t mistaken, everybody in the house had turned up and there was Ron, Hermione, Molly, Ginny and even Neville too!

“What’s going on?” Scootaloo exclaimed.

It was Professor Sprout who replied. “We all decided we wanted to thank you for what you did so we spent the afternoon setting up this party for you while Hermione distracted you.”

“You cheeky little minx. So that’s why you kept me out there so long,” Scootaloo said giving her girlfriend a dirty look.

“Yep,” Hermione replied with a giggle.

“You know, you really didn’t have to do this,” Scootaloo said turning her attention back to Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout didn’t reply instead turning to the group of students. “Who here wanted to reward Scootaloo for her heroic actions?”

The roar that came in response practically deafened Scootaloo and the girl actually let a tear drip from her left eye. “You lot are the best. Now, LETS PARTY!” she screamed.

And so, they did. From dancing and singing, to games, to food and laughter, the evening had it all. There was even a point where Scootaloo scared her classmates half to death by popping her new eye out! It was even more freaky when the eye started to move all by itself and stared at the gathered group of spectators! Scootaloo though kept tight-lipped when her friends asked her if she was making it move, simply shrugging her shoulders in response. The only thing that was thankfully missing this time from the party was any contraband. Professor Sprout had been quite strict on that, much to Scootaloo’s relief. She really didn’t want to have to try and contend with another hangover, not until she was a little older anyway.

It was as the evening was coming to a close and the girls were just preparing to retire to their dorm for the night that they overheard an argument by the entrance tunnel.

“And what might I ask are you doing here Hagrid? Don’t you think you’ve caused enough trouble as it is?” Professor Sprout’s voice scolded.

“Yes. I to think it would be best if you left immediately,” Molly added with an edge to her voice.

“Look, I don’t want no trouble,” Hagrid’s voice echoed in reply followed by a loud sniff. “I just want to give the girl this.”

“Hagrid?” Scootaloo said walking over with her friends.

Hagrid stared at the poor girl’s face. “So, it’s true,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper before shoving a leather-bound book into Molly’s chest. “I left a few pages blank in case you had any photos you’d like to add. I’ll leave you be now,” he said solemnly turning to go.

“Yah great galoot. Where do you think you’re off to? You either get over here right now and give me a hug or I’ll create a snowstorm over your hut tomorrow so fierce it’ll be buried in ten minutes flat!” Scootaloo said sternly glaring up at the half-giant. “And if either of them tries to stop you I’ll bury them in snow.”

Professor Sprout looked alarmed for a moment before sighing in defeat. “I think you’d better do as she says. Although we are having a remarkably warm summer, I’d rather prefer not to be turned into a living snowwoman if I can help it.”

Molly glowered at Hagrid for a moment but stood aside and passed him the book back.

He slowly walked over to Scootaloo who was looking at him disdainfully.

“Come on, I haven’t got all night,” she stated firmly.

Hagrid finally reached the girl and lowered himself down on one knee. Scootaloo couldn’t believe just how shook up he looked and how raw and red his eyes were. Like a guilty puppy he lowered his head and stared at the floor not daring to look up.

“Do you not even have the nerve to look me in the eye?” Scootaloo said without emotion.

Gradually he raised his head and stared at the girl.

“It’s all my fault. You and Harry,” he never got any further as Scootaloo threw her arms around his neck and whispered into his ear.

“Stupid fool. We all make mistakes and you really didn’t need to get me anything, although I am glad it isn’t a stoat sandwich.”

Hagrid let out a weak chuckle and wrapped one of his burly arms around the lean, muscular Pegasus girl, the other arm still clutching the book.

“You know, Harry said a very similar thing when I gave him his album. I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with a good stoat sandwich; your friend certainly seems to like them!”

“Yeah, well Sweetie’s insane; we all know that,” Scootaloo said in a deliberately loud voice.

“Hey!” Sweetie’s voice interjected. “If you just gave them a chance you might like them,” the girl grumbled.

“Yeah, no thanks,” Scootaloo said in reply slowly releasing her grip of Hagrid. “Now, can I have a look at what you got for me there?”

“Oh yeh, of course,” Hagrid said. “Dumbledore gave me yesterday off to contact some of your parents’ old school friends askin’ fer photos as I’m guessin you don’t have any. Yeh like it?”

By this point Scootaloo was sitting on the floor flicking through the book staring at all the happy pictures of her parents that smiled and waved back at her. Tears began to flow freely from her left eye.

“Did, did, did they give you anything else? Any stories?” she stuttered barely able to hold her emotions in as Apple Bloom and Sweetie both came over to support her.

“A few and I’m sure Molly will have some to. Let’s settle onto a couch, get some hot cocoa in and I’ll tell you them,” Hagrid suggested.

“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot,” Scootaloo stammered back holding tightly onto the book while shaking uncontrollably as so many contrasting memories flashed across her mind.


The next two days went by relatively serenely for the girls as, with the professors occupied with students taking their O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts, they were pretty much left to entertain and look after themselves. With Scotland seemingly going through a heatwave they spent most of their free time just lazing on the grass in the grounds enjoying the sunshine while talking about whatever came to mind. Before they even knew it Wednesday and their broomstick flying aptitude tests or B.F.A.T as it was more commonly referred to was upon them. Students from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor would be taking theirs in the morning while the Slytherins and Ravenclaws would be tested in the afternoon. It was Unsurprising then that this was the major topic of conversation at breakfast that morning.

“What do you think the test will involve?” Megan asked Scootaloo next to her as they tucked into an earlier than usual breakfast due to them needing to be out on the training field no later than ten to nine.

“No clue, but I’m guessing it’ll involve broom maintenance and care along with our flying capability. Who else can’t wait to see the expression on the examiner’s face when Apple Bloom’s broom bucks her into a wall again,” Scootaloo said with a wicked smirk catching the hash brown the other girl threw at her in retaliation. “Nice try, but you’ll have to be super sharp to catch my reflexes…” Scootaloo stopped mid-sentence her eyes opening wide as a plate flew towards her head. Unbelievably she still managed to duck under the plate before grabbing it out of the air with her left hand.

“One more word about my flying ability and next it’s the table. Got it?” Apple Bloom growled.

Scootaloo simply nodded in reply as Megan giggled next to her.

“Sorry Bloom, but you have to admit your flying stinks. I mean, who remembers the final quidditch match?”

“And do you remember what happened to Adrian Pucey? Would you also like free B and B at St Mungo’s for the duration of the summer, because that can be arranged,” Apple Bloom replied coldly.

Megan thought it over for a moment before turning to Scootaloo and saying, “she’s real touchy about her broomstick flying, isn’t she?”

“You know I can hear you?” Apple Bloom growled once more.

“That answer your question,” Scootaloo chortled as the first collection of owls with the morning mail started to come in.

“INCOMING!” Sweetie cried next to Scootaloo as an owl dropped a rather large package towards them.

“Thanks, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said catching said parcel before making space on the table.

“What’s that?” Susan asked across from her.

“No clue. There is a note attached though,” Scootaloo replied before removing and reading said note. The biggest grin imaginable started to appear across her face.

“Uh oh, Creepaloo is back,” Apple Bloom said with a shudder as Scootaloo ripped into the paper.

It was a brand-new broom with the number 001 etched in gold into the end of the handle.

“It’s mine; it’s all mine,” Scootaloo cackled like a maniac. “Streamlined superfine handle of ebony with birch twigs individually selected and honed for aerodynamic perfection and extra ‘oomph’ when ascending. 150 miles an hour top speed in just ten seconds with an unbreakable braking charm and goblin-made iron work for increased stability and power in adverse conditions as well as preventing any slippages on the foot grips. And it’s all mine and solely mine for the next year! The very first Firebolt!” She squealed with joy as most the table stared at the broom open mouthed. Even more students were starting to crowd around behind her.

“Fuck me, might as well just hand the Hufflepuffs next year’s Quidditch Cup to,” one of the Weasley twins groaned having come over to see what all the commotion was about.

“You better believe it!” Scootaloo cackled again. “Although I’ll miss Broomy dearly, Firefly the Firebolt here is going to make flying so much more fun and catching Snitches so much easier.”

Scootaloo rubbed her hands together with glee. Professor Sprout, having come over along with the students, was now almost a spitting image of her student behind her.

Twenty-nine years of hurt and now the real possibility of winning the Quidditch Cup two years on the bounce! She thought to herself before letting out a slightly concerning and demented cackle.

“I’m not sure who’s worse, Hufflepuff’s quidditch captain or their quidditch-mad head of house!” the other Weasley twin exclaimed.


Scootaloo hadn’t stopped cradling the broomstick ever since it arrived and even as they were heading onto the training fields, she was still gripping it tightly and had even started cooing gibberish to it.

“I’m not sure whether to laugh or be somewhat concerned at our captain’s behaviour,” Susan stated carrying her own broomstick in her hand. “To be fair though, that looks like one hell of a broomstick and I’m a little jealous even if I do love my Nimbus 2000 a lot.”

Sweetie Belle just shrugged her shoulders. “That’s Scootaloo for you. Practically anything associated with flying she absolutely adores, especially something that will only encourage her reckless and carefree nature.”

“Good point,” Susan stated. She looked like she was about to say more but was prevented from doing so by the voice of another.

“Ah, welcome. Ten, twelve, sixteen, twenty-two, perfect you are all here. My name is Frederick Light,” a relatively lean, small and elderly looking man with light grey hair began to explain. “I have been sent by the Ministry to test each of you on your flying ability.” He paused for a moment, a look of confusion coming across his face. “Well, this is certainly a first. Might I ask why so many of you have your own broomsticks? It was to my knowledge that Hogwarts did not allow first years to have their own broomsticks for their own safety.”

Scootaloo suddenly snapped out of her dreamlike state and extended her wings from behind her back.

“Good heavens!” Mr Light exclaimed staring at Scootaloo. “When I was told there was a Pegasus girl and two of her friends from another dimension filled with sentient ponies attending Hogwarts this year, I thought someone was having me on. I’m not even going to ask about the metal arm or, is that an eight ball?”

Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but let out a little giggle and Mr Light turned his attention to her and only now noticed the long horn atop her head.

“Ah, the unicorn girl. That makes two,” he muttered to himself as Scootaloo replied.

“Yep, magically enhanced. A gift from my father, the God of Chaos, after I lost my natural one in an accident recently. It works perfectly fine, if not better than my natural one, even pops out if you’d like to see it up close? Scootaloo paused with a devilish look upon her face waiting for the inevitable response as the words don’t count on it flashed across her vision.

“N…n…no thanks,” Mr Light replied stuttering slightly and shaking at just the thought.

“Okay,” Scootaloo said shrugging her shoulders before continuing. “As for the broom situation, I’m Scoti Prewett the Hufflepuff quidditch captain and Seeker. That position allows me to provide anyone I wish with a broomstick. Sweetie here is my keeper, and the best one in the school in my eyes.”

Sweetie blushed in embarrassment from the praise.

“Susan is one of my Beaters, the Gryffindor girl is Hermione, my girlfriend, and that was her Christmas present, while Harry is Gryffindors Seeker and got permission from Professor McGonagall. I think that’s everyone?” Scootaloo finished explaining.

Frederick rubbed his temple for a moment fearing a headache was coming along before taking a deep breath and maintaining his professional manner replied to Scootaloo. “Thank you, Miss Prewett, for clearing that up for me. I must say I am impressed and looking forward to seeing so many highly skilled fliers taking the test this morning, although you will have to use one of the Ministry-provided brooms for a fair and accurate test. Before we press on with all your tests though might I just ask what make your broom specifically is Miss Prewett? I’m not sure I’ve seen that make or model before.”

“I’m glad you asked. I’m invested in a young upcoming broomstick maker called Randolph Spudmore. He’s been attempting to make a racing broom to compete with the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. After my own Nimbus 2000 was destroyed in the final quidditch match of the year and I asked if he could possibly repair it, he sent me this instead having finally perfected his own racing broom, the Firebolt. It arrived this morning and won’t be on the general market for another year, this being the prototype. Top speed of one-hundred and fifty miles per hour,” Scootaloo explained with overwhelming enthusiasm, hugging the broomstick to her chest once more.

Frederick’s eyes lit up for a moment and he had to rein himself in from asking more about the new broom. His reaction though had not gone unnoticed by Scootaloo.

She let out small chuckle. “I can see from your mouth hanging open you’re impressed. How about I give you a demonstration? My keen eyesight can see you’ve already set up a course for us.”

Frederick wanted to interject but his curious mind won him over and instead of saying anything he just pulled out a stopwatch.

“Excellent. Sweetie if you please,” Scootaloo said with yet another playful grin.

“Three, two, one,” Sweetie counted down before Scootaloo shot off the ground and Frederick hit the stopwatch.

The backdraft was phenomenal and actually knocked a few students over. Frederick stared transfixed as the girl zoomed off the ground with no fear or concern at all. He watched open-mouthed as she seemed to effortlessly navigate the course at breakneck speed before landing perfectly in front of him. He pressed the stopwatch once more and stared at it. Thirty-seven seconds. The average for the course was just shy of three minutes, the previous best one minute and fifty-five seconds. This girl hadn’t just broken the record; she’d annihilated it.

“So, how was that?” Scootaloo enquired expectantly.

Frederick just took a deep breath before pulling out a quill and notepad.

Scoti Alaw Prewett – Hufflepuff – Time: 37 seconds – The girl is a Pegasus; she owns the sky – 100% - Grade: Outstanding.

He then lifted his head up and said formally, “thank you Miss Prewett for your demonstration. Although I wouldn’t usually allow the use of one’s own broom for the test in the case of fairness, I think I have seen enough from you to make my judgement. Your result and certificate will be included with your 1st year exam results Friday. You are free to go or may stay and watch your fellow students, but be warned that you will be unable to try out your new broom again till this evening once all your peers’ tests are complete and you must not assist them either,” he added sternly.

The grin on Scootaloo’s face had impossibly somehow got even wider.

Meanwhile, Mr Light was addressing the rest of her fellow students. “As for the rest of you, there are twenty-five brooms provided by the Ministry here. Choose whichever one you like. You have thirty minutes to fine tune your broom and ensure it is in tip top condition. You shall then, in alphabetical order, complete the obstacle course Miss Prewett here just demonstrated so expertly for you all. Ten percent of your mark shall be on how well you perform maintenance on your broom, whilst the majority will be given for your performance in the obstacle course for aspects such as command and control of your broom, how well you navigate the obstacles and obviously the time in which it takes you to complete the course. Be warned, if you touch any of the magical rings or clip an obstacle this shall add a five second penalty to your time and if you miss any, a ten second penalty you shall incur. Good luck, your time starts now.”


“Very well-done Miss Abbot, although your control could use a little work and you did clip one of the rings. Still, a great start,” Mr Light praised as he made some notes in his notebook.

“Thank you, sir,” Hannah replied courteously as she returned to the cluster of students.

“Hmm,” Mr Light mused to himself for a moment looking at the second name on his list. “This should be interesting,” he mumbled to himself before shouting, “APPLE-BLOOM APPLE.”

As her peers had been fighting over which broom was best the girl had held back until the very end and been left with, frankly, five pieces of wood that were barely fit to be called broomsticks, let alone fly. She had then scrutinised each and every one of the remaining brooms before stopping at the fourth, the worst of the lot, and instantly taken it away to one of the cleaning stations. What she had done in barely thirty minutes was simply incredible and unless you’d seen it originally, you wouldn’t have thought it was the same broom. The rotten piece of wood with twigs sticking out all over the place was now a smooth and sleek flying machine.

As Apple Bloom practically bounced over with her broom a number of her peers tittered and whispered quietly amongst themselves behind her back. These immediately stopped though when said girl turned and with a deranged look in her eyes made a slicing motion across her neck.

The message was clear. Be quiet or die.

“Alright then Miss Apple,” Mr Light said. “Before we begin, I’d just like to say how impressed I am with your broom maintenance skills. Madam Hooch has taught you well.”

“Thank you, sir. At least somebody appreciates hard work around here,” she replied glancing behind her with yet another disturbing look on her face.

The Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors remained deathly silent.

“Hmm, is there something I am missing here?” Mr Light enquired.

“Oh no, sir, not at all,” Apple Bloom said sweetly as she laid the broom down on the ground. “Shall we get on with the exam?”

“If that’s what you wish,” Mr Light replied. “Would you please command the broom to your hand?”

“Why certainly. Broom, if you would please rise,” Apple Bloom continued in a sickly-sweet tone.

The broom did exactly as she instructed and she grasped it in her right hand before mounting it seamlessly. She could practically hear the jaws of her classmates hitting the ground.

“Excellent. Three, two, one,” Mr Light cried.

Gripping tightly onto the broom with a grim look of determination Apple Bloom took off into the clear June sky. Her classmates looked on absolutely stunned and watched gobsmacked as the girl carefully navigated the course barely putting a foot wrong. After a few minutes she returned and floated down to the ground.

The crowd of students were speechless, mouths hanging open in disbelief.

“Fuck,” Scootaloo finally mouthed.

“Looks like you owe me five galleons,” Sweetie giggled next to her.

“How?” Was all Scootaloo could manage in reply, too stunned for words at the girl’s perfect performance.

Apple Bloom herself was just finishing receiving her review from Mr Light.

“A little overly cautious and slower than expected, but overall a faultless performance, well done. SWEETIE BELLE, you’re next.”

Apple-Bloom Apple – Hufflepuff – Time: 3:23 – Excellent broom care and maintenance and a near faultless flight aside from being a little nervous and overly cautious resulting in a slower than expected speed. – 70% - Grade: Exceeds Expectations.

Apple Bloom skipped merrily back to her fellow students. As she passed Sweetie on the way, she wished her best friend good luck.

“How?” Scootaloo said for about the fifth time in the past minute as Apple Bloom came and stood next to her.

“Applewood broom,” Apple Bloom replied smugly. “And I do believe that’s now forty galleons you owe me. Double or nothing as I recall.”

Scootaloo buried her head in her hands. Of course, it just had to be something to do with apples.


Sweetie Belle – Hufflepuff – Time: 2:23 – Penalties 1 – Very good handling and control of her broom and an exceptional pace but her turning needs work, including slowing up a bit more when turning, as this cost her a five second penalty when she caught the top of a tower near the end of the course. Still, amazing recovery and respectable broom maintenance as well. – 77% - Exceeds Expectations.

Sweetie grumbled to herself as she headed back to her friends, irritated with that amateur mistake just as she neared the finish of the course.

“Hard luck Sweetie, still a great showing,” Scootaloo said attempting to cheer her friend up.

“That stupid tower,” Sweetie grumbled angrily pouting.

“Hey, don’t let it get you down Sweetie. It was only one very small mistake. I’m sure it won’t have had that much of an impact on your overall mark, especially after you did everything else flawlessly and made such a good recovery,” Apple Bloom added her opinion trying to cheer her friend up. “Best not to worry about it and just enjoy watching everyone else.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Sweetie sighed looking up. “How’s Susan doing?”

“She lost position coming out of the first ring and has been trying to make it up ever since,” Scootaloo stated staring up at the sky. “Ooh, that’s gotta hurt.”

“What?” Sweetie asked looking in the direction Scootaloo’s eyes were gazing. Her eyes were not as sharp as her Pegasus friend’s though and thus she couldn’t make out just where Susan was or what had happened to her.

“She just went through a window. Oh, my word how is she still on the broom? Nevertheless, she’s missed a ring so that will cost her big,” Scootaloo stated her eyes still transfixed on the small dot that was Susan.

A few minutes later said girl landed in a mass heap of grass and dirt. Surprisingly she seemed unhurt from her rather entertaining but not particularly enjoyable flight.

“Fucking piece of shit,” Susan bellowed picking up the slightly tatty broom and, with a surprising display of strength, snapped it in two across her knee.

“The Ministry really needs to invest in better brooms,” she grumbled slamming the two halves into the examiner’s chest. “Turning that blasted thing was like trying to make a stubborn elephant move.”

Not waiting for a response or feedback, she turned and stormed back to her friends. Slowly Frederick managed to come out of his stupor.

Susan Bones – Hufflepuff – Time: 2:50 – Penalties 3 – Words cannot explain what I just witnessed, the girl flew through one window and out another. – 60% - Acceptable.

After Susan’s incredible feat things started to calm down a little and the next five examinations went by pretty smoothly aside for Seamus Finnigan’s, the boy returning with barely any broom left after it somehow caught fire mid-flight. As Frederick was wondering how he was now going to explain two destroyed brooms to his higher ups he called out for the next student.


Hermione strolled over confidently, Scootaloo watching her every move with a wide smile.

“Ah yes, the Pegasus girl’s girlfriend. I’m looking forward to seeing this,” Mr Light said with a smile.

“Thank you, she’s taught me well,” Hermione admitted.

“Well, shall we begin then.”

“Of course! Come along broom. Let's go have some fun!” She cackled and the broom jumped into the air from where she’d dropped it on the floor.

She mounted it and shot off into the sky with a squeal of joy. Over the next five minutes she put on a show that Frederick Light had never seen anything like nor would ever see again in all his years of conducting B.F.A.Ts. He lost count at twelve loop de loops, seven-barrel rolls and eight snap-rolls, and that was just to begin with. Overall, he’d quickly deduced the girl either had a death wish, a lifelong dream to become a daredevil or both, probably both, and this was confirmed when, as she came in to land, she had the nerve to purposefully jump off a broom she’d received barely an hour ago and entrust it to catch her just a few feet from a very messy end.

“Sorry,” Hermione giggled as she brought the broomstick to a stop perfectly. “I’m not really one for casual flying. Hope my acrobatics don’t mean I fail? I did technically complete the course and didn’t receive any penalties doing so.”

Frederick just stared at the girl mouth agape, his quill frozen in his hand.

“Hello, anyone at home?” Hermione pressed waving her hand in front of the examiner’s face.

“Unbelievable,” was all Frederick managed to say initially. “Simply unbelievable. Thank you for that wonderful demonstration Miss Granger. If you’d please take your place back with the other students while I work out your grade.

Hermione skipped back over to Scootaloo who gave her a high five.

“That was awesome!” Scootaloo squealed.

“thanks, thought you’d enjoy it,” Hermione replied blushing. “Been practicing my stunts and tricks for weeks to pull that off.”

Meanwhile Frederick was mulling over just what to write down. It took him a fair few minutes but finally he wrote,

Hermione Granger – Gryffindor – Time: Not applicable – Never have I seen such an irresponsible and dangerous display of flying. Girl is an utter lunatic with no care over her own personal safety while in the air, yet knew exactly what she was doing and executed everything to perfection. It was truly mesmerising and one of the best demonstrations of stunt flying I’ve ever seen - 100% - Outstanding.

Wayne was up next and his flight was a lot less exciting to watch, but was a lot safer, steady paced and sensible. Megan’s was much more entertaining. The girl’s broom seemed to have a mind of its own. Upon Mr Light’s signal it shot off like a rocket and corkscrewed the entire circuit with the girl hanging on for dear life. It was an achievement in itself that Megan didn’t fall off although she may have lost some marks on her landing where she promptly got off the broom and threw up all over Mr Light’s shoes.

“Hmm, we really should double check these donated brooms before using them,” Frederick muttered to himself before casting Scourgify on his shoes and turning to the throng of students. “NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM.”

Neville suddenly looked like Hermione had cast the full Body-Bind on him for a third time and Apple Bloom had to use all her strength just to push his rigid corpse over to the examiner, leaving a trench of dirt behind them.

“Thank you, Miss Bloom. Now, now, Master Longbottom, there is no need to be afraid. I’m sure you’ll do just fine and I have my own broom on hand just in case,” Mr Light said, trying to calm the clearly apprehensive Neville.

“B-b-but what if my broom goes AWOL like Megan’s or Susan’s,” Neville whimpered.

It wasn’t Mr Light who replied but Apple Bloom, who grabbed Neville’s head and brought him in close.

“Neville, you need to be brave, like I was. You saw me up there, didn’t you?”

“Y-y-yes. I’ve g-g-got to be brave,” Neville stammered before taking a deep breath and placing the broom on the ground. “U-u-up.”

The broom sluggishly rose into the air.

“See, everything will be just fine. You’re completely in control,” Apple Bloom said before retreating back to the rest of the students before Mr Light felt she was interfering to much with Neville’s exam.

“I am in complete control,” Neville repeated to himself holding tightly onto the broom.

“Thank you, Miss Bloom, for your assistance. Now, are you ready Master Longbottom,” Mr Light instructed

Neville nodded his head unconvincingly.

“Okay then, 3, 2 1,” Mr Light instructed and Neville’s broom stuttered into action slowly rising from the ground like an old age pensioner.

“Well, this is somewhat anticlimactic,” Scootaloo yawned.

Apple Bloom turned and glowered at her friend for a second before turning back to her boyfriend and yelling, “That’s it Neville. Keep on GOing.”

As soon as it heard those two letters one after another the broom took off like a speeding bullet, poor Neville screaming his head off while holding on for dear life.

“Now, that’s more like it,” Scootaloo commented as laughter erupted from the crowd of students.

Apple Bloom was trying her best to hide her face in her left hand.

Scootaloo wrapped an arm around her poor embarrassed friend.

“Don’t say a word,” she growled threateningly in a muffled tone not lifting her head from her hand.

“Do I really need to?” Scootaloo chuckled. “You know you are missing some serious entertainment right now. Oof, he nearly fell off there. Yep, nope, oh dear.”

Apple Bloom let her eye peek out from behind her hand and looked up. Neville was hanging upside down of the broom like a ragdoll, clutching it desperately between his legs like his life depended on it. Amazingly, he was still screaming.

“You know, it really is incredible how that broom is just acting on impulse and following the course perfectly. If he hangs on and keeps avoiding those rings, Neville might actually set a good time and unbelievably pass,” Scootaloo said with a hint of admiration.

To his credit, Neville did somehow hang on and a few minutes later the broom zoomed back in and the boy gratefully let go and fell with a thud to the ground from a few feet. Apple Bloom immediately ran over to check on him. Thankfully, nothing appeared to be physically wrong with Neville other than the fact he had passed out and as such Apple Bloom simply lugged him over her shoulder and carried him back to the group of students.

Frederick felt that the less said about that test the better and opted to simply move on to the next student. He did though write a quick note in his notebook.

REMINDER: For future B.F.A.Ts, ensure all brooms are probably checked beforehand.

After Neville there were nine students left. To Frederick’s relief these were a lot more routine, with Harry and Ron in particular impressing him with their flying ability. After Ron had come whizzing in on his broom, the examiner had thanked them all for their efforts and informed them once again that their results would be included with those of their first-year exams on Friday. A certificate for those who passed would also be included, whilst those who unfortunately failed would be provided with information on how they could resit the test if they so wished.

“Well, that was fun! What shall we do next? We’ve still a week and a half before we head back to the Burrow for the summer,” Scootaloo said as they walked to the Great Hall for lunch.

“Not sure you can afford to do anything after losing all those bits to me,” Apple Bloom snidely replied. “Neville, not that I mind the attention, but could please loosen your grip a bit.”

“S-s-sorry,” Neville snivelled loosening his grip ever so slightly. He hadn’t let go of Apple Bloom ever since he’d come round. “Better?”

“Yes. Now I think it is time someone coughed up,” Apple Bloom said with a coy smirk.

“I’m not paying you anything; you cheated both times. You already knew it wasn’t Quirrell and you used an applewood broom,” Scootaloo huffed. “And its galleons not bits.”

“Tomayto, Tomahto. Anyway, I was teaching you a valuable lesson that gambling doesn’t pay. Now pay up.”

“You’ve already got access to the bank account, take it out yourself,” Scootaloo replied rudely.

“You know what, forget it. I’ve just thought of something of equal value that I can take that will not only clear your debt but also solve our boredom issue,” Apple Bloom replied with an ever-widening smirk detaching herself from Neville for a moment.

“You have?” Scootaloo replied somewhat apprehensively.

“It’s called rescue the princess!” and before anyone could stop her Apple Bloom had grabbed hold of Hermione in a bear hug and ran off, Neville following hesitantly a little way behind.

“HEY! Bring my girlfriend back here this instant,” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Hermione tittered and decided to get in on the act. “Help, oh help,” she said in an excessively overdramatic tone. “Won’t some dashing prince please save me, a poor defenceless princess, from the evil clutches of Lady Appletree and her wicked henchman, Nasty Nev.”

“Don’t encourage her!” Scootaloo called after Hermione going red in the face in embarrassment as the rest of the students started laughing.

“Bring me the gold at half past one or the princess is history. We’ll do the trade outside our fortress in the grounds. And anyone who wishes to join our team is more than welcome!” Apple Bloom cackled disappearing out of sight round a corner.

“Can somebody please explain to me what just happened?” Scootaloo sighed rubbing her temple.

“You didn’t pay your debt so your creditor took your most valuable possession to force you to pay said debt,” Susan deadpanned. “By the way, see you later, I’m so joining Team Bloom.”

Susan shot off along with Hannah and Megan.

“Great, just great,” Scootaloo sighed even louder. “Anyone want to help me free the princess and rid the great land of Hogwartia from Appletree’s tyranny?”

“Sounds like fun,” Ron giggled stepping forward. “Count me and Harry in.”

“And you know I’m in. Your loyal knight, Lady Sweetie of the Belles,” Sweetie chuckled once more striking a pose.

“Right, then let us feast before ye battle commences. For when the sun reaches its highest point we dine with destiny,” Scootaloo roared before strolling in the direction of the Great Hall.

Author's Note:

Finally, up next EXAM RESULTS!!!!
EDIT: I initially was going to have Scootaloo use a standardised broom as well as her own new one, but in the end it was cut due to story flow. What I will say is that in the chapter The End of Term it is mentioned that nobody has yet been able to manufacture a broom that goes above 150mph without it being to difficult to control. Even then you'd expect only the most skilled flyers to be able to manage a Firebolt like Harry and in my view this is part of the reason no other student got one. I'd probably put most broom speed between 40-80mph, Nimbus 2000 110mph, Nimbus 2001 125mph. Even then these would be top speeds and many people wouldn't dare to risk it or be able to handle such a speed. This is why Scootaloo didn't need to do anymore for the test. The fact she was able to handle and control the Firebolt so effortlessly at such a speed was, in actual fact, a lot harder than anything Frederick Light could have set her, especially for one so young. Oh and anyone notice the Examiner's name spelt F.Light

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