• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Aftermath

Saturday 29th February 1992, Dumbledore’s Office, 20:00

“What happened, Severus? You were put in charge of this Quidditch match to keep Harry and Scoti safe from Quirrell. The girl’s life hangs in the balance, and Molly Weasley is threatening the school with every bit of legal action she can possibly think of. It’s a miracle I’ve managed to keep word of this from leaking to the Daily Prophet. So, what happened?” Dumbledore said with only a hint of agitation.

“I honestly do not know, Albus. There were no signs of tampering on the case or even the wards that surround my quarters when I awoke this morning. I truly have no idea how Quirrell got to the Snitch. Furthermore, the Snitch itself is magically resistant to tampering, so something like this just shouldn’t have been able to happen,” Snape argued.

“Shouldn’t doesn’t bring back the girl’s arm,” Dumbledore growled angrily as he slumped down in his chair. “No, I cannot blame you for this. I should have been more careful and better prepared myself. Maybe I should have intervened, but with the girl’s return, the already fragile timeline has been altered so much. If I’d intervened, who knows what the consequences might have been? No, Quirrell and Voldemort must face Potter at the end of the year beneath the school,” Dumbledore rambled regretfully to himself, barely paying attention to his guest.

“Sir?” Snape said, a little confused.

“Continue to keep an eye on Quirrell. This latest attack proves he’s getting assistance from Voldemort;I’m just not one hundred percent sure where he’s hiding yet. You say Quirrell’s been visiting the Forbidden Forest more and more frequently recently?” Dumbledore mused.


“Well that would be the most logical place for Voldemort to hide within vicinity of the school. I’ll announce another warning about the Forbidden Forest at breakfast tomorrow, along with postponing all visits to Hogsmeade till after Easter Break for students’ safety. Thank you, Severus, for all your help and assistance on this matter. You are free to go.”

“Yes, sir. I shall do as you request,” Snape droned before he took his leave.

As soon as the professor had gone. Dumbledore made his way to his fireplace and set up his floo connection.

“Alastor, I need to call in a favour.”


Wednesday 4th March 1992, Apple Family Residence, Equestria, 8am

BANG, BANG, BANG. The noise from the front door reverberated throughout the Apple Family residence.

“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses. I’m coming,” a rather tired and grumpy Rainbow Dash grumbled. “Although I swear if this is another salespony, I’m going to drop them from the highest cloud around. I was up half the night dealing with a rogue storm that drifted over from the Everfree.” She gave a massive yawn as she unlatched the door.

Applejack and Big Mac were out in the orchard collecting the year’s first harvest whilst Granny Smith had gone to play bingo in town. This had meant that when someone came pounding upon their front door, poor Rainbow had had no choice but to lift her physically and mentally drained carcass from the soft bed it so desperately craved. She was now wondering if the cloud she’d passed up on her way back home in favour of the sweet scent and soft fur of her marefriend for a few hours had been worth it.

She pulled back the door, and just like that, the tiredness was gone, and she was immediately alert. “Discord!” she exclaimed in surprise and anger, preparing to launch herself at the draconequus. A cough stopped her.

“Hello, ma'am. I’m Headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I’m looking for a Miss Rainbow Dash and a Miss Applejack Apple due to a serious incident involving a student who outside of term time will be under their guardianship, one Scoti Alaw Prewett or more commonly known as Scootaloo. May we come inside?” a lanky elderly red stallion with light blue eyes and with an extremely long silver mane and beard said, standing next to the draconequus. He was also sporting a purple cape and pointed hat emblazoned with silver stars and moons.

Rainbow Dash didn’t know what to say and just stood where she was for a minute before finally, she replied, “Hold on a moment,” and then zoomed off.

“Huh, I wonder where . . .” Dumbledore never finished as the cyan blue pegasus returned with an orange pony with an apple cutie mark who looked completely stunned about what had just occurred.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack uttered before seeing Discord. “Discord! You’ve some nerve coming 'round here after what you put Celestia through. Luna’s been running the country pretty much single-hoofedly for the past six lunar cycles. Some days, all Celestia does is mumble on and on about birds.” She growled threateningly.

“Look, AJ,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Usually, I’d be totally with you on this one, but something serious has happened to Scoots, so can you just pretend to get along for five minutes?”

“How serious?” Applejack questioned.

“Serious enough that the headmaster has come all this way for a visit,” Dash deadpanned.

“Horseapples. Well, you’d better both come in, then. I’ll get some tea on the boil along with a plate of apple snaps.”

“That sounds delightful,” Dumbledore replied as they headed into the Apples' homestead, where Applejack directed them to the lounge and a comfy-looking sofa.

“I’ll be just a moment. Make yourself at home,” she said as she made her way to the kitchen. “Milk and sugar?”

“Please, two teaspoons,” Dumbledore replied.

“I’ll take mine with lemonade and salt,” Discord stated.

“You know I’m not into tea. Grab me a Red Pegasus whilst you’re in there,” Rainbow called.

“You know those drinks aren’t good for you, especially so early in the day,” Applejack’s voice called back.

“We agreed. I go sugar free, and I can have them whenever I want. No debate.”

Mumbled grumbling came back from the kitchen in response.

A few minutes later, AJ returned with their drinks and a plate of biscuits that Dumbledore immediately found to be utterly divine.

“So, what have the girls got up to this time?” Applejack said brusquely as she took a seat next to Rainbow across from the two professors. “Destroyed the entire school?”

Dumbledore swallowed his biscuit before taking a sip of his tea. After a moment he replied. “To my great relief, no. I’m unsure just how much you have been told by the girls, but the power Scootaloo possesses in being able to foretell the future is a rare and unique ability. Unfortunately, what she’s been seeing has put a target on her back. You see, she’s been foretelling the return of one of the darkest wizards in our history and the main instigator of a wizarding war in our world ten years ago.”

“I see, and let me guess. Despite your best efforts he got to Scootaloo,” Applejack surmised.

“What did he do to her?” Rainbow blurted with a mixture of rage and fear.

Ignoring the cyan pegasus’s outburst, Dumbledore replied calmly to the earth pony’s ingenious deductions. “That you’d be correct, miss. Somehow, he got onto the grounds and tampered with our quidditch equipment. I’m sorry to say that Scoti became corrupted with dark magic once she touched it.”

Tears started to fill Rainbow Dash’s eyes. “No, she can’t be.”

“No, thankfully, due to our Herbologist’s quick thinking, we were able to save her life. On the downside, she has only just woken up after nearly four days in a coma and . . .” Dumbledore explained.

“Oh, thank Luna!” Rainbow Dash interrupted, letting out a huge sigh of relief before Dumbledore could finish.

Applejack glowered at her fiancée. “And what?” she demanded

“She lost her right arm, or foreleg as it would be here.”

Rainbow Dash was straightaway in Discord’s face, tears streaming down her own face.

“How bucking could you!” she screamed. “You were supposed to protect them!”

“I know,” Discord said morosely, staring at the floor.

This took Dash completely by surprise. Never had she expected the God of Chaos to agree with her.

“Wha-what?” Dash said, completely forgetting to fly and dropping to the floor with a bump on her rump.

“Do you think you’re the only one who cares for Scootaloo? She’s my daughter. I should have been there to protect her,” the draconequus explained, not looking up from the floor. “I love her as much as any father would, and right now, I just feel so helpless.” Discord finished with a sniffle.

For a moment Dash just sat there, for once in her life completely lost for words. Then, to everyone’s surprise and shock, she burst into laughter. “Oh, Sweet Celestia, Twilight is going to have a seizure when she hears that one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the definition of chaos, reformed the God of Chaos. Oh stop, please stop!” Rainbow Dash had now fallen onto her side in complete hysterics unable to control herself.

Even Applejack let out a little snigger before turning her attention back on the seriousness of the situation at hand. “So, how’s she holding up?”

“I’ve yet to see her as she awoke in the middle of the night, but apparently remarkably well. She’s a real trooper; that’s for sure. All of those three girls are. I’ve lost count how many times each of them has been in the infirmary this year. I think Professor Snape’s currently winning the bet on that one,” Dumbledore said before he took another sip of his tea and then a second biscuit.

Applejack couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.

“That’s Scoots for ya;, she learnt from the master never to let anything get you down or stop you from achieving your dreams,” Dash piped up, finally getting over her own laughing fit.

“I couldn’t agree more. Still, such an injury will likely require a lengthy rehabilitation process, and she’ll need multiple prosthetics as she grows up and her body develops. All of these will be funded by the school. We shall also be offering all three girls scholarships and pay for their entire education, including refunding this year’s tuition, in light of this event as compensation. Discord here as the girl’s guardian has agreed that this is fair and adequate compensation although as the girl’s legal guardians in this dimension, you also have a say over whether you feel the recompense is satisfactory,” Dumbledore explained.

Rainbow Dash looked a little lost on the floor. “Are you trying to bribe us to keep us quiet?”

“Simply put Dash, yes. And it’s a mighty fine offer, too. Twilight once told me how much tuition without a scholarship to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns would be. Trust me; it wasn’t cheap, it would bankrupt all but the richest Canterlot nobles. Add to that the rehabilitation costs and quality prosthetics for such an injury, we are looking at a right fair reimbursement. If you don’t mind though, as neither me or Dash here are that great with paperwork; do you mind if we visit a friend of ours to go over the legal documentation?”

“Of . . .”

Discord snapped his lion's paw.

“. . . course.” Dumbledore finished blinking to focus his vision once more as the blinding light that had engulfed him faded.

“GAH!” Twilight screamed. “Discord, give me one good reason I shouldn’t send you to Tartarus right this second for what you did to Celestia.”

“Because I’d escape within thirty seconds. Oh, and also, I’ve reformed. Blame the Cutie Mark Crusaders for that one,” the God of Chaos said in an uninterested tone.

Twilight couldn’t help but let out a squeak of laughter. “The Crusaders? The very definition of chaos reformed the God of Chaos? Yeah, if that’s true, I’ll set fire to this priceless one-of-a-kind antique book filled with some of Starswirl’s earliest spells.”

“It’s true.” Applejack deadpanned.

Twilight’s face dropped.

“Let me get that for you.” Discord said with a chuckle, snapping his talons again.

The book went up in flames.

Twilight looked on in horror. “Excuse me for a moment,” she said, lighting her horn.

Faintly in the distance, the group of ponies and draconequus heard the distinct tone of a certain curse word. Many foals across Equestria that day would end up asking their parents what "fuck" meant.

Twilight teleported back into the room.

“Oh, you don’t think I’d really be that mean, do you? Remember, reformed. I have a copy of every one of Starswirl’s texts in my own personal library. He was the first one to summon me to this realm after all,” Discord said with a snap of his talons. A whole mass of books fell atop Twilight, who was looking at the draconequus with a frozen look of horror at the bombshell he’d just dropped.

Slowly, she poked her head out of the mass of books and took a deep breath. “Okay, one thing at a time. What in Celestia’s name are you doing back in Equestria? If Celestia knew you were here, I’m afraid she’d go the equivalent of Nightmare Moon and wreck the entirety of Ponyville to annihilate you, probably with an army of birds.”

“Scootaloo got targeted by some incredibly evil wizard for predicting what his future plans are and got corrupted with dark magic. She’s alive, just, but has lost her right foreleg, arm, whatever, gah, this totally sucks,” Rainbow Dash rushed in a blur of words.

“What?” Twilight replied as she tried to comprehend just what her friend had said. After a few moments, everything clicked into place and she cried “Discord, how could you? I thought you were supposed . . .” Twilight didn’t get any further as Applejack interjected.

“Twi, we’ve already done this. I hate to say this, but he’s hurting really bad over what happened, and now is not the time or place to make him feel any worse, okay?”

Twilight looked at Applejack in surprise. This day really had taken a turn for the bizarre. “Fine,” she huffed “So why are you here then?”

“I can answer that one for you.” The lanky elderly stallion Twilight had never seen before made his presence known. “I am Headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I feel that we are somewhat to blame for what happened. As such, I’m trying to quietly sort out a respectable compensation package for the girl to avoid as much negative publicity for the school as possible. Although Discord has agreed to what I’ve offered, as her legal guardians here in Equestria, Miss Apple and Miss Dash both also have a say in the proceedings. They’ve requested your legal counselling on the matter.” He finished by levitating a contract in a red aura out of a satchel he was wearing and over to Twilight, who took it in her own purple one.

She rapidly sped through the entire twenty-page document with her magic in under a minute.

“Okay, so let me start by saying I’m unsure what our two currencies' exchange rates would be, but overall, it seems a fair offer. May I just ask though, is her wand hand right or left?”

Dumbledore hid his surprise at the other unicorn’s knowledge. “Left.”

“Well, that’s good news for you. Guards in our army who lose a significant limb in the line of duty -- Earth pony hind legs, unicorn horn, pegasus wings -- would receive between 500,000 and 1,000,000 bits. Lesser significant limbs between 250,000 and 500,000 bits. As this shouldn’t affect her magical capabilities, this will fall into the second category. If we use a one-to-one exchange ratio, the girls schooling would come in at around 210,000, and I’d easily see the rehabilitation costs being another 100,000 at least. If I were an actual lawyer, I’d press the girl to go for another 50,000 in cash, especially when taking into consideration her young age, but from what I understand, she’s respectably well off already and is in no way greedy, but hmm . . .”


“I’ve heard Scootaloo has got a romantic interest. How’s she paying for her education?”

“Like almost all our students, through a loan from the Ministry of Magic which is then paid off throughout her lifetime. I’ll write off her debt as well. She’s an outstandingly bright student and deserves a scholarship anyway. This just gives me an excuse to give her one,” Dumbledore admitted, lighting his own horn and magically altering the text on the contract.

“Excellent. Girls, if you’d just like to sign here and here.”

Applejack and Rainbow stepped forward and took a quill each in their mouth and wing respectively before Twilight levitated the contract back over to Dumbledore.

“Thank you very much. Once again, I am sorry that we couldn’t meet on more pleasant terms and for it being such a rushed visit. I’m a very busy wizard as you can probably understand. Discord, if you please, I’ve a lot more work to catch up on back at the castle,” Dumbledore explained.

Discord prepared to snap his talons.

“Wait, stop!” Rainbow Dash cried. “Can I see her?”

Dumbledore thought for a moment. “I think she’d like that. If you wouldn’t mind, Discord?”

Discord snapped his talons.

Applejack looked around as the blinding white light cleared. “Wait. I’m still in Twilight’s library? The least they could have done was leave me back at the orchard.” She grumbled as she trudged to the door and prepared to start the long walk back home.

“Yeah, yeah, have a good day.” Twilight wasn’t paying any attention, already engrossed in the first book from the massive pile that Discord had lent her.


Wednesday 4th March 1992, Hogwarts Infirmary, Midday

Scootaloo yawned and stretched her arm. Slowly, her vision cleared, and she took in the two visitors sat at the end of her bed.

“Hey, squirt. How you holding up?” A voice came from her left. Her eyes shot open as she turned her head toward the unexpected visitor.

“Didn’t expect to see me here, did you? Dumbledore and his friend have some important stuff to talk to you about but . . .” Rainbow Dash paused as Scootaloo wrapped her arm around her almost big sister. “It’s good to see you to, you silly fool. That looks worse than one of mine!”

“But what, how?” Scootaloo stammered as Rainbow Dash returned the hug.

“Discord,” she whispered in her ear. “Now, why don’t we listen to what Dumbledore has to say? Afterwards, we can catch up; I promise.” She let Scootaloo go and gave her a goofy grin. “She’s all yours.”

“Thank you, Miss Dash. How are you feeling? It must have been a nasty shock when you woke up last night,” Dumbledore said calmly.

“A little, but I had Hermione and Molly here to help me cope. It was still better than the nightmares I was stuck in.” Scootaloo stopped suddenly and shuddered uncontrollably for a number of seconds.

“I see. I’ll look to get Professor Sprout or Molly to talk to you about those if you’d like.”

“Yeah, although I’d rather not relive them; I suppose it would be best to get them off my mind,” Scootaloo admitted reluctantly.

“I’m glad to hear that. Now, shall we get down to why I’m here? I don’t like to rush things but I’ve your peers to teach in an hour and still haven’t had my lunch,” Dumbledore explained.

“I guess you want to know what happened.”

“That would be a good place to start, please.”

“Well, I had absolutely no warnings prior to the match; it was around five minutes or so in when I had a vision,” Scootaloo began.

“I’m guessing that was of someone tampering with the Snitch?” Dumbledore probed.

“Yes. Firstly, there was that undeniably grotesque face once again, and then, it was a rather hazy, unclear vision. The only two things that I could clearly distinguish were that of a dark, cloaked, and hooded figure skulking the halls of Hogwarts late at night and then doing something to the Snitch. I came out of the vision just as Harry was diving for the Snitch. I didn’t know what had been done to it, but realised immediately it couldn’t be good,” Scootaloo continued.

“So, you put yourself at risk to protect Harry?”

“Yes, sir.”

“A truly noble gesture. At this rate, Hufflepuff won’t just be winning the House Championship; they’ll be setting a record points total. A further hundred points shall be awarded for your selfless actions. I’m guessing you couldn’t tell just who the figure was or how they gained access to the Quidditch balls?”

“No, sir. It was too dark, I’m afraid,” Scootaloo confessed sadly.

“Shame, not to matter. Now, moving on to our second order of business. Obviously, whilst attending the school, you are under our care and guardianship. Thus, we take it very seriously when a student suffers as serious injury as you have. Due to your age, we have made a settlement with your guardians on your behalf. Yourself, Apple-Bloom, Sweetie and Hermione shall all be receiving scholarships for your entire time at Hogwarts, including reimbursement of your first-year fees,” Dumbledore stated.

Scootaloo stared at the professor, open-mouthed. “That’s very generous of you sir,” she finally managed to say graciously.

“Think nothing of it. We shall also be paying for your entire rehabilitation and any subsequent costs relating to the injury throughout your life. This gentleman next to me is Alastor Moody. He’s come to take some measurements for your new arm. You will most likely require several replacements until you are fully grown.”

“No, she won’t, but we’ll come to that in a moment. First, hmm, tell me kid are you a south paw?” the peculiar man said in a gravelly voice.

“Huh?” Scootaloo replied as she looked over the newcomer’s scarred and twisted face, wispy grey hair and most notably his peculiar eyes, one being small and dark whilst the other was a vivid electric blue.

“Sheesh, what do they teach you young uns nowadays. Your wand hand, left or right?” Moody grumbled.

“Left, same with writing.”

“Well that’s one bit of good news then. It is very difficult to use magic with your weaker hand. Now simply put I am going to fuse a metal arm to the socket and then use your innate magical ability to not only control it like a normal limb but allow it to grow naturally alongside the rest of your body. It’ll take time to master but after a while I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it. Any questions?” Moody said in his gruff voice.

“Sounds simple enough. Will the procedure hurt?” Scootaloo asked.

“Almost certainly,” Moody replied. “It’s a relatively new and undertested form of medical magic. From early testing results, it’ll also likely be very painful during growth spurts.”

“Great,” Scootaloo sighed sarcastically.

“Well, sadly, the other two alternatives aren’t much better.” Moody grunted. “We could use straps and cables and attempt to power the prosthetic limb from the other shoulder or via external magical means, but that would require replacing the limb over and over again during your teenage years and is prone to malfunctions and not working at all. The other option is not to use a prosthetic at all.” Moody’s magical eye glared into Scootaloo’s own eyes.

“Huh, guess I’ve little choice then. I’m used to pain by now, anyway.”

“Good. Now, any more questions? No? Then let’s get to work.” He pulled out his wand along with a tape measure, notepad, and pen. Then, without another word, he set to work.

Five minutes later, he grumbled to Dumbledore, “Perfect. I should be able to have something crafted by the end of the week.” He paused and took a swig from a flask inside the shabby coat he was wearing before turning to Scootaloo. “I’m sorry young miss for your loss. A truly despicable act. Rest assured that if I ever come across the depraved individual who did this, they’ll be in Azkaban faster than you can say polyjuice potion.” He grunted as he took out some floo powder, went over to the fireplace in the infirmary and disappeared in a puff of green flame before Scootaloo even had a chance to register what he had said.

“Er, thanks, I think?” she said, completely confused. “Cheery fellow isn’t he.”

Dumbledore chuckled. “He might not look like much, but half the inmates of Azkaban are there because of him. Paranoid he may be, but he has good reason. He’s the finest auror to ever live. Now, I’d better be on my way; we’ve both got lunch to see to.”

Right on time, Molly walked in with a whole trolley ladled with delicacies, Ginny followed nervously in her footsteps. Scootaloo actually started to drool.

“Those elves may know a thing or two about cooking, but nothing beats mine. I heard we had an unexpected guest, too.” She parked the trolley at the end of the bed just as Dumbledore rose to leave.

“I wish you a speedy recovery and will visit again soon,” he said before taking his leave. Scootaloo didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye.

“So, I’m guessing you’re the famous Rainbow Dash I’ve heard so much about?” Molly said as she scrutinised the newcomer.

“What gave it away?” Dash chuckled.

Molly didn’t reply and instead wrapped the other woman into a bear hug.

“Woah, I’m taken, miss, and you’re kinda making it hard to breathe.”

“Thank you for being there for my niece. If you ever need it, the House of Weasley will always stand by your side,” Molly whispered into Rainbow’s ear as she loosened her grip slightly.

“Huh, no sweat; she’s an awesome kid.”

“So, what does it feel like to lose your arm?” A timid voice distracted the adults’ attention suddenly.

“Ginny!” Molly exclaimed.

“It fucking hurts. A lot. I’d strongly advise not trying it for yourself, Ginny.”

“Scoti, don’t make me box you round the ears or get the soap and water and wash that potty mouth of yours out. You’ve a terrible language problem for someone your age.” Molly huffed finally releasing Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, that’s kinda my fault and I’m guessing Wally’s, too,” Rainbow Dash said, going a little red in embarrassment.

“You're damn fucking right it is, bitch,” the bird cawed, appearing for the umpteenth time out of thin air and perching himself on Scootaloo’s headboard. “Somebody give Wally a fucking cracker now.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and pulled out a packet of crackers labelled "In Case of Cranky Bird Emergencies" before she passed the bird one. “Don’t ask,” was all she said as she did so.

“I grew up in an orphanage; such language is commonplace among the kids there. Ginny if you pass me some of that food, I’ll tell you the story of when I first heard Rainbow swear. It’s hilarious. Me, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie were looking for Apple Bloom’s sister Applejack out behind . . ."

“NOOOOOOOOO!” Rainbow screamed, racing over and putting a hand over Scootaloo’s mouth as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead. “She definitely does not need to hear that story.”

Molly glowered at Rainbow Dash before letting out a chuckle. “Got caught in the act, did we?”

Rainbow Dash’s face went scarlet.

Ginny pouted. “I wanted to hear the story.”

“When you’re older,” both adults said simultaneously before staring at each other and doubling over with laughter for a moment.

“God that makes me feel old,” Rainbow admitted.

“Me too!” Molly replied with a giggle as Ginny handed Scootaloo a steaming bowl of stew, which she attacked ravenously with a spoon and fork. “Does she get the table manners from you, too?”

Rainbow Dash laughed once more as she helped herself to some stew. “You know it. Now how about I tell you the story of how my friends all taught me an important lesson on humility over lunch. It all started when I heard a filly crying for help one day from a well.”


Dash had both girls hooked to Scootaloo’s favourite story of when she and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon when a cough interrupted the thrilling conclusion.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but it's time for Miss Dash to return home, and Scootaloo needs her rest,” Madam Pomfrey explained.

“But the story was just getting too the best part!” Ginny whined.

“And I’m not tired!” Scootaloo moaned before giving of a yawn. Her eyes suddenly fluttered and her head flopped back onto the pillow. “Not tired . . .” She started snoring loudly.

Dash started to snigger. “Takes after the master. Shall we head back, Discord?”

“But what happened to Nightmare Moon!” Ginny pressed.

“Oh, it turned out she was really Celestia’s younger sister who turned evil and was banished to the moon a thousand years ago. She’s actually very nice once you get to know her. If I ever bump into you again, I’ll tell you the story of how we got to know her last Nightmare Night. Now, you be good for your mum.” She ruffled the stunned and open-mouthed Ginny’s hair before, in a bright flash of light, she and Discord were gone.”

“Five more minutes,” Scootaloo grumbled from underneath her covers.

“Right, come along Ginny, your math lesson is way overdue.”

A look of horror crept across Ginny’s face.


Scootaloo slept for most of the remainder of Wednesday bar from a couple of toilet breaks with the help of Molly and Madam Pomfrey, as she was still very weak, and for an hour in the evening where she ate an enormous tea whilst Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Hermione all informed her of what she’d missed over the past few days and the work she’d most likely need to catch up on. It actually wasn’t going to be that much. Classes had been cancelled Monday and Tuesday to give the students time to recover over the shocking events of Saturday. Apple Bloom and Sweetie had spent much of the unexpected short break attempting to catch up with their homework but had often been too worried over Scootaloo to concentrate whilst Hermione had barely left Scootaloo’s side until late last night when she’d awoke. Hermione had nearly had a fit when Scootaloo had informed her that the school would paying her tuition for her as part of Scootaloo's compensation package for her injury. Despite Hermione's best efforts to decline such a generous offer, Scootaloo was having none of it and thus it ended up with the two girls sharing a passionate kiss while the other two girls in the vicinity turned their heads away blushing.

By Thursday morning, she was bored, frustrated and her wound ached badly. The latter meant she was struggling to sleep and, in all honesty, she’d had enough of that already. Thus, she spent most the morning sitting up in bed, attempting to do the homework her friends had dropped off for her the night before, but without their assistance and with the pain in her shoulder, she was struggling to focus.

“So, how we feeling?” Madam Pomfrey asked at lunchtime as she came over to check her shoulder and change the bandages.

“Sore. It’s like a dull ache that never goes away,” Scootaloo griped as she munched on some ham and cheese sandwiches.

“Unfortunately, it’ll probably be like that for a while, and you know we can’t risk giving you any more pain relief.” Pomfrey sighed as she continued. “You seem strong enough, and I know you are itching to, so as long as you take it carefully, you can go for a walk this afternoon to get some fresh air. I heard you wanted to observe your Quidditch team’s training; that’ll be a good opportunity for you to get some fresh air, distract you from the pain, and try to establish some normality back into your life, but strictly no flying of ANY sort.” She gestured to the girl’s wings. "You are still very weak and could very well injure yourself if you do so.”

“Fine,” Scootaloo huffed. “How long 'til I can get out of here?”

“If you do what I say and take things easy, hopefully no later than the end of the weekend. To my great relief, there seems to be no sign of infection with the wound, and it is nearly completely healed.”

Scootaloo rocked her head back and groaned, “Three more days of utter boredom.”

“You know your friends will continue to visit you, and as you grow stronger, you can take walks around the castle, but I simply have to keep an eye on that wound of yours until it is completely healed,” Madam Pomfrey chided as she undid the bandages surrounding the wound.

A voice came from the door to the infirmary. “Is this a bad time?”

“No, I need something to curb my boredom and distract me from the pain. I’m that bored I’m actually considering asking you how History went,” Scootaloo said to her guest.

“Is it really that bad? I’m sorry about what happened and just wanted to say thanks for what you did. I know it isn’t much, but I brought a couple of chocolate frogs,” Harry said somewhat sheepishly.

“Sorry for what? You weren’t the bastard who cursed the Snitch. And it aches, a lot, but Madam Pomfrey doesn’t want to run the risk of me getting addicted to pain relief meds, so I’ve just got to grin and bear it,” Scootaloo growled as Harry walked over to her.

“Wow, that sucks and just makes me feel even worse. And,” Harry paused before blurting out the question that had been on his mind the past five days. "You sacrificed yourself to save my life and lost your arm because of it. Why? It isn’t like we are really that great friends or in the same house.”

“Yowch, that stings.” Scootaloo grimaced as Madam Pomfrey applied some disinfectant to the wound whilst carefully inspecting it. “I think you just answered your own question there; we’re friends; doesn’t matter how big or small our friendship is, friends look out for, yowch, one another no matter what. Now give me one of those frogs, maybe the chocolate will help distract me from the pain.” She winced once more as Madam Pomfrey applied some more disinfectant.

Harry unwrapped and handed her frog, looking over the card, eyes wide.

“Cornelius Agrippa! Ron’s been after him and Ptolemy forever to complete his collection.”

“Well today’s his lucky day. Call it a gift from me. I don’t collect the cards anyway,” Scootaloo said in between mouthfuls of chocolate as Madam Pomfrey re-dressed her shoulder. “I believe you’ll also find that’s Ptolemy.”

Harry immediately unwrapped the other frog. Lo and behold, Claudius Ptolemy stared back at him.

“How?” he said in complete bewilderment.

“A dream I had last night of Ron running 'round what I presume is your common room in his underwear. Totally baffling, but now explained,” Scootaloo said with a wry smile as Madam Pomfrey finished up her work.

“Thanks, yeah, he’s going to be ecstatic.” Harry chuckled.

“Ahem, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but the good news is I’d say your shoulder looks pretty much healed from the trauma, and there are no signs of infection. I feel that if you continue doing as you are told and promise to behave and not overly physically exert yourself for at least a few weeks upon your release, I can release you tomorrow evening,” Madam Pomfrey diagnosed.

Scootaloo’s eyes lit up as she started on the second frog.

“But right now, you need to finish your lunch and take a nap, especially if you wish to observe your team’s Quidditch practice this evening.” Madam Pomfrey added.

“I’d better leave you to it, then. Thanks again for everything. You really are a true friend,” Harry said as he turned to leave.

“Don’t mention it.” Scootaloo replied. “And besides,” she said with that wry smile returning to her face, “it was the only way my team were going to win the Quidditch match. You really know how to fly a broomstick.”

Harry gave a hearty laugh. “Thanks, and don’t worry, I plan to get my revenge next year,” he said before departing through the large entrance doors and heading off to his own lunch.


Scootaloo hobbled unsteadily through the halls of Hogwarts, ignoring the cascade of whispers that followed her. After finishing her lunch and her nap, with the help of Madam Pomfrey she’d showered and changed into a new set of Hufflepuff Quidditch robes. She then had an early dinner. Afterward, she’d started the slow trek to the training fields as she was still unsteady on her feet and had taken the offer of a cane from Madam Pomfrey for greater support. Her movement may have been much slower than she usually liked and her wings were stiff from lack of exercise, but overall, she was just happy to be out of that hospital bed for five minutes.

“I really don’t see why we couldn’t have just had the week off,” Anthony grumbles as Scootaloo made her way out onto the field, the evening sun gently dipping over the horizon. “Like cap is going to be in any condition to conduct a training session today.”

“Rickett, how do you fancy spending the session jogging circles around the pitch or as target practice for Susan?”

Seven pairs of eyes turned and stared at Scootaloo.

“You miss me?”


“Come on Sweetie, Apple Bloom’s gran could have saved that. And you two, even I’d be more accurate with those Bludgers this evening and I’ve only got one arm. I’ve no idea what you three are sniggering about, you’ve still got one more goal to score and oh, look at that, it’s time. Everybody in.” Scootaloo bellowed out from the top of her lungs.

Her team slowly rode their broomsticks in to land. It had been a brutal training session, and they all waited with bated breath for their captain’s scathing review of their frankly rather lacklustre performances.

“I’ve one thing to say about that shambles this evening. You play like that against Slytherin and we’ll be annihilated, but I also understand this has not been an easy week for any of us. There are cakes and fizzy drinks back at the infirmary as reward for your stellar performances Saturday and . . .” She chucked two bags of coins at Susan’s and Anthony’s feet. “As promised.”

The two Beaters each picked up the bag of coins at their feet in stunned silence.

“You really meant it?” Anthony finally said in shock.

“Of course, but if any of you train that badly again, I’ll get special permission from Professor Sprout and have you out here jogging fifty laps of the training field with rucksacks weighed down with rocks at one in the morning. We have not worked so hard to win our first two games only to go and blow it against Slytherin. It could very well be another twenty-eight years 'til Hufflepuff get even half as decent opportunity to win the Quidditch Cup again. Do I make myself absolutely clear?”

“Yes ma'am,” the team chorused as one as Apple Bloom sent a stream of flame into the air.

“Good,” Scootaloo said before giving a mighty yawn. “Sweet Celestia, I’m tired. Hey what the . . . put me down,” she protested as Apple Bloom lugged her over a shoulder.

“Nope.” The girl giggled heading for the castle. The rest of the team slowly followed. “No way am I letting you overdo it.”

Scootaloo realised it would be futile to argue or fight and thus spent the journey back to the infirmary hanging of Apple Bloom’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Thankfully, to Scootaloo’s great relief, there weren’t actually that many people out and about the castle at this time of the evening to witness her embarrassment.

“Hi Madam Pomfrey. Scootaloo was getting tired by the end of training so I carried her back,” Apple Bloom said, cheerfully placing the girl back down on her bed.

“Why, thank you, Miss Apple; that was a very kind thing for you to do. Although she doesn’t want to admit it, she still needs to take things easy for at least the next few weeks,” the matron replied. “I was just informing Molly of the progress she’d been making when you came in.”

“I’m going to get changed.” Scootaloo said with a mighty yawn before collapsing on her bed and falling asleep instantly.

“Pegasi,” Apple Bloom commented with another giggle.

“Looks like the exercise did her good,” Molly remarked. “Now, why don’t the rest of you help yourselves to some snacks and drinks.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” Anthony said, heading over to the selection of snacks arrayed on a small table Molly had set up. Cedric and the others followed as a head popped around the infirmary door.

“Oh, sorry to disturb everyone. I was hoping to see Scootaloo before bed,” Hermione’s voice echoed round the infirmary.

“She’s just fallen asleep, love. You are more than welcome to stay for some cake though,” Molly replied.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to intrude. I just wanted to make sure she’s doing alright, and, just maybe, I also wanted to get away from Ron dancing like a lunatic in his underwear in our common room after Harry gave him the final two chocolate frog cards for his collection,” Hermione said with a shudder.

Molly strode over and pulled the girl roughly by her arm into the infirmary. “That settles it; you’re staying.”


Madam Pomfrey was astonished to awake early the following morning to find Scootaloo not in her bed but instead doing press-ups with her wings on the floor of the infirmary with Molly watching on, impressed by her niece’s athleticism.

“What in Merlin’s beard are you doing?” she exclaimed just managing to hold back the volume.

“Got to keep the wings in shape,” the girl replied, not turning her attention away from what she was doing. “Twenty-seven . . .twenty-eight . . .”

Madam Pomfrey wanted to argue but decided against it. The girl, for once, was probably right on this occasion.

“So, you were telling me what happened after I fell asleep last night. I must have been more tired than I thought,” Scootaloo said to Molly, still not taking her attention away from her wing-ups.

“Not much, really, they had some cakes and drinks, laughed over the match and training, shared embarrassing secrets with your girlfriend.”

“Forty-o WHAT!” Scootaloo exclaimed, falling flat on her face. “Ouch. Why was Hermione even here?” She groaned from the floor.

“She came to see how you were doing, though I think my son dancing like a lunatic in his underwear in the Gryffindor common room had some part to play in it. And don’t worry; I was just messing with you, though she was quite intrigued with how you treat them like a military regiment.” Molly chuckled.

Scootaloo groaned again. “She’s going to use that against me for weeks,” she muttered before she started to do one-armed press-ups, much to Madam Pomfrey’s amazement. “Anything else?”

“Nothing comes to mind; they all ate and drank their fill, discussed and laughed over the game, wished you a speedy recovery and then went on their way.” Molly described how the evening had transpired.

“Well, that’s a relief,” Scootaloo said as she continued her press-ups.

“Unless you class Heidi and Tamsin pressing for information from Hermione about your relationship as important. They seemed to be giggling a lot at what Hermione had to tell them,” Molly told her niece with another chuckle.

Scootaloo paused mid-press-up. “Those two are in for a world of hurt.”


After her early morning exercises, Scootaloo had just showered and sat down to breakfast back in her bed when Moody returned through the doors of the infirmary with Headmaster Dumbledore. Startled by the loud slamming of the door being shoved open, Molly jumped and sent the cornflakes she was eating everywhere. Spluttering, she pulled her wand from a band wrapped around the waist of the dress she was wearing.

“Easy, Molly; it’s just me and Alastor Moody.”

“A slightly less dramatic entrance would have been nice,” Molly grumbled between coughing up cornflakes.

“Bah, you should always be prepared for everything,” Moody barked, hobbling over to Scootaloo’s bed as he held a metal arm.

“Wow, that was certainly quick!” Molly stated, looking over the prosthetic limb. “What’s it made of?”

“Magically infused titanium,” Moody growled, “with some true silver mixed into the inner workings. Now, shall we get this over with.”

“Let the girl at least finish her breakfast first,” Madam Pomfrey chided as she came over to see what all the commotion was about.

“No, best too get this over with,” Scootaloo sighed, looking forlornly at her right shoulder.

“That’s the spirit. Matron, If you’d do the honour of removing those bandages?” Moody requested.

Reluctantly, Madam Pomfrey complied.

“Now, this is going to hurt a lot,” Moody said bluntly. “Mrs. Weasley, if you could please hold the prosthetic into position.”

Molly came over and did as she was asked.

“Perfect, now hold it there.” He grunted once more bringing out his wand.

“So how do you plan . . .” Molly never finished.

“Brac de Fusio,” Moody cried.

Scootaloo gritted her teeth as, slowly, the skin around her shoulder fused around the metal limb.

“Fuck, that’s painful,” she grumbled after about twenty seconds. “How long is this going to take?”

“About a minute,” Moody replied, not turning his attention away from his work, his wand still emitting a red aura. “I’m a little surprised you are taking it so well.”

“Still nothing in comparison to that Snitch,” Scootaloo growled, gritting her teeth once more.

“You’re not wrong there my dear,” Moody replied absently. “Once you’ve been subjected to dark magic, you start to become a little numb to pain.”

Another agonising fifteen seconds passed for Scootaloo.

“Right, that should do it, how does it feel?”

“Like I fell on the spiky bush again,” she said, moving the arm. “Huh, neat, light too.”

“Extraordinary,” Moody said, his natural eye-opening wide in surprise. "I understood from what Albus was telling me you are a natural magician, but I still expected it to be at least a day if not more before you could move the arm completely. How much can you manoeuvre?”

For the next five minutes Scootaloo demonstrated a full range of movements with her new limb, from moving the limb at the shoulder, to bending the elbow, to bending each finger individually.

“Well. That’ll certainly save me some time. It looks like the surgery was a complete success. Just two more things I wish to test,” Moody said, finishing some final examinations of the shoulder joint which showed absolutely no signs of wear or the possibility of the arm detaching. “Press your thumb just below your little finger.”

Scootaloo complied; a knife swung out from her new metallic wrist.

“Woah,” she exclaimed.

Molly did not look pleased.

“Just in case anyone decides to get too close,” Moody growled. “Now if you’d like to get off the bed, we’ll test the second defence mechanism.

Molly and Moody moved aside to allow the girl to comply with this second request. Moody took a few steps back.

He charged with a depraved snarl on his face.

Scootaloo looked at him as if he’d gone completely mad.

Her arm shot up and a bolt of electricity shot from it and slammed into Moody’s chest, sending him flying across the infirmary and into the far wall.

“Woah,” Scootaloo mouthed. “Now that’s cool.”

Molly looked horrified.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over to Moody.

Dumbledore still had a calm expression across his face.

“Get off me, you worrying gnat; I’m fine,” Moody complained, rising to his feet and stretching his neck to get the cricks out of it. “I’m glad to see it works. If anyone attempts to catch you off guard or you can’t react with your wand in time, your arm will draw on your natural magical weather ability as a pegasus and send a bolt of lightning at them, most likely incapacitating them. I’m not hurt only because I came prepared.”

He pulled back his coat, now with a black scorch hole, to reveal some kind of pink armour, also with a black smear. “Magically infused rubber armour, it deflected the majority of the blast, and before you complain, Mrs. Weasley, it will only act as a last line of defence if it senses the girl’s life is at risk,” Moody explained.

“I’m still not convinced,” Molly grumbled. “But on the other hand, I guess it is a sensible idea to provide her with such protection.

“I’m glad you agree. Once the girl is a little older, I’ll show her how she can control and use the magic naturally.”

“Oh, that won’t be necessary.” Scootaloo cackled, holding a ball of lightning in her prosthetic hand. “Thanks for giving my cutie mark another meaning.”

“Mother of mercy. Powerful isn’t the word with this one!” Moody exclaimed in awe as Scootaloo made the lightning dissipate back into her arm.

Every one of the other adults’ mouths in the room had dropped to the floor, even Dumbledore’s.

Author's Note:

Right, don't complain, you wanted an awesome prosthetic arm, you got an awesome prosthetic arm, next up more pandering to the audience, Classroom 77, what happens when the Weasley twins set of fireworks in the Potions lab and first year potions gets moved.

Lastly proof-read and edited by rich-online.

EDIT: Iron in arm changed to True Silver to keep KittyrinnAiko happy. :rainbowlaugh:

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