• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,099 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Quidditch 2: Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw

Author's Note:

I have been waiting patiently to write this chapter for a while now and after sitting down at 11am this morning after work I then blitzed it out in only four hours, I just enjoyed writing it so much, I hope you do to!

Scootaloo took a deep breath as she changed into her yellow Quidditch robes. It was finally time. Time to prove everyone wrong. Time to make Professor Sprout proud. Time to show every other house just what Hufflepuffs were made of.

She coughed politely.

The chatter around the changing room stopped immediately.

“So, we all know the game plan. Defend the hoops, play on the counter, I’ll catch the Snitch as soon as possible.” Scootaloo simplified.

“Yes, Mam.” Her team chorused is reply.

“Excellent, then all I have to say is don’t be nervous. Remember, we aren’t badgers, we are fucking honey badgers and we give no shit what anybody thinks of us. No enemy is out of our range, no task is to great. We’ll fight to the bitter end or die trying. Now, who’s ready to rip some bookworms apart.” Scootaloo said with a crazed look in her eyes.

“WE ARE.” Her team roared.

“What are we?”


“What we going to do?”

“Rip those bookworms to shreds.”

And with not another word Scootaloo led her team into the tunnel where she took her place at the head of her team alongside the Ravenclaw captain Eliza Kingston, a blonde haired seventh year girl.

“Ahh, look at the little babies. Don’t think we are going to go easy on you, these are the big leagues you are playing in now.” The Ravenclaw captain chided ruffling Scootaloo’s hair.

Scootaloo looked over her shoulder and without a word winked to Heidi who winked back in response.

“What, not even going to give me a retort back. Pathetic. I’d tease you some more but it looks like it is time we got this pathetic excuse of a contest underway.” Eliza mocked leading her team out behind Madam Hooch.

Scootaloo just smiled at the other girl as she followed with her own team. Just you wait you bitch, just you wait.


“Hello and welcome to the second Quidditch match of the season between Hufflepuff.”

Groans erupted from the Hufflepuff section of the stadium.

“And Ravenclaw.”

Cheers erupted from the Ravenclaw section of the stadium.

“And once again I’m Lee Jordan.”

“And I’m Melody Song.”

“And we’re your commentators for today’s match. It’s a crisp overcast late November day but thankfully the rain and snow have so far held off and the wind is minimal, so overall respectable Quidditch conditions. Anyway, after the high octane of drama that encased Gryffindor’s win over Slytherin, today’s match on paper looks like a slaughter fest. The youngest Quidditch team in history formed mostly of rookie first and second years face of against Eliza Kingston’s highly experienced Ravenclaws whose youngest member is third year Roger Davies. So, Melody, despite the gloomy forecast it does seem that a fair proportion of the Hufflepuff house has turned out to support their team today. Do you think we might have underestimated them a tad?”

Melody giggled. “No, Professor Sprout threatened anyone who didn’t turn up to support the Quidditch team with a month of detention attending the Venomous Tentaculas in the Greenhouses.”

“And that also applies if I don’t like your commentary.” A voice growled ominously behind them.”

Melody gulped. “Sorry Professor, although it doesn’t look great for this novice Hufflepuff team, with the Weasley twins putting them at 10/1 to win, maybe it is for the best we save judgement for after the match.”

Professor Sprout looked a little happier behind the two commentators.

“Sounds like a smart idea that one, especially as it seems we are ready to get under way. Before we do though Melody, who do you think will be the key player today?” Jordan enquired.

“Well, we all know the Ravenclaws will lay siege on the Hufflepuff rings so I don’t think I’ve any choice but to go with the Hufflepuff keeper, rookie first year Sweetie Belle. There has been a lot of talk surrounding just how good she is, but she’ll need to pull off a blinder today if Hufflepuff are to have any hope of winning.”

“Thanks Melody, sound logic with that choice. Now, Madam Hooch has gathered all the players in. Here we go!”

“Now I want a nice fair game, all of you,” Madam Hooch commanded with a glaring look at the Ravenclaw captain down on the Quidditch field.

“Why are you looking at me for?” Eliza said with mock innocence.

Madam Hooch didn’t bother giving the girl the satisfaction of a reply instead simply instructing “mount your brooms, please” before putting her whistle to her lips and giving a loud blast.

Fifteen brooms rose up into the air.

“My word what a take of the quaffle by Heidi Macavoy of Hufflepuff. She’s past one, past two tackles, dodged an incoming bludger. My word, unbelievable, she’s going all the way and scores! An unstoppable shot by Macavoy and I think I’m going to have to check the record books, that could well be the fastest Quidditch goal in Hogwarts history.” Lee Jordan’s voice reverberated around the stadium.

The stands were silent, in complete shock over what had just happened. Then the biggest roar imaginable erupted from the Hufflepuff stand.

“That’s from the cap. Talk is cheap.” Heidi bragged sticking her tongue out on passing the Ravenclaw captain.

“You little brat.” In a fit of anger Eliza pushed the opposing girl forcefully causing her to nearly fall off her broom. Right in front of Madam Hooch.

“Miss Kingston, I warned you. That’s a penalty and free shot to Hufflepuff for deliberately attempting to severely endanger an opponent” She exclaimed angrily helping the Hufflepuff girl back onto her broom.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Eliza groused in protest but decided against pushing her luck any further as Madam Hooch gave her another stern glare.

“Oh, hello folks. What’s this. Didn’t take long for Eliza Kingston to get up to her dirty tricks.” Jordan commented before Professor Sprout interrupted behind him.

“Despicable behaviour, glad Madam Hooch is out there. That girl has no place on a Quidditch field.”

“Sorry about that. Professor Sprout is not at all happy behind us and she has every right to be. In case you missed it, Kingston just attempted to push Macavoy off her broom after an exchange of words after that goal for Hufflepuff. Let’s see what Hooch makes of the situation. Yes, she has classed it as serious foul play and ordered the Ravenclaw keeper Robert Hilliard out of the way. It’s a free shot to Hufflepuff which Cedric Diggory buries with ease. That’s 20-0 to Hufflepuff inside barely the first minute. Wow, what a start!”

“I couldn’t agree more Melody. Now we’ll really see what this Ravenclaw team are made of. And here they go straight from the restart, Kingston is not hanging around barrelling her way through the younger Hufflepuff Chasers with ease.”

“As we feared Lee, the greater physicality of the older Ravenclaws is going to be a huge benefit in today’s game but my oh my, how on Earth has Sweetie Belle stopped that. Absolutely incredible save.”

“I heard she was good but that was phenomenal although it is coming right back at her as the third Hufflepuff Chaser Tamsin Applebee quickly loses possession again, but once again Belle denies Kingston.”

Eliza growled in frustration, any other keeper and at least one of those two shots would have gone in.

“Target their keeper.” She bellowed to her Beaters, we’ll deal with.” A bludger smashed her on the back of the head before she could finish.

“Oops, looks like I don’t know how to properly use this.” Susan said cheekily flying off.

“You fucking brat.” Eliza growled rubbing the back of her head.

“Oh my, I don’t believe it, she’s got away again and that’s another superb solo goal by Macavoy. Professor Sprout sure has found some gems from somewhere this year. 30-0 Hufflepuff, who would have believed it.” Jordan’s voice punctuated the air once more.

“Smooth Jordan, smooth. Two points to Gryffindor.” Professor Sprout’s voice followed.

Eliza bellowed with rage.


For the course of the next five minutes it was a Ravenclaw onslaught on the Hufflepuff rings and finally they forced one past Sweetie Belle.

My word, after no fewer than seventeen spectacular saves, Belle in the Hufflepuff goal is finally beaten and Ravenclaw reduce the deficit to twenty points. I know we’ve mentioned this previously but just to reiterate to you all, Belle is a FIRST YEAR and ooh, one of the bludgers has snuck past the two Hufflepuff Beaters, who seem to be solely focusing their efforts on protecting their overworked keeper right now. Thankfully, it only nipped Belle on her foot. Still, that distraction allowed an opening which Davies gladly took to reduce Hufflepuff’s lead to just ten points. How much longer can this defence realistically hold out?” Jordan spouted.

“I’ve no idea, but oh my, terrible mistake by Burgess their and Diggory is away. With a Nimbus 2000 at his disposal the Ravenclaws have no chance of catching him and once more he’s clinical with the finish. The lead is back to twenty.” Melody chipped in.

“You have to hand it to these Hufflepuffs, they are certainly clinical. Nineteen shots to six in Ravenclaws favour yet they somehow find themselves twenty points behind eight minutes into the game.”

“A further point to Gryffindor.” Professor Sprout’s voice said, enjoying the humility of the two commentators towards her team.

“Still no sign of the Snitch though and you feel the longer this goes on and the more tired that defence becomes, the less of an impact it will have on the overall result. Ridiculous. Is Belle an Octopus? how’s she stopped that one!” Jordan said awestruck.

Professor Sprout chuckled loudly behind him.

Another ten minutes passed as the increasingly frustrated Ravenclaws battered the Hufflepuff hoops. Finally, after nearly nineteen minutes of play and forty-one attempts, Ravenclaw finally took the lead for the first time. The earlier optimism from the Hufflepuff section of the crowd once more turned back to groans as the Ravenclaw’s erupted with joy at finally seeing their dominance bring its just reward.

“And there we have it; Belle is finally beaten for the fifth time and for the first time Ravenclaw are in the lead. Quite remarkable how she’s kept the score that low. This has been an enticing and truly thrilling game of Quidditch to watch and still the Snitch refuses to reveal its whereabouts. Just how much longer can this tiring Hufflepuff defence hang on as Burgess starts another attack for Ravenclaw, passes to Kingston who plays a brilliant one two with Davies, but once again Belle is there. Phenomenal.”

“For fuck sake, do I have to do everything myself.” Sweetie groused making her broom spin around in a circle.

“Wait a minute folks, something appears to be wrong…” Jordan stopped mid-sentence as the girl gave a mighty roar and the Quaffle flew out of the Hufflepuff keeper’s hand like a Bludger with a grudge and shot the length of the pitch taking Hilliard with it as it went into one of the Ravenclaw’s hoops.

Silence once again engulfed the stadium.

“That’s what I’m fucking talking about.” Pomona Sprout exploded. “You go girl, teach those bookworms how to play.”

“Pomona, please calm down.” An embarrassed Professor McGonagall said next to the Herbology professor, placing her head in one of her hands.

As if responding to their head of houses cry, the Hufflepuff contingent burst into life once more with the biggest applause yet.

“We apologise for the unsavoury language their folks, but wow, just wow, I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it, but hang on a moment, Scoti Prewett, Hufflepuff’s captain and seeker is heading over to Madam Hooch, I wonder what this could be about.” Melody Song was the first of the two commentators to recover their voices.

“Madam Hooch, I believe this is the game to Hufflepuff?” Scootaloo said nonchalantly handing the Snitch to a rather astounded Madam Hooch who was still helping Hilliard up from the ground.”

“WHEN DID SHE CATCH THAT!” Melody bellowed in disbelief.

“It must be one of the biggest upsets in Hogwarts history folks, Hufflepuff win 200-50.”

The stadium fell silent once more, but not for long as the Hufflepuffs went absolutely berserk, invading the pitch while someone was setting off magical fireworks that displayed the Hufflepuff crest as the players came into land.

“Medic, can we get the medic please.” Susan called as she helped Sweetie into land, the latter grumbling.

“I’m fine, it’s nothing.” She shrieked in pain as she took a step off her broom and immediately fell to the floor. “Okay, maybe not.”

Madam Pomfrey came rushing onto the pitch bag in hand and looked at the poor girl’s swollen foot. “That’s definitely broken even just through observation and that cut on your forehead will need looking into as well.”

Sweetie groaned. Her downcast attitude didn’t last long though as a wave of Hufflepuff’s picked her up and carried her off to the infirmary chanting her name.

Eliza was trying to come up with something to protest to Madam Hooch about but the Flying instructor was having absolutely none of it and in the end the seventh year stormed off in a huff back to the Ravenclaw changing room along with her teammates, Hilliard still in an absolute daze.

“Ah, Miss Prewett, Miss Prewett.” Scootaloo heard her name being called from somewhere in amongst the throng of people and slowly she spotted the source as Lee Jordan forced his way through the throng towards her.

“Yes.” She said rather smugly.

“Anything you’d like to say on that outstanding victory?” Lee stated thrusting a microphone under her mouth.

“Not particularly, we had a game plan and executed it perfectly. All my teammates played exceptionally well, especially Sweetie, and deserve all the plaudits. All I did was wait around until an opportunity arose during all that commotion over the last goal. I spotted the Snitch sneak into the cloud cover, followed it in, and nabbed it before it could shoot off once more.” Scootaloo’s voice rang round the stadium. “The only other thing I have to say is that I hope Miss MacGyver isn’t very attached to her hair.” She finished with a wicked cackle before walking off.

“And there you have it folks. Another truly remarkable game of Quidditch which saw Hufflepuff defy the odds and beat Ravenclaw two hundred points to fifty. Until February, this is Lee Jordan signing off.”

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