• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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House Pld W D L F A PD

Hufflepuff 2 2 0 0 400 50 350

Gryffindor 3 2 0 1 570 280 290

Slytherin 2 1 0 1 480 230 250

Ravenclaw 3 0 0 3 130 1020 -1020

Saturday 16th May 1992: Gryffindor 400-20 Ravenclaw

Sunday 17th May 1992: Midnight, Slytherin dorms

As Slytherins go, Damien Travers was an outcast and a loner who didn’t particularly get along with anyone. Slytherins were known to be determined and ambitious, and to stand out from the crowd and fight each other for supremacy. Damien hid in the shadows, never drawing unwanted attention to himself. He’d barely earned or lost a single house point in his five years at Hogwarts and had not once gotten detention. Aside from lessons, he barely left his dorm room aside to take another textbook from the library and whittled away his free time studying alone and in silence. He didn’t do any extracurricular activities and barely anyone actually remembered he even went to the school. Even teachers sometimes looked at him peculiarly, wondering who the strange, average height, short dark-haired boy with blue eyes at the back of the class was. This though, was all part of Damien’s plan. As Slytherin’s go, he was the most cunning.

With both his parents in Azkaban and born out of wedlock, he was immediately shunned and even bullied by his peers upon his arrival to Hogwarts, especially due to his poor financial standing. As a Slytherin though he refused to retaliate against his fellow housemates for fear of losing his house points and from suffering Snape’s wrath. Instead, he had bided his time, spending countless hours in the library researching in scrutinous detail the layout of the castle and concealment magic amongst other things. Although he wasn’t the smartest student by far, he had found a natural affinity to the area and after extensive reading and exploration, soon knew the secret passages of the castle better than anyone. Those who taunted him soon found themselves having unfortunate accidents and sleepless nights.

Even so, there was one person he had been unable to fool so easily and he had eventually found himself called into Snape’s office. Rather than punish him though, his head of house had applauded him for his diligent studying, cunning and stealth, stating that Salazar Slytherin himself would be proud of his hard work. This was the topmost compliment any Slytherin could hope to achieve and it was at this point a mutual bond was agreed between the two parties. In return for helping his house when a situation required a little bit of subtlety, Snape would keep his peers from bullying and harassing him and assist where needs be with his academical studies. Many students believed it had just been bad luck that certain accidents had occurred over the past four years that had prevented another house from winning the quidditch or house cups, Damien knew better. Right now, as he struggled with revision for his O.W.L’s deep into the night in his unique single dormitory with en-suite bathroom, which were usually reserved for seventh years, another opportunity for his talents was just about to arise as a sharp rapping sounded upon his door.

“Come in,” he called out, not turning his attention from Numerology and Grammatica.

The door slowly opened.

“Good evening Damien. And how might you be this evening?” Augustus Flint asked stepping into the room.

“Cut to the chase Augustus. As you can see, I’m very busy,” Damien replied rudely, refusing to turn his attention away from the tome he was reading.

“Very well. As you are well aware our grip on the House Cup is all but over, especially after Hufflepuff’s latest hero earnt them another fifty points,” Augustus growled unhappily. “I simply cannot allow the same to befall the Quidditch Cup!”

“I see you have a lot of faith in your brother,” Damien replied snidely, still not turning his attention from his book.

Augustus didn’t flinch. “Yes, well, I’d rather not take that risk. This year’s Hufflepuff quidditch team have already shown that they must not be underestimated. To be the first Slytherin Head Boy in history to not bring back either trophy at the end of the year would be a catastrophic failure and hugely detrimental on my future prospects.”

“So, what do you want me to do about?” Damien pressed, a little irritated as he closed his book for the night. Suddenly things clicked in his mind and he turned to the head boy with a sinister smile across his lips. “Please tell me I get to take care of that bitch.”

“No,” Augustus replied. “We both know why that would be a bad idea and even if you got close to her, her father would more than likely stop you from doing anything.”

“Pfft. I’d like to see him try. I’d leave no trace. Paralyse her, then permanently blind her, it would be over before she even knew what hit her. Wouldn’t even charge you anything,” the look on Damien’s face suddenly went from sinister to completely wild.

Augustus shivered as an icy chill washed over his body. He suddenly saw why his brother found this boy so unnerving.

“NO,” he said sternly.

“Fine,” Damien pouted crossing his arms before saying with a resigned sigh, “what do you require me to do then?”

“Simple, if two or three of their players suffer unfortunate accidents and cannot play, at the very least they’ll have such a disorganised mess of a team winning will be a formality. If she can’t make a team before the match is supposed to begin, they’ll be forced to forfeit and we’ll win by default 150-0 and take the cup,” Augustus Flint said with a lecherous smile.

“Anyone in particular you’d like me to incapacitate?”

“Their Keeper and that Chaser Macavoy would be ideal but I’ll take whoever I can get, the more the better. Ten galleons for each member you incapacitate, a bonus fifty for either of those two. I’ll even throw in some boxes of chocolate frogs.”

“Now you are talking my language. Still, that is a lot you are asking. I may need some further persuasion, especially if I was unfortunately caught in the act and they pushed me to reveal who else was involved,” Damien said with a sly smirk.

Augustus chucked a set of papers onto the boy’s desk. “I thought you might say as much. In front of you is top secret information regarding your Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.Ls.”

Damien’s smile grew wider. “We never had this conversation.”


Sunday 17th May 1992: 8:00am, Hufflepuff dorm

Scootaloo yawned as the spring sunshine filtered in through the windows high above. Slowly she opened her eyes. Today was the day. The big one, Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin, whoever won would be crowned the Inter-House Quidditch Cup Champions. She turned and looked at the clock on her nightstand, 8:00am, plenty of time to get some breakfast and then get to the stadium, get changed and prepare her team before smashing the snakes. Discord had even been kind enough to turn off her ankle bracelet for the day, although it still clung frustratingly to her ankle.

What she was most pleased about though was the fact she’d had no dire premonitions, dreams or otherwise and that yesterday’s match, which Gryffindor had won handsomely four hundred points to twenty, had gone without any issues, specifically no one attempting to kill Harry.

Of course, just thinking said thoughts was enough for fate to once again conspire against her. It was as she slowly pulled herself from the warm confines of her bed and said good morning to Wally that the door to her dorm shot open and a panting Maddie Fairweather burst in.

“Scootaloo, come quick, it’s an emergency,” the girl screamed waking up practically everyone in the dorm at the same time.

Nope, nothing could ever go without a hitch in this place, could it?


After quickly throwing on some robes, Scootaloo had rushed after the other girl as fast as she possibly could. The fact she quickly realised Maddie was leading her to the infirmary was not a good sign. She just hoped Melody was okay. As they burst through the doors to the infirmary she was taken completely by surprise and not in a good way. There, laying in the two beds next to Melody’s, were two thirds of her Chasers, both had one of their legs in a cast and were covered in countless scrapes and bruises. Tamsin also had her left arm in a cast. Professor Sprout was already with them head in her hands.

“Fuck,” Scootaloo mouthed. “What in tarnation happened?” she exclaimed as she walked over to the two girls.

“Sorry coach, we kinda had an accident,” Tamsin giggled.

“Accident nothing! Someone bloody tripped me on our way to breakfast and I tumbled into the back of Tamsin. We both then went tumbling down a flight of twenty or more stairs. Its sabotage I tell you! This is Slytherins work!”

“C’mon Heidi, just admit you slipped, I won’t be mad. There was no one in the hallway with us that could have tripped you. Stop with the wild accusations already,” Tamsin argued slightly annoyed.

Perfectly timed the doors to the infirmary opened and eight Hufflepuffs were wheeled in on gurneys including both poor Cedric and Anthony. Both were puking their guts up non-stop into buckets. Madam Pomfrey was following behind the students grumbling loudly to herself.

“Unbelievable, totally despicable, who in their right mind would play such a mean prank.”

“Madam Pomfrey, might I ask what is up with my students?” Professor Sprout asked walking over to the Matron.

“Someone decided to play a nasty prank on them by lacing their food with vomiting potion. They’ll be okay, but it’ll be around twenty-four hours until the effects wear off I’m afraid and they’ll need to remain here until it does.”

“You were saying?” Heidi said smugly sticking her tongue out at Tamsin before adding, “huh, where did cap go?”


Scootaloo hadn’t bothered waiting for instructions. It was clear to her someone was targeting her and her teammates and now there were only two left besides herself, Sweetie and Susan. She had to find them and fast. It was going to be hard enough to find four replacements in a little over two hours, let alone six. Thankfully, for once fortune favoured her and she soon found her two remaining team members along with the rest of her dormmates on their way to the Great Hall for breakfast deep in discussion about their early morning wakeup call. Then she saw the teetering suit of armour they were about to walk under completely oblivious to.

“SUSAN, SWEETIE, LOOK OUT,” Scootaloo hollered at the top of her lungs.

The group immediately stopped as the suit came crashing down a hair’s breadth in front of them.

“Wow, that was lucky,” Sweetie admitted, “thanks Scoots.”

“Luck nothing. Something foul is afoot. Everyone else on the team aside from us three are in the infirmary.”

“WHAT!” Susan exclaimed before her eyes went wide and she slumped to the floor.

“SUSAN,” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Light snores were all she got in return. The smallest of darts protruded from Susan’s neck.

“Shit. Sweetie Belle erect a shield and stick close, I cannot lose you to. Apple Bloom pick her up and follow us to the infirmary. Congratulations, you’ve just been promoted from Mascot Bearer to Beater.”

“WHAT! But I can barely fly a broomstick!” Apple Bloom whined.

Hannah couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.

“Tough, I’ve got to take what I can get right now and honestly don’t give a flying fuck if you send half the Slytherin team or more to St Mungo’s for a month,” Scootaloo replied uninterested in the other girl’s griping. “And thanks for volunteering to take Susan’s place Hannah.”

Hannah’s face dropped. “I’m guessing if I don’t, you’ll get Professor Sprout to put me in detention for the remainder of the term?” the girl groaned as Megan chuckled next to her.

“Precisely, Megan, congratulations you’re the new Mascot bearer,” Scootaloo responded.

The laughing immediately stopped. “Why didn’t I run when I had the chance?”

“Coulda, shoulda, didn’t. Now come on the lot of you. It isn’t safe to stand around here any longer,” Scootaloo said heading back towards the infirmary.


As he headed along a secret corridor back to the Slytherin common room, Damien was pleased with his morning's work. Yes, that blasted girl had intervened with his falling armour trap, but he had still managed to get the second beater with a sleeping dart anyway. He would have liked to have gotten the keeper as well, especially for the bonus, but he’d pretty much dismantled the entire Hufflepuff Quidditch team anyway. He’d gotten a two for one special by tripping that second year into her friend on their way to breakfast that had ultimately sent them both flying down those stairs in a contorted mass of limbs. Next up had been the two third year boys at breakfast. It had been easy to sneak past the elves in the kitchen, deduce which food they’d be eating and then lace it with that potion. Yes, it had resulted in some collateral damage, but sometimes needs must. With the second beater now out like a light for twelve hours there was no way they would be able to find five replacements in barely two hours and in the unlikely event they did, the team would be such a disjointed mess there would be no chance they’d beat Slytherin. The Quidditch Cup was as good as Slytherin’s.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” A voice suddenly cooed through the darkness. “You may be extremely talented, but I’ll find and make you pay for what you’ve done.”

Damien barely broke stride, knowing the charms he had in place would make it practically impossible even for Professor Discord to track him down.


As the girls entered the infirmary, they were surprised to see a bed already waiting for Susan and Discord deep in discussion with both Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey, the latter looking totally frazzled by the sudden increase in admissions.

“The assassin, as I’m calling them, was very good and even I’ve been unable to track them down. One thing is clear, they were certainly heading the way of the Slytherin dorms when I lost track of them,” Discord growled angrily.

“I’ll shove Snape’s head down the toilet for this one,” Professor Sprout snarled. “I never believed those tales of the Slytherin sniper until now. This is beyond out of order.”

“The problem is we have no solid evidence of foul play or Slytherin’s involvement. Thus, the game will have to go ahead as planned or we’ll have to forfeit I’m afraid,” Discord replied in a disgusted tone.

“Damn those Snakes to Hades!” Professor Sprout screamed before sinking into a chair. “Twenty years I’ve waited. Was it really that much to ask to win both trophies just once?” she broke down mopping tears from her eyes with a dirty handkerchief.

“Oh, we’re still going to win. I’ve already found our replacements Beaters,” Scootaloo interrupted making her presence known as she strode over and wrapped her professor in a massive hug.

“Who?” Professor Sprout sniffled into her handkerchief.

“I promoted Apple Bloom and Hannah has been conscripted. I’m sure they’ll do just fine at whacking a ball with bat. Especially considering who the targets are.”

“And you also don’t need to worry about one Chaser, I’m in. This means war,” Maddie said in a deadly serious tone.

“Thank you, all of you. It’ll be a long shot but just maybe we can still win. You are all true Hufflepuffs to the very core,” Professor Sprout said with a final sniffle.

“Make that two Chasers,” a steely voice said.

Every head turned and stared at the girl who stood at the end of the infirmary bed she’d spent most of the past two days in. Her horn sparked with rage.

“I may not be at my best, but I’m fucking mad and not going to sit idly by as those Snakes steal our trophy,” Melody roared. “Also, the ankle lock’s been off for some reason since first thing this morning so there’s no way I can be tracked. Might as well enjoy my last bit of freedom while I can.”

“Probably on a similar frequency as mine,” Scootaloo replied, “and as Discord allowed for mine to be off for the day, yours being in close proximity was probably a side effect.”

“Ah, that explains it. I was hoping it was permanent. I’m fed up of constantly being shocked every time I fucking swear,” Melody stated.

“Now hold on a minute, you’re still recovering and not fit enough to leave the infirmary yet. Your parents would kill me if they found out I let you play a quidditch match,” Madam Pomfrey lambasted.

“Mum’s Hufflepuff through and through; she’d understand,” Melody replied.

“And I’ll give you one of the bottles of fire whiskey if we win,” Professor Sprout promised with a bribe.

“Let me get the paperwork,” the matron said, heading immediately to her office.

“So, any ideas who else we can draft?” Scootaloo said turning to Professor Sprout.

“Well there is a respectably good flyer in year four; only downside is she’s mute,” Professor Sprout suggested.

“Sounds good to me. Apple Bloom does enough back chatting for two anyway,” Scootaloo stated cheekily.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom retorted angrily from the bed she’d just laid Susan down on.

“See what I mean?” Scootaloo chuckled.

Author's Note:

Next up, War the final quidditch match of the year.

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