• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,100 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Explosive Hijinxes!

Apple Bloom awoke the next morning to find every other bed empty except her own. Being a natural early bird from her time growing up on the farm she was surprised that Scootaloo had awoken before her, especially considering her natural affinity to sleep. It was only as her sleep addled mind came to its senses that she saw the hastily scrawled note on the other girl’s just as hastily made bed.

Apple Bloom,

Gone for a Fly with Wally and Broomy. See you at breakfast,


“Huh.” Apple Bloom mumbled before getting herself ready in more relaxed fitting clothes seeing as it was the weekend and there were no lessons for two whole days!!! She chose a pair of denim jeans and a loose-fitting shirt before diving head first into a hoodie to keep the Scottish autumn weather at bay as she quickly brushed her teeth before heading for the training fields.


The sun was just peeking over the tip of the horizon as she made her way out onto the training fields. Peering through the gloom she could just make out a shadowy figure up above gracefully gliding through the cold and clear morning sky. She stood there for a while, just watching as one of her two best friends defied all known laws of physics to dance majestically in the still morning air above her along with the backdrop of a slowly rising sun.

“She sure is something. Cocoa my dear.” Hagrid mumbled with admiration, suddenly appearing as if out of nowhere next to Apple Bloom.

With the quiet surroundings though, Apple Bloom had felt the Half-Giant’s footsteps approaching from the Earth beneath her feet and this time barely reacted aside from a “thank you” and taking the offered mug of steaming hot cocoa in her icy cold hands, instantly warming them up. After taking a sip she added, “it seems almost unbelievable to think just over a month ago she couldn’t even lift herself of the ground let alone perform such beautiful art.

“Aye. It’s a despicable monster who uses curse like Cruciatus and Turpitudinem on anybody, let alone a mere infant!” Hagrid responded, disgust etching his voice. “I’m just glad to see that despite all the hardships she has been through and had to see, she is still trying to be the best witch she can possibly be. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, her parents would be mighty proud of her.”

“That they would be, that they would be.” Apple Bloom agreed sipping her cocoa.

The two stood and continued to watch Scootaloo in silence sipping their cocoa from time to time as the girl in the sky above continued her beautiful morning dance.


A little over half an hour later Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were sitting in the Great Hall happily devouring a massive fried breakfast each. The older students were looking on in astonishment and wonder at how the two girls were able to consume so much and where they were putting all the food that they were consuming. The only moment their attention diverted was when Wally consumed a whole pineapple, in one mouthful.

“How is that even possible?” The random Hufflepuff boy commented.

“I’ve no idea, but I suggest we grab something before they eat it all.” Cedric replied.

“Good point.” A fifth-year girl, Melody Song, chipped in.


After devouring the entirety of the first year’s breakfast rations between just the two off them, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom headed straight away for the infirmary to check on their friend. They heard her before they saw her.

“I didn’t mean to!” A high-pitched squeaky wail pierced the corridor outside the infirmary.

“Well, at least we know she’s awake. I guess we better see if we can help.” Scootaloo said bolting for the entrance to the infirmary, Apple Bloom close behind.

The former opened the doors to two nurses trying to control a clearly distressed Sweetie who was writhing and howling like anything.

“Miss Belle, you need to calm down or we will have to sedate you.” One of the nurses pleaded as the girl struggled to get free.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo wandered over to their friend to see if they could assist.

“Hey Sweetie, you better do as they say. I didn’t come to visit you to watch you sleep.” Scootaloo giggled.

The two nurses stopped what they were doing.

Sweetie stopped struggling.

One of the nurses turned to the two girls. “Sorry girls but we are not accepting visitors right now. We understand that you are concerned about your friend but she needs to rest and relax without any disturbances.”

“Let them stay, please. Just for a little while. I’ll be good, I promise.” Sweetie sniffled from the bed; her tear streaked face clear for anyone to see.

The nurse stared at the sudden change in her patient’s attitude unsure what to do next.

“Oh Sweetie, you’ve really made a mess of yourself. Of course, no one blames you for what happened, except maybe Snape the snake but that’s to be expected. Now let me wipe those tears off your face.” Apple Bloom attempted to calm her friend down, nudging the other nurse out the way and grasping her friend in a hug, patting her back softly as she cried into her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Sweetie blubbered. “I just really wanted to prove for once and all that I could actually cook something without it going disastrously wrong. How was I to know a sprig of chocolate mint for decoration would cause it to go so badly wrong?”

“Hush now, we know you didn’t mean to cause any harm.” Apple Bloom cooed rocking her friend gently. “Right now, we just want you to get better. You’ve been through a harrowing ordeal and need to rest. Forget everyone else, we’ll deal with them when we need to.”

“They are going to expel me, aren’t they?” Sweetie sniffled.

“They dare and I’ll go with you.” Apple Bloom stated resolutely.

“Me to.” Scootaloo added smiling at her two best friends warmly. “We’re family Sweetie, and family sticks together no matter what.”

Slowly the tears subsided and Sweetie returned the smile to Scootaloo as Apple Bloom wiped her face with a tissue.

“You really mean that?”

“Of course.” Scootaloo said cheerfully. “You girls mean the world to me and a lot more than some crummy old magic school!”

“Besides, I know the Exploding Potion and I’m sure they wouldn’t want to have to rebuild half the school. We’ll be fine.” Apple Bloom chipped in.

All three girls burst out into laughter as the two nurses, who’d been unsure what to do during this sudden interruption and been staring dumbstruck at the three girls for the past few minutes, looked at each other nervously.

“Leave them be. I’ll take it from here.” A third newcomer spoke from behind them.

Turning, the two nurses saw the head of Hufflepuff Pomona Sprout.

“Woops.” Apple Bloom said guiltily, turning her head towards her head of house, her cheeks flushed red.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that last bit Miss Bloom.” She deadpanned. “Although I will be doing a check of your belongings this evening just to be on the safe side.”

“Sigh, I’ll save you the trouble. The twelve vials are locked in a secure briefcase under my bed.” Apple Bloom admitted sheepishly. “I’ll collect them for you after our visit here. I can assure you they are being kept at the right temperature and there are numerous safety measures to prevent any accidents from occurring.”

Pomona looked at the girl in astonishment. “You have twelve vials of Exploding Potion under your bed?”

“Yes. After Scootaloo’s first premonition, I felt it best to be safe than sorry. Plus, they make awesome fireworks when used correctly. I’m guessing I’ve another week of detention in store for me?” Apple Bloom sighed in resignation to her fate.

“No, just Monday, although you must have some powerful magic on that case for it to have successfully got through the wards surrounding Hogwarts as anything considered dangerous would not be allowed through. I will be confiscating it though and passing it over to Professor Snape for analysis.” Pomona concluded.

“That might not be the safest idea. The case itself can only be opened with a drop of my blood and a voice command from myself. Even then, the potions are protected individually and any attempt at tampering will make them explode. Just one of them would be enough to level the potions lab.” Apple Bloom confessed, her friends now also staring at her in complete and utter surprise that her friend had an arsenal of explosives under her bed.

After this latest revelation Pomona was lost for words for a few moments on what to say. Sighing, she conceded defeat. “You shall present the case to Professor Snape in detention Monday who will analyse the potions with your assistance, okay?”

“Yes Professor Sprout” Apple Bloom muttered gloomily.

“Excellent, now I’d like to get back on track as to why I’m here. Ultimately, I just popped by to see how the majority of my first years are recovering from the newly named Unforgiveable Potion.

Sweetie Belle’s face went scarlet.

“Seeing as you are awake Miss Belle I might as well inform you that Headmaster Dumbledore will see you in his office tomorrow.”

The girl looked at her head of house with fear etched across her face. Apple Bloom hugged her friend tightly scowling at the professor.

Sighing, Pomona felt it best not to leave the girl to anxiously wait another day for her punishment. “Do not worry, you will not be expelled from the school entirely. For the safety of your fellow students though you will no longer be permitted to take Potions and if you attempt to brew or assist in brewing any potion on the grounds, you will be expelled immediately without debate. Forty points have also been deducted from Hufflepuff, although I’m sure a bright student such as yourself will win these back over the course of the year. These are the punishments that have been set and I’m sure Dumbledore will talk to you in more depth about them tomorrow. For now, I’ll let you have a further thirty minutes with your friends then I expect you to get some rest. Do I make myself clear?”

Sweetie nodded her head remorsefully with yet another sniffle.

“Excellent.” Pomona said walking to the edge of the bed and sitting down on the other side to Apple Bloom. Looking at Sweetie with a warm and kind smile and taking her hand in hers she explained the decision. “I’m sorry I could do no more for you, but this was the best outcome we could possibly have hoped for in this situation. I’d like to also say that you seem like an extremely intelligent and talented student and that rather than dwell on what has happened, please use it as a stepping stone to focus on the future and your other subjects to become the best possible witch you can be.”

Sweetie lifted her head up and forced a smile. “Thanks Professor Sprout. I’ll try. I truly am sorry over what happened.” She squeaked.

“I know you are.” Professor Sprout replied leaning over and giving the girl a quick hug before getting up of the bed. “Now I must look over the other students. It seems Miss Moon has just woken up across the way. I’ll collect you either from here or the Great Hall after breakfast for that meeting tomorrow.” And not waiting for a response the Herbology Professor walked away to check up on the other first year Hufflepuffs in the ward.

“Well that was an enlightening five minutes.” Scootaloo was the first to speak with her usual wicked grin. “Now Sweetie, how about I tell you what happened after your little accident yesterday and what happens when you make Apple Bloom hangry.”

Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo with wide eyes, her face going scarlet once more.


“And so, when I told her about the prediction, she attempted to make it come true by hurling me off the Ramparts!” Scootaloo finished with a flourish, now sitting where Pomona had been, as Apple Bloom’s head had buried itself deep within her hands.

“Please stop.” She mumbled as Sweetie looked at her in astonishment for a moment before bursting out into laughter once more.

“Obviously somebody did not factor in my wings and I swiftly had her pinned in a tickle attack in retaliation.” Scootaloo snickered. “After that we just made a start on some homework before bed.”

“Oh my word girls. That’s priceless. Thanks so much for cheering me up.” Sweetie replied gratefully.

“No sweat.” Scootaloo said with a smirk before hearing a polite cough behind her.

“Girls, although I’m extremely happy you’ve cheered Miss Belle up, I feel it is time she had something to eat and then some rest if she wishes to be out of here by this evening.” Madam Pomfrey explained.

Sweetie’s stomach rumbled in response having not eaten since the day before causing her to blush profusely.

The other two girls looked at their friend for a moment before breaking out into laughter once more. After quickly getting themselves under control they gave Sweetie a quick hug before standing up ready to go.

“We’ll hopefully see you this evening at dinner.” Apple Bloom said her goodbye.

Scootaloo’s attention though had turned elsewhere. “Err, yeah. We’ll see you at dinner.” She said walking past Madam Pomfrey to another bed across the infirmary.”

“Huh, where’s she of to? Sweetie Belle quizzed as Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo just as perplexed.

Across the infirmary Scootaloo stopped at a bed. “Err, hey, sorry about this whole debacle. Sweetie really didn’t mean anything by it. I hope you are recovering well. Anyway. Madam Pomfrey is kicking me and Bloom out, so I just wanted to give you this. I found it whilst out flying this morning.” She blurted quickly placing a rose in a glass of water that sat on the sideboard next to the girl’s bed.

Hermione set the book she was reading down along with the spoon she was eating her breakfast with. “Errrm thanks and seriously don’t beat yourself up about it, it was an accident. I’m honestly feeling a lot better and should be out in the next hour or so. Madam Pomfrey just wants to make sure I have no lingering side-effects of the potion. A couple of us have ended up vomiting up black gloop. Thanks for the rose, it looks beautiful.”

“No Problem. Now I’d better skedaddle before Madam Pomfrey literally throws me out.” Scootaloo replied bashfully, rubbing the back of her head before turning to go as the Matron glared daggers at her.

“Hey Scoti”

“Yeah” Scootaloo turned her head around.

“Any chance of another flight once I’m out of here?”

“Sure. I’ll see you on the training fields 6am sharp tomorrow morning.” And without waiting for a response she hastily made her exit from the infirmary.


The rest of Saturday went past uneventfully until dinner. After exploring the castle for a few more hours Apple Bloom and Scootaloo returned to the Great Hall for Lunch and then their Common Room where they played some exploding snap, did some reading and practised a few basic spells. Scootaloo also took a nap. It was at dinner where they earnt a shock as Sweetie Belle pounced upon them and pulled them both in for a hug.

“Hey girls, Madam Pomfrey said I could go as long as I take things easy for the rest of the weekend and report back to her if I feel at all lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous.” Sweetie squeaked.

Scootaloo tried to hold back a laugh but couldn’t help a snort coming out. “Sorry Sweetie, but I don’t think I’ll ever not find your current voice funny! Ow.” Scootaloo exclaimed receiving a whack to the back of the head. “Okay, I deserved that.” Scootaloo admitted rubbing the back of her head.

“So, what do you want to do this evening?” Sweetie squeaked, sitting down next to her friends and taking a plate from a stack on the table before filling it with a selection of food items that were available.

“No idea.” Apple Bloom mumbled through a mouthful of food.

“Yeah, there’s not much to do around here. I’ve already had a flight this morning, we’ve explored the bulk of the castle, played exploding snap and done some reading.” Scootaloo added in a bored tone.

This time it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to break out into laughter. The other two girls along with a number of the other first years who had been discharged from the medical wing looked at her puzzled. Finally, she managed to squeak out the reason why.

“I’m sorry, but Discord hands you a whole book of magical pranks and yet you find yourself bored on your time off. How about we go practice some on the training fields after dinner?” Sweetie suggested.

A wide creepy grin appeared once again on Scootaloo’s face.

“Oh great, Creepaloo’s back. Can we just go five minutes without causing more carnage?” Apple Bloom groaned as Snape the snake appeared from nowhere behind her.

“Miss Bloom. I’ve just had a rather surprising chat with Professor Sprout who has informed me that you are keeping twelve vials of Exploding Potion underneath your bed. I expect you to bring these immediately to the Potions Lab after you have finished eating. You are lucky you are not my student otherwise you’d be suffering a month’s worth of detentions at least for such reckless and dangerous behaviour. On the other hand, I will applaud you in being able to make yet another difficult and advanced level potion and for being able to contain them in such a way that they made it through the wards surrounding the school.” Snape droned in his monotonous droll.

Every first year Hufflepuff bar her two best friends stared at Apple Bloom as if she had turned into an Acromantula. Apple Bloom hid her face in her hands before mumbling, “never mind and yes sir, I’ll bring it to you at once.”

“See that you do. I’d rather not be kept waiting.” Snape grumbled before leaving the students to the remainder of their dinner.

“So, like to tell us what all that was about?” Hannah asked with a smirk.

“I think it’s quite self-explanatory, Apple Bloom has twelve literal bombs underneath her bed.” Susan quipped. “Fair play on getting that grump to at least give you some praise though!”

“Is no one else at all worried over what this girl has had stored under her bed the last week!” Justin exclaimed.

“Not really. She’s a potions genius and if we were in any danger the wards would have prevented their entry onto the grounds.” Susan replied calmly before continuing. “Now Apple Boom, would you like to explain why you have twelve bombs under your bed?”

Nine heads turned inquisitively towards Apple Bloom, who was still trying to bury her head in her hands.

“Err, I’m guessing you won’t accept for emergencies as an answer” she mumbled.

“Nope.” Sweetie replied for everyone.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath lifting her head out of her hands. “Fine, I was curious if I could make one and before I knew it, I had twelve vials of the stuff and no idea what to do with them. Thus, I stored them safely and brought them with me in case of an emergency, especially with all Scootaloo’s predictions on He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named possibly returning in the near future.” The girl admitted guiltily, her cheeks scarlet.

After a moment of silence, it was Justin who responded. “Just how explosive are we talking?”

“I’d say one would be more than enough to destroy our dorm, twelve could probably obliterate a fair chunk of the school.” Apple Bloom confessed. “Don’t worry though, I’ve got them properly stored away so there won’t be any accidental explosions.” She finished with a forced smile returning to finish her dinner as quickly as possible so as not to make Snape even more angry at her.

The other occupants around the table looked nervously at one another for a moment before wisely deciding not to press the matter further, returning to their own dinners before they went cold.


After dinner, the first year Hufflepuffs returned to their dormitories where they parted into their friendship groups for the evening. The girls of the first-year female dormitory had all gone and gathered the book on curses that Professor Discord had provided for them before heading for the training fields. The exception to this was Apple Bloom who had pulled an innocuous brown briefcase wrapped in chains and a peculiar lock from underneath her bed before saying a hasty goodbye and heading off to find Snape in the dungeons.

“So, in summary I’ve a meeting with Dumbledore tomorrow to discuss my punishment for yesterday although I’m already aware what it shall be. Hufflepuff losing forty points, expulsion from Potions classes and made aware that if I dare attempt make another potion on Hogwarts grounds I shall be expelled, no exceptions.” Sweetie Belle finished her explanation to Meghan, Hannah and Susan as they made their way out onto the training fields.

“That Sucks. We all know you didn’t mean anything by it. It was just an accident.” Meghan replied receiving nods of agreement from the other two girls.

“Yeah, I know, but I understand where Professor Sprout is coming from. I’m just glad I did none of you any permanent harm!” Sweetie replied.

“Locomotor Mortis” The cry came out of nowhere interrupting the girl’s discussion as the spell hit Sweetie.

Sweetie’s legs instantly bound themselves together causing her to fall flat on her face in a pool of muddy rainwater as a well-known cackle of laughter reverberated around the training fields.

“Scootaloo you are so dead.” The girl muttered with contempt, her horn lighting a pale green.


Snape examined the crystal blue liquid in the vial with a look of awe and wonder. For one of the few times in his life a mixture of emotions brewed and boiled uncontrollably inside him. He was amazed and astonished that a novice eleven-year-old girl had managed to brew such a potion, let alone so perfectly. A vial of such well-crafted Exploding Potion would easily fetch fifteen galleons in Knockturn Alley and she had twelve, each just as well-made and preserved as the previous one. On the other hand, this also worried and concerned him. What other advanced and dangerous potions could she brew? The last thing he needed was her spiking any student or teachers drink with Draught of Living Death or something similar. He was also angry at the girl for her recklessness in attempting to brew such a potion and the danger she put herself through and then her housemates by storing it under her bed! Despite all these emotions bubbling within him it was the same scalding monotonous drone which came out of his mouth.

“Miss Bloom, I congratulate you on your craftmanship and knowledge to be able to brew such fine potions of exquisite beauty.”

Apple Bloom nearly fell of her chair in shock at the compliment. She had thought she was in for yet another lecture and stern talking to.


Ahh, here we go. The girl rolled her eyes expecting the worse.

“Your actions were extremely reckless and dangerous. You could have killed yourself through simply making one small mistake, let alone the danger you selfishly put your housemates in without them knowing.”

Apple Bloom looked down at the floor in shame. “I’m sorry” she squeaked barely audible. “I was just curious is all and I did take precautions.” She held up the pin prick on her finger indicating how only her blood could unlock the chain that had been wrapped around it. “And there was the voice command in place to, not forgetting that they have been stored at sub-zero temperature to avoid them accidentally becoming volatile and exploding. Even so, just in case I ensured I bought an indestructible briefcase to house and contain them in the off chance they exploded.”

Snape stared at the girl for a moment, unsure what to say. The girl really had thought of everything. He sighed in resignation. “Be that as it may, you still could have caused serious harm to yourself or a fellow student through improper use or simply by removing them from the case. Still, as you are not my student, I will not punish you further. You also seem to be a respectably level headed student, especially compared to your two friends, and I understand curiosity got the better of you on this occasion. We were all young once.” Snape actually smiled.

Apple Bloom shuddered.

The unnerving smile disintegrated and was replaced once again with a grave snarl. “Remember though that curiosity killed the cat and I am going to make it clear to you right now that I will see to your expulsion if you dare make such a dangerous potion again, at least without my observation. I mark homework here every evening for two hours after class and during the final three periods of Friday. You may come and brew whatever you fancy during these times if you so wish.”

Apple Bloom looked at him in surprise for a moment before stuttering “Thank you sir, I’ll definitely take you up on that offer.”

“That pleases me. It is rare that I come across a student so exceptionally gifted in the art of Potions and rarer still to find one willing to nurture their gift with the time and dedication that it requires.” Snape said with barely a flicker of emotion. “Now, I shall store these safely here in the dungeon for the time being and you are free to go, as long as you can tell me what the Antidote to Common Poisons contains?”

“A Bezoar, two measures of Standard Ingredient, one pinch of Unicorn Horn, two Mistletoe Berries. You’ll have to do better than that Snakey, I’ve pretty much memorised Magical Drafts and Potions and Advanced Potion-Making.” Apple Bloom replied cockily before sticking out her tongue.

Snape actually managed a chuckle. “A deal is a deal. I hope to see you back here soon.”

“Of course.” Apple Bloom said gambolling from the room. She’d only gone three steps from the classroom before she realised, she’d just agreed to spend a portion of her free time with Snape the snake. She must be going insane.

Back inside the classroom Snape swilled the vial in his hand one more time before placing it carefully back into the briefcase with its brethren, closing it and locking the chain securely around it. The first thing he had demanded when the girl arrived was to add him to the security measures she had on the case. After muttering a command, a portrait on the wall slid to one side revealing a safe. Numerous security measures later he placed the case safely within alongside some of the more dangerous ingredients and potions he owned. Earlier in the day he’d even managed to repeat that stupid girl’s Unforgiveable Potion safely after hearing from Professor Sprout the girl had added a sprig of Chocolate Mint to the concoction for decorative purposes. Absolute idiot he thought before closing the safe and returning to his desk where he took out a photo alongside a bottle of Campbell’s Finest Old Whisky and a glass. Pouring himself a drink he whimpered with a tear in his eye,

“She reminds me so much of you Lily.”


Apple Bloom walked out of the school onto the training fields to see Scootaloo and Susan both encased in bubbles, with leeks sprouting out the former’s ears and the latter’s face being a swollen mess. Sweetie was now struggling to stand, her legs seemingly locked together, and her broken nose was now accompanied by a set of antlers and a black eye. All five girls were covered in bumps, cuts, bruises and red marks that looked like burns. Unsurprisingly Discord was sitting nearby in a sun lounger drinking chocolate milk with the goofiest grin imaginable plastered across his face.

“Ah, Miss Bloom, just in time. I was about to declare Sweetie’s team the victors but it looks like a new player has entered the arena. Can she save Team Prewett from the brink of defeat I wonder?” Discord cooed in that annoying voice of his.

“No, just no, I’m having no part of these shenanigans.” Apple Bloom stated fiercely, turning around and heading back towards the castle.

Sweetie smiled and nodded at Meghan and Hannah

“Stikkende” All three said in perfect unison.

Three beams of white light hit Apple Bloom in her back sending her tumbling into the turf where she got a face full of turf, the bright white light blinding her temporarily. “Yowch!” She mumbled whilst spitting out a mouthful of dirt. A smirk crossed her face as she pushed herself from the ground and turned to face all three girls, her eyes like two molten pits of lava. “Oh, it is on.” Apple Bloom charged.

Meghan didn’t even hear a spell as she found herself buried up to her neck in the ground.

“Locomotor” Hannah never finished as Apple Bloom appeared in her face and lifted her off the ground.

“I may not know or be as good as you lot at casting magic, but that doesn’t mean I can’t whoop your arses. Now, do you yield?” Apple Bloom said without emotion as a wand poked into her back.

“Oh, dearie me, naïve as always my dear Apple Bloom. If you don’t mind.” Sweetie never finished as Apple Bloom swung around sending Hannah crashing into her.

“Finite Incantatem” Apple Bloom cried, pulling out her wand and hoping it would understand the urgency of the situation and cast the spell.

Scootaloo’s bubble popped.

“Titillando” she immediately cast just as Sweetie was about to cast her own jinx on Apple Bloom.

Sweetie instantly dropped to the floor and lost control of her wand as purple hands engulfed and started tickling her relentlessly.

“I yield, I yield.” She squeaked out amidst fits of laughter.

Her head spinning Hannah looked up too see two wands pointing at her or was that because everything was spinning right now. “I yield” she conceded before passing out.

“I guess that just leaves Miss Jones.” Scootaloo chirped with joy.

Meghan scowled at them defiantly from her prison. “Never!”

Scootaloo gave the girl the creepiest, freakiest smile imaginable. “Brilliant, Apple Bloom needs to catch up on the jinxes we’ve studied anyway. I think we’ll start with the hair removal jinx.”

Meghan’s face palled. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Cal” Scootaloo started.

“I yield!” Meghan exclaimed instantly.

Discord snapped his fingers and everything went back to normal. Well, almost everything. Although he reversed the spells and any additions the girls might have suffered from, antlers, leeks etc., the physical wounds the girls had suffered were still there for everyone to see and to teach the girls a valuable lesson on the dangers that such magic could cause. Susan’s face still looked like a chewed-up toffee and Hannah was still passed out on the floor.

Anyway, in full black and white striped uniform, he appeared between the three victorious girls, microphone in hand.

“And the winners, by knockout, tickling and incapacitation, Team Prewett.” He yelled. Lifting all three girls arms high in the air to rapturous cheers of triumph.

“Still bored?” Was all Apple Bloom said to Scootaloo once the cheering died down.

Author's Note:

Sweetie: I've been told to take it easy. Let's have a mock battle :facehoof:

Answer to previous chapter's question: Hufflepuff has 10 letters in it. After writing I also realised that Apple Bloom has ten letters to. This may seem very vague and cryptic but a lot of predictions from Harry Potter are!

Also I hope one Melody Song is alright in me inserting her in a cameo here. Poor girl is going to have fun on Tuesday! :rainbowlaugh:

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