• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The girls tumbled out of the fireplace one by one into the bleak, grotty run-down pub that hid the entrance to the main shopping district of wizarding Britain. Picking themselves up and dusting themselves off they waited patiently as Professor McGonagall came through after them. In almost no time at all she was leading them out the back of the pub into a small cramped courtyard that appeared to have no exit.

“Huh, so where do we go now professor?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Just watch and see my dear.” Professor McGonagall explained cryptically before tapping a brick in the wall three times with her wand.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stared dumbfounded as one by one the bricks seemed to move aside to reveal an archway on to a windy cobbled street.

“Welcome my dears, to Diagon Alley. First things first let’s get that big chest of gems you are carrying Apple Bloom to Gringotts.” Professor McGonagall instructed.

“I’d be mighty grateful if you could. This chest is heavy even for me.” Apple Bloom groaned under the weight of the chest on her back as McGonagall pushed her forward into the alley along with Sweetie and Scootaloo.

The girls stared at all the peculiar items that the shops in this narrow little street offered. Cauldrons, owls, trunks, robes, wands, brooms, telescopes, simply everything a young witch or wizard going too school would require. But they weren’t allowed to stop, oh no. They were pushed forward until they reached a massive snowy-white building that dwarfed all the other shops on the street. A funny little creature shorter than even them with weirdly long fingers and feet stood outside in a scarlet and gold uniform.

“That my dears is a goblin. They run Gringotts. Extremely clever and good with money, but also extremely unfriendly and short tempered. Please let me do the talking once we are inside.” McGonagall explained as they entered the bank.

Very soon they were in a vast marble chamber with a long counter in front of them. Countless goblins sat behind it dealing with all sorts of valuable items, from examining rare gems to weighing bars of gold and silver. Approaching a free teller Professor McGonagall explained.

“Hello there. Miss Prewett here has come to make an exchange and a deposit please. We’d also like to add two further names to the vault and have a key provided for them to. Scoti, your key if you please. Apple Bloom, the gems”

Scootaloo passed over her key to the goblin as Apple Bloom lugged the chest onto the counter. It groaned under the weight. Opening the chest, the goblin stared at such a large fortune for a moment in surprise before his stoic expression returned.

“That is an awfully large number of gems. It might take a while for me to value them all up and I’ll need the second opinion of one of my colleagues. For security reasons might I enquire as to where such a large fortune was acquired and why the need has arisen to utilise our services now.” The goblin requested.

“Certainly. Although Miss Prewett here was originally from the United Kingdom, she has been residing abroad for the past ten years where she met her two accomplices. It is Sweetie’s sister who has provided this rather large endowment so that they all may study at Hogwarts over the course of the next seven years and live in relative comfort whilst doing so.” Professor McGonagall clarified.

“So those two,” the goblin pointed a long spindly finger at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, “are foreign dignitaries needing to transfer their wealth into usable currency. Would they not be happier with their own vault each?”

“Having discussed the matter with them they have stated they are quite happy sharing one. It will also make it easier as we will not have to split the value of the gems three ways.”

“Okay, it will make things easier. I’m guessing you’d also like us to set up a direct transfer between their vault and Hogwarts to pay for their tuition.” The goblin asked.

“If you could, that would be most helpful.” McGonagall expressed graciously.

“Okay, if you could please follow Griphook he will take you to a waiting room. We will get an estimate of the gems values to you as soon as possible along with the two new keys.”


An hour later Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle each walked out of Gringotts with a large bag of galleons each whilst the latter two now possessed a key identical to Scootaloo’s tucked safely away in each of their robes. Scootaloo was still staring wide eyed at the piece of paper that showed the estimated amount her vault now held. Although the goblins could only estimate due to the multiple varieties of gems the chest held, rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, and so forth, the sheer volume of gems, 424 in total, combined with the sizes and rarity of some, put the estimated value at one million, four hundred and twenty six thousand, eight hundred and seventy two galleons, five sickles and twenty three knuts. And this was after the goblins deducted a ten percent transaction fee due to the large scale of the transaction. Overall, the vault now housed over one and half million galleons. Minerva felt sick just thinking about it. Almost all students required a grant from the ministry to help fund their Hogwarts education. These girls had enough galleons to pay for the full seven years for more than twenty students, that was nearly half of the entire first year intake currently. In a daze she led the girls to their next stop, Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions.

They were approached upon entry by a small, plump witch who smiled warmly at them as they entered. “Minerva, it has been too long. What brings you to my little store. Please don’t tell me we have yet more abandoned or orphaned young witches and wizards?”

“Only one Malkin. This is Scoti Alaw Prewett, the last of the Prewett line.” She said pointing at Scootaloo before lowering her voice to a whisper. “I know this is going to sound like I’m loco, but she’s been in hiding in an alternate dimension these past ten years. A realm full of sapient horses or ponies as they prefer to be known as. Unicorns, Pegasi and working horses with super strength. The red-haired girl lifted up Hagrid one handed yesterday without breaking a sweat. Anyway, getting back to the point she and her companions have absolutely no clothes and will require a full wardrobe. Miss Prewett will also need a specialised wardrobe to incorporate her wings, including a fully aerodynamic flight suit. Seeing your face, I can tell this is a lot for you to take in, maybe we could show you what we mean in private?”

Madam Malkin looked at her for a second in complete surprise before replying, “if this was anyone else Minerva I’d be sure you were having me on, but I know you are not the one for jokes. C’mon we can use my office out back.” She turned and led her latest clients out towards the back into a small cramped office. “Imperturbable” She mouthed pointing her wand at the door. “There, now explain.”

“Miss Belle if you’d kindly remove your hat” McGonagall requested.

“Okay” Sweetie replied removing the head piece to reveal a six-inch protrusion from her head.

“Woah. That’s something you don’t see every day. And you said Miss Prewett has wings? This is just the challenge I’ve been waiting for.” Madam Malkin squealed like a little schoolgirl.


It was way nearly 11:30 by the time they made it out of Madam Malkins due to the numerous measurements she had to make with Scootaloo and the discussions surrounding what clothes the girls would like and require. As much as the girls had been enthralled by the measuring tapes and equipment that had danced around their bodies, nothing could compare to how excited Madam Malkin had been with Scootaloo and examining her wings. She had been enraptured in her thoughts over what she could design for the young girl and had stated that with her assistants’ help the clothes should be ready by the end of the following week at the latest.

The next stop on their tour of the alley was Trump’s Trunks and Bags, where the girls learnt the basics on how extension charms work in increasing the interior dimensions of an object whilst also decreasing the weight. Upon Minerva’s advice they opted to go for the deluxe student model which came with ten separate storage compartments to offer more space to divide up their belongings rather than the usual five, a much more advanced featherweight charm and would display their house colours once they were assigned to their Hogwarts house. They also bought similar style satchels to carry their books and equipment to and from classes as this would be easier than using their cauldrons.

From here the girls and Minerva made quick stops at Flourish and Blotts for all their required textbooks, Potage’s Cauldron Shop and Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary, where they bought a potion making kit and bag, a number of other ingredients essential for first year potions class and quite a few glass phials. Minerva was taking no chances though considering what she’d heard about these girls so far in relation to chaos and accidents, especially after she’d spotted the girls glancing over Curses and Counter-Curses in Flourish and Blotts. It was also on this knowledge that she opted that crystal phials would just be wasted on them. They then had to make a quick exit from the apothecary once Sweetie Belle found the unicorn horns. She was absolutely furious, and Minerva had to get Miss Bloom to physically drag her from the shop.

Bending down on one knee and placing her hands on her shoulders Minerva looked deep into the tearful green eyes of the upset girl and spoke very softly. “I know that must have come as shock to you and I should have been more aware. I’m guessing from your reaction unicorns don’t shed their horns on a regular basis from where you are from.”

“No.” Sweetie muffled. “If you lose your horn it is permanent and irreplaceable and will likely result in you being unable to cast magic. It is why Rarity tells me to take extremely good care of mine. Losing it is the equivalent of an Earth Pony losing one of their legs or a Pegasus a wing and she told me that many ponies often can’t bare living with the embarrassment or shame of losing the part of them that makes them who they are. She said that over ¾ of ponies who suffer such an injury fail to adjust and live beyond a year. That’s what made me so angry. How could someone even think about stripping one of its horn?” The tears were returning once again.

Minerva hugged the girl before explaining. “Now, now, there’s no need for tears. For a start I can safely inform you that unicorn hunting or hurting such a majestic animal is strictly illegal and punishable by life imprisonment in Azkaban, a horrible place only the meanest of people go to, but let us not dwell on thinking about that place for to long. Now, as for the horns. Unicorns in our dimension are non-sentient and often live in herds in variable climates. As such they shed their horns at the end of autumn and grow a new one that is more durable for the winter climate and then shed it again at the end of winter/early spring so that they have one more suited to the summer months. Due to the magical properties and value of the horns, the herds are closely monitored so that the horns can be collected when they are shed. I won’t lie to you and will say that horns are also collected off dead unicorns but once again I will stress that no one in their right mind would ever harm such a majestic creature. Does that at least make some sense?”

Sweetie Belle nodded her head wiping the quickly drying tears from her face. “Thanks Mrs McGonagall. I’m sorry for acting the way I did. It was just an awful shock was all.”

“No, don’t be. Your reaction was completely understandable and as I mentioned it was partly my fault for not bringing up the topic earlier. If you’d like more information, I’m sure Hagrid will be willing to provide it and if it interests you Care of Magical Creatures will be an elective subject in your third year.” Minerva gave the girl a quick hug before letting go and looking around to see only one other girl standing next to Sweetie.

“Okay, thanks again Mrs McGonagall.”

“Good, glad that’s settled. Now Miss Bloom, where hast Miss Prewett disappeared to? We are on a tight schedule and have one more stop before our ice cream break. If I must go hunting for her it will make us late.” Professor McGonagall explained

“Oh, she’s just looking in the window of the broom shop over there” Apple Bloom informed her.

Scootaloo was enthralled by the intriguing instruments that the humans used to apparently fly. Not that she’d need one now her wings worked properly. Still, that Nimbus 2000 certainly was a beautiful piece of. She never finished her thought. Before she even knew what was happening the broom was up and banging on the glass. Almost demanding to be set free.

“How peculiar?”

“Gahhh!” Turning she came face to face with the Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress. “I’m sorry to wander of Mrs. McGonagall, something was just calling to me over here. Are you alright Sweetie, you seemed pretty upset when we left the Apothecary?” Scootaloo asked heading over to give the other girl a hug.

“Yeah, was just a bit of a shock, don’t worry. Minerva explained things and helped calm me down. Shall we head to our next destination?”

The broom banged on the glass more forcefully. Cracks were starting to appear in the glass.

Sighing Minerva grumbled, “I’m going to regret this, but Miss Prewett I think we are going to have to make a small detour. In all my years I’ve never seen a broom demand an owner as much as that one is right now. You have my blessing but will only ride it after you have undergone your basic training with Madam Hooch. Do we have”

Scootaloo was gone. Sighing once more Minerva followed the girl into Quality Quidditch Supplies. The broom had immediately flown of its own accord to the girl and was nuzzling her affectionately causing Scootaloo to giggle uncontrollably. The shopkeeper looked on perplexed

“Well bless my soul. In all my years I’ve never seen anything like it.” Was all he could murmur.

“I couldn’t agree more. That is why I’m willing to grant permission for her to purchase it.”

“Minerva McGonagall allowing a first year to buy a broom. There’s another first. Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.” The shopkeeper uttered.

“I can assure you that you are not. As you can see this is a unique case and thus why I’m willing to allow such an exception. Now I do apologise but we are on a tight schedule. If you would be so kind as to package the broom we’ll pay and be on our way.”

“Of course, right away.”

Less than five minutes later a girl with a grin wider than that of the Cheshire Cat walked out of the shop hugging her latest purchase as if at any moment someone would attempt to pry it away from her.

“Wow, I’ve never seen her this happy before. It’s kinda frightening.” Apple Bloom remarked.

“Scoti, would you mind putting your broom away in your trunk so that we may continue to our last stop, thankfully it is only two shops down. Ahh, there’s Molly now.” McGonagall instructed exiting the shop behind the entranced child.

“Hi Minerva, how’s it. IS THAT A BROOM!” She cried looking at the item her niece was putting safely in her trunk. Minerva, I would have thought better of you than letting a first year buy a.” Molly scolded before being cut off by Professor McGonagall.

“You see those cracks in the window? They were caused by that broom trying to get to your niece. I wouldn’t have believed it neither if I hadn’t seen it first-hand myself. Also, the joy she expressed upon receiving it is more than worth the reprimanding I shall receive from Albus.”

“A broom caused that much damage.” Molly looked at the cracks in amazement.

“Yes, and do not worry. She will not be flying it until she has had her basic training. Sorry, but we are running just a few minutes behind. We’ve just got to pick up their scales and Telescope from Wiseacre’s. I’ll see to their wands after our break. We’ll be about ten minutes or so.”

“Wow, okay I concede. I’m hoping you’ve realised that considering the actions the broom has taken to be with her it will likely just fly with her if she’s is not allowed to fly it.” Molly deadpanned.

“I may have overlooked that.” Minerva admitted.


In the end Molly and a couple of the Weasley children joined Minerva and the girls in Wiseacre’s. Ron looked on gloomily as Mrs McGonagall picked out three sets of silver scales for the girls, stating how as they had the funds that silver was the better option as it produced more precise and accurate measurements than brass, alongside three brass telescopes. Molly herself opted to pick a brass set of scales for Ron, stating that he’d have to manage with Charlie’s old telescope. Upon hearing this the girls had attempted to intervene saying they’d quite happily pay for a set for Ron as well, but Molly had been adamant that no matter how kind their gesture was, she did not wish to accept their charity. As Molly and Minerva went to pay for the necessary items whilst the girls continued to peruse the assorted bits and bobs, knick knacks and trinkets that were absolutely enthralling them, the latter decided to intervene.

“Molly, I’m guessing you saw that trunk the girls brought with them. I am quite fine with telling you that they have more galleons than either me or Arthur are likely to earn in our lifetimes combined. I understand you have your pride to think of, but why don’t you at least let them get Ron his own wand after our ice cream. You know as well as anyone that hand me down wands don’t work nearly as well with the new owner.” Minerva expressed.

Molly harrumphed. “I’m sure that old wand of Charlie’s will work just fine, but I saw the look on his face when we bought Percy his owl for being made a prefect. You know I wouldn’t trade my life for anything, I love each and every one of them dearly, but it’s not always easy trying to support seven children. Purely as I know how important the wand is for the witch or wizard when casting spells I’ll concede on this matter, but don’t think I’ll accept any more acts of charity.” Molly finished sternly.

“Thank you, and I wouldn’t dream of it. Now shall we call the brood over and go get our…”

“DARKNESS IS COMING TO HOGWARTS. HE SHALL RETURN. TRUST NO ONE. BEWARE, BEWARE, BEWARE!” An ominous voice called out behind them. As they turned to see what the commotion was this time, they saw Ron, Ginny, Apple Bloom and Sweetie all staring and pointing at Scootaloo mouths agape as the latter was staring distantly into a crystal ball.

“Oh brilliant. Apparently, she’s a seer as well.” Minerva sighed. This was truly going to be an interesting year at Hogwarts.


The girls and the Weasley children were happily devouring their second ice creams outside Fortescue’s whilst Minerva and Molly discussed the afternoon’s plans.

“So, I’ll take the girls and Ron to Ollivanders to collect their wands whilst you Ginny, Percy, Fred and George go over to Ronan's Magical Supermart to do some basics shopping. Thanks again for offering to get the girls basic hygiene supplies, they didn’t particularly arrive with anything when thy dropped into my office yesterday. Oh, and that reminds me. We’ll need to pop into Scribbulus Writing Implements on our way over to Ollivanders. I’m guessing the girls are going to need a few lessons in learning to write with their hands.” Professor McGonagall stated.

“Minerva, you know I’d never turn away family and the stipend the school has provided us with is more than enough to pay for their upkeep over the next month. I’m just slightly concerned over their safety after that warning. Do you really believe You-Know-Who could return?”

“Who knows Molly, although I certainly hope not. We are only now starting to recover from the last one. I suggest for now we put it to the back of our minds and finish our ice creams before eight children demand a third.” Minerva laughed as she noticed the rapidly disappearing ice creams across from her although secretly thinking that the matter would most certainly be brought up with Albus upon her return to Hogwarts.

“Mum” it was Ron who piped up from across the table having finished his second double chocolate chip and salted caramel ice cream. “I thought you said you couldn’t afford me a new wand. Not that I’m not grateful but I don’t want to put you out. I know things are tough right now financially and I’m sure I’ll be able to cope okay with Charlie’s old one.”

“Ron, I’ll be honest with you. We can’t afford you a new wand, but your cousin and her friends have offered to buy you one and reluctantly I’ve decided to accept the offer. At the end of the day, I don’t wish to hinder your education through sub-standard equipment if I can help it, but you do also need to understand about budgeting and finances. Therefore, I’m only allowing them to buy you the new wand and nothing else. Okay?”

“Wait, is anyone else curious as to how these three young girls are able to pay for all this equipment? Not trying to be ungrateful, just curious is all.”

Just finishing her ice cream Scootaloo didn’t bother to reply, instead just passing Ron a piece of paper across the table.

Ron whimpered and all the breath left his body as he started making bizarre incomprehensible noises.

Sitting next to him and wondering what had got Ron all flustered Percy decided to peer at the piece of paper over Ron’s shoulder. His eyes nearly shot out of his head. “Woah” was all he could muster as Molly, wanting to know what had got her sons so flustered, levitated the paper across the table to herself.

“My word Minerva, you weren’t kidding. Girls, I wonder if you could do me one more massive favour.”

So, after a quick stop at Scribbulus Writing Implements where the girls ended up buying the majority of the stores colour changing ink along with stacks and stacks of parchment, it was five children, not four who ended up outside Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC alongside Professor McGonagall. Upon entering the children were all deeply mesmerized by the thousands upon thousands of little boxes that were stacked all the way up to the ceiling.

“Good afternoon,” a soft voice cooed, causing all bar Minerva to jump, as an elderly man with wide eyes appeared before them. “What an interesting assortment we have here. Two are definitely Weasleys, but the other three, I cannot get a fix. My oh my can it be, a Prewett? I thought they were all gone. This is certainly a joyous occasion although I’m still unsure on your two friends. They do not seem to be from these shores or anywhere I can pinpoint.”

“Garrick, it is good to see you again old friend. How’s business been?” Professor McGonagall enquired.

“Same old, same old, enough to keep me going. Something caught your eye young Miss? His attention had swiftly turned to Sweetie Belle who was aimlessly wandering the shop before one of the boxes shot of the shelf into her right hand. “Ahh, Holly, 8 ½ inches, unicorn hair core, slightly pliable. Something tells me there is someone of elegance, grace and decorum you look up to and wish to be like, but bursts of anger and impetuosity often hinder such aspirations. You are also extremely loyal and protective of those closest to you. Well that’s one down let us hope the rest of you can be just as easy.

In short time three more of the five children had their wands. Ron had been chosen by a 14-inch-long willow with a unicorn hair core whilst his younger sister had once again been chosen by a core of unicorn hair although hers was of yew wood and shorter than her brothers. Unsurprisingly Apple Bloom ended up being chosen by an 11 ½ inch Applewood wand with a Phoenix feather core, leading to Ollivander stating that she must be one with the purest and honest of hearts to possess such a wand. That just left Scootaloo, who was currently sitting next to a pile of discarded wands and a wake of destruction around her, including, but not limited to, a burnt bookcase, several broken vases and glass cases and numerous paperwork scattered all across the floor.

“Hmm, you are certainly a tricky one. I wonder.” Ollivander mused before disappearing momentarily. He returned with a small locked black case. “This is a very rare and expensive wand. It is extremely powerful and is best suited to those with a more flamboyant and dramatic style of magic. I think it would be perfectly suited for you. Cherry wood, flexible, dragon heartstring, 16 inches in length.” He uttered slowly opening the box. The wand shot straight into Scootaloo’s left hand and her hair literally set on fire. “I think we have a winner. Now as I can see the natural affinity between wand and owner, I’m willing to do that wand for half its asking price. It will still be 100 galleons. Will that be an issue?” Ollivander shuffled nervously not wanting to deny the girl her rightful wand but at the same time knowing that he had a business to run and think about to.”

“I can inform you that will not be a problem Garrick, but if you don’t mind me asking, just how powerful is that wand and should I possibly be looking at a dampener to prevent Miss Prewett from levelling the school to the ground?” Professor McGonagall queried.

Garrick let out a breath, thankful that there was no issue surrounding price. “I would strongly recommend against that as a wand of such power would likely dismiss such a spell put upon it and react badly. I’d suggest just monitoring her usage until she is capable of handling its power on her own. Such a wand requires extreme self-control and strength of mind.” Garrick explained.

“I understand. Miss Prewett, you are not to use your wand unless in the company of a Hogwarts professor or Mrs Weasley until I say you can do otherwise. Do I make myself absolutely clear?” Minerva said with authority.

“Yes, Professor McGonagall.” Scootaloo replied mournfully placing the wand back within its box and letting her mohawk return to its natural cerise colour.”

“Please don’t look so glum. This is just until you learn how to use it properly so as not to cause yourself or others harm. You’d feel awful if you accidentally hurt your friends because you failed to know how to properly wield your wand, wouldn’t you?”

Scootaloo nodded her head still looking downcast but understanding the importance of such safety measures. Still, her wand was totally radical and awesome, plus Professor McGonagall had let her buy that broom as well so she couldn’t be to disappointed. Slowly a smile returned to her face. Magic school was going to be awesome.


Their final two stops before re-joining Molly, the twins and Percy were Jebediah’s jewellery for a neck-chain and lockbox for their vault keys and Magical Menagerie’s where they picked up a cage, some toys and food for Wally. They were even allowed a quick stop at Sugarplum’s Sweets Shop whilst Minerva had a grown-up talk with Molly. Here they bought an array of weird confectionary including Chocolate Frogs, Every Flavour Beans and Cauldron Cakes. Finally, it was time for them to head back to The Burrow. It had been a long day for everybody, especially the girls, as their eyes were literally drooping by the time they got back into the Leaky Cauldron.

“Now girls. I’ll see you all in a month’s time. I expect during this period for you to spend a couple of hours a day on reading and going over your textbooks and a further hour of practicing your handwriting so that you will be at the same level as your classmates when you begin your studies. Molly has promised me that she will oversee and ensure you are keeping to this schedule as a minimum, otherwise she’ll be informing me and I can assure you I’ll have no problem removing your name from this year’s entry list. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Professor McGonagall.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders all chorused as one.

“Good, now I wish you all an enjoyable remainder of the school holidays and I’ll see you in a month’s time. Miss Prewett, Arthur will also be discussing with you over the next few days your house’s seat on the Magic Council, but I’ll leave that for him to explain in further detail. I’ve a lot of work to catch up on that I’ve missed over the past couple of days.” And with that last of bit of information Professor McGonagall stepped into the fireplace and floo powdered herself back to Hogwarts.

“Yes Albus, Sybil, that’s exactly what happened. They were perusing Wiseacre’s and she came across a crystal ball. I was talking to Molly at the time so didn’t see what initially happened. I only heard what she said and when I turned around, I saw her transfixed upon the crystal ball stating clear as day. ‘Darkness is coming to Hogwarts. He shall return. Trust no one. Beware, beware, beware!’ Shen then collapsed into my arms and when she awoke a few minutes later she couldn’t remember anything after she looked at the crystal ball.” Minerva transcribed the events that occurred in Wiseacre’s through the floo in her personal quarters.

“It is clear to me that is a premonition of what is to come this year. What we must not do is try to alter it in anyway and simply go about the year as normal simply heeding the warning and keeping an eye out for any possible signs of his return or infiltration of Hogwarts. Remember that actively trying to alter the course of the future is like betting red or black on a roulette wheel, you’ve a 50/50 chance of a positive and a negative outcome.”

“Sybil, you cannot be serious. There are children’s lives at stake here. Albus, surely the stone would be better off kept in Gringotts.” Minerva expressed her opinion.

“Sorry Minerva, but Sybil is right. We cannot alter the course of destiny for fear of making a worse one. The stone and Harry Potter will both be arriving at Hogwarts this year. Sybil, you have my blessing to visit this girl. If she demonstrates any further interest in the subject or makes any further predictions, I will allow you a one on one session with her once a week during one of her free periods. Now unless there is anything else, I wish you all a good evening.” Albus stated.

“Although I’m slightly against this, I understand that it is necessary in the grand scheme of things. Have a good evening the both of you.” And with that Minerva disconnected the floo and headed for bed. It had been a long day.

Author's Note:

1 minor edit, section in bold is added content.
Garrick let out a breath, thankful that there was no issue surrounding price. “I would strongly recommend against that as a wand of such power would likely dismiss such a spell put upon it and react badly. I’d suggest just monitoring her usage until she is capable of handling its power on her own. Such a wand requires extreme self-control and strength of mind.” Garrick explained.

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