• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,099 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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DADA Practical Exam

Wednesday soon arrived and passed the Crusaders by in a blur. For probably only the second time Scootaloo felt confident in how well she’d performed having sliced her pineapple perfectly into two ballet dancers before making them dance flawlessly in time with each other. Flitwick had simply stared at the spectacle for a full two minutes open mouthed without saying a word before eventually uttering just ‘unbelievable’. Although she would never admit it publicly, she’d had a thing for ballet from a very young age after the orphanage she grew up in was invited to the Canterlot Royal Ballet one Hearth’s Warming Eve when she was five by Princess Celestia herself. Often when she had played hooky from school, she’d taken the book she’d been given for that Hearth’s Warming and taught herself. Considering it required a pony to be on two legs for a significant period of time, it had been quite easy to transfer her knowledge across to the form of ballet that humans seemed to have developed even if her interest had waned in recent years. She would definitely have to revisit some of the moves she’d learnt over the summer. Hmm, yes, maybe she would find a little something for Hermione and her to do after she won their little bet.

First though she still had three more exams to get through. First up was her Defence Against the Dark Arts theory. Despite it being extremely gruelling and tiring, the two long sessions of revision over the weekend had significantly helped her and she came out absolutely buzzing. Then came the practical in the afternoon. The twelve Hufflepuffs gathered in front of the Discord Tower waiting for their professor to make an appearance.

“So, anyone got any idea what Discord has in store for us?” Susan asked what was on everyone’s mind. “Scootaloo, Bloom, you were with him the entire weekend, he drop any hints?”

“Not one, we’re as completely in the dark as the rest of you,” Scootaloo replied. “But knowing my father it’ll be something chaotic.”

“Of course, my dear,” Discord’s voice echoed from nowhere yet everywhere at the same time. “Inside I’ve set up a dangerous assortment of traps and beasties that you have studied throughout your first year. You’ve two hours to survive whatever comes your way and escape the tower. If you ever want to concede defeat just say so and you’ll be teleported back here. You also have five lives, use them wisely as if you run out you shall again be teleported back here along with if you run out of time to escape. You shall be graded on how well you do. Good luck to you all,” the voice echoed as Scootaloo heard the distinct snapping of her father’s fingers.

Darkness engulfed her. She was alone, somewhere in the Discord Tower and had two hours to handle whatever her father’s chaotic mind had planned. Fucking great.

“Lumos,” Scootaloo whispered pulling out her wand and discovering she was in a cupboard.

She knew only too well that something deadly would be waiting for her on the other side. She raised her wand and decided to get it over with. No point cowering in a cupboard for the next two hours.

She pushed open the door and launched herself out. Nothing, absolutely nothing awaited her. Swiftly she turned and pulled a small vial from her robes just in time as the hidebehind lurking behind the closet lunged for her as she calmly popped the cork off.

The beast froze mid attack and sniffed the air before retreating and disappearing from view.

“Clever,” Scootaloo said to herself. “Good thing I brought some of Hagrid’s brew with me just in case. Now, what else do you have in store for me dear father?”

A basilisk awaited her as she exited the classroom but thankfully her sharp hearing had heard it already and the rooster she’d transfigured a desk into soon made short work of it. Next up she had a choice to make, did she go down the tower or up and use her wings to escape. Wait, she tried to stretch her wings, nothing.

“Oh, you git, you better return them in the same condition she growled. Down it is then. But don’t think I’m going to play by your rules father. Bombarda,” she cast blowing a massive hole in the floor and jumping through it.

She landed on something soft and hairy that hissed angrily. She didn’t wait to work out what it was instead taking a knife from her robes and driving it into whatever creature she’d encountered this time.

The beast roared with pain and anger and attempted to buck her off. She hung on to her knife for dear life until the enraged beast started to tire. By now she had worked out it was almost certainly a Quintaped, possibly the deadliest beast they’d learnt about this year due to it having no real weaknesses and being strongly resistant to magic. The only way to beat one Discord had told them was to tire it out and run or to jump into a large body of water as they couldn’t swim. Finally, the beast collapsed and evaporated from under Scootaloo.

“Thank heavens,” a voice whimpered from the corner.

“Wayne?” Scootaloo asked before continuing with a chuckle. “Sorry to drop in on you like that.”

“Please, don’t be. I tried everything but nothing seemed to be able to stop it. I was afraid it was going to eat me or worse that I was going to have to admit defeat,” Wayne snivelled.

“How about we continue together? We can watch each other’s backs,” Scootaloo suggested knowing the boy would be more of hindrance than a help but that she’d be damned if she was going to leave him behind to whatever beast Discord sent this way next.

“You mean it?” Wayne replied wiping the tears from his eyes.

“Of course, remember what being a Hufflepuff is all about? Loyalty. Now come on, we need to keep moving,” she said pulling the boy to his feet.

Over the subsequent ninety minutes Scootaloo’s motley group slowly grew as she progressed through the castle. First up, a scream from a classroom found her and Wayne face to face with a whole horde of acromantulas slobbering around a cocooned Megan hanging from the ceiling. Despite her predicament, she was refusing to give up. After using Lumos to blind the beasts Scootaloo had swiftly levitated the poor girl down and exited the room before the acromantulas could get their bearings back. Next up was Hannah who had been hypnotised by a Wampus cat and was acting as its bed as they approached. A ball of yarn had distracted the cat long enough for them to get Hannah away from it. Then came Justin who was bravely holding back a group of Gytrashes but had found himself cornered by the dog-like spirits before finally her group came across both Sallys turned to stone by a Gorgon. Utilising a perfectly placed mirror, the group had been able to trick the Gorgon into turning itself into stone and reverse what she’d done upon the two girls. This was also not taking into consideration all the other beasts and traps, such as poison darts, a pit filled with plastic balls and a giant wheel of cheese, they’d encountered on their way to the heavily guarded exit to the tower. Five trolls currently stood between them and freedom.

“Shit,” Scootaloo grumbled looking at her watch. There were fifteen minutes left for them to escape. “What do you say, we take them head on or,” she never finished as Justin hurled a stone from the floor that landed and clattered noisily in the opposite direction to them.

The trolls lumbered over to inspect noise.

“Quick, run,” Justin exclaimed breaking cover and darting for the door. The rest of the group swiftly followed with Scootaloo in the rear. “Move,” she screamed as Justin was just about to reach out for the door.

He didn’t listen and as he touched the door he howled in pain before disappearing.

The group stopped dead.

“Idiot,” Scootaloo exclaimed. Of course her dad would put a curse on the damn exit door. Oh well, “Bombarda,” she yelled once more and the door flew off its hinges.

The group quickly made their exit as the trolls shambled back to their original posts to inspect the loud explosion.

“Hmm, crude but effective, although I’ll have to deduct you points for not incapacitating the trolls and the fact they could possibly break out and come after you,” Discord’s voice cooed as he snapped his fingers and made the trolls disappear. He was standing with a clipboard and pen in hand, a pair of reading glasses on his nose.

“I had to improvise, if you’d given me another moment, I would have cast the knockback jinx on them and asked one of the others to seal the exit,” Scootaloo huffed. “Now, can I have my wings back please.”

“Hmm fair enough,” Discord conceded snapping his fingers. “And at least it wasn’t as destructive as Miss Bloom,” he added glowering at the aforementioned girl.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “We haven’t studied Manticores yet so that was unfair. And you never said how we had to escape the tower. Plus, surely I deserve bonus points for being the first one to escape and in under five minutes to might I add,” the girl argued as Scootaloo squealed with joy and wrapped herself in her wings.

Discord sighed, “Maybe so, but you should always be prepared to face anything. You also took the cowards way out by jumping through that hole you made in the wall when you threw the Manticore through it, saving yourself with no care or concern for the wellbeing of your fellow students. Miss Prewett on the other hand, not only risked herself multiple times to help her fellow students but was also willing to fail the exam in the process by not getting out on time,” he tried to explain to the unhappy girl.

Apple Bloom just pouted in response.

“Anyway, well done to most of you who made it out in one piece one way or another, you will all find out your results in just over a week along with the rest of your subjects. I expect you all to spend the afternoon revising for your history exam tomorrow. Miss Bloom and Prewett, Professor Binns will be expecting you in one hour for detention in Class 4F. If anyone wishes to join them to help with their own revision they are more than welcome,” Discord said turning and addressing all his students before snapping his fingers and disappearing along with his clipboard.

Scootaloo’s joyous look on getting her wings back suddenly dropped as she remembered she still had detention to attend and that her new ankle lock and bracelet would not allow her to fall asleep, giving out small electric shocks every time she found herself dropping off.

“Oh well,” she muttered to herself before finding Sweetie in amongst the crowd of students. “Sweetie, how’d the exam go for you?”

Sweetie’s eye twitched.

Apple Bloom tittered, “I think it’s better you don’t ask unless you want to join Ernest in being transfigured into a chicken.”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened.

“Bastard deserved it and trust me, it’s a lot better than being ripped to pieces by werewolves five times. I saved his sorry arse from a pack of werewolves and what does he do as we flee; He casts the tripping jinx on me to save himself. I just used my talent to turn him into what he is, a chicken,” Sweetie growled angrily.

“Oof, hard luck,” Scootaloo commented. “I hope that doesn’t effect your grade too much.”

“Me too,” Sweetie sighed. “Even though the theory exam was really tough, hopefully that will boost my overall grade a bit.”

“Fingers crossed,” Scootaloo replied, “and may I ask when you plan to turn him back?” she added pointing to the chicken that was pecking at Sweetie’s ankles.”

“I suppose it has been an hour now,” Sweetie replied lighting her horn.

The chicken disappeared and Ernest reappeared in just his underwear.

“My clothes!” he exclaimed.

“Oops, sorry Ernest but looks like I couldn’t transfigure your clothes back. Guess you’ll just have to race back to the dorm like that,” Sweetie stated with mock sympathy.

“What! I’ll be the laughingstock of the school!” Ernest cried.

“Oh, I doubt anyone will see if you run as fast as you did after tripping me over,” Sweetie replied her voice suddenly taking on a cold edge.

“I told you that was an accident. I was aiming for a werewolf and then when I accidentally hit you, I panicked,” Ernest tried to explain.

“Apple Bloom?” Sweetie turned to her friend.

“He’s lying,” Apple Bloom deadpanned giving Ernest a disdainful look while crossing her arms over her chest.

“What, I am not!” Ernest argued as Sweetie’s horn lighted once more.

“You have thirty seconds to disappear from my sight before I transfigure you back into a chicken and hand you over to the elves for tonight’s dinner,” Sweetie said with the most deranged smile imaginable.

Ernest had never run so fast before in all his life.

The three girls along with a number of their classmates broke down with laughter as they watched the nearly naked boy run off back towards the Hufflepuff dormitories.

“Good riddance,” Sweetie finally said as the laughter started to subside. “Now, come on, lets enjoy what little time we have before our revision session.”


Later that night, deep in the depths of the castle, darkness plotted.

“Did you get it right this time you fool? We cannot have any accidents like the last time or it may very well be the last time,” the voice said.

“Y-y-yes master, I b-b-believe the chaos magic that she has been subjected to by her father reacted badly to the potion we doused her drink with. Hopefully this time the injection we gave her will m-m-mean she’ll sleep like a s-sloth and not be able to warn anyone,” Professor Quirrell stumbled in reply.

“Excellent, then by this time tomorrow, the stone will be mine and I, Lord Voldemort shall return. You have served me well Quirrell and shall be duly rewarded in time.”

“Th-th-thank you, master,” Quirrell replied.

Author's Note:

Next chapter out tomorrow. Enjoy this short piece of laughter before the finale begins!

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