• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,099 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Exams Week 1- Parrots, Parties, Practicals, Pranks, Premonitions and a Puppy

Author's Note:


After the chaos of the weekend and Monday, one word could sum up the remainder of the Crusaders' final week of lessons for their first year, revision. If they weren’t being pushed hard in a lesson, they were being pushed hard in detention by McGonagall, Sprout, Snape or Discord. Even when they did have thirty seconds to catch their breath, the fear of failure soon meant they had their heads in a book once more or were practicing wand movements, transfiguring objects or something else. Most nights they didn’t go to bed till way beyond curfew, often falling asleep in bed with a book on each of their faces.

Agonisingly slowly the days ticked on by and the Monday morning of their first exam finally arrived. Barely any of the first years could stomach much at breakfast that morning and soon enough they found themselves in a sweltering hot classroom with brand new special anti-cheating quills scribbling away frantically on parchment. There exams were to be spaced across two weeks with each day focusing on one subject, with each exam, except history, having a written section in the morning and a practical section in the afternoon. First up was Transfiguration and as they left the classroom Scootaloo joked with a grimace.

“Well, that’s one written paper failed.”

“Well, we did warn you we didn’t think sleeping on the books was the best form of revision,” Apple Bloom deadpanned in reply.

“And not to focus so much of your time on practical studies,” Sweetie added.

“And I told you I’m not book smart. I’m just playing to my strengths is all,” Scootaloo said with her usual trademark grin.

Apple Bloom rolled her eye. “Sweetie, five galleons Scootaloo fails Transfiguration.”

“Hey!” Scootaloo exclaimed indignantly.

“You’re on,” Sweetie Belle replied ignoring Scootaloo’s protestations and instead spitting into her hand and shaking Apple Bloom’s to confirm the bet.

Hermione giggled next to Scootaloo. “Well, looks like I won’t have to worry about you beating me in the written sections of our exams.”

“Pfft, just you wait till the results come out and you see my practical marks. Then we shall see who wins our little bet,” Scootaloo retorted cockily.


“Remarkable, simply remarkable,” Dumbledore mused looking over the almost perfect snuffbox that had replaced the mouse on the table. “This is truly a pleasant surprise Miss Aloo, I’m glad to see you’ve been practicing so hard.”

“Thank you, sir,” Scootaloo replied with a smile, “I’m more of a practical learner and felt it was best I stick to my strengths when revising.”

“I see,” Dumbledore replied stroking his beard. “I guess whatever suits you best. Now, I had better call in the next student, off you go and keep up the good work!”

Scootaloo departed with a wicked smirk on her face. She was looking forward to meeting Hermione’s parents in the summer.


Herbology came next, one of Scootaloo’s weakest subject, but at least she had remembered the dangerous plants Incendio could be used on, specifically spiky bushes. Herbology was followed by her strongest subject Divination and for everybody else in her year Astronomy. Due to the Astronomy practical being so late at night, Thursday gave them a chance to rest and recuperate before Potions on Friday. Unfortunately for Sweetie though, she was not about to get a lie in on her birthday as at 4am Scootaloo’s eyes shot open and her ankle bracelet started beeping ridiculously loudly awakening every one of the Hufflepuff first year girls.

“Huh?” Apple Bloom groaned. “What’s going on?” she said in the darkness fumbling for her wand before casting Lumos.

“The bitch is about to have another fucking fit,” Wally cawed testily, unhappy at being awoken himself.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, the clock nears midnight. Very soon evil will engulf Hogwarts. The Dark Lord will return when the moon is new and bring about a new rein of terror. Only one born at the end of the seventh month can stop him. BEWARE, BEWARE!” Scootaloo cried in a monotone voice..

“Told you fucking so,” Wally cawed.

Faster than lightning Apple Bloom jumped out of bed and tried to stop the writhing girl from hurting herself. Scootaloo’s eyes had once more rolled back and she was convulsing uncontrollably, foaming at the mouth.

“Come on Scoots, fight it. Whatever it is, fight it,” she said as Scootaloo continued to squirm in her grasp.

Susan lit the candles in the room.

That was when a black mist seeped out of Scootaloo and formed a grotesque face above them all.

“Fuck,” Susan and Wally said as one as the face emitted an ear-piercing wail that forced every girl aside from Scootaloo to drop to the floor holding their ears.

“Make it stop,” Megan screamed, blood dripping from her nose and barely able to lift herself off the floor.

As if on cue, Discord and Professor Sprout appeared, both in pyjamas sporting polka dotted ear muffs.

“EXPECTO PATRONUM,” Discord cried and as if this morning couldn’t get any weirder, a ghostly looking Pegasus appeared from his wand and charged the dark wailing mist causing it to explode on contact.

The girls though had all passed out by this point aside from Scootaloo who was vomiting black ichor all over the floor and Apple Bloom who was leaning heavily against one of Scootaloo’s bed posts.

“We need to get them all to the infirmary immediately to ensure no lasting damage has been done,” Discord commanded sombrely. “I think though we were just in time. Any later and we’d be waking a mortician rather than Madam Pomfrey.”

“Thank goodness,” Professor Sprout sighed.

“What the fuck just happened?” Scootaloo groaned barely conscious from the floor.

“A nasty backlash of dark magic my dear girl,” Discord cooed walking over and picking up his daughter in his arms. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” he soothed touching Scootaloo’s forehead. The girl immediately joined her friends in passing out.

“Come on you stupid bastard bird, breathe,” another voice wailed from the floor.

“Give it the fuck-up, I was old anyway. Look after Scootaloo for me,” a voice echoed as a ghostly figure rose from the lifeless form of a one-legged parrot with an eye patch before dispersing into nothing. Apple Bloom stared open mouthed for a moment before she wailed once more with grief.

Wally was dead.


Possibly the last place Sweetie wanted to be on her birthday aside sitting in a sweltering classroom taking an exam was the infirmary with a splitting headache, but here she was. At least she had her dormmates to keep her company even if the mood was very sombre after the morning’s events. She was also looking forward to being released by the evening for almost inevitably another Pinkie party.

“So, Wally’s gone?” Sweetie repeated to Apple Bloom who sat at the end of the infirmary bed she now resided in.

“Kinda,” was the response she received as a spectral figure landed upon Apple Bloom’s shoulder.

“Fucking afterlife’s boring, no crackers. Plus, haunting you fucking lot is going to be way more fun,” Wally’s ghost cawed as Apple Bloom handed him a cracker.

“How’s he able to eat that?” Sweetie questioned unsure she wanted the answer.

“Discord,” Apple Bloom deadpanned in reply.

“Of course.”

“Anyway, happy birthday!” she exclaimed opening her arms wide.

Sweetie looked at her friend as if she had gone mad.

Apple Bloom coughed, “Discord.”

A whole array of presents fell atop Sweetie burying the poor girl. The only parts of her body that were visible, her arms, flailed wildly.

“Surprise!" Discord exclaimed popping into existence next to Sweetie’s bed wearing a party hat while blowing a party whistle and setting off party poppers.

Apple Bloom face palmed. “Well, that couldn’t have gone any worse.”


Sweetie was delighted at the presents she had received. Aside from yet another dress from Rarity there was a whole assortment of items from a freshly baked apple pie from Apple Bloom to flowers, books and sweets from the rest of the girls. Scootaloo had even managed to get a breathtakingly beautiful small handcrafted statue of her saving a Quaffle in a match made. Finally, once the final gift had been unwrapped, Discord coughed.

“I know I don’t know you that well, aside from you being one of my daughter’s best friends, but especially seeing now that Wally will be unable to deliver letters across dimensions,” Discord started to say nervously.

“Damn fucking right,” the ghost of Wally interrupted.

“I think this will make an excellent replacement and present for you as well as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo,” he said shoving his hand into the void and pulling a small carry cage out. Growls and snarls could be heard from within and the carrier shook violently.

This time it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to look nervous, her eyes starting to bulge. “Err, what’s that?” she asked as Discord unbolted the cage and a giant blur of night black fur with blood red eyes and extremely large fangs shot out and launched itself at Sweetie.

Sweetie froze with fear.

Apple Bloom’s eyes bulged.

The thing started licking Sweetie’s face.

Sweetie squealed with laughter as the pup slobbered all over her face. “Stop it,” she feebly exclaimed trying in vain to force the weight upon her chest off.

“Irish hellhound pup. Extremely strong, loyal and protective of their masters. Also, practically invincible,” Discord explained. “He’ll also be your new letter deliverer.”

“That’s a puppy? And don’t you mean Irish wolfhound?” Apple Bloom exclaimed in a slightly worried tone.

“Yes and nope,” Discord said with a smirk before snapping his figures and disappearing.

“Great,” Apple Bloom let out a heavy sigh wondering how long it would be before the beast got them expelled. At least Sweetie’s mood had picked up.

“What you got there?” Scootaloo questioned peeling back the curtain between their two beds and looking over at Sweetie’s new pet.

“Sweetie’s new pet and our new post dog, apparently an Irish hellhound,” Apple Bloom replied.

“Cool,” Scootaloo said in response with a wide grin.

“His name’s Wallace, in memory of a recently dearly departed friend,” Sweetie announced in between being licked to death by the over excited puppy.

“Thanks, at least somebody fucking loves me,” Wally’s ghost cawed.

“Don’t you start,” Apple Bloom growled, “I did my fucking best to bring you back to life you ungrateful piece of shit.”

“Well, you didn’t do a very good fucking job, did you?” Wally replied pecking Apple Bloom on the head.

“Ow? How’s that even possible? You know what never mind,” she finished with yet another sigh looking at the ginormous puppy that had now curled up on Sweetie’s chest and with a big yawn that revealed it’s overly large fangs settled down for a nap. “Five galleons Wallace bites off one of Malfoy’s limbs before the end of our fifth year,” she said turning to Scootaloo.

“You’re on,” Scootaloo immediately responded before turning her attention to Wally with a tear in her eye. “And you know I loved you, you old grump.”

Wally stuck out his ghostly tongue at Apple Bloom before fluttering over to Scootaloo and settling down on her shoulder for a nap of his own. Scootaloo scratched his ghostly ear getting a coo of pleasure in reply.

Why’d I even attempt to save him she thought to herself as an almighty scream reverberated round the infirmary. Great, Madam Pomfrey had discovered Wallace.


By early afternoon the girls were bored of sitting in bed revising and Madam Pomfrey seemed only to happy to be rid of them and especially Wallace after Dumbledore had spoken to each of them about the early morning events. Rather peculiarly they were given a wide birth in the hallways, although this might have partly been due to Wallace who’d been a very messy eater and was covered in cow’s blood after his lunch. His blood red eyes only added to the look.

“We’ll have to give him a bath in a bit,” Sweetie giggled as yet another student legged it in the direction opposite to them.

“We will do, but first,” she couldn’t finish what she was about to say as tears wracked her vision.

“Hey Scoots, what’s up, I heard you got admitted to the infirmary again this morning and they wouldn’t let me see you,” Hermione’s voice echoed down the corridor getting ever closer.

“Wh-wh-what is that thing?” Ron and Neville whimpered simultaneously.

“Irish hellhound, Sweetie’s birthday present from Discord, best not to ask,” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

Hermione though was only interested in the tear-streaked face of her girlfriend.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“She had another fucking prophecy this morning and Dark Magic got involved. Long story short, I’m fucking dead,” Wally’s ghost cawed from Scootaloo’s shoulder.

Hermione stared at the ghostly parrot for a moment before turning her concerned expression back on her girlfriend. “Oh Scootaloo, I’m guessing that’s what’s in the box. Come on, we’ll go find a nice spot to bury him in the grounds,” She entwined her arm around her girlfriend’s and pulled her along.

“Thanks,” Scootaloo sniffled wiping a tear from eye.

“You better, no dumping my remains in Hagrid’s compost heap,” Wally admonished.

Hermione glowered at the ghost and Wally went silent.

Slowly the entourage followed, Neville steering well clear of Wallace, and they made their way out onto the grounds. Soon they had found the perfect fucking spot, according to Wally’s ghost, and had laid the poor bird’s physical body to rest under a tree overlooking the lake. Wallace had been only to happy to dig the grave.

For a while nobody said anything, unsure what to say. Discord appeared at one point and blew his nose into a massive oversized hanky before disappearing once more. Finally, it was Wally’s ghost that broke the silence,

“Fuck me, killed by a shrieking cloud, what a way to go.”

And just like that the awkwardness was broken as everybody broke down with laughter.

“Same old Wally,” Scootaloo eventually managed to force out wiping away yet another tear. “Even in death, still the comedian. Only you’d be able to make a mockery out of death.”

“Damn fucking right,” Wally cawed. “Now, stop moping about; its Shitty Belle’s birthday for fuck sake. Happy fucking birthday to you,” Wally started singing and soon everyone started to join in as they laughed, giggled and congratulated the birthday girl as they started making their way back to the castle.

“Still fucking got it,” the ghost of Wally murmured under his breath.


Pinkie was already waiting for them in the common room after they’d said their goodbyes to the Gryffindors who had headed back to their own common to continue studying for tomorrow’s Potions exams.

“SURPRISE!” she squealed blowing a party whistle and wearing a party hat as they entered. “Just no adult juice this time. I’ve still got the bruise on my tooshie where Applejack bucked me after she found out about our last celebration,” she added rubbing her flank.

Sweetie Belle giggled. “I think we’ve all learnt our lesson. No more alcohol till we are old enough to handle it.”

“Hey,” Apple Bloom snipped in. “At least one of us can handle their booze.”

Sweetie ignored the interruption grasping Pinkie in her arms. “Thanks Pinkie, it looks amazing as always,”

“No problemo,” Pinkie replied with a giggle as Sweetie lowered her to the ground. “NOW LETS PARTY!” She shrieked at the top of her voice placing a red party hat upon Wallace’s confused looking head.

And thus, the stress of exams, infirmary visits, ominous predictions, the death of a somewhat beloved pet and everything else melted away as for a few hours the girls were able to enjoy themselves and act their age. From silly party games once more to dancing and generally just laughing over the smallest of things, it proved to be just the break the girls had needed before Apple Bloom and Scootaloo went back to their books that evening for some final cramming before tomorrow’s Potions exams. Meanwhile, Sweetie attempted valiantly to give Wallace a bath.

“Quit struggling,” Sweetie yelled for the umpteenth time from the bathroom as the dog continued its fight to get free from her grasp and flee.

Wallace yelped in reply trying once more to squirm from the girl’s firm hold as she scrubbed his back.

“Who’s giving who a bath in there,” Scootaloo yelled from their dorm to a round of sniggers.

“Shut it or you’ll be next!” Sweetie yelled back.

“Oh, I’m so, what the?” Scootaloo exclaimed as one sodden mutt appeared in front of her.

“You little shit, where have you apparated to this time,” Sweetie roared as she slammed the bathroom door open with a wild look in her eyes. She looked a mess, her robes were soaked through, her hair drenched and the makeup she wore was smeared all over her face.

Scootaloo tried, she really did, to not fall over right then and there in a fit of laughter. “Give it up Sweetie, he looks clean enough to me,” she said hugging the poor whining mongrel that was staring at her with his big red eyes looking for some protection from his slightly insane owner.

Scootaloo wasn’t sure if the look Wallace was giving her was scary or adorable, it was probably somewhere between the two or both.

“Nope, he still needs his paws seeing to, coat permed and then he needs to be dried. Now release him or you can join him,” Sweetie explained before letting out a hiccup. A stream of bubbles exited her mouth.

That was the final straw for Scootaloo who fell back onto her back while holding onto poor Wallace in a fit of giggles. “Make me, Sweetie Bubbelle,” she finally managed to squeak.

“With pleasure,” Sweetie replied with a crazed smile her horn glowing green and levitating both girl and dog into the air.

Both stared at her with a look of shock and surprise as she carried them effortlessly back towards the bathroom.

“Wait, what the. Sweetie put me down. I was only joking,” Scootaloo chuckled nervously, her confidence and cockiness disappearing in an instant.

“Too late,” Sweetie exclaimed whistling like a maniac as she levitated both girl and dog into the bathroom before slamming and locking the door behind her.

The remaining four girls sensibly opted to return to their books and ignore the screams that echoed from the bathroom for the next half an hour rather than get involved. When Scootaloo and Wallace finally reappeared, both were completely spotless, had had their coats and hair permed and sported pink bows. Scootaloo was also wearing one of Sweetie’s dresses.

Sweetie skipped out of the bathroom looking delighted with her efforts as the other four girls tried not to laugh at the pouting girl and dog.

“Not a word,” Scootaloo grumbled sitting back down on her bed Wallace jumping and sitting next to her.

A flash of light suddenly blinded her.

“One for the album,” Sweetie said with a smile suddenly holding a camera.

“I really hate you sometimes,” Scootaloo groused as perfectly timed Discord appeared out of nowhere and started laughing at his poor daughter’s misfortune.


“And what might I ask is that?” Snape growled looking over the concoction that Scootaloo had just brewed. It was supposedly a forgetfulness potion but had turned bright red instead of orange.

“Huh, that’s strange, I followed the instructions to the letter. If it still works do I get a passing grade?” Scootaloo enquired.

“Although highly unethical if you really must test your monstrosity and it is effective, I suppose I’ll have to,”

“Where am I? And for that matter who am I? And who are you?” Scootaloo interrupted Snape placing a beaker down on the side still half full of her forgetfulness potion. “And that’s nasty, tastes like curdled milk mixed with rotten fish.”

Snape sighed and wrote in his notebook:

Miss Prewett – 60% - Potion effective, but of the wrong colour and results in changing of eye colour also and excess hair growth. Extra points for having the nerve to test its effectiveness herself, for the fact it tastes vile and for seemingly being highly effective.


After spending much of Friday evening once again in the infirmary until the forgetfulness potion wore off and to have her hair cut, Scootaloo returned to the Hufflepuff Common Room knowing that there were four more days between her and her next exam.

“Hey Scootaloo over here!” Sweetie called waving to her friend to come over to the table where the girls of the first-year Hufflepuff girls’ dorm were sat around.

“Hey Sweetie what you up to?” Scootaloo replied coming over to join her friends, eyes going wide for a moment as she saw that Wallace was once more covered in blood and sheep guts. He’d need yet another bath before the night was over. This time though she’d most certainly keep her mouth shut.

“Oh, nothing much, just taking a breather from revision for five minutes, playing a stupid game, writing a letter to Rarity about how my birthday went and generally just laughing over the fact that you had to test your own forgetfulness potion to pass your first year Potions practical.”

The girls around the table all tried to stifle their giggles.

“At least I got to skip detention with McGonagall and so says the girl who got expelled from Potions within the first week,” Scootaloo retaliated stone faced.

More giggles around the table.

“Touché,” Sweetie retorted as she handed Wallace the letter she’d just finished writing. “Rarity, go deliver this to Rarity boy.” She gave the dog a massive hug before letting him go.

“Shouldn’t you clean him up a bit before,” Scootaloo never finished as the dog disappeared in a puff of black smoke. “To late.”

“Oops, dearie me and how forgetful. I hope he doesn’t give Rarity to much of a scare upon arrival,” Sweetie sniggered. “Maybe next time she’ll actually put some thought into my birthday present rather than just make me another Luna-damned dress,” she added testily.

“Okay then, what’s this game you’re playing?” Scootaloo wisely chose to change what was clearly a touchy subject for her best friend.

A creepy grin adorned Sweetie’s face. “Kidnap, kiss, transfigure, me, Apple Bloom, Hermione.”

“Oooh, good one,” Hannah commented.

“Really? That’s easy. I’d kidnap Hermione. I’ve done it once, I can do it again. I’d kiss Apple Bloom because there’s no way I’d have any chance of kidnapping her and transfiguring her would result in a one-way trip to the lake in the end. Plus, by transfiguring you into your unicorn form, you can just change yourself back, no problem,” Scootaloo explained with a smug expression as Sweetie pouted.

The rest of the table gave her a round of applause.

“Apple Bloom, kidnap, kiss, transfigure, Neville, Professor Sprout, Professor Snape,” she said wickedly.

The clapping stopped and a deathly silence hung over the table.

“No fair,” Apple Bloom grumbled. “I guess I’d kidnap Professor Snape and make him teach me even more complex potions and I’d transfigure Professor Sprout into a tree,” she gave a heavy sigh.

“Yes,” Scootaloo mocked puckering her lips. “Oh, Neville darling, won’t you go out with me.”

Apple Bloom’s face went red with embarrassment and rage. “We are just friends,” she said in a tone that clearly meant don’t push your luck.

Scootaloo stupidly ignored the warning signs. “Hah, you didn’t think to look up when you escorted him back to his common room the other week, did you?” she pulled a photo out from her robes and flashed it round for everybody to see. It clearly showed Apple Bloom and Neville kissing in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Jaws dropped all round the table and an awkward silence hung in the air for a second. Then Scootaloo continued completely oblivious to her friends clearly rising temperature.

“I’ve been so busy lately I completely forgot about it until this evening. Joanne still owes me a favour for letting her keep her position on the school paper. I wonder if Timid First Years Find Love would make a good headline. It would certainly make up for all the times you’ve teased me about Hermione,” Scootaloo said with her trademark grin.

“Give me that fucking photo right this second,” Apple Bloom snorted like a bull seeing red.

“Make me,” Scootaloo replied smugly.

“With pleasure,” Apple Bloom replied.


“HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP” Rarity screamed while she cowered atop her work desk, Opal screeching on her back also.

The black monstrosity covered in blood and with blood red eyes took a step closer to her. She jabbed it with a broom she held within her magical aura.

“Stay back you monster,” Rarity wailed.

Wallace stared at the deranged mare with a confused expression spread across his face. He was only trying to deliver a letter and this pony was treating him like he was about to savage her to death, calling him mean names, jabbing him with a large stick and generally hurting his feelings.

He whimpered. Rarity jabbed him once more. Wallace yelped and leapt back.

“HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP” Rarity screamed once more and this time the bell above the door to her boutique rang. Finally, she was saved.

“Rarity, just what in tarnation are you? Now, aren’t you the cutest thing,” Applejack said before pulling out a bone from her bag. “Wrestle you for it?”

Wallace’s eyes went wide for a moment before he remembered his job first and foremost. Maybe this new pony could help him out. He wandered over and dropped the note in front of Applejack before pawing it over to her.

“Oh, what’s this?” She unfurled the parchment.

“Uh huh, yep, I see,” AJ muttered to herself deep in thought.

“Well, what does it say?” Rarity pressed still cowering atop her workbench.

“It’s a letter from your sister. Long story short the good news is that foul mouthed parrot popped his clogs and we don’t have to deal with him delivering us letters anymore,” Applejack sighed.

“Thank heavens,” Rarity replied not particularly fond of said parrot either before suddenly remembering. “Wait what’s the bad news?”

“Yowch,” Applejack replied rubbing the back of her skull.

“Fucking bitch,” Wally’s ghost replied before leaving ectoplasmic goop all over one of Rarity’s finely crafted dresses as he disappeared once more.

“I’ll fucking kill him again,” Rarity growled ominously staring at the ruined creation she’d spent hours and hours painstakingly crafting.

“Wait, how? What? You know what never mind. Rarity, before you blow a fuse you might like to know Wallace here is an Irish hellhound and Wally’s replacement letter deliverer and Discord’s birthday present to Sweetie,” Applejack deadpanned.

Rarity stared at the blood-soaked monstrosity once more. Somehow her white fur went even paler.

“He’s also only a puppy,” Applejack added.

Rarity face froze in abject horror.

Wallace gave her a toothy grin, blood and bits of sheep still stuck between them.

That was the final straw. Rarity dropped in a dead faint atop poor Opal who screeched in outrage.

Applejack couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “I’m sure she’ll get used to you over time don’t you worry. Now how about we wrestle for this here bone?”

She held the bone out to the mutt. Wallace gripped it in his teeth and pulled with all of his might. After several minutes of tugging back and forth pony and dog fell atop each other laughing.

“Pewee,” Applejack immediately stated pushing the hellhound away from her in repulsion but still holding him firmly. “Someone needs a bath. Come along, I’m sure Rarity won’t mind us using her tub,” she said with a mischievous grin remembering the numerous times her friend had annoyed her with her fancy ways.

Wallace’s eyes shot open before he disappeared in a puff of black smoke with the bone in his mouth.

“Coward,” Applejack growled.


“One of you two is going to tell me exactly what happened right this instant or so help me I’ll deduct each of you fifty points. The common room looks like a bomb hit it, again,” Professor Sprout bellowed angrily.

“I also do not approve of you breaking my ankle locks,” Discord said equally angry holding the mangled piece of metal in his hand.

“Don’t you dare say anything,” Apple Bloom glowered at Scootaloo with a look that if it could have killed, would have then and there.

Shivering profusely as she lay trussed up like a Christmas turkey absolutely drenched on an infirmary bed for a record third time in two days with mild Hypothermia, a black eye and fractured eye socket Scootaloo simply chattered, “A-a-a-pp-l-e B-l-oo-m a-nd N-e-v,” she got no further as Apple Bloom shoved a fist into her mouth.

“I said be quiet and where’s that damn photo?” Apple Bloom said with fire in her eyes as Professor Sprout attempted futilely to get in between the two squabbling girls.

“ENOUGH!” Discord barked encasing Apple Bloom in a floating bubble before turning his daughter upside down and shaking her violently for a few seconds before said photo fluttered onto the bed.

Scootaloo vomited onto the bed in a dizzy haze as she was lowered upon it while Discord levitated the photo over to himself and Professor Sprout.

Apple Bloom slammed with rage against the bubble and tiny cracks actually started to appear in it.

Both teachers stared at the photo for a moment before both attempted and failed to hide their amusement.

Finally, Professor Sprout coughed and turned to the two girls, Apple Bloom had by now given up on escaping from her prison and instead was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the bubble pouting.

“In light of this evidence you shall both have detention with Professor Binns for the entirety of next week,” Professor Sprout stated sternly.

Both girls groaned.

“Furthermore, you shall both be spending your entire weekend with me in class 104 revising for your three remaining exams,” Discord added just as firmly.

Both girls groaned once more.

“This photo shall also be pinned up on the staff room notice board before being destroyed.”

Apple Bloom held her head in her hands wishing she could curl up in a ball and die. Scootaloo still had a smirk on her face.

“Oh well, I had my fun and totally worth it. Plus, while you two were distracted a special edition of the Hogwarts Hawk was being circulated around the school,” the girl said boldly.

Apple Bloom’s eyes shot open and she immediately got up and started pounding on the bubble once more. A bead of sweat actually dripped down Discord’s face as he poured more magic into the bubble to prevent the girl from escaping and snapping her best friend like a twig.

Scootaloo started to laugh and immediately regretted it as she rolled off the bed. “Ouch,” she exclaimed from the floor before adding, “your face Bloom. As if I'd really do something as mean as that. Although, I may have left a copy on both our common room’s and the 1st year’s noticeboards.”

Discord actually looked at his daughter impressed for a moment before sighing and remembering his, ugh, responsibilities. Then a devious idea hit him and he said in a dulcet tone, “seeing as detention doesn’t seem to faze you dear daughter and how you seem to like winding up your friends, she now has my services for a revenge prank whenever and however she wishes from the end of your flight test a week Wednesday 'til the end of the summer holidays.”

Apple Bloom stopped smashing against the ball she was imprisoned in and instead started to rub her hands together in glee cackling like a maniac, not that anyone could hear her.

“Oh fuck, YOW,” Scootaloo responded with a scream from the floor suddenly noticing she was now wearing not just an ankle bracelet on her left ankle but her left arm also.

“Just in case,” Discord said sweetly with a mischievous grin of his own.


Discord was very much true to his word over the next couple of days. Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo found themselves awoken at 7am sharp on Saturday and Sunday before being marshalled to breakfast. From just past 8am to 8pm in the evening the girls sat in their Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom with only their books for company while Discord kept an ever-close eye on them. The only time they were allowed a breather was for lunch and even that was brought to them. By the end of the two days Scootaloo could barely lift her head from her desk she was that bored of revision.

“Learnt your lesson?” Discord asked in a sickly-sweet tone walking over to his daughter.

“Yes,” Scootaloo mumbled in reply.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. You know it is quite rude to not look at someone when they are talking to you. If you want some dinner this evening, I suggest you be a bit more courteous,” Discord replied strictly.

Scootaloo raised her head of the table and gazed rebelliously at her father, “Yes, Professor Discord sir.”

“Good, how about you Miss Bloom.”

Apple Bloom nodded her head before adding, “Yes, sir.”

“Excellent, now off you go and no more fighting or I’ll send both of you for timeout in the chaos realm with Screwloose and Scewball,” Discord threatened.

As soon as the two girls departed Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief.

“I never thought I’d ever want a weekend to be over.”

“Me either,” Apple Bloom agreed. “Promise never to fight again?”

“Until the next time I prank you,” Scootaloo giggled. “Sorry, but you did have it coming after the amount of harassment you gave me when I started dating Hermione. I am actually really happy for you and Neville.”

“Yeah. I’ll accept I kinda had it coming and thanks. At least it seems not many people managed to see the photo before it was taken down,” Apple Bloom replied.

“I think a lot of our fellow students probably did but also saw what you did to me and didn’t want to end up at the bottom off the lake,” Scootaloo snickered.

Apple Bloom elicited a snicker of her own before replying, “you’re probably right there. I am truly sorry about your eye. I sometimes don’t realise just how strong I am,” she replied.

“Heh, don’t worry about it, another day or two and it’ll be completely healed,” Scootaloo responded pulling the other girl into a headlock and giving her a noogie.

“Hey stop that,” Apple Bloom said attempting to wriggle free.

“I guess we should hurry and get some dinner before they close the kitchens for the evening,” Scootaloo pondered letting Apple Bloom go.

“And Sweetie will be waiting up for us when we get back. Wouldn’t be fair to keep her waiting too long,” Apple Bloom added.

“Well, what are we waiting for, race you to the great hall!” Scootaloo cried darting off before Apple Bloom had a chance to respond.

“Hey, that’s cheating,” Apple Bloom bellowed before racing after Scootaloo in an attempt to catch her up.


It had ended up being an easy victory for Scootaloo but Apple Bloom hadn’t seemed overly bothered despite Scoot's usual goading. Like the night before dinner was a surreal experience in the virtually empty Great Hall and by 21:30 they were just entering their unlit dorm ready to collapse into bed when Scootaloo felt something clamp around her wrists.

“Hey, what gives?” She cried staring sleepily at the pair of handcuffs she now sported as something heavy also clasped around her ankles.

“Oh, that’s so you can’t run away,” Apple Bloom said with an impish grin. “Sweetie, we’re ready for you,” Apple Bloom bellowed.

Scootaloo could just make out the green glow of Sweetie’s magical aura before a blinding light engulfed her.

“What the?” Scootaloo said in a daze, her vision slowly returning. She looked down to see she now once again had hooves. Unfortunately for her they were still chained together as well as to a very large cannon ball. “Okay Bloom, I’m going to ask one more time before I scream the place down, what gives?”

“Oh, don’t worry, you have nothing to fear. Sweetie here just wants to get some measurements for Rarity so she can ensure the lovely froufrou dress she is going to make for you to wear for Applejack and Rainbow’s wedding fits perfectly.

“I’m not wearing no froufrou dress to their wedding,” Scootaloo argued a little confused by all this.

“You are now. Remember what Discord said, one revenge prank; well this is it. I’m sure it’ll be a lovely start to our second year when Discord posts pictures of Hufflepuff’s tough tomboy quidditch captain looking so girly throughout the school,” Apple Bloom finished with a look of pure evil spread across her face.

Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom too stunned for words for a moment before finally finding her tongue. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Karma bitch,” was Apple Bloom’s simple reply as Sweetie began taking the necessary measurements.

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