• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,100 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Thursday part 1: The Unforgiveable Curses

Author's Note:


The first year Hufflepuffs sat at breakfast the next morning going over the days schedule when Discord approached them wearing a garish rainbow coloured suit.

“Ahh, all here I see, perfect. They have provided me with classroom 104 in the Discord tower for our lesson. Are we ready to learn?”

Scootaloo gave an eager nod standing up whilst the rest of the table quickly finished what they were eating before joining her.

“Excellent, come along then.”


It was upon entering the newly renamed Discord tower that the first year Hufflepuffs came across their first shock of the morning as a huge slobbering Werewolf came barrelling towards them. Rather than deal with it though Discord just stood aside and watched his newly acquired class. Whilst most cowered back in fear, Scootaloo stepped forward as Apple Bloom looked like she was preparing to charge the beast.

Pulling her wand out his adopted daughter cried “Homorphous” and the werewolf abruptly disappeared.

“Excellent, ten points to Hufflepuff for your bravery and knowledge Miss Prewett.” Discord praised the girl who positively beamed at him.

“Can you even give us house points?” Justin quipped, slowly getting over the shock and fear induced by the sudden appearance of the werewolf.

“I’m the God of Chaos, of course I can.” Discord laughed before becoming deadly serious once more. “Now here is your first and most vital lesson in Defence Against the Dark Arts. You must learn to expect the unexpected. This is more important than anything you will find in any textbook and failure to acknowledge this will almost certainly lead to your downfall. A werewolf won’t say how do you do before they maul you. Your enemies won’t stand in front of you and warn you they are about to use the killing curse; they’ll sneak up behind you and stab you in the back. I hope none of you will have to encounter the creatures and spells we will be going over across the next five years of your education, but it is better to prepare you just in case. An ill prepared witch or wizard is a dead witch or wizard. I hope this demonstration has proven that and will provide the necessary incentive for you to study diligently in learning how to defend yourself against such atrocities. Now come along, we have a lot to learn today.” Discord took off with not even a glance behind him.

Scootaloo literally bounced behind him followed cautiously by Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. The remainder of the class stood staring at each other for a moment, still a little stunned at what they’d just witnessed.

“Well if it’s a choice between utter chaos and possible death before the end of the year or Professor Quirrell, there’s only one logical option.” Wayne said shrugging his shoulders and following the three girls.

Nodding their heads in agreement the rest of the class soon followed.

After navigating the maze of stairways and corridors the newly rebuilt Discord tower now contained, the small contingent of students and teacher came across the room they required.

As they entered Ernest squawked “what on Earth” as student after student floated weightlessly up to the ceiling where an array of desks awaited them along with a chalkboard at the front of the classroom where Discord waited.

“Take your seats please and I shall begin.” Slowly the surprised bunch of first years sat themselves down, allowing Discord to continue. “Good, now as you are probably aware, I am professor Discord, Lord, Master and God of Chaos.” He exclaimed as his name appeared upon the chalkboard. “You are all here because you felt your Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons needed a little more excitement and chaos, something which I will most certainly provide over the next five years. First of all, I’d like to get to know my students, so let’s have a quick name and an interesting fact about yourself session. We will start with Scootaloo and go around the room.”

After every student had stated their name and an interesting fact about themselves Discord continued his introduction to the subject at hand. “Thank you to all of you for that little bit of insight and information. I can already tell we will have a most exciting time together over the next five years. To begin I’d like to inform you of the five core areas we shall be covering over the next five years.” He snapped his fingers once again and five bullet points adorned the chalkboard.

1. The three unforgivable curses and ways to combat them.
2. The three types of dark charms, using these to your advantage, and ways to combat them.
3. Dark Creatures and how to deal with such foul beasts.
4. Magical Duels.
5. Preparation for O.W.L.S

Overall, this will be done through both theoretical and practical means, utilising the information across four key text books, two of which I believe you already obtain, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander and The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble. Copies of the other two, The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts by Arsenius Jigger and Curses and Counter-Curses (Bewitch your Friends and Befuddle your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying and much, much more) by Professor Vindictus Viridian are on each of your desks now.” He snapped his fingers and the books appeared to the amazement of the children in front of them.

“This is going to be radical.” Scootaloo said with glee, flipping through the last book that Molly had refused to let her buy a copy of.

Justin’s hand shot up.

“Yes” Discord said intrigued.

“Is it ethical and wise to be teaching us dark charms?” The boy asked.

“I refer you back to our first lesson downstairs. Your enemies will not play fair or have a moral code of conduct. They will almost certainly be trying to kill you and unfortunately to survive such meetings you may need to stoop to their level and perform a few underhanded tricks. And before one of you ask, feel free to practice some of these curses on your fellow students, I am the God of Chaos after all.” He finished with a sly smirk. “Any more questions?

Scootaloo rubbed her hands with glee while Sweetie Belle buried her head in her hands thinking about how many points their house was going to lose. The rest of the class were unsure how to react to their teacher’s brutal honesty although some smiled at the fun they could possibly have with such curses. Nobody opted to ask another question so Discord moved on to their first topic of study.

“Excellent. Now I have already stated one of the three unforgivable curses, the killing curse or Avada Kedavra as the incantation goes. It may horrify some of you to know that that is the kindest of the three curses as death is immediate and painless. Anyone wish to harbour a guess at the other two and what will happen if you ever attempt to use any of these on another human being?”

After a while of blank stares around the classroom Scootaloo’s hand shakily raised into the air, the sudden change in her mood clear to everyone’s eyes.

“Ahh, Miss Prewett again. Go ahead, Discord encouraged.”

“The other two are the Cruciatus Curse which inflicts extreme pain upon the intended victim and the Imperius Curse which manipulates the mind of the victim to do the caster’s bidding. Use of any of these on another individual will result in a one-way trip to Azkaban.” The girl uttered morosely.

“Excellent once again. Now let us examine each one a little more closely.” Discord praised before turning to back to the chalkboard.


As the Hufflepuff first years left the Discord tower they tried to get their heads around what they’d just learnt.

“Why would anyone ever use such spells” Sally-Anne muttered. “Murdering people, hypnotising and making them do your bidding, torturing them. It’s just disgusting. I’m glad these people get sent to such a horrid place as Azkaban, they really do deserve it.”

“Agreed” Several others murmured.

“Yeah, sadly for some of us it came a little too late for our families.” Scootaloo said mournfully looking over at Susan who’d also been hit hard by the lesson that had just passed. “Let us hope none of us are forced into the option my mother had, suicide or extreme torture and forced loyalty to the Dark Lord. We can only hope he stays gone although if he dares rear his ugly head, I’ll send him to Tartarus myself.

“Only if I don’t get to him first.” Susan said coldly.

“Girls can we please change the subject. I know you two are hurting and we just had a really serious lesson and all but do we really need to dwell on it? How about we take our minds of things and go take a breather for a little while. We’ve got a free period next and been studying really hard anyway this week. Maybe now would be a good time to have an explore of the castle or pay a visit to Hagrid.” Apple Bloom interrupted.

“Sorry Bloom, that lesson just brought up a lot of bad blood is all and was a real eye opener. A tour of the castle sounds wonderful to clear my mind. Who wants to join us?” Scootaloo apologised still looking a little downcast.


In the end the Crusaders were joined by Susan as they took a walk around the grounds of the castle to try and clear their heads after such an intense and down to Earth lesson.

“Wow, the castle really is huge isn’t it? Apple Bloom stated admiring yet another tower.

“That it is young Miss. There are parts even I haven’t explored.” Hagrid said wistfully approaching the young girl from behind and causing her to startle in surprise. “Now, what are you doing out here anyway, shouldn’t you all be heading to class right now?” The behemoth of a man enquired.

“We’ve a free period and needed some time to clear our minds. Professor Discord taught us about the unforgiveable curses this morning in Defence Against the Dark Arts.” Sweetie Belle explained.

“WHAT!” Hagrid bellowed angrily. “What teacher in their right mind would teach those to first years? I’ve a good mind to go knock some sense into this tutor of yours. I know Quirrell is a bit of a buffoon, but at least he knows what material is appropriate to teach.”

“Yes, but what if He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named returned tomorrow and attacked the school or something else dangerous occurred. I understand my adoptive father’s techniques are a little unorthodox, but I can vouch on his behalf that he only does so for our own benefit. Yes, this morning’s lesson brought up some painful memories but it was probably the most valuable and important lesson we’ve had so far.” Scootaloo argued refusing to look the giant in the eyes as more tears started to fill hers.

“Right, to my shack with the lot of you for some tea and cake, I’m not taking no for an answer. Although I don’t agree with it, I understand your reasoning young Miss and won’t interfere further. I will not however stand aside and ignore a student who is clearly in a lot of pain.” Hagrid replied with a defeated sigh.

“Thank you.” Scootaloo spoke softly, “that sounds wonderful.” She forced out a chuckle.


“And there you have it Mr Hagrid sir, the whole story.” Scootaloo finished, sipping her tea and petting Fang who had dropped his head upon her lap. Tears stained her cheeks.

The other three girls stared at her. Until now Scootaloo had never revealed to anyone in detail just what Discord had shown her in that memory orb. To have seen and witnessed the use of such dark and despicable magic first hand as it wiped out almost your entire family. To see it used to force family member against family member while those in control just stood by and laughed. To see the excruciating pain etched across the faces of those you never got a chance to meet. To see your mother turn her own wand on herself as others watched and laughed. And during it all, all you could do was nothing but watch and cry. For many such memories would be too much to handle and led to an indefinite stay at St Mungo’s, but their friend had taken these upon her shoulders and continued as if normal and seemingly unaffected.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie could hardly come to comprehend how Scootaloo had managed to repress such memories. Susan though shared her pain. Although she’d never witnessed such spells, the ten years she had had with her mother had shown her enough the devastation they could cause.

Rage boiled inside Hagrid. Right then and there he wanted to get a hold of Lucius Malfoy, snap his back across his knee and then leave his paralysed husk at the mercy of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest. He pushed the thought deep down inside of him and took a deep breath. Now was not the time. He walked over to the poor girl and pulled her into his arms in a massive hug.

“I’m here for you lass. Hagrid isn’t going anywhere.” And just like that the tears came again. Slowly, one by one, the girls came over and joined in the hug.

“We’re here for you Scoots.” Apple Bloom comforted.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders forever.” Sweetie Belle added.

“I know your pain.” Susan consoled, her own memories leading to her own tears.

For nearly five minutes they stayed like that before Hagrid saw the time.

“My, my, would you look at that. If you don’t get a move on, you’ll be late to your next class and we wouldn’t want old Hagrid to get in trouble now would we.” He forced a chuckle.

“No sir.” Apple Bloom remarked letting go of the giant man alongside Sweetie and Susan. Hagrid kept a hold of Scootaloo who had absolutely exhausted herself emotionally and now somehow managed to fall asleep in his arms.

“Girls, if you don’t mind, I think Scoti needs a bit more time. Let your teacher know she’s suffered some emotional trauma and Hagrid has taken her to see Madam Pomfrey, okay.” He said softly.

“Okay, although I’m not sure Binns will even notice she’s not there.” Apple Bloom replied.

“I feel truly sorry for you to have to listen to that old fool rambling on.” Hagrid grimaced.

“Will Scoots be okay?” Sweetie asked concerned.

“She’s a tough nut. I’m sure she’ll be just fine given some time. It’s remarkable she’s kept it bottled up this long without cracking. I know more than a few witches and wizards who would have broken down at what she witnessed. Now come along you must hurry; you don’t want to get me in trouble!” Hagrid reiterated urging the children out of his shack. “Remember though that you ever need me my door is always open. I just hope it can be in better circumstances next time.” He finished closing the door behind him quietly so as not awake the girl he was cradling in his other arm.

“Well, that was abrupt. Poor Scootaloo, I can’t believe she kept all that to herself for the past month.” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“Can’t blame her though. I don’t particularly like talking about my mum. She could be perfectly fine one moment and the next she could become so distant and aloof. The day she died I didn’t know whether to grieve the loss of my mother or cry in joy and relief that her suffering had finally come to an end.” Susan said distantly.

“Wow, I’m truly sorry.” Apple Bloom replied. “You ever want to talk about her you know we are here for you.”

“Thanks. I may take you up on that offer sometime. Right now though I think we’d better hurry before we are late!” She said picking up the pace as they desperately tried to make it to their next class on time.


Back in Hagrid’s hut the giant stood at his fireplace, still cradling the girl in one arm.

“Albus, sorry to disturb you. Can you meet me in the infirmary and pick up professor Sprout along the way please. I just found out some important information that both of you need to be informed about.”

“Of course old friend, I’ll meet you there as soon as possible.”


Hagrid pushed the door open to the infirmary and strolled in

“Rubeus, what brings you to my” she stopped mid-sentence as she saw the girl cradled in his arms. “I wondered how long it would be.”

“You knew?” Hagrid exclaimed in surprise.

“I knew there was something she was withholding from me during her medical but didn’t feel it right to pry knowing that these things are often best left till the person feels ready to talk about them. Please lay her on the bed over there and then if you wish to explain I’d be most grateful.” Pomfrey enlightened.

Hagrid lay the girl down on the bed where she squirmed restlessly for a moment before falling silent.

“I’ll reveal all once” he never finished as just at that moment Dumbledore and Professor Sprout walked in.

“Rubeus, what is the meaning of this. I was in the middle of teaching my third years.” Professor Sprout stated indignantly.

Hagrid put his finger to his lips and shushed “not so loud” pointing at the girl on the bed.

“what has she done this time.” Pomona sighed.

“Nothing, it is what she has seen that we need to be concerned about.”

“What do you mean? Pomona asked confused.

“Her tutor started their Defence Against the Darks Arts teaching with highly advanced and in my personal opinion inappropriate information this morning.” Hagrid started before Pomona interrupted.

“What information?” Pomona demanded.

“The unforgiveable curses.” Hagrid deadpanned.

Pomona barely kept her surprise and anger in check. “I see” was all she opted to say.

“Although slightly unethical, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher has always had control over what the curriculum shall be for their students. I understand why Professor Discord may have felt it necessary to cover these immediately. I’m guessing though there is more to this situation and why we are here?” Dumbledore added his thoughts

“Yes, you all may wish to take a seat for this. It seems before she arrived in our world our newest professor showed Miss Prewett a memory orb containing explicit details of her family’s demise. And there were a lot of them. Today’s lesson brought these memories bubbling to the surface.” Hagrid continued.

“How explicit?” Dumbledore pressed.

“If I said that it started with her paternal great uncle betraying her grandparents and using the Cruciatus Curse to torture the location of where their daughter, son and granddaughter were hiding out of them, has a middle where her father and uncle have the Imperious Curse thrust upon them and duel to the death, and ended with her mother committing Avada Kedavra on herself to prevent capture and torture from death eaters. Oh, and this is just the tip of the iceberg along with the fact that all she could do whilst witnessing such travesties was cry and do absolutely nothing. I am just amazed how her mental state survived such information. This poor girl has literally witnessed hell and when she hits her full potential, I certainly wouldn’t want to be in Lucius Malfoy’s shoes.”

Pomona had turned white as a sheet and sunk into a chair promptly provided by Madam Pomfrey, who equally was looking a little pale.

“The poor girl.” Was all Professor Sprout could stammer.

“I see.” Dumbledore mused. “What does Lucius have to do with this?

“He apparently led the group of Death Eaters that attacked the McKinnon’s estate where they were hiding. Obliterated the entire family. I never believed that hogwash of a story that he was under the Imperious curse himself during the war and I think this event just adds more fuel to that fire. Why don’t I start from the beginning instead of giving you little snippets of information.” Hagrid replied a little exasperated.

“I see, that would explain why she was so rude to him at the council meeting when she was introduced. Yes, please do, I would like to hear everything, unless our new found friend would like to reveal himself and provide me with the memories,” Dumbledore stroked his beard deep in thought as he levitated a chair over and took a seat.

“They said you were a powerful wizard. I had no idea you were that powerful old man.” Discord said popping into existence in front of everyone. “Apologies to pop in on everyone but I sensed my charge was suffering an emotional imbalance and wanted to check it out and ensure she wasn’t accidentally leveling more of the school. I can assure you though that Scoti made her choices and it was only fair I abided by her will.”

Hagrid growled with anger “you’ve scarred the poor child for life.”

“She made her choice. And having her not know the fate of her family or the ones who might wish to cause her harm in future would have been better? I think not dear sir. Yes, her story is a tragic one, but it is one she unfortunately needed to know to answer the questions that yearned within her for ten long years alongside ensuring her future safety in a world that is rife with danger.” Discord explained.

Hagrid grumbled but remained quiet.

“I understand your reasoning and logic Professor Discord and applaud you for having the nerve to teach our students about such dangers at such a young age. Now if you don’t mind, I wish to see the memories this poor girl has had to watch.” Dumbledore commented calmly but with authority.

“As you wish.” Discord said as he pulled the orb from his jacket and handed it to Dumbledore. “Just press your nose to the glass orb and so it shall be. Someone of your power should be fine but you may experience some backlash once you return.”

Before Dumbledore had a chance though professor Sprout appeared out of nowhere and touched her nose to the orb, followed by Madam Pomfrey.

“Huh, that was unexpected. I love it!” Discord exclaimed.

Shrugging his shoulders Dumbledore followed his staff into the unknown.

“Fancy a game of cards till they return?” Discord oozed to Hagrid making a table and two stools appear out of nowhere.

“You’re on!” Hagrid replied.


Scootaloo heard distant talking and decided to snuggle deeper into the bed. Wait, bed? That didn’t seem right. She shot bolt upright and wiped her eyes trying to gather her senses as the haze of sleep clouded her vision. Slowly the most peculiar site unfolded in front of her, Hagrid and Discord playing Go Fish on two small stalls and the smallest table imaginable.

“Got any threes?” Hagrid’s gruff voice rang out.

“Go fish” chortled Discord.

“Dangnabbit” The half giant groaned taking a card from a pile on the table before cheering with glee as he slammed four threes down on the table. “Huzzah, I may win yet!”

It was at this point Scootaloo saw the orb on the floor and the three magicians staring blankly into space. She was furious.

“How could you?” She said barely above a whisper, tears streaking across her vision.

Two heads turned to look at the now awake girl.

“Looks like someone’s awake” Hagrid observed.

“How could you share something so private without asking me?” She pointed at the orb. “I thought I could trust you.” Scootaloo roared at Discord, leaping up from the hospital bed and racing for the door.

Flipping the table over and sending cards everywhere Hagrid barrelled after the upset girl.

“C’mon now Miss, please don’t be upset, he was only trying to help.”

Wingardium Leviosa” she screamed with a swish and flick of her wand. Hagrid hadn’t even seen her pull her it out till the last moment. He had no chance of dodging the incoming spell.

“Oh crap.” He muttered making a desperate lunge for the girl as he started floating.

“Let go of me” Scootaloo cried as she struggled to free herself from Hagrid’s grip.

“Not until you calm down and be reasonable.” Hagrid demanded. “Discord, any chance you could get us down?”

“Nah, I’m enjoying the show. Although you could remove your clothes as they are what are actually enchanted not yourself.” Discord replied sipping a tall glass of chocolate milk and munching yet more popcorn that had appeared from nowhere.

“Git.” Hagrid grumbled, suddenly feeling slightly nauseous and dizzy from all the spinning around in the air.

A pool of vomit landed atop the motionless headmaster.

Discord just laughed, watching the show unfold. Ah chaos, how he loved it.


Dumbledore awoke to the most peculiar of sights. Firstly, he gagged at the smell of vomit that seemed to now cover him. After quickly casting Scourgify he found the source of said vomit as Hagrid orbited above trying to keep a struggling eleven-year-old from breaking free. Thankfully, said eleven-year-old was starting to tire and had resorted to weakly pummelling the gamekeeper’s chest as more tears streaked her face.

“Sorry about that sir, she kind of caught me by surprise and somebody else hasn’t been much help.” Hagrid glared at Discord.

“God of Chaos, what do you expect.” He replied holding his hands up in a guilty as charged pose while shrugging his shoulders.

Sighing Dumbledore pulled his wand out. “Finite” He called causing Hagrid and his catch to fall at speed to the ground. Thankfully, a pile of five mattresses had appeared from nowhere to break their fall.

“Of course, I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.” Discord said innocently, his wand having appeared from nowhere.

“Dear Lord. That was horrific. That poor child. I wouldn’t wish viewing those atrocities on my worst enemy let alone a child.” Pomona interrupted, coming around from the dizziness induced by the memory orb’s effects and generally feeling quite sick from what she’d witnessed.

Madam Pomfrey coughed and pointed at said, now awake, child.

“Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry.” Pomona tried to explain. Scootaloo just held up a hand and stopped her.

“How could you? And without even asking me how I’d feel first. I understand Discord, but the rest you. I thought I could trust you, all of you. You are just like the workers back at the orphanage pretending to be your friend because it was their job. Then as soon as something better came along, bam, they were gone. The information in that orb was private and personal and mine alone to see.”

“No” Pomona interrupted her students lament, bending down on one knee immediately in front of Scootaloo, look deep into her eyes. “This is certainly not something you should have to bear alone, nor would I have let you if I’d known sooner. I don’t care how mad you are at me right now, that was something I had to see. Albus.” She turned her head towards the headmaster. “I’m invoking rule 99 and wish to seek Lucius Malfoy removed with immediate effect from his position as Head of the School’s Board of Governors, return and refuse all future donations from the House of Malfoy, and ensure any attempt at accessing the grounds be met with hostile force due to him being a clear threat and danger to the safety of the students of Hogwarts. You can either accept this request or take this as my immediate notice of resignation.” She turned back to Scootaloo and hugged the too stunned for words girl before whispering in her ear. “Remember what Hufflepuff’s stand for the most, loyalty. In a battle against all odds, we’d rather stand and die together than abandon our comrades and live alone. Now let me wipe those tears from your face.” The Herbology professor said pulling a rather grubby looking hanky from her robes.

“Pomona, please. You are being un.” Dumbledore never finished.

“I second said motion and if not acted upon with immediate effect will also be looking elsewhere for work. There are plenty of other schools and hospitals looking for a matron of my experience and expertise.” Madam Pomfrey stated, leaving Dumbledore with a look of bewilderment upon his face.

“Third.” Hagrid interjected. “No way do I feel comfortable living at Hogwarts knowing that such a man holds such a key role of power.”

By now Dumbledore couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sighing in defeat he uttered, “so it shall be. I agree with your terms and a letter will be issued to all twelve governors. They shall not be happy, but will accept it once I inform them of the situation I am faced with.”

Scootaloo had lost count by now of the number of tears she had shed so far this day, but she didn’t mind these ones. Throughout her life she’d been let down by so many who should have been there to look after and nurture her. In the end she’d become aloof, refusing to trust or befriend anyone resulting in acts of aggression and hostility as well as being bullied constantly. No family wanted her, the socially distant freak of a Pegasus who couldn’t fly and didn’t have a cutie mark. She refused to talk to her Social Worker or Councillor, never turned up for psychiatrist appointments, played hooky from school and simply sat alone atop a grassy hilltop for hours wondering what was the point in going on? She’d gone to Diamond’s Cute-ceañera that fateful day for one final cupcake before ending it all by jumping in front of the five o’clock from Canterlot. Fate and chaos had had other ideas. Apple Bloom and Sweetie entered her life and provided her with a purpose. For the first time in her life she had friends, no family. Although still troublesome and often disobeying curfews, the orphanage noticed she’d at least returned to class and was at least attempting to learn. They were also pleased that she’d at last made some friends. Then Discord turned up, adopted her, and showed her the tragic demise of her family. There had been more than a few nightmares since, but she didn’t wish to burden her ‘almost’ sisters with her problems. No, she had been afraid, afraid they would abandon her like so many before them, thinking she was weak and nothing but a cry baby. Yet here she was, staring at three adults who were willing to put her well-being ahead of their own and not back down. Finally, for the first time in her life she felt she really had some adults she could trust. Aunt Molly, Professor’s Flitwick, McGonagall, Trelawney and Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid, headmaster Dumbledore and even Discord. She finally had a family. A weird disjointed magical family, but a family of people she realised she could trust and openly lay her heart to. No, these were tears of joy.

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