• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,100 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Don't you open that trapdoor!

Author's Note:

If you can I'd suggest reading this alongside chapter 16, through the trapdoor, of a Philosopher's Stone. Also, https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=trapdoor+theme&docid=607997185866075831&mid=4A33B94AA5FF464735DE4A33B94AA5FF464735DE&view=detail&FORM=VIRE

“Time. Please put down your quills and roll up your parchment,” Professor Binns instructed.

A loud cheer erupted from the first-years as they were finally free for the summer aside from their flying aptitude test next Wednesday.

“That was far easier than I thought it would be,” Hermione stated to Scootaloo as they headed out into the sunny grounds of the castle.

“Please don’t,” Scootaloo groaned. “I think I may have just set a record for worst ever performance by a first-year in History of Magic and that was despite having a decent night’s sleep for once.”

“Well, it doesn’t help when you keep dozing off in classes, during homework and in revision sessions. How many times did she get electrocuted yesterday over two hours Sweetie?” Apple Bloom tittered on the opposite side of Scootaloo to Hermione.

“Twenty-eight,” Sweetie deadpanned.

“Oh yeah, I was wondering why her hair was starting to stick out all over the place,” Hermione commented with a chuckle of her own.

“Isn’t my fault the subjects about as interesting as Cheerilee’s Old Ponish lessons. I deserve a passing grade just for staying awake in the exam,”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but chuckle some more. “I don’t think it works like that,” she finally replied.

“Well, it should,” Scootaloo huffed before deciding to change the subject. “Anyway, future me can worry about my terrible History mark, for now I just want to relax and enjoy the next week,” she said collapsing onto the grass and watching Fred, George and Lee as they tickled the tentacles of a giant squid that was basking in the warm shallows of the lake.

Ron collapsed next to her letting out a contented sigh, “No more revision. You could look a little happier Harry, we’ve got a week before we find out how awful we’ve done and by the sounds of it our results will look like Hermione’s in comparison to Scootaloo’s.”

Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders. “I should be angry but in reality, it’s the truth, theory-wise, at least.”

Hermione slammed her head into her hand before collapsing onto the grass on the other side of Scootaloo. “Why did I have to fall in love with an idiot,” she sighed to a round of giggles.

“Because I’m awesome,” Scootaloo replied turning her head to look at her girlfriend with her signature smirk.

“A goofball more like,” Hermione tittered to another round of giggles before turning and glowering at Harry. “And I thought I told you to go see Madam Pomfrey if your scar got any worse,” she chastised.

“I’m not ill,” replied Harry. “It’s a warning, I’m sure of it. Danger’s coming possibly? Scootaloo didn’t you say you had a premonition last week?”

“Yeah, but I’ve had no follow ups so I’m guessing whatever it was sorted itself out for once,” Scootaloo said lazily with a yawn.

“See, the stone’s safe,” Ron retorted. “And you’d have to be mad to attempt to steal it even if you could get past Fluffy. Our professors are some of the top wizards alive, not to mention there’s an actual god on the school roster now too.”

“I guess you’re right,” Harry said slumping to the floor just as said god appeared out of nowhere in a bath tub floating across the lake towards them using what looked like a pool noodle to steer his unusual vessel.

“Ahoy,” he exclaimed mooring his vessel, “I’m glad I found you dear daughter. I’ve got urgent business to attend to and won’t be back until Sunday.”

Scootaloo’s eyes were now shut and she was barely listening.

“As a reward for your diligent studies, and I do hope that they were diligent, I shall be turning off your locks until the results are published,” Discord continued.

“Yep, okay Dad. Thanks,” Scootaloo replied dreamily.

“Please be aware though that if you fail or do exceptionally poorly there shall be dire consequences,” Discord growled, his face suddenly barely a centimetre from his daughters, whose eyes had shot open and were now staring into the fiery pits of hell.

Scootaloo gulped. “Y-yes Father,” she whimpered.

“Good,” Discord replied before disappearing.

“Fuck, I’m so fucked,” Scootaloo whimpered pathetically before turning to Hermione. “I suggest we enjoy ourselves this next week as I’ll likely be grounded the entire summer.”

“Oh, you’re exaggerating. I’m sure you’ll be just fine,” Hermione replied.

“You weren’t the one sitting my history paper,” Scootaloo shuddered. “I’m so,” she never finished as Hermione placed a hand behind her head before planting a kiss upon her lips.

“Eww, disgusting,” Ron exclaimed.

“Get a room!” Sweetie exclaimed while Apple Bloom put her fingers in her mouth and wolf whistled.

Finally, Hermione let Scootaloo go and wiping her lips she uttered, “Better?”

“Better. Fuck what’s to come. Let's just enjoy the here and now.” Scootaloo stated taking a deep breath and closing her eyes once more. “Nothing to worry about for one whole week!”

“THAT’S IT!” Harry suddenly screamed leaping up from where he was sat next to Ron.

Scootaloo’s eyes shot open once more. “Seriously, can’t a girl get a midday nap in the sun around here?”

“I’ve got to go see Hagrid,” Harry exclaimed jumping to his feet and taking off towards the half-giant’s hut.

“Why?” Hermione questioned jumping to her own feet. “Sorry Scooty Wooty, this might be important, I’ll catch up with you and the girls later,” she said rapidly before taking off after Harry, Ron doing likewise.

“Should we go after them?” Sweetie enquired slightly worried at Harry’s sudden exclamation.

“Nah, Hermione’s a big girl and a lot smarter and more sensible than me; she can look after herself. If I need to know anything, she’ll find me later and tell me. Now, I’m going back to my nap,” Scootaloo replied closing her eyes once more.

“Oh, okay,” Sweetie replied only somewhat convinced turning to Apple Bloom next to her for her opinion on the matter.

“Scooty Wooty?” was all the other girl said mercilessly with the widest grin imaginable on her face.

Sweetie couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.

Scootaloo’s eyes shot open for the third time in as many minutes.


The Crusaders spent the rest of the afternoon either teasing each other, gossiping or lazily lying on the grass enjoying the warm June sunshine awaiting the three Gryffindors' return. It never came. As dinner rolled around and they made their way back to the castle and the Great Hall, Scootaloo was a little grumpy.

“What gives? We have a week of nothing but goofing off and enjoying each other’s company and she ditches me,” the girl huffed as they entered the Great Hall.

“D’aww, someone a little jealous that their girlfriend is spending time with others?” Apple Bloom teased.

“No, but it’s been months since we actually got to do stuff together without having to worry about exams and within five minutes, she ditches me because of Harry,” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Oooooh, someone’s definitely jealous,” Sweetie chipped in.

“Am not,” Scootaloo growled threateningly in response.

“Oh, you so are,” Apple Bloom quickly responded.

“What is this, gang up on Scootaloo day? Some friends,” Scootaloo griped as she sat down at the table.

“Need I remind you of the photos you stuck up around the school of me and Neville?” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

Scootaloo’s head slumped onto the table. “Fine, let’s just forget I even said anything,” she said in a muffled tone.

“Ooooh, something wrong in paradise? What’s the gossip girls?” Megan’s voice rang from across the table.

Scootaloo buried her head into her arms.


After a very, very awkward dinner where Scootaloo’s love life became the central topic of debate with arguments such as She’s clearly cheating on you with Harry and who needs her, she’s a Gryffindor, the Hufflepuff first years started to make their way back to their dorm for an evening of charades and board games. Scootaloo though was still moping and not really listening in to just what her friends were now talking about. Lost within her own thoughts and now lagging behind her friends, a sudden sharp hiss brought her immediately back to her senses.

She looked over to see two brown eyes staring urgently at her from what looked like a cupboard.

“Hey girls, one of my shoes is untied, I’ll catch up with you in a minute,” she called.

“Okay, we’ll see you back in the common room,” Apple Bloom bellowed in reply as the group turned a corner and disappeared out of sight.”

Scootaloo darted into the cupboard before anyone else appeared and wondered what she was doing.

“Hermione, just what in blazes is going on?” she said in a harsh whisper barely keeping the volume down she was so angry.

“Snape’s going after the stone tonight. He’s tricked Dumbledore into going to the Ministry and I bet you he tricked Discord as well to get him out the way as well,” Hermione replied bluntly.

“But how’s he going to get past Fluffy?” Scootaloo asked trying not to look shocked by this sudden revelation and failing quite poorly.

“Remember Norbert? Snape was the person Hagrid won the egg off. He got Hagrid drunk so he’d let slip how to get past Fluffy, its music.”

“Shit,” Scootaloo deadpanned before the penny dropped. “Please tell me you, Harry and Ron aren’t going to try and stop him; you’ll be killed!” Scootaloo exclaimed barely keeping her voice down.

“We've got no choice; no one else believes us and if Snape gets a hold of the stone…” Hermione stopped and shuddered, her head staring at the floor.

“Then I’m coming too,” Scootaloo said firmly reaching out while lifting Hermione’s head up with one of her hands and staring determinedly into the other girl’s eyes

“Thanks, I knew I could count on you, but I want you to stay hidden and follow us. If we get into trouble, promise me you’ll get out of there as quickly as you can and grab whoever you can, no matter what,” Hermione stated with a grim expression staring back into the eyes of her girlfriend. “Promise me,”

Scootaloo didn’t look to happy with that suggestion but decided it was probably best not to argue. At least she would be able to keep a close eye on her girlfriend. “Fine, I promise,” she said before moving in for a tender kiss.


After Hermione had supplied her with some further information surrounding their late-night mission, Scootaloo had returned sombrely back to the common room and told Sweetie and Bloom she had a headache and was going to have an early night. She set her alarm clock but found she couldn’t sleep anyway, due to how worried she was.

At eleven o’clock she rose out of her bed and grabbing a towel and a set of fresh clothes left the dormitory and headed towards the common room. It was mostly empty aside from a few of the later-years still revising for their own exams over the next few weeks. So entwined were they with their work though that they paid her no notice at all as she slipped out of the common room and headed for the exit. As the barrels parted and she slipped into the cellars ready to take off, a voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

“And where do you think you’re going at this hour?”

She turned to see Apple Bloom step out of the shadows glowering at her.

“Apple Bloom, you nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought you were in bed. I told you I had a migraine. I’ve been struggling to sleep and my head is still pounding so I’m heading to the prefect’s bathroom for a nice relaxing bath to see if that helps,” Scootaloo lied.

“You may have fooled Sweetie but you ain’t fooling me. I know you were lying when you said your shoelace was untied. I know you were lying when you returned to the common room and said you had a headache. And I know you are lying now. I hate liars. You have thirty seconds to tell me the truth or I fetch Professor Sprout,” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

Scootaloo darted over and pulled the other girl back into the shadows. “Fine,” she hissed. “Harry, Ron and Hermione believe Dumbledore has been tricked into leaving the school by Snape so that he can steal the stone and they are attempting to get it before him tonight or at least confront him. At Hermione’s request, she was the real reason I stopped in the hall, I’m following them in case things turn ugly,” she whispered rapidly in barely a single breath.

Apple Bloom stared emotionlessly at her friend for a moment before speaking. “I should stop you, but I won’t. But if it isn’t Snape and I know it won’t be him, you owe me twenty galleons. Also, if you aren’t back by dawn, I’m telling Professor Sprout. Agreed?” she held out her hand for the other girl to shake.

Scootaloo grabbed it and shook it vigorously as a small vial was exchanged between their hands. “Agreed and what’s this?”

“Something that might help. Now go before I change my mind,” Apple Bloom said somewhat cryptically pushing her friend away.

“Thanks,” Scootaloo replied pocketing the vial as she darted away through the basement and up through the school. She met no one else as she slunk silently through the shadows to the third-floor corridor where Fluffy resided. That was when she heard a voice ahead of her.

“Well, there you are. Snape’s already got past Fluffy. If you want to go back, I won’t blame you. You can take the cloak, too; I won’t need it now.”

No denying whose it was, it was definitely Harry’s.

“Don’t be stupid.” It was Ron’s voice that replied and was followed swiftly by Hermione’s.

“We’re coming.”

Hidden in the shadows of the dark unlit corridor Scootaloo heard the unmistakeable sound of a door creaking open followed by low, rumbling growls and then a flute playing, even if somewhat poorly. Slowly she edged to the door and peeped inside just as Harry dropped through a trapdoor. A muffled call soon came up from the trapdoor and Ron followed next allowing her to sneak into the room. With her lips locked onto the flute Hermione just pointed with her hand to the discarded invisibility cloak as Harry called up.

“Come on, Hermione!”

Thrusting the flute into Scootaloo’s chest she mouthed thank you and then was gone.

As the brute started to wake up and growl at her Scootaloo heard a distant shriek and knew it would be best not to follow in the same way as her fellow first years. As Fluffy attempted to gain his bearings she dropped her clothes and towel and grabbed the cloak, wrapped it round her and managed to jump through the hole just as one of the great beast’s heads snapped at her.

Although difficult, Scootaloo somehow managed to stretch her wings out and flutter in the darkness despite wearing the cloak.

“Stop moving!” she heard Hermione’s voice cry out from below. “I know what this is – it’s Devil’s Snare!”

Devil’s Snare? Where had she heard that before? “Oh crap,” she muttered somewhat thankful she was up here and not down there. The question was should she help or not?

It was as she pondered this that she heard Ron scream from below.


Just as Scoootaloo was pulling her wand out from her robes she saw a jet of blue light and thanks to her pinpoint hearing was able to catch the two boys' relieved voices talking to Hermione before she heard their footsteps growing ever fainter.

Lumos,” she muttered illuminating the end of her wand and looking around her.

Dark black snake-like tendrils covered three walls and the floor of the large chamber she was in. The fourth had a very narrow stone shelf that led to a small passageway. Carefully she fluttered down and landed on the narrow stone strip and wrapping the cloak tightly around her she followed her three friends.

“Can you hear something?” a voice that sounded like Ron’s echoed from up ahead.

Scootaloo extinguished her wand and zoned out of the trio’s conversation as she attempted to identify for herself just what it was Ron had heard. Yes, there it was. It sounded like the clinking of keys on a chain?

Slowly light pierced the gloom of the tunnel she was in and before long she found herself in yet another large chamber. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she noticed the room was filled with flying keys of all things! At the same time as she realised this, she heard Harry exclaim from across the room.

“They’re not birds, they’re keys! Winged keys – look carefully. So that must mean…. Oof” three brooms that may or may not have been directed and ordered by Scootaloo crashed into him.

“Harry, you alright?” Hermione gasped as the boy picked himself up off the floor and then proceeded to wiped the dust off his robes.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Harry replied picking up a broom. “We need to catch the key to the door to proceed.”

“But there are hundreds of them!” Hermione exclaimed.

“We’re looking for a big, old-fashioned one – probably silver, like the handle,” Ron stated examining the lock.

And with that they each grabbed one of the broomsticks Harry offered them and shot off into the swarm of keys. Scootaloo watched as after a couple of minutes Harry spotted the key they were after. He truly was a gifted seeker to find the exact key they needed so fast, not that she’d ever admit that to him. She continued to watch as Harry took charge and directed the movements of his two friends. Before long they were back on the ground and the struggling key was shoved into the locked door at the end of the chamber. With Hermione being the last of the three to pass through she deliberately left the door open for Scootaloo in the cloak to follow behind.

As Scootaloo stepped into the next chamber what she saw left her mouth hanging wide open. A giant chess set greeted her. Ron was already taking charge as she entered.

“Harry, you take the place of that bishop, and Hermione, you go there instead of that castle.”

Awkwardly under the cover of the cloak Scootaloo fluttered up to a ledge and decided to watch the chess game progress while letting out a heavy sigh. Despite being super smart, sometimes Hermione could be completely oblivious. If she’d only thought for a moment, she could have raced back to the room with the keys, grabbed the broomsticks and then she, Ron and Harry could have simply flown over the chess set to the door on the other side. Oh well, I wonder if this will be as boring as the games Sweetie and Bloom have had she thought trying to make herself comfortable on the small ledge she’d found.

It was. After less than two minutes she found her head drooping. It was only the constant crashing and smashing of pieces being taken quite violently below that kept her awake and stopped her from falling off her perch. How much time passed she couldn’t be sure but she was awakened from her doze by a large cry from Harry and Hermione below.

“NO!” they both screamed simultaneously

“Huh?” Scootaloo said to herself slowly regaining her senses and focusing on what was going on below her just as Ron was struck hard around the head by the opposing team’s queen.

“Ouch, he’s going to have a headache in the morning,” Scootaloo muttered to herself watching the limp, unconscious boy’s body being dragged to one side.

The clanking of something hard hitting the ground brought her attention back to the game.

“Huh, so Ron does have some balls after all, sacrificing himself so they could win. Fair play,” Scootaloo commented to herself before gliding down and following Hermione and Harry into the passageway that led to the next chamber.

“What if he’s - ?” Scootaloo heard Hermione ahead of her.

“He’ll be all right,” Harry replied unconvincingly before continuing. “What do you reckon is next?”

“Well, Sprout's was Devil’s Snare, Flitwick put the charms on the keys and McGonagall must have transfigured the chessmen to make them alive. So that leaves us with,” Hermione stopped mid-sentence, she had reached another door.

In the narrow passageway Scootaloo had to abruptly stop as she nearly careered into the back of Harry.

“Quirrrell or Snape?” Hermione asked Harry.

“Let’s find out. I’ll go first, stay close behind me,” Harry instructed edging past Hermione and pushing the door open.

Scootaloo almost barfed on the spot the stench was so bad. Slowly the two Gryffindors and their tail crept into the chamber. A humongous troll, even larger than the one Apple Bloom had thrown into the lake, lay flat out on its back in front of them with a bloody lump on its head.

Scootaloo couldn’t hear what Harry whispered to Hermione as they quickly exited straight into the next room, but she could work out the gist of it. She to was thankful they didn’t have to deal with the troll as she would almost certainly have had to reveal herself and help. She had barely made it into the next room when purple flames shot up behind her. Black flames had also shot up out of nowhere in front of the door leading onwards.

Great, they were trapped Scootaloo thought to herself wondering just why and how she’d got herself roped into this chaos. Then she remembered she was also the daughter of chaos. Sighing for what felt like the thousandth time this seemingly endless night she turned her attention back to Hermione and Harry who were just finishing reading a piece of parchment that lay on a table alongside seven bottles.

“Brilliant,” Scootaloo overheard Hermione exclaim before she tuned out for a few minutes as her girlfriend rambled on about logic, what the bottles contained and so forth before reading the parchment several times while examining each and every bottle. Finally, Hermione exclaimed, “got it, the smallest bottle will get us through the black fire towards the stone.”

Scootaloo, who had moved silently next to Harry saw the boy pick up the tiny vial and state “There’s only enough for one of us, there is barely one swallow in it.”

Shit, how was she supposed to follow him now, unless…

She felt the small bottle in her pocket that Apple Bloom had provided her with. Did she help Snape concoct such a trap? She pulled it out and stared at the contents comparing it with that which Harry held. They certainly looked similar, but were they the same? She would have to chance it. She focused back on the conversation just as Harry finished monologuing.

“I might be able to hold Snape off for a while, but I’m no match for him really.”

Hermione looked sheepishly all around for a moment probably trying to pinpoint just where she was before launching herself at Harry and hugging him tightly.

“Hermione!” Harry exclaimed as Scootaloo took a few deep breaths to calm her jealousy.

“Harry, you’re a great wizard, you know,” the girl replied with a blush.

“I’m not as good as you,” a very embarrassed Harry said as Hermione released her grip upon him.

“Me!” stated Hermione with a wicked grin. “I’m a nerd, there, I said it. You, Scootaloo and Ron have taught me so many more important things in the past year, like the power of friendship, bravery and learning how to actually enjoy being a kid! Oh Harry, please promise me you’ll be careful!”

Scootaloo smiled as Harry instructed Hermione to drink first. She looked like she was about to protest, so with Harry’s back to her she dropped the cloak for just a moment and revealed the similarly small bottle she had obtained.

Hermione’s eyes flickered for just a moment and Harry asked, “what you looking at, turning to see absolutely nothing there as Scootaloo quickly hid herself under cover once more.”

“Oh, nothing,” Hermione said clearly lying as she took a long swig from a round bottle at the end of the line of bottles. She shuddered uncontrollably and Harry’s curiosity over just what Hermione had seen immediately disappeared.

“It’s not poison?” he said anxiously.

“No, but it’s like ice.”

“Sounds like Snape. He probably made the seven worst tasting potions imaginable. Now go before it wears off.”

“Good luck and take care,” Hermione cried as she turned and walked straight through the purple fire. Unbeknownst to Harry, that wasn’t solely directed at him.

Scootaloo watched Hermione go and felt a twang in her heart. She really wanted to then and there forget about Harry and ensure her girlfriend made it back to the school safely, but she also new if anything happened to Harry, Hermione would never forgive her. Shit. She turned back to the door with the black flames. She had been so lost within her own mind that she hadn’t even realised Harry had already downed the contents of the small bottle and passed through the flames.

Sighing Scootaloo said to herself, “well here goes nothing.” She downed the vile, icy contents of the bottle of whatever it was that Apple Bloom had supplied her with and walked into the black flames.

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