• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,099 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Quidditch 1: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

Author's Note:

Unlike a lot of other MLP/HP crossovers I'm still attempting to keep to the books as much as possible, thus this chapter is a heavily edited and altered re-write of chapter 11 of the Philosopher's Stone. Still, it is original content just with the same events from Chapter 11 of the book intertwined within. I'm also extremely happy with the fact I was able to write this whole chapter in a day. Woo Hoo!

Her broomstick jerked to a halt and she found herself toppling off and falling, falling into never ending blackness until…

Scootaloo jerked awake once more and looked over at the clock on her bedside, 5am once more. She groaned laying back down on her bed. Every single day this week she’d had that same blasted nightmare and still it plagued her mind as to what it could mean. The only time she’d had any peaceful sleep all week was when Professor Binns droned on and on in History. It was only thanks to Hermione that they’d managed to successfully brew the Antidote to Common Poisons in Potions yesterday she’d been so tired, while Professor Trelawney had looked at her with vast concern when she’d turned up to Divination yesterday afternoon. Despite spending much of the afternoon and evening trying to decipher just what the dream was trying to tell them, they’d got nowhere aside from something to do with a flying related accident. Grumbling to herself, she rolled over and very quickly fell back into a deep slumber.

Her broomstick jerked to a halt and she found herself toppling off and falling, falling into never ending blackness until…

“Hey Scoots, I know you are tired, but if you don’t get up and get some breakfast now, you’ll miss the Quidditch match. The rest of the girls have already gone to the Great Hall.” Apple Bloom said gently nudging her friend.

“Eugh, what time is it?” Scootaloo groaned.

“Just before nine. The game starts at eleven.”

“Shit, give me a moment.” Scootaloo groaned, pulling herself from her bed.

“You look awful, that nightmare still troubling you.” Apple Bloom said with concern.

Scootaloo just nodded as she grabbed some robes and dragged herself to the bathroom to freshen up.

“Would you mind telling me what it involves?” Apple Bloom enquired. “Maybe I can help.”

A lot of strange gurgling noises came from the bathroom before Scootaloo called back. “Sorry. I was brushing my teeth. It’s the same thing every time. I’m flying on a broomstick attempting to catch the Golden Snitch. Then it transforms into this hideous face and suddenly I’m falling into nothing but darkness at which point I always wake up.”

“And this started just after Halloween?” Apple Bloom queried.

“Yes, why?” Scootaloo replied through the door.

“And are you sure it involves yourself?”

“Yes, well no, I’m just the rider of the broom, I never see their actual face. What are you going on about Bloom?”

Apple Bloom ignored her. “And you are 100% certain it’s the Golden Snitch they are chasing.”

“Yes, can you please explain what you are getting at?”

“Well, think about it. The dream starts a week before the first game of the Quidditch season. It seems to me Voldemort or his accomplice will attempt to sabotage Harry’s first game. News has been filtering out all week that he’s Gryffindor’s new Seeker and remember he’s the only person ever to survive Voldemort’s wrath. While Harry’s hundreds of feet in the air and utterly defenceless it seems the perfect opportunity for Voldemort to finish what he started.”

The door to the bathroom shot open. Scootaloo stared at Apple Bloom for a moment before crying, “I could kiss you. Of course, how could I have been so blind and stupid. It makes perfect sense and I even saw him on Monday during my argument with Wood.” Scootaloo slapped her head in annoyance. “Come on, we need to get to the Great Hall. I need to speak to Hermione.” She ran out the door pulling a rather startled Apple Bloom with her.

“Hey, not so hard. I just got this arm out of a sling remember.” Apple Bloom’s words fell on death ears.


They found Hermione trying to force Harry to eat some breakfast.

“Hermione, sorry to interrupt, but would it be possible to have a quiet word in private?” Scootaloo said panting a little, having run all the way to the Great Hall.

Looking up Hermione could see the concern carved across the other girls face and wondering what could be up quickly replied.

“Sure. Harry, I want to see that slice of toast gone by the time I get back.”

Harry groaned as Hermione departed the table.

Exiting the Great Hall, the girls stood in front of the giant hourglasses that measured house points. Taking a quick look around to ensure no one was spying on them, Scootaloo whispered.

“Look, I know you don’t believe that much in Divination, but you need to trust me on this one. I need you to look out for anyone who might want to cause Harry harm today. I’ve been having the same nightmare ever since I left the infirmary after Halloween and Apple Bloom has just now put the pieces together. Although I shouldn’t say too much, there is someone in the school trying to aid the return of Lord Voldemort and my dream suggests they are going to attempt to seriously harm Harry during todays Quidditch match.”

Hermione looked at the girl for a moment and then replied. “So that’s why you’ve been looking haggard in classes all week. Although I’m still a little sceptical, I trust your judgement and I’ve a pretty good idea of who it might be to. Professor Snape confiscated a book of Harry’s yesterday and when he went to see if he could get it back, he found Filch helping bandage one of his legs in the staff room that that three-headed monstrosity on the third floor had mauled! Me, Harry and Ron believe it was him who let the troll in at Halloween as a distraction so that he could attempt to steal whatever it is guarding!”

“How do you know about Fluffy?” Scootaloo exclaimed in surprise.

“I could ask you the same question.” Hermione retorted.

“Fair enough. Hmm, things certainly don’t look great for Snape right now and he would certainly be one of the few in the school who could have cast the Imperious curse on that troll.”

“No. You are wrong. He may be a misery guts but I know in my heart that he wouldn’t do such despicable things.” Apple Bloom interjected angrily.

“Look Bloom. I don’t want it to be Snape either. He’s a mean bastard, but a very good teacher and I know he means a lot to you. Still, we need to examine the information we currently have with our heads and not our hearts.” Scootaloo tried to calm her friend down.

“I’m still saying you are wrong.” Apple Bloom grumbled.

Scootaloo opted to finish the conversation before someone stumbled across them. “Alright, well if you keep an eye on Snape, we’ll do likewise with the rest of the teachers as one of them is the most likely to be the traitor. There is no point in panicking anyone else with this prediction right now, especially Harry, as we still can’t be sure it is correct or will actually come to pass. We’ve just got to be vigilant, hoping for the best while expecting the worst. Now I’m going to go get some breakfast.” She turned and headed back into the Great Hall.

Apple Bloom scowled at Hermione for a moment before turning and following her friend back into the Great Hall.


“Hello and welcome to the first Quidditch match of the season here at Hogwarts between Gryffindor…”

Roars rang round the stadium.

“And Slytherin.”

Boos rang round the stadium.

“I’m Lee Jordan.”

“And I’m Melody Song and we’ll be bringing you coverage of today’s enthralling grudge match.”

“That we certainly will Melody. Who do you feel will be today’s key player?”

“I think it has to be the one and only Harry Potter, who else? Although Wood’s attempts at keeping the identity of his new seeker under wraps failed, we still know very little about just how good he is and I think he’ll prove to be the difference between the two teams today.”

“Interesting selection their Melody, but certainly a justified one and one I’d have to agree with. Oh look, here come the teams now.”

Another loud roar erupted around the stadium.

“Today’s official is the highly experienced Madam Hooch.”

“Thanks Melody. And that’s the whistle, we’re off! Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor immediately takes the Quaffle. She truly is an excellent Chaser, and rather attractive, too.”


“Got a nice arse as well.” Melody quipped.


Jordan couldn’t help but let out a little giggle before uttering “sorry Professor McGonagall.”

“Well it’s the truth. Anyway, back to the game and Johnson plays a neat one two with Spinnet only for Slytherin to intercept and gain possession through their Captain Marcus Flint. Over to you Lee.”

Boos rang round from three quarters of the stadium once more.

“Thanks Melody. Flint is showing all his experience and know how up there. He’s through and surely must score… no what a stop by the Gryffindor keeper Oliver Wood who starts an attack through Gryffindor’s third Chaser Katie Bell who dodges Flint beautifully and darts up the field but oh no, ooh that must have hurt.”

“It certainly looked like it Lee, poor Miss Bell took a great wallop to the back of her head by that Bludger there, let’s just hope she’s alright.”

“Agreed. Slytherin’s counter attack through Adrian Pucey though is swiftly ended by another Bludger, sent his way by one of the Weasley twins. Oh hello, Johnson has regained possession of the Quaffle, she’s dodged one, now two, make that three attempts to stop her and she’s through with only the Slytherin keeper to beat. She shoots and…”

“SCORES. Gryffindor score the first points of this year’s Quidditch season through Angelina Johnson.”


Hermione was barely paying attention on the game, her binoculars fixed on the teachers’ box opposite them where Snape sat.

“What is up with you?” Ron said from next to her. “You’ve been edgy ever since you went off to talk to Scoti and Apple-Bloom?”

“Nothing you need to worry about.” Hermione replied brusquely, not even for a moment turning her gaze away from either Harry who had just done a few loop-the-loops in celebration of Angelina scoring or the teachers’ box where Snape resided.

She barely even noticed Hagrid squeeze in next to her and Ron.

“What’s got into her?” Hagrid quizzed.

“No clue, she’s been edgy ever since she talked to Apple-Bloom and Scoti this morning. Refuses to say anything about it though.” Ron replied shrugging his shoulders.

“Huh. Come on now Miss, you can tell Hagrid.”

Hagrid never got an answer though as suddenly from around the stadium Lee Jordan’s voice echoed.

“Wait a moment, was that the Snitch.”

“Certainly, looked like it Lee and look at Potter go. Oh my, that was despicable.” Melody cried.

“Absolutely. A disgusting and obvious bit of cheating by the Slytherin captain Flint as he deliberately blocks the Gryffindor Seeker to allow the Snitch to disappear from sight once more and prevent Gryffindor from winning.”

“I’m warning you Jordan.” Professor McGonagall growled through the microphone as Dean hollered next to Ron for the Slytherin captain to be sent off.

“This isn’t football, Dean.” Ron tried to calm the irate boy next to him down.

“They should change the rules, Flint could have knocked Harry from his broom.” Hagrid grumbled in agreement with Dean.

Hermione shuddered next to Hagrid.

“You cold little Miss. I’ll give you my coat if you like.”

“No, no, its nothing.” Hermione dismissed not even acknowledging Hagrid as she continued her unwavering vigil.

“Okay, but you still haven’t told. Yes, get in there. Come on Gryffindor.” Hagrid bellowed as Alicia Spinnet buried the penalty. “Apologies about that. Now where were we.”

Hermione was gone.


“The sneaky snakes once more have possession. It’s that dastardly do-badder, Marcus Flint”

“Song.” Professor McGonagall warned once more.

“Fine. Excellent work by Flint as he breezes past Spinnet and Bell. Oh my. That’s what you call getting your comeuppance. At least it might improve that ugly mug of his.” Melody finished trying to hold back the laughter.

“This is my very last warning to the both of you.” Professor McGonagall said sternly.

“Unbelievable work by Flint, despite that heavy hit he’s pulled a score back for Slytherin.” Jordan commentated. “Oh my, what’s going on up there, Potter seems to have lost control of his broom.” Jordan added above the loud cheering that was coming from the Slytherins.

“What’s going on with Harry, is there something wrong with his broom.” Dean quizzed from the stands.

“Only one thing can interfere with a broomstick like that and that’s powerful Dark Magic.” Hagrid said in a worried tone.

“What are we going to do?” Ron asked.

“Nothing.” Hagrid said.

“Nothing?” Ron looked at the giant as if he were mad.

“Yep, you heard me. Something tells me that Hermione and Scoti already had an inkling that this might happen. I trust they’ll soon have the situation under control, I hope.” Hagrid replied, murmuring the last bit under his breath as he watched Ron’s older brothers start to circle beneath Harry, waiting for him to inevitably fall from the bewitched broom.


Hermione had snuck off to a quieter part of the stands to continue her vigil and avoid any further questions over what she was up to. No sooner had she sat down though the commotion had begun and she found herself darting over to the teacher’s section of the stands. Sweetie Belle was already there, panting heavily.

“Apple-Bloom refused to come. Scootaloo is staying up in the stands in case she might have to zip out onto the field and catch Harry. What are you planning?” The girl wheezed.

“I was thinking a little fire might shed some light on the situation.” Hermione cackled wickedly.


It did not go as planned, but somehow it had still worked. After sneaking under the bleachers, the two girls hadn’t been able to correctly work out whose robes were whose and had accidentally set fire to Professor Quirrell’s instead of Snape’s. Thankfully, whilst trying to put them out the woeful Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher fell into Snape in front of him.

While all this commotion was going on Harry had managed to clamber back onto his broom and zoomed after the Snitch, nearly swallowing it in the process! The game ended in chaos and twenty minutes later Lee Jordan was still bellowing the result in absolute ecstasy, 170-60 in Gryffindor’s favour, while Marcus Flint continued his futile complaints to Madam Hooch.

Harry had smartly made a quick exit and was now enjoying a cup of strong tea with Hermione and Ron in Hagrid’s hut. The Crusaders on the other hand found themselves back in their dorm.

“Am I glad that’s over.” Scootaloo groused flopping onto her bed.

“What do you mean? Snape is still free, attempting to kill or at least seriously maim students, and trying to rob the school of a priceless treasure to aid in the return of the Dark Lord Voldemort!” Sweetie exclaimed in exasperation.

“Girls, Dumbledore is one of the most powerful and clever wizards in the entire world. I’ve seen you two playing wizard chess on occasions. Imagine the school as a giant chessboard with Dumbledore in control. He knows exactly what is going on in the school at all times and is in complete control, but like with wizard chess must be patient and wait for the perfect moment to strike. Thus, all we need to do is keep our heads down and remain out of Snape’s line of fire until the time comes for Dumbledore to strike. The last thing we need to do is get involved and end up getting in Dumbledore’s way and possibly aiding in the escape of the darkest wizard to ever live or worse! Now if you don’t mind, I’ve a week’s worth of sleep to catch up on.” Scootaloo said with a yawn.

“Wow, that was actually ridiculously insightful of you Scootaloo.” Sweetie replied.

“And I keep telling the both of you Snape is innocent.” Apple Bloom grumbled.

Scootaloo heard neither of them though, she was already fast asleep. And for the first time in a week, no nightmares haunted her.

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