• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,101 Views, 795 Comments

Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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Scootaloo and a Dragon too

Author's Note:

Warning: this chapter contains a dragon, romance, time skipping, crystal gazing, hilarious hi-jinks and a dragon. Read at your own peril! I've also taken one or two edits from rich-online, but honestly to tired right now to scour through 8000 words for second time in 2 days, so anything major comment and I'll modify it.

The following Sunday Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were sat in the library deep in conversation on what they were going to do upon their return to Ponyville in a month’s time for the Easter holidays when Hermione walked on over with Harry and Ron. She handed Scootaloo a piece of paper.

“What’s this?” she enquired, looking over what seemed to be a schedule of sorts.

“I made you a revision timetable. We’ve only ten more weeks till our exams!” Hermione exclaimed sitting down across from the other three girls along with the two boys.

“That’s ages away,” Scootaloo groaned, not wanting to think about exams before the Easter holidays were over.

“That’s exactly what we told her,” Ron grumbled. “She’s been going on about us making ones all morning over breakfast.”

Hermione glowered at Ron before turning to Scootaloo and explaining her actions. “You are aware we need to pass these exams with an average score of sixty percent across all subjects to get into our second year and that they include both practical and theoretical portions? I should have started studying weeks ago but…” she paused not wanting to finish the sentence as a tear came to her eye at just the thought.

“My accident distracted you.” Scootaloo sighed reaching across the table and holding her girlfriend’s hands in her own natural and unnatural ones in an attempt to calm her down. “I get it, these exams are very important to you, so how about we take a break relationship wise until they are over so you can concentrate on them. I would be mortified if I prevented you from getting the grades you wanted.”

“You really mean that?” Hermione sniffled trying to get her emotions under control.

“Of course, and we can still study together if you need a study buddy. Those two look about as much help with revision as Professor Binns!” Scootaloo exclaimed causing a smile and a giggle from Hermione. Ron did not look at all pleased sat next to her.

“I’m not sure you’d be much better,” Hermione said with a wry smile.

“Ouch, I’m deeply hurt,” Scootaloo said not meaning it in the slightest. “Now there’s the girl I’ve come to know. How about then if I beat you overall in one of either the practical, theoretical or combined scores for the first-year exams you not only have to kiss me in front of the entire school at the end of year feast, tongues and all, but also have to introduce me to your parents during the summer holidays.”

Hermione’s face went red for a moment before a crafty smile crept across her face. “And when I win you not only have to wear a dunce’s cap for the remainder of the school year, but also have to make a public admission to the school paper that I’m a better flyer than you.”

This time it was Scootaloo’s turn to reel back with surprise before she stuck out her metallic hand and met Hermione’s confirming the agreement.

“You are so going to regret that,” Hermione grinned rubbing her hands together with glee.

“This is only going to end badly,” Harry sighed.

“Agreed,” three voices chorused as Wally suddenly crashed into the table from out of nowhere.

“EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY,” the bird cawed from amongst the rubble clearly in some distress.

“Well this can’t be good,” Apple Bloom groaned as the bird coughed up a scroll with the seal of Princess Celestia herself on it.

“I think that might be understating it,” Sweetie noted as Scootaloo picked up the scroll and was just about to read it when Madam Pince arrived upon the scene.

She did not look at all pleased with the destroyed table.

“You better have a good explanation for all this,” the librarian huffed angrily.

“A letter from the ruler of our homeland explaining an emergency back home good enough for you,” Scootaloo retorted somewhat rudely flashing the sealed scroll in front of the irate librarian.

“Humph, let me see that,” and before anyone could stop her Madam Pince had snatched and unravelled the scroll before proceeding to read it. Her face started to turn a little white. “I will need to inform Headmaster Dumbledore of these developments immediately,” she said preparing to leave with the letter.

Scootaloo was having none of it and grabbed the librarian’s arm. “Hey, not before we’ve read it, you’re not.”

“Fine, but be quick about it,” Madam Pince said whilst reluctantly handing the letter back to the girl. She tapped her foot impatiently as Scootaloo began to read letter aloud for everyone to hear.

Dear Girls,

I’m sorry this letter is so rushed but I’ve a lot to do at the moment so I’ve got to keep this brief. Last week I was stunned to find out my brother was getting married to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Celestia’s niece. Unfortunately, what should have been a joyous occasion turned out to be an ample opportunity for a foreign nation to attempt to infiltrate Equestria and enslave the population by kidnapping the princess and disguising their queen as her. The occupants of this foreign nation are bug like creatures known as changelings that can transform into an almost exact copy of any being, except for one flaw, they don’t have the original creature’s memories. It was because of this and the fact that the princess turned out to be my foal sitter in the past that I managed to realise something was up, save the real Cadenza and with the help of my friends banished the imposter and her army that had started to attack Canterlot. Thankfully, we are all fine, but as you can imagine the inquest has only just begun and will take months, whilst our national security level has been raised to its highest level. Ponies across the entirety of Equestria are now also fearful of not just another attack, but whether their own neighbours are truly who they say they are. Furthermore, being as close as you are to us, this makes you prime targets for kidnapping. It is as such that with a heavy heart and for your own safety, that on behalf of her majesty Princess Celestia of Equestria I must insist that you stay in the world you are currently in until further notice, however long this may be. We are hopeful that tensions will have subsided by the summer and to still have you return for Rainbow and AJ’s wedding, but currently we cannot be certain. I’m sorry to bring you such disturbing news and am hopeful you can still enjoy your holidays at the school,

Her Majesty Princess Celestia’s Student and Royal Advisor, Twilight Sparkle

“OH, C’MON,” Sweetie bellowed in indignation. “For once can we not just catch a break,” the girl pouted as Scootaloo finished reading the letter and passed it back to Madam Pince who shot of immediately to inform Albus Dumbledore of the situation.

“I’m sure our families just want us to be safe Sweetie,” Scootaloo replied.

“And knowing Twilight and our sisters, they’ll soon have this under control,” Apple Bloom added.

“I know, but it’s still highly frustrating,” Sweetie Belle groused. “And nobody bakes sweet treats like Pinkie Pie.”

Wally coughed up another scroll.

“Huh, what could this be?” Scootaloo said unfurling it.

P.S. The Apples and Pinkie are hard at work making you some special treats to make up for your obvious disappointment.

“Okay, I suppose that’s at least something to look forward to,” Sweetie conceded defeat.

“And we can all get a head start on our revision!” Hermione chipped in before squealing with glee.

Scootaloo picked up a piece of table and banged her head against it. “Can somebody give me a one-way ticket to this bug kingdom please?”


Sadly, it was not just Hermione who had noticed that their exams were slowly nearing. Over the next few weeks, the steady rise in homework from their teachers became a tidal wave, with even Professor Binns setting them homework! This meant that aside from the literal mountain of confections Pinkie Pie sent them, the Easter holidays proved to be a very sombre and much less fun holiday than Christmas. The Crusaders spent almost every waking moment from dawn to dusk, aside from meals, in the library alongside Harry, Ron and Hermione practising wand movements, memorising potion ingredients or historical events and dates, and a lot, lot more as they valiantly attempted to get through all the work that had been set for them.

So engrossed and pre-occupied were they that they barely even noticed when the empty halls suddenly became full of students once more and lessons began once again. Almost every single class was now focusing on revision and going over what they’d already learnt in preparation for their exams in five weeks’ time and the amount of homework they received reflected this. As if they didn’t have enough on their minds already with quidditch practice beginning again as well and their deciding match against Slytherin edging ever closer, the Crusaders were soon to have another much bigger problem on their hands. Unfortunately for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, chaos was never too far away and this time it came in the burly form of Hagrid.

It all started at the end of their first week back. The dreary and wet weather that had plagued the castle the past month had finally lifted and a beautiful clear spring day mocked the six students as they ploughed through One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi trying to memorise the lot. It was as Ron let out a frustrated growl and turned his attention away from the book for a moment that he noticed Hagrid acting somewhat suspiciously and hiding something behind his back.

“Hagrid? Haven’t seen you in the library before?” He said causing the rest of the group to momentarily look up from their studies.

“Oh, erm, jus’ browsin,” he said with a guilty looking expression as his eyes darted from left to right before he attempted to change the subject. “Yer not still lookin’ for you know who I hope?”

“You mean Flamel? We found out who he is ages ago,” Ron replied with a smug expression. ‘And we know what that dog’s guarding to, it’s a…” Hermione jabbed Ron in the ribs and gave him a stern glare before he could finish what he was about to say.

Hagrid suddenly looked even more alarmed. He sighed in resignation.

“Look, come to my hut later and we’ll talk.”

“Okay, we’ll see you,” Harry started but Hagrid had already gone.

“That was strange. What do you think he was hiding behind his back?” Hermione immediately stated what was on most of the occupants of the table’s minds.

“Do you think it had anything to do with the Stone?” Harry said excitedly.

“No idea, but I’m going to check out what section he was in,” Ron replied seeking any excuse to get out of studying.

“What’s with you three?” Scootaloo said angrily in a hushed whisper once Ron had disappeared. “Is me losing an arm not enough to put you off meddling in matters that don’t concern you? It’s like my sacrifice means nothing to you at all!”

Before a hurt Hermione could reply Ron returned and slammed a stack of books down upon the table.

“Dragons!” He exclaimed in a low whisper. “Hagrid was looking up stuff about dragons!”

“Oh no, no, no. That’s it. I’m outta here.” Scootaloo exclaimed quickly putting her books back in her bag before going on. “And if you lot have any sense; you’ll ignore everything that just happened. This will only lead to trouble. My word, I sound like Hermione!” She finished with a horrified expression before she shook her head and walked away.

Ron snickered as he looked at Hermione’s disgruntled expression. “Looks likes Hermioneitis is contagious.”

Hermione whacked him over the back of his head with her Herbology textbook.

“Ow,” Ron said rubbing the back off his head.

“Dragons huh? We’ve those back in Equestria. Some are nice, like Spike, whose Twilight’s assistant, but a lot can be mean and grouchy,” Sweetie Belle explained.

Ron looked at the girl in surprise for a moment unsure if he’d heard her right or if the whack to the back of his head had caused more damage than he’d initially suspected. Finally he replied “I’ve no idea what dragons are like where you are from but trust me when I say they are not to be messed with here. Dragon-breeding has been outlawed for nearly three hundred years and it’s impossible to tame one. You should see the burns my brother Charlie’s got off wild ones in Romania,”

“So, what on earth’s Hagrid up to?” Hermione asked what was on everyone who was still at the table’s mind.

Well almost everyone.

“Can you lot quieten down a bit, some of us are trying to study,” Apple Bloom huffed, her attention not wavering from One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.


An hour later Scootaloo was still in a bad mood as she headed to her Divination lesson.

“I can’t believe her,” she muttered to herself. “We’re not even teenagers and she wants to not only go after the evilest wizard to ever exist, but now wants to get involved with a half-giant who knowing our track record of luck is probably harbouring a dragon, one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet! Is she insane? Almost certainly, but that’s why I love her and my word I sound like Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity after one of our failed crusades. Is this what caring deeply for another feels like?” sighing Scootaloo paused her ramblings as she looked up at the trapdoor above her. “I’ll have to give her an apology at dinner,” she told herself as she fluttered up to the trapdoor above her and knocked.

The response was instantaneous and before long she was sat in a cosy armchair in front of a warm fire sipping a cup of tea.

“You look stressed my dear? Been having any troubling dreams or premonitions recently? Your shoulder not causing you too much pain anymore I hope?” Trelawney enquired sensing the pain and worries that plagued Scootaloo’s mind.

“It’s nothing really. Just a bit of an argument with Hermione,” Scootaloo explained.

“Oh, nothing major, I hope. The crystal ball has informed me that the two of you have a great future together. It would be a shame if it were to end before it had truly begun.”

“No, nothing like that, it’s just, you know when you care for someone so much you become a little bit overprotective?” Scootaloo tried to put what had happened into words without revealing to many details.

Professor Trelawney nodded her head thoughtfully. “Yes, I understand completely, although such feelings rarely come to one so young as yourself, but this may be because of your upbringing and the tragedy that surrounds you. Hold out your palm please.”

Although wary, Scootaloo knew she had no choice in the matter and did as instructed. Professor Trelawney grasped it and almost immediately described what she was seeing.

“Yes, I see it clearly. You are scared, scared that in some way you are cursed and that those around you are destined to suffer because of this. Let me give you some wise words my apprentice. You cannot be there for Hermione every waking moment of every day. She has her own destiny to fulfil as do you. Yes, your paths are intertwined, but sometimes they will also take you in different directions. You need to understand now that if anything bad should befall Hermione it will not be your fault. I know this is hard for one so young to understand…”

“No, I understand.” Scootaloo interrupted. “It’s just hard, you know? After seeing what happened to my parents and not being able to do a thing, I don’t think I would cope well if something similar were to happen to anyone else I cared about, but Hermione, I just, just,” Scootaloo struggled for the correct words as she attempted to force back the tears.

“It would feel like your whole world was ripped from beneath your feet and you’d be lost without her guidance?” this time it was Trelawney’s turn to interrupt.

“Yeah, exactly, how’d you know?"

“Love. Believe me, we’ve all been there my dear at at least one point in our lives, just please don’t make the same mistake I did,” Trelawney finished her eyes taking on a faraway distant look.

“What do you mean by that?” Scootaloo replied looking a little puzzled.

“It’s nothing for you to worry about my dear. Just promise me that you’ll never let petty squabbles come between the two of you,” Trelawney replied snapping back to the present and re-focusing on her guest.

“I’ll try my hardest, thanks professor.”

“Think nothing of it. Now, shall we continue with today’s lesson?”

Scootaloo’s face immediately brightened as she pushed her troubles to the back her mind for the moment and reached into her satchel. “Yes please. I’ve been practicing a lot over the holidays.”

Slowly she pulled out a crystal ball. A stand was already waiting for it on the table.

“Excellent, I thought you would. The crystal ball shall also be the focus of this year’s practical exam along with one of the other four techniques we have already studied. I have decided to leave Xylomancy as something for you to study over the summer holidays before we look at it together over the first few weeks of your second year. Before we begin though, is there anything you’d like to tell me, either of things you’ve seen and haven’t been able to translate or of its history?”

“Not particularly, I’ve seen one or two minor things but they’ve all come to pass now. Overall, Crystal Gazing is an art that takes time and patience to master. Its origins are unclear and it is disputed whether it was the first true form of divination created, with its first mention coming in the religious text known as the bible. Its first recorded use though was in Ancient Rome by Pliny the Elder who described them as ‘soothsayers’. Although this made them popular amongst Romans, religious groups often condemned such actions as they went against their beliefs. It is because of such religious beliefs in muggles that across many centuries such practice had to be done in secret for fear of severe punishment and even death at the hands of those in power. It is widely recognised in the wizarding community that Merlin the Great was an avid fan and user of crystal balls and carried one wherever he went, whilst other notorious crystal gazers throughout history include John Dee, an adviser to Queen Elizbeth I, Claude Conlin, a supposed con-artist, and Jeane Dixon, who successfully predicted numerous real life events through the use of a crystal ball. Sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?” Scootaloo blushed in embarrassment pausing for a moment.

Professor Trelawney looked at her student impressed by her knowledge. “Not at all, it amazes me that someone who’s failing history so badly is able to recollect so much. You’ll have no trouble with the theory side of the Divination exam.”

“Yeah, well history is boring, lacks focus, and has no practical application, whereas by studying divination’s past I’m able to understand ways to not only interpret what I see, but also understand ways to improve and refine my own technique. Wait, who told you I was failing history?” Scootaloo finished suddenly clocking on too what Professor Trelawney had said.

“The crystal ball reveals many things my dear,” Trelawney replied cryptically. “Now, I want you to focus on your Crystal Ball and recall what you see to me.”

Scootaloo turned her focus onto her ball. Five minutes passed with her staring into nothing but a clouded mist until the whole inside ignited with orange and Scootaloo’s eyes took on a distant expression.

Finally, they re-focused and she groaned, “I see fire, lots and lots of fire.”


At the same time, Ron, Harry and Hermione, along with an intrigued Sweetie Belle were making their way to Hagrid’s hut. They’d left an engrossed Apple Bloom with her head buried deep within her Herbology textbook back at the library. As they neared the hut, they were surprised to find all the curtains closed.

“Hey, Earth to Hermione. What’s with you? You’ve been really distracted for most of the past hour.” Ron quipped as they reached the front door.

“Huh, sorry, what?” Hermione replied still not really paying attention and lost amongst her thoughts.

“I said, are you going to knock, or shall I?” Ron grumbled.

“Hey, lay off Ron. When have Hermione and Scootaloo ever had a falling out?” Sweetie Belle cut in.

“Oh, so that’s why she stormed off in a huff when I came back with all those books.”

“Precisely, so lay off will ya,” Sweetie Belle retorted.

“Okay, okay, let’s just get this over with, shall we?” Ron replied as he knocked upon the door.

“Who is it? Hagrid hissed before he opened it an inch and peeked out.

“It’s just us Hagrid,” Harry replied wondering why the half-giant was acting so secretively and hoping it wasn’t because of what they all feared.

“Come in, come in, quickly now,” Hagrid replied opening the door and letting them all in before quickly shutting the door behind them after glancing intently all around.

It was like a furnace inside and despite it being a scorching April day outside, there was a fire blazing in the hearth. Hagrid made them all tea and offered them stoat sandwiches. Only Sweetie took one. She devoured it to looks of horror from the other three children.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Ron mumbled under his breath.

Sweetie was just about to tuck into a second one when Hagrid, much to Ron’s relief, drew their attention away from the girl.

“So-yeh wanted to ask me something? Be mindful though that I’m sworn to secrecy by Dumbledore and can’t tell you nout about the stone.”

“Well in truth that’s what we came for,” Harry admitted not bothering to beat around the bush. “We wanted to know what’s guarding the Stone apart from Fluffy.”

Hagrid frowned.

“Well I’m sorry but I can’t help you there. For one, I don’ know meself and secondly, yeh know too much already, so I wouldn’t tell yeh if I could,” he said stubbornly.

Hermione, trying to regain some of her focus, opted for an alternate approach. “Oh, come on, Hagrid, I’m sure you do know even if you don’t want to tell us, you know everything that goes on round here. We only wondered who had done the guarding, really. I mean Dumbledore must have trusted them very highly,” she finished in a warm, flattering tone.

Beneath his beard Hagrid was smiling and his chest swelled with pride. Harry and Ron grinned at Hermione. Sweetie was still munching her second stoat sandwich.

“Well I don’ s’pose it could hurt ter tell yeh that. Now let me see. He borrowed Fluffy from me and then I think he got himself and five of the teachers to cast enchantments. If I remember rightly it was Professor’s Sprout, Flitwick, McGongall…” he paused for a moment deep in thought. “Yes, Quirrell and one more, now who was it?”

“Snape?” Harry immediately jumped in.

“Yeah, that’s the one. Please tell me yer still not thinking that are you? Look, Professor Snape helped protect the stone, he’s not about ter steal it,” Hagrid said gruffly.

Harry looked over at Ron and Hermione and immediately knew they were thinking the same as he was. If Snape had been in on protecting the Stone, he almost certainly knew how the other teachers had guarded it and thus how to bypass their defences. The only two things he didn’t seem to know were Quirrell’s spell and how to get past Fluffy.

“Hagrid, no one else knows how to get past Fluffy do they, not even any of the teachers?” Harry asked anxiously.

“Only me and Dumbledore,” Hagrid replied proudly just as Sweetie finished her second stoat sandwich and entered the conversation.

“Erm, not to intrude or change the topic, but has anyone else noticed the dragon’s egg in the fire?”

Three sets of wide eyes shot their gazes instantly to the fireplace where, underneath the kettle in the very heart of the fire, a huge black egg sat.

“Dragon’s egg, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about lass, that’s merely a, er,” Hagrid said trying to come up with an excuse as he fiddled nervously with his beard.

Ron and Sweetie were already crouching over the fire and getting a better look at the egg.

“Where did you get it?” Ron asked intrigued.

“Won it from a stranger I met in the Hog’s Head last night. We had a few drinks and got into a game of cards. Think he was quite glad ter get rid of it, ter be honest,” Hagrid explained, realising the kids weren’t going to be fooled.

Harry and Hermione were looking anxiously at one another.

“What you going to do once it’s hatched,” Sweetie queried studying the egg as closely as she could without burning herself.

“I’m going to take care of it as its mother,” Hagrid answered jovially as he walked over to the fire. “I got a book outta the library and although it’s a bit outta date, it contains all the key information I need, such as what to feed them. It even told me what breed it is, that there’s a Norwegian Ridgeback. They’re rare, them!”

He looked very pleased with himself as he hummed merrily whilst stoking the fire. Hermione didn’t.

“Hagrid, you live in a wooden house!” The girl exclaimed completely taken aback by the absurdity of the whole situation.

Hagrid wasn’t listening.


A few hours later and Sweetie was talking in hushed whispers with Apple Bloom outside the Great Hall before dinner over what she’d seen.

“We were right, Hagrid’s keeping a dragon’s egg in his fire place. He says it could hatch any day now.”

“Wow, I’ll have to come take a look at some point,” Apple Bloom said impressed. “Where did he even get something like that?”

“Won it from a stranger in a card game down the pub apparently.”

“Sounds awfully shady.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Does he even know how to look after such a creature?”

“He’s read up on the subject in a terribly outdated book from the library,” Sweetie Belle sighed.

“This is going to go terribly wrong isn’t it?” Apple Bloom replied.

“We’re the Crusaders. When has one of our crusades ever not got us into trouble?” Sweetie admitted.

“Good point.”

“Hey girls, what you talking about?” Scootaloo interrupted loudly, butting into the conversation.

Sweetie put her finger to her lips before whispering “Hagrid’s secretly keeping a dragon’s egg in his house.”

Scootaloo face palmed. “I thought as much. I’ve just had a very interesting and probing Divination lesson with Professor Trelawney on the matter after seeing my crystal ball full of fire. She knew I was keeping something from her but thankfully didn’t press me to hard on the subject.”

“That sounds fun,” Sweetie Belle giggled.

“Trust me, it wasn’t and I’m going to forget we ever had this conversation or that I’m aware of a dragon on campus.”

“Shuuuuush,” Sweetie squeaked noticing that Malfoy had stopped dead in his tracks and was looking inquisitively at them.

“What do you want Dracula? You know its not nice to pry into other people’s conversations, but if you must know I was asking my friends if they knew where my girlfriend was. We got into an argument earlier and some things were said that I regret, most notably the fact I called her a dragon. So, there you go, you got your gossip, so scram before a rearrange that ugly mug of yours,” Scootaloo said hotly, allowing just the tiniest bit of electricity to spark in her right hand.

Malfoy swiftly moved on, although he didn’t look convinced by the tale.

“Shit, now we’re going to have him on our backs to,” Sweetie groaned.

“Not we, you two, I told you I’ve enough on my plate without getting involved in this madness. Now, do either of you know where my girlfriend is, I owe her an apology.”


It did not take long for Scootaloo to find Hermione sitting with Ron and Harry at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Unsurprisingly, they were talking in hushed whispers like her friends.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt, do you mind if we go somewhere private to talk. It’ll only be a quick one,” Scootaloo interrupted politely.

Hermione looked up from the table. “Sure,” she replied nervously rising from the table. “Save my seat will you boys,” she said to Harry and Ron before following Scootaloo from the Hall.

The two girls ended up sneaking into the same small chamber next door that they had waited in upon arrival at Hogwarts at the start of the year.

“So, what is it you wanted to talk about?” Hermione asked after a moment of silence.

Scootaloo took a deep breath before she blurted out in a rush of words, “Look, you know I’m not good with speeches so I’ll just come out and say it, I’m sorry for earlier. It’s just, I care for you so, so much and after being unable to do anything but watch what happened to my parents, I hope you can understand I’m just a little overprotective. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you, but Professor Trelawney also made me realise that I won’t always be there to help you,” she finished trembling and with a slight sniffle.

“Oh,” Hermione said with just a hint of surprise taking a step towards her girlfriend and then taking her left hand in both of hers, unsure what else to say. Finally, she came out with, “I had no idea. That’s totally understandable and reasonable of you to think like that. If it makes you feel any better, I felt the same way when you were in that coma. I irrationally blamed myself even though there was nothing I could have done and it required a similar talk with Professor McGonagall to calm me down. Although we always want to be there to lookout for one another…”

“Our destinies will sometimes take us in different directions,” Scootaloo choked.

“Precisely, but what matters is that our love for each other will always bring us back to one another,” Hermione finished with a smile before she leaned in for a kiss.

“I love you,” Scootaloo whispered before locking her lips with the other girls.


It was Friday when Hedwig flew in with a note for Harry from Hagrid. It’s hatching, was all it said.

Ron wanted to skip Herbology and go straight down to the hut. Hermione wouldn’t hear of it.

“We’ll go during our free period,” she said firmly.

“But it could have hatched by then!” Ron whined.

“We’ll get into trouble if we miss lessons,” Hermione argued.

“But Hermione, how many times are going to see a dragon hatching?” Ron argued back.

“Shut up!” Harry whispered.

Malfoy was lurking nearby and seemed to be listening intently to what they had to say. How much had he heard? Harry didn’t like the look on Malfoy’s face at all.

Ron and Hermione argued all the way to Herbology and soon had Sweetie and Apple Bloom involved to while Harry and Scootaloo looked on unamused. As soon as the lesson was over, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Sweetie and somewhat reluctantly Apple Bloom dropped their trowels and raced to Hagrid’s hut.

“So, you say Malfoy was listening in on you this morning. That’s not good. He was eavesdropping on us the other day. Scootaloo thought she’d covered our tracks, but looks like he wasn’t so easily fooled,” Sweetie panted after Hermione had explained to her the mornings events.

“I wished you’d told us sooner,” Hermione groaned in reply. “He almost certainly knows something is up.”

“Sorry, it kind of slipped my mind with how much work we’ve got being piled on us right now, not to mention how intense quidditch practice has been as of late,” Sweetie apologised starting to slowdown as they neared the hut.

“You weren’t to know, still we’ll have to be wary what we say in public areas from now on.”

“Agreed. Look, Hagrid’s waiting for us,” Sweetie said pointing to the eagerly awaiting half-giant.

“I thought you weren’t going to make it. Come inside quickly, it’s nearly out,” he said ushering his five guests inside quickly.

The egg lay atop the table with deep cracks in it. Something was moving inside; a funny clicking noise was coming from it. They all pulled their chairs up around the table and watched with bated breath. All at once there was a scraping noise and the egg split open.

The baby dragon flopped onto the table. It wasn’t exactly much to look at, with wings vastly disproportionate to its body, a long snout with large nostrils, stubs of horns and bulging, orange eyes. Harry thought it looked like a crumpled black umbrella.

The dragon sneezed and a few sparks of fire spewed from its nostrils.

“Isn’t he beautiful?” Hagrid said as he reached out a hand to stroke the dragon’s head. It snapped at his fingers with pointed fangs before lunging at Apple Bloom who slapped it round the head and sent it hurtling through a wall.

Everyone stared at the small dragon shaped hole in the wall.

“It tried to eat me!” Apple exclaimed in her defence.

“He was only playing,” Hagrid growled angrily as he raced outside.

That’s when he saw the kid running back up to the school.

It was Malfoy, Malfoy had seen the dragon!


Warning: This next section is roughly translated from Draig (the ancient language of dragons) and as such may not be 100% accurate. All following sections in italics have also been translated from Draig.

She was not pleased, not pleased at all. When she hatched, she expected to be welcomed into a horde of the finest dragons in the world. Her parents being the mightiest, of course. Instead, she got a bunch of bizarre creatures with pale skin and various coloured fur gawking at her. Although surprised, she thought that maybe they were humble food offerings by the lesser dragons for when she hatched. She soon realised this was not the case though when she tried to launch herself at one of the smaller morsels only to be rebutted with a smack round the head that sent her flying through a wall. When the big bumbling one, who seemed to be covered in more fur than the smaller creatures, had come over and cradled her in his arms whilst checking her thick scales for any damage, the silly fool, like such a measly being could really cause her any harm, it had suddenly dawned on her that he was acting like her mother should be. Despite desperate squirming, she was unable to get free and attempt to flee from his grasp and plot a daring escape from this traumatic situation. To make matters even worse the fool thought she was a he and had called her the most ridiculous name ever, Norbert. Really, check between my ‘untranslatable term’ legs you ‘more untranslatable language’ idiot, do I look like I’ve a set of balls? Furthermore, I’m a fiery harbinger of death, the dominant species of this puny world and should therefore receive a name that suits me, Black Death, Doom Bringer, The Winged Nightmare or something similar, not ‘even more untranslatable dragon curse words’ Norbert. The only two positives she saw from the situation was that firstly this oaf must be some form of doom bringer himself. She hadn’t quite worked out his name yet but had dubbed him the almighty Stinklord the Furriest, his bodily stench truly could kill even the mightiest of dragons and had made her vomit all over his clothes, only adding to his vile odour. She also admired the red-haired smaller female that had slapped her, thus proving she was not prey and ultimately, she seemed to be on par with her for strength. She had dubbed her Strongfire. The other creatures had yet to earn names, although the weakest she’d dubbed Ginger Biscuit because he looked especially tasty. Anyway, the second positive was that Stinklord was feeding her well and she was growing exponentially. With her greater size would come greater strength and power until she was able to finally escape her quite frankly ridiculous prison. ‘Unintelligible noises, possibly cackling?’ can be heard.

P.S. I am also quite fond of belly rubs and ear scratches.



The next few days for the five children were utter carnage. If mountains off school work combined with quidditch practice wasn’t already enough to contend with, they now found themselves assisting with the illegal care and hiding of a dragon! The leering smile that adorned Malfoy’s face whenever they saw him also did not help matters and made them even more worried, anxious and nervous than they already were.

By Tuesday the dragon had already grown three times in length. In just four days. Smoke kept furling out of its nostrils. Hagrid had also started to get behind in his gamekeeping duties due to how much attention the dragon was requiring. Empty brandy bottles along with chicken feathers littered the floor.

“I’ve decided to call him Norbert,” Hagrid told Harry and Hermione as Apple Bloom helped Ron feed Norbert, who was already onto eating dead rats by the crateful.

“Hagrid, you need to let him go,” Harry tried to reason with his friend.

“I can’t,” Hagrid replied, “he’s to little. He’d die.”

“Hagrid,” Harry said sternly, “sooner rather than later Norbert is going to be bigger than your house and that’s if Malfoy doesn’t tell Dumbledore about him first.”

Hagrid bit his lip before replying, “your right, but what can I do? I can’t just dump him, I can’t,” he wailed pitifully.

“I’d look to see if Discord could bring Fluttershy from Equestria to talk to Norbert and possibly take him somewhere, but it’d be to risky. She or Discord would more than likely spill the secret to our guardians,” Apple Bloom stated turning her attention away from the dragon for a moment.

“Charlie!” Harry suddenly exclaimed looking at Ron.

“Err, what?” the other boy looked at Harry in confusion. “My name’s Ron. You’re going as batty as he is,” Ron pointed to Hagrid.

“No, your brother Charlie. Remember he’s studying dragons in Romania. We could send Norbert to him. Charlie can look after him and then release him back into the wild!”

“Brilliant!” said Ron before yelling in pain. Looking down he saw Norbert with his fangs embedded in his hands. Ron went deathly pale.

Apple Bloom Managed to force the dragon to let go, scolding him as she did so.

“Bad Norbert, Ron is not food,” she lectured the dragon who pouted in response. “Don’t you give me that look, you are getting no belly rubs or ear scratches of me today, I can promise you that.”

“Send Ron’s brother a letter and be quick about it,” Hagrid sighed as he went over the check the boy’s hand.


Humph, why wouldn’t they let me eat Ginger Biscuit, he’s clearly weak and has no real value. The nibble I did get was also super tasty! Stinklord and Blindlightning also seem to be planning something but I can’t figure out what. Maybe Stinklord has finally realised you cannot tame a dragon! I will miss the oaf though if they do release me. He has treated me well this past week and it is because of him I am growing so fast!

P.S. I have also come to realise Strongfire gives the best belly rubs.


After convincing Scootaloo to let them borrow Wally, as they felt he’d be faster than Hedwig, the letter was sent and on Wednesday evening they got the reply they’d been waiting for. There were only four problems.

1. The dragon had to be collected from the astronomy tower at midnight so those collecting the dragon wouldn’t be seen carrying an illegal dragon.
2. The fliers would need someone to guide them in.
3. By Thursday Ron was in the infirmary. His hand had swollen to twice its usual size. Seemed that Norbert’s fangs were poisonous.
4. Malfoy visited Ron in the infirmary to tease and threaten to reveal what had really bitten him. He’d then borrowed the exact textbook Ron had put Charlie’s letter in.

The invisibility cloak Harry had received for Christmas would assist with the first and Hermione volunteered to take Ron’s place, solving the third problem. Hermione also managed to persuade Scootaloo to sneak out and guide the flyers in. That just left Malfoy.

“I say it’s to risky,” Scootaloo said as they headed to Hagrid’s after Herbology the following Friday to inform him of the plan.

“Doesn’t matter, it’s to late to change the plan now,” Harry replied. “Wally’s to tired to make another run and Hedwig wouldn’t get to Charlie in time. Furthermore, this could be our only chance to get rid of Norbert. We’ll just have to risk it.”

As the four girls and Harry reached Hagrid’s hut, they found his pet dog Fang sitting outside with a bandaged tail. Hagrid opened a window to talk to them.

“I won’t let you in,” he puffed. “Norbert’s at a tricky stage – nothin’ I can’t handle.”

Once Harry had informed Hagrid of Charlie’s letter, his eyes had filled with tears. This may though have also been down to the fact Norbert had just bitten him on the leg.

“You sure you’re okay in there?” Apple Bloom piped in. “Want me to come in and give him a belly rub, that usually calms him down.”

“No, no, don’t worry about it, I’ve got him,” Hagrid replied as Norbert banged his tail on the wall causing the whole hut to shake!

“Alright, we’ll see you tomorrow night then,” Apple Bloom replied looking nervously at her friends as Norbert banged the wall once more.

Tomorrow night couldn’t come soon enough.


Humph, not only has Stinklord still not realised I am a female, but he also refused to let me out of this prison I reside in yesterday to stretch my wings. I gave him a nasty nip because of it. I was even more peeved when he refused to let Strongfire in and give me belly rubs, the meanie. I should have burnt down his feeble excuse of a dwelling whilst I had the chance, but then he might not have fed me. It seems though that staying with Stinklord was just a temporary arrangement as I now find myself in a crate with more than enough chicken and brandy to last me whatever journey I shall be making. I’m also enjoying playing with my teddy and can still hear Stinklord sobbing outside. I won’t deny I’ll actually miss him alongside Strongfire, but hopefully wherever they are taking me now is more fitting for a creature such as myself. My biggest regret is I never got to say goodbye to Ginger Biscuit. Oh well, think I’ll have a nap and hopefully once I awaken, I will be with my own kind once more.


Scootaloo sighed as she heard the school clock in the distance strike half past eleven and pulled herself out of her bed where she’d headed earlier than usual stating that she’d had a migraine. In truth, she didn’t know just how much sleep she’d be getting tonight and had decided to at least try and get some. It hadn’t worked.

Silently she grabbed Broomy and indicated for him to be quiet. Using her wings, she fluttered up to one of the small windows in the ceiling, unlatched it and then, thanks to her small, athletic frame, managed to squeeze through it out into an unknown area of the castle grounds.

Attempting to pinpoint just where she’d come out, she grabbed hold of the broom that had followed her and floated high into the sky.

It didn’t take her long to find Ron’s brother’s friends.

“Hey, I’m your guide. Follow me and I’ll take you where you need to go,” she hissed into the gloom.

“Woah, bit young to be out this late?” one of the four men said in surprise.

“Yeah, does your mummy know you’re out this late?” another jested to a round of laughter.

“She’s dead along with my father, used the killing curse on herself when I was one to stop death eaters forcing her to reveal where I was hiding, something I witnessed helplessly through a memory orb. Now, can we get a move on please, I’d like to get back to my bed,” Scootaloo replied in a deadly serious tone.

The laughter stopped immediately and the four men followed Scootaloo in grim silence. Slowly they made progress through the air until they came in to land atop the Astronomy Tower.

“Malfoy’s got detention! I could sing!” was the first thing Scootaloo heard as she stepped of her broom.

“Don’t,” a second voice said through the darkness.

“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve never heard my girlfriend sing, could be an interesting experience,” Scootaloo chuckled.

A moment later Hermione was in her arms giving her a massive kiss.

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide for a moment before she closed them and wrapped her wings around the other girl bringing her in close. Finally, they parted and she released her girlfriend.

“What was that for,” she said looking like the cat who’d got the cream.

“My thank you gift for helping us,” Hermione replied with a smirk.

“You know you have me wrapped around your little finger and only have too ask if you ever need anything. The kiss certainly was appreciated though.”

“Hey, if you two are finished, we could do with a hand over here,” Harry’s voice echoed across the rooftop.

It wasn’t long till they had Norbert all strapped in for his journey, they’d all shaken hands and said their goodbyes. Scootaloo gave Hermione one final kiss on her cheek before she shot off back to her dorm, slipping through the window she’d left open and landing gently onto the floor just as she heard footsteps outside! Quickly, she jumped into her bed and pulled the covers over her, just hoping whoever it was wouldn’t pull them back and ask why she was wearing her flight suit.

She was just in time as a rather tired and grumpy looking Professor Sprout stood with Filch at her side, a candle shining a dim light upon six supposedly asleep girls.

“See? All asleep and accounted for,” she yawned. “Can I get back to bed now please.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Filch said in his gravelly voice stepping into the room. He looked up. “They always sleep with just the one window open?”

“How would I know?” Professor Sprout huffed.

Scootaloo heard Filch’s footsteps edge closer.

“Just what are you up to?” Professor Sprout growled threateningly following Filch in.

“I caught this one’s girlfriend and one of her friends coming down the Astronomy tower not half an hour ago. My guess is she was with them. She snuck out that window up there and is currently playing possum,” Filch said with an evil leer.

Buck, buck, buck, Scootaloo’s mind raced.

“Now, how about you stop this charade and come clean or do I have to whip these covers of to show that you are still wearing your normal clothes?” Filch mocked enjoying the torment.

“Hang on just a minute Argus, I’m the head of this house and as far as I’m concerned every one of my first-year girls is present and accounted for. Furthermore, even if she was out at this late hour, which is unlikely, due to Miss Prewett’s unique circumstances and the fact that this can lead to trouble sleeping, I’d see it as totally reasonable if she went for a fly. Now, if you don’t mind,” she indicated towards the door.

Filch stood defiantly where he was for a moment before giving a mighty sigh he reluctantly walked away from the girl and exited the dorm, grumbling under his breath.

Once she was sure he was gone Professor Sprout headed for her quidditch captain’s bed and placing the candle down on the girl’s sideboard bent down and whispered into her ear.

“Don’t think you can fool me so easily. Whatever punishment Minerva thinks of for Harry and Hermione you’ll also be subject to, just be grateful I didn’t catch you out of bed otherwise I’d be forced to add a points deduction to that punishment.”

And with that she picked up the candle and headed to the door shutting it gently behind her and leaving Scootaloo in utter darkness.

“Shit,” Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

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