• Published 31st Jul 2020
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Scoti Alaw Prewett - SamuelK28

Scootaloo discovers she's not from this dimension and it is time for her to return home to attend magic school. A CMC at Hogwarts story.

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The Girl Who Lived

Wednesday July 29th 1981– 1:33am, Fort William, Scotland

Marlene soldiered on dragging her right leg behind her whilst her left arm hung loosely by her side. Somehow her hand remained gripped tightly around her wand. Still, there was no escape. Her family were dead, Gideon was dead and even her beloved, Fabian, was gone. They’d tried biding her time to get away, but no one can escape the Dark Lord. If he wants you dead, you’re dead. Still, she had to try. For her sake. The bundle in her right arm continued crying. They were both in a lot of pain but somehow still alive. Not for long. She could hear them coming. The net was closing. She saw the wall at the end of the alleyway and knew it was game over. Sliding down against it she started singing to her sweet bundle of joy.

“Hush now little witch don’t you cry, Momma’s gonna magic you an apple pie. And if that apple pie shouldn’t dry your eyes, then momma’s gonna have to magic a shooting star in the skies. And if…”

“Oh, how tragic.” A voice interrupted her singing out of nowhere.

Despite the state she was in Marlene mustered the strength to raise her wand slightly.

“If you’ve come too finish the job, just do it already.” She drawled in her heavy Scottish accent.

“On the contrary, I’ve come to offer her a second chance. I’m sorry that I cannot save you as well, but your fate is already sealed. You need to be quick; they are mere seconds away. Simply hold her out and say that you trust me. I’ll take her somewhere safe until the time comes when it is safe for her to return.” The voice cooed.

Marlene heard the footsteps closing in. She had nothing to lose. Tears flowing down her face she quickly placed a key around her daughter’s neck before holding her out from her chest. “I trust you. Please, just save my beautiful baby girl!” She cried in desperation.

“I’ll take good care of her. I’m sorry that I can do no more for you.” The voice spoke with a hint of sorrow.

Marlene thought she heard a snap before a blinding white light engulfed her daughter. As the light dissipated, Scoti was gone. Instead her view was replaced with that of five wizards dressed all in black closing in on her, wands raised.

“Where is the child?” Lucius Malfoy demanded.

Marlene laughed. She had no idea where her daughter was or if she was truly safe, but one thing was certain, she was surely a lot safer than she was at this moment in time. “Go to fucking hell Malfoy” she screamed before raising her wand and pointing it at herself “Avada Kedavra”.

Marlene Mckinnon slumped to the ground.


In another realm, wrapped in a bundle of rags, an orange Pegasus filly with a tuft of purple mane lay upon the steps of Ponyville orphanage. Besides the rags all the filly had on her was a key hanging on a piece of chord around her neck and a short note:

My name is Scootaloo. I’ve traveled very far and am looking for a home. Please take good care of me. P.S. Remember to teach me that a draconequus represents chaos.


10 years later – Equestria, Canterlot Sculpture Gardens, 1 year after the fall of Nightmare Moon

“Now this is a really interesting statue. Now what do you notice about it?” Cheerilee asked her class.

“It’s got an eagle’s claw!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“And a lion’s paw!” Scootaloo swiftly added.

“And a snake tail!” Sweetie Bellle was not to be outdone.

“This creature is called a draconequus. He has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things. What do you think that represents?”

“Confusion” Apple Bloom cried before being rudely pushed aside by Sweetie Belle.

“Evil” she added before Scootaloo barged her out the way.

“Chaos” the last of the CMC added.

“It’s not chaos you Dodo.” Sweetie Belle criticised rudely.

“Don’t call me things I don’t know the meaning off and it is to chaos.” Scootaloo argued.

“Is not!” Sweetie Belle replied.

“You’re both wrong” Apple Bloom interjected literally jumping on top of her friends before the three fillies collapsed into a chaotic squabble.

Looking on disapprovingly Cheerilee finally decided to put an end to the fight. “Actually, in a way you are all right.”

The fight stopped as suddenly as it had begun, all three fillies’ attentions now firmly back on their teacher.

“This statue represents discord.” Cheerilee continued. “Which means a lack of harmony between ponies. In fact, you three have demonstrated discord so well that you are each going to write me an essay explaining it.”

The three fillies’ heads dropped in embarrassment and disappointment.

“Now let’s go and I don’t want any more fighting.” Cheerilee commanded leading the class away. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hung back though, continuing their debate in hushed whispers.

It was at this point, as Cheerilee and the rest of the class moved out of earshot that the three Cutie Mark Crusaders heard an enticing voice behind them.

“Dearie me, where do they get these teachers nowadays. Although what she said might be true, a draconequus’ main purpose above all others is to initiate and cause chaos.”

“Thank you. Knew I was right.” Scootaloo swung her head around along with her two best friends only to gape open mouthed at the sight before them. THE STATUE WAS ALIVE. IT WAS ALIVE!!! “Gah” was the only audible sound she could muster.

“Oh, but where are my manners. I am Discord, Lord, Master and God of Chaos.” A large flashing sign appeared above the draconequus’ head with his name on it before his eagle’s claw popped off his left arm and shook each of the dumbfounded fillies’ hooves one by one. “I’ve been waiting for this day for one thousand years and thanks to you fillies I’m finally free.

“Great going you two. If you’d just agreed with me in the first place, maybe we wouldn’t have released a super villain from a thousand-year prison.” Scootaloo grumbled.

“Hey, how were we to know this would happen.” Apple Bloom retorted sticking her tongue out at Scootaloo. This once again resulted in another fight as the orange Pegasus launched herself at her friend. Sweetie Belle seemed only too happy to join in as well.

For a few moments Discord just opted to watched the ongoing scuffle whilst delving into a bag of gravy covered sweet popcorn before looking at the five watches on his right leg and deciding he sadly just did not have enough time for this. Sighing, he snapped his talons placing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle into magical bubbles before lifting Scootaloo up to his face. “Now, now girls. No matter how much I’m enjoying this chaotic feast you are providing time really is of the essence and if Scootaloo wishes to find out about her mother and father today, we must really crack on.” He cracked an egg over the struggling Pegasus’ head and chuckled as the gooey contents slid over her face.

In the meantime, Scootaloo’s face had turned crimson red, which had ultimately resulted in somehow cooking the aforementioned egg which Discord then teleported onto a plate before daintily eating with a knife and fork.

“Mmmm, delicious.” The draconequus noted.

Now seething with anger and impatience the little filly blurted “What do you know about my mother and father. Tell me.” Giving her best impersonation of a death glare which in actual fact just made her look totally adorable.

“Tsk, tsk, such a rude little filly. Does make me wonder why I ever bothered saving you all those years ago. Although, I suppose you did have the decency of releasing me from my stony prison so if you say please I’ll show you what happened.”

Scootaloo continued glowering for 30 seconds before finally lowering her head in defeat and muttering under her breath, “I’m sorry mister Discord sir, it’s just I don’t know a thing about them or where I come from. All I know is I’m a Pegasus who can’t even fly and besides Bloom and Sweetie I’ve absolutely no one. Please, just please tell me anything you know.” She raised her head as she finished tears streaming down her face. Though he’d never admit it in that moment for the first and only time in his entire existence Discord broke.

Sighing he began. “I’ll try to keep this simple for you child. There are multiple dimensions or worlds where different creatures reside and are the dominant species. Chaos exists in all of these and thus I am able to pass between these dimensions with ease. Even though I’ve been trapped here for the past thousand years I’ve still been able to send out, in simple terms, a ghost of myself to these other dimensions to collect and bring back chaos for me, slowly building my supply to break out of my stony prison. You my dear are not from this dimension. I’m guessing you’ve been taught about mythical beasts by your teacher.”

Scootaloo nodded enraptured by what this strange creature was telling her.

“Good. You heard of humans?”

Another nod.

“Even better. You are one of them.”

Scootaloo’s mouth would have dropped to the floor if it could have.

“Ten years ago, I encountered a human female running for her life with a baby in her arms. No matter what you or others may think of me, I find it despicable that anyone would harm but a mere infant or her mother. Sadly, considering my state and the fact I am bound by the laws of chaos I could only save you as the amount of chaos your future predicted was a once in a thousand years opportunity. On that night I adopted you as one of my children of chaos.”

Scootaloo was nearly speechless by this point but managed to stammer, “so my parents are…”

“Here.” The draconequus lowered the filly down to the ground before pulling out a memory orb from the void and passing it to the filly. “As one of my children, I will take care and provide for you as you do likewise for me by causing chaos and mayhem wherever your travels may take you. To start, boop this orb and you will see what happened that fateful night Miss Scoti Alaw Prewett. That’s your human name by the way.”

Despite her reservations Scootaloo was not about to turn down this opportunity she’d waited ten years for and thus pressed her nose against the cold glass orb. Her eyes glazed over for what felt like an eternity for Sweetie and Bloom as she just continued to stare blankly ahead of her. Blinking a few times, she finally returned to her senses before vomiting up the porridge she’d had for breakfast that morning.

“Ahh, should have warned you about that. Sometimes these orbs can cause magical backlash, especially for first time users.” Discord mused snapping his fingers to clear away Scootaloo’s breakfast.

Tears openly flowed once more down the Pegasus’ face but the look she gave the draconequus frightened even him. Oh, he had so done the right thing in saving this one Discord thought to himself as Scootaloo spoke, venom oozing off her every word.

“They will pay. They will all pay. Send me back and you will have your chaos father.” Her eyes bore fire within them.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked nervously at one another as they were lowered to the ground and released from their bubble prisons. Slowly they approached the clearly wounded Pegasus.

“Scoots?” Sweetie Belle nervously pressed. “You okay? Me and Bloom are here for you if you need us? What did you see?”

And with that Scootaloo broke. Lowering her head, she muttered. “They slaughtered them all, my entire family. All because of me and some Celestia forsaken prophecy. I’ll make them pay for what they have done, mark my words I will.” And with that the grieving Pegasus pulled her friends in to a tight hug crying into their shoulders.

“There, there Scoots. Whoever did this we’ll find together, I promise. We’re a team and nothing will ever separate us.” Apple Bloom consoled before the touching moment was abruptly ended by a loud sneeze behind them.

“This is all rather touching, but I’ve kind of got other engagements I need to press on with. I also may have missed out the one key detail that humans are not inherently magical aside from a small cluster known as witches and wizards. I will grant your request to return Scoti as you are a witch and have reached the age at which you need to learn such skills. But you must remember that the world you are returning to is at a dangerous point in its timeline and thus you must be careful upon the actions you take. Knowledge is power young one and once said knowledge has been obtained only then will you be able to enact your revenge successfully. To do to soon could see you meet a similar end as your parents. Do you understand?” Discord explained.

Scootaloo or Scoti looked at the draconequus sombrely and nodded her head.

“Excellent. Now there are a few things I need to do quickly before you go, but the rest will be explained upon your arrival. You will be studying at the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the next seven years and before you ask, yes, I will be allowing your two friends to attend with you. Financially wise, the key around your neck will allow you access into a vault in Gringotts bank that your parents set up for you from which you will be able to pay for your education amongst other items. As I’m unsure how much is within this vault and if there is enough to pay for all three of you, I’ll provide you with this chest of gems I definitely did not pilfer from Sweetie’s sister’s boutique. These can be transferred to the local currency at the previously mentioned bank.” Discord snapped his fingers and a large chest fell atop Apple Bloom’s back. The Earth pony barely flinched despite the considerable weight.

Sweetie giggled. “My sister is going to throw a fit when she finds those missing.”

Discord smiled mischievously before responding. “Of course. What part of the Lord of Chaos did you fail to understand? Now moving swiftly on. When I transport you, you will be transfigured into these so-called humans and will need to learn to act like them. I.e. they wear clothes to cover their modesty and private areas, eat meat, including non-sentient cows, and write using hands which are similar to my eagle’s claw, among other things.”

“They eat cows!” Apple Bloom nearly screamed.

“Yes, but they have little more intelligence than the pigs or chickens on your farm. I already know when times have been tough you ponies eat them.” Discord explained. “Now I really must be off so the final few things I will say are that I will be allowing you each to hold onto your unique pony attribute, Earth pony strength, Unicorn horn and Pegasus wings, which reminds me. Now that I’m free I can correct a terrible wrong.” He snapped his talons and Scootaloo or Scoti dropped to the floor in agony as her wings shuddered by her side.

“What are you doing? You are killing her?” Apple Bloom wailed frantically.

“Don’t worry, the pain will be gone shortly. She was hit with a curse as a baby and the dark magic still resides in her wings. I’m simply exorcising the dark magic.” As if on cue a black smog rose from the writhing filly which Discord abruptly caught in a jar. “Oh no you don’t” he murmured before snapping his fingers and sending the jar to goodness knows where as the Pegasus’ wings slowly grew to a more natural size for one of her age. “There, good as new” he commented as Scootaloo wearily rose from the ground, “but there’s no time to try them now, I’ve already spent way too much time here even if I may have cast a time freeze spell upon my release. You can try them upon your arrival at Hogwarts. Call it another belated birthday present as I missed so many of them along with this.” He pulled a very ruffled blue and gold macaw with an eyepatch and peg leg from nowhere. “Only I will be able to bring you back to Equestria once you depart but your new pet Wally here will be able to deliver letters across the void of time and space.”

“Eyup, Wanker.” The bird muttered fluttering over and resting on Scootaloo’s head.

“Who’s a pretty bitch?” The bird trilled before starting to preen Scoot’s mane.

“I do apologise that he does have a bit of a language problem although on the positive side he does seem to like you. Now without further ado, goodbye and good luck, a professor Minerva McGonagall will be expecting you. If your sisters haven’t turned me to stone, I’ll retrieve you for the Hearth’s Warming holiday.” And with that he saluted the three fillies in full Equestrian navy uniform before snapping his fingers for the final time.

With how much information the Cutie Mark Crusaders had been overloaded with in such a short time they were to speechless to even possibly ask any questions, not that they got a chance to.


Thursday July 25th 1991 – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scottish Highlands

Being a teacher for nearly 35 years meant it was near impossible to surprise Minerva McGonagall. Up until five minutes previously she would have told you it was impossible. The letters that sat on her desk had proved her wrong.

Miss Scoti Alaw Prewett,
Minerva McGonagall’s Office,
Hogwarts Castle,
Scottish Highlands.

Miss Sweetie Bellle,
Minerva McGonagall’s Office,
Hogwarts Castle,
Scottish Highlands.

Miss Apple-Bloom Apple,
Minerva McGonagall’s Office,
Hogwarts Castle,
Scottish Highlands.

She had been staring at the letters for nearly five minutes wondering if this was Dumbledore’s idea of an elaborate prank when a portal in her ceiling opened up and three naked young girls descended onto the floor of her office. Not only that but one appeared to have a horn sticking out her head whilst another appeared to have a pair of orange wings sprouting out her back. It was already looking to be an interesting school year with the arrival of the boy who lived, before the arrival of these three bizarre looking girls who also sported bizarrely coloured hair. After a few moments of groaning in a heap on the floor the three girls slowly managed to unentangle themselves and stand up shakily on their two legs.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” two of them screamed simultaneously for 30 seconds whilst staring at each other before the third one, a slightly tanned girl who had a distinctive cerise mohawk, a key hanging around her neck and was that a one legged, one eyed parrot on her shoulder? Interjected.

“Girls. Discord already informed us of the changes we’d be undergoing, there’s no need to be overdramatic.” She chastised her friends? Before turning to Minerva. “Apologies about that. You must be Minerva McGonagall. I am Scoti Alaw Prewett, also known as Scootaloo. Daughter of the late Marlene McKinnon and Fabian Prewett. Last of the Prewett household and now under the guardianship and protection of Discord, Lord, Master and God of Chaos. I have returned alongside my two friends, Apple-Bloom Apple,” she pointed to the almost natural red-haired girl before pointing to the final pasty white girl with pink and purple hair “and Sweetie Belle to undertake schooling at your fine establishment whilst righting the wrongs that have befallen my ancestors. All shall rue the day they dare messed with the house of Prewett.” The girl finished flaring out the wings from her back as fire literally danced in her eyes.

Minerva McGonagall pulled the bottle of fire whiskey out from the bottom draw of her desk alongside a shot glass. It was going to be a long year.

On the outskirts of Ponyville Chaos chuckled.

Author's Note:

So, what do you think? Feel free to leave positive or negative feedback in the comments!

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