• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,110 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Mind Over Muscle: Or, Timmy and Sunset In the World of Crash Nebula

"Who got a B?" Timmy sang over and over again while riding the bus home, "Me. Me. Me."

Chester, A.J., Elmer, and Sanjay looked increasingly annoyed with Timmy's chant.

"We get it Timmy," Chester said with strained patience, "you got a B. But you don't have to act go all A.J. on us."

"Yeah," A.J. butted in. "What he said." He did a double take. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

Timmy silently conceded Chester's point and put the grade back into his backpack. "So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?"

"Disprove the laws of thermodynamics." A.J. said.

"Break into Mr. Johnson's green house," Chester said.

"Read the Bhagavad-Vita," Sanjay said.

"Buy ointment for my boil," Elmer said.

"How about a game of Timmyball," Timmy offered. His friends all agreed. The bus pulled up to his house.

He waved goodbye to his friends, got off the bus, and began walking to his house.

Only for a grey hand to grab his shoulder.

"Turner!" Timmy fearfully cocked his head and saw Francis glaring at him.

"Francis," Timmy said fearfully. "What are you-,"

"I heard you got a B minus!" the tall bully said with clear menace in his voice. Before Timmy could respond, Francis angrily lifted Timmy by the scruff of his neck. "That means you're a nerd," Francis said with a growl to the cringing boy, "and I hate-,"

"What's going on?" a female voice said. Francis turned and saw some girl with red and yellow hair approaching him. The girl was a little taller than him.

"Sunset," Timmy said with a relieved voice.

"You know her?" Francis asked in confusion.

Sunset crossed her arms and looked at the bully with an amused expression. "I'm his temporary babysitter," Sunset said with clear annoyance.

Francis felt a twinge of fear go through his face. "Um," Francis said, forcing a fake smile on his face, "I wasn't doing anything wrong." He pulled Timmy into a fake hug. "My buddy Timmy and I were just playing."

Timmy wondered if Sunset would fall for Francis' act. Her smirk showed she was amused by Francis' act rather than impressed.

"Just like that used motorbike some con artist tried to sell me," Sunset said with a mocking grin, "I ain't buying it."

Francis dropped all pretensions of being a nice guy, frowning menacingly. "Oh yeah," Francis said, bravely (or stupidly) walking up to Sunset and getting in her face. "What are you going to do about it? You're a girl!"

Sunset's smile got bigger. The fire-haired girl whispered something into Francis' ear. Timmy strained to hear was she was-

"AAHHHHH!" Francis shrieked with a terrifying expression. He then sprinted away from the fire-haired girl. "Get away from me freak!" Francis said, turning back to yell at the red and yellow haired girl. He didn't look where he was going and plowed into a lemonade stand. He felt to the ground in a heap, covered in cups and lemonade.

The girl running the stand did not look amused. "That's three dollars for the lemonade, bub," she said to Francis in a stern tone. Francis let out a pained moan as he laid on the grass in pain.

"What did you say to Francis?" Timmy asked Sunset.

"Do you really want to know?" Sunset asked with a smirk.

Timmy decided he was better off not knowing. "No thanks," Timmy said with some fear in his voice.

"Why was he picking on you?" Sunset asked.

Timmy narrowed his eyes. "He's mad because I got a B on Crocker's quiz," Timmy answered in annoyance.

"Figures," Sunset said with a snort, "he doesn't look too bright. How old is he?"

"12." Sunset looked askance at that. "He's 12? He's almost as tall as me!"

"I think he has a gland thing," Timmy said.

"Anyways congrats on the test," Sunset said with a proud smile that warmed Timmy's heart, "I just know the perfect way to celebrate."

"What's that?" Timmy asked with some anticipation in his voice.

"My favorite food," Sunset said, "a three bean salad."

"More vegetables," Timmy said with dismay.

"If you liked the veggie pizza," Sunset said, "maybe you'll like this."

"I guess," Timmy said with a shrug.

After putting the quiz on the wall and enjoying Sunset's salad, the two were sitting in the living room, where Timmy was asking for help with his VR game.

"There's this level you can't beat?" Sunset asked Timmy.

The brown-haired boy held up his VR helmet. "It's too hard," Timmy complained.

"Maybe I could help," Sunset said. She let out a frown. "But I need another helmet."

Timmy thought for a moment, then smiled. "I have another helmet," Timmy offered happily.

"Where?" Sunset said.

"Um," Timmy stammered, "upstairs," Timmy said, before running up the stairs into his room. Sunset heard a faint poof coming from the room. Timmy came back down with a helmet that look so brand new, it shined with sparkles.

"Alright," Sunset said, taking the shining piece of equipment.

"Are you ready?" Timmy said.

"Ready," Sunset said. The two put on their helmets, and were plunged into cyberspace in a burst of light.

Sunset and Timmy materialized in some digital, extraterrestrial wasteland. The sky was an ugly yellow-brown, the ground had numerous cracks in it, with one of them leading to a canyon of some kind. He saw a short distance away was a volcano that was constantly blowing smoke. They wore Crash Nebula uniforms, complete with helmets and a side arm.

"Man," Sunset said, her voice having a metallic timbre in the VR world, "these effects are amazing. Where did you get this?"

"Internet," Timmy said, his eyes darting back and forth.

"So where is the-," Sunset began, before she heard some stomping. She looked and saw the boss. It was some giant chrome-plated robot beetle thing with clear red eyes.

"Chromebug," Timmy said, before activating his cannon. He blasted the bug, but his cannon didn't work against the thick hull of the metal creature. "Come on. Come on." The beetle fired a laser at Timmy, wiping him out in one hit.


"Darn it," Timmy said, throwing his helmet off in annoyance. Sunset took her helmet off calmly.

"It's so unfair," Timmy growled, "that bug is so much bigger than me."

"Yep," Sunset agreed, "you can't beat that thing with raw power."

"I know," Timmy lamented.

"you'll have to use your brain," Sunset said.

"How?" Timmy said.

"Power means nothing," Sunset said, "if you can't master your environment. To win, you need to use the environment to help you."

"What do you mean?" Timmy asked Sunset.

"I'll show you," Sunset said. "Want to try one more time?"

"OK," Timmy said. They put the helmets back on.

They were back in the VR world.

"So what now?" Timmy asked Sunset. The Chromebug approached them once more.

"Look around you," Sunset said, as the giant metal beetle came toward them. He saw some crevices in the ground.

"So?" Timmy said. Sunset rolled her eyes and jumped in. Timmy, confused by what Sunset was doing, but fearful of being blasted, jumped into the crevice.

The beetle blasted them...much to Timmy's horror, but to his relief, the blast didn't affect them.

"See," Sunset said with a smile, "we can hide in here from the beetle." Timmy looked and saw how The Chromebug was hanging over them, but its blasts couldn't break through the rocks surrounding the crevice, nor could the beetle reach them in here.

"OK," Timmy said, "but now what?"

"We wait," Sunset said with a smirk.

"Wait for what." They heard a volcanic blast. The blast distracted the beetle, turning away from Sunset and Timmy. Its back was turned, revealing that the the back was made of a weaker copper.

"See," Sunset said. "The boss' weak spot is usually its backside, where you can't reach."

"Wow," Timmy said with a smile.

"Go," Sunset said with a smirk. Timmy jumped out of the crevice and blasted The Chromebug. The health bar of the bug went down by a lot. Chromebug finally turned back toward Timmy, and with a roar, charged for him. Timmy yelled and ran back into the crevice, where it couldn't get him.

"See," Sunset said with a smile. "All you have to do is hide here, wait for the volcano to erupt, and the Chromebug will turn its back."

Timmy saw the pattern, and repeated it several times. Within a few minutes, the Chromebug was defeated as its health bar went to zero. The bug let out an angry roar as it exploded, releasing a bright light.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" a voice said, with the same word appearing in the sky. "YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS LEVEL!"

"Thanks Sunset," Timmy said, happy to have defeated this annoying level.

"Like I said," Sunset said with a proud smile, "when we work together, we can do anything."

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