• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,110 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Old Grudges (Edited)

"How's your sundae?" Sunset asked Timmy.

Sunset was answered by Timmy happily stuffing his face with more ice cream. The two were at an ice cream parlor at the Dimmsdale Mall. Sunset had taken Timmy there to apologize for obsessively following him around.

"Again, my friends and I are sorry for following-,"

"I get it," Timmy said in a surprisingly understanding tone. "You guys were trying to help me.

Sunset smiled warmly. Once again, Timmy seemed to display a keen insight. "Well why wouldn't I want to help you?" Sunset said in a kind voice. "You're just so adorable." She came up from behind Timmy and started giving the brown-haired boy a noogie.

"Stop it Sunset," Timmy screeched, albeit with some joy. "You're embarrassing me."

"It's part of my job as your babysitter," Sunset said, stopping and returning to her seat.

"Anyways, as long as you and everyone else don't do it again, we're cool," Timmy assured her.

"I promise," Sunset uttered, briefly cocking her head at another table.

Lightning Dust couldn't help but let an amused snort come out of her nose.

"Aww, Sunset's practically in love with Timbucktooth," the girl mocked.

Gilda responded with a roll of her yellow eyes. She and her crew were acting in their capacity as the boy's bodyguards. Princess Twilight still insisted on them watching the buck-toothed kid, so did, albeit from a distance to avoid aggravating him further.

"I bet she's gonna get him a wolly pop," Rolling Thunder mocked.

"She thinks he's so adowable," Hoops mocked.

"Coochie coo," Dumbbell teased.

Despite what her friends thought, Gilda respected Sunset's affection for the boy. She even felt some of it too. Not that she would ever admit it that out loud to them. She had a reputation to uphold.

Her eyes wandered to the edge of the food court. He noticed three people with hoods down. Her eyes narrowed when she couldn't help but notice they seemed to dart away from her.

They looked familiar.

Uncomfortably unfamiliar.

"I bet she's gonna buy him a lollipop," Dumbbell said with a nasty cackle. "I-," Dumbbell paused as he saw kiosk full of the large rainbow lollipops.

"Gilda can I have a lollipop?" Dumbbell asked, his demeanor that of a five year old.

"Can I have one too, pretty pwease," Hoops asked. Rolling Thunder and Lightning Dust also looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

Gilda snorted. "Do I look like a buffet to you guys?" They switched to an even more insidious tactic: the whimpering lip. Gilda sighed and relented. "Fine, consider this your paycheck for doing this." She got up to get them the lollipops. If she had been looking in the same direction, she would've noticed the hooded people were gone.

"Stop yanking on my arms!" Sonata whined as her sisters dragged her from the food court. "It hurts!"

"It hurts because you won't keep up!" Aria bellowed. Once they were a good distance away, they stopped.

"So why didn't we just go over there and tell him?" Sonata asked Adagio.

"Because Gilda Griffon was there, you idiot!" Aria yelled with anger at her sister.

"She and her goons are bodyguarding the brat," Adagio pointed out spat. "The second they spot us, they'll be after us." Adagio and Aria's expressions weren't just angry, but a bit fearful. Gilda was tough, a prankster, and more than a bit ruthless. When she was under their spell, it made her a good asset: while she lacked any musical ability for the Battle of the Bands, she was useful to the Dazzlings in another way: She and her crew helped sabotage the competition as delinquents, adding to the chaos and hate they fed off of.

"You're the one who put glue into my synthesizer!" Micro Chips accused.

"Why would I do that?!" Bon Bon raged. "You're so bad at playing notes nerd I wouldn't bother! You probably put the racoon in our piano!"

"Or maybe it was you!" Lyra yelled at Bulk.

"You call that music?!" Bulk exclaimed. "Your compositions are highly derivative and lacking in any originality!"

Lyra looked utterly enraged. "Them is fighting words!" The four descended into a ball of violence.

From a distance, Gilda and her minions cackled like madmen.

"We're on a roll today!" Lightning gushed.

"Let's go mess with another group of losers!" Dumbbell exclaimed.

Gilda's eyes flashed green for a moment. A more malevolent smile formed on her face. "Don't worry, we're just getting started." The green energy from the fight and from Gilda's gang flowed into the gems of a few nearby sirens.

Adagio found herself looking at the white-haired girl with twisted admiration.

Had they triumphed, the Dazzlings might've made Gilda one of their agents of hate.

But the second she was no longer under their spell, she wasn't exactly...pleased to have been brainwashed into being their minion. Unlike the Rainbrats, Gilda didn't adopt the pony mentality and try to make friends with them. Not by a long shot.

Princess Twilight and Flash Sentry held hands as they walked out of Canterlot High. It was the night after the Battle of the Bands. With Twilight still having another week on Earth, Flash decided to take her on a date to celebrate their victory against the sirens. Right now, the blue haired boy was giving the pony princess a tour of the neighborhood.

Unbeknownst to them, two girls watched the lovebirds with malicious glee while hidden within a few trees. A sadistic smile formed on their faces as they prepared to make them suffer for destroying her magic. Aria rose from the bushes, bearing her most deadly weapon.

A paint ball gun.

"Payback time," Adagio said with vindictive joy as she watched her younger sister aim the gun at them. Just as she got out of the bushes, Aria saw something in the distance, and her eyes twinkled and her mouth smiled like she was a child in a candy store. "Adagio look," Aria said with glee, "new gems." Adagio looked and her eyes widened. There was a table with a bunch of shiny red gems. On top of it was a sign that read "Free Siren Gems".

With Sonata-like glee, Aria lept out of her hiding spot and ran toward the table. Adagio walked toward it, exclaiming, "this sounds too good to be true." But then Adagio frowned. She realized when things seemed too good to be true, they probably were."Aria, don't-," it was too late. A rope snared Aria's leg and she was foisted high into the air.

"Get me down! What is this?!" Aria screamed as dangled upside down.

"I thought you might come back for revenge." Aria looked at saw a familiar yellow eyes looking at her. "And I was right." Gilda Griffon looked at the girl with crossed arms and a mocking smile.

"Get me down, now!"

"Well that wasn't very polite," Gilda said in a faux-sad tone. She looked down and picked up the paintball gun. "So this was your big scheme against the Princess? Ruining her dress?!" Gilda let out a mocking laugh, much to Aria's growing fury. "I guess that's what happens when all you have is magic. You never have to learn to use your brain. Otherwise you wouldn't have fallen for something so obvious."

"Shut up!" Aria bellowed in embarrassed rage..

"Nah, we have something to discuss," Gilda said, a deadly edge forming in her voice. "You used me and my friends as your sock puppets." Aria's anger was replaced with fear.

"Adagio, help!"

Gilda looked toward the woods and spotted the eldest siren. Adagio, believing it was every siren for herself, tried to run away, only to bump into someone. She found a devious looking Lightning Dust glaring at her. Adagio tried to run in the other direction, only for the rest of the goons to surround her.

"Can we talk about this?" Adagio whimpered uneasily, feeling genuine fear for the first time in a long while.

One Talk Later

"Let me down!" Adagio screamed. She was hung from the air along side her sister. Instead all she got was nasty round of laughter, much to their growing rage.

"Let this be a good lesson to you," Gilda commented with a remorseless smile. "While Rainbow Dash and her dweeb friends may buy that love and friendship junk, we don't." She yanked the eldest siren up by her hair to her face. "You mess with us again,-

"-we'll tie you up feed you to the crocodiles!" Rolling Thunder finished.

"Yeah," Hoops added.

"Got it, cheese poof hair?!" Dumbell added.

"Yes!" Adagio exclaimed, her voice full of pain, rage, and defeat. "Let me go!" Gilda did rather roughly, before walking away, leaving the two older sirens hanging by their legs.

"And my hair does not look like a cheese poof!"

It was one of the most brutal things Adagio had ever experienced. Gilda and her goons hadn't just humiliated them. They reminded Adagio and Aria of how powerless they were without magic. For a siren princess such as herself having to be fearful of a mortal human wounded Adagio's pride like nothing else.

"We also don't have proof Sonata," Adagio told her younger sister. The sisters had spent the whole night online, trying to find info about Sunset's sordid past, but there was nothing: no comments, no pictures, no posts. All the data from Sunset's past had been picked clean from the Internet. The good news was, so was theirs. "Look at them," Adagio continued with scorn, watching as Sunset pat Timmy on the head. "She's got him wrapped around her finger. He's not gonna turn against Sunset without hard proof."

"If we talk to him without proof and he talks about us to Sunset," Aria hissed to her oblivious younger sister, "we're finished."

"What about going to the school?" Sonata asked her sisters.

"Too risky," Adagio replied. "If we're spotted, it's all over for us."

"Then what are we doing here?" Sonata asked Adagio.

"Sunset Shimmer was, as you recall, Public Enemy #1," Adagio said with an opportunistic smile. "That entire school resented her, that it didn't take too much magic to bring that hate to the surface. Sure she 'has turned over a new leaf', but there has to be someone out there who still remembers and despises Sunset."

"Then why don't we go to school?" Sonata pondered.

"Too risky," Aria said with a frown. "Even the brats who still don't like Sunset would probably hate us more for driving them crazy. We go to the wrong person, they'll go right to Sunset and she'll go after us."

"That's why we can't look in Canterlot," Adagio cautioned. "We have to look in Dimmsdale, where no one's heard of us."

"But who could still-," Aria stopped as some angry hooded girl stormed up to Sunset near the food court. The approach of that girl got Sunset to panic. Sunset immediately began getting up from her table. Timmy looked confused, but eventually followed Sunset. Gilda and her friends got up and walked away to follow the two, but not before casting a suspicious glance at the hooded girl.

Moondancer couldn't believe it. What was she doing here? Why was Shimmer hanging out in her town? It wasn't enough for that monster to run her out of Canterlot. Now, she had to come here?

"So you hate Sunset too," a voice from behind her said. Moondancer turned around and saw three girls behind her, seemingly coming out of nowhere because she hadn't heard their footsteps. One had blue hair tied into a ponytail, another had purple hair tied into pigtails, and the final tallest one had big poofy orange hair.

"Who are you?" Moondancer asked suspiciously after being startled momentarily. "And what's it to you, cheese poof?"

The orange haired girl looked offended. "My hair does not look like a cheese poof," she said before reigning in her temper and putting on a sly smile. "We are three girls who had their lives ruined by Sunset Shimmer," the one with orange hair purred. "And by the way you act around her, she's done the same to you. How would you like to help us get revenge on her?"

Moondancer was taken aback by the offer, but frowned suspiciously at the trio. "I don't care what the witch does," Moondancer said with a growl.

"But don't you think it's unfair," the purple haired one asked her, "that girl acts like a monster, and she gets everything?"

Moondancer grit her teeth. "Not worth my time," she muttered, walking away from them.

"What if we told you she was being mean to that little kiddie?" the pony-tailed one asked with some sadness. Moondancer stopped, and looked at the three with a snarl.


"She's planning to humiliate that sweet child," Adagio said with a forced frown. "You don't want her doing to that poor boy what she did to you, right?"

Moondancer clenched her fists at the idea. That Sunset would stoop so low and hurt an innocent kid. Messing with her was one thing, but hurting a ten year old boy was another thing. After moments of serious thought, she looked at the girls with a nasty smile. "What do you need?"

"Anything you got on ol'Sunny," the purple haired one requested. "And we'll show that poor boy so he knows to stay away from that...monster."

"I'd be glad too," Moondancer said, taking out her phone and exchanging contact information.

"Try going to that stupid school as well," the orange haired one advised, "and looking at their digital archives."

"I will," Moondancer said.

In a computer at the corner of Canterlot High's library, a hooded girl worked away tireless. She was amazed her login for the school computer still worked after all this time. After hours of digging and hacking, she found a folder labeled BACON. She opened it and found proof of Sunset's misdeeds. She put it all into a compressed file and prepared to send it to Adagio.

But she hesitated. Moondancer remembered how she was taught by her parents never to give into vengeance. Never to give into hatred. Never to hold a grudge.

But then she remembered those idiots who called themselves their friends laughing at her when ran off in tears and then writing her off as damaged goods. She remembered that witch Sunset stabbing her in the back and humiliating her. She remembered the best night of her life being ruined. She remembered Sunset's stupid, stupid smile as she took what was rightfully hers.

And now she was going to humiliate some poor kid for kicks.

Moondancer pushed the send button with a vicious grin. She then picked up her cardboard box of materials and prepared to deliver it to those three girls personally. She smiled, thinking about how Sunset would finally be exposed for the bully she truly was.

Timmy was hard at work in his arts and crafts class. His new project was coming along smoothly. "Timmy, are you sure you don't want any help?" Wanda asked, disguised as a pair of scissors.

"Nah, I want this to be special," Timmy replied to his fairy godmother. "If I want Sunset to be my permanent babysitter, it has to be something authentic!

"See Wanda," Cosmo said with a nasty grinwhile disguised as an eraser. "Timmy has once again found another hopeless crush."Timmy angrily picked up Cosmo and began painfully grinding him against his table. "I WAS KIDDING! I WAS KIDDING!" Cosmo wailed.

With one last cut, the card was finally done. It was poorly made picture of himself and Sunset done in crayon. It was drawn on a purple piece of paper with a caption in yellow that read "BEST BABYSITTER EVER!"

"Aww that's great, Timmy," Wanda cooed in a motherly tone.

"Sunset will love that," Cosmo assured his godchild. The idea filled Timmy with a joy he had never felt in his life. The idea of Sunset being his permanent babysitter made Timmy feel giddy.

He could picture how it would go in his mind.

Timmy and Sunset held hands as they stood on the beautiful cliff overlooking a beautiful coastline. The sky was blue, dolphins happily leapt out of the water and waved at them, and the air was filled with the tweets of beautiful birds and the tides peacefully washing the rocks below.

Sunset wore a beautiful white dress and gold colored high-heeled shoes. Timmy wore a pink bow tie, a tuxedo. and fancy black dress shoes.

"It's so beautiful," Sunset said with a happy tone.

"It is," Timmy agree, his tone soft but kind.

He let go of Sunset's hand, and turned toward the tall teenager. "Sunset?"


Timmy bent his knee and presented her with a small black box. "Will you," he said, opening the box, revealing an application form from Rainbooms Babysitting, "let me sign up for one more year of Rainbooms Babysitting?"

"Timmy," Sunset said with happy astonishment. "I...I do." Sunset lifted Timmy into her arms and gave him a warm hug and kissed him on a cheek.

Timmy let out a dreamy sigh.

"So when are you going to ask her sport?" Wanda asked her fairy godson.

"After I get home," Timmy happily replied. "Gilda's taking me to train first though." The bell rang, signaling school was over. Timmy walked out of the classroom, only to be confronted by Tad and Chad.

"Hey Turner, want to come to our super-exclusive and cool track party?" The blond rich kid asked the buck-toothed boy.


"Well you should've gotten an invite!" Chad finished. The two laughed at him. To their annoyance, Timmy didn't meet their mockery with his trademark anger. "Whatever," Timmy simply said with a shrug, before walking away with a smile, much to their annoyance. "Why isn't Turner freaking out!" Tad asked angrily.

"Don't know," Chad muttered. "I guess his...brain fell out or something."

"Yeah that's it," Tad agreed.

"Timmy." The buck-toothed boy was approached by Chester and AJ. "Tad and Chad mocked you, but you didn't get mad?" Chester asked.

"The're just idiots," Timmy said with a shrug. AJ looked at his pink-hatted friend with confusion. "What are you planning?" AJ asked, sensing of his best friends had something up his sleeve.

"Let's just say someone's teaching me I don't have to let those two jerks get to me," the buck-toothed boy replied. His smile grew as a familiar black truck pulled into the entrance of the school.

Gilda and Timmy trained in an open field in Dimmsdale Park while barefoot and in robes. Gilda was teaching Timmy to block a kick, but Timmy kept flinching.

"Come on," Gilda said in a mocking voice, "are you really afraid of a foot? Are you some scared little girl?"

"It's coming too fast," Timmy said anxiously.

"Too bad," Gilda said, "an opponent won't care about your feelings. You've got to block, or you'll neve-," Timmy suddenly rolled behind her, pushed on her thigh, and knocked her to the grassy ground. Gilda was shocked. This was the first time Timmy had managed to take her down. And this was after a few days of training.

The brown-haired boy looked at her with a cheeky grin."Who's the scared girl now!" Timmy gloated.

Gilda felt a proud smile form on her face. "OK," Gilda said, pulling herself up, "you've earned your ten minute break. Heck, after this, I'm buying you your favorite snack."

Timmy walked away from Gilda with a triumphant smile, and sat down to take a rest. His godparents appeared before him disguised as pigeons.

"Slick move sport," Wanda said.

"Yeah," Cosmo said, "you're like Jackie Chan, only shorter and weaker." Cosmo's insensitive comments couldn't take away from Timmy's good mood.

"I bet I could take down Francis by now," Timmy said with excitement. He looked around. "Where's my hat?" Timmy asked with some annoyance. "It was right there."

"Over there," Wanda said, pointing with her wand. For some reason, his hat ended up near the dense forest at the edge of the park. Timmy tried to reach for his hat, only for something to snatch it away. With a growl, Timmy ran into the forest. He looked around.

"Where is-,"

"Excuse me," a voice said from behind said. Timmy turned around and saw three girls coming up to him. They looked high school age. All three of them wore hoodies and blue jeans. The tall and svelte one had orange hair that looked like a cheese poof, the second tallest had purple hair with a blue streak tied up in pigtails, and the shortest one had two-toned blue hair tied into a ponytail.

Timmy smiled a bit. "Hey, your hair looks like a cheesy poof," Timmy said to the tall one.

A bit of annoyance flashed on the older girl's face, while the two other girls smiled with mocking amusement. "How nice of you to point that out," she said with suppressed anger, before she smiled again. "Is this your hat, little boy?" The orange haired one asked with an odd smile, while holding up his hat. "I found it in the woods and was wondering if it...belonged to you."

"Yeah?" Timmy said with a bit of confusion in his voice. The girl bent down and gave it to him. "Thanks," Timmy said with a mixture of courtesy and unease. "I'm gonna-,"

"Wait, where are you going?" The tallest girl cooed with a weird grin. "We haven't gotten to know each other."

"My mom told me not to talk to strangers," Timmy replied.

"But we know you, Timmy Turner," the pigtailed girl pointed out. Timmy's eyes widened. "How do we now? We read about you in the papers and saw you escaped from that van. Cool."

Timmy looked uneasy. "Yeah, I-,"

"What about that sewage line that burst out of the ground," the orange one added, "onto the freak chasing you. I'm sure it was a coincidence," she added, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Timmy felt a tingle go down his spine. "Yeah," Timmy said with a nervous smile. "A coincidence."

"Funny how an asteroid happened to hit the truck of those two idiots who humiliated you," the pigtailed one mused.

Timmy felt his blood go cold. "I-I don't know what you mean," Timmy stammered, feeling sweat run down his forehead. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go." Timmy uttered, turning back to where he had run from, hoping Gilda was still there. He opened his mouth, ready to call her name.

"I think we do," the orange one said, "and so does Sunset Shimmer." The words made Timmy pause, and he turned around to look the girls in the eye.

"What about Sunset Shimmer," Timmy pressed them.

"Let me guess," the orange-haired girl said with hands on her hips, "she's acted nice to you, right?"


"And all her...friends started being nice to you too?"


"Oh, no," the pig-tailed one said with terror in her voice, "Sunset's at it again."

"At what again?" Timmy asked them.

"Hmm," the poofy-haired one said. "Nah, we don't want to tell you and hurt your feelings."

"He's probably not mature enough to handle it," Aria said out loud. The three turned away from him and started walking away.

"Three.Two.One," Adagio said under her breath.

"I am mature enough!" Timmy yelled in an immature tone. The three turned back to him with nasty grins.

"Sunset's duping ya," the pigtailed girl said.


"She's doesn't love anyone except power," the orange haired girl said ominously. "That's why she's hanging out with you."

"That's not true," Timmy said with a frown.

"She's a monster," the pigtailed one added.

"No she isn't," Timmy said, clenching his fists, angry at anyone who insulted Sunset.

"She's a meanie," the ponytailed girl said.

Timmy looked ready to explode. "Sunset's the best babysitter ever-,"

"No she's not!" the orange-haired girl snarled. Timmy was taken aback by the sheer rage in the girl's voice. "Think about it," the tall girl continued. "She shows up into your life and acts all nice. Suddenly you start making all these new friends. Then, all these grown ups would normally wouldn't interact with a little kid started acting...nice to you."

"They're nice," Timmy argued as if that explained everything.

"Now they're following you around. Yesterday, I saw the very girl training you spying on you while you were enjoying your Sundae with ol'Sunnybun."

Timmy was taken aback. "They-they were?" A first hint of doubt formed on the buck-toothed boys face. "B-but Sunset promised-,"

"See," Adagio said.

"But-but, they were just trying to protect me," Timmy argued, albeit without much resolve. "I was kidnapped and-"

"Protect you or make sure the magic stays safe?" Aria inferred. Timmy felt his brain shut down for a moment.

"That's what she wants you to think," Adagio warned in a mocking tone. "All so she can get what she wants."

"Don't believe us," the pigtailed girl said, pulling out some book from her hoodie. "See for yourself how honest sweet and lovable Sunset is". She handed the book to Timmy. It read "Canterlot High Yearbook", and had a green bookmark in it,.

"Or don't," the orange haired girl said, "but don't come crying to us when Sunset stabs you in the back."

"Timmy," Gilda called you, "Timmy, where are you?"

"Whatever you do," the ponytailed one said in a scared voice, "don't tell Gilda you saw us. She'll tell Sunset and Sunset will get...mad and destroy you."

"Timmy," Gilda called again, getting closer.

The three immediately ran away, while Timmy stood there, frozen. He heard the sound of footsteps and twigs snapping from behind him.

"There you are," Gilda said happily from behind her. "What are you doing in here?"

"Nothing," Timmy said, hiding the book in his robe, while turning to face Gilda with some anxiety on his face.

Gilda immediately picked up on his fear. "What's wrong?" Gilda asked with a frown and narrowed eyes.


Gilda was not impressed with his excuse. "Timmy I may be a 'C' student, but I'm not an idiot. I can tell something's bothering you. What's wrong?! You didn't respond when I called you. Some idiot giving you a hard time?" She pressed with crossed arms.

Timmy pointed to some green snake. "I was scared of the snake. It is..the poison-y kind." The snake simply blinked.

"Don't worry," the white haired girl said with a smile, "I'll take care of it!" Gilda tackled the snake, and starting beating it up.


"I think you'll be the strongest kid in your class in a few weeks time," Gilda said to Timmy with a smile. She was driving him home in her truck.

Timmy sat in the back, forcing a smile to his face. The yearbook was hidden in his robes. He started absorbing more of those three girls said. A part of him didn't want to believe it. But a part of him...was telling him it was true. Sunset and her friends had been following him around a lot lately. They were...really nice.

Now that those girls pointed it out, Sunset and her friends were taking an unusual interest in his life. Not even his own parents did that.

He'd been down this road before. Maybe...maybe...

"I think we should open it sport," Wanda said, disguised as a notebook in Timmy's lap.

"I'm sure those girls are just spreading a rumor," Cosmo assured him, disguised as a pencil case. Gilda dropped him off at his house and waved good bye to him, a gesture he returned weakly. Sunset's motorcycle wasn't there, showing she still wasn't here yet. With extreme reluctance, Timmy opened the textbook where the bookmark was.

It showed a picture of Sunset in some fancy purple and white dress and wearing some crown.

Underneath the picture was a caption that read, "Spring Fling Princess".

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