• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Reading the Riot Act

Everyone looked in shock at the massive being. When they imagined a fairy, they imagined a pair of small, adorable floating midgets like Cosmo and Wanda. Not the meanest, toughest looking being that ever walked the Earth.

Besides Sylvester Calzone.

"Wait a minute," Rainbow added with a stern look. "Where were you when we were fighting the Dazzlings?" The athlete accused the tall fairy.

"All My Biceps was having a marathon," Jorgen said nonchalantly, as if that explained everything. "Besides whenever there is trouble, I always scramble the fairies."

Everyone looked at the musclebound mage with confusion. "Uh," Twilight muttered, "what good would that-,"

"I LIKE TO SCRAMBLE THE FAIRIES!" Jorgen bellowed, making Twilight flinch.

"Man, he's a real meanie," Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

"But once my beloved marathon ended, I learned not only has Turner exposed his fairies to other humans, he exposed them to an entire high school," the big tall fairy said with clear annoyance in his voice.

"Which means?" Rainbow asked with some nervousness in her voice.

"Your memories of the magic shall be erased, along with those of your puny human classmates," Jorgen said in a dramatic tone, "as will Turner's, and Cosmo and Wanda shall be taken away from him forever!"

Everyone looked up in horror. "Excuse me?" Sunset asked with a chill in her voice. "Memory loss?"

Gradually, the fairy pulled out something from his military jacket. It was some yellow tube that lit up ominously.

"Can't we talk about this?" Rainbow asked him fearfully. Jorgen seemed to put little care into her words as he held up the light, much to the growing terror of the her and the other Rainbooms.

"Wait!" Everyone turned to Timmy, who was looking at Jorgen with an unusually smug smile. Cosmo and Wanda floated directly behind him, also smiling.

"Don't worry Turner," Jorgen said with a roll of his eyes, "I won't forget to wipe your-,"

"You can't erase my memories or their's," Timmy said with an even smuger smile. "I didn't break any rules."

The tall fairy silently glared at Timmy in exasperation. "Explain yourself!"

"The rules state that," Timmy held up the book. " 'The child forfeits his relations and memories of his or her fairies should they and their abilities be exposed to an individual'. That part is true."

Jorgen silently gestured to the quivering teenagers.

Timmy flipped a few pages. "However, the child does not violate the rules if the individual in question possesses magical abilities. It is within the right of the a godchild to share knowledge of his fairies and their powers to other fairies, genies, vampires, aliens, and other beings who can be proven to be of a magical nature."

"I'm a unicorn," Sunset suddenly blurted out.

"And I'm an alicorn princess from the magical land of Equestria!" Twilight declared with some urgency in her voice.

Jorgen looked disbelieving. "Even if I believed that, then what about your other companions?" He looked toward the other fidgeting Rainbooms."

" 'Humans who posess magical abilities or have learned of the nature of magic independently, such as other godchildren, can also be made aware of the fairies' magical nature' with no fault to the godchild," Timmy read aloud.

"So go ahead guys," Wanda said to the Rainbooms in a panicked tone. "Show him your magical nature." The Rainbooms joined hands together, started glowing, and soon their pony attributes formed on their bodies, much to Jorgen's surprise.

"We have magical powers!" Rainbow gloated, gesturing to her wings and pony ears. "So...nananananana!"

Jorgen clenched his fist in annoyance for a moment, before regaining his composure. "But-but," he said, "you have still exposed your fairies and their abilities to a group of human child-," Jorgen frowned again as Timmy turned to another page with a wide smile.

" 'It is OK for the fairies to be seen in public as long as the humans present are unaware of the fairies true nature.' " Timmy read, before looking at Jorgen with a gloating face.

Jorgen looked shocked. "How?"

"The rule helped me get Cosmo and Wanda into a costume party," Timmy said happily."The kids of Canterlot only know Cosmo and Wanda as talking fish, not fairies."

"And as far as they know," Wanda added with a gloating expression of her own, "our magic is from some magical stone from Equestria. Plus they already knew about magic from Sunset and her friends, so we could expose ourselves to them if we wanted too."

"So take that, Jarhead!" Cosmo mocked.

Jorgen silently fumed at Timmy, more than a bit upset and being bested by a tiny chid.

"The kid is good at loopholes," Rainbow remarked with some amusement at Jorgen's annoyance and some amazement of Timmy's mastery of the rules.

"He should be a lawyer," Rarity gushed.

Jorgen continued fuming, until his eyes widened in realiization. "Equestria," he suddenly said, as if remembering something.

Twilight looked intrigued. "You've been there?"

"Yes!" Jorgen said, as if remembering an embrassment from his past, "it is where that bearded moron came from!"

Twilight narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "Wait, Starswirl the Bearded?"

"Yes, that buffoon who makes Cosmo look like a genius was dumping his trash into Earth all the time and terrorizing the puny humans!"

"What?" Twilight asked in shock.

"How many things did he dump?" Sunset asked.

Jorgen's face fell into his hands as he remembered some particularly stressful moments. "Two-,"

"Dozen!" Pinkie offered.

"Thousand!" Rarity guessed.

"Two hundred thousand!" Jorgen said at last.

"What?" Everyone exclaimed in shock.

"Why did he do that?" Twilight asked Jorgen with a combination of curiousity and annoyance.

Jorgen stood over a humanized version of Starswirl the Bearded, who was cowering in fear from the wrath of the musclebound fairy. The two were standing in an open field with no witness.

"I had to clean up another one of your messes!" Jorgen yelled, gesturing to the injured hydra in the cage. "What do you have to say, pony?" Jorgen narrowed his eyes and pointed his wand at the scared wizard.

"Look at it this way," Starswirl said with a sheepish smile. "I never thought it would be my problem." Jorgen growled and fired a magical blast at the pony-turned-human, who ran away fearfully with a yell.

"Come back here pony!" Jorgen yelled while in hot pursuit of the wizard. "I shall show you a new definiton of suffering!"

Twilight looked at Jorgen with disappointment and chagrin in her voice. "He really used this planet to deal with all of his problems and didn't bother helping to clean it up."

"YES!" jorgen growled in a rage. "And I was the one who had to clean up and bring him pain so he would never show his face again!" He leveled his wand at Twilight. "And now you have brought his madness to this world!"

"What?" Twilight asked in annoyance.

"I shall not allow you to bring your crazy pony magic in this-," Jorgen paused again when he saw Timmy flipping through Da Rules. "WHAT NOW?!" Jorgen yelled.

"Funny, I don't recall fairies being given absolute jurisdiction over Earth's magical activities," Timmy said all too sweetly. "Starswirl did dump his junk into Earth, but was that Fairy World's official duties, or did you decide to do yourself?"

Jorgen paused in shock. "Well," the muscular fairy stammered, nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"And you merely threatened Starswirl as an independent agent, not with the sanction of Fairy World's government, and thus your actions have no bearing on interdimensional contact or exchange. Meaning Princess Twilight can communicate and engage with Earth as much as she sees fit, unless her actions can be seen as a threat to the well-being of Fairy World." Timmy closed the book rather loudly, as if to twist the knife further. "And since Princess Twilight has not done anything malicious or malovent....TOUGH LUCK JARHEAD!"

Everyone stared at Timmy in shock. "And you're getting Fs in English, why?" Sunset asked in confusion.


An odd smile formed on Rainbow's face. "Well at least you have a good excuse."

Once again, Jorgen growled impotently at the boy, but still, he did not try and erase memories. But then he smiled nastily. "However, if I can prove any of you have done something malicious," Jorgen gloated with a vicious smile. "Then I may wipe your memories."

Timmy was shocked by that. "Uh, well...." Jorgen slammed his wand into the ground, and vanished.

"Where did he go?" Applejack asked Timmy nervously. But before the buck-toothed boy could answer, Jorgen suddenly returned with a frown on his face.

"Well, I couldn't find-," Jorgen began, before he started shuddering like he had seen something grotesque.

"Are you OK?" Wanda asked him.

"I'm sorry," Jorgen whimpered, as if he was in chilly weather. "I had to travel to that horsey world."

"You mean Equestria?"

"Horsey world?" Timmy asked aloud. He looked back at Sunset. "So it really is true," Timmy said in amazement. "You really are a unicorn."

"Yep," Sunset admitted.

"So much girliness and cutseyness," Jorgen said as if he was about to vomit, "it was so unmanly, I had to punch Binky many times just to remind myself of how manly I am. In fact, I must do it again!" Jorgen yelled, lighting up his wand. Suddenly a bald fairy appeared. To the shock of the Rainbooms, Jorgen punched Binky into the ground.

"HEY!" Pinkie yelled in horror.

"That's not nice!" Fluttershy admonished.

"Thank you for your service Binky," Jorgen said, as if feeling better. "I would have suffered from cuteness overdose."

"Glad to be off help," the injured Binky said in a daze, before poofing away.

"Anyways," Jorgen said. "I searched for any negative information about you puny teenagers that proves you could pose a threat to Fairy World."

"And," Timmy asked.

"I found nothing," Jorgen said, much to the joy of the Rainbooms. But the joy was short-lived as he leveled his wand directly into Sunset's face. "Except you." Jorgen growled.

Sunset was confused. "Wa-" Jorgen pushed the wand closer her, looking at Sunset like she was pest needing to be extirpated.

"You betrayed your sovereign, assaulted members of your royal guards, stole a crown, bullied these puny humans, brainwashed them into joining your army, tried to kill innocent teenagers, and planned to usurp your sovereign in an act of treason." The coldness of his voice implied Jorgen was genuinely angry. "I SHOULD ERASE YOUR MEMORIES!"

Sunset felt tears flow down her eyes, as he looked up at the merciless fairy, a pathetic, tearful expression on her face. "Please don't-," suddenly her friends stood in front of her, as if forming a shield around her, all of them staring up at Jorgen in defiance.

"Leave Sunset alone!" Fluttershy yelled.

"If you want to erase her memories, than you'll have erase all out of our memories!" Rainbow declared.

"You want to go through her," Applejack challenged with a stern look, "then you'll have to- Her sternness faded as Jorgen started making weird noises.

He started chuckling.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Jorgen said. "Wait, you didn't let me finish! I said I should erase your memories, but I never said I would."

Sunset was confused and annoyed. "Then why did you make me psych it out?!"

"Because I wanted a collection for my Fear-A-Gram account!" Jorgen boasted, holding up a cell phone. There was a picture of Sunset's tearful and scared expression, apparently posted onto social media. "And I love seeing your puny human face twisted into terror and !" Jorgen suddenly started cackling again. "It brings me great joy!"

Everyone glared at Jorgen, not exactly used to his sense of humor, while Sunset blushed out of embarassement. "So wait," Sunset said, her eyes widening in realization. "So you're not going to erase my memories?"

Twilight looked pleased at that. "You must've realized that love, trust, and forgiveness are the right way!"

"No!" Jorgen yelled. "The white pony with wings told me she wrote her a pardon. Since it came from her sovereign, I cannot pursue Sunset, even if I wanted too, and I really want to!"

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"Wait the Principal?" Timmy asked in confusion, before looking at Sunset. Timmy paused, seeing a guilty and sad expression on Sunset's face. "Sunset, are you OK?" Sunset didn't respond, looking horribly miserable.

"That's right!" Jorgen bellowed, getting into Sunset's face. "The princess who you tried to usurp took pity on a pathetic little brat like you." The icy softness of Jorgen's voice indicated that Jorgen wasn't just mocking Sunset, but genuinely chewing her out for her misbehavior. Sunset looked down in contriteness, unable to meet Jorgen's eyes out of shame. "Had you committed these acts against Fairy World, I would've had your sorry tuchus in Fairy Jail for many years. You are very lucky-,"

"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!" Rainbow yelled, fed up with Jorgen's verbal abuse of Sunset.

"Sunset isn't bad anymore!" Fluttershy yelled.

"She ain't no varmint, and we ain't no hoodlums, so git!'" Applejack shrieked.

"Stop being such a meanie mean-pants!" Pinkie growled at the fairy.

"Sunset made mistakes, but she's made up for them!" Rarity stressed in a polite and forceful tone.

"She not only saved us from a group of monsters," Wanda yelled sternly at Jorgen, getting right into his face, "but she also gave us our wands back when she could've kept them for herself!"

"See!" Cosmo said, holding out his wand.

The sight of the wand made Jorgen's eyes narrow. "Let me see your wand," Jorgen said in a cold tone that brooked no argument. Cosmo handed his wand to Jorgen, as did Wanda. To the shock and fear of everyone, Jorgen began grinding his teeth as he observed the damage done to the wands."Who did this?!" Jorgen hissed in a tone far more menacing than any that came from his mouth as he held up the broken wands, particularly the broken-off sticks. "Who is the moron who dared desecrate-,"

"They did!" Everyone said, pointing to the Dazzlings. Or at least they would've since the Dazzlings weren't there.

"OH MY GOSH! THEY'RE GONE!" Pinkie shrieked. Everyone gasped in horror. "No wait," Pinkie Pie said with an annoyed frown. "They're over there." Everyone watched with annoyance as they saw the Dazzlings trying to walk away while everyone was distracted.

"Come on girls," Adagio said in a falsely optimistic voice to her bedraggled sisters, "I'm sure if we hustle, we can make it the nearest town in seven...."

"Minutes?" Aria asked.

"Hours?" Sonata asked.

Adagio paused for a moment. "Days," Adagio admitted sheepishly, before a stern look came to her face. "Sonata, you be our camel!"

"Yay!" Sonata chirped. "You guys are finding me useful for once. This is-,"


The large, angry, and well-built fairy suddenly appeared before them, glaring down at the Dazzlings with a chillingly stern frown.

Adagio chuckled nervously. "Hey, Jorgen, was it?! Love the haircut-"

"You dared destroy these wands?!" Jorgen roared, showing off the damaged wands, his tone making it clear he was in no mood for any brown-nosing. "Do you know how much havoc you could've unleashed?"

Aria immediately pointed a finger at Adagio in fear. "Adagio did it! It was all her idea!"

Adagio rounded on Aria in a rage. "Me?!"

"Yeah she's the team leader," Sonata shrieked. "That means everything is all her fault!"

"You guys are the leaders now!" Adagio said fearfully.

"You're the one who said to follow your lead!" Aria argued angrily, only for Sonata to start jumping up and down.

"YAY!" Sonata shrieked happily. "I'm the leader. Which means you all have to get me tacos!"

"I'm not getting you squat!" Aria scowled in annoyance.

Adagio looked horrified. "I am a princess, not a common butler-,"

A massive fist slammed down onto the Dazzlings, cutting off their argument. The enforcer of the Rules lifted his hand up, and stared at the crushed and moaning Dazzlings like there were ants.

"That not all they did!" Jorgen looked up and saw that Timmy, the godparents, and the Rainbooms had caught with them. "They also kidnapped me, stole Cosmo and Wanda and ate them, beat me up, turned Canterlot into their brainwashed slaves, and tried to takeover the world!"

Each explanation made Jorgen steadily angrier and angrier until a vein could be seen throbbing on his forehead. "Did they bother to give these precious wands the monthly polish they deserved?!"

"No," Cosmo said with a smirk. "They said they were too good for that!"

With that, Jorgen let out another bellow of rage. "They didn't give the monthly polish! THEY DIDN'T GIVE THE MONTHLY POLISH!" Jorgen bent down to look menacingly at the Dazzlings, who were crying in fear. "Not only that, but you brought pain and misery to those fairies and that child! ONLY I MAY BRING PAIN AND MISERY TO THEM!" He pointed his wand to the Dazzlings. "Turner maybe a weak little child with a puny brain and no common sense-,"

"Man, this guy is really nice," Rainbow snarked. Timmy didn't seem offended, simply rolling his eyes, apparently being used to Jorgen's mean-spirited nature.

'-but he doesn't deserve to be tormented by monsters as foul as you." Jorgen's helped up the yellow light with a stern look, causing the Dazzlings to tremble even more. "So now I shall erase-"

"Wait!" Jorgen paused for a moment. The brown-haired boy approached him with an eager smile on his face, much to the confusion of the Rainbooms and the godparents.

"Timmy," Sunset asked, "what are you-,"

"Don't erase their memories," Timmy asked the stern-looking fairy. The Dazzlings let out a sigh of relief. "Instead why not give them a long nice stay in Abracatraz, the fairy jail?!" The Dazzlings' hopeful expressions were replaced with terror. "You can have them scrub your toilets and stuff." Timmy offered all too cheerfully. The Dazzlings expressions became even more hopeless as Jorgen thought it over and a sadistic smile came on his face.

"Very well," Jorgen said as he turned to the quivering sirens, "you three shall be sentenced to Abracatraz for the next 100 years, where you shall learn your lesson...through pain!"

"I want an appeal!" Aria begged.

"OVERRULED!" Jorgen said, suddenly wearing a judicial robe and wig. He banged a gavel, there as a poof, and fairy police car appeared, and the Dazzlings were put into shackles and cuffs.

"Please take us to Tartarus!" Aria begged the Rainbooms.

"Don't leave us with him!" Sonata begged.

"C'mon Princess," Adagio pleaded, "you can write us a get out of jail free card, can't you?"

The Rainbooms rolled their eyes, annoyed at Adagio for always trying to exploit some kind of gain. To their surprise, however, Jorgen turned to Twilight. "Well, your majesty," Jorgen said in an usually respectful tone, "you do have that right. What would you wish to be done with these delinquents?"

The Rainbooms were shocked to see such politeness and courtesy come from someone so mean. It appeared that, for better or for worse, Jorgen was a stickler for the rules. Princess Twilight thought it over, humming very noisily. "As the Princess of Friendship and Harmony I do decree," Princess Twilight's smile became vicious, "they are all yours, Mr. Von Strangle."

With that, Jorgen turned back to the Dazzlings, and ordered them to get in the fairy van.

"Please tell me you have Taco Tuesday in jail?" Sonata begged.

"We only have," Jorgen declared, "Sub Sunday!" The blue-haired Sonata whimpered before breaking down in tears as she was led to the van. Adagio seemed to have drifted into what looked like silent shock, while Aria was screaming in an irate rage, which continued even as she got into the van and the door was slammed.

"CURSE YOU TURNER!" The pig-tailed siren shrieked with a red face as she gripped the iron bars on the window, "WE'LL HAVE OUR REVENGE!"

"See, there's the evil villain wanting revenge!" Cosmo pointed out. Everyone chuckled, finding Aria's anger and pain so adorable. Their chuckle ended with Jorgen menacingly pointing the wand at them.

"But let me make it clear, Turneh!" Jorgen warned. "One toe out of line, and your time with your fairies goes kaput!"

"Sure," Timmy said nervously, "I understand!"

Jorgen than nervously pointed at the Rainbooms. "And as for you seven, If you dare abuse the power of the fairies, you too will be sent to Abacatraz for 100 years. There, your lives will be a never-ending torrent of pain, suffering, pain, agony, pain, misery, and....PAIN!"

"Understood," Sunset said fearfully, sensing that Jorgen really had it in for her.

"Uh you said pain, like, four times," Princess Twilight said meekly.

"I LIKE TO BRING PAIN!" Jorgen declared furiously. He banged his wand on the ground, poofing away with another blast, while the fairy wagon flew away into the sky.

Inside their cabin, Sonata wept pitifully, Aria fumed and raged, while Adagio stared silently at the corner, almost catatonic with shock.

One she saw that no one was looking, a nasty smile appeared on her face.

"Well played Turner. Very well played." Adagio thought with some admiration for her foe. "You have won this battle," Adagio's eyes narrowed, "but you haven't won the war."

On the front lawn of Canterlot High, everyone stood patiently, waiting for the Rainbooms and Timmy to come back. Much to their relief, they did return with a poof.

"What happened?" Flash said, approaching Twilight with concern and curiousity. Other students approached them too. "Where did you guys go?"

"Uh, magic business?" Twilight said nervously. Flash realized Twilight was keeping something secret, but let it go, thinking Twilight was probably doing it for good reason.

"Where's them?" Thunderlane asked them with narrowed eyes, still angry over the Dazzlings.

"We sent them...jail," Rainbow said reluctantly. "A magic jail."

"Good," Thunderlane said with a satisfied smile.

"We're all going to Chubby Chicken to celebrate!" Lyra declared. The Rainbooms all smiled, thinking they deserved to kick back and relax after a trying day. They started to wander off, until someone noticed something.

"Hey, where's Timmy and his talking fish?" Gilda asked with concern. The Rainbooms paused and saw Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda weren't next to them all of a sudden. Everyone also looked concerned over the pink-hatted boy's apparent absence.

"Timmy," Sunset began nervously. "Timmy, where are-,"

"Sunset look." Sunset turned to Fluttershy. "I found this on the ground." Fluttershy presented her with a purple envelope. It read "To Sunset and everyone else" on the front.

Sunset opened the letter, read it, and dropped it in a sad shock. A short message was written on it.

"Thanks for everything, guys. And goodbye forever."

"Signed, Timmy Turner."

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