• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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The Final Fight (Part 1)

"OK, so what's the game plan?" Sunset asked. The Rainbooms were still in an alley and were going over their plan to save Timmy from the clutches of the sirens.

"We determined through the equipment there are five other people in the factory," Princess Twilight commented in a serious tone. "They seem to be in charge of security."

"Four guys," Rainbow said.

"And one mean-sounding lady," Fluttershy squeaked.

"Are they willing followers?" Sunset asked.

"Well the men seem to be under the spell of the Dazzlings," Rarity uttered.

"How can you tell?" Sunset asked.

Rarity simply flipped on the switch.

"Oh we worship the almighty Dazzlings!" One male voice said through Vinyl's listening device.

"We would die for them!" Another said in a slavish tone.

"They are the pinnacle of intelligence!"

"Adagio's hair does not at all look like a hairy cheese puff!"

"Yep, they're brainwashed," Sunset commented in a droll tone.

"But the woman sounds...too intense and serious to be under their control," Rarity commented uneasily.

"Enough!" The woman said impatiently. "Keep on the lookout for any brats! I won't be denied my prize!"

"The lady really needs a good nappy-wappy," Pinkie Pie uttered.

"We've determined the Dazzlings' and their location," Twilight said, showing Sunset the radar.

"But there are too many dang cameras for us to get around," Applejack said with some frustration.

"So how are we gonna get around them?"

"According to the scanner, there is only one way to get in without drawing attention."

"How?" Sunset asked.

Applejack uneasily showed the scanner to everyone. Everyone let out annoyed sighs, while Rarity let out a wretch of disgust."

"The sewer?!" Rarity shrieked with horror.

Applejack pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Rarity, I know y'all don't wanna go in, but it's the only-"

"No, no, no, no, no!" Rarity shrieked with anger. "I am not going into a sewer. And there is nothing you can do to make me!"

Everyone looked at each other, silently communicating something we each other, before looking at Rarity with narrowed eyes and evil smiles, much to Rarity's concern.

"Darlings," Rarity muttered with some fear, "what are you...planning?"

"Why Rarity why would you ever think that of us?" Sunset asked her in a disingenious tone.

"We would never plot against y'all," Applejack said in a transparently false way.

Rainbow Dash walked over to Rarity. "We're your best buds. Loyal to the-YOINK!"

Rarity was confused. "What did you-," Rarity paused, before she noticed her ear...was bare. She felt around and...

"YOU STOLE MY EARRING!" Rarity screeched at Rainbow.

"I have no idea what you're taking about," Rainbow denied, while conpiciously holding it up.


"OK, Rarity," Rainbow said, extending her arm to the fashion designer. Rarity reached over to grab it.

"PSYCHE!" Rainbow said, throwing the earring down some hole. On impulse, Rarity dove toward's it...

Only to realize she dove into an open manhole.

"AHHH!" Rarity screeched, before falling into the sewer water with a splash.

"Rarity?" Twilight asked. "Are you OK?"

"I HATE YOU!" Rarity screeched from within the sewer. "I HATE ALL OF YOU!"

"She's fine," Applejack said in a calm tone.

"Darlings, I don't want to alarm you," Rarity called down from inside the sewer in a timid tone, "but there is a shark coming toward me."

"What?" Sunset said with horror. The other Rainbooms were concerned.

"It looks like it wants me for an entree-AHHHHH! GET BACK YOU BEAST!"

"Don't worry Rarity!" Applejack called out.

"We're coming to rescue you!" Sunset said.


The Rainbooms all clamored down the manhole, eager to save their friens. They heard one last blistering screech from the fashionista.

"Have no fear!" Pinkie declared.

Rainbow let her challenging grin form on her face. "Cause we're...here," Rainbow said, her bravado dying down as she witnessed what happened.

Rarity was...

On a walkway, standing on top of the shark, breathing heavily, her clothes covered in sewer water, and her manicured fist bared. The shark was not only unconscious, but his nose was completely broken. Rarity was filthy and and exhausted, but no less triumphant in her victory against the shark, her ladylike smile replaced with a smile of vindictiveness.

"Rarity?" Rainbow muttered in amazement. "You..."

"A rose has thorns darling," Rarity said to Rainbow with her usual polite tone. "And you're lucky I have a spare outfit in my pocket, or you, my loyal friend, would've gotten the thorns too."

Rarity was perfectly calm in tone, but her blue eyes were directly locked onto Rainbow Dash like they were missiles. Rainbow gulped and took a few steps backward. The others shuddered out of sheer intimidation.

"But we'll deal with that later Darllings," Rarity said idly. "There are a few sea creatures whom I feel are more deserving of my fiery wrath for daring to hurt my student of romance!" With that, she marched forward along one of the walkways, like a soldier marching off to the battlefield. "Let us go forth, Darlings!"

Almost on instinct, everyone started following her. Even Princess Twilight, who was ostensibly in charge.

"OK," Sunset said, looking at the radar system. "According to the radar, the five people are going to be above that hatch." The Rainbooms saw that the hatch could be reached by some ladder.

"Once of us has to go up first to see what we can do!"

"I'll do it," Sunset offered. Everyone nodded in agreement. Sunset climbed the ladder and opened a hatch very slowly. She saw there were indeed five people in some kind of surveillance room, as shown by all the monitors.

The four men looked like Dimmsdale cops, while the woman.

Sunset gasped in anger. It was the Doom lady who kidnapped Timmy and knocked her out.

The Dazzlings must've helped her escape prison and gotten her to work for them.

And she stood over some bound and gagged jungle cat that was pinned to some kind of dissection table, while menacingly holding a machete over its head.

"I think, along with those boy's fairies, you'll be a nice addition to my collection!" Doombringer hissed with a crazed smile. "Perhaps I'll make you into a nice rug for my living room!"

The jungle cat growled, but more out of fear than defiance.

"Whine all you want!" The white haired maniac crowed as she sharpened the machete on grindstone, sparks flying off of it. "But this is your fault for getting in my way!"

Sunset felt her teeth grinding in sheer rage. But she swallowed her anger. It would do her no good. She needed a plan if she was gonna take down those cops, that madwoman, and save that cat.

"Guys," Sunset said with a sad voice, "the woman is the psycho who kidnapped Timmy."

Everyone gasped with horror.

"And she's about to turn an innocent jaguar into a rug!"

Fluttershy was horrified. "Guys we have to save that poor wittle kiddy!" She was about to climb the latter, before Sunset stopped her.

"I want too Fluttershy, but we have to do this calmly," Sunset said with a stern glare, "or she'll alert the Dazzling's we're here!"

Everyone frowned in anger, but silently accepted Sunset was right, and steeled themselves to the task.

Four of the Rainbooms, (Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Sunset) slowly entered the room through the hatch. They calmly ran over to the four guards, using the metal podiums in the room to hide themselves. Their current advantage was Doombringer was distracted by her desire to skin the cat alive, and they would use that to the best of their ability.

Once they got close enough to the cops, they ran up behind them and sung a quiet tone infused with Harmonic magic. The magic undid the spell over the police, and they fell to the ground, their heads throbbing in pain.

While they did that, Rarity entered the room and found a fusebox. Using her earing, she undid the lock, opened the box, and disabled one of the fuses. With it, power to the cameras was cut off. To her relief, Rarity noticed that Doombringer was too distracted to notice.

Hopefully the Dazzlings wouldn't notice either.

Doombringer held a gleaming machete over the squirming cat.

"Oh grow up," Doombringer said pitilessly. "This is only the circle of life, and survival of the fittest at play!" But just as she was about to skin the beast, something tackled to the ground.

Once she regained her bearings, she saw some blond girl with green eyes on top of her.

She felt the girl pinning her hands and putting some rope around it.

She didn't like it.

WIth a roar, she pushed herself off the ground, and kicked the blond girl away. Using her strength, she tore through the rope, freeing her hands.

She turned to face the girl with no small amount of hatred. "Impudent brat! Do you know who you're-,"

Doombringer barely dodged a punch from the girl, and used the girl's own forward momentum to trip her to the ground. The girl fell to the floor with a thud, her body inert.

Doombringer chuckled at how easily the girl was brought low. "Are you surprised you fell so easily! I've had three years of combat experience." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. "Now I shall alert my mistress to your presence. And I warn you she isn't so kind to intruders!" she gloated to the poor farmer. She barely noticed the cowgirl grinning.

She suddenly felt something slam into her, knocking her to the ground and the phone out of her hand. She looked up and saw some prism-haired dwarf standing over her.

"And I've had ten years of doing...well...every sport," she gloated. Before Doombringer could pull herself up, the farmer girl tackled her to the ground.

"And all my life on the farm.

The rainbow-haired brat and farmer girl pinned her legs and beat her together. Once it was over, they restrained her by keeping her arms pinned.

"Let me go you brats, or I'll-,"

"Remember me, Ms. Butterbatter?" Doombringer heard that voice and saw...

It was the fire-haired girl who nearly stopped her from kidnapping Turner, followed by four other girls.

The girl's face was calm, but her eyes were filled with cold fury.

And they were staring directly at her.

"Let me give you a hint," the girl, Sunset, based off the Dazzlings' description, said in a seemingly conversational tone that masked righteous hatred. She reached into her backpack and pulled out-

Doombringer felt her blood go cold as the girl held up a sledgehammer. Based off the fact she was swinging it around idly like it was bat, she was quite strong.

"Or better yet, I'll let my friend Mr. Sledgehammer do it for me."

"Hi Mr. Sledgehammer," Pinkie Pie chirped. "My name is Pinkie. Want to be friends?"

With that, Sunset stormed toward the pinned Doombringer, sledgehammer in hand, and a merciless gaze in her eyes.

"Please," the white-haired woman stammered in a plea for mercy, "they made me do-,"

Sunset snarled and slammed the sledgehammer into the woman's torso. The woman wailed in pain.

"That's for kidnapping Timmy!"

She slammed the sledgehammer into her leg, ignoring demands of restraint.

"That's for hitting me in the head with the hammer!"

She gave her another hit.

"That's for working for those sea witches!"

She slammed the hammer into an arm.

"That's for the jaguar!" Sunset raised the sledgehammer one more time. "And this...is for everyone else you hurt!"In an act of righteous hatred and care for Timmy, Doombringer was knocked into the air, through the roof of the factory, and crashed back into the prison.

Sunset threw the sledgehammer onto the ground, and just stared coldly at the hole in the ceiling where the woman came from. "Creep!"

"Sunset," Applejack cheered. "That was amazing!"

"It was so awesome!" Rainbow gushed. "It was like Old Sunset was making a comeback."

Fluttershy ran over to the jaguar and began releasing it.

"Oh you poor thing," Fluttershy cooed to the beast.

Sunset got defensive at that. "Really?" She nervously asked Rainbow.

The athlete let a sheepish smile form on her face. "What I meant to say was...it was like if you ate Old Sunset and claimed her power!" Sunset and Applejack blankly stared at the high school sports champion.

Twilight approached Sunset with a smile. "What Rainbow means is that you've learned to channel you're old instincts toward a good cause, instead of just trying to suppress them. And in the process, you're the strongest you've ever been."

"Yeah, what she said," Rainbow said with an odd smile. Before anyone could respond, the girls heard some footsteps.

"Can you girls explain to us what's going on?" One of cops asked with a tired expression, followed by three of his comrades-in-arms. They had finally regained their bearings.

"The last thing we remember is hearing some weird song," another one of them said.

"After that, it's all one hazy blur."

"Officers, we can explain everything," Twilight said, approaching them.

"Can you also explain why that woman is lying unconscious," one of the officer's said, gesturing to the out cold Doombringer.

"And why a jaguar is loose!" One of them screeched. The officers noticed the jungle cat and were about to pull out their firearms, only for a pink-haired to step in front of them.

"Please stop, Joanna is harmless!" She declared. The panic of the officers drifted into amazement, as the jaguar happily purred as the pink-haired girl pet her.

"Joanna?" Rainbow asked with confusion.

"The name on her collar, and she is an animal from the Dimmsdale Zoo," Fluttershy said, before giggling as Joanna began licking her hands.

"As I was saying," Twilight said in a diplomatic tone. "You were the victim of,..hypnosis as the hands of three girls."

"What?" One of the officers asked incredulously.

"The hypnosis is why you can't remember anything," Twilight assured them. "It is an incredibly powerful and requires intervention to stop!"

"And this woman, who was part of it," Sunset said. "And we took her out!" She said proudly.

"And where are these girls," one of the officers asked her with a stern glare.

"Upstairs," Twilight said, holding up the listening device, "and they have a poor boy hostage!"

The cops panicked as they heard Timmy's cries and the Dazzlings' furious demands demanding he surrender to them.

"Don't worry ladies," one of the cops said.

"We'll take it from here," the other one said.

"Officers," Twilight pleaded, "I am telling you now that you can't fight these girls. Only we can-,"

"And you're telling me a bunch of civilians can do a cop's job better," one of them asked with a stern expression.

"But-," Sunset pleaded.

"But nothing," the cop said, "I'm not gonna let a bunch of untrained teenagers handle a hostage situation."

"I don't suppose we can't give you something to change your mind," Pinkie said slyly, before reaching into her hair and pulling out a box of donuts.

The cop was not impressed. "Do you really think you can bribe us with one box of donuts?"

"How about two boxes of donuts," Pinkie offered, pulling another box out of her do.

"You've got yourself a deal," one of the officer's said happily. The others were equally ecstatic as they received two boxes of sugary donuts.

"We'll take the woman back to prison and the jaguar back to the zoo!" One of them said. "Good luck, you girls." Two of the officers roughly carried the white-haired woman out of the room, while the other two offered to serve as escorts to the jungle cat.

"Don't worry Joanna," Fluttershy kindly assured the jungle cat, "they're nice."

Joanna began crowing something. Using her growls, she gradually said 'Timmy'.

"The cat knows Timmy," Rainbow said with astonishment. The Rainbooms and the officers' eyes also widened.

"Don't worry," Fluttershy assured the female cat in a gentle voice, "we're gonna save him. Just go back to your home and we'll make sure the meanies can't hurt him.

With that, the cat ceased her mumblings and gave Fluttershy a solemn nod, before joining her police escort and following them outside.

"Thanks for understanding," Twilight said with a grateful smile.

"Just make sure that kid stays safe," one officer said sternly, before escorting the zoo animal back.

With that, the Rainbooms looked at the ceiling, as they steeled themselves for the fight of their lives.

Everything hurt. His legs, his ribs, his face. But especially his arm. He felt like it was...broken.

Timmy never felt this much pain in his entire life.

Francis and Vicky hurt him, but never this bad.

Those two usually just...tormented him.

The sirens were torturing him. He hurt so bad, he didn't even know what time it was.

He barely felt that Aria was brutally slamming her fist into his back.

He was in so much pain, he barely noticed Adagio looking at him with a joyful smile."Ready to do what I want?" Adagio she asked.

Timmy hurt so bad, he could barely speak.

But he did.


Aria carried him to the toilet and began dunking his head in several times.

"Ready to grant me wishes?" Adagio asked.

"No," Timmy wailed in between dunks.

Aria began giving Timmy wedgies.

"How about now?"


Aria held Timmy down as Sonata marched toward him. She had stolen back his pink hat, and was now planning to do something evil to him, based off her creepy smile. Sonata held up her finger, put it in her mouth, and covered it with a ton of spit.

"No, not a wet willy!" Timmy wailed, his voice full of terror.

"Then are you gonna finally do the smart thing?" Adagio asked, her eyes full of cruelty.

"No!" Timmy yelled.

With a nod from Adagio, Sonata strode toward Timmy, her finger dripping with slimy spit.

Cosmo and Wanda, from within their glass bubble, cheered the sirens on.

"Go Princess Adagio," Wanda crowed.

"Show that brat-," All of the sudden, the cloud over Timmy's fairies brains had been lifted. Cosmo and Wanda woke up to see their godson being horribly bruised, held down by the sirens, and about to be subjected to the agony of a wet willy.

"TIMMY!" Wanda yelled in terror. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She banged her fists, but her magical strength couldn't break the glass.

"Don't worry Wanda, I'll just use my brains to get us out," Cosmo offered helpfully. He used a tape measure to measure the glass, and began writing down notes and doing calculations.

Finally, the green-haired fairy...

Tried to ram the glass with his head. It didn't even crack the glass slightly. All the green-haired dunce accomplished was giving himself a concussion.

"Oh I miscalculated," Cosmo said in a daze, "I didn't have enough brains to break the glass."

Wanda let out a sigh of dissapoinment, before watching with terror as Timmy was tormented.

"I'm impressed," Adagio said insincerely, as Timmy laid on the ground, whimpering in agony from the wet willy. "A weaker child would've passed out, but you're so strong aren't you?" Adagio yanked Timmy up by his hair, and to her sneering face. "Must've been from all the beatings you got from all the people who hate you?"

Timmy stared blankly for a moment, before spitting in Adagio's face, much to the shock of Aria and Sonata.

The siren princess stared blankly for a few moments, before frowning at the boy with disappointment. "I would normally beat you hard for that little stunt," Adagio snarled. "But instead...for your bravery and defiance...I'm gonna offer you a prize." Timmy's eyes narrowed in suspicion, especially as Sonata and Aria also grinned deviously."Come on Timmy," Adagio said, dragging the boy by his hair painfully across the floor, with Sonata and Aria following along.

The sirens and Timmy were on the roof of the building. The chill Timmy felt wasn't just from the wind.

It was what the sirens planned to do to him. He noticed on the room was some kind of wooden box.

While Adagio held him by his shoulders, Aria and Sonata went over to the box and opened it. Timmy gasped at who came out of it.

"Trixie," Timmy croaked. "What are you-,"

"I'm offering you one last chance, Timmy Turner," Adagio crowed. "Submit to me, and I'll grant you your heart's desire! The glrl of your dreams by your side!" Adagio turned to look at the raven-haired girl. "What did you think of Timmy, Ms. Tang?"

"I think he's a dreamboat," Trixie cooed.

"AWW!" Sonata and Aria gushed.

Timmy once would give anything to have Trixie say those words. But instead of being happy, he was horrified that the Dazzlings were brainwashing his crush. Trixie didn't sound like a person when she said that. She sounded like a zombie, like a puppet. A robot who had been programmed to say something.

"You said you wanted Trixie as your significant other-"

"No," Timmy yelled. "I don't want her! Not like that! It isn't right!"

The Dazzlings frowned in disappointment.

"Maybe you'd prefer her as... a stain on the pavement."

Timmy felt his blood go cold. "What are you..."

"Trixie...walk to the ledge," Adagio ordered. Her eyes growing green, the brainwashed Trixie walked toward the ledge, and stood precariously against the edge of the building.

"Leave her alone!" Timmy wailed, tears falling down his eyes. "PLEASE, PLEASE!"

The merciless eyes of the elder siren stared down at him. "You can either have this girl as your special somebody...or she'll...die."

Suddenly, Trixie let out an odd moan. She started blinking as the spell of the Dazzlings somehow dissipated. She also began rubbing her head, much to the confusion of the Dazzlings.

"What just..." was all Aria could say,

"What's," Trixie mumbled, sounding like she had a huge headache, "going on..." Trixie, in her daze, walked over to the edge of the building.

"Trixie," Timmy wailed.

Trixie looked over to Timmy. "Timmy," she said in a pained voice. Unfortunately she didn't look where she was going and fell off the ledge with a yell.

"TRIXIE!" Timmy yelled, before collapsing into horrified tears and wails.

"You should've listen to me," Adagio hissed as she got into the crying boy's face, her grin clearly showing she enjoyed Timmy anguish. "You could've had the girl of your dreams, but now..."

"Adagio," Aria said. Adagio turned away from the boy to look at her pigtailed sister. "What is it, Ari-," Adagio's jaw dropped when she saw what was happening

The raven-haired girl's head poked up from the ledge. She was hovering in the air, despite being completely unconcious.

Suddenly, Trixie's whole body began rising out of the-

The Dazzling's jaws dropped in shock and horror as the rainbow-haired girl hovered into the air, carrying Trixie Tang in her arms, blue feathery wings protuding from her back.

Timmy's tears of misery were replaced by shock, surprise, and a small amount of relief.

"Rainbow?" He uttered in a weak voice.

Rainbow Dash hovered in the air, her wings flapping up and down, while holding the ten-year old girl in her arms like she was her own. Her face looked like it was made from stone. The only visible signs of her rage were the stiffness that spoke of trained warrior preparing to go to war, and the hard eyes that glared at the siren sisters.

But when her purple eyes stared at the brown-haired boy for a brief moment, they were soft.

As if assuring him that everything would be OK.

Despite the pain he was in, Timmy felt something he hadn't felt in a good while as he saw his crush be rescued.


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