• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Observations-Edited by LightningStrike34

Sunset sat in the AV room with Micro Chips. They watched the footage over and over again from the security cameras. That car had dissipated in front of that kid and reformed a few feet away. She spent several moments trying to find some other rational explanation for what happened. A quirk in physics. Some weird car technology she still never heard of. But there was no denying it.

Magic was afoot, and that kid was at the center of it.

"Do you think this kid is from that magic world of yours Sunset?" Micro Chips asked.

"I don't think so," Sunset said while shaking her head. "I spoke to Princess Twilight. She told me that if something had gone through the portal, she would've known. Ever since the whole demon thing," Sunset said uneasily, "she put a charm on the portal to keep track of who went through. If he were a pony, he would be stumbling around on all fours," Sunset said with a smirk, remembering how hard it was for her to walk on two legs.

"So what is it," The nerd asked Sunset. "did he grab some...magical...thing?”

"Probably." Sunset said.

"What did the Princess say?" Micro Chips asked nervously. Sunset opened her magical journal, revealing the Princess' message.

"Dear Sunset," the Princess wrote, "there are many artifacts that could enhance the power of a human. Putting on my crown, after all, did grant you demonic powers. However, you haven't given me enough information to make a sound judgement. I advise you to make more observations before this gets out of hoof, I mean, hand. This use of magic does not seem natural."

"Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle"

"What does she mean by 'this is not natural'?" Micro Chips asked with a worried expression.

"I don't know for sure," Sunset said evasively, "not until we get more data." Micro Chips tried to put on a calm face, but he felt on edge seeing Sunset become fearful.

"A child with buck teeth, a pink hat, and brown hair," Rarity asked Cheerilee in her classroom. It was currently study hall, which made it a good time for students and teachers to talk, "did you remember seeing him?"

"Yes," Cheerilee said, "his name was Timmy....something...." her eyes narrowed. "I think he used magic once."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked Cheerilee with a stern expression.

"This girl named Vicky Valentine came over to volunteer," Cheerilee said. "Timmy, who was her special buddy, came along with her."


"I had them unload some boxes at the loading dock," Cheerilee said. "I left for five minutes, and that somehow managed to unload 800 pounds of material in that time."

"Really?" Rarity said with some astonishment.

"Yes," Cheerilee said, "and when I asked them how they did it, they got very...evasive."

"Do you mean to tell me that this Timmy child and this Vicky person both witnessed magic?" Rarity asked with a haunted expression.

"I don't know," Cheerilee said gravely, "I think I have the sign-in sheet. Which might have both their names and numbers, but not much else."

Rarity pursed her lips grimly.

"I'm afraid I can't do that.” Principal Celestia said, much to the disappointment of Applejack. Applejack came to the principal's office, hoping she could track down the kid for them.

"But you're the principal," Applejack said, "don't you have access to every kid in the state?"

"Applejack, the Dimmsdale school system is a separate jurisdiction," Celestia said gentle but firmly, "and while I do have contacts within the district, I need some legal reason to access some random student's information."

"Oh..." Applejack said with a frown.

"Unless of course, there is a law that prevents someone from moving a car with magic," the tall woman said, "and since there isn't, well, there is no grounds." Celestia's face became more serious. "But let's say you do find Timmy Turner's information. Do you...want me to get his parents to bring him here to my office?"

"No," Applejack said with a shake of her head. "not until we know who or what we're dealing with."

Applejack walked out of the room, feeling somewhat disappointed with herself.

"Hey Applejack," Flash said, approaching the farmer girl with a happy smile.

"What is it, Flash?" Applejack said.

"I found your little kid.” Flash said.


Flash, the Rainbooms, Micro Chips, and Derpy sat in the cafeteria. Flash had his laptop.

"I couldn't really find much when I looked up Timmy Turner," Flash said, "but then I had a hunch. I typed in 'Turner' and the phone number, and this came up." He showed the page, which said 'Dimmsdale Reality' at the top.

"So, what does selling homes have to do with anything?" Rainbow said impatiently.

"Patience.” Flash said with a smirk. The blue-haired boy clicked on a sub page marked 'Turner.'

The picture of a woman popped up: she looked to be in her 40s, with brown hair than when down to just below her ears. She wore a sharp business suit and a professional smile. Below was a hyperbolic advertisement about how she would sell you a home no matter what size or condition.

"So what does-" Sunset began, only for Flash to scroll to the bottom, which showed a picture that read, "as a family woman, I know what the family needs." It showed her happily hugging a man in his 40s with black hair and a business suit, possibly the woman's husband. And the very bottom was-

"That's the kid.” Derpy said. He was in the picture, probably trying to sell the woman's image as a family woman. Unlike his parents, who looked like they loved one another, he looked pretty...morose. Instead of being embraced by his parents, he was made to hold up a sign that said "BUY NOW!" Which he did with a pout.

Sunset though it was both sad and strangely adorable.

"They even put down their address.” Flash said, pointing to it. Everyone at the table was pretty pleased.

"Flash, you're a genius!" Rarity said with a proud smile.

"Thanks." Flash spoke proudly.

"Oh no," Pinkie Pie said fearfully.

"What is it Pinkie?" Sunset asked

"They've got to be, like, a gillion miles from here," Pinkie said sadly.

"Dimmsdale is like... ten miles away.” Rainbow Dash replied flatly.

"Oh," Pinkie Pie said, blushing awkwardly.

"Anyways, now we have our address," Sunset said. "Let's go do some observation."

"You mean spying?" Fluttershy offered meekly.

"No…” Sunset said flatly.

"You two are going to the cook off?" Timmy asked his parents with dismay, "but-but-"

"Timmy, you know how we tell you we love you and that you're our top priority?" Mr. Turner said with a smile.

"Yes." Timmy said.

"Well, you’re more of a distant second," Mr. Turner said cheerfully, "our top priority is finally avenging my honor against the evil and putrid Dinkleberg clan!"

"Oh," Timmy spoke with some sadness.

"Cheer up Timmy," Mrs. Turner said with a smile, "your best buddy Vicky is here to watch you," the woman said, opening the door to reveal a smirking Vicky.

"Have fun you two!" the Turner parents said, ignoring their son's pale face.

"Hey Turner," Dinkleberg greeted with a smile while mowing his lawn, "good luck at the cook-off."

"Dinkleberg..." Mr. Turner growled under his breath as he got into the car.

"Hey Vicky," Timmy began nervously, "how's it-"

"Lawn work, pronto." Vicky said with a mean grin. "Those leaves aren't going to pick themselves up."

Timmy let out a tried sigh.

"So what kind of name is Dimmsdale?" Sunset asked idly. Her friends were being driven to Dimmsdale in a surveillance van owned by Vinyl. Unlike most surveillance vans, it was white with blue lines running along its edges.

"Dimmsdale was founded by a prospector named Dale Dimm.” Pinkie Pie said.

"How did you figure that out?" Rainbow asked curiously.

"I didn't." Pinkie said, holding up a tourist brochure.

"Oh." Rainbow replied.

"As it turns out, there were two competing stories about the founding of Dimmsdale," Pinkie Pie began. "One was that it was founded by a brave frontiersman named Arlen Bitterroot. The other was that Dale Dimm fell down and hit his head on a rock."

"Oh dear," Fluttershy spoke timidly.

"But it was OK," Pinkie Pie said, "Dale Dimm broke the rock and found gold."

"Lovely." Rarity said with some joy.

"However, recent historical evidence proved that Dimm was not only the founder, but that Bitterroot was a mean outlaw who tried to trick Dimm out of his gold." Pinkie Pie, showing pictures of Dimm and Bitterroot.

"Man those pictures look pretty good for the 1850s." Sunset observed.

"I think we're at the house.” Rarity said. She was looking at the GPS, which took them right in front of some plain white house with a red-thatched roof.

"I see him." Rainbow Dash pointed out. The boy was raking some old leaves on his house, and then dumping them into a tall trash can.

Vinyl came to the back, and began activating all her surveillance equipment.

Dinkleberg smiled as the last of his lawn was mowed.

"Ah," the big-nosed man said happily, "nothing like the smell of freshly cut grass. My buddy Turner seemed especially happy about the cook-off. I can't wait to tell him 'good luck' again." he said excitedly. He looked around the neighborhood.

"I love this neighborhood," Dinkleburg said wistfully. "from the Turner kid slaving away, to everyone's beautiful lawn, to that white surveillance van in front of the Turner." He went back into his home, but did the double take, noticing a surveillance van.

"Oh my gosh!" Mr. Dinkleberg shouted in horror. "They're illegally parked on the other side of the road." He grabbed his cell phone and made a call.

The equipment was activated, giving them both audio and visual.

"I think I'll be sick if I ever see a rake again." they heard the buck-toothed boy say with exhaustion as he scooped up the last pile of leaves and put them in the trash can. Even though he sounded hoarse, the kid's voice was still unusually high for a boy.

"Man, he looks beat." Rainbow said with some sympathy.

"Little buckaroo's working away," Applejack said with a proud smile.

"Hideous." Rarity said.

"Rarity," Fluttershy admonished, "aren't you being a little mean?"

"No, not him Darling." Rarity said, "I meant that boy's hat. Pink!" She said with disgust. "It's just a crime against all fashion." Pinkie Pie glared at Rarity. "Don't worry Darling," Rarity said sheepishly, "it looks good on you."

Someone walked out the door onto the lawn. She was a tall-teenage girl with red-hair tied into a ponytail, black pants, a green-

"Wait," Rainbow said with gritted teeth, "I know her."

"You do?" Sunset said.

"That's the jerk who tried to hurt Scootaloo!” Rainbow said with a growl.

"OK," Timmy said with exhaustion to Vicky, "I got all the leaves."

"Silly little twerp," Vicky said in a falsely sweet tone, "you missed some leaves."

"What leaves?" Timmy asked. With a nasty grin, Vicky kicked over the large bin where Timmy spilled his onto the ground.

"Those leaves.” Vicky said with a nasty grin.

"I spent an hour working on that!" Timmy yelled, angry and hurt.

"Do it again."

"No," Timmy yelled angrily, "you can't make me!"

"Really?" Vicky spoke in a falsely sad tone, "I guess I'll have to tell your parents about how you broke their priceless vase."

"What are you-" Timmy began, only for Vicky to pull out a fancy vase, and threaten to drop it.

"No, please!" Timmy begged.

"Leaves," Vicky said with a mean smile, "now!" With a defeated whimper, Timmy went back to picking the leaves up.

"What a horrible lout." Rarity said with fury. The rest of the Rainbooms looked at the scene with shocked outrage. Vinyl took off her sunglasses, her purple eyes glaring at the bully. Sunset looked at the scene, not only with anger, but a sick feeling in her gut. That girl's meanness was, to her frustration, so uncomfortably familiar.

"Should we do something?" Applejack asked with gritted teeth.

"We can't blow our cover." Rarity said with frustration, looking with sympathy as the brown-haired boy worked like he was on the verge of tears, while the red-haired girl was clearly taking joy from the boy's misery, watching over him like a slave owner.

"Poor thing..." Fluttershy lamented.

"Don't worry Twerpie," the girl said with a smile, "this is just my last hurrah."

"What do you mean?" Timmy asked.

"My parents won a vacation to Cancun," Vicky said with a smile, "and they're taking me and my darling sister with me."

"You're leaving?" Timmy asked with some hope.

"For three weeks," Vicky said. "I just wanted our last time before I go away to be special."

"Oh…” Timmy said meekly.

"Anyways, I got to check on something," Vicky said, "stay here," she began walking away, only to come back. "and when you do finish the leaves, take out the trash."

"But I already-" Timmy began, only for Vicky to take a trash bag out of the garbage can. Before Timmy could do anything, Vicky opened the bag over his head, dumping all the trash on him. Vicky let out a nasty snicker before walking away.

"THAT'S IT!" Rainbow Dash yelled, jumping up from her chair, and about to storm out of the van, only to be held back.

"Let me go Applejack," Rainbow yelled, "that witch needs a hole punched into her head!"

"I know," Applejack said, restraining the angry girl, "but we can't blow our cover because we're angry."

"THAT GIRL IS SO MEAN!" Pinkie Pie yelled, with a growl that scared everyone, clenching her fists, "IF I COULD, I'D-I'D-INVITED HER TO A PARTY...AND...AND-

"What?" Fluttershy asked.

"GIVE HER THE SMALLEST PIECE OF CAKE!" Everyone looked at Pinkie with disbelief.

"Wow, Pinkie," Rainbow said sarcastically, "that is really harsh."

"Really?" Pinkie Pie said sadly, "I am so sorry. I didn't actually mean it."

Sunset ignored Pinkie's irreverence, focusing on the brown-haired kid. He stood still, but began shaking with anger, glaring daggers at the babysitter as she walked back into the house.

"That's it!" The boy said angrily under his breath, "I wish Vicky was covered in garbage." They heard a poof sound.

"There's the poof." Sunset said. After a moment, everything stayed the same.

"That's odd-" Sunset began, only to hear a loud noise coming from the sky. "Why do I hear a plane crash?"

Up in the air, a plane suddenly appeared, and began crashing out of the sky.

"Captain," a co-pilot said, "we're crashing out of the sky!"

"We'll have to lighten our loud.” the pilot, an older man, said in a dramatic voice. He pushed a red button, and the bomb bay doors opened, causing garbage to spill out. The garbage fell with a whistling sound.

Just as Vicky was about to enter the house, she heard a whistling noise. She turned around and saw the garbage coming toward her.

"AAAHHH!" Vicky yelled.


Vicky wretched with disgust, seeing herself covered in garbage.

"How did this happen?" Vicky said with horror. Her anger grew as she heard Timmy laughing uncontrollably.

The Rainbooms began laughing like crazy at the mean girl's misfortune. Even Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh. Vinyl didn't laugh, but smirked.

"That kid really got her good." Rainbow said, cracking up. The only one not laughing was Sunset, who looked at the kid, especially his nasty grin, with concern and a bit of fear.

"I don't know how that happened," Vicky yelled at her charge, "but you're going to clean it up, while I'm going to take a bath. And when I get back, I expect all of these chores done!" She then stormed into the house as the last of Timmy's laughs died down.

"I think we've got our confirmation," Rarity said assuringly. "that kid made that garbage fall on her." Sunset felt her hands begin to shake.

"Or it could be just some huge coincidence," Applejack said. Everyone stared at her. "What it could-”

"I wish the garbage was taken out and the leaves were done," the boy said. With another poof, both chores were immediately taken care of.

"Well, there's our confirmation." Applejack said with a sigh.

"Yay!" the boy said happily, "no Vicky for three weeks! This calls for a celebration guys."

"Is he talking to someone?" Sunset asked with some confusion.

"I don't know," Rainbow said, "but-" they paused as they felt something hit the van. They then felt the angle of the van increasing.

"What's happening?" Rainbow said as she and her friends grabbed onto something. They looked outside and saw the van was being raised vertically by a tow truck with a hook. They all let out a collective yell of terror as the tow truck pulled them away.

"STOP!" They all yelled in vain as they were taken away from the kid's house, "PUT US DOWN!"

"Did you guys hear something?” Timmy said.

"Probably the yell of some girls in a surveillance van that is being towed away," Cosmo said, disguised as a bag of fertilizer.

"Really?" Wanda said while disguised as a watering can.

"Nah," Cosmo said, "probably just termites."

"Anyways," Timmy said happily, "we should celebrate." Cosmo and Wanda waved their wands, and suddenly a giant rock concert was poofed in front of them, complete with rock bands, refreshments, and a large crowd.

"This is great!" Timmy said.

"Especially since we know no one is watching us." Cosmo and Wanda said in unison.

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