• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,115 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Beware the Kiss of a Viper

The Turner parents' faces were twisted into disgust as they watched the video of Sunset bullying some girl.

When Adagio showed up at the Turner residence, the boy's parents were a bit reluctant to let a stranger like her babysit. She anticipated this, so she showed them the video Moondancer made (without the demon parts) to make Sunset look bad and make herself look like the Turner boy's savior.

The two parents sat on the couch, rooted to it by sheer anger. Adagio sat in the big chair to their right, a cup of tea in her left hand. She took a sip cover up the smirk that formed on her face whenever the brat's parents flinched at what they saw. Timmy stood next to her, watching the clips with renewed anger.

"I can't believe this," Mrs. Turner hissed with some anger as she shut off the TV, "Sunset was stealing from my son?"

"Yes," Adagio said in a falsely sympathetic tone. She put a seemingly kind hand on Timmy's head to sell the image of a noble protector. "She was mistreating this poor thing," she then pulled Timmy into a light but warm hug, "and I just had to put a stop to it."

"Sometimes you meet someone," Mr. Turner said with equal amounts of disdain, "and they they turn out not to be what you thought they were. You can imagine that feeling, can you?"

Adagio's eyes briefly fell to the floor, and she put the cup in front of her lips to cover up the smirk on her face. "Yes, it is...horrible."

"Thank you so much for looking out for my son Ms. Dazzle," Mrs. Turner said with warmth in her voice.

"You can babysit him anytime we need to give you a call!" Mr. Turner said with an equally welcoming smile.

A massive smile formed on Adagio's face, especially as Timmy became unabashedly happy at the prospect. "I would love the honor of looking after your little boy," Adagio said, rising from her chair and giving the brown-haired brat an affectionate noogie. "If I could, could I have my two other sisters come over to have him watch me?"

Timmy felt to his knees pleading. "Pretty please," he asked with puppy dog eyes.

The Turner parents looked a bit reluctant. "I don't know," Mr. Turner said uneasily.

"While it'd be nice to have several people watching my son, I'd rather not have several teenagers running around my house," Mrs. Turner remarked.

"That's only fair," Adagio Dazzle said, casting a sly glance at the boy, who had told him what could get the father to come around. "I mean, my sister Aria had a plan to deal with that evil wretch Dinkleberg, but if it's too much-"

"They can come over any time," the man said happily, like a boy who got his Christmas presents early.

"Yay!" Timmy chirped happily.

The brown-haired woman did not like being overruled, but eventually let out a reluctant sigh of acceptance. "As long as you three don't throw parties or take too much out of the fridge," Mrs. Turner said with a polite, but stern, expression, "I suppose it's OK."

"Don't worry," the eldest Dazzling assured the brown-haired woman with a fake smile, "I certainly don't plan on doing that."

The dark-haired man approached Adagio with the expression of joy. "Adagio, if it isn't too much trouble, could you help me with my newest invention?"

"Sure," the eldest siren said, ignoring the silent warnings from Mrs. Turner and Timmy. Anything to help ingratiate herself with the pencil-pushing fool.

The man ran away and returned with an object that looked like a metal colander with a lightbulb. "Adagio, your unruly, out of shape hair is perfect for my newest invention." Mr. Turner said cheerfully. Adagio briefly fumed at the swipe at her hair and forced a polite frown on her face. "Behold the latest innovation in personal hair care. The Turner Hair Care Device 5000." Adagio snorted at the boring name of the device. "Would you love the honor of testing it out?"

"Sure," Adagio said with a shrug. "I wouldn't mind." She took the object in her hands.

"Adagio-," Timmy warned.

A confident smile formed on Adagio's face. "Please," she dismissed as she placed the device from Mr. Turner and put it on her head. "What could possibly go wrong?"


Adagio convulsed as a massive amount of electricity went through her body. When it was over, her new clothes had been burned, her skin slightly charred, her large hair stood up, and fumes emerged from her body.

The Turner family gasped in horror.

"Oh my gosh," Mr. Turner said with what sounded like regret. "I've done it!" the man said cheerfully. "I was able to give Adagio a new hairdo." The man said referred to the way Adagio's hair now stood up.

"Honey I'm so proud of you," Mrs. Turner said, embracing her husband over the "success" of his latest invention. Both of them were oblivious to the anger and pain on Adagio's face. The brown-haired woman let out a sniff. "It even gives the wearer a lovely aroma."

"I think that's the smell of burning hair," Timmy said meekly, feeling sorry for Adagio.

"That's a lovey name , sweetie," Mrs. Turner mused. "Smell of Burning Hair."

"Quick honey to the patent office and the trademark lawyer," Mr. Turner said dramatically, taking his device off of Adagio and running out the door like a prospector who discovered gold.

"We'll see you later," Mrs. Turner said to Timmy and Adagio before running after her husband.

"Sorry Adagio," Timmy said with an uneasy grimace.

"It's OK mommy, I'll have the seaweed," Adagio said incoherently, before letting out two coughs and collapsing to the floor.

Dinkleberg was sitting in his den reading the paper while his wife Mary knitted. Their quiet day was interrupted when they heard a knock at the door.

The big-nosed man got up from his chair. "I'll get it honey." At the door were two flamboyantly dressed people.
One was a man who looked suspiciously like Turner but was not actually like him holding up some extremely large envelope. He had a brown mustache despite having dark hair. He wore a plaid yellow suit.. Next to him was teenaged girl with purple pigtails. She also wore a purple dress and high-heeled shoes.

"Are you Sheldon Dinkleberg?" the man with the envelope asked.


"Than you have won one million dollars!" the teenage girl boasted excitedly.

"Really?" Dinkleberg asked with a smile. Aria handed him a form, which he signed without reading it.

"Here you are sir," the man said, handing him the large envelope.

"Have a lovely day," Dinkleberg said to the two, shutting the door.

"Sheldon, who was that?" Mary asked her husband as he came back into the house.

"Someone who offered us a million dollar prize," Dinkleberg said happily, showing off the envelope.

"Really?" Mary said excitedly.

Sheldon opened the envelope...

Only for a massive bird to come out of it instead.

"Sheldon," Mary said fearfully, "what is that thing?"

"Its a cassowary Mary," Dinkleberg chirped. "Hey, Mary, cassowary. That rhymes."

"Cassowary?" Mary said, alarmed by the behavior of the bird.

"A bird from Australia," Dinkleberg cheerfully explained. "Did you know they have a sharp nail that can cut through a human abdomen?"

"Abdomen?" The woman said with horror as the bird walked towards them.

"Yes Mary," Dinkleberg said, "I thought we were getting money. But we're getting something better." The bird slashed at Dinkleberg's chest, slicing his shirt off. "The gift of nature in our very home."

The cassowary let out an angry shriek and lunged for them.

Aria and Mr. Turner chuckled as they heard the cassowary attack the Dinklebergs and destroy their home from the outside.

"Oh Aria," Mr. Turner gushed, "you are a genius."

"I know," Aria said. She held up the clipboard. "And you know what the icing on the cake is?"


"I tricked him into signing over power of attorney." The pig-tailed girl handed the clipboard to Mr. Turner.

"You committed contract fraud?" Mr. Turner observed.

"Well-," Aria began only for Mr. Turner to pull Aria into a hug.

"You're the daughter I never had," Mr. Turner cheerfully exclaimed. Aria let out an annoyed snort at the man's behavior.

Timmy sat in front of his house, waiting for the bus to arrive. The bronze medallion he got from Adagio was proudly on his neck.

Suddenly, a limo pulled up in front of him, to his confusion.

A door opened, and Adagio emerged in fancy designer clothes.


"Hey Timmy," the poofy-haired girl said in an affectionate voice, even bending down to meet his gaze. "Want to ride in a limo with my sisters and I?"

"Uh," Timmy said uneasily, "I'd rather take the bus."

Adagio looked confused. "You'd rather ride a dingy old bus than ride in a limo?"

"Well, my friends are on it," Timmy explained, "and I don't want anyone to see me come from a limo."

Adagio didn't understand. "And what's so bad about that? Wouldn't that make you the coolest-,"

"I don't want people to like me for the stuff I had or think I'm rich," Timmy said with a sad tone. "I want people to like me for me."

"B-but Timmy," Adagio said in a sad sounding voice. "We drove all this way for you. Aren't we friends?"


"And don't friends make other friends happy?" She pursed her lips. "It would make me really happy if you let me take you to school."

Timmy looked uncomfortable. "But I really don't-"

"I guess we're not friends after all," Adagio concluded with a disappointed expression. "Even after I saved you from the demon, you don't want me to be happy."



"You're right," Timmy said immediately. "I should." Cosmo and Wanda, who were disguised as shoe laces, looked at this with concern.

Timmy got in the limo, gave greetings to Sonata and Aria, and sat next to Adagio, who pulled him into a hug with one arm.

"Hey," Sonata said with a frown. "I want a hug too!" Sonata joined into the hug. Aria looked disgusted with the mushiness, but also joined in the hug after a glare from a hug.

Timmy would've enjoyed being hugged, we're he not feeling like he was being constricted by a boa.

"Guys," Timmy said with a wheeze, "I appreciate the effort, but I can't brea-",


Timmy decided to return the hug instead.

"So there's this Trixie girl you've had your eye on," Adagio recounted. Timmy explained his predicament.

"Yeah," Timmy said.

"And she loves things like comics, and video games, and other boy stuff?'


"And you want to help her be who she wants to be?"


Adagio's face was twisted into serious thought for a few moments. Eventually, a calculating grin formed on her face. She looked at her sisters, and she realized they had the same idea too.

"Don't worry," Adagio offered. "I think I can talk to her for you."

"Really?" Timmy said with some excitement.

"But there is something I want you to do first," Adagio said with an edge in her voice.


"Lose the hat."

Timmy look confused. "I'm sorry?"

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Lose. The. Hat."


"You want any girl to think you're a man," Aria muttered, "a pink hat doesn't say that at all."

"But," Timmy protested, "it was the first birthday present my parents gave me."

"If you wore diapers when you were one" Adagio asked, "would you wear them now?"

"I actually wore diapers until I was twenty nine," Cosmo said cheerfully, disguised as a seatbelt. Wanda, who was disguised as an armrest, sighed. The elder Dazzlings looked at the green-haired fairy with utter disgust, while Sonata felt a wistful smile form on her face.

"I remember when Aria and Adagio potty-trained me," Sonata chirped. "It took me only three whole weeks to earn how to put the lid down before I sat-," Aria muzzled Sonata with her hand. Sonata continued to babble, despite being made intelligible.

Adagio turned back to Timmy. "Getting rid of your hat would be the best way to show people your grown up."

Timmy was still reluctant. "Well."

"Fashions change all the time," Adagio said. "There's no shame in ditching something when you get older."


"I thought you wanted me to help you find love," Adagio asked with a frown. "I thought we we're best friends. Don't best friends listen to the people who care about them?"


"OK." Timmy immediately handed his hat to Aria.

Wanda was concern by Timmy giving away his hat so quickly. "Sport," Wanda said, "Are you OK with this?"

"Life is change," Adagio said to Wanda with a smile, "about adapting with the times."

"Besides only an idiot would wear something like this," Aria scolded.

"Can I have it?" Sonata asked Aria, looking at the hat like it was candy.

"See," Aria pointed out, handing the hat to her younger sister, who happily put it on sideways. Timmy was annoyed over the way Sonata wore it, but smothered his frustration to avoid upsetting Adagio.

"No, they're right," Timmy said. "I got to...grow up." Timmy accepted what Adagio said. Nevertheless, his head felt cold and empty without his hat. He felt himself subconsciously rubbing his hair.

Chester and AJ were near the entrance to the school, playing trading cards.

"My creature has taken half your heart points," Chester gloated, hiding his smirk behind his cards.

AJ's smirk became even more pronounced and he pulled out a card from his hand. "But I have the Win card, which means...I win!" AJ threw down a card which just has the word "win" printed several times in bold red letters.

Chester angrily threw down his cards. "That is the stupidest card ever! You just play it and win. What's the point of doing anything else?"

"You're just jealous," AJ gloated.

Chester was about to respond before he saw a large stretch limo pull up, drawing the attention of the other kids.

"I wonder who's the next big shot," Chester muttered with disdain.

AJ also was unimpressed. "Probably some self-absorbed jerk trying to grab attention." Their eyes widened when they saw Timmy get out of it.

"Timmy's in a limo." One kid remarked. Everyone started clamoring around the buck-toothed boy.

Chester and AJ watched this with frustration.

"He's doing one of his popularity schemes," Chester remarked with disdain.

"How long before he decides to ditch us?" AJ asked with frustration.

The popular kids' eyes widened as they saw Timmy emerge from the limo.

"Turner's got a limo," Chad remarked. Chad and Tad, instead of being impressed, started snickering with disdain.

"I can't Turner's trying to pretend to be rich," Chad remarked.

Trixie herself was extremely unamused. "He actually thinks this will impress me," she muttered, exasperated by the Turner boy's constant courting of her.

Veronica felt hearts form in his eyes. "Why can't he impress me?" the blond girl said dreamily. Her friends looked at her suspiciously. "I mean," she backtracked, "what a wannabe," she muttered in a mocking tone. Suddenly three teenaged girls emerged from the limo.

"Who are those...babes," Chad said dreamily.

"And what's Turner doing with them?" Tad wondered. Trixie couldn't help but wonder herself. Those three, based off their clothes and good looks, seemed pretty upper class. She usually saw girls like that at the country club. She never imagined people willingly associating with the likes of Timmy Turner.

"Hold on," the tallest girl with orange hair said with a huge smile.

"We want to give our special buddy one last goodbye!" the pigtailed exclaimed in a way that made sure everyone could here.

"Come here, little buddy", the girl with a blue ponytail gushed. The three girls lifted Timmy into the hair and each gave him wet kisses on the cheek before driving away.

Trixie was stunned. Chad and Tad watched Turner with more than a bit of jealously as he approached his loser friends.

Veronica fumed with rage at the popular girls.

"Timmy, who were those girls?" Chester asked him. The blond boy then panicked. "Don't come near me. Girls give me hives!"

"My new babysitters," Timmy remarked. "Adagio, Aria, and Sonata."

AJ was stunned. "What happened to that other babysitter? Sunshine, or whatever her name was."

Timmy's face was twisted into a frown. "She turned out to be even worse than Vicky."

AJ looked sympathetic. "Really? But she seemed so nice."

"So did Vicky," Timmy grumbled angrily. "But Adagio and her sisters knew about her and saved me," he said, his anger giving way to joy.

"They seem pretty cool," Chester began. The bell suddenly rung, signaling it was time to go inside.

As the three friends walked into the school, AJ noticed something else. "Timmy where's your hat?" The boy genius asked Timmy.

"Got rid of it," Timmy said sternly. Both Chester and AJ were stunned.

"You got rid of it?" Chester asked.

"It was a baby hat," Timmy said in an ornery tone of voice. "What's the big deal?"

"But you've that hat since...like...forever," Chester pointed out.

"I can get a new one," Timmy muttered.

"It just feels like...something's missing you know," AJ said uncomfortably.

"I'll get used to it," Timmy muttered. Chester wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he could tell Timmy didn't feel happy without his hat. While he wanted to press him further, he wanted to get to class without being late.

Trixie Tang walked into the girls' bathroom, got out her purse, and prepared to apply her daily makeup.

"Perfection is everything," Trixie said to herself as she began applying blush.

"I always tell people that." Trixie jumped and turned around. Behind her was some teenage girl with poofy hair giving her an odd smile. "I wish people understood the amount of work it takes for girls like us to be perfect."

"Uh yeah," the raven-haired girl said confusedly. Her eyes narrowed. "Oh wait, you're Timmy's new babysitter." Trixie could feel the smugness and conceitedness that flowed from the girl's form. She was definitely of high-class. All she needed was a purple uniform, and she would be one of those Crystal Prep girls she encountered at the country club.

"Adagio Dazzle," the girl introduced herself as if Trixie meeting her was in itself a great honor. "You're Trixie Tang, the diva of Dimmsdale Elementary."

A wry smile formed on the Taiwanese girl's face. "I see my reputation goes beyond these walls."

Adagio seemed to look at her with some pride. "Confidence. Charisma. I see you doing...great things in the future."

Trixie couldn't help but let a bashful smile form on her face. "Thank you." Being complimented by an older girl, especially one who was clearly the cream of the crop at her school, was something that Trixie couldn't help but be excited by.

"In fact," the teenager said, an opportunistic smile forming on her face, "there is a...project I need you're help with. One requiring a girl of your talent and charisma."

Trixie, while enjoying her ego being stroked, was not dumb enough to take easy bait. "What kind of project?" Trixie said with a challenging smile. "I appreciate the compliments, but you sound like your trying to sell me a time share."

Instead of being annoyed, Adagio seemed impressed with Trixie's contrary nature. "Most girls your age are so easily tricked. Very well, I'll just cut to the chase." Adagio's expression became more stern. "It involves Timmy Turner."


"Let's just say...ol'Timbucktooth has something I...want," Adagio said. "Something I....need."

"Uh, what could he possibly have that you want?" Trixie asked with a confused expression. "You look like the kind of girl who could get...whatever you want. Why do you need him?"

"You wouldn't understand," Adagio said dismissively. "But let me ask you a question? You seem like a crème de la crop with this school."

"Yep," Trixie said unabashedly.

"But rather than just ruling these dumb little brats," Adagio muttered with some disdain. "What if I could offer you something...more."

Trixie's interest was peaked. "What do you mean more? Becoming the most popular girl in all of...Dimmsdale."

Adagio wasn't impressed. "Silly little girl. I'm not talking about lording over the little carpet crawlers of this backwater town. I'm talking about...ultimate freedom."

"What do you mean, ultimate freedom?"

"I learned that underneath all this glitz and glamour, you secretly yearn for things like comic books, video games, and other things," Adagio muttered.

The raven-haired girl became suspicious. "How did you-,"

"I have that kind of power," Adagio said dismissively. "I find it interesting. How despite your supposed power, you seem to be nothing but a slave to what others want you to be. If you truly were in charge, you'd be allowed to do what you want, wouldn't you?"

Trixie looked stunned and a little uneasy. "Well-,"

"Let me guess," Adagio asked. "You're mommy and daddy order you around? Dress you up like a little doll that they show off to their shallow friends? Force you to live according to their whims?"

Trixie felt sad. "That's-." Adagio snatched the purse from Trixie. "Hey...what are you doing?!" Adagio dug into the purse, took out Trixie's phone, opened it, and began scrolling through something. "Give me my phone!" Trixie bellowed. "It's mine! If you don't give it back, I'm gonna call my security-!"

"Go ahead call them," Adagio muttered with disdain. Trixie was concerned by the lack of concern on Adagio's face.

Trixie felt her blood go cold. "What did you-

"You think I wouldn't confront you and not have the means of getting rid of your precious security," Adagio muttered with disdain. "Let's just say my sister's and I are more than a match for your security."

The purple bouncer stood near the door with a concerned expression. "Ms. Tang has been near the door for a long time. Maybe I should-," the giant of a man felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you'd rather go shoe shopping." A green haze appeared in the man's eyes. "Yes, I'd rather go shoe shopping." He immediately walked away, leaving behind the two younger Dazzlings, who guarded the door.

Trixie's protests died in her throat as she began shaking with fear.

"So now that's settled," Adagio simply said. She opened the phone, and began scrolling through it. Trixie watched anxiously, trying to figure out what this girl wanted, why she confronted her, and why her bodyguard couldn't help her.

"It appears I was right," Adagio remarked.

"About what?" Trixie said with some anger.

"I scroll through all these text messages," Adagio said. "Almost all of them come from a being you call...mom."

"What do you care?" Trixie asked with disdain.

An amused smile came over Adagio's face. "All of them are orders. Like brushing your teeth or making sure your hair has no split ends." Adagio's smile became brighter. "But there is one phrase that appears to be missing from all of them."

"What's that?"

"I love you." Trixie's felt gut form in her bile. "Like I guessed, you're not a daughter to your mother. You're nothing but you're mother's prized...poodle." Adagio leaned down to look Trixie in the eye. "Subject to her whims and her desires. And so you lord over others and strut like a peacock to make up for the fact that in the grand scheme of things," Adagio's smile became incredibly nasty, "you're utterly powerless."

Trixie was on the verge of crying. "What's it...it to you?" Trixie whimpered.

"Nothing," Adagio admitted with a smile. "Frankly, I'd rather not have to deal with you. But like I said...you're in a unique position to help me get what I want." Trixie revised her opinion. This was no mean girl or bully. Trixie was reminded, to her horror, of some of her parents' more ruthless business associates. The one who sought power and money at all costs. And to her misfortune, Trixie was being dragged into this person's scheme. "And if I get what I want, you'll get what you deep down desire: the power to be who you want to be, without some obnoxious witch of a mother to tell you what to do."

"What do you want from me?" Trixie asked her, both in fear and desperation.

The girl said nothing. Suddenly, the gem affixed to her neck began to glow a bit.

Timmy was eating in the cafeteria, when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. Timmy looked up from his meal and saw the grinning face of Trixie Tang staring at him.

"Trixie, what are you-,"

"Want to eat lunch with me?" She asked excitedly.

Timmy was taken aback, as were more than a few students. "I'm sorr?." Suddenly, Trixie grabbed Timmy by his arm and yanked him out of the cafeteria.

Chad and Tad watched with no small amount of envy. Veronica immediately stormed into the bathroom where she thought no one could see her.

"Why can't I be Trixie?" She said to herself in the mirror. She put on her dark-haired wig. "I'M TRIXIE!"

"Where are we going?" Timmy asked Trixie, still being dragged around. The popular girl dragged him onto the lawn. He saw a picnic basket and blanket.

"I just wanted to spend some time with the coolest guy ever," Trixie said almost dreamily.

Timmy felt a smile form on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah," Trixie said, suddenly pinching his cheek.


"Because your new babysitters finally convinced me what I was missing out on," she said.

"Adagio set this up," Timmy said with a happy smile.

"Yes, because she thinks you're a special guy," Trixie gushed.

Timmy never felt more happy than he did in his entire life. "So what do you got?"

"Oh nothing too fancy," Trixie said, reaching into her basket. "Caviar, lobster, fillet mignon. I figured we'd go light for the basics."

Timmy took a plate of fillet mignon. He was about to dig into it with his hands, only to remember Rarity's etiquette lessons.

"Eat like a civilized man, not like a barbarian."

Instead of eating with his hands, he politely used a knife and fork.

Cosmo and Wanda watched this with pride. Wanda appreciate her godson chose to eat a polite manner. Hidden from behind the school, the Dazzlings watched this with opportunism.

Timmy was so euphoric and into eating the food, he didn't notice how wooden Trixie's smile was, nor how her eyes were covered in a green haze for a moment.

The two sirens pulled over in their limo a short distance away from the house. They didn't want to confuse the Turner parents by showing off unexplained wealth. After a short walk they approached the door.

They rung the doorbell, and Timmy opened up. He looked at them with confusion.

"What are you guys doing here?" Timmy asked.

"What are we doing here?" Adagio asked in confusion.

"Oh Timmy, you silly goose," Aria said, "we're your babysitters."

"I don't need a babysitter today," Timmy said with a smile.

"It was nice of you to come over," Mrs. Turner said, appearing at the door.

"But we're taking Timmy out today," Mr. Turner said. Adagio and Aria looked confused.

"Today's the premiere of the Crimson Chin musical," Timmy said happily. "And my parents promised they'd take me out."

"He marked it all over the calendars," Timmy's Dad said, showing it off the defaced calendar with the date scribbled out.

"And sticky notes all over my clothes," Timmy's Mom said, showing all the sticky notes that had been placed on a business jacket. Adagio's eyes noticed something. How fake the parents' smiles actually were, in contrast to how animated the formerly pink-hatted child was. The two parents didn't seem to be looking forward to the event..

"I'm gonna get my Crimson Chin T-shirt," Timmy said, running up the stairs. Once he was up the stairs, Adagio decided to break the ice.

"That was real nice of you," Adagio said, "to take Timmy out for this special day. It helps if you love the Crimson Chin too." The parents' face became even more strained. "Is there something bothering you?" Adagio said.

"Nothing," Mrs. Turner said.

"Are you sure?" Aria pressed.

"Aside from the we don't want to take Timmy out to see Crimson Chin," Timmy's Dad said. He frowned, especially when he saw his wife glaring at him.

"You don't want to take Timmy out?"

"Well," Mrs. Turner said uneasily, "we're not really fond of the Crimson Chin."

"And I'd rather go for a walk in the park," Timmy's Dad said.

"Then we'll take him out for you," Aria said with a smile.

"I appreciate the gesture," Mrs. Turner said with a forced smile, "but we did make a promise to our son." The two sisters looked at their gems. They felt crafty smirks form on their faces.

Aria and Adagio clasped Mr. and Mrs. Turner on the shoulder respectively.

"What are you-,"

"I think you deserve time to yourselves," Aria said.

"You work so hard for Timmy," Adagio said, her voice becoming sultry, "what's one more night off."

The two sisters' gems glowed faintly.

Timmy happily came down the stairs, happy to spend a day with his parents for a change. Only to discover they weren't there.

"Where are my parents?" Timmy asked Adagio and Aria.

"They said they had an important business meeting to get to," Adagio said with a smirk. Timmy let out a morose frown.

"They said it was more important than going to a silly musical," Aria said.

"But they promised," Timmy said sadly.

"Don't worry Timmy," Adagio said, forcing a warm smile on his face, "we'll take you."

"Really?" Timmy said, his melancholy on his face fading but not completely. "But I really wanted to go with my parents."

"You can always go with them some other time," Aria said, bending down to Timmy and cupping his chin with her hand to look affectionate. "Besides, we really wanted to spend time with you."

"Yay," Timmy said, running upstairs, presumably to change into his theatre clothes

They saw they were approaching Dimmsdale's Main Theater.

"Time for the show," Timmy said happily. The limo pulled over into a parking lot. Timmy got up to the door to get out. His fairies took on the form of buttons, while Adagio and Aria followed close behind them. Unbeknownst to Timmy, the two sisters were chuckling to themselves.

Timmy was so focused on getting inside, he didn't realize he accidentally bumped into grown man in a suit.

"Sorry young man," the guy said with a sheepish smile. Timmy was about to respond politely-

Maybe he bumped into us purpose!

Timmy found himself glaring at the man.

"Watch where you're going moron," Timmy said angrily. The man walked away, confused and a little hurt.

"Timmy," Wanda scolded, "why were you being so mean to the man?"

"Yeah, it was an accident," Cosmo said.

"Because he was doing it on purpose," Timmy said with a growl.

"What-," Wanda glanced up the clock and saw the show was about to start. "Never mind, we'll take about it later. Let's get inside the theater." Timmy's anger faded as he ran inside, his new medallion swaying on his neck, glistening in the sun.

He happily looked down at it. He didn't like how cool and old-fashioned it was. He loved that it came from Adagio and Aria, his new friends. As the show began, Timmy couldn't help but feel happy he had such great people in his life.

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