• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,004 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Seeing the Other Side

"OK Timmy," Rainbow said from the driver's seat, "we've been driving for," she glanced at her watch, "an hour and a half. Where's Crockpot's secret stash?"

The Rainbooms had been dreading a confrontation with the Dazzlings, as the latter wielded weapons that could potentially disable their magic. When Timmy told them that Crocker that had a good stash of weapons lying around in a hidden location, and he knew where they were, they were more than a bit hopeful.

Following Timmy's instructions, they had drive to a forest dozens of miles outside the Canterlot-Dimmsdale Area.

"I need to go potty," Pinkie wailed.

"You should've gone before we left!" Applejack threw back. She turned to look at the buck-toothed boy sitting to her left. "Alright, boy, we've been driving forever. Where are all these doodads you've been goin' on about?"

Timmy's eyes darted back and forth. "Um..." he stammered. "There."

"Where?" Rainbow asked. "In that open field over there?" Rainbow added.

"Yeah, sure, let's go with that."

The Rainbooms looked at the brown-haired child with confusion.

"Y'all are tellin' us that this Crocker would keep his weapons all the way out here," Applejack said with narrow eyes and a disbelieving tone.

Timmy gave the apple farmer an annoyed frown. "Crocker's a nutcase."

"Make sense to me," Rainbow said with a shurg, pulling over into the field. The Rainbooms and Timmy got out of the blue car.

"OK Timmy," Sunset said with an encouraging smile. "Where's Crocker's tech?"

"Uh," Timmy stammered, looking at the field. "We need to dig. Crocker...buried his stuff."

"OK ladies...and...little boy," Pinkie exclaimed, suddenly brandishing shovels and wearing a miner's hat. "You heard him. Let's start digging!"

The Rainbooms immediately grabbed shovels and started digging into the dirt. Timmy watched this with an amused smile.

"Perfect," Timmy uttered scornfully. "This will keep them distracted. Nothing could possibly ruin his plan."

Two lumberjacks struggled to cut through the trunk of a redwood with their sharp two person saw.

"Man, this thing is hard to chop down," the one with a brown beard said.

"Don't feel bad," the one with a red beard, reassured his co-worker, "these things are always hard to cut through. Let's go chop down something easier."

"I love to chop." the brown-beard happily said. They both abandoned the tree and wandered away.

A tiny little robin gently landed on one of the branches of the redwood.

It's trunk immediately snapped, and it began to collapse.

The Rainbooms were distracted from their digging when they heard something break like a snapped 2 by four. They turned around and, to their horror, they saw a massive tree falling toward Timmy.

"Timmy," Sunset wailed. "Look out!"

"Timber!" Pinkie yelled.

Timmy turned around and felt his heart stop when he saw the redwood wailing toward him. It was too close for him to run away. In a panic, he held up his hands in a feeble attempt of defense.

The Rainbooms stood sadly, too far away to save their young charge from being crushed by a tree. They...

Were shocked when instead of being crushed, their young charge caught the tree like it was a tennis ball, and held it up with only a minimal effort.

"Timmy," Applejack said with amazement, "how did y'all..."

"Yes!" Rainbow said with an excited expression. "I knew my strength training would pay off someday!"

"Sure," Timmy said. "That's it."

Sunset's shocked expression was replaced by a stern and angry expression. "That's not Timmy. That's his clone."

"Clone?" Twilight asked with confusion.

"The clone he wished up when he deceived....me," Sunset said with clenched fists and a falsely calm tone. "And know he did... again."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Clone-Timmy's words died as Sunset stormed toward him with a furious expression. "OK, I admit it! Timmy used me to send you guys on a goose chase."

The silence following that admission was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

"Timmy...tricked us," Fluttershy said with a sad expression. The Rainbooms all looked angrily at the clone.

"He offered me people food." Clone-Timmy defended feebly. When he saw their expressions only got angrier, Clone-Timmy threw the tree in front of them and used the distraction to escape, running away with a wail.

The Rainbooms faced were twisted with hurt and outrage.

"That...that litte brat!" Rainbow yelled with clenched fists. "After everything we did for him...he did this to us!"

"When I find that boy, I'm gonna tan his hide." Applejack muttered angrily. Even Pinkie and Fluttershy couldn't help but frown furiously at the thought of Timmy.

"What do we know?" Rarity asked Princess Twilight in a cross tone.

"We drive back to Dimmsdale and try and find...him," the pony princess said with a clearly hurt tone after a few minutes of furious thought. She was so angry at Timmy, she couldn't even articulate his name. The Rainbooms moved toward the car, only to stop as they noticed Sunset was standing still, staring blankly at the downed tree.

"Sunset, aren't ypu coming?" Twilight asked the unicorn-turned-human. Sunset continued to stare, her eyes completely empty and her body as still as a statue. Princess Twilight looked increasingly concerned. "Sunset, are you...OK?"

Suddenly Sunset started shaking and her face turned a deep bright red, steam began pouring out of her ears. and her clenched fists starting shaking, to the fear of Twilight and the rest of the Rainbooms.

"Oh man, she's about to blow," Applejack uttered with horror.

"TAKE COVER!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The Rainbooms dove for cover, just as Sunset unleashed all her wrath in one explosive yell.


Several trees were blown back by the force of the yell. Sunset's furious shout echoed for miles, causing flocks of birds to fly away.

The lumberjacks heard the echo while working on another tree.

"What was that?" The brown-bearded man asked.

"Probably Sasquatch stubbing his toe," the red-bearded man.

"Yeah, that makes the most sense."

As Amanda drove Timmy to Canterlot, he couldn't help but feel a measure of...caution...trepidation...paranoia.

Maybe it was the fact that he was in the car of a complete stranger. A complete stranger who...wanted to help him.

That shouldn't bother him. But...it all seemed so easy. It all seemed too convenient. Too obvious. Too coincidental.

Maybe Georgie was just paid actor, and Amanda was just...

Timmy had to stop thinking that way. Not everyone in the world was evil like Crocker. Not everyone was a liar like Sunset and her friends. Maybe there were some nice people out-

"End of the line," Amanda muttered.

Timmy gasped with terror.

"According to the GPS," Amanda said happily,"we've reached the end of Line Street."

"Whew!" Timmy muttered in relief.

"You're time is up!"

Timmy gasped with terror.

"What Ahuizotl said to Daring Do in the new Daring Do movie," Amanda gushed. "I'm such a huge fan."


"Prepare to get creamed."

Timmy gasped again.

"Cause we're gonna stop for some ice cream," Amanda said happily pulling over in front of an ice cream parlor.

"Yay, ice cream," Georgie exclaimed from his booster seat.

Timmy slowly got out of the car with a jaded expression. He was so jaded by the troubles of the past few days, he couldn't be enthusiastic about one of his favorite things.

After waiting in line, Amanda, Georgie, and Timmy were sitting at an outdoor table with cups of ice cream. Amanda helped Georgie eat his, since he was still too young to know his table manners. Timmy just stared at his ice cream melacholically, unable to eat.

"Oh no," Georgie said with panic. "Timmy is sad."

"What's wrong, Timmy?" Amanda asked with concerned expression. "Aren't you hungry?"

Timmy sat still, not knowing how to explain his issue to someone who didn't know about magic.

"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you." Amanda placed her hand in her chin. "Did you run away from something?" Amanda asked with sterner eyes.

Timmy's jaw dropped in astonishment. "How did you-?"

"I was wondering why a ten-year old boy was so desperate for a ride from Dimmsdale to Canterlot, that he would hitchhike with a total stranger." Amanda asked with somewhat admonishing expression. "I also wondered why his parents would leave him alone without a cell phone to call them in case of an emergencies. Either you're parents booted you out, or you were running away from something?"

Timmy was taken aback by this girl's insights. She even guessed what his parents had done under the Dazzlings' spell. But then again, he was so used to being around adults who were clueless, he forgot most people weren't. And being ignorant about magic didn't mean the same thing as being a moron.

"I know you just met me," Amanda said with a sad expression, "but I can tell that you look like you're in a bad place. The best thing you can do in your situation is to get it off your chest."

After a tired sigh, Timmy explained his situation to Amanda, without mentioning magic, the Dazzlings, or the stolen weapons in his bag.

Amanda listened patiently, while Georgie ran around pretending he was a pilot.

"So to recap," Amanda said. "You got this new babysitter who was really nice to you, did a lot of fun things with you, and her friends were also really nice to you. But then you learned this girl was a mean bully in her past, and that she and her friends only hung out with you for a...project. And then you got into a bad fight where she lifted you by your shirt, you sent her and her friends on a goose chase, ran away from them using a bus pass, you lost the bus pass, and that's how you ended up here."

"Yeah," Timmy said with a sigh.

"And you don't know if they were nice to you because of the project or because they actually liked you," Amanda concluded. "And you're afraid that she's still a mean bully."

"Yeah," Timmy muttered miserably.

Amanda mulled over Timmy's dilemma for a few moments.

"Do you think I'm a nice person?" Amanda asked Timmy with a stern expression.

"Of course you're nice," Timmy said with a smile. "You're nice to Georgie, and you helped me out."

"What if I told you I wasn't so nice," Amanda said. "What if I told you that I was....also kind of bully too?"

Timmy looked at Amanda with disbelief. "That sounds like the dumbest thing I ever heard." Timmy laughed, but it died at Amanda's severe expression.

"About a year ago, I was...not a nice person," Amanda said euphemistically.

Amanda watched as some nerdy girl with glasses and poofy red hair walked down the hallway of South Dimmsdale High with a nasty grin.

"OK ladies," the raven girl texted. "Let's show this dweed who rules."

The girl opened her locker, only for a bucket of red paint to fall on her head. The girl ran off in tears, with everyone laughing at her.

Amanda watched this with a vicious smile.

"You did things like that?" Timmy asked Amanda with disbelief and a little anger.

Amanda had the decency to feel bad about those things.

"Well, yeah," she said solemnly. "I was a real...meanie-weenie."

"Why did you stop?" Timmy asked. Amanda turned her head to the little boy running around, pretending he was defending the world from evil aliens.

"Georgie," Amanda said, looking at her charge with a wistful smile. "I wasn't just a bully. I was a spoiled brat," Amanda said with some disgust. "I wasted my parent's money on shopping trips. My parents got tired of me using their credit card and cut me off until I either got a job or did chores. I...decided to become a babysitter."


"Because nobody else was hiring," Amanda admitted, "and I thought it would be easy. And Georgie was the first kid I got to babysit. And I wasn't a caring soul to him."

Amanda sat on the couch reading a fashion magazine when she was interrupted by an annoying drool monster.

"Help me fly," Georgie pleaded, dressed in a Crimson Chin costume.

"Beat it twerp," Amanda muttered angrily to the small child.

"But I want to fly," Georgie whined. "Lift me up. I want to be the like the Crimson Chin."

An evil smile formed on Amanda's face. "You want to fly?" Amanda asked nastily. She lifted Georgie and left him dangling from the ceiling fan.

"Yay!" Georgie exclaimed while suspended from the fan. "I'm flying!"

"Have fun," Amanda said disdainfully, before returning to her magazine.

"For the first few weeks, I wasn't really a sitter," Amanda said remorsefully. "More like I hung out in his house."

Timmy was amazed. "When did you change?" Timmy asked.

Amanda smiled. "One day, I had this boyfriend over while I was supposed to be babysitting. I paid more attention to him than Georgie." A guilty expression formed on her face. "And well..."

"So where's the little brat," Amanda's boyfriend said as they made out on the couch.

"Put him to sleep," Amanda muttered, "he won't be bothering us." She glanced out the window of the home she was babysitting in and her eyes narrowed. "There's someone hanging out near the porch," Amanda muttered. She got up from the couch and wandered near the door.

"I can deal with them later," the blond-haired jock said. "stay here..."

"Look, I need this job, or my parents will cut me off for good," Amanda said angrily. "I can't have the twerp's parents blame me if something went wrong."

"Alright," the boyfriend muttered with some annoyance. "I'll wait for you."

Just as Amanda left the house, she heard some splashing around. The dark-haired girl began walking much more quickly, thinking some punks had broken in and were playing in his pool.

"I don't know who you are, but you can't crash-," Amanda's heart fell into her throat when she saw what was happening.

"HELP!" Georgie shrieked. "HELP ME!" Georgie apparently wandered outside and fell into the pool. And based off his thrashing in the water, he couldn't swim. Amanda's disdain was replaced by sheer terror.

"Don't worry Georgie," Amanda assured her charge. She dove into the pool to rescue the boy. Once she and Georgie were out of the pool, a guilty and crying Amanda hugged the blond-haired child, afraid to let him go.

"I'm so sorry Georgie," Amanda said, remorseful tears running down her eyes. She felt tiny arms wrapped around her.

"You saved me," Georgie exclaimed happily. "Like the Crimson Chin would." The words made Amanda cry harder, and she felt the oblivious boy hug her tightly.

"So yeah, I was a pretty rotten witch," Amanda said to Timmy with a voice tinged in sadness. "Do you think I deserve to be hated forever for how mean I was, and how I nearly let Georgie drown?" Amanda asked the brown-haired boy with a stern expression.

"Well," Timmy asked uneasily, "I don't know. You're so...nice now."

"But like I said, I wasn't always so nice," Amanda said with a sage like expression. "I was a really human and I didn't always care about Georgie. Now let me ask you a question, and this is important, so pay attention. And you need to be honest with me."


"Have you always been a good guy?" Amanda asked sternly. "Have you always done the things you were supposed to do, or have you made mistakes?"

Timmy looked back at his misdeeds: bullying Vicky after turning into a five year old, destroying his dad's trophy, working his Fairy Godparents to the bone to help him become popular, letting Vicky take the fall for Chompy going free, causing Christmas to last for over two weeks and ruining the other holidays, letting Chip Skylark be kidnapped and nearly married against his will to Vicky, throwing water balloons at Tootie, accidentally unleashing the anti-fairies on everyone, nearly ruining American history, accidentally destroying Crocker's childhood.

"No," Timmy admitted.

"Do you think you deserve to be hated forever for your mistakes?"


"Then I don't think Sunset does either," Amanda said with an empathetic tone. "Maybe she did do mean things, and you have every right to be worrie, but has Sunset done anything to you?"

"Well..."Timmy said with a sigh,"she wasn't a bully to me. "But," Timmy said on the verge of tears, as he expressed his greatest worry, "I don't know if she actually likes me or if she was doing it for a project." Timmy's sorrow ended as he felt something squeezing his leg.

"Don't say that Timmy," Georgie said with a tone of admiration, hugging Timmy's leg. "You're the coolest." The sincerity in Georgie's voice made Timmy feel a lot better.

"Who's to say she didn't do it for both?" Amanda offered. "Maybe, like me, she didn't start out wanting to be a babysitter. But maybe she started to like you, and not just see you as a project." A small smile came to Amanda's face. "You said she asked one of her friends to help train you, and another to help you not be a creep to girls. And she was giving you healthy food and playing video games with you. I don't think she would do all those things if she just saw you as a project."

"Yeah, but what if the mission is over, and she," Timmy pursed his lips, trying not to cry, "stops hanging out with me."

"Well," Amanda said in a sterner tone. "Let me ask you this: if Georgie's parents stopped paying me, would you blame me if I went to babysit someone else who could?" She noticed Georgie about to cry, and she added, "not that I would do that, but would you think I was a monster because I wanted money?"

Timmy gave this some serious thought. "I guess...not," Timmy concluded. "You need money to...do stuff."

"Maybe this project, whatever it is, was really important to Sunset. Or she thought it was important." Amanda said with a wisened expression. "The thing about grown ups is this," Amanda continued, "We're not always perfect. No one can be as good as the Crimson Chin. But also, no one can be as evil as the Bronze Kneecap. Most people are...somewhere in the middle. We have our own lives, needs, and dreams like you. And because of that, we don't always do the things we ought to do. But just because Sunset wasn't perfect doesn't mean she might not have cared about you."

"Well she probably hates me now for what I did," Timmy muttered miserably.

Amanda put a kind hand on his hand. "For what's its worth, I don't think you're a bad kid," Amanda said in a kind way. "I think you're a good kid who's a little mixed up. And since she was so nice to you, maybe she'll forgive you. Do you want me to take you to her and you can talk your problems out?"

"I don't know," Timmy said uneasily.

"If you have to go back to Canterlot, you might have to face her eventually," Amanda pointed out sternly. "Maybe you want to cross that bridge as soon as possible and get it over with."

Timmy never imagined facing Sunset. He imagined he would rescue Cosmo and Wanda and wish he never met her. But after talking with Amanda...

Maybe he was too hard on Sunset. Maybe he could talk give her another chance, maybe...

Then the image of Sunset yanking him by his shirt, calling him names, and coming close to punching him rang through his mind.

"Not yet," Timmy said to Amanda abruptly.

Amanda wasn't happy with his answer. "Timmy..."

"Look, there's this...project I have," Timmy said evasively. "I need to go to Canterlot to do it. And if I do it right...it can help me make it up to Sunset."

Timmy decided he wanted Cosmo and Wanda with him before talking to Sunset. If she cared about him, then no problem. But if Sunset did hate him, he could have magic to defend himself and wish things were back to the way they were before he met Sunset.

And maybe Sunset would forgive him if he granted her a few wishes.

"Alright," Amanda said with a smile. "Do you want to go know."

Timmy was about to answer, but the carpet-crawler hugging his leg objected.

"Can't we play for a little while longer?" Georgie pleaded with puppy dog eyes. Timmy wanted to save Cosmo and Wanda, but couldn't resist Georgie's cute smile

"Sure." Timmy said with a smile. "I can play Aliens and Space Warriors for a half-hour."

"Thank you so much Timmy," Amanda gushed.

"I'll be the alien," Georgie chirped, brandishing what looked like a toy laser and pointing it at Timmy.

"Georgie," Amanda asked her charge. "Where did you get that?"

"Timmy's backpack."

The words made Timmy's jaw drop in horror. "Wait, Georgie don't-"

"Take that human scum!" Georgie fired the laser, blasting Timmy a few yards onto the grass.

"Awesome!" Georgie exclaimed.

"Man, these toys are so realistic!" Amanda said with amazement. "It almost looks like Timmy was blasted and severely burned."

"Sure...toy," Timmy slurred, lying on the ground in agony and with fumes coming from his body.

"You know what," Sunset said with a cold tone as they approached Timmy's street.

All of them were incredibly angry that they had to drive three hours for nothing because of the stupid boy. "This is pointless. I have a sure fire way to fix everything."

"What's that?" Rainbow asked with a furious tone.

"Timmy said if we tell non-magic people about his fairies, they'll go away right?" Sunset said, brandishing her phone.

"What are you..."

A nasty grin formed on Sunset's face. "I'm gonna find someone who doesn't know about magic-,"

"Sunset, you can't do," Fluttershy wailed.

"Why not," Sunset said angrily. "We act nice to Timmy, and he treats us this way. It's what he deserves for being such an ungrateful little brat."

"Those fairies are his friends," Pinkie complained.

"I know Timmy's acted like a lout," Rarity uttered, "and I'm angry at him for deceiving us, but this isn't the proper way to-,"

"I bought that kid pizza and played video games with him, and treats me like I'm some monster," Sunset said coldly, preparing to send a text, only for Twilight to grab her wrist.

"Sunset don't," Twilight warned.

"He spat on me!" Sunset yelled, ripped her hand away from Princess Twilight a little too roughly. "And now he sends on a-,"

"Sunset look outside," Applejack said.

"I know that trick Applejack," Sunset said coldly, "it's not gonna."

"Sunset, LOOK!" Sunset let out a sigh and looked out the car window. "So we're at this house. So shocking," the fire-haired girl said sarcastically, "what's so-," Sunset's words died in her throat as her vindictiveness was replaced with concern.

There was a giant sign on Timmy's lawn that said. "My Useless Son Is Gone Garage Sale."

Sunset immediately lept out of the car as Rainbow pulled over, her concern giving way to horror, especially when she saw Timmy's parents on the lawn and what was for sale.

"Hello Sunset," Mr. Turner greeted with a wide smile. "How-,"

Sunset ignored him, and saw all of the Timmy's possessions on the table. "Timmy's clothes, his video games, his comic books." She looked at the Turner parents with horror and disbelief. "Why are you selling his stuff?!"

Mrs. Turner didn't looked even remotely ashamed. "Since we got rid of that worthless brat," she said all too cheerfully, "we can rid of his worthless junk too."

"You threw him out of the house," Rarity said with a mortified expression. "How could you?"

"Because he was so light and skinny," Mr. Turner said, as if saying why water was wet. "Now, if you by three of my former son's shirts for 9.95, I can throw in his baby pictures for an extra-,"

"I can't believe I borrowed a golf club from the likes of you!" Rainbow yelled in furious outrage.

"I think these two need a little love," Applejack said with a stern tone, brandishing her left fist, "and tolerance," she added, branding her right first. Rainbow also cracked her knuckles. But before she and Applejack could teach the Turner parents a lesson, they were stopped by Princess Twilight.

"Girls, look at their eyes," the pony princess said sternly. The Rainbooms looked at the eyes of the Turner parents and saw...

Small flashes of green.

"The Dazzlings...really did that to him," Sunset said in a soft, but shaken tone.

"They did," Fluttershy exclaimed sadly. The rest of the Rainbooms were equally horrified by what happened.

"Don't worry," Princess Twilight said with a smile, "I can fix it." She got up to the two Tunrer parents.

"Would you like to buy-,"

"Family is the greatest treasure of all," Princess Twilight sang. "Love and trust will help us stand tall." A purple energy flowed out of Twilight and into the Turner parents. They felt to the ground, clunching their heads.

Rainbow, no longer convinced Timmy's parents were evil, walked over to help them, only to be stopped by Princess Twilight.

"What happened?" Mr. Turner groaned, pulling herself up while rubbing her temples like she had a terrible migraine.

"I don't know," Mrs. Turner exclaimed, "but-," she paused, noticing the sign and Timmy's stuff on the table. "Honey," the brown hair woman exclaimed to her husband with shock, "why are we selling Timmy's stuff?!" She glared at her husband. "Did you lose your job?"

"The possum was in the water cooler before I got to work, I swear!" The dark-haired man said defensively.

"Don't worry." The Turner parents turned to look at Sunset. "I can explain-,"

"What are you doing here?!" Mrs. Turner said angrily to Sunset.

Sunset was confused by the brown-haired woman's hostility. "I've been babysitting-,"

"The Muses told us about your evil plan to steal from our son!" Mr. Turner said in his usually dramatic tone.


"Honey get me the HDP!"

"Mr. Turner," Sunset said in a pleading tone, "I can explain. I was in a bad place-"

"You'll be headed to a bad place, alright" the unusually stern man said as he was handed his spiked bat. Sunset backed away as Mr. Turner prepared to take a swing. "The hospital!"

"Mr. Turner," Rainbow said, ripping the bat away from the man. "What are you doing? A wooden bat with nails on it looks cool, but it's gonna break the moment you hit someone with it hard enough," the rainbow-haired girl advised with a wise tone. "What you want is a metal bat with barbed wire wrapped around it for consistant damage."

Mr. Turner smiled at Rainbow."See I get that, but I don't really like metal bats. That echo sound they make when they hit something just doesn't have the same impact as wood, you know?"

"Mr. Turner," Twilight said, butting in with a diplomatic tone. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I can understand why you would be hostile to Sunset. She was a bad delinquent. The key word being 'was'."

"Sunny-Wunny was a meanie-weanie," Pinkie Pie said in a pleading tone to the two adults. "But since then, she's become the bestest-estest friend ever."

"I assure you that whatever bad things Sunset has done, she isn't a threat to you or your son," Twilight assured them with a pleading tone. "Whatever mistakes she made, the love she's shown Timmy is real."

The Turner parents weren't fully convinced. "If that's true Then why did the Muses tell us that Sunset was evil?" Mr. Turner asked with a hint of skepticism.

"The Dazzlings told you Sunset's past to trick y'all," Applejack said, a stern expression in her green eyes. "They're the real thieves."

"They're the reason you kicked Timmy out and started selling his belongings," Rarity warned.

The Turner parents looked horrified. "How-"

"Uh," Twilight stammered, coming up with an excuse. "They used a hallucinagetic agent to make you obey their every whim."

"Yeah," Rainbow said with an uneasy smile. "What she said."

Mr. and Mrs. Turner's expressions were twisted into thunderous outrage. "Where are they?" Mrs. Turner said with anger.

"And where is Timmy?" Mr. Turner asked, some fear in tone.

"Don't worry," the purple-haired princess said with an assuring smile, "we'll find the Dazzlings and we'll find your son."

"You will?" Mr. Turner asked.

"Of course." To Twilight's shock, the Turner parents ran into the house and immediately ran back outside, dressed in tourist clothes and cameras around their necks. "What are you two-,"

"Since you agreed to take care of it," Mr. Turner said happily. "We'll be taking a nice, guilt free trip to the Wax Museum."


"Just bring Timmy back safe and sound," Mrs. Turner said as if she was asking them to pick up groceries, "have a good day girls," she exclaimed while getting into the passenger seat of the car.

"Here," Mr. Turner said, handing his spiked bat to Sunset. "Give those animals a good whack for me," Mr. Turner urged with a stern tone, before blissfully joining his wife in the car."

The Rainbooms watched the Turner parents drive off with more than a bit of distate.

"They sure are attentive and loving, aren't they?" Rarity said with a sarcastic and disgusted tone.

"I know," Rainbow exclaimed ironically, looking at Mr. Turner's bat with admiration.

"Guys," Fluttershy said with a stern tone. "I found this thrown out of Timmy's window." She held up a photo album with the words "Cosmo, Wanda, and Me," written on it.

Fluttershy grimly gestured behind her. To the horror of the Rainbooms, pictures littered the lawn, and Timmy's mini-golf course was trashed.

"Who did that?" Rainbow asked.

"Who do y'all think?" Applejack pointed out with a stern expression.

Fluttershy silently took several torn picture pieces and put them together on the scrapbook. They showed Timmy and two fairies posing for a photo. Their hugging and happy expressions made them look like family.

Looking at this, Sunset felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. "I did this."

"Sunset?" Twilight asked with concern.

"I drove him away," Sunset said, guilt and self-loathing in her voice. "I spied on him."

"Sunset," Fluttershy.

"He was scared and I was gonna hit him," Sunset said, guilty tears falling down her face. "He was hurt by the Dazzlings and I said those mean things to him." She let out a cry of pain and wept horribly. "I was gonna rip his fairies away from him." She let out a pained shriek. "I AM A HEARTLESS EVIL-," Sunset paused as her friends started hugging her.

"Sunset you're not a heartless evil witch," Twilight assured her friend.

"Yes I am," Sunset whimpered.

"Would a heartless evil witch have played video games with him?" Rainbow asked her regretful friend. "Would a heartless witch have cried like you did when that freak kidnapped him."


"I remember when those brats hurt his ankle," Rainbow said in a reassuring tone, "you jumped from the bleachers and pulled him into a hug."

"That was just part of the mission," Sunset denied as the last of tears stopped.

"Y'all can't even look me in the eye and say that." Applejack said with a wry grin. "Y'all did those things because you love Timmy like he was kin."

"Then why did I say those horrible things to him? And why did I spy on him?"

"Because Darling, you were worried about what he might do with magic. And he and his fairies did do a lot of terrible things," Rarity pointed out with a stern look. "You had every right to be exasperated with how they behaved."

"But I nearly hit him."

"Yes Darling and it was wrong," Rarity assured her blue-eyed friend. "But everybody has moments of weaknesses."

"Whenever you let anyone into your life," Princess Twilight said in a sage like voice, "you risk hurting them."

"All friends and siblings fight and say mean things," Fluttershy said in her soft, kind tone.

"But love is much more tasty then evil," Pinkie Pie said in her odd wisdom, "and with love, you can fix any problem you have."

"Yeah you made mistakes, but so did Timmy and his fairies," Rainbow said. "But you're not the bad guy Sunny. And neither are they." The atheletic girl pointed to the ripped pictures, the demolished golf course, and the awful banner. "The bad guys are the jerks who did those things."

"Y'all want to make it up to Timmy," Applejack told Sunset with strong green eyes. "I know one way to do it."


"Save the boy's fairies," Applejack said with a face that looked like it was carved from stone. "And give the varmints who kidnapped them and broke the boy's heart a whoopin' they won't forget."

Sunset absorbed Applejack's words. She picked up Mr. Turner's bat. She then looked at the damage the sirens did. Both to Timmy's life and to his house. She found herself frowning furiously and holding the bat much more tightly, as she imagined swinging it into the skulls of a certain trio.

She looked back her friends. They all had the same fierce expressions. They all had the same idea. It didn't need to be spoken.

They would save Cosmo and Wanda. They would prove to Timmy they cared about him.

And they would make those pathetic sea monsters pay for what they did to him. They would make them regret even looking in his destruction.

"But how are we going to find them?" Sunset asked, a trace of frustration returning to her voice.

A fierce smile appeared on Rainbow's face. "I have an idea."

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