• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Breaking Point (Part 1)

Princess Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie waited near the horse statue. It was currently the early hours, with the sun barely over the sky. They watched with horror as Rainbow and Fluttershy brought Sunset back in worm form.

"Sunset," Rarity said with sorrow to her transformed friend, currently residing on Fluttershy's thumb, "I am so sorry."

"Rainbow its not your fault," Sunset said. "It isn't really his fault either."

"I can't believe he would do that," Rainbow Dash said with horror. "Erase our memories and ditch you in a forest."

"He did destroy a truck," Applejack reminded them with narrowed eyes, but based off her tone, she clearly wasn't happy either, nor was she trying to gloat.

"You were right Applejack," Sunset admitted, "we should've kept him on a sick leave-,"

"Sugar cube," Applejack said gently, "I'm not gonna tell you ah told you so. None of us could ever have guessed he would learn about your demon episode."

"Dark magic can corrupt even the purest soul," Princess Twilight said with a frown. "But he'll be fine as long as we catch him."

"But how did he learn about Sunset's episode," Rarity asked with a severe frown. "All of the data was erased online and kept on file."

"Maybe someone leaked it," Rainbow said with a frown, "to get back at Sunset." Everyone was horrified. Someone in Canterlot was so willing to get back at Sunset, they'd risk Timmy going berserk to do it.

"Look," Fluttershy said gently, "we can't worry about that now. We have to find him and stop him from becoming a super meanie."

"Do you have the rune?" Sunset asked Twilight with a hint of desperation.

"Spike is getting it ready," the pony princess said. Out of the portal emerged Spike.

"I got the rune," the dragon-turned-boy, said while taking something out of his backpack.

The rune looked like black stone tablet, about the shape and size of a small book, with weird markings running across the surface. It was placed inside of a glass box.

"So that's the rune?" Rainbow asked.

"What does it do?" Applejack said, "but keep it short please," Applejack adde with a stern glare, not wanting a lecture from the pony princess.

"So we need to catch Timmy," Princess Twilight said, "and put it right on his body. When we do that, the magic will deactivate, and the Stone will shoot out of his body. Then we take the stone, put it on the surface, keeping it bound and preventing anyone from touching it or making a wish."

"That's it?" Rainbow asked.

"That's it," Princess Twilight said. "But let me clear," Princess Twilight said sternly, "we need to be very, very careful. If this breaks, we lose our only chance of stopping him."

"Don't worry," Spike said, carrying the glass case, "I'll be super-," he tripped, causing the glass case to bounce into the road.

"Spike," Twilight yelled.

"My bad," the dragon turned human child said sheepishly.

Everyone started panicking as it fell into the road. Thankfully the glass didn't break.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

A speeding car ran into the glass case, knocking it into the air.

"Ahhh," everyone yelled, as the case was launched into the air.

"Oh no," Fluttershy said with terror.

"We're doomed," Rainbow Dash as the case fell to the ground with a whistling sound, only for the case to bounce softly on the grass in front of them.

"It's a good thing I bought disaster proof glass," Princess Twilight said triumphantly.

"I think 'disaster' is the best way to describe our lives this past year," Rainbow snarked.

"How are we gonna turn me back," Sunset asked Princess Twilight with a hint of desperation.

"Oh that's easy," Princess Twilight said. "I think the portal should be able to overcome the magic spell placed on you. You should be changed back into a pony, and then back into a human when you cross over again."

"Well, here goes...nothing I guess," Sunset Shimmer said. Fluttershy brought her to the portal. With a shrug, Sunset entered the portal. Everyone waited with baited breath, hoping the Sunset they knew would emerge.

To their relief, a teenage girl materialized in front of them, lying on the ground with an exhausted sigh.

"Yay," Everyone said.

"Sunny's back to normal," Pinkie said.

"This is-," Rainbow paused as Sunset started wiggling on the ground. "Uh, sort of back to normal." Everyone looked aghast as Sunset wiggled like a worm to the lawn and started chewing on the dirt.

"Sunset," everyone yelled. Rainbow and Applejack pulled her away to stop her from eating the lawn.

"What," Sunset yelled defensively, clumps of soil and grass coming out of her mouth, "I've had no limbs for two days, and I need more minerals in my diet."

"Stick to vitamins," Rainbow snarked, as she and Applejack forced Sunset upwards, trying to help her walk. Sunset slowly waddled to school Everyone followed them into the school, the rune in Spike's hands.

The student body of Canterlot High gathered in the auditorium. Everyone was shocked and confused by how they had been made to forget about Sunset's redemption. Not to mention remorseful over how they treated Sunset. Sunset had gotten numerous apologies from people, which lifted her spirits, but not enough to overcome her sense of dread.

Everyone looked at her for guidance as she came to the podium, the principal sisters, the Rainbooms, and the entire staff behind her to sell her image of stern resolve.

"As many of you know," Princess Twilight said, "we somehow were overcome by a curse that made us forgot Sunset's becoming our friend."

Everyone frowned severely, wondering who would mess with their brains like that.

"We already know the culprit," Princess Twilight said, suppressing a sad sigh, "Timmy Turner."

Everyone began muttering in horror and confusion over that.

"Timmy did that?" Gilda asked with horror and disgust.

"As all of you know by now," Princess Twilight said, "Timmy has come into the possession of a powerful magical artifact that was fused into his body. Sunset became his babysitter to watch over him, and to keep him from being corrupted. and until we could come up with a solution." Princess Twilight's lips pursed into a small frown. She had not yet mastered control over her face muscles the way Princess Celestia did. "But he somehow uncovered Sunset's demon past." Everyone went silent with horror over that. "He believed that Sunset was an evil supervillain who brainwashed all of you into liking him." Everyone was confused at that. n"He turned Sunset into a worm, ditched her the forest, and he thought he was freeing you from an evil spell." The silence was so thick, everyone could hear a pin drop, especially as an overhead projector showed Sunset had been transformed into a worm. "Somehow, his spell wore off on all of you, and we found Sunset and cured her. But as it stands, Timmy has begun to be corrupted by the stone."

"Do you know...where he is?" A voice asked timidly.

"We don't know," Princess Twilight said after a small period of hesitation. "We called his house and school, but they don't seem to be able to find him. But there is no need to panic-,"

"EVERYBODY PANIC!" A voice yelled, Everyone started screaming in fear and panic.

"The horror!" Roseluck said.

"This is awful!" Lily bellowed.

"A disaster!" Daisy said.

Some students were tearing up the seats, other started smashing the windows. They were running around the aisles in fear, while Princess Twilight pleaded for order into the microphone;

"IF Y'ALL DON'T SIMMER DOWN!" Granny Smith bellowed into the microphone, "I'LL TAN YER HIDES!" Everyone immediately calmed down and returned to their seats.

"We can't panic in this situation," Princess Twilight said. "We will only make things worse."

"What are we going to do?!" Someone asked.

"The Rainbooms and I are going to find him," Princess Twilight said. "And we're going to use a magical artifact to disable his magic." She walked away from the podium, allowing Principal Celestia to come to the table.

"Listen to me very carefully," Principal Celestia said in a firm tone that brooked no argument, "these are the rules, as recommended by Princess Twilight." Her eyes narrowed. "If any of you violates these rules, you will be in detention for the rest of the year." Everyone immediately went quiet. "If you all decide to go into Dimmsdale and you happen to spot Timmy, do not approach him, talk to him, fight him, or let him see you. Report his whereabouts to me, and I'll send the info to Princess Twilight."

"Can't we just talk to Timmy?" Flash asked, standing up to address the audience, "and tell him that Sunset is not actually evil."

"Yeah," Thunderlane said, "maybe he'll listen to us!"

"I'm afraid its too late for that," Princess Twilight said coming back to the podium. "Right now, he is undergoing personality shift. That is when his old personality is being rewritten by the new, evil one the stone wants. At this stage, he is deeply delusional and paranoid. Again, he is under the delusion that you all are Sunset's brainwashed slaves. If you challenge that delusion, he'll get defensive and attack you!"

"But c'mon," Lightning Dust, rising to her feet, "he wouldn't ever attack us?"

"He turned Sunset into a worm," Princess Twilight reminded. "You all don't think he can do anything dangerous, but dark magic can affect anyone and turn them into something horrible. I am pleading with you to avoid him at all costs and let us deal with it."

"So we're supposed to sit around and do nothing like a bunch of wimps!" Gilda said, rising to her feet in anger.

"Ms. Griffon," Vice Principal Luna said, coming to the podium, "it doesn't matter how smart you are, or how tough you are, or how brave you are. None of you are a match for magic. And your presence will only make things-,"

"So just want us to laze around like a bunch of babies!" Gilda bellowed.

"Ms. Griffon," Luna said with a stern eye, "I understand your concern, but this is not something you can handle!"

"Says you!"

"Ms. Griffon," Principal Luna said, "if I find out you tried to confront Timmy, you will be served a detention-"

"Serve this," Gilda yelled, storming out of the auditorium, to the shock and concern of everyone else in the room. Principal Luna looked like she was about to walk after her, but then Thunderlane rose up.

"Let me talk to her," Thunderlane said, running after the white-haired girl.

"As I said, none of you have the ability to deal with this," Principal Luna said, "you will not only endanger yourselves, but the people around you by making Timmy's anger worse to deal with, and make it harder to stop them. I am pleading with you not to exacerbate the situation." With that, the assembly was over, and everyone went back to their classes with more than a bit of anxiety.

Rainbow from the stage, saw a very familiar haircut, and walked after it with a very stern eye.

"Let's just hope this doesn't get worse," Sunset said, looking at the rune in its glass case.

"Um," Nurse Redheart said, "Ms. Shimmer and Princess Twilight. There is something I need to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"I have good news-,"

"And bad news," Sunset said sardonically. She, Sunset, and Princess Twilight met in the nurse's office.

"The good news is that there is something out there that will stop Timmy if you plan falls through," Nurse Redheart said.

"What is it?" The two girls asked the nurse.

"The bad news is it is his heart," the pink-haired woman said.

"His heart?" Princess Twilight said.

"I studied the effects of the Dazzlings magic on everyone after the Battle of the Bands," the nurse said, pulling out some forms from a desk. "One commonality was that everyone's blood pressure rose. Now I attributed that initially to anger, until I learned from you that humans don't have a natural magical filter."

"Yes," Princess Twilight said, "I wondered how humans here dealt with the Dazzlings spell."

"It appears in the absence of a magic filtration system, magic enters and exits through the cardio-respiratory system," Nurse Redheart said, pointing to a diagram. "But that means it has to share space with blood, and air and stuff. A little magic is no problem, but imagine if massive amounts of magic enter a body. What happens to the cardio-respiratory system?"

"It gets...overloaded," Princess Twilight said. Sunset frowned, not liking where this was going.

"If his cardio-respiratory system has to deal with the combined stresses of pumping his blood, filtering his blood, and absorbing and expelling magic, it means Timmy will be headed for cardiac arrest unless you can rip the stone away." Princess Twilight and Sunset looked aghast at that. "And since he is shorter than a teenager, he may be headed there very soon."

"You didn't think to mention this before?" Sunset asked.

"I assumed you had things under control," the Nurse said with a shrug. "But don't worry, no pressure," she said with a goofy smile. "Get it? Heart attacks? Blood pressure?" The two ponies-turned-human glared at the woman. "I'll stop talking now," The woman said sheepishly.

Sunset walked out of the room shaking.

"Sunset, you can't panic," Princess Twilight said.

"How can't I," Sunset said morosely, "he could be anywhere, not just Dimmsdale. Alone, angry, and now he could-," Sunset broke down in tears. Princess Twilight held her friend as he cried. Despite everything he did to her, Sunset was still scared for Timmy. It showed how Sunset evolved from the self-centered jerk to a kind soul. Princess Twilight hoped that Timmy could be put back on the same path as well.

Thunderlane found Gilda in the gym, furiously using a punching bag, muttering about how life is unfair.

"I know how upset you are," Thunderlane said uneasily, "but leave the poor bag out of it." Gilda was unamused, and stormed away from the tall teenager to lift some weights.

"Gilda, you need to cool it," Thunderlane said seriously, "this isn't helping."

"Why," Gilda said, dropping the barbell, "that stupid principal is treating us like wimps."

"We can't deal with a magical out of control kid," Thunderlane stressed, "we're not prepared to-," Gilda dropped her weight, and sat on a nearby press, looking deeply upset. Thunderlane never seen Gilda like this. "Is this about being treated like a wimp?" Thunderlane asked with serious eyes. "Or is this about...Timmy?" Gilda looked down at her knees. "You're worried about him, aren't you?"

"Well," Gilda said with a sad look, "I just think...he's a good student, and-," Gilda's lip began quivering.

"You're scared for him, aren't you," Thunderlane said in an empathetic voice, sitting down next to the martial artist.

"Yeah," Gilda in a soft voice, "The reason why I decided to train him was because he was like me when I was his age: a kid everyone picked on. A kid no one understood. I wanted to do him for what Marty did for me. And he's getting better and becoming tougher. But then this stupid stone came along," Gilda's voice got weaker, "and now he's going crazy, and I want to help him, and there's nothing I can do," Gilda broke down in tears. Thunderlane held her in a hug while she cried.

"I just feel so useless," Gilda said with a whimper.

"You're not useless," Thunderlane said in a soft voice, "just because you can fight a magical threat doesn't mean you're useless. Look, I'm scared too, but you can't let that cloud your mind. Like Princess Twilight said, we can't panic."

"But I'm a warrior," Gilda said, "a good warrior shouldn't shy away from a threat."

"A good warrior knows went to stay out of things he or she can't deal with," Thunderlane said. "You need to have faith."

"Well, the Princess needs more than faith," Gilda said with a stern frown, "I think I know how to deal with Timmy if their plan fails," she said, rising from her bench.

Rainbow ran out of auditorium and saw someone short and with purple hair.

"Scootaloo," Rainbow said sternly. The girl turned toward Rainbow with a sheepish smile.

"Hey Rainbow," the youngest Dash said, "how's it-,"

"Why are you here?!' Rainbow asked her younger sister with crossed arms.

"Just passing through," Scootaloo said with a shrug. Rainbow noticed something behind her.

"Is that a red bat attached to your back," Rainbow said with confusion said.

"Is it?" Scootaloo said nervously, "i could've sworn-,"

"Scootaloo," Rainbow said in a stern tone, "you can't hunt for TImmy. You need to be in school."

"C'mon Rainbow," Scootaloo said with a stern frown, "you told me a Dash sister doesn't back down."

"Scootaloo," Rainbow said with fierce eyes, "if you even go near Timmy, he could attack you, and I won't be able to save you if he does."

"But Rainbow-,"

"IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR BUTT BACKED TO SCHOOL," Rainbow yelled, "YOU'RE GROUNDED!" Everyone, including Scootaloo, was shocked. While Rainbow could be brash and competitive, she was rarely angry enough to raise her voice.

"But Rainbow," Scootaloo said with tears in her eyes, "Timmy needs-,"

"I know you're lovey-dovey for him," Rainbow said in a softer voice, "but-,"

"I'm not lovey-dovey for him," Scootaloo said with an annoyed frown. "It's just...Timmy isn't some lame crush. You know when I beat a boy at something? They get angry and humiliated. Timmy's the one boy who kept exercising with me, even when he knew I was better at him." Rainbow was taken aback. She knew what Scootaloo went through: being hated for being a girl and tough. Because boys were taught to believe that being less tough than a girl made you a sissy.

But Timmy understood what girls like her and Scootaloo went through. Sunset told her that Timmy dressed as a girl and learned what that Trixie girl experienced. Rainbow thought that was silly, but seeing Scootaloo look so upset, Rainbow seriously wondered if making a boy dress up as a girl could be the key to gender equality.

"Went I first saw him," Scootaloo said unhappily, "he looked so goofy, with his pink hat and buck teeth." Scootaloo's lip started quivering. "But he didn't get upset, no matter how many times I beat him at pushups. And he likes Crimson Chin and-," Scootaloo started crying. "And now that stupid rock might erase him, and make him into someone evil." Rainbow pulled her sister into a hug.

"I know you're scared Scootaloo," Rainbow Dash said, "but if Sunset was able to come around, I know Timmy can be saved. But you can't fight him, because he has a ton of magic. Let me and my friends handle it."

"OK," Scootaloo said, her tears going away.

The Rainbooms prepared to leave for Dimmsdale in Applejack's truck, when suddenly a white-haired girl came up to them.

"Hey dweebs," Gilda said. "If you need to bring Timmy down, I got something for you."

"What," Rainbow said. Gilda presented them some white colored pistol.

"The Dimmadome Brand Tranquillizer," Gilda said, "perfect for pranks, girl scouts, and census takers."

"You want us to shoot him?" Sunset asked furiously. The other Rainbooms glared at Gilda.

"This will only knock him out," Gilda said sternly, "I know you don't want to hurt him, but if he's going to get someone hurt, and your magic fails, then you need to stop him somehow." With a sigh, Sunset took the tranquilizer, accepting the possibility.

"Thanks," Sunset said.

"Careful how you hold that," Gilda said, "you might-," a dart fired off. They hurt a grunt, and saw that Vice Principal Luna lying on the ground, a tranquilizer dart in her leg. Principal Celestia glared at the teenagers.

"She did it," Gilda and Sunset said, simultaneously pointing fingers at each other. Princess Twilight face-palmed.

"I want cake and ice cream!" Timmy bellowed at the breakfast table.

"Of course Timmy, "Adagio said, placing the sugary food on the table, "you can have whatever you want."

"Of course he'll eat it," Wanda said, hovering above Timmy with a sneer. "He loves getting fat."


"Takes a fatty to know one," Cosmo said.

"Well at least I don't have a fat head!" Wanda bellowed.

"Well at least I don't have fat lips!"

"Why don't you two shut your pie holes," Timmy yelled. "In fact, I wish you would". The two raised their wands and a giant mask appeared over their faces. The Dazzlings looked amused, especially as Timmy began eating his ice cream like a pig.

"Eat up Timmy," Adagio said.

"We've got a busy day!" Aria said with glee.

"To think, we get to have a baby brother," Sonata said, "a-,"

"And do you know why?" Adagio said, walking over to the boy and bending down to him.


"Because we're your best buddies!" Sonata said.


A smile formed on Timmy's face.

"And since we're your best buddies," Aria said with a sly grin, "we get to have fun together."

"There are a few things we want," Adagio said.

"Another 600 dresses," Wanda said mockingly, "how about-

"SHUT UP WANDA!" Timmy bellowed. "And do what they want! They deserve it for being so nice to me!"

"If you insist," Adagio said. With an angry growl, the two fairies raised their wands.

Many Wishes Later

"New clothes," Adagio said, cooing over all the clothes she got.

"New weights," Aria said, cooing over her new workout equipment.

"New tacos," Sonata said, cooing over the new taco restaurant Sonata poofed across the street.

"This is all wonderful," Adagio said with a smile. The three sat in Adagio's luxurious bedroom, "but we need to do something to prove the boy will be loyal to us. Prove he'll obey our every word." An evil smile formed on Aria's face.

"I figured out a way to kill two birds with one stone," Aria thought.

"Timmy," Adagio said, running into his bedroom.

"What is it?" Timmy asked Adagio.

"We figured out what was making your parents and friends-,"

"I DON'T NEED THOSE LOSERS ANYMORE!" Timmy said, "I have you guys now!" A nasty smile appeared on her face.

"You're right Timmy," Adagio said, "we're your family now. But we learned the demon had minions." Timmy's face twisted into a frown.

"Really?" Timmy hissed with rage.

"Yes," Adagio said, "those annoying Rainbrats."

"What?" Timmy said, "I thought they were being brainwashed."

"They were," Adagio said sympathetically, "but it turned out they wanted to work with the demon for power," she said sadly.

"They did?" Timmy said angrily.

"Yes," Adagio said with some sadness, "I don't know why anyone could be so evil. But now they're hunting for us, and they want to take our voices away." Timmy's face twisted into rage.


"Don't worry," Timmy said. "Cosmo. Wanda." The two poofed before him.

"We're going demon hunting," Timmy said with a growl.

"Whatever," Wanda said in a disinterested tone.

"I want a souvenir!" Cosmo said.

"Oh, blah, blah, blah your needs!" Timmy ordered. Adagio suppressed a smirk, happy the boy was finally seeing things her way. He walked out of the front door and poofed away.

"Want to send him after the Princess and Sunny," Aria asked.

"No," Adagio said, "if we bring them together, their Harmony magic could activate. We'll get them later".

This was the perfect revenge. The Rainbrats destroyed by the boy they tried to care for. She could imagine the look on the faces of the alicorn and unicorn once they learned what he did. It was the perfect revenge. Once they got those pathetic Rainbrats out of the way, nothing would stop her and her sisters from making this world theirs.

Things were finally going her way.

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