• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Running Like the Wind (Part 4) (Edited)

The Crimson Chin, robbed of his power and reduced to being Charles Hampton Indigo, could only watch with despair as the Bronze Kneecap loomed over in him in his giant new fighting Bronze Bot. He laid helpless on the ground, unable to do anything.

"At last Chin," The Bronze Kneecap said from his robot with wicked glee, "or should I say Charles. With you out of the way, I shall now use my machine to rule the world!" "And with a lovely lady by my side," the crazed villain said, holding Lady Lovely in his robotic hand.

"Chin, help me," the beautiful, helpless women said to the downed hero.

"He can't help you," The Kneecap said nastily, "he can't even help himself." The massive machine turned away from the weakened hero, with Lady Lovely screaming all the way.

The cries of the woman filled Charles with something. He felt extreme anger. He felt extreme shaking. Without realizing it, his chin grew back, and his muscles started-

"Boring," Timmy said, throwing the Crimson Chin comic book away in disgust.

"How could that be boring," Scootaloo said. The two were at Canterlot's running track in the early hours, where Timmy putting in some last minute training before the race the coming afternoon. They had been allowed a short break by Rainbow. The two discovered they enjoyed Crimson Chin, and decided to read the newest edition together.

"The Chin gets his powers back because he loves someone," Timmy said mockingly. "And then he defeats in the Bronze Kneecap in one page? How lame is that?"

"I think it's cool," Scootaloo said with a smile. "His love is so strong, he can overcome anything."

"But there's no build up," Timmy complained, "no foreshadowing, no-,"

"OK guys," Rainbow said, "break time over, back to work." Timmy and Scootaloo ran back into the field for more exercise. After some sit ups, push ups, and squats, Rainbow was leading the two kids into doing some stretches.

"So how do you feel, Timmy?" Rainbow asked.

"A little...scared," Timmy said, stopping his stretching with a morose frown.

"Rainbow didn't look impressed. Scared," Rainbow said.

"I mean, I've only been training for a few days," Timmy said worriedly, "while Tad and Chad have been training-,"

"This isn't really a race," Rainbow said in a reassuring tone, "you just have to be in the top ten to qualify, and there are eleven of you competing."

"But what if I lose or just do bad," Timmy said morosely, "than everyone will make fun of me more, and Trixie won't ever talk to me."

"Yeah," Scootaloo said under her breath with sarcasm, "real shame."

"Timmy you can't think like that," Rainbow scolded, "or you'll never win."

"Easy for you to say," Timmy said, "you're popular, and cool, and great at sports." He sat down heavily. "I'm just....me."

"And what's wrong with that," Scootaloo said.

"A lot," Timmy said sadly.

"Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself," Scootaloo said with contempt.

"You think you're the only the only one who has had problems," Rainbow said with some scorn. "Listen up. I'm gonna tell you a story."

NOTE: The tune is similar to Non-Stop, from Hamilton and has some of the CHS rally song from Friendship Games thrown in.

Rainbow Dash

You think I'm fast,

You think I'm cool,

You think I'm tough,

You think I rule.


It's all true,

She's so cool.

Rainbow Dash

But don't assume,

Don't assume,

That it was always true,

That I was always cool.

Timmy Turner

That can't be,

That can't be,

You're as cool as can be.

Rainbow Dash

I was once you,

Scared and short,

Alone and frightened,

Of little import.


That's not true.

That ain't so,

You're the coolest,

You're Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash

They called me names,

Like Rainbow Crash,

They said I was lame,

That I would always be last,


Well what changed sis,

How did you grow,

From a little wimp,

To my hero.

Rainbow Dash

I fought to be the best I could be,

To rise above what they thought of me,

I never gave up, I never gave in,

And I always fought to win.

Timmy Turner

So that's it, just try,

Keep working away,

What if I fall,

What if I fail anyway.

Rainbow Dash

If you lose, don't worry,

Here's what we'll do.


We won't let you fall,

We'll be here to catch you,

Rainbow Dash

Everybody crashes,

And you lose sometimes,


But you'll never be doomed,

With friends by your side.

Rainbow Dash

I fought to be the best I could be,

To rise above what they thought of me,

I never gave up, I never gave in

And I always fought to win

Canterlot Athletes

Go Rainbow!


But even if you go down,

You can still rise to the top,

With friends to help you,

You can never stop.

Canterlot Athletes

And Scootaloo!

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo

When we work together,

When we unite,

Then you'll never be nothing,

Your future will be always BRIGHT!

Canterlot Athletes

And Timmy too.

"So are you ready to stop feeling sorry for yourself?" Rainbow asked with a smile. A confident smile formed on Timmy's face.

"Yeah," Timmy Turner, "I know I'll do well."

"Good," Rainbow said. "Now drop and give me 60." Timmy began his pushups. Scootaloo immediately started doing them next to him.

It was with a smile, Rainbow noticed, that her sister like to follow whatever Timmy did.

"What do you mean you guys aren't coming?" Timmy asked his parents.

"Sorry Timmy," Mr. Turner said, "We have our spa treat-, I mean, get my badly needed physical therapy from all that pain I was in," Mr. Turner said, despite standing straight in the air.

"We'll see you later," Mrs Turner said quickly, before heading toward the door, as did Timmy's dad.

"I love-," Timmy began, only for them to slam the door. Timmy let out an annoyed sigh.

"Don't worry Timmy," Wanda said.

"Yeah," Cosmo said, "Sunset and Rainbow said they'd be there."

"And I bet when you're on the team," Wanda said with a confident smile, "your parents will have to show up at your track meets."

"You really believe in me?" Timmy asked his fairies.

"Yep," Cosmo said, "and not just because I bet my paycheck on you joining team." Timmy frowned.

"He's just messing with ya' sport," Wanda said, "right?" Wanda harshly whispered into her husband's ear.

"Well, not my paycheck," Cosmo said, causing Wanda to growl at him.

Timmy heard a honk outside. Timmy saw a fancy white car and approached it. He saw Sunset and Rainbow, in the passenger's and back seat, respectively. They both were wearing tank tops and short shorts in the warmer weather. Rainbow wore blue while Sunset wore orange. He also saw Rarity in the driver's seat, also dressed in the same way with purple and white, and Scootaloo, in the back as well, was wearing her regular attire. Rarity opened the window to her car.

"Hop in, darling," Rarity said.

"Rarity, Scootaloo," Timmy asked, "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you win," Scootaloo said with an excited grin.

"I want to see you when you when swoon dear Trixie Tang off her feet," Rarity said. Scootaloo's face curled up, like she had swallowed a lemon. "Anyways, hop in."

"Where are your parents?" Sunset asked Timmy.

"They were busy," Timmy said with a frown.

"Don't worry," Rainbow said from the car with a surprisingly warm smile, "you'll have something to surprise them with." Timmy's confidence grew at that. "So come on in." Timmy was about to go to the left side, where Rainbow sat, only for Scootaloo to yell at him not too.

"What is it?" Timmy asked the purple-haired girl.

"Uh," Scootaloo stammered, "I think...Rainbow should have the most space. So why don't you come around and sit next to me?"

"Are you sure Scoots," Rainbow asked her little sister, "you don't mind being squished between me and Timmy."

"I just...want you to be comfortable, sis", Scootaloo stammered and staring down.

"Of course you do," Rainbow said with a teasing grin, that was shared by Sunset and Rarity. Timmy came in and sat down next to Scootaloo, who looked at Timmy with a smile.

"Anyways," Rainbow said, "let's head out."

Rarity pulled into the Dimmsdale parking lot, where other parents were pulling up along with their children.

Timmy and everyone else got out.

"I can't wait for you to win," Scootaloo gushed.

"Neither can we," a voice from the distance said. Timmy looked and saw Chester, AJ, Sanjay, and Elmer looking at him with happy smiles.

"Guys," Timmy said, sounding happy, "you're here to cheer me on?"

"That's because we're your friends," AJ said.

"And not because we're losers with nothing to do," Elmer said.

"Yes you are," Bob the Boil said, "accept it, and turn your hate toward world domination."

"Who are those guys," Chester said to the Canterlot group.

"Guys, meet my newest friends from Canterlot," Timmy began.

"Sunset, my temporary babysitter."

"Hey," Sunset said, waving to the already familiar Chester and AJ.

"My professor of romance, Rarity."

"Charmed." Rarity said.

"My newest friend, Scootaloo."

"What's up." Scootaloo said.

"And my personal trainer, Rainbow."

"What's happening." Rainbow said.

"She's your coach," Chester asked with some disbelief.

"Yeah," Timmy said, "why?". His friends snickered a bit, before laughing like crazy.

"What, dare I say, is amusing?" Rarity asked sternly.

"A girl who's good at sports," Chester said, finding the whole idea ludicrous, "that's hilarious."

"What sport id she teach you," AJ said while clutching his sides, "using makeup?"

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Elmer laughed. Sanjay and Elmer started laughing even more. They were so deep into laughter, they barely noticed Sunset, Rarity, and Rainbow's nasty smirks, Timmy's shut up gesture, and Scootaloo's increasingly red face.

"Guys," Timmy said in a warning tone. Someone let out a loud yell, which caused Timmy's four Dimmsdale friends to stop laughing. Before Chester knew it, he was being tackled to the ground. When Chester came to, he found Scootaloo on top of him, keeping him pinned. AJ backed away nervously as Scootaloo looked at him with a merciless gaze. With another yell, Scootaloo, brought AJ to he knees, arms pinned behind his back.

"Let me go," AJ said painfully, wincing as Scootaloo began twisting his arm and struggling to escape from the purple-haired girl's grasp.

"Say 'girls rule'," Scootaloo grunted.

"Girls rule," AJ squealed in pain.

"Now say 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm'!"

"Old MacDonald Had a Farm," AJ said in a pleading tone. Scootaloo let AJ go. Scootaloo then turned toward a fearful Elmer and Sanjay with a glare.

"Got a problem with girls, Mt. Zitmore?" Scootaloo yelled after getting into Elmer's face.

"No, sir," Elmer said nervously. Scootaloo got into Sanjay's face. "How about you, Four Eyes?!" Scootaloo roared.

"Not at all," the Indian kid said fearfully.

"That's what I thought," Scootaloo yelled. And then turned to a the crowd of assembled Dimmsdale students, who ran away when she glared at them.

"Scootaloo," Rainbow said in a warning tone of voice. The disappointed tone made Scootaloo feel regret, and she walked back toward her big sister. "What are you supposed to do when someone makes fun of you for being a girl?" Rainbow said.

"Make them acknowledge me as the Supreme Goddess of the planet," Scootaloo said with regret. "Sorry Rainbow."

"Don't worry," Rainbow said, putting a warm hand on Scootaloo's shoulder, "I'll let it slide this once since your my sister."

"Anyways," Chester said, "we should get going." The mixed Canterlot-Dimmsdale group marched into the school, where the ultimate showdown awaited.

Timmy walked onto the grassy field, wearing pink shorts and a pink vest. He was being given some last minute coaching by Rainbow. Rarity was there to provide moral support.

"Now remember, you just have to be in the top ten," Rainbow said, wearing a blue hat, "you just have to-

"Hey Turner," a snide voice said. Timmy saw Tad and Chad approaching him with nasty grins. They both wore lavender shorts and vests.

"Tad and Chad," Timmy said with some contempt in his voice.

"Oh so those are the two numbskulls I've heard about," Rainbow said with a smirk.
The two boys bristled. "How dare you," a female voice said. Two women approached them. Despite being middle-aged, they looked as young as college students. One was a blond haired and Caucasian, while the other was an African American with dark hair. Both women had hair that went down to their backs. They were tall, svelte, and wore designer lavender shorts, sleeveless purple blouses, and had designer sunglasses on.

"Never speak to my son that way," the blond woman said.

"Or mine," the African-American woman said.

"So you're Tad and Chad's moms," Timmy said.

"I'm Terry," Tad's mom said.

"And I'm Cherry," Chad's mom said. "And you must be Timmy Turner. I must say...you are not at all what my son described."

Timmy frowned. "Really?"

"Yes, you're even more unimpressive than i imagined," Tad's mom uttered. Tad and Chad and their moms laughed scornfully.

Rainbow bristled at that, especially when Timmy frowned defensively. "Hey don't talk to him like that!" Rainbow yelled.

Terry sneered at Rainbow with her sunglasses. "I'm sorry, I don't consort with the filth of society." Rainbow was about to throw a punch, but was held back by Rarity. "Rainbow," Rarity said in a scolding tone, "let us deal with them like civilized people. Behave as a proper lady does, with class and dignity, such as I."

"Someone who wears those shoes and those shorts in the same ensemble can't possibly be called proper," Cherry snarked.

Rarity frowned at the affront to her honor."Excuse me," Rarity said in an outraged tone.

"But by that way your hair is styled," Terry said with a smirk, ," you look as if someone glued a rag to your head."

Rarity began shaking at the insult to her hair. "Oh. It. Is. On." Rarity balled her fist, but was stopped by a whistle.

"If you want to fight," a flamboyant voice announced, "please do it on the track."

"Mr. Bickles," Timmy said in confusion. His effeminate drama teacher was wearing a black and white coach uniform, along with his usual red beret and scarf.

"Please let us not bring unnecessary drama," the man said, acting as if he was on stage, "and escalate this situation into tragedy." Tad and Chad, along with their moms, walked away with a shrug, but not before giving one last smug look at Timmy.

"That guy is the track coach," Rainbow said with disbelief.

"Why are you the coach?" Timmy said.

"Well," the man said jovially, "it has always been my dream to coach track."

"Really?" Timmy asked the man.

"Well that and budget cuts," the man said. "Union cowards," Mr. Bickles muttered angrily under his breath. "Just get into position," the man said, his smile returning on his face. "The games are about to begin."

"I guess this is where we leave you," Rainbow said.

"Good luck Timmy," Rarity said, "and swear that you will avenge my honor."

"I will," Timmy said. When they were gone, he took a deep breath, and steeled himself to his task.

Timmy stood assembled along with his competitors on the running track. They all looked at each other with deep suspicion, except for Chad and Tad, who looked smug. Timmy felt a mixture of fear and resolve. The fear grew when he looked at Trixie, who didn't look at him with any sympathy, and the large crowd of boys and girls cheering for Tad and Chad. But his resolve grew when he looked at his fairies, disguised as water bottles, his Dimmsdale friends, and his Canterlot friends. When he looked at Sunset, and her pretty smile, he felt something...weird. It wasn't a crush. It was...a feeling he got when he looked at Cosmo and Wanda, and his parents...sometimes.

He knew that Sunset would just...be there for him.

"Eleven of you have assembled," Mr. Bickles said, "but there are only ten spots. You all have to run three laps. First person to cross will be made captain. Last person can't join. On the count of three. 1...2...3!" Bickles fired a flare into the sky, and everyone started running.

Everyone began cheering at shouting encouragements. Timmy's support group frowned when they saw after two laps, Timmy was still in last place, while Tad and Chad were in first place.

"Timmy's going, really slow," Elmer said with some disappointment.

"Yeah," Sunset commented, until he noticed Rainbow and Scootaloo looking at with him with satisfied smiles. "Is this part of some plan?" Sunset asked Rainbow with a serious look.

"You'll see," Rainbow said with a wicked smile. Sunset looked at them in confusion, but sat back and paid attention to Timmy.

As the second lap ended, Timmy saw himself in last place. Instead of being annoyed he smiled. He still felt like he had energy, while everyone looked tired.

He imagined Scootaloo stealing his hat away. The rage and anger did the trick. He soon began to speed up, and using his saved energy, and soon began surpassing everyone.

"It appears Timmy Turner is begin to overtake everyone," the announcer said. "He's gone from 11th, to tenth. Now he's going ninth. Eight. Seventh."

Everyone in Timmy's support group felt their jaws drop in shock and amazement.

"How's he doing that?" Chester wondered with amazement as his best friend began overtaking everyone.

"Oh I see," AJ said with a knowing smile, "he's began conserving his ATP while others exhausted it in the opening part of the race."

He saw everyone giving him a blank stare, not understanding his technobabble.

"You mean, slow and steady wins the race," Sunset asked the bald boy.

"Pretty much," AJ said with shrug. Everyone turned and saw Timmy was overtaking more and more of the competitors.

"Timmy's now in sixth....," the announcer bellowed, "now he's fifth. Now he's forth..Now he's third! He's gaining on Chad and Tad"

Trixie Tang watched Timmy moved with shock and amazement. And maybe a little bit of admiration toward the buck-toothed boy.

"Come on Timmy!" Rainbow gushed.

"You can do it!" Scootaloo chirped.

Sunset, lost in the excitement as Timmy appeared to be winning the race suddenly jumped up and started cheering Timmy on.

"COME ON TIMMY!" Sunset shouted enthusiastically. "I believe in you!" Soon he was followed by Timmy's Dimmsdale friends, who began letting out their own cheers.

Timmy smiled. He was only a few feet behind Tad and Chad. His face was red, and knees burned, but seeing his friends, especially Sunset, cheering him on.

This was it. He was gaining on them. He might not only get to join the team, he might even become team-

He felt something slam into his ankle, and suddenly collapsed to the ground, his face painfully hitting the track, as did his fellow competitors.

One of the kids, a fat kid, fell onto Timmy's leg, crushing his ankle.

"Ahh," Timmy said, letting out a grunt of pain.

Silence fell over the whole audience in the bleachers, as they watched all the kids collapsed.

Tad and Chad were the first boys to reach the finish line with smug smiles. The other boys got up, while Timmy struggled to get up.

"Timmy what's wrong?" Wanda asked Timmy, who was gritting his teeth in agony.

"My ankle," Timmy whined, growling in what was obvious pai. Even "I wish it was better."

Cosmo and Wanda raised their wands, only to be met with the raspberry noise.


"Sorry, sport, we can't help you in the competition," Cosmo said with disdain.

Timmy tried running, but he was in so much pain. The other boys were able to get ahead of him. Still he struggled to run.

Everyone in Timmy's cheering section watched this with no small amount of disappoinment. "Timmy got last," Scootaloo said with disbelief.

"Look at him," AJ said with concern, "I think he's hurt." The word 'hurt' caused Sunset to jump up, and she ran down the bleachers when she saw Timmy collapsing onto the ground.

"Timmy," Wanda asked with concern.

"Are you OK," Cosmo said.

"No," Timmy said, in the verge of tears from the pain and the shame of being in dead last. His sorrow faded a bit when he saw Sunset running toward him.

"Timmy," Sunset said, scooping the ten year old into a hug, "are you OK? What happened?"

"What happened?" Mr. Bickles said, apporaching the boy and Sunset with concern in his voice.

"I don't know", Timmy said, his voice revealing he was in pain, "something tripped us."

"Well sorry Turner," Tad gloated with a mean grin.

"See you next fall," Chad said. Sunset turned to glare at the two brats, when her eyes suddenly widened as she had an epiphany.

"Did you say something tripped you?" Sunset asked with a fierce gaze.

"Yeah," Timmy said. Sunset got up, and began investigating the track. For some reason, Tad and Chad looked shocked and when she began examining the area where all the kids tripped.

"Wait," Tad said to Sunset.

Sunset turned to face the popular boy. "Yeah," Sunset said, a stern expression on her face.

"You're not gonna find anything there," Chad claimed. Sunset's suspicion grew."Really," Sunset said, a glare on her face. Mr.

Bickles himself grew suspicious too. "How would you two know?"

"Uh," Chad said, "we'll pay you to...leave." Sunset became even more determined than ever. In the dirt path, she found a massive rope that, due to its color, was hidden from site in the dirt. She pulled, and saw it extended across the track, to some flimsy cabin in the distance. Everyone in the room was shocked at the discovery. With a massive tug, Sunset brought the walls of the cabin down, revealing a very tall man in pink clothing.

"Hey," Timmy said angrily, "that's Tad and Chad's bodyguard!" The two chuckled nervously as everyone turned to glare at them. Sunset, who ran back to Timmy and pulled him into a hug, gave them a look that could kill.

Other people were glaring at the bodyguard, who looked utterly embarassed. "What," he said defensively, "I'm just making a living."

Mr. Bickles stormed up to the two popular kids with a cold, angry expression."So you two decided to cheat," the man said in a stern tone that lacked its usual flamboyance.

"Mr. Bickles," Tad said feebly.

"Who are you gonna believe," Chad, "some poor kid or-,"

"Not only that," the man said, "but you injured one of your classmates."


"Tad, Chad. I have no choice but to-," Mr. Bickles paused as he found a sack of money being shoved into his face.

"Surely a...donation to the track team can help to make amends," Terry said with a wicked smile on her face, waving the bag of currency in his face.

"You think I'm gonna sell out for a sack of money," Mr. Bickles said, looking at the woman with an unimpressed expression.

Sunset smiled proudly at the man for keeping his integrity.

"How about two sacks of money," Cherry said, offering her own.

"Deal," Mr. Bickles said, happily taking the "donation". "Tad and Chad are our new track captains." Timmy looked dismayed, while Sunset, Rarity, Scootaloo, Rainbow, Chester, AJ, and Sanjay, and Elmer looked outraged.

"Come on," Scootaloo said, walking up to the other track runners with a glare, "you guys aren't gonna let those jerks get away with it are you?!"

They all looked uneasy. "Well," one of them with a green shirt stammered.

"Uh," Tad began, "Party at my house tonight to celebrate."

"Everyone except Turner and his dweebs are invited," Chad said.

"Tad and Chad are the greatest," the green-shirted boy declared.

"What?" an outrage Scootaloo declared. "But they-,"

The other competitors began cheering "Tad and Chad". Sunset, Rarity and Rainbow began looking at everyone, except Timmy's friends, with outrage and disgust, especially as the rich brats started being carried by other competitors and lifted into the air.

Sunset especially glared at the two brats with a fury she never felt before, and the red beret man for accepting a bribe. Timmy didn't say anything but looked utterly...broken. Sunset's anger faded and was replaced by sympathy. She ignored those idiots, her attention directed to the boy who needed it.

Trixie, from her bleacher, found herself looking at Tad and Chad with disgust, and looking at Timmy, injured and defeated, with pity.

"Trixie, are you coming," Veronica said. Trixie ignored her gal pal, unable to stop the feeling of sorrow for the buck tooth boy. She finally could justify leaving when she saw Timmy getting a hug from his new babysitter, and his other friends going in to comfort him. She was glad someone was.

And yet, she still felt dirty going to a party with Tad and Chad.

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