• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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All Your Wishes And More (Rewrite)

Sunset felt herself come to slowly. Her eyelids felt as heavy as bricks. She strained to open them. After a moment, she finally got a good look at her surroundings.

She was in some kind of glass...compartment. She felt it being bobbed up and down. The sides were covered up with something that blocked the light, while the bottom was not, allowing letting her see below was some grassy ground. The fact that the ground kept shifting showed it was moving.

There was a faint reflection in the glass. One Sunset cleared her vision enough, she could see what it was.

In it was some worm....creature that was red on one side of its body, and yellow on the other side. On its head was red and yellow locks that fell over to the side.

For some reason, it wore a leather jacket.

"What are you?" Sunset asked. To her confusion, the lips of the creature followed her own speech. Sunset tried to rub her eyes to get a better view.

Only to not be able to feel her arms.

"What's going-,"

With a growing sense of horror, Sunset realized her arms and legs were gone and she was lying on her belly. She looked into the mirror again and let out a blood-curdling shriek.


"Oh, you're awake." Wherever she was being lifted. She looked up, and saw some metal roofing in the compartment she was in. The darkness faded, revealing two large hands at the sides.

Sunset eventually found herself eye level with a familiar looking bucktoothed face.

"T-timmy," Sunset said with a fearful quiver. The boy, normally much shorter than her, was now much bigger than her. Heck, his head was now much bigger than her entire body.

"Hey demon," the boy said with a nasty smile, "how's it going?" To her growing horror, Sunset realized she was being carried inside some glass jar. And she was in the middle of some kind of forest.

"Timmy," Sunset asked with growing fear, "what did you do to me?"

"Well, since you treated everyone like a worm," Timmy said with a chilly nonchalance that scared Sunset more than his tantrums, "I figured you should become a worm."

"Timmy," Sunset pleaded, "I'm not that kind of person anymore. I swear, I'm in a much better place."

"Of course you are," Timmy said with a voice that brimmed with disbelief.

"I am," Sunset insisted with desperation, "Just talk to my friends-,"

"You mean all those people you brainwashed," Timmy said with a growing edge in his voice.

"I haven't brainwashed anyone since-,"

"I know all about your scheme. How you brainwashed everyone into being your slave, and then used your demon powers to make everyone like me. All to get my magic once you had me under your control."

Sunset looked at Timmy with disbelief. "Timmy I didn't brainwash anyone into liking you," Sunset said with some frustration, "I know what your thinking. You think I must be like Vicky-,"

"How do you know about Vicky?" Timmy asked in a quiet tone. "Oh, so you were spying on me too?" Timmy concluded with narrowed eyes.

Sunset felt like an idiot, having revealed what she didn't want to reveal to Timmy. "Yes," Sunset said with some shame, "I did spy on you. I know how that and everything else looks, but I swear was trying to protect you from the Stone's power."

"The only protection I need is from your evil demon powers."

"Timmy, I'm not a demon anymore," Sunset pleaded. "I'm not forcing anyone into liking you."

"Sure, sure."

"Timmy, my friends and I care-,"

"SHUT UP!" Timmy bellowed. "Or I'll squish you!"

Sunset closed her mouth. The corruptive power of the Stone was already making him defensive and paranoid. The pony-turned-human-turned worm realized that opening her mouth and challenging his neurotic beliefs would exacerbate the situation and destroy what little mercy he apparently had.

"Where are you taking me?" Sunset simply asked with some trepidation.

"Everfree State Forest," Timmy hissed, staring down at the transformed girl. "Like it? It's your new home from now on."

"What?" Sunset said with a whimper. Timmy opened the jar and poured Sunset on the ground.

"We're in the middle of it," Timmy said with a mean smile, "away from any of the nature trails, where no tourist can ever find you."

"Timmy please," Sunset pleaded, trying to get Timmy to listen. "I'm not evil anymore! Just ask everyone in Canterlot. They'll explain-"

"Sorry, demon, I freed everyone from the evil spell you put them under!" Timmy said with a frown.

Sunset's face twisted into disbelief. "Evil spell?"

"You were a mean bully," Timmy pointed out. "Why else would anyone like you unless you brainwashed-"

"Timmy, everyone likes me because-,"

"But with a wish, I made sure everyone remembers what an evil demon and bully you are."

Sunset felt her mind slow down as the situation sank in. "You're the reason why everyone at school hated me?" Sunset asked with horrified dismay.

Timmy looked proud of his 'heroism'. "Yeah, didn't expect anyone to get rid of your evil spell."

"Timmy," Sunset complained, "I didn't put a spell on-,"

"Sorry demon, I know how much of a liar you are." Timmy said coolly. "Nothing you say...really matters to me."

"Timmy please, please," Sunset said, almost on the verge of tears. "I'm not a monster anymore. I'm sorry for spying on you but-,"

"I wish I had some apples." Suddenly hundreds of apples materialized in front of Sunset. "Don't worry, Demon. Unlike you, I'm nice enough to make sure your new home at least has plenty of food."

"Timmy PLEASE!" The boy just walked away with an expression that indicated that Sunset wasn't worth his time and energy. Sunset continued to let out more pleas, before collapsing to the ground in tears.

Out of stress, she took a bite of the apple.

"Actually," Sunset said, with bits of the fruit in her mouth, "these do taste better when you're a worm." She then resumed her crying.

Timmy walked away, continuing to ignore the demon's whining. Timmy knew it was just part of her plan to brainwash him. He may get bad grades, but he would never be that dumb enough to trust that lying fiend.

"I wish we could go back to the Muses," Timmy commanded his fairies once he walked far enough away from the demon to not be able to hear her fake tears. Wanda and Cosmo, disguised as a compass and an army knife respectively, raised their wands. Wanda's face also carried the same angry resolve as her godson as she raised her wand.

Cosmo's face was also stern. Yet he couldn't help but spare one last reluctant glance and worried frown at Sunset's direction before he and his family poofed away.

Aria and Sonata watched with great anxiety as Adagio looked at the ancient tomes they had kept, trying to figure out what was wrong with their gems.

"I've come to one inescapable conclusion," Adagio said after ten minutes, pushing the book aside and looking at her sisters with a serious frown.

"What is it?" Aria asked.

"It appears our gems have been locked out of the Equestrian Flow System," Adagio gravely.

Aria's jaw dropped in horror. "You can't be serious." Aria said with disbelief.

"It can't be," Sonata whined, "it shouldn't be." Sonata then smiled oblivious. "What is it?"

"You weren't paying any attention in class were you," Aria groaned. Adagio said nothing but let an annoyed frown form on her face.

"Nope," Sonata chirped. "And those classes were, like, a thousand years ago."

"OK, Sonata," Adagio said. "We'll give you an explanation."

"From the mightiest alicorn to the lowliest cow," Aria began, "every being in Equestria has some kind of magical ability. The Equestrian Flow System is the magical network that unites all creatures and from where all magical energies were drawn. From the weather power of pegasi, to Celestia raising the sun, to Zebrican shamans, all creatures benefit from the System in one way or another."

"So what is happening with our gems?" Sonata asked.

"The Elements of Harmony are often mocked as some 'friendship cannon' that turns everything nice," Adagio said with a wry grin. "What the Elements actually do is simply banish and neutralize dark magic. That's why it destroyed our gems. But its other power is that it disables a creature's connection with magic by locking them out of the Flow System."

"So, why can't we power our gems?" Sonata said, still not understanding, but concerned.

"Because our ability to feed on negative energy depends on being able to draw from the Flow System," Aria continued. "And we've not just been depowered. We've been...kicked out of Equestrian magic."

Sonata's draw dropped in horror. She understood the gravity of the situation. "But, but how is that possible," Sonata said with a squeal. "We've been gone from Equestria for, like, a thousand years. And we've been able to feed a little bit."

"Because our connection to Equestria wasn't completely severed," Adagio said with a wise smile. "That bearded goon separated us from our home, but considering that the annoying princess was able to show up, and Sunset Shimmer was able to find her way to this world, it means there were still connections to Equestria. Heck we could've potentially have used them to go home." Adagio and her sisters frowned a little at that missed opportunity.

Aria's mind fell into serious thought. "So wait. Why don't we just go back to Equestria-,"

"That won't work," Adagio interrupted. "Like I said, we can't draw power from Equestrian magic anymore. Even if we showed up in Equestria, or tried to go after the remaining Rainbrats, we couldn't really feed of any negative energy from an Equestrian creature, because the gems aren't part of Equestrian magic anymore". "Going back to Equestria won't automatically fix that."

Sonata looked even more horrified at that. Aria looked increasingly agitated. "Our ability to harvest has been shut down for good?" Aria asked with horror.

"Well, not completely," Adagio said, tapping her gem. It glowed for a short second. "By my estimate, we can still create chaos and get some negative human energy, but not to the extent we were doing these past few centuries. We could potentially charm some poor sap, but only for a few moments. Unfortunately, we'd consume that energy at a much more rapid pace than we could collect it without baseline Equestrian magic powering it."

"So we're getting less magic than we did before we stepped foot into CHS?!" Aria asked with growing anger. "I can't believe this! We thought we were back to square one, but we're in an even worse position than that!"

"Well, we can't feed on Equestrian magic specifically," Adagio pointed out. "However, we could potentially feed on the magic of those two fairies."

"So wait," Aria said, "in order for us to regain our power, we would need their magic to do it?"

"Yes," Adagio said with a frown.

"But how can we," Aria commented with some fear. "Those fairies look stronger than the Rainbooms, and our song is weaker than ever."

"I'd go so far as to say that those two could potentially be as strong as Celestia herself."

Sonata and Aria's jaws dropped in that. "Strong as Celestia?" Aria asked with disbelief. "You're telling me those two...midgets are as strong as that busybody princess?"

Adagio couldn't blame her sisters for being dumbfounded.

Back in Equestria, even the most lowly creature was aware Celestia's power and presence. She was able to command the sun and later the moon when her sister was banished, and she wielded that power with a dignity and grace even her greatest enemies couldn't truly deny.

Even in the Kingdom of Sirenia, a land that got its energy from volcanic vents and didn't need Celestia's sun, the mere mention of Celestia's name could make any siren feel a mixture of respect, admiration, and fear.

The Dazzlings themselves understood this. Despite their power and skill, they estimated it would take plunging all of Equestria into chaos and strife in order to get the power they needed to challenge the pony princess.

That's why Adagio chose to attack isolated pony villages first. In the aftermath of Luna's banishment, Celestia was too weak, both physically and emotionally, to put up a real fight or focus her energies on some hick towns. But before they could even gain a fraction of that power, the bearded cretin and his goons sent them packing.

"Think about it Aria," Adagio explained. "Those fairies have the power to fix the damage Harmony did to our gems and voices. The fact that they could repair our pendants and give us our voices back, even in this weakened state, is nothing short of a miracle. Heck, they were able to upend a sewage line, send a giant meteor crashing onto that truck, teleport, and make objects materialize out of thin air." A troubled thought formed on her face. "And they can do this with the ease even an alicorn could struggle with."

"But they're....they're dwarfs!" Aria protested.

"Aria, you know that looks can be deceiving," Adagio said with a smug grin. "The reason we've been able to slip under the radar is because no one would expect pretty ladies like us to be capable of anything."

Aria rolled her eyes, used to her sister's self-serving vanity. "Could they actually beat Celestia in a fight?" Aria thought with wonder.

"I'm not sure," Adagio admitted. "They certainly have a lot of raw power, but that doesn't mean you automatically win. Despite our power, those wizards were able to defeat us by tricking us into going to that portal." She let out a thoughtful frown. "While Cosmo and Wanda are powerful enough to fix our gems, they don't seem to be able to get us back into the Equestrian Flow System."

"Why not?" Sonata asked them.

"Starswirl's Theory of Magical Systems," Adagio said, gesturing to a page. Her two sisters snorted at the mention of that alicorn lackey. Not that she could blame them, but a future leader such as herself swallowed her pride enough to study the strategies of her opponents. "Two systems can't interfere with one another. Cosmo and Wanda may be strong, but they don't have the ability to tamper with the Flow System."

"But they could battle Celestia and even win?" Aria pressed Adagio. The orange-haired siren nodded.

"So you're telling me that," Aria began, " that there is a whole of world of those...things rhat have the power to overcome alicorns." Aria clenched her fists in a jealous rage. "And they waste that power on...babysitting a bunch of human brats instead of ruling this horrible place?"

"I know Aria," Adagio said with a growl.

These creatures had the combined potential to rule this human scum world several times over. It was meant for lesser creatures to be ruled over by the mighty, after all. But instead they gave their power to human children, and their limited little brains.

"These creatures should be lording over the human scum, not coddling them." A nasty grin appeared on their face. "But what you do you expect. The oh-so creative name for their homeland, Fairy World, proves they lack the imagination." Adagio's face became one of resolve. "But perhaps it is up to us to take up their power and put it to....proper use."

A hopeful smile appeared on Aria's face, but then became a frown. "If they're stronger than Celestia, how can we get them under our spell?" Aria asked with anger. "Again, if those Rainbrats could resist us, then those fairies are head and shoulders above them in raw strength." Aria thought for a moment. "Maybe we can have Beaver Boy wish for our power back."

"That's not going to work," Adagio pointed out. "We need negative energy to power our gems."

"Oh Oh," Sonata said, waving her hand like an excited child in class. "Oh, Oh, Oh."

"Sonata we're not in a classroom," Adagio expressed. The girl kept up this routine. Adagio face-palmed and sighed. "OK Sonata, what is your idea?"

"Why don't we just brainwash Timmy-Wimmy?" Sonata offered helpfully. "We still have some of our magic. Maybe we can get him to grant us wishes." Aria's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Sonata actually having a good idea," Aria commented, as if the very concept violated the laws of physics. "I suppose there's a first time for everything." A twisted smile formed on her face. "Why don't we sing that twerp a lullaby-,"

"Are you two completely out of it!?" Adagio asked her younger sisters with some frustration. "Our magic is weaker than it was before. If we tried to brainwash the boy, those fairies could stop us before we could do anything." Her stare became even more severe. "And what did the pink fairy say she'll do if she catches someone threatening her precious godchild?"

Aria and Sonata's went pale at the thought. "Fire a bazooka at us," Sonata said with a squeak.

"Yes. And what do you think the boy will do to us? He destroyed the truck of those idiots after they humiliated him." Adagio rose from her chair to look her sisters in the eyes. "Remember, we're not dealing with soft ponies who want to us to be their friends, or those Rainbrats who took up the pony cause. The boy is human: weak in body and brain, but as prone to violence as the rest of them. And those fairies seem to share that. If we do anything to make that boy even slightly angry, we won't be getting an offer of friendship and a second chance. At best, he'll take away our voices. At worst, he'll order those fairies to drop a space rock on us."

Aria and Sonata shuddered at the very thought. After centuries in this world, the two had gained a healthy understanding of humanity's capacity for violence. It was one of the few things Adagio liked about humanity: unlike cutesy ponies, they had the strength of character to ditch morality and do what needed to be done.

"So what do we do?" Aria asked Adagio with some fear in her voice. Adagio crossed her arms, struggling to come up with a plan. "Maybe we should just....go back to her." Adagio felt her hackles rise, while Sonata looked downcast at the very idea.

"NO!" Adagio bellowed, grabbing Aria by her hoodie and into her face. "We're not going back to her. We don't talk about her. We don't mention her. Her does not exist! Got it."

"OK," Aria said a little fearfully. Adagio released her sister. "Then what are we gonna do?"

"Nothing," Adagio said with a smile. "Those fairies and the Turner boy owe us for our 'heroism'. For now, we can just milk that for all its worth, and have them grant us our hearts' desire."

"That doesn't sound to bad," Aria said with a satisfied smile.

"You mean," Sonata said with excitement, "I can get all the tacos I want."

"Yes Sonata dear," Adagio said with a happy smile, "all that and so much else." A sly grin formed on the elder siren's mouth. "But in case the boy get's second thoughts." Adagio reached into her drawer, and pulled something out, "I've got something to...push him in the proper direction."

A few minutes after discussion, a knock on the door was heard.

"Who's there," Adagio asked.

"Me," Timmy's voice said.

"Me who," Sonata said.

"Sonata, just open the door," Adagio ordered with a frown. Sonata skipped to the front door and opened it. Timmy walked in with a proud smile. As soon the door was shut, Cosmo and Wanda appeared before them with proud expressions. The latter seemed nervous for some reason.

"Did you take care of Sunset?" Adagio asked the group of three.

"Sunset's now a worm," Timmy said happily, "and trapped in Everfree, where she can't hurt anyone ever again."

"And Canterlot High?"

"Freed from her evil grasp," Wanda said with a smile.

The Dazzlings all smiled. "Timmy you're such a good little boy," Adagio said, patting him on the head. Adagio suppressed a grin as the boy looked at her with joy, as did the fairies. "No you're a hero Timmy."

"Thanks Adagio," Timmy said with a bashful smile. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?" The Dazzlings suppressed another smirk.

"You don't have to," Adagio said, pretending to be humble, "We're just...happy to help."

"Oh please," Wanda said. "The girls who saved my godchild deserve more."

"Well," Aria said with a hungry voice, "you guys can do everything, right?"

"Well, not everything," Wanda said with a small frown. "All wishes have to follow Da Rules."

"Da Rules?" Adagio asked them. "What are-," a giant purple book was poofed in front of them. Its title, written in gold, was "Da Rules".

"These are the rules all fairies have to follow," Cosmo pointed.

"This book looks...big," Adagio uttered, marveling at the massive book. It looked like an old tome from ancient times. She opened it, and was bit horrified to find so many rules.

"No murder, no interfering in true love, no wishing up money, no cheating in a competition," Adagio read.

"No breakfast wishes after 10:30," Aria said with some confusion. She read something that made Aria looked up in frustration. "You can't cure disease? Why?"

"Ever heard of the superbug," Cosmo asked them.

"Yes." Adagio said.

"Now imagine a superbug resistant to all magic." Wanda said.

"And that's how you get the Black Death and Spanish Flu," Cosmo finished cheerfully. The Dazzlings shuddered at that.

"These rules seem...a tad unfair," Adagio said, a bit peeved at all the restrictions, "and there are so many."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Timmy said with some contempt.

"Don't worry about it," Wanda said.

"We teach you what you can't do," Cosmo said, "in song."

"No thanks," Adagio said, "that's our thing-."

The two poofed up some musical instruments and began playing some jazzy tune.

Note: This song is intended as a parody of "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music and should be sung in that tune.


Murder and terror and violence and maiming,


Theft and malice and dress clothes staining

Cosmo and Wanda in unison

Assault, and death, and setting people flame

You cannot wish for any of these things.

Timmy Turner

The love of my life who is quite purty

Breakfast wishes after ten thirty

Free tickets for my favorite game

I cannot wish for any of things,

Adagio Dazzle

So many rules

Aria Blaze

So uncool

Sonata Dusk

So unfair

The Dazzlings Together

Whoever wrote all these rules,

Is one big square

Timmy Turner

Yeah, I know the rules can be really lame,

It can seem tricky to make any claim

Cosmo and Wanda

But don't fret you musical dames,

You can still wish for some wondrous things.

Adagio Dazzle

A new outfit,

Aria Blaze

New weights to lift,

Sonata Dusk

New tacos to be had.

(Cosmo and Wanda wish that stuff up for the Dazzlings, to their happy surprise)

The Dazzlings Together

We got what we wanted,

I guess this isn't so bad.

(The three looked at each other with mischievous smirks)

The Dazzlings Together

How about a stretch limo with leather seats,

A brand new mansion with a pool that heats,

Luxury outfits for the spring,

Can we wish any of these things?

(Cosmo and Wanda grant their wishes. Their used SUV becomes a limo, their apartment becomes a large mansion with a pool, a yard, and a fountain in the shape of the three sisters, and their dime store clothes become designer clothes).

Timmy Turner

So how great is magic and wishing

Cosmo and Wanda

All that you want, that your hearts are missing,

The Dazzlings Together

Luxury, comfort, and bling

These are some of our favorite things.

"So what do you guys think?" Timmy asked them.

"Wonderful," Adagio simply said to Timmy, still marveling at the luxury before her. Adagio looked to her sisters with a wry smile, silently communicating her plan. "Thank you so much," Adagio said, putting on a pretension of gratitude. A grin grew almost manic. "In fact, I have a present for you."

Timmy looked excited. "Really? What is it?"

"A child as noble as you is deserving of something so powerful," Adagio said. Her two sisters barely suppressed a grin.

"And you two have raised a boy who is so pure," Adagio said with a warm smile, "you should be proud." Cosmo and Wanda smiled warmly at that as well.

"For your bravery," Adagio said, reaching into her purse, "you have earned this."


Adagio pulled out a bronze medallion with a chain necklace. It had a sea horse insignia on it.

"Ooh," Timmy said happily.

"Someone...special gave it to me," Adagio said with kindness in her voice. "It is meant for those who are...pure of heart." Timmy proudly bent his head and let Adagio put it around his head. Cosmo and Wanda looked pleased as well.

After one last goodbye. Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy poofed home, leaving the sirens to revel in their acting skills.

"Pure of heart," Aria parroted playfully to Adagio with a snicker, "that's so...lame." Sonata also started chuckling.

"I got it from one of these dumb cartoons," Adagio said under her breath. "where the hero gets everything just by being a goody toe-shoes."

"You actually sounded like Princess Sunbutt for a minute," Aria pointed out with a grin. "And they bought it." Aria's amusement was replaced with a severe expression. "Are you sure those fairies won't see anything?"

"Again, the Medallion of Manipulation doesn't release or absorb negative energy," Adagio said with a confident smile. "It manipulates the psychic energy within the brain of the wearer. That's what makes it so effective. There is no magical residue to trace." Feeling assured, Sonata and Aria began exploring their newfound luxury.

"A fridge full of tacos," Sonata said with cheer.

"My own personal gym," Aria said with glee.

Adagio said nothing, settling for a nice sit on her brand new leather couch. She decided to turn on her new wide screen TV and veg out. Aria began using the barbells to work out, while Sonata excitedly began cooking tacos.

Adagio and her sisters were the happiest they'd been in months. No more working hand to mouth. No more clipping coupons. They were living the high life now

And they were going make sure they kept it, by making sure the boy would forever remain under their thumb.

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