• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,117 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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I Feel As If The Sun, the Moon, and Stars Have Fallen On Me

Author's Note:

As of this chapter, my rewriting and republishing session has come to an end.

While I will still go back and edit chapters from time to time, I feel I've done enough rewrites and republishing to bring the story to the level I feel it deserves to be.

From this point forward, I will focus on finishing the story.

A lot of people have commented on how "dark" the story has been for the past few chapters.

I agree that I've taken the story into a dramatic direction that canon FOP and EG probably wouldn't. Out of fairness, I've decided to add a "Drama" tag.

But I disagree that I've written anything that could be considered "grimdark". FOP and EG have had their share of dark and sad moments. Crocker threatening Timmy's parents and Midnight Sparkle are just two examples.

In the rewrites, I did take out some of the darker stuff, but because I felt those parts were detrimental to the authenticity I've been striving for.

I don't intend to reverse course on the dramatic shift the story has gone. Especially since the confrontation that many have dreaded since the story began is upon us, and the next few chapters, while not completely devoid of comedy, will be exploring that and the fallout of all that's happened.

If those things aren't your a cup of tea, than don't read.

Timmy didn't know how much time had passed. Maybe a minute, maybe an hour. He was so broken, he couldn't care about the time. His world, in his own mind, had crumbled into dust. He continued to lie on the ground, crying his eyes out and moaning in pained agony.

He was so forlorn, he didn't notice the sound of a car engine that got closer and closer.

A white car pulled up in front of the luxurious mansion. Out of the car stepped Vinyl with her usual relaxed smile and Scootaloo who wore a determined grin.

"I know Rainbow is here," Scootaloo said to Vinyl while idly glancing at her phone. The two frowned as they heard what they thought was a pained wail. They followed the sound to the lawn, when they saw something that made their hearts sink.

Vinyl and Scootaloo both had seen Timmy upset. The blue-haired teenager had seen the buck-toothed boy looking downcast after being bullied by that redheaded jerk. The purple-haired elementary student had seen Timmy looking defeated after he was cheated by those rich snobs. But all that was nothing compared to the ball of sorrow and despair before them. Timmy laid curled up into a fetal position, his face buried into the grass, weeping violently and loudly.

"Timmy," Scootaloo gasped in sympathy. She and Vinyl ran over to the crying boy. "Timmy?" Scootaloo asked, "what happened? Are you hurt? Where's your hat?" Timmy continued wailing. Either he was ignoring the two, or he was too lost in grief to notice them. "Timmy what-," Scootaloo felt Vinyl tap her on the shoulder. Scootaloo looked up. The blue-haired girl pointed with her thumb somewhere with a grim frown on her face toward a more horrific sight.

Her older sister and her friends trapped in some kind of stone.

"RAINBOW!" Scootaloo ran over to her friends. They were effectively trapped in stone, expressions of horror embedded into the concrete, except Pinkie Pie who still looked bubbly. "Rainbow."
Scootaloo broke from her sorrow, a determined expression on her face. "Don't worry Rainbow," the purple-haired girl declared, "I'll save you!" She reached into her backpack and pulled out her secret weapon.

"GO BRICK OF RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE! FREE RAINBOW AND HER FRIENDS! HYAHH!" Scootaloo threw the brick toward her friends hoping it would shatter the concrete.

Only for the brick to tumble harmlessly to the ground, not even touching the grass near where they were.

Scootaloo looked at Vinyl sheepishly and let out a nervous chuckle. The blue-haired girl rolled her eyes and walked over to her car. She then drove it onto the lawn right in front of them.

Scootaloo watched with awe as the giant sound system emerged from Vinyl's car. "That gets cooler every time I see it," Scootaloo said with gleaming eyes. Suddenly, a massive booming noise emerged from the speakers.

Scootaloo frowned with some annoyance. "How is music-," Scootaloo paused as cracks formed in the concrete. Slowly, but surely, the vibrations generated by the sonic wave tore apart the rock trapping her sister and her friends. Finally, the grey mass crumbled into dust, releasing a small haze. Scootaloo heard a coughing noise from inside the small cloud that formed.

To her immense relief, her sisters and her friends were freed, albeit still coughing out dust and trapped in some net. The dust didn't detract from their euphoria.

"Thank goodness that's over," Fluttershy moaned. "It was so...dark." She let out a whimper.

"Rainbow," Scootaloo chirped as she ran over to the Rainbooms. Vinyl ran over as well, brandishing a large knife that she used to cut through the net.

"Scootaloo?" Rainbow asked aloud. "What are you doing here?"

Scootaloo flinched at the hidden anger in her sister's eyes, but pressed on. "I know you told me not to help...but I was afraid something was going to happen to you. So I put a tracking device on you. When I saw that you kept...jumping across places, and than didn't move for like...an hour...I called Vinyl to come find you."

The blue-haired girl paused from her net cutting and smiled proudly.

Applejack looked at her younger sister's friend with a bit of anger. "Are y'all tellin' me you disobeyed us, snuck out of school, and committed illegal surveillance."

Scootaloo's face turned white. "Well-,"

"I am so proud of you, sis," Rainbow gushed as the net was cut off from. "You are 20 percent-"

"Rainbow, why were you guys trapped in a stone?" Scootaloo asked, her mood too serious to appreciate her older sister's praise. She then looked away from her. "And why was Timmy crying?"

The mention of the brown-haired boy broke the Rainbooms of their joy as they remembered what had occurred. They immediately clamored to their feet and looked to where the boy was.

He was no longer crying. But not out of relief or joy. He remained curled into a fetal position, as if all the joy in his life had been drained out of him. Despite what he had done, the sight of Timmy looked so broken was a knife into Sunset's heart. Especially since she knew who was responsible for him going after her friends.

"Timmy..."Sunset said in a soft whisper. The rest of the Rainbooms were horrified by what happened to Timmy. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were on the verge of tears.

"What happened to him...and you?" Scootaloo asked. Vinyl looked at them with a face that was both sad and eager for answers.

A grim frown formed on Sunset's face. "The Dazzlings."

Scootaloo's eyes widened in horror, while Vinyl took her sunglasses off in shock. "What?" Scootaloo exclaimed. "They stole...the Stone from him?!"

"Yeah..."Rainbow uttered, not knowing how to explain what she witnessed.

"They trapped in you in that concrete stuff?!"

"They're the ones who told Timmy about Sunset being a demon," Rainbow muttered in an upset tone. Her voice indicated she was making every effort not to yell in a rage.

"They're the ones who lied and said we we're brainwashed into liking Timmy," Applejack muttered.

"They brainwashed Timmy into turning us into worms and feeding us to birds," Fluttershy exclaimed in a sad tone.

"They took his totally cool pink hat," Pinkie growled.

Each explanation made both Scootaloo and Vinyl progressively more outraged. That, combined with the sight of her new friend and workout buddy lying broken and traumatized, set Scootaloo over the edge.

"Those...those," Scootaloo's face turned red and steam came out of her ears. "MEANIES! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THEM I'M GONNA TEAR THEM LIMB FROM LIMB!" Vinyl didn't yell, but her purple eyes became deep pits of cold rage. She squeezed her sunglasses so hard, they snapped in two.

"Scoootaloo, Vinyl," Twilight said in a soft, but upset tone. "I need you to go wait behind the house. We need to talk to Timmy alone." Both Scootaloo and Vinyl both looked like they wanted to give the brown-haired boy a badly needed hug, but they accepted orders from the Princess of Friendship and walked away, but not before giving one last sympathetic look at the boy.

With enormous trepidation, the Rainbooms slowly approached the down boy.

Princess Twilight decided to bring the brown-haired boy out of his trance. "Timmy, what happened? Who were those-"Timmy suddenly jumped up from his trance and glared at the Princess of Friendship.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE THAT!?" Timmy's eyes were red hot and furious, yet bloodshot from all the crying.

The Princess was stunned by the brown-haired boy's sudden rage. No one had ever yelled at her like that. "Have what?"


Princess Twilight blinked, but her eyes widened as she realized how that looked.

"Timmy," Princess Twilight, uncomfortable and unused to any creature looking at her with such fury and suspicion. "I-,"

"Why did all of you grow wings and ears and stuff?" Timmy asked again, his rage giving way to sadness and fear.

"Timmy-," Sunset began. To her growing sorrow, the boy fearfully backed away from her.

"Why were you a demon?" Timmy asked her in a soft, broken voice.

"Timmy," Sunset began, "I made a mistake-,"

"You think humiliating some girl for a crown was a mistake?!" Timmy asked her with some disdain, still backing away. Sunset was stunned. "It wasn't just the demon thing! I saw you..." he paused. "Pretending to be some girl's friend, only to humiliate them."

"Timmy, it was a long time ago. I'm in a much better-,"

"Someone did something like that to me." The Rainbooms looked at Timmy with even more sympathy, while Sunset's face was twisted into shame..

"What it Vicky?" Rainbow asked the brown-haired boy, her sadness replaced with stern anger.

"Oh so you all were spying on me?" Timmy asked them, his voice becoming high with fear. "This gets better and better doesn't it?"

"Timmy," Applejack began.

"Why were you all spying on me?" Timmy demanded with a wheeze, unable to shed any more tears. "Are you all some kind of...magic police?"

"Timmy," Fluttershy pleaded, "please listen..."

"How can I listen." Timmy looked down at the ground with a defeated expression. "I don't even know what you all are."

The last expression stopped them cold. With that, the Rainbooms saw anger, confusion, fear, and mistrust on the boy's face. They realized there was only one way to salvage the situation: the truth.

"OK Timmy," Sunset muttered, "we'll start from the beginning."

Five Minutes Later

"So to put it all together," Rainbow said to Timmy, his face staring at them with what looked like disbelief, "Twilight and Sunset are actually ponies from a pony dimension. Twilight is the Princess of Friendship and Sunset was an evil unicorn supervillain. And..." she rubbed the back of her head uneasily, "the rest of us have magical pony powers."

"I see," Timmy muttered. He then narrowed his eyes. "So what does all that have to do with me?"

"Timmy I know that sounds crazy but-," Rainbow paused and did a double take. "Wait, you believe all that?"


"I grew pony ears out of mah head and ah can hardly believe that," Applejack commented. "I don't see how you-"

"Well, someone who's gone to other dimensions- and even been part of an interdimensional love triangle- can't say that a pony dimension doesn't exist," Timmy said casually.

The disbelief on the Rainbooms' face was incredible. "You've traveled to other dimensions?" Applejack asked in a skeptical voice, her green eyes scrutinizing Timmy.

"I've also been a computer virus, a Norwegian supermodel, and I defeated an alien invasion by eating a bar of chocolate."

The casualness in which Timmy expressed this supposed nonsense left them dumbfounded. "Timmy," Applejack began, "that all sounds-,"

"Crazy?" Timmy asked with an odd smile. "If there's magic around, and something sounds crazy, its probably true." His eyes narrowed. "Is all that any crazier than the stuff you've told me."

A thoughtful silence formed on the faces of the Rainbooms. "I can't really argue with that," Fluttershy muttered.

"So wait," Twilight added with a serious look. "There's magic in this world that isn't...Equestrian?"

"Nope," Timmy said. "In this world, there are all kinds of magical creatures."

"Well, who are....Cosmo and Wanda?" Princess Twilight asked him. "And what are...they?"

"Fairy Godparents," Timmy said.

"So they're the ones who have been granting you all these wishes?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," Timmy said with an uncomfortable expression.

Sunset's mouth was twisted into an annoyed frown. "I spent months looking for magic when I came to Earth. Months! And to think the power I desired was under my nose-" Rainbow punched Sunset on the shoulder, and gestured to the boy who was still somewhat distrustful of her. Sunset uncomfortably cleared her throat before continuing. "If creatures like that exist, why haven't I heard of them?"

Timmy looked down and then looked up. "Fairies are only for little kids. If a non-magical person finds out about them...then they go away forever. Since you have magical powers...it was OK for you guys to see them."

"So some kids have these...midget genies who follow you around, giving you all kind of things?" Rainbow asked.

An annoyed frown appeared on Timmy's face. "Are you kidding? Fairies are awesome, and genies are jerks."

"Genies are real too!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "If I had one, I wish for the bestest, estest, superest, party-,"

"Why do you have these...fairies following you around giving you stuff?" Twilight asked.

Applejack noticed Timmy was somewhat uncomfortable with answering the question, if his darting eyes and his arm rubbing were any indication. "Because..." he said in an evasive tone, "they...like me." Applejack didn't think Timmy was lying per se. But there was a lot more to this relationship than he was revealing. She wanted to press him, but decided it was too personal to ask, for now.

"Wait Timothy, there is something else I need to confirm," Rarity said dramatically. "You're Gah the Supermodel?!"

"Uh yeah," Timmy said. "Why?"

A small blush appeared on Rarity's face. "No...no reason at-,"

"She wrote...love letters to your fan club," Applejack snickered.

"I had a fan club?" Timmy asked with a cock of his head.

"Applejack!" Rarity hissed before turning back to Timmy. "They were merely...letters of...admiration." Her eyes darted back and forth. "Letters so insignificant, no one would care if they were shredded, burned, buried and...burned again."

Applejack's smile became even more insidious. "But didn't you say your love for 'Gah' burned with the intensity of a thousand-

"It is certainly nothing that needs to be seen or discussed or talked about by anyone ever, ever again." She finished with a nervous expression, getting into Applejack's face. "Understood!?" she asked in a voice that more than a bit menacing.

Everyone mumbled in assent, while Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Anyways," Timmy said idly. He turned to Sunset with stern eyes. "So you used to be this big bully?"

"Yeah," Sunset admitted.

"And you're not....anymore?" Timmy asked her in a serious tone.

"No," Sunset admitted.

"What made you stop being evil?"

A wistful smile appeared on Sunset and everyone's faces. "The most powerful magic of all?"

"Santa Claus?" Timmy idly asked.

"No silly," Pinkie Pie said.

"The Magic of Friendship!" Everyone exclaimed. Timmy stared at them for a moment before he started cackling. And cackling. And cackling.

"What's so funny?" Princess Twilight asked the brown-haired boy with a hint of annoyance.

"Magic of Friendship," Timmy parroted, clutching his torso as he laughed so hard he looked like he was busting his gut. "HAHAHAHAHA! That is the lamest thing I've ever heard!"

A smirk appeared on Rainbow's mouth. "I mean, it does sound lame when you say it like that."

"Ah guess," Applejack muttered.

Twilight was miffed. "The Magic of Friendship is not lame! It is a real thing! When friends come together, anything is possible! How dare you mock-" Timmy responded by laughing even harder. He was now into laughing to the point of tears.

"When friends come together!" Timmy mocked. "What are you gonna say next? That 'friendship is forever'?"

"Yes," Twilight muttered. Timmy responded with even more laughter than before. It when on while the Rainbooms watched with either amusement, annoyance, or boredom.

"OK," Timmy said as he chuckles died down. "I'm done. I'm good."

"Alright," Twilight said, "let's-,"

"Friendship is Magic," Timmy said again before laughing once more, much to the irritation of the pony princess.

"So the Dazzlings came to you with...proof of the things I did," Sunset said uneasily.

Timmy's brief joy collapsed as he remembered the dire situation he was in. "Yeah. They told me you were an evil magic stealer, and how you took away their ability to sing." He sounded like he was trying to suppress his anger, "and how you were going to do the same thing to Cosmo and Wanda."

Sunset suppressed her rage at the accusation.

"Did they...use their song on you."

"Not at first," Timmy commented. "Their voices stank. But then I wished their gems were better and-,"

"You gave them their magic back?!" Twilight asked Timmy with horror. The rest of the Rainbooms looked at Timmy with utter disbelief.

Timmy felt his cheeks turn red. "They told a good lie." His tone became more angry, and he furiously tore a bronze medallion from his shirt. "They even gave me this medallion to prove our friendship." He threw the medallion away.

A serious expression appeared on Twilight's face. "They gave you that?"

"Yeah?" Applejack picked up the medallion and carried it over to Princess Twilight for scrutinizing.

"Hmm," the pony princess said in a serious tone. "I don't sense any magical energies." Pinkie suddenly snatched it away from her. "Pinkie, what are you-,"

"I just think its a good accessory," Pinkie said. She slowly clamped it around her neck. "And-," suddenly Pinkie frowned. The shift from bubbly to morose stunned everyone in the room.

"Pinkie," Fluttershy asked, "are you-?"

"You never really like my parties!" Pinkie Pie bellowed to the other pink haired girl.

"Pinkie?" Fluttershy muttered. "What-,"

"You're just a meanie who wants my cake!" The poofy-haired party girl shrieked. "You never really-."

Everyone was concerned by the party girl's unusually bad tempered demeanor. "Pinkie, what's gotten-," Twilight began.

"You all the least fun and boring people I ever-," Applejack snatched the medallion off of Pinkie. Her goofy smile immediately returned. "Wow, I was all...mean suddenly."

"What happened?!" Applejack asked Twilight, showing her the bracelet. Both her and Sunset were extremely enraged.

"A PSYCHIC CHARM!" Sunset bellowed angrily.

"What?" Applejack muttered.

Princess Twilight furiously snatched it from them. "A psychic charm uses psychic energy to manipulate its host! They used this to mess with his brain in a way that no one can easily detect!" The Rainbooms were even more outraged.

"They messed with his head," Rainbow muttered with a dark expression. "When I get my hands on them-,"

Timmy looked even more brokenhearted. "They used that on...me?"! Each one of the Rainbooms wanted to give the boy a hug and tell him it was OK, but Timmy stopped them with a raised hand.

"There's something I don't understand," Timmy asked in a melancholic voice. "If you guys aren't evil and not trying to takeover the world, why did you spy on me and have something that could capture Cosmo and Wanda? They told me you thought I had some kind of stone." His expression became even more severe.

"Well yeah," Rainbow said. She noticed the suspicious expression on Timmy's face. "But not the reason you're thinking."

"Then what was this all about?" Timmy asked in a serious tone.

They explained how they saw Timmy using magic at the basketball game, how he dumped garbage on his babysitter, and this lead them to assuming he was using a corruptive magical artifact, and how they wanted to take it out of him before he could go nuts.

"You entered my life because you thought I was going to become evil," Timmy surmised.

"Well," Sunset said a voice that was becoming increasingly stern, "there seems to be...I don't know... a pattern of...shall we say...bad behavior with you."

Timmy's hackles raised at that. "Bad behavior. What are you-,"

"First you...dumped garbage from the sky onto that girl's head," Applejack pointed out.

"You wished poisonous spiders onto Gilda," Fluttershy remarked.

"You dropped a meteor on a truck," Rarity remarked.

"You snuck out on Sunset," Pinkie Pie

"And let's not forget turning me into a worm," Sunset remarked with an even darker look. "Be honest. Was that their idea...or yours!"

Timmy's shameful look told them everything.

"It seems that you and your...fairies think being a violent and destructive is A-OK," Princess Twilight said in a tone she used when scolding Spike for his behavior.

"Oh so I'm suppose to let a bunch of jerks hurt me," Timmy said defensively.

"You nearly got someone killed!" Sunset bellowed.

"When?" Timmy asked.

"The meteor you sent down on Gary and Betty's truck," Rarity pointed out.

"Those idiots humiliated me and hurt me!"

"So you thought it was OK to get them killed?!" Sunset hissed.

"They never were going to die! I didn't wish for that!"

"And what if they, or someone else, had been in that truck!"

"No one was going to die!"

Sunset's eyes narrowed. "How do you know?!"

Timmy's eyes darted back and forth. "I-I just do, OK!" Applejack could see Timmy being evasive, but before she could press that, Sunset moved in.

"That's your excused for destroying a truck," Sunset said with growing anger. "Everything was 'just gonna work out'."

"They humiliated me!"

"So if someone even flicks you on the head, are you gonna burn their house down!"

Pinkie looked concerned with Sunset's anger. "Sunny, I think-"

"You mean like you did, demon." Timmy in quiet, stern voice.

The way that Timmy said that final word made Sunset's hackles rise even more.

"What did you call me?" Sunset said in a quiet, but ominous, voice.

"You must've thought that I was mean, and selfish, and cruel as you," Timmy yelled. "Yeah, I've done stupid things, but I've never became a demon and destroyed a school for something as stupid as a crown!" His face was brimming with disdain. "Don't lecture me, demon!"

"How dare you call me demon!" Sunset said. "After all I-,"

"Sorry, your a stupid, evil ...witch!" Timmy threw back to Sunset in a blatantly disrespectful tone.

"Timmy," Applejack warned, doing a shut up throat gesture.

Rarity tried to intervene. "Perhaps we should make some tea and calm-,"

"And you're an idiotic brat who nearly got my friends killed!" Sunset yelled back. She became calm, but no more sympathetic. "I bet deep down, you actually loved being with the Dazzlings," Sunset said in a calm but nasty tone. "You're both brain-damaged lunatics who love causing people pain!"

"Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight scolded.

"It takes a brain-damaged lunatic to know one!" Timmy threw back, getting into Sunset's face. "I don't have to listen to anything you say, stupid evil witch!"

"Call me that...one more time."

"Guys," Fluttershy begged, "maybe we should-"


Before Timmy knew it, he was lifted up by his shirt to face an angry, red-faced Sunset.


Timmy angrily spat into Sunset's face. Everyone was shocked by what Timmy did.

"Timothy Turner!" Rarity scolded.

Sunset felt the spit around her face. Her other hand was balled into a fist. "THAT'S IT, YOUR GONNA-!"

"ENOUGH!" Sunset was yanked away from him by Applejack, while Rainbow yanked Timmy away from him.

Princess Twilight raised her hands in an attempt to pacify the situation. "We all need to-,"

"I can why everyone in your life doesn't want you around!" Sunset hissed. "He's such an ungrateful little brat!"

Twilight was mortified with Sunset's words. "Sunset, you've said enough-,"

"I buy him food, help him with chores, play video games, tutor him, help him make friends, drive him places, and he calls me names and spits on me." Sunset felt a mean smirk appear on her face. "I can see why his parents always ditch him. You do nice things, and he's so ungrateful-".

"AND WHO WERE YOU DOING NICE THINGS FOR?!" Timmy yelled. "Timmy the boy with a magic rock or Timmy the buck tooth loser?!" The question gave everyone pause.

"It that why all of you did nice things for me," he said, addressing everyone. "Did you really like me, or were you just trying to keep...me...quiet?"

The question struck each and everyone of them, except Sunset who continued to glare contemptuously at the formerly-pink-hatted boy.

"So that's it," Timmy muttered miserably. "I thought for a moment that a bunch of cool people could like me for me." Tears started falling down his eyes. "But it turns out...you were just trying to keep a monster under control."

The other Rainbooms, sans Sunset, looked morose.

Pinkie was the first one to speak up. "Timmy, that's not true-,"

"What happened when you got your 'stone'? Were you gonna say goodbye and never talk to me!"

Rainbow looked uncomfortable. "Timmy-buddy that's not-"

"I HATE YOU!" Timmy shrieked. "I HATE ALL OF YOU!"

"Timmy-," the boy ran away from them into the house, tears running down his face. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy ran after him, pleading with him that they cared about him.

Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack gave Sunset disappointed looks.

"What are you staring at me for?" Sunset yelled. "He's the destructive brat!"

"You were way out of order," Twilight pointed out in a stern tone.

"I'm not the one raining flaming meteors down on trucks!"

"Sunset, I know Timmy acted out of line," Rarity pointed out. "But you had no right to do what you did."

"And what was that?!"

"You sunk to the level of a petty child and badmouthed him back with those horrible insults," Rarity pointed out. "For a moment, you almost sounded like that Vicky character."

The objection stunned Sunset, but only briefly. "I didn't dump garbage on his head."

"But y'all were about to hit him and you called him names!"

"That's funny," Sunset replied viciously. "I thought you country hicks were big on corporal punishment. And I was just telling him the truth, which is what you do!"

"No, you were being hurtful," Twilight scolded. "Should we've called you names and hit you after what you did?"

"For a moment," Applejack pointed out coldly, "you sounded like Old Sunset too. Calling me a 'hick'!"

Sunset's anger died down as he took in what the others were saying.

Rarity butted in. "But more importantly, you don't seem concerned about his feelings."

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked in a softer tone, her face no longer red.

"Darling, think about it," Rarity said in a softer tone. "Think of all the things he had to go through."

"The kidnapper, Vicky, the bullies," Twilight listed off.

"That varmint Crocker and the Learn-A-Torium," Applejack pointed out.

"And now the Dazzlings act like his friend, use him, and then steal two...beings who he seems to care for," Rarity muttered. She gave Sunset a sad look. "Would you be in a good spirits if you had to through all that?"

Sunset felt her face twist into remorse. "But...he did all those...and he called me...and he spat..."

"And it was wrong," Twilight agreed. "But hurting him back isn't the answer. And while we kind of had the right to look into him...how would you feel if a bunch of strangers spied on you and came into your life?"

"All you just did...was make him think we really didn't care about him at all," Rarity scolded, "like he believed."

Sunset's face was tinged with remorse. "I wasn't...I didn't mean..." Sunset stopped her rationalization. She face-palmed with remorse. "Maybe I should apologize..."

"Do it tomorrow," Twilight ordered sternly. "Let's...leave him alone for now, until he's calm." Her eyes narrowed. "We have more important things to deal with! There are two beings who need our help, and the Dazzlings plan to use their power for their own ends!"

Rarity and Applejack's looked away from Sunset, and became stern and full of resolve.

"Your right," Sunset said, pushing away her shame to deal with the greater problem. "Maybe the Dazzlings left behind some clues on where they are currently located."

Twilight got out a purple cell phone "I'm gonna text Flash to come over here."

"You got a phone?" Rarity asked the pony princess.

"I might as well, since I have to stop by here every know and then." Twilight said. Her face is full of geeky enjoyment. "Plus these...phones are really great for emergencies and problem solving!" She then pointed to one of text. "I'm even learning coding."

"Coding?" Applejack asked.

"These weird misspellings Flash keeps sending me like 'ILY' and 'LOL' ". Twilight let out a geeky squeal. "I never thought I would learn about secret military codes."

The other Rainbooms rolled their eyes. They walked into the house, where they found a morose Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow sitting on the couch.

"How is he?" Sunset said. The fire-haired girl flinched as the three Rainbooms glared at her.

"He's locked himself in his bathroom," Fluttershy barked. "And he won't even answer us."

"Good job," Rainbow said with some bitterness.

"If there was a contest about how make things not fun," Pinkie muttered, "you would win hands down!"

Sunset looked down in shame.

"Guys," Twilight said in a stern tone. "I know we have problems right, but we have to remember who our top priority is here."

"The Dazzlings," Applejack pointed out. The words broke the three girls out of their morose stupor. But it was replaced with righteous fury.

"How do we find them," Rainbow growled while baring her fists.

"OK, so hear is what we're going to do-,"

"What happened?" The Rainbooms looked in the corner of the room. They found some bespectacled girl pulling herself up from the ground. She had familiar purple and red hair.

"Was that all a dream-," Moondancer looked around and saw the Rainbooms. "I guess not!" Moondance growled, her hackles rising.

"Moondancer what are you-," Sunset's eyes narrowed. "We're you working with Dazzlings?"

"Why yes Shimmer," Moondance said with narrowed eyes and a wicked smile. "I was."

"You told the Dazzlings about what Sunset did!" Rarity yelled.

Moondancer shrugged remorselessly. "I mean you did feel the need to share with everyone my...personal history." Moondancer's vengeful smile grew wider. "I thought it was only fair for to share with everyone yours-,"

Rainbow angrily yanked Moondancer by her hoodie and shoved her against the wall.

"Don't you realize what you've done," Rarity scolded. "Now the Dazzlings hold," she paused, "Timmy's magic in the palm of their-,"

"I don't care about what they done," Moondancer said coldly. "I just care that the brown-haired boy knows what you really are all about!"

"I can't believe this," Sunset muttered. "You did all this for a stupid crown!"

"You think I care about a stupid crown?!" The red-haired girl threw back. Rainbow was so taken aback she let Moondancer go. "Of course you would think that Shimmer. Only someone as stupid and shallow as you would care something so idiotic!"

"Then why-,"

"I thought I made a friend!" Moondancer screamed. "I thought when I came to Canterlot I could get a new fresh start! I thought when I invited Sunset to her home, I was gonna finally hang out with people." Moondancer barely held back a whimper, but it was enough to make the Rainbooms feel like they were kicked in the stomach. "But no. All that was just plan to humiliate me! I invited you into my home, fed you food, and you thanked me by humiliating me!"

Sunset felt like someone had stuck a knife into her heart. "Moondancer, I'm so-,"

"After that, I could never trust anyone. I lived alone because-,"

"Look Moonie," Pinkie said, jumping over to the angry girl. "I know Sunset was a meanie-weenie but-,"

"And that's the other thing," Moondancer said, becoming even more morose, "when I came back to Canterlot, I find that you guys were hugging the girl who humiliated me."

Pinkie frowned a bit. "Moondancer, I know that seems unfair, but Sunset needed-,"

"I needed someone to help me after my best friend stabbed me in the back," Moondancer wailed, "but no one was there. Instead everybody laughed at me."

"Moondancer, we were upset-,"

"Then why did no one visit me?!" Moondancer replied. The feelings of guilt on the Rainbooms were palatable, but Moondancer was too angry to care. "No, you gave all your love and attention to some...demon, but left to me suffer in loneliness and misery once I became damaged goods!"

"Moondancer," Rainbow muttered.

"And you were just about to hit me!" Moondancer pointed out to Rainbow. The athletic girl looked down in misery and shame. "You help the girl who hurt people, but you'll hit the person she hurt?"

"Moondancer we know how that looks," Fluttershy said, "but Sunset was in a bad place."

"Try getting indigestion from the gourmet selections at Dimmsdale High's cafeteria and getting a swirly in the Dimmsdale Girl's bathroom and than tell me about a bad place!" Moondancer exclaimed.

The image made the Rainbooms frown with horror.

"Bad place," Moondancer mocked. "You don't know bad place Shimmer. Try living your life thinking you can't ever trust a single soul because the one time you let someone into your house and then you'll know what a bad place-," Moondancer couldn't continue, or else she would've cried.

Sunset was on the verge of tears. "Moondancer I didn't mean to make you-,"

"Save it," the bespectacled girl growled, not caring one bit about Sunset's apology. "On second thought, I realize I'm lucky I left Canterlot. I'm lucky I was able to escape from a bunch of shallow idiots like you! You give your love to some demon, but not the person she hurt. You deserve each other."

Pinkie's face was twisted into tearful shame. "Please Moonie, let us make it up to-," Moondancer stormed away with disgust on her face.

"Well, you got what you wanted," Rainbow said bitterly. "The kid hates us now and won't come out of his room."

She paused and turned to look at Rainbow without any sympathy. "Well," Moondancer said coldly, "I think he should be aware of the fact that the girl babysitting him steals personal sympathy from the PEOPLE WHO GIVE THEM FOOD!" She stormed out the door. None of the Rainbooms bothered to stop her. None could really argue with her.

Scootaloo and Vinyl tried to enter the home, only for some girl in glasses to burst out of the front door.

Scootaloo approached the girl. "Who are-?"

"As for you," she girl scowled at Scootaloo, "I don't know who you are, but I'm sure you're a jerk," she screamed before walking toward the driveway and driving off in a car.

"We just got here," Scootaloo exclaimed in confusion, "what did we do?" Vinyl shrugged. They walked into the house.

Scootaloo and Vinyl found the Rainbooms lying on various chairs and couches and looking incredibly downtrodden. The Canterlot Elementary student decided to approach her sister.

"Rainbow," Scootaloo asked her sister. "What's going on? What happened with Timmy? I heard him and Sunset yelling at each other?" Rainbow didn't respond. She just keep staring blankly.

"Rainbow, are you OK?"

After a small breath, Rainbow leveled with her sister. "No sis." She looked down. "Nothing...is...OK."

Timmy sat on the toilet seat, hugging his knees. He never remembered feeling so scared in his entire life. Yeah, Vicky was mean to him, and he was bullied, but at least he had Cosmo and Wanda there with him to make him feel safe.

But Timmy had nothing. Not even the fish bowl to pretend they were there.

His friends and family had been brainwashed into hating him by what he thought were his real friends.

And the people from Canterlot...just thought of him as a mission. They weren't really his friends. Sunset admitted he hated him deep down.

He shouldn't be surprised at this point. But still....

He was so alone.

Timmy fell to the bathroom floor and cried harder than he ever had in his life.

In the middle of North Canterlot wasan abandoned factory. It wasn't an impressive looking building, save for its tall smokestack. But within this building, three magical beings plotted and schemed.

They stood on the roof, triumphant smiles on their faces.

"Well girls," Adagio gushed, "would you like to do the honors?"

Aria was too cheerful to contest. "After you, sis."

"Go ahead, Dagi," Sonata chirped.

Things had gone so well, their usual bickering and sniping at each other had ceased. But that was the mere icing on the magical cake they know dined on.

"Very well," Adagio uttered. "let our power be restored." Her eyes glowed red, and she began rising into the air. Her sisters followed her up soon after. The three sisters hair lengthened, pony ears grew out of their heads, and translucent fins grew out of their backs.

"Now, we wish for the power to crush this pathetic town!" Adagio demanded. The sirens waited with glee, hoping their wishes would be answered.

A few moments passed, but nothing happened. To their confusion.

"I said," Adagio repeated, "we wish we had the power to crush this pathetic town!" Still, nothing occurred.

"C'mon," Aria yelled, "we were supposed to be able to wish for stuff."

A brief look of frustration appeared on Adagio's face, before it was replaced with a sly smile. "I guess we'll have to speak to the...source."

The three sisters entered the old production line. Seated on a decrepit table were Cosmo and Wanda, who were trapped under a net. The approach of the girls made Cosmo fearful and Wanda red with fury.

"Hello Cosmo, Wanda," Adagio said mockingly, "how-,"

"You...you evil witches!" Wanda bellowed furiously. "We give you everything, and this is how you repay us...repay him!" She gritted her teeth. "When I get out of this net-,"

"Oh I'm terrified," Adagio said mockingly. She bent down to sneer at the fuming pink-hair fairy. "How do you intend to get out, stupid fairy?"

"Timmy will find us," Cosmo yelled defiantly, "and when he does, oh you three are in for it."

"He won't find you. Do you know where we are?" Adagio asked the two fairies rhetorically.

"Oh, oh," Sonata said, excitedly raising her hand. "I know...I know. Somewhere....on...this...planet." Aria rolled her eyes.

"Thank you Sonata," Adagio said while pinching her nose in annoyance. "We're in the middle of Canterlot's Industrial District," the orange-haired said, ignoring her sister's irreverence. "2 square miles of old, abandoned industrial space that hasn't seen any activity in 25 years."

"This place was once the largest producer of clown noses in the world," Sonata remarked. "Over 1.5 billion clown noses were made every leap year, and almost 10-" She look down somewhere."-people worked here making clown noses."

Aria raised her eyebrows in confusion. "How did you know that?"

"I didn't," Sonata remarked, holding up a brochure. "I just read it in the brochure."

"Anyways, no one would ever suspect three sophisticated and charming young ladies such as ourselves as living here," Adagio said.

"We're sophisticated," Aria paused to pick her nose, "alright."

"Yeah," Sonata said, before scratching her butt, and finding a louse. "Yay, a snack." She munched on the tiny insect.

"The little brat won't find us," Adagio gloated to the two fairies. "His parents kicked him out of the house," Adagio said with a sadistic smile, thinking about how he ruined the boys life,"and his friends are brainwashed into hating him."

"You think any of those Canterlot brats will lend a finger to help him after what he did to them?" Aria asked.

The thought made Cosmo and Wanda worried for a moment, but then regained their nerves."Timmy will find a way," Wanda warned, "and when he does-,"

"REVENGE!" Cosmo bellowed.

An amused grin formed on Adagio's face. "He's too stupid to find water if he fell out of a boat." The two younger sirens laughed nastily.

Wanda growled at him. "How dare you talk about him like that!"

Aria smirked, wanting to dig the knife even deeper. "I mean he's funny. So funny...I thought it would be nice to upload his humiliation to the Internet." Aria's grin got even meaner. "I especially loved it when those two idiots made it look like he wet his pants."

Wanda's vision became red with rage. "YOU...YOU..." Wanda paused as Cosmo put his hand on Wanda's shoulders.

"Wanda," Cosmo admonished, "remember what those girls said. They feed of our hate and misery." The green-haired fairy started massaging Wanda's shoulders. "Go to your happy place. Think about chocolate, our marriage, chocolate, my mother's funeral, chocolate, Juandissimo getting hit by a car, chocolate, and chocolate." Wanda started calming down.

Aria smirked. "Corn is lame."

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT CORN!" Cosmo bellowed. He tried tearing at the butterfly net. "CORN IS THE GREATEST THING-," Wanda put a shoulder on her husband to calm him her down.

"We don't need to drive you up a wall anymore." Adagio smirked. "You're trapped under a net and completely helpless. Which means we can take what we want from you."

A hungry frown appeared on Aria's face. "And what we want is your wands, now!"

"Pretty please with sugar on top?" Sonata asked politely.

"We don't have our wands," Wanda gloated.

"What are you talking about Wanda," Cosmo said obliviously, holding up his wand. "My wand is right here and your wand was under my armpit." Wanda glared at her husband.

Aria reached into the net and confiscated from them from the now powerless fairies, ignoring their pleas. For some reason, they didn't even put up a fight.

Adagio started cackling like a madwoman as Aria gave her one of the wands.

"To think something so silly could be so power," Adagio hissed, cradling the wand like a baby.

"Don't make a wish!" Wanda pleaded.

"We're begging you." Cosmo wailed.

'Whatever you say," Adagio said. She raised her wand into the air, a megalomaniacal expression on her face. "After all this time, the power we deserve is ours!"

Aria and Sonata applauded. But then Sonata noticed she didn't have a wand. "Can I have a wand?" The two older sirens looked at each other with nervous expressions, before looking back at their younger sister with disingenuous smiles.

"Sure," Adagio said abruptly.

"In a million years," Aria said under her breath.

"I wish...we could rock this world!" Adagio commanded. The eldest siren let out a cackle as all around her storm clouds gathered. Literal storm clouds gathered.

"Man, those are some really good special effects," Sonata remarked as clouds started forming inside the building.

"It is...pretty hardcore," Aria admitted.

So lost in their megalomania, the three sirens ignored the smirk forming on the two fairies.

Adagio's evil laugh reached a fever pitch.

"At long last, ultimate power is ours!" Adagio proclaimed in between her laugh as thunder and lighting erupted from the clouds that formed above her. "There is nothing that can get in our-,"


Adagio was struck by an lightning bolt from the clouds she summoned. She let out a yell as she was electrocuted, her body lighting up with static. When it ended, she was again badly burned and practically catatonic, much to the horror of Aria and Sonata.

"I said 'rock'," Adagio paused to let out a wheezy cough, "not 'shock'."

Aria nervously held up her wand. "Here Sonata," she said nervously, you try it."

Sonata was dim, but her bulb wasn't out, as judge. "No Aria, you try it."

"I think it will work for you."

"You try."

"You try."

"You try."

"You try."

Aria smirked. "I try."

"I try," Sonata repeated.

"I try."

"I said I want to try," the blue-haired girl whined.

"OK," Aria said, handing the wand to her sister, "if you say so".

Sonata took the wand and smiled.

"I wish I had some tacos."


Sonata looked with horror at what had materialized.

Chinese takeout instead of tacos like she wanted.

"NOOOOOO!" Sonata wailed, falling to her knees with despair. "Why hadst thought forsaken me?" She angrily asked the wand in her hand. Aria shrugged and sampled of some of the chicken lo mein.

Adagio regained her bearings, only to hear the mocking laughter of the fairies. She let out a growl, stomped over to them, reached her hands into the net, and grabbed the pink-haired fairy by her shirt."

"What did you do?!"

Wanda smirked. "How could I have done anything? I'm just a stupid fairy."

Adagio's face turned red. "You did something to this wand! Fix it!" She released the fairy from her grip.

"Oh, you silly, silly girls," Wanda mocked. "You think you could just wave a wand like that." She pulled out a nail file and started doing her nails. "It took us four years at the fairy academy to learn how to use those." She looked away from the fuming siren for a moment, pausing to do her nails, much to her growing annoyance. "But don't feel bad. This was your first try. Every fairy causes some havoc. Just ask Cosmo."

"Well," Cosmo said all too cheerfully. "I turned my dad into a fly and sank Atlantis."

A horrified expression appeared on Adagio's face. "You sank Atlantis?"

"Nine times," Cosmo admitted.

"You're the accursed one!" Aria exclaimed.

"How could you destroy Atlantis," Adagio said with a horrified expression. "I had a coupon for the Atlantis Mall, and because of you, I couldn't get a discount." Adagio let tears fall down her eyes. "You...monster."

"Why not just wish for it," Wanda asked with a smirk. "Go ahead. I'm sure you'll get it right eventually." Wanda's smile became nastier. "Or maybe you might...blow your face off."

Sonata looked at her wand before fearfully throwing it over to the side.

Adagio fumed for a few moments, before regaining her composure with a smile. "I don't need to make wishes." She stood up with a proud expression. "Because you two will be doing that for me."

Cosmo was not impressed. "And what makes you think we'll do that."

Cosmo and Wanda were strapped to what looked like an operating table, with bracelets keeping their arms and legs bound. To be safe, they were both covered in butterfly nets.

"Did you have to ask," Wanda muttered.

"Our song didn't work on you before because we didn't have any of your magic," Adagio said.

"But now that we have some of your magic," Aria sneered, "it will."

"From the top girls," Adagio commanded.

The girls sung "Under Our Spell", the song they considered to be their most popular.

Cosmo and Wanda began to feel like they were getting a splitting headache. Because their arms were strapped down, they couldn't cover their ears. They let out moans of pain. When the sirens stopped, the two fairies felt like their heads were about to explode.

"Enjoying the music?" Adagio asked with a smirk.

"Go ahead," Cosmo declared with exhaustion, "sing all you want! You can sing on the beaches, you can sing on the streets, you can sing on the street....corner, but we will never surrender!"

"You'll have to sing all night for us to be under your control," Wanda declared.

"Hmm, good point," Adagio remarked without concern. With a sneer on her face, Aria took out a remote control and pushed a big red button.

With a mechanical whirl, a massive boom box was lowered directly in front of the two fairies.

"We've programmed it to run on a loop," Adagio declared. "Just so you can't...not hear it."

Aria pushed a button. The boom box activated, unleashing the song of the sirens, only amplified with the increased decibels of the stereo equipment.

"Enjoy," Adagio said. With that, the three sisters walked out of the room, leaving the fairies to be slowly brainwashed by their song.

They both let out yells of help.

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