• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,110 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Running Like the Wind (Part 3) (Edited)

"So Crocker fired a rocket at Timmy?" Sunset asked with narrowed eyes and a deep frown. It was study hall. Rainbow explained the incident with Timmy and Crocker.

"Yeah," Rainbow said dismissively, "but it didn't do anything but create a lot of green goo." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "And he was so weedy, Gilda and her goons took care of them."

"I don't see any reason to worry," Applejack snarked. "Sounds like the man's two apples short of a bushel."

"Perhaps," Rarity commented, "but maybe we should take precautions."

Sunset's severe look faded, but the disdain and annoyance didn't go away entirely. "I'm gonna make a complaint to Principal Celestia. I don't want that creep walking around here."

Rarity felt a smile form on her face. "Anyways, how was Timothy's first day training."

Rainbow smiled as she prepared to boast about her own training of the boy. "It...was...AWESOME!" Rainbow gushed. "Timmy can move when he has the right motivation."

"And we all know what that is," Rarity expressed with sheer joy, "a young poor child wishing to impress a young lady from the upper class." She squealed. "He shall make an excellent student of love when I come meet him."

Crocker was sitting on his office working on a crossword puzzle. " 'Hmm, a eight letter word for the young people I despise'."Crocker mused.


"No, children." Crocker felt a tap on his shoulder, looked up, and saw a very irate Principal Waxelplax glaring at him.

"Yes Princ-,"

"We need to talk, Denzel." The words made Crocker pause and eyes widened. She hadn't called him Denzel since college, as did the quiet sharpness. "Principal Celestia told me you were at Canterlot High, bringing your craziness to her school!" The red-haired woman complained.

"I was performing an experiment," Crocker excused. The woman walked up Crocker and pulled him by his tie to her face.

"I've put up with your craziness long enough, but I've had it," the Irish lady hissed. "You pull one more of your schemes, and I-,"

"You can't fire me," Crocker gloated with a sneer. "Thank the labor unions for giving me tenure."

"I may not be able to fire you, but I can control what job you do," the woman warned, which spooked Crocker a bit. "One more scheme, and you'll be working as a janitor for a whole month." With that said, she turned around and walked out of the room, making it clear that she brooked no argument.

Crocker's eyes narrowed in annoyance as he stared at the door through which Crocker walked through. "I must come up with a scheme that will allow me to once and for all capture Turner's...FAIRY GODPARENTS!" His hand fell into his chin as he tried to come up with some ideas.

Timmy sat on the bus riding through Canterlot, tired, panting, and exhausted. Even after resting, he still felt utterly drained. He bought an ice cream cone to cool down.

"At least you got some exercise, sport," Wanda said, disguised as a smartphone in Timmy's pocket.

"Yeah Timmy," Cosmo said, disguised as a headphone, "if you keep this up, you could be running marathons."

Timmy let out another sigh. Timmy saw the bus stop. "That's our stop," Timmy said. He got off the bus, and saw the location: Carousel Boutique. The outside of the building was all different shades of purple.

"So this is where I'll be getting a lesson in love," Timmy said, "not that I need one. I learned all my lessons in love from TV movies."

"Oh darling," the woman from the TV said, "why did you tap my phones, open my mail, and follow me all the way to this remote island where I fled to get away from you." Timmy sat in front of the TV, taking notes.

"All that was out of my love for you," the man in the movie said dramatically.

"Oh honey," the woman said, "I love you too."

"So let's see if I got this right," Timmy said, looking over his notes. "Stalking, illegal spying, and mail fraud are all romance," Timmy surmised.

"Well," Wanda said with a nervous chuckle, "it can't hurt to get new lessons." Timmy entered the boutique. The inside was really fancy, with a beautiful purple interior, colorful mannequins everywhere, and lots of women and girls shopping. The clothes were the really fancy ones his mom loved to shop for.

"Are you Timothy Turner," a very classy voice asked him. Timmy looked and saw another girl approach him.

This girl had purple hair that was shiny, beautiful, and well groomed. Her face was coated in makeup, including a really pretty eyeshadow. She wore a blue dress, a purple skirt, and purple and white high heels. Timmy couldn't take her eyes of this girl. He felt his cheeks turn a little red just looking at her.

"You must be Timothy," Rarity said with a kindly expression, "I am Rarity Belle. Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique."

"My Timmy call me friends," the pink-hatted boy objected. He then blushed, realized he goofed up his own words.

Rarity chuckled, looking more amused than annoyed with Timmy mangling his words. "Come along Timothy," Rarity said with a coy smile, "your lessons in romance await." Rarity moved across the boutique, while Timmy followed.

"Smitten, are you sport," Wanda teased while disguised as a pink pin on Timmy's shirt.

"Don't you get it Wanda," Cosmo said, disguised as a green pin. "Timmy has a thing for pretty rich girls who are way out of his league." Timmy angrily ripped Cosmo from his shirt, and threw him into his pocket, who let out a yelp as he was stuffed inside.

"What was that," Rarity said, turning to Timmy. "I heard a yell."

"Nothing," Timmy said.

"Anyways, I am here to teach you not to be a lout," Rarity said, "and to instill into you the intricacies of romance."

"What's a lout?"

"A rude, disgusting person."

"I am not rude or disgusting," Timmy said defensively, angrily throwing his ice cream on the ground, "and another thing-" he paused, realizing his ice cream cone was splattered on the ground. "My ice cream," Timmy exclaimed with terror, before he fell to his knees and began licking it on the floor like a dog, much to the disgust of Rarity and the other patrons.

"That boy must've grown up on a barn," said one Crystal Prep student with disdain.

Rarity let out a nervous laugh, before grabbing Timothy by his shoulders and pulling him from the room, much to his annoyance.

"Wait, not my ice cream," Timmy shrieked.

Rarity took Timmy into some kind of back room.

"When Sunset told me how you wanted to learn about love," Rarity said, "I felt honored to do so. I know quite a bit about it."

"Really?" Timmy asked.

"My ancestry goes back to France," Rarity boasted, "In fact, I am descended from a long line of French designers, romantics, and royalty."

"Rarity, stop," a young female voice said. Timmy saw some girl his age approach them. She had curly hair that was two different shades of pink. She wore some pink jacket over a striped white and pink shirt, a yellow skirt, and purple boots. "We are not French," the girl said with annoyance, "our ancestors weren't fashion designers or royalty. They were lumberjacks from Quebec. You. Are not. French"

"In spirit I am," Rarity said, closing her eyes proudly.

The younger girl let out a sigh. "And she thinks I live in a dream world."

"Timothy, this is my younger sister Sweetie Belle."

"Hi," Timmy said with a wave.

"Anyways," Rarity said, "let us begin our lessons," she gestured to some other room." Timmy followed her in.

"Can I...join you," Sweetie Belle asked her sister.

"Nope Sweetie," Rarity said firmly but politely, "this is Timothy's private lesson in love."

"Uh sure," Sweetie Belle said with a blush, "that's what I was asking about." Sweetie Belle walked away, but not before giving one last wistful gaze at the brown-haired boy.

Timmy was led into a breakroom. Inside was a plastic table that had a fancy table cloth and fancy dishes on it.

"Let's start with the first part," Rarity said. "What do you do for a lady?"

"I don't know," Timmy said.

"Pull the chair for them, darling," Rarity advised with a smile.

"Oh right," Timmy said, pulling the chair for Rarity. She began to sit, only for Timmy to spot something.

"Ohh, a quarter," Timmy said, letting the chair fall over, causing Rarity to fall onto her keister with a yelp.

"Ouch," Rarity said, rubbing over her sore bottom. Timmy looked away from his quarter and looked at Rarity.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" Timmy asked Rarity.

"No reason, darling," Rarity said with an annoyed grunt, before pulling herself up. "Just take a seat." Timmy was about to take one, before Rarity held up her hand.

"Hats off at the dinner table, young man," Rarity said with a stern smile.

"But my mom let's me eat with my hat on all the time," Timmy said.

"Hats off."


"Very well," Rarity said with a disappointed grin. "Begone. I do not wish to converse with someone who won't practice basic etiquette." With an annoyed sigh, Timmy took his hat off, and sat down.

"Let us start with the obvious, darling," Rarity said. "If there was a girl you fancied, what would you say to her?"

"Oh Trixie," Timmy said with a lovestruck smile, "light of my life. Your face burns with the beauty of a thousand-," Timmy paused as Rarity let out an amused laugh. When it ended, Rarity looked at Timmy with a stern frown.

"Timothy, darling, you don't honestly believe that's how love works, do you?" The purple haired girl asked Timmy sternly.

"Isn't that what happens in movies?" Timmy asked.

"Darling, everyone loves a good story," Rarity said. "The story of a knight saving a damsel in distress, hopefully a broad-shoulder man who carries his lady into his room for a night of," Rarity said with a blush on her face and a wsitful before she was silenced with an "Ahem," from Timmy.

"But that's all it is, darling," Rarity said, "a story. True love and knowing who's right for you takes a lot more time and work. That's what a girl wants: someone who respects and cares for her feelings. And you proclaiming your love for her is anything but that."

"Really?" Timmy asked.

"The thing about girls is we are always insecure and nervous," Rarity said, "and we worry about finding the right guy." Rarity gave Timmy a stern look. "You have to be more subtle, because a girl needs to feel like she has a choice. If a girl feels like she is being pressured, she'll run away from you." The door slammed open, revealing a desperate and hyperventiliating Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow," Rarity asked, "what are you-,"

"HIDE ME!" Rainbow bellowed in terror, before she dove inside the fridge. Rarity and Timmy looked at the spectacle with confusion.

"Oh Rainbow," a male voice said. A middle school-aged boy burst in with a wide smile. He had blond hair tied into a bun and had a creepy smile on his face. He wore a brown vest, blue pants, and brown shoes.

"Hey Rarity," Zephyr asked the fashonista, "have you seen Rainbow? I was asking her about our wedding cake, and she ran off."

"No Zephyr," Rarity lied, "I have not." Zephyr looked at Timmy with a smile.

"No," Timmy lied with his eyes looking toward the grown.

"I knew she was here," Zephyr said with some annoyance."I smelled her." He pulled out a plastic bag that had some rainbow-colored hair in it. "I sleep with a lock of her hair every night, so I have her scent down flat." Timmy looked at Zephyr with disgust.

"Zephyr, I have business to attend to," Rarity said with forced politeness, "if you will please excuse yourself." Zephyr shrugged and walked out of the room.

"Is he gone yet," Rainbow said from the fridge.

"Yes," Rarity said. Rainbow came out of the fridge with a frown and a pizza slice on her head.

"Who was that?" Timmy asked Rainbow.

"Zephyr Breeze," Rainbow said with annoyance. "A complete pain who won't leave me alone."

"And also the laughing stock of Canterlot Middle and Canterlot High School," Rarity said with some disgust. "Every girl avoids him because he has zero consideration for the feelings of girls around him, treating them like objects he can possess."

"Do you want to end up a creep like that?" Rainbow asked Timmy with a stern look.

"Do I really act like...that?" Timmy asked with horror.

"A little," Rarity said. To Rarity and Rainbow's shock, Timmy fell to his knees, and grabbed Rarity's ankle in desperation.

"Please, please, please," Timmy said fearfully, "don't let me end up like him."

"Desperation," Rarity said with a proud smile, "the key to success. Pull yourself together Timmy. I am a strict taskmaster."

Rarity spent an hour teaching Timmy about everything from asking a girl out to dinner table etiquette.

"See darling," Rarity, "you must face the world and all its hardship rather than live in a world of fantasy."

"Time for another hour of Kissy Kissy Goo Goo," a TV said.

"KISSY KISSY GOO GOO!" Rarity and Timmy said in unison. Rarity stared at Timmy. "You like Kissy Kissy Goo Goo?" Rarity asked Timmy.

"Well," Timmy said nervously, "I just like the writing."

"Would you like to watch it with me?" Rarity asked.

"Would I?" Timmy said happily.

"Oh Roderick," Isabella said from the TV, "what are you hiding from me."

"Very well darling," Roderick said with regret, "Joanna is my secret...insurance saleswoman."

"Oh Roderick," Isabella said with tears in her eyes.

"Roderick, how could you?" Rarity asked, tears in her eyes. Rarity and Timmy watched the heartrending scene while sitting at the table.

"How could he like to Joanna like that," Timmy said, wistful tears falling down his eyes too. He looked at a watch.

"Sorry Rarity," Timmy said, "I've got to go home."

"Darling, don't leave," Rarity said, "I haven't made you a new outfit yet."

"No thanks," Timmy said, "I don't need new clothes."

" I insist Darling," Rarity said, her grin becoming feral.

"I'm fine," Timmy said nervously.

"Darling," Rarity said, hyperventilating, "I must make you something." Timmy ran out of the room screaming.

"They always run," Rarity said, before pushing a "Young Men Not Wanting Clothes Emergency" button.

Timmy was about to reach the door when a massive metal gate came down in front of it. Timmy tried the windows, but they were also sealed shut as well.

"I'm trapped," Timmy said.

"Timmy," a voice said, Timmy looked with horror as Rarity came towards him, a tape measure and sewing needle in her hands. "I insist that you give me the right to make you look fabulous darling," Rarity said with a crazed look on her face.

"No," Timmy said to the merciless fashionista, his back against the wall, "No. Get back."

"NOOOOOO!" Timmy yelled, his voice echoing through the streets of Canterlot.

Author's Note:

To me, Rarity will always be Best Pony and Best Human.

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