• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,117 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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A Taste of Darkness (Rewrite of It Doesn't Matter Who You Hurt Part 1 and 2)

Timmy was being spoon fed by Trixie. Behind him, two boys watched him with envy.

"The more he spends time with her, the more popular he becomes," Tad said ominously.

"And the less popular we become," Chad uttered. The two looked at each other and back at the buck-toothed loser, a plan in mind for the boy.

Timmy was walking down the hall, when suddenly a ton of smelly garbage fell onto him.

"AHH!" Timmy wretched. Suddenly, everyone in school was laughing at him. Timmy turned around and glared.

"Hey Turner," Chad gloated. He and Tad we're standing next to some fancy version of a catapult that had trash on it.

"It is the Catapult 6000!" Tad advertised. "Built with stainless steel and aimer so that our revenge in precise and organized."

Timmy fumed at them, especially as everyone continued to laugh. He tried to charge at them, but their bodyguard stood behind them, non-verbally daring Turner to try. They then walked away from him, satisfied with having tormented the boy.

"First my ankle, now this!" Timmy muttered.

"We wish we could help you sport," Wanda said, disguised as a watch.

"But we're still bound by the rules," Cosmo replied.

"If only I could still learn you how to fight," Timmy said, remembering his classes with Gilda. They seemed so real, but in reality, Gilda was just brainwashed into liking him. "But you guys can't wish for that."

"I think I know someone who could," Cosmo said.

Aria sat on the couch in the Turner living room, reading some auto-repair magazine, and waiting for the boy to arrive. Adagio decided to go on a shopping spree, while Sonata was sick at home from overconsuming tacos, which meant she was stuck babysitting the brat alone.

To a small degree, she enjoyed her sister's suffering. Because Sonata would never shut up about tacos, Aria felt this was proper punishment.

"Maybe the ditz would never eat tacos again."

"I'll never eat tacos again," Sonata moaned. She laid on the couched, and rubbed her belly. "So...much...pain." She wandered over to the fridge and looked longingly at the seltzer bottles.

"Need to settle my tummy with some nice bubbly- yay! More tacos!" Sonata's pain was forgotten and she immediately began inhaling tacos again, taking them from the fridge and into her mouth without hesitation.

Aria heard the door open. Timmy approached her with a pleading expression. Aria didn't like the boy. She hated children as a whole. Sonata was functionally a dumb brat, and she didn't want another one in her life.

But Adagio ordered her to ingratiate herself with the boy. The pigtailed girl forced a smile on her face.

"Hey Timbucktooth," Aria greeted with false cheer. "What's cracking?"

"How can you help me get revenge?" Despite her disinterest with the brat, her interest was piqued by his dark tone. And revenge was something she could definitely get behind.

"Elaborate," Aria asked with a smile, a plan forming in her own mind.

"So those two rich jerks hurt your ankle," Aria asked with a smirk. "And then they dumped garbage on you?"

Aria and Timmy were outside on the lawn dressed in robes and barefoot. Timmy wore a pink robe while Aria wore a purple robe with a sea serpent on it. In front of them was a practice dummy that looked like a skeleton.

"Yeah," Timmy muttered miserably, "they've been able to get away with everything, just because they have money."

Aria smirked. This would be so easy. "Then smash their ankles back," Aria said.

Timmy looked horrified by that.

"That seems a little mean," Cosmo said. Aria was spooked, wondering where Green Fairy came from. Then she noticed pink and green bottles on the ground and remembered. Those two fairies could poof themselves into any shape and hide everywhere. This was so frustrating, having them watch over her.

"But Gilda told me that a true warrior never starts a fight," Timmy said. The name made Aria's lips curl into a frown. This didn't go unnoticed by Timmy.

"Did you say Gilda?" Aria asked, unable to mask her anger.

"Yeah," Timmy said meekly.

"Gilda Griffon," Aria said, clenching her fists.

"Yeah," Timmy said, "what's wrong?"

A lot was wrong. Aria still hated Canterlot High for costing them their gems. Hated those idiot Rainbrats for getting in their way, hated that stupid unicorn for dealing the final blow.

But again, she hated Gilda especially for reminding her of how powerless they were without magic.

"Gilda was being mind controlled by Sunset," Aria lied. "Into training you wrong and making you weak." Aria would've loved to claim that Gilda was actually Sunset's minion and have the boy turn that wench into a worm as well. But she couldn't. While the boy was impulsive and easily manipulated, those two fairies weren't. They only accepted the Dazzlings words when there was concrete evidence to back it up, and there was no proof that Gilda was anything worse than a sly prankster. One broken lie would undo the whole ruse.

"Oh yeah," Timmy said.

For now, Aria was satisfied with stealing Gilda's role as the boy's source of inspiration. Aria was content with waiting until she got her magic back. Then she would get real revenge on that white-haired mortal for daring to cross her.

"Now," Aria said, pointing to the skeleton she assembled to act as a fighting dummy, "in all fights, there is no mercy. Once you've beaten your opponent into the ground, you've got to do everything to make sure you're opponent can't get back up. When you beat those stupid boys, bust their ankles back."

"But that's...mean," Timmy said uneasily.

"You turned Sunset into a worm," Aria pointed with a smirk. "And doesn't the Crimson Chin smash the Bronze Kneecap's...kneecap when he does something evil?" Aria asked.

"Well, yeah," Timmy said uneasily.

"Is the Crimson Chin evil for doing that?" Aria continued, "And were you evil for punishing Sunset? Or are you both doing what needs to be done to defeat the bad guy."

"That's different," Timmy said. "Sunset and the Bronze Kneecap are supervillains, but those two are just...jerks."

"Fighting back is necessary," Wanda conceded, "but causing them a serious injury feels a bit...wrong." Aria struggled not to tear her hair out. She couldn't get the boy enraged with them around.

But then she remembered Adagio's words: to control an enemy, you must control their hearts.

"Like you said, you two aren't going to be around forever," Aria said to the two godparents with some feigned sympathy, "If he doesn't toughen up, how will he be ready for the world when you two can't protect him?"

"That's a fair point," Wanda said uneasily.

"I guess," Cosmo conceded. Aria barely suppressed a smirk. Instead of brute force, which she always relied on, she was learning to toy with others like a good siren. While she could be annoyed with Adagio, Aria did put stock in Adagio's approval, and hoped to impress her older sister.

"A hero has to make tough choices," Aria said, trying to sound wise. "Are you prepared to make the tough choices so those two jerks can't hurt anyone the way they hurt you ever again? So that no one else can ever be bullied?" Aria said, trying to play to the boy's conscience.


"You're right," Timmy said with stern resolve. "I can't let those jerks get away with it." He then turned toward the skeleton dummy. He imagined it as those two idiots mocking him, laughing at him, cheating him out of his spot on team. He charged at the skeleton's with a low sweep kick, destroying its legs. Timmy was pleased with himself in a dark way.

Aria suppressed a smirk. Her plan was being set into motion.

Chad and Tad were enjoying their time with Trixie and Veronica. To their annoyance, the former girl kept singing the boy praises.

"He's so dreamy!" Trixie muttered like some kind of wind up doll. "And those buck teeth are...buck teeth."

"I know," Veronica muttered. "He's so-," her friends glared at her. "I mean, what a loser."

"Our plan didn't work," Tad muttered, seeing Trixie still longing for the boy.

"I guess we'll have to go to phase-,"

"OH YEAH?" Timmy muttered. Timmy approached them with stern resolve on his face.

"Did I hear something?" Tad asked rhetorically.

"Probably something dumb and poor!" Chad snarked.

The two laughed out loud. With a yell, Timmy yanked Tad by his shirt, and pulled him to his face.

"You and me, right here and right now," Timmy bellowed. Tad was momentarily shocked, but then a smug smile formed on his face. He snapped his fingers, and Timmy found himself being yanked up by his shirt.

"You want me to throw him outside?" the popular kids' bouncer said, lifting the small boy up with minimal effort.

"Yep," Tad said smugly.

"You two are cowards," Timmy yelled with gritted teeth, "you need a bodyguard because you're too weak to do anything yourselves!"

Tad and Chad looked stunned by the accusation.

"You're right," Tad admitted.

"But...we can live with that/" Chad said with a smile. The bodyguard dragged Timmy into the playground outside and dropped him onto the asphalt, before walking away.

"Timmy, maybe you should let this one go," Wanda said.

"Yeah," Cosmo said, trying to wean the boy off revenge, "there are better things to do."


"I'm gonna fight him!" Timmy said, gesturing toward the bouncer. "He keeps beating me up. It is time for some payback."

"Timmy you can't-," Wanda began, only for the brown-haired boy to charge toward the man with a yell.

One Second Later

Timmy was tossed into the trashcan at the end of the courtyard with a black eye.

"Well, that's that," the bouncer said stoically, treating Timmy like some insignificant ant. "I've got to meet with my dentist." he said before walking away.

"What went wrong?" Timmy asked in a daze.

"Gee, he's six foot tall man and you're a ten year old boy who can't reach the shelves," Wanda said sarcastically, disguised as a basketball. "I wonder?"

"But I've had training from Gilda and Aria," Timmy said, pulling himself up.

"But they're your teachers," Cosmo said, disguised as a mitt, "they're supposed to go easy on you. And you've only been training for a week or so."

From the distance, Aria watched this hiding behind bushes while pinching the bridge of her nose with disappointment.

"That kid is so lame," Aria said with a grunt.

"Hopefully this teaches you to walk away in the future," Wanda admonished. Timmy watched the tall bodyguard walk away, feeling powerless. Maybe Wanda was right. Maybe he should let things-


"Wanda," Timmy said with a growl, "we're gonna give that stupid bodyguard what's coming to him."

"Sweetie, its against the rules," Wanda warned.

"FORGET THE RULES!" Timmy yelled, "I'm sick of that jerk attacking me!"


"Timmy," Cosmo said, "just take deep-,"

"SHUT UP!" Timmy said to Cosmo, who was stunned by Timmy's behavior.

"Timmy," Wanda said with some horror, "what's gotten into-,"

"We're gonna find a loophole," Timmy said gleefully.

Aria was gonna walk away in disgust when she heard Timmy yelling in a rage. Something was going to happen. He saw Timmy pointing to the tall man in pink who had just beat him up. Suddenly a pink bowling ball poofed above his head. Aria was intrigued. Timmy took out a slingshot and fired it at the bowling ball. The bowling ball fell out of the sky and landed on the man's head, knocking him out.

"See Wanda," Timmy gloated with sadistic glee. "We technically didn't wish for him to get head with a bowling ball. We set things up for it to happen."

"But Timmy-," Wanda pleaded, but Timmy ignored her, and ran into the cafeteria, his mind thinking about revenge.

Aria smiled. At last, the boy was finally getting it. She walked up to the building, wanting to watch the show through the window.

"We really nailed Turner didn't we," Tad said. Everyone sans Trixie, was laughing their heads off. Tad was laughing so hard, he didn't notice the fist flying for his face. Tad was knocked off the table. Everyone in the cafeteria looked in shock at who had done it.

Timmy Turner.

"What happened to our bodyguard?" Chad asked with some fear.

"He...had an accident," Timmy said slyly. Everyone was even more shocked.

"You knocked him out," one person said fearfully.

"I had training," Timmy gloated with dark glee. He cracked his knuckles before coming over to Tad, who was shaking fearfully as Timmy approached him.

"You and me," Timmy said with a sneer. Tad tried to throw a punch, only for Timmy to block it. Timmy was able to bring Tad to the ground with a single-leg takedown.

"Turner stop," Tad said fearfully only to be punched in the face, knocking his sunglasses off.

Timmy felt nothing but euphoria, seeing the kid who bullied him squirm. "Who's the loser now!"

"I'll give you anything you want," Tad said fearfully, "just leave me-," he was silenced with another punch in the face.

"All I want is to smash your head in!" Timmy bellowed.

"Help," Tad said with terror. To his humiliation, none came. Everyone was cheering Timmy on as he wailed on Tad.

Chad looked scared, but then he remembered he had a ceramic plate and smiled deviously. He tried to sneak up to Timmy, and knocked him out while his back was turned. Or he would have had Timmy not lifted Tad up and threw him into Chad, bowling both of them over.

Everyone starting cheering. But Timmy didn't hear it. He didn't care about the cheers or attention he got. Only one thing went through his mind.


Timmy saw a metal chair behind him. With a crazed smile on his face, he picked up the chair, and slammed it into their heads over and over. They let out pleas for mercy, which he ignored.

"Timmy," Wanda said. Both of them were disguised as pens in Timmy's pocket. "I think they've had enough."

"Timmy, stop!" Cosmo said.


Timmy was so consumed by rage, he didn't hear them. Once he knocked them out, he decided to get the ultimate revenge. . He started stomping on Tad's ankle gleefully. He felt joy as his foot sprained Tad's ankle like they did his.

A hand was placed on his shoulder. "DUDE, STOP!" He slammed his fist into the face of person who dared touch him. Who dared to stop him from getting the revenge he so deserved.

IF THEY'RE GONNA GET IN MY WAY, THEY DESERVE TO SUFFER TOO! He raised his fist to hit the loser...

And saw Chester lying on the ground with a swollen cheek. Suddenly all the anger Timmy felt faded. He felt pain. His knuckles hurt. With the adrenaline gone, they started throbbing.

He looked around and saw...As his anger faded, he suddenly was aware of his surroundings.

Everyone was staring at him with more than a bit of fear. He looked around and saw Tad and Chad lying on the ground unconscious. He looked back at Chester, his best friend, and saw tears in his eyes. Chester, his first friend, looked afraid of him.

Timmy looked back and forth at the two unconscious boys, everyone, and Chester. He felt guilt, Soon his eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry Chester," Timmy said, sobbing his eyes out. "I'm sorry."

Aria smiled, watching the show from the outside the cafeteria and looking through the window. This was going better than expected. The boy, under the influence of the Medallion of Manipulation, had lashed out and attacked those two brats. He was so consumed by anger, he attacked his own friend. And because it relied on psychic energy and not emotional energy, those two fairies wouldn't suspect a thing. This was perfect. Timmy's friends and all his classmates would desert him after seeing him go psycho. And with his friends gone, it would be easier to get the boy under their control. Adagio would be so proud of her.

Aria smile became wider as Brace Face rose up and...

To Aria's confusion, Brace Face pulled Timmy into a hug.

"What are you doing?" Aria asked under her breath with gritted teeth. "He hit you! Why are you hugging him?!" To her growing rage, Timmy's other friends all started joining in the hug.

Timmy continued to sob while his friends held him.

"It's OK dude," Chester said, rubbing his back. Timmy's cries and his friends' assurance that they didn't hate echoed through the room, as everyone silently looked at Timmy with a mixture of fear and pity.

Timmy miserably followed Waxelplax to the Principal's office. His knuckles still ached, and everyone was looking at him like a monster. He looked at his fairies, disguised as band-aids on his arm.

"Guys," Timmy said remorsefully, "I'm-,"

"It's OK Timmy," Cosmo said with a warm smile.

"We don't blame you for how you acted," Wanda said in a kind tone. "You had every right to be angry at those boys."

"But I hurt Chester," Timmy said regretfully, "what was wrong with me?"

"Anger can make us do things we don't want to do," Wanda said.

"That's why you should always try and think positive," Cosmo said. Principal Waxelplax opened the door to the Principal's office. They entered a waiting room where Francis was sitting.

"Please wait here," the red-haired woman said sternly, walking into her office.

"Hey Timmy," Francis said. Timmy's eyes widened. Francis never called him by his first name. To his confusion, Francis was shooting him a smile. Not a mean smile, but a kind one.

"What do you want?" Timmy asked in a timid tone.

"I wanted to congratulate you, champ," The 12-year old boy said. "Take a seat." Francis patted the seat next to his.

"For what?" Timmy said, reluctantly taking a seat next to the grey-skinned boy. To his greater confusion, Francis offered him a bottle of cola.

"What's this for?" Timmy asked. "Where did you get this?"

"My minibar," Francis said, pointing to a minibar under his seat.

"You have a minibar?" Timmy asked the school bully with a raised eyebrow.

"I get sent here so often," Francis said, taking a sip from his cola, "I have that, and a whole entertainment center," Francis reached up to the ceiling and pulled down out a TV with a V-cube.

"Oh," Timmy said taking the cola, "what's this for."

"That's for beating up those two snobs," Francis said, looking like a proud older brother. "It was incredible."

"It was nothing," Timmy said, not feeling proud of what he did.

"It was amazing," Francis said with a proud smile, "especially when you stomped on their ankle and made them cry in agony."

The reminder made Timmy feel even more guilty. "Well-,"

"To think you went from being a puny wimp," Francis said wistfully, "to being my inspiration." Timmy felt bile build in his stomach, getting told he was an inspiration from Francis. Timmy never thought getting a compliment from Francis would make him feel worse than getting a punch in the face from him. Suddenly, he didn't want to drink Francis' cola. He probably got it by stealing some kids' lunch money.

"We should hang out more," Francis said cheerfully.

"Well-," Timmy said wearily. The door opened, revealing a stern looking principal.

"Timmy," Principal Waxelplax said. Timmy let out a sigh, getting up from the chair.

"See you around killer," Francis said happily, playfully punching the brown-haired boy on the shoulder. Timmy struggled not to flinch. He sat in the chair in front of Waxelplax's desk, expecting for the woman to yell at him. He looked down on the floor.

"Timmy," the woman said. "Look at me." Timmy pulled his eyes from the floor, expecting a glare.
Instead he saw kindness in the woman's eyes."Listen to me," the woman said in a soft voice. "I'm not mad at you." Timmy cocked his head in confusion.

"But I sent Tad and Chad to the nurse's office," Timmy said with a whimper. "And I hurt Chester."

"I know," the Irish woman said with a raised hand, "and it was wrong. And you will be getting a week of detention for it." Timmy nodded, accepting he deserved it. "But I want to tell you that you're not a monster. You had every right to be mad at those two boys for what they did. You just went too far."


"You made a mistake," the woman assured him with a warm smile, "and as long as you learn from it, you'll never be a bad kid." The woman gave her an even bigger smile. "And if you ever have something bother you, you can talk to me." Timmy found himself smiling for the first time since his fight.

"See Timmy," Wanda said with a smile.

"Yeah," Cosmo said, "no one thinks you're a monster."

"There's the monster." Timmy and Waxelplax turned and saw some well-dressed man walk in the room, followed by two other people.

"That's Chad and Tad's parents," Timmy said, "who's the other-,"

"Chairman Pizzo," Waxelplax said with forced politeness, "Mrs. Delaney", the woman said to Terry, "Mrs. Johnson, may I ask-,"

"So there's the monster who hurt my son." Terry said with obvious disdain for Timmy.

"What is it doing here?" Cherry asked.

"But they hurt me," Timmy protested.

"Little boy I suggest you don't say a word," Chairman Pizzo said condescendingly, "boys who disrespect their elders end up in federal prison." Timmy's face twisted into fear.

"Chairman Pizzo," Principal Waxelplax said with a stern expression, "that is not true. Timmy made a mistake."

"Mistake," Cherry said with feigned horror," are you saying you're OK with juvenile delinquency?"

Principal Waxelplax's eyes narrowed at what was obviously a loaded question. "Timmy is getting detention for a week," the woman said, "I am not letting Timmy off the hook in the slightest."

"I want the boy expelled," Terry said with obvious disdain. "Little brats don't deserve education."

"I'm not expelling him." Waxelplax said, annoyed at this woman for talking down to one of her students.

"Yeah," Timmy said, his confidence returning, "Tad and Chad hurt my ankle, and you didn't expel them."

"Nonsense," Terry said with a nasty grin, "my boys never did such a thing. They won fair and square."


"Lying about my sweet boy?" Cherry said with feigned anguish, "how could you."

"I am not expelling Timmy," Principal Waxelplax said firmly to the two women. "You two do not have the authority-,"

"But I do," Chairman Pizzo butted in. "As school board Chairman, I can overrule decisions regarding student discipline."

"Chairman Pizzo," Principal Waxelplax said in a pleading tone, "what Timmy was wrong, but he's proven that he-,"

"It would be shame to lose you," the dark-haired man said smugly to the obese woman, "but if you're not interested in protecting your students from unruly delinquents, I guess you can get another job elsewhere, and I can find someone more suited to my...agenda." Principal Waxelplax's face turned red. She barely resisted the urge to smash these idiots with a mace, but he was right, and so swallowed her bile.

"Now," Pizzo said to Timmy with a smug smile, "this is a form in which you admit to causing mayhem and emotional distress to those poor boys." He slammed it in front of Timmy. "If you sign it, I promise you will not end up in federal prison."

"Timmy," Waxelplex began, only for Pizzo to glare at her to remind her of her own powerlessness. Waxelplax sighed, giving Timmy a regretful look.

"He should end up in there anyways," Terry said with contempt.

"Along with all the other evil little boys," Cherry sneered. Timmy stood dumbly, unable to understand what was going on. These mean adults were threatening to kick him out of Dimmsdale Elementary and make him lose his friends.

"Timmy," Wanda said angrily, "they can't make you sign that."

"Yeah," Cosmo said.

Timmy didn't know what he could do.


Yeah, he could do that. Maybe turn them into worms too.

Aria walked to the principal's office, eager to see the kind of trouble Timmy was in. What she saw through the window filled her with joy. Three adults looked like they were making the twerp very agitated. And that pudding of a principal looked helpless. She waited for the moment when the boy would inevitably lash out and she would step in. By acting as his protector, it would be easier to bring the boy over to her side completely.

"Aria what are you doing here?" Aria turned and saw that Mr. and Mrs. Turner showed up.

"Timmy's parents," Aria said with hidden frustation. "What are you doing here?" Aria forced a friendly smile on her face.

"Same reason as you," Mrs. Turner said with a shrug.

"Our son was in a fight that he won," Mr. Turner said with a proud smile, "and we're here to congratulate-," Mrs. Turner let out an audible cough, "teach him that fighting is wrong."

"You don't have to be here," Aria said, trying to sound casual. "I can handle this for you guys, while you could be having fun, enjoying yourselves, tormenting Dinkleberg." Aria's gem glowed slightly.

"That sounds-," Mr. Turner began before he saw what was happening in the principal's office.

Some suited jerk was yelling at his son, who looked increasingly agitated, while two woman looked like they were talking down at him. Mr. and Mrs. Turner's eyes narrowed at that.

"Come on, you have better things to do than-," Aria began, only for the two parents to push past her and storm into the office when they saw the idiot was getting into Timmy's face.

"May I ask what's going on here?" Mr. Turner asked in a stern tone.

"Mom, dad," Timmy said in surprise, "what are you doing here?" The words made Terry, Cherry, and Pizzo look nervous.

"We heard you were in a fight," Mr. Turner said.

"Are you OK sweetie?" Mrs. Turner asked kindly.

"That man said if I don't sign this," Timmy said sadly, "I'm gonna be sent to federal prison. And those ladies said I'm an evil brat."

"Oh really?" Mr. Turner said with a frown.

"You must be Tad and Chad's mothers," Mrs. Turner said with equal disdain. "You bribed your sons out of punishment for cheating my son, and now you have the nerve to threaten him with his own punishment when he dares to fight back?"
The two women looked nervous.

"Mr. and Mrs. Turner," Pizzo said with a fake smile, "I was...just concerned about...law and order. No need to blow things out of-,"

Mrs. Turner felt a merciless smile form on his face. "Its funny that you mention law and order when you tried to bully my son, a minor, into signing something without his parents present."

Pizzo's face went pale at that."D-did I do that?" Pizzo said nervously.

"Can I tell you how that makes me feel?" Mrs. Turner said in a falsely sweet tone. Mr. Turner loosened his tie, while Principal Waxelplax put her feet on her desk, eager to make herself as comfortable as possible as she watched the show.

Aria watched as the three adults who bullied Timmy ran out of the principal's office with their tails between their legs.

"Run," the blond woman said fearfully, "run as far away from it as possible."

"Don't look back," Pizzo said, "she'll smell our fear."

With incredible dismay, Aria Blaze watched as the Turner parents walked out of the office, comforting their son.

"Oh honey," Mr. Turner said, "how do you do it?"

"I am a saleswoman," Mrs. Turner said, "we're always very persuasive." She bent down to look her son in the eye. "Are you OK Timmy?"

"Yeah," Timmy said with a smile, "thanks for helping me out."

"You've had a hard day sweetie," Mrs. Turner said kindly. "In fact, why don't we all go out to your favorite restaurant right now, and then we'll bring you back to school."

"Really?" Timmy said happily.

"You need a break," Mr. Turner said happily, "and you've earned it champ." Mrs. Turner glared at him. "I mean, you should talk about your problems." Timmy smiled warmly at his parents as they walked toward the exit.

"Hi Aria," Timmy said, waving at the girl, before running to join his parents.

Aria furiously clenched her fists. She had the perfect plan. She were gonna turn Timmy into a cold-blooded fiend who would scare others away from him, so she and her sisters would be his only friends. But those stupid friends and parents...

In a rage, Aria slammed her first into the a nearby locker, leaving a massive hole.

"Freedom," a small male voice said. A hand emerged from the hole she had made with a punch and turned the combination lock on it. A boy tumbled out of the locker. He clothes became rags, and a beard formed on his face.

"Freedom," the boy said happily, "freedom at last. I've been in there for three whole-," the boy yelled as Aria angrily lifted the boy up and hung him from a ceiling fan to take out her frustration.

"Oh well," the boy said with a shrug, "at least the air's fresh."

Aria fumed over what happened. Those idiot fairies were big enough of a pain, but those dorks and those white-collar losers were also an obstacle.

Aria's face twisted into one of cruel glee. If Timmy and his fairies' powers were to be theirs's, those idiot parents and friends had to go. They also needed a way to deal with those two fairies. As long as they were goody toe-shoes, Timmy would never come under their control.

But like Adagio said, there's a chink in every armor.

But they would find it, and once they found it, those fairies, that boy, and their power would belong to them.

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