• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,666 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Not That Disguised

Not That Disguised

It was a mostly silent drive back to Fluttershy’s house. She wasn’t in a mood to talk to Ratchet and he clearly had other things on his mind from the way he kept muttering to himself. Curbcheck and Stickshift were constantly racing and trying to drive the other off the road, meaning that neither of them paid any mind to the teenage girl in the ambulance.

Though honestly Fluttershy was grateful for the silence. After having calmed down about the revelation of Sunset having already been taken, the full weight of the day Fluttershy had just gone through was fully beginning to sink in.

‘Alright, let’s recap. Giant, robot aliens exist and they have the ability to transform into cars and other vehicles. Sure. They are also at war with one another and are constantly trying to kill each other in giant destruction derby’s. Okay. And finally, the Autobots, who, at the moment, are the good guys, are trying to keep me and my friend’s safe from the Deceptacons, the bad guys, yet have done only an alright job so far,’ though Fluttershy before she groaned and slid down in her seat.

‘I would say that all of this is crazy and that I am simply dreaming, but this sounds like the kind of crazy thing that would happen to us,’ she thought with a sigh. ‘After all, we’ve fought soul stealing sirens in a battle of the bands, so of course we’d have to deal with giant aliens that turn into cars. Next will probably be something like, I don’t know, card games that decide the fate of the world.’

Fluttershy then leaned her forehead against the window, letting the coolness of the window cool her very warm head. She figured that after all of the stressful things she had just gone through and witnessed that she would be bed ridden for days on end. She also wondered if any of her friends would believe her if she told them about what she had learned, even though they all had robots secretly following them.

“I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Ratchet’s voice sliced through Fluttershy’s thoughts and brought her back to reality, where she looked at the steering wheel with the Autobot symbol on it.

“Wouldn’t recommend what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Telling your friends. At least not yet,” Ratchet clarified for Fluttershy. “If they know then they will start acting differently then it’s only a matter of time until other humans figure it out. And once they do, it’s only a matter of time until they out both Autobots and Deceptacons…and then that will force our war to be out in the open.”

“So you want me to lie to my friends, who have helped me against beings I’d never thought I’d fight, and allow them to walk around unaware that giant robots are coming after them in a way they’d never see coming?” Fluttershy asked, hoping her words sounded as sarcastic as she was trying to make them.

“For the time being, Fluttershy,” Ratchet said with a bit of a sigh. “Right now neither side has the upper hand on the other. The Cons have Sunset and now we have you. I do not want to do anything that will risk tipping that balance in the favor of the Cons, not until Optimus is back and he can give us more…insightful instructions on how to save your friend. Please, for the time being, just try to act like everything is normal.”

“But…fine,” Fluttershy said with a sigh of defeat. “You did save my life from Fuel, so I suppose I owe this to you. But I will tell you right now that keeping this a secret from my friends won’t end well.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy. I’m glad to meet at least one human teenager who knows how to listen to instructions,” Ratchet chuckled. Fluttershy was about to ask more about what kind of teenagers Ratchet had hung out with in the past, but before she could a panel above her popped open and a license with her face plopped onto her lap.

“What is this?” she asked as she picked it, taking a moment to read over it before her eyes went wide. “Ratchet, this license says that I am certified to drive an ambulance!”

“Correct. While I was at the base I had one of the minicons make it for you while I was being repaired,” Ratchet informed Fluttershy, who couldn’t tear her eyes from the license. “Since I am going to be the bot looking after you, you need a reasonable excuse for why you always have an ambulance with you. Fortunately, because of that class you were taking you now have a reason for me being around. All this license does is make sure that no one questions why you’re constantly driving off with me.”

“B-but I don’t know have to drive you! I don’t even know how to drive a regular car!”

“Then it’s a good thing that I drive myself. The license is just for show.”

“But isn’t this illegal?! Forging a license and given it to someone who doesn’t even have a regular driver’s licenses?”

“Not to worry, Fowler himself helped me with getting that for you. That license there was issued by your government to you. It is not a counterfeit in any way.”

Fluttershy swallowed and felt a lot of fear and doubt get swallowed down as well. Out of everything that she had gone through that day, the idea of her having to one day drive the armored behemoth she was sitting in was what scared her the most. She groaned tiredly before sitting back in her chair, staring out the window at the stars in the sky.

“Have I really been gone all day?”

“You have. Your family will be worried about you.”

“Not really. They trust me and know that I know better than to get myself mixed up with any shady people. Then again they never really could have guessed that I would end up with a shady robot instead.”

“Are you saying that I am a shady character? I am nothing but the definition of honor and trust.”

“Ratchet, you’re a transformer, a being whose entire race can shapeshift into other forms. That sounds pretty shady to me.”


Just as Fluttershy had predicted, her family hadn’t been that worried when she got home. They told her that they had gotten a call about how she didn’t show up for her class and how they couldn’t reach her on her phone. She responded by telling them that she had met a new friend that she had spent the day with and that she had dropped her phone and broken it. Which was true. She just left out the part about the giant robots.

Her mother gave her what was supposed to be a scolding speech about staying in contact and always keeping appointments, but her heart wasn’t in it. Bother her mother and Fluttershy knew that the teenager knew better. Fluttershy, who was clearly exhausted from her day, headed up to her room and collapsed upon her bed. She had fallen asleep for maybe an hour before the phone ringing woke her up. She tried to go back to sleep, but a few moments later her mother entered into her room.

“Dear, it’s for you. Applejack is on the phone.”

Figuring that sleep wasn’t going to be an option that night, Fluttershy took the phone from her mother and held it up to her head. “Hello?” she muttered in a tired voice.

“Wow, sounds like you just gone done running a marathon, sugarcube,” Applejack’s voice said over the phone.

“I’ve had a long day. What’s up?” Fluttershy yawned in reply.

“Just wanted to call to make sure that yer alright. Earlier in the day we had yer parents call us and they were asking to see if any of us had seen ya,” Applejack responded with relief in her voice. “And with Sunset missing and our history with magic, ah was starting to get worried that another threat from Equestria had popped up in our world.”

“Well you’re not that far off,” Fluttershy grumbled under her breath, knowing that Applejack couldn’t hear her.

“So since yer alright an all, ah was wondering if ya wanted to come over to mah place tomorrow?” Applejack asked, but something about her tone caught Fluttershy’s attention. She wasn’t sure if she was just so tired that Applejack sounded different or if there was actually an edge to her voice, but something was different.

“Sure. Guess I can. I can drive over in my new ambulance,” Fluttershy muttered sleepily, not realizing what she had said until it had already come out of her mouth. She tried to think of a reply that would change what she had said, but aside from wanting sleep, her brain didn’t have any helpful suggestions.

“Whoowee, you’ve been in that class for a little under a week and already they’re letting ya drive around an ambulance,” Applejack said in an impressed tone, but Fluttershy was too busy mentally kicking herself to notice. “That sounds like a heaping helping of fun. Do they let ya play with the sirens?”

“No. Take a step out of line and the ambulance yells at you,” Fluttershy said with another yawn, only catching what she said a moment later. Applejack had been confused by what Fluttershy had said, but she simply assumed that with how tired Fluttershy was she had messed up.

“Well ah’ll let ya go the and hanks fer agreeing the meet with me tomorrow. It’ll be…a weight off of mah mind to have somebody ah can finally talk to about this.” This time Fluttershy fully heard the concern and worry in Applejack’s voice, which made Fluttershy drag herself out of dreamland slightly as concern for her friend began to form.

“Applejack, what’s wrong? You sound nervous and you never sound nervous.”

“It’s…well, it should be nothing but after looking into it a bit ah’m fairly certain that it is something, but what that something is ah have no idea,” Applejack replied quickly, her stone mask starting to crack.

“What is the matter?”

“Fluttershy, as crazy as this is going to sound…ah think I’m being followed by a giant robot.”