• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Optimus gathered up the seven girls once more, after having sent away the Autobot’s who had been speaking with the girls, so that he could talk to them in private. As the six stood around and waited for Optimus to speak to them, Fluttershy chanced a glance at her friends, a small smile crossing her face when she saw that they were all still in awe of Prime, aside from Pinkie, who was busy trying to cut out an Optimus shaped party hat.

“Alright girls, I have told you of our past and I have spoken about the present. Now it is time that we discuss the future,” Optimus told the seven, who all turned their eyes up to look at Optimus. “As of right now, the Deceptacons seem to have been scattered and pushed back. However, it would foolish to assume that we have defeated them. They would not have come all the way back to Earth only to give up so easily. They will return, the only question is when.”

“What do you have in mind, Optimus?” Pinkie asked Optimus, who was too busy taking in the Optimus party hat that she was wearing to answer.

“Until the Deceptacon threat has been dealt with, for the time being it would be safer if the seven of you stayed with us here in the base,” Optimus told the seven, waiting for the objection that never came. “The Cons have made it clear that they will attack you wherever you are and even if you have an Autobot escorting you. We cannot leave you out in the open. Here is the only place that you will be safe.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with you,” Applejack said. “The Cons came after me near mah home. While I don’t like being away from mah family, I like the idea of them being caught by a Deceptacon even less, especially if they get hurt because of me.”

“I second that. I don’t want to put my family at risk,” Fluttershy agreed, before another thought came to her. “But Optimus, what’s to stop the Cons from kidnapping members of our family and using them to draw us out, similar to what they did with Twilight? Shouldn’t we warn our families before the Cons go after them?”

“An excellent idea Fluttershy and one that I have already taken the liberty of executing,” Optimus told her. “When it became clear how the Cons were perfectly willing to target others to get to you, I called in an old human ally of mine who has connections in the government. As we speak, he is moving all of your families to someplace where the Cons will not get them for the time being. He has also informed your families that you have been recovered, Sunset and Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash and Sunset nodded to show that they had heard Prime, but that was all they did. “So is this ally of yours in the government one of the humans that Ratchet couldn’t tell me about?” Fluttershy asked Prime.

“Yes, but in light of recent events the time for secrecy has passed. The human that is our ally is named-“


The shout caught the seven girls off guard and they leapt as if a gunshot had gone off. Their heads then all snapped towards where the yell had come from, bringing to their attention a single man who stood on a balcony overlooking the base. He was too far away to make out any details, but Fluttershy could see that he wore a suit, had dark skin and had white hair.

“Oh here we go,” Fluttershy heard Ratchet mutter from over at the operating tables.

“Hello Agent Fowler. We were just speaking about you,” Optimus greeted the human, while extending his hand towards the agent. “I am surprised to see you here, though, with everything that has been going on.”

“Didn’t you know, Prime? Speak my name and I shall appear,” Fowler snapped back at Prime and instantly Fluttershy felt like she wasn’t going to get along with this guy. Optimus brought the man over to where the girls were and set him down on the table next to them. Upon closer inspection, Fluttershy saw that her initial thoughts about the man had been correct, but that she had missed out on the fact that he had a bit of a gut on him as well. But his eyes were fierce and determined, similar to hers but without the kindness that she held as well.

“So these are the seven girls that have brought the Cons back to Earth?” Fowler asked Optimus as he looked the girls over. Each of them looked away from the agent as his eyes scanned over them, except for Fluttershy, who returned his glare with a patient look. “They hardly seem worth all the trouble the Cons have gone through.”

“Believe me Fowler, much like us there is more to these girls than meets the eye,” Optimus warned Fowler, who had known Prime long enough to take his warning to heart. Fowler scanned over the seven once more before his eyes came to a stop on Fluttershy.

“So you’re the girl that I heard about in all of Prime’s reports. The human medic that has not only fought alongside the Transformers, but has also saved their lives on numerous occasions?” Fowler asked Fluttershy.

“Fight is a strong word. I have aided them when they’ve gone into battle and patched them up, but I’m not a fighter,” Fluttershy said humbly with a shake of her head.

“Could have fooled me. I read everything about what you’ve gone through. Only someone with a fighter’s heart could have not only survived what you went through, but come out stronger,” Fowler told Fluttershy, who raised an eyebrow in response to his words. “Yeah, you’ve built quite a name for yourself among the Autobot’s. Guess that’s why the Cons are trying so hard to get their claws on you.”

“Agent Fowler, we have more important matters to discuss than Fluttershy’s warrior spirit. Have you ensured the safety of the families of the seven girls?” Optimus asked Agent Fowler.

“Done and done, Prime. We moved our men to their homes about an hour ago. There, we explained to them what was going on without exposing your identities,” Fowler explained. “As far as they know, there’s something dangerous going down and we’re there for their safety. I also told them that we were holding the seven of you somewhere else safe. Most of them seemed to buy it, but Twilight’s family still seemed skeptical. Of course, I was lying through my teeth about all of you being safe until I got the call from Prime saying he had retrieved Sunset and Rainbow Dash.”

“Thank you for doing that. As you can see, our operation against the Deceptacons was successful and we managed to retrieve the two missing girls,” Optimus said with a nod to Rainbow and Sunset, both of who barely moved at the mention of their names. Fowler noticed the way the pair were behaving and let out a small sigh before flashing them a sympathetic look.

“Being held by the Cons is hell, isn’t it?” Fowler asked the girls before he walked over to the pair of them, placing his hands on their shoulders and looking the pair in the eyes. “When the Autobots were first on Earth I got captured by a Con named Starscream. He had me tortured for information about the Autobot base. I barely made it through that. So if either of you needs anyone to talk to who gets what you’re going through, free feel to contact me.”

The girls flashed Fowler a quick and grateful smile for his words, but a moment later their pained faces returned. Fowler shook his head sadly at their reaction before he turned back to Prime with a fury in his eyes. “We’re going to make the Cons pay for this, Prime. I promise you that.”

“In time, Agent Fowler, in time. But there has been one more update that has occurred since I last spoke with you,” Optimus informed Fowler, who raised an eyebrow in interest. “Soundwave lured out Fluttershy and Ratchet in an effort to capture her. Yet during Ratchet’s battle with Soundwave, Fluttershy and him did something I did not believe possible. They combined.”

“I’m sorry Prime, I must still have some bullshit stuck in my ears from dealing with politicians all day. Did you just say that a sixteen-year-old girl and an alien robot combined?”

“Seventeen, actually.”

“My reaction was similar to yours, but I assure you the both of them are telling the truth. But perhaps we should have them demonstrate,” Optimus said before he motioned for Ratchet to join them. Ratchet handed off what he was doing to Redheart and Red Alert before he walked over to Prime, smirking down at Fowler when he saw him.

“Well look who it is. Still being a pain in the backside of everyone you’re working with?” Ratchet asked Fowler.

“Of course I am. You still being a crusty old bot that nobody wants to hang around with?” Fowler smirked in reply.

“Actually, I’ve found a human that can actually tolerate my presence. You’ve already met Fluttershy,” Ratchet said with a nod to Shy. “So Optimus, what did you need me for?”

“Would you and Fluttershy please combine once more so that Fowler and I may observe the process. We are both curious to see this fusion you have told us about.”

“Very well, but if we can’t do it this time that will mean it only works when we’re in danger,” Ratchet told Prime, who nodded to show he understood. “Ready, Fluttershy?”

“I guess,” Fluttershy muttered before she activated her harmonic form, growing wings and ears while a magical aura surrounded her.

“An actual real life magical girl. And I thought giant robots was the craziest thing I had ever seen,” Fowler muttered with interest as he gazed over Fluttershy’s magical form. “And this is what you used to take on the Cons. You sure you’re not a fighter?”

“I prefer to be the team medic,” Fluttershy replied before she flew up to Ratchet, coming to a halt right in front of his chest. “Ready partner?”

“Let’s do this, partner.”

Ratchet then opened his chest and a beam of light connected from his spark to Fluttershy, who was then drawn into the Autobot’s chest. Before his chest plate closed around her both Optimus and the humans could see the spark chamber shifting so that it could fit the human girl. Then Ratchet’s chest plate slammed shut and his body began to transform. His paint went from white and red to yellow and pink, his car doors formed wings on the back of his body, which were then made to look like butterfly wings thanks to the magical aura and when he summoned his weapons Optimus saw they were far superior to anything Ratchet had carried.

“So this is the power of your combination,” Optimus muttered to himself as he gazed upon Ratchet and Fluttershy’s fusion.

“Yeah, I can feel the difference in power all the way down here,” Fowler admitted with a whistle. “This is good news for us, though. Can you imagine if the Cons had found a way to access this kind of form with Sunset and Rainbow Dash? We might have been in trouble.”

“I know the Deceptacons Fowler and I know they will not give up on this goal so easily. I just wish I could determine what their next move would be,” Optimus muttered. Ratchet’s form then ceased and a moment later his chest plate opened, allowing Fluttershy to walk out with sweat dripping down her face.

“The only problem with the combination is that it quickly drains Fluttershy of her power,” Ratchet told Optimus while holding out a hand for Shy, who stumbled onto it. “So we can’t access this form all the time. Only as a last resort.”

“I see. Fluttershy, how did you first feel after fusing with Ratchet. Were you exhausted? On the brink of collapse.”

“Optimus, we had driven Soundwave off, saved a friend of mine and tapped into a power that came from me and Ratchet being on the same page. To be perfectly honest…I was feeling great.”