• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,666 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Not That Disguised (2)

Not That Disguised (2)

“Robots in disguise. In disguise. How hard is it for a transformer that has been changing shape all of his life to understand that sentence?!” Ratchet asked aloud, yet the teenager in the front seat knew that Ratchet wasn’t talking to her. Ratchet was just having one of his outbursts that Fluttershy had learned were common to him.

The morning following Applejack’s call Ratchet had essentially blackmailed Fluttershy into going with him to Applejack’s farm. While she was having breakfast, he flashed his lights into her house to try to get her to move faster. When she had replied by shutting the blinds he had turned on his siren. That got her out of the house in a hurry.

So Fluttershy sat in the driver’s seat of an ambulance while she finished up her breakfast, not bothering to keep her hands on the wheel to pretend to be driving. There was no one on the road that early and whenever there was they barely paid here any attention. Ratchet had made an offhanded comment about there being a security device that dims the windows so that people would have a hard time looking inside, but Fluttershy figured that Ratchet was just one of those bots that people ignored.

“Well maybe now that Applejack knows about the transformers we can let her in on the fact that there’s a war going on that threatens our safety,” Fluttershy said quickly, hoping to catch Ratchet off guard.

“Not a chance. If what I know about your friend is accurate, she’s honest. Too honest. Meaning that if someone were to ask her about us she would most likely tell them everything,” Ratchet snapped back. It was clear to Fluttershy that RV getting themselves exposed had put Ratchet in a foul mood. “The only saving grace is that it seems that Applejack does not believe that she’s being followed by us and thinks she may be losing her mind.”

“If even she doesn’t believe it, why am I getting dragged over to her place at seven in the morning?” Fluttershy asked while stifling a yawn.

“To erase all doubt. You will be speaking with her and discerning how much she may or may not know,” Ratchet instructed Fluttershy, yet it sounded more like he was commanding her to do it. “And I know this may be hard for you to do, but please don’t accidentally let it slip that you know anything about us as well. Again, the more people that know…”

“The higher the chance of you guys getting found out. I got it,” Fluttershy grumbled back. Satisfied with her answer, Ratchet went back to grumbling to himself about the incompetence of his teammates. While he did that, Fluttershy reached down to the passenger’s side and pulled up her backpack, which she then opened up. “Hi there everybody.”

A series of soft cheeps answered her greeting, for inside of her backpack was a number of baby birds. Fluttershy smiled at all of them before she opened a small part of her bag and pulled out a handful of worms, which she then began to hand out to the babies.

“What in the name of the allspark are those diseased ridden vermin doing inside of me?” Ratchet asked in a simmering tone.

“There a group of baby birds I found abandoned in their nest. I think their mother had been killed by a hawk,” Fluttershy replied in a tone like iron. “I’m taking care of the until they’re old enough to fly on their own and no longer need me. But as they still need someone to take care of them at the moment, I bring them with me wherever I go. That includes in here.”

Ratchet snarled slightly, but he could tell from her tone that she wasn’t going to budge on this issue. He angled one on his mirrors so that he could glimpse down at the flock of birds, before sighing and readjusting his mirrors once more.

“So why didn’t you have these oh so precious baby birds with you when Fuel kidnapped you the other day?”

‘I left them with my mother. She looks after the animals I take in when I can’t bring them with me. Like when I was supposed to be at class.”

“Or when you’re driving around in an alien robot,” Ratchet muttered, but not soft enough so that Fluttershy couldn’t hear. She frowned at his reply and stuck out her tongue at his mirror. “Why do you even bother taking them in? They’re surely more trouble than they are worth. You should have let nature take its course.”

“Oh yeah, let nature take its course. Let it claim thee baby animals before they have a chance to live,” Fluttershy said in a mocking tone.

“That’s how the world works.”

“What was I supposed to do? Just sit there and ignoring their cheeps for their mother? I was just supposed to sit there and let the injured innocent be claimed by death even when they hadn’t done anything to deserve it?” Fluttershy asked with fire in her voice, slightly scaring the birds. “I was just supposed to stand by and watch even though I could help?”

“…no. No I suppose not.”

Fluttershy blinked a few times in confusion while her anger was tempered by her bafflement. She had expected Ratchet to get angry at her or at the very least call her naïve or something like that. But from the way he had spoken and how tired he had sounded when he had done so, made Fluttershy wonder if he had ever been in a position like hers before.

“So you truly plan on taking care of those annoying little things for the rest of your life?” Ratchet asked. “I read in your profile that you want to be a vet and that the only reason you were in medical class was because your teachers asked you to be. Have no interest in the medical field.”

“Not really. I love animals so much that I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do besides work with them,” Fluttershy replied with a shrug before smiling down at the birds. “After all, who could resist working with such little cuties like you guys?”

“Heh, how nice it must be for your life to be so simple,” Ratchet muttered, getting Fluttershy to wonder what he meant.

She never got the chance to ask, because when she looked up through the windshield she saw Ratchet pull into Applejack’s driveway. She unbuckled herself and zipped the birds back up, but before she could get out the glove box on the passenger’s side opened and revealed a small earpiece.

“That’s a communicator I had built especially for you,” Ratchet informed Fluttershy. “Until you get your cellphone repaired, this is how you can stay in contact with both the Autobots and your friends. I have already programmed their numbers and ours into it. All you need to do is say aloud who you wish to contact and it will do the rest.”

“Oh. Thank you,” Fluttershy replied.

She placed the device into her ear, slightly amazed at how well it fit. When she had done so the door to the ambulance swung open and allowed her to exit. She waved by to her birds before she walked up the pathway to Applejack’s front door. Once she was gone Ratchet closed the door and watched for a moment, before he felt like he was being watched. He angled his mirror down to see that the five birds in Fluttershy’s bag had managed to open it slightly and were now all looking at his mirror.



“It was right around here that ah saw the varmit,” Applejack told Fluttershy. The teenager had barely wasted any time in dragging Fluttershy out into the woods near where Applejack lived, leaving Fluttershy winded by the time the pair had arrived. Applejack had energy for days and so she was able to trek ahead without any problems. Fluttershy was struggling just to keep up.

“So…are you sure it was a giant robot?” Fluttershy asked in-between gasps for air. “Maybe it was just an illusion. Or maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you. Could’ve been an evil creature from Equestria. We seem to be getting more of those recently.”

“While ahm more than likely to believe that last one, ah know what ah saw,” Applejack replied. “It was a giant robot. It looked like it was…a car maybe? Ahm not sure the model, but it was definitely some kind of robotocized motor vehicle. And it was standing here in this outcropping watching me. That ahm sure of.”

Fluttershy took a moment from her panting to look around at the woods. The trees were large and tall, meaning that she could understand an Autobot trying to hide by using them. But RV was supposed to be keeping an eye on Applejack, so if RV had been spotted out here that meant Applejack had been out here as well. Fluttershy needed to know why.

“So why were you out here all by yourself?” Fluttershy asked as casually as she could. So naturally her voice sounded like she was accusing Applejack of being the world’s greatest thief. Applejack’s response was to give Fluttershy a baffled look.

“Haven’t ya been listening to a word ah’ve said? Ah was out here because ah was being followed by a giant robot,” Applejack said slowly this time. “At first ah thought it was a car following me, so ah took off into the woods to try to lose it. That’s when ah heard a strange sound, almost like…twisting metal. Then a few moments later ah spy this giant, purple robot staring at me from the trees.”

Applejack had turned away from Fluttershy to point to the spot where she had seen the robot, so she was spared from seeing Fluttershy’s face being drained of all color upon hearing the color of the giant robot. “Well ya better believe after seeing that ah hoofed it for mah life. Thankfully ah made it back to mah home safely, but ever since then ah can’t stop thinking about it. Ah tried talking to the others, but they all thought ah was seeing things. But ya believe me, right?”

“Sure Applejack, I believe you one hundred percent. Now if you will excuse me I just remembered something that I need to do so if you will excuse me,” Fluttershy said rapidly before she turned on her heels and raced off back towards the ambulance. Applejack watched her go with a raised eyebrow, before she too took after her friend when she heard a branch snap.

Once she had arrived back at Applejack’s house, the first thing Fluttershy did, aside from taking a moment to regain her breath, was to race to the ambulance and rip the door open. “Ratchet, you won’t believe it. It wasn’t RV that was following Applejack it was a-“

But Fluttershy’s story would have to wait a moment, for when she completely registered what the inside of Ratchet’s cab looked like she realized that he was going to be furious with her. Feathers were strewn across the seats, bird poop covered nearly every surface and five cheeping birds were tearing out the stuffing of one of the seats. With a meek smile Fluttershy slowly turned to look at the front of the vehicle, where Ratchet’s engine growled like an angry tiger.

“Get. Them. Out.”