• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

  • ...

The Call (3)

Consciousness returned to Fluttershy in one, painful thud. Her eyes snapped open and she shot up in her seat, only for another thud of pain to course through her head and nearly reduce her to tears. She gritted her teeth while groaning in pain, trying to lift a hand to her head to stem some of the pain. Yet when she tried to lift her arm she found that it was securely fastened to her body.

Terror was the first emotion to break through the wall of pain that Fluttershy was in, clearing her head and pumping adrenaline through her veins. She glanced down at herself to find that she was bound to a car seat, with her arms and legs secured with metal wires. Fluttershy tried once to break free of the bonds, but when that failed she knew that it would be pointless to try again.

Wondering if there might be another way to break the bonds, the teenager looked around at where she was sitting. she was inside of a larger car, one that had strange purple lighting in its interior. A wall of black glass separated the backseat from the front, one that Fluttershy could not see through. The windows next to her were clear, however, yet when she looked out them all she saw was a place that she didn't recognize. She was aware that the car was moving, but other than that had no idea what was going on.

She tried once more to struggle against her bonds, but the metal held strong. For a moment she considered using her magical power to break through the bonds, but with the stress she was under she found that she could barely muster a spark of magic. She swallowed hard to keep the fear down before beginning to decide what her next course of action should be.

'Think Fluttershy. You've been kidnapped, but why? Why would someone want to kidnap you?' she thought to herself in a bit of a panic, with her brain not able to think straight. A glance down at her hand, which still had a faint trace of magic on it, gave her an idea what they were after, but if they knew of the magic she had that meant they knew about the others and Equestria. And that was not a good sign.

"Heh, look who finally woke up."

The voice came out of nowhere, getting Fluttershy to nearly leap out of her seat despite the metal bonds. She let out a small yelp before she glanced at the black glass before her, wondering who was on the other side. "Thought that you were just going to sleep on our entire ride together. Not that I would mind, mind you, but it does get lonely on this road and we've got quite the drive."

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" Fluttershy asked with as much courage as she could muster. Her courage amounted to her words being squeaked out.

"Ha, look at you trying to be tough. It's almost adorable. Kinda like an insectacon that's trying to look cut so it can get some scraps. Didn't work on me then and it won't work on me now," the voice replied with a laugh, but Fluttershy heard no mirth in his words. What she did hear was danger, cruelty and, strangely, mechanical whirring. "But I'm always happy to give out my name. Call me Fuel. One guess as to why."

'What kind of name is Fuel? Maybe a code name?' Fluttershy asked herself. The pain in her head was all but gone, but in its absence was left a lot of questions and a whole lot of fear. Fluttershy didn't feel her phone in her pockets, meaning that she had no way to contact her friends. 'I could always try using my magic to try to escape, but even if I get out of this car there's no guarantee that I can get away from this person before they catch me again. And they might be so courteous next time.'

Her thoughts on how to escape were interrupted when the sound of a siren blaring gained her full attention. She shifted around as much as she could in her seat so that she could glance behind the car, her eyes widening when she saw an ambulance driving a ways behind them with its sirens on.

Fluttershy heard the driver grumble slightly, before he began to speak with someone else. Fluttershy couldn't hear what the other person was saying, but from the way that the driver was responding it was clear that he was supposed to drive as conservatory as possible.

'They don't want to draw attention to what they've done. All I need to do is get that ambulance to notice me. But how can I possibly get its attention?' Fluttershy asked herself. The driver moved into the right lane and slowed down so that the ambulance could pass, deciding it wasn't worth drawing any attention to the car.

The ambulance drove right up next to the purple car, that was driving as perfectly as possible not to draw any attention to itself. Fluttershy tried to throw herself against the door, hoping that maybe it would do something, but she was strapped in too tight. The ambulance didn't drive by the purple S.U.V. just yet. Instead it drove parallel with it, almost as if it was scanning the vehicle.

'This could be my only chance! I've got to try this!' Fluttershy thought before she closed her eyes and focused. A moment later wings shot out of her back and pony ears appeared atop her head. It was only for a brief moment, but in that brief moment she was fueled by Equestrian magic. And the ambulance noticed.

Tires screeched as the ambulance took a hard right and slammed into the side of the S.U.V., getting Fluttershy to yelp while whoever was driving swore in a language that Fluttershy didn't recognize. The vehicle swerved left and right as it tried to stay on the road, but the bigger and far bulkier ambulance was completely in control. Metal crunched and sparks flew as the two vehicles pushed back and forth against each other, but while they did that Fluttershy looked to the other side of the car and out the window.

Her eyes went wide as she realized what the ambulance was doing. Off the side of the road was a large entrance to a waterway, one that had numerous pipes and a long river of dirty water. And that was exactly where the ambulance was trying to push the two of them to. Fluttershy began to wonder if she had traded one madman for another.

"If you can hear me in there, hold on for your life!" another voice said.

The ambulance did one last slam into the side of the S.U.V. and the bigger vehicle won out. The S.U.V. was driven off of the road and down into the waterway below the road. Fluttershy braced herself as best as she could, but despite the long fall the driver seemed to be doing an unbelievable job keeping the car from rolling over. If she didn't know better and wasn't in fear of her life, she would have guessed that the driver and the machine were one. The S.U.V. managed to stay on its wheels all the way to the bottom, but when the car came to a screeching halt Fluttershy could smell burnt rubber.

"Argh! Damn that bot, driving me off of the road like that. Who does he think he is?!" Fluttershy heard the driver swear in the front seat.

She peeked out the window to see the ambulance driving down the ramped side of the waterway, until it came to a stop not that far from the vehicle Fluttershy was trapped in. For a brief moment the two vehicles seemed to stare at each other, with the sirens still blaring. But then the ambulance turned the sirens off, leaving the two in silence.

"So you managed to track me down. Seems that we underestimated your Autobots tracking skills," the drive said to the ambulance.

"I'm going to give you one warning, con. Drop the girl and drive home to your master, or you're going to be leaving her in parts," the driver of the ambulance replied. Fluttershy noticed that his voice sounded just as mechanical as the driver of the car she was in, but this voice sounded older and far more pissed off.

"Drop the girl? No way, old bot. We've gone through too much trouble hunting these little girls down, so there's no way I'm giving it up to a rusted old can that's way out of his prime." Upon listening closer, Fluttershy began to realize that the voice of her driver sounded far younger than the one in the ambulance. She was also beginning to wonder why neither of them were getting out of their vehicles or shooting at each other. That worried her.

"Last warning. Give me the girl or you're going to be needing a new pair of optics."


The next thing Fluttershy knew the door next to her was flung open and she was propelled out of the car. She landed on the ground with a thud, getting her to seethe with pain as she landed hard on her elbow. But the pain quickly became a distant memory when she witnessed what happened next.

The car that she had been in suddenly began to shift and change, with metal plates moving as it rose up. The ambulance followed suit, with pieces of it moving in a way that Fluttershy knew that no vehicle should be able to move. Then she realized that the two vehicles were beginning to take on shapes, shapes that made them humanoid. Hands shots out of the end of arm like appendages, before a head emerged from within the chest of the ambulance.

Within moments two giant robots were standing over Fluttershy, both of them staring down the other. The one that she had been inside had a sinister smirk on his face, while his eyes were hidden behind a red visor. The other one had a pair of blue eyes that reminded her of a computer screen, but his face was hidden behind a massive mouth guard that covered his lower face. Both robots retained their painting and coloring, making it seem like a giant ambulance was taking on some kind of techno monster.

"Got to admit, I was pretty upset with Ultracon when he told me I'd be doing a snatch and grab," the giant robot with the voice of Fuel said to the other one, before his hands turned into sickles. "But if I had known that doing this lame mission would net me a chance to kill a legend such as yourself, I would have said yes a whole lot faster."

"That's quite an imagination you've got there punk, if you think you have any chance at bringing me down," the giant ambulance said, before a pair of blades shot out from above his wrists. "Time to give you a taste of reality. And I'll warn you now. This medicine is bitter."