• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Rescue (3)

Rescue (3)

And Fluttershy had thought that Ratchet was big.

Yet as Optimus Prime walked towards them, with each step shaking the ground, she realized that she never really knew what big was until she laid eyes on him. At best, Ratchet would come up to maybe the center of Optimus chest, probably a bit below it. He was also wide, practically as wide as a barn. And Fluttershy had been to plenty of barns.

The situation had completely changed with the arrival of Optimus. A moment ago, Fluttershy and Ratchet had been at the mercy of the Cons, with no way out. Now the Cons were doing everything in their power to keep from scattering and running at the mere sight of Optimus Prime, who came to a stop next to Ratchet. And all that did was allow Fluttershy to compare Optimus to the Cons, none of who came up to his chest except for Soundwave.

Optimus glared at the Cons to the point where they began to cower, before glancing down at the motionless body of Curbcheck laying on the ground. Anger flashed across his optics and Fluttershy suddenly felt the urge to run for her life. Then Optimus moved his optics to Ratchet, who was smirking up at him.

“Hello Optimus. Not used to seeing you be late to a party,” Ratchet choked out with a laugh.

“Forgive me old friend, for I had very pressing matters to attend to. I am sorry for being late,” Optimus replied in a voice so stoic and in control that just by hearing it Fluttershy was willing to follow this bot to the depths of hell if he so asked.

“Well I’m sorry that you had to waste your time coming out here. I…clearly had them…on the ropes,” Ratchet said with a cough, getting Optimus to smirk beneath the face plate.

Optimus then glanced at Fluttershy, who froze like a deer in the headlights under his gaze, but after a moment he nodded to her kindly and she felt herself relax a bit. Then his optics snapped towards the Cons and all of them, except for Soundwave, jumped as if shot.

“Hear my words Deceptacons and hear them well. While we may be eternal enemies, at the moment I have two bots whose lives are in grave risk, so I do not have time for a long battle. Therefore, I give you a choice. Leave and I promise that no harm shall come to you today. Or stay to fight,” Optimus began before he summoned a giant, double headed orange battle axe in one hand and the Cannon of the Primes in the other. “…and take your fate into your own hands. The choice is yours.”

Optimus and the Cons locked optics, with neither daring to take their optics off the other for even a moment. Fluttershy looked between the two sides, having no idea what was coming next. Then the Cons began to look to Soundwave, the most experienced Con then. Optimus saw where their optics were looking and he focused his glare on Soundwave, who stared back up at him with emotionless eyes.

“You were always a tactician, Soundwave. You know how this battle will end,” Optimus warned Soundwave. Soundwave seemed to ponder over Optimus’ words for a moment before he pressed a button on the side of his wrist. A ground bridge portal opened up behind him and the Cons and Soundwave gave a hand gesture telling them to get in.

The Cons did so all to readily, none of them wanting to stand against the last Prime. All sixteen of the Cons raced through the portal except for Soundwave, who stopped at the entrance to look back at Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, hear my words,” Soundwave said to her in a mix of Ratchet and Optimus’ voices. “We shall meet again soon.” He then turned and walked into the portal, which closed behind him. With the Cons finally gone, Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief and collapsed to her knees. She took a moment to take a few breaths before she spun around to face Ratchet.

“Ratchet, are you okay?!” she asked with worry in her voice as she looked over his injuries.

“Do I look okay to you?” he asked with a sigh before rolling his head to look up at Optimus. “Optimus, we need to get Curbcheck back to base. I can last a while like this, but at the rate he’s losing energon he won’t have more than an hour at most. We need to get him back.”

“Agreed, Ratchet. Fluttershy, would you mind standing on my shoulder for the time being?” Optimus asked Fluttershy, who could give a squeak of agreement. Optimus held out a hand for her and gingerly moved her up to where his shoulder met his body once she had stepped on. She hopped off his hand and held onto a part of the trucks exhaust pipe for support, while Optimus scooped up both bots under a different arm. “Optimus Prime to base. Send a ground bridge to my location and prepare the medical bay. I have two patients who will be needing it.”


The moment the Autobot were back inside the base Optimus got to work. He placed Ratchet down on the operating table first and activated the repair machines they had stationed around it, getting them to start on repairing Ratchet’s limbs. Once that was done he prepared another table for Curbcheck, where he instructed one of the younger medics to keep him alive until Ratchet was functional enough to repair Curbcheck himself. Only once all that was done did Optimus walk over to a large table that had nothing on it and help Fluttershy down from his shoulder.

“Are you alright?” he asked her once he had set her down on the table.

“Aside from now being terrified of heights I’m good,” Fluttershy replied meekly. Optimus nodded before his chest opened up slightly and he held his hand next to the hole. A moment later an explosion of confetti went off and a girl with bouncy pink hair leapt onto his hand. She wore a white shirt with a blue jacket overtop and had on white pants with numerous candy images on them.

“Hi Fluttershy!” she waved to Fluttershy.

“How are you doing, Pinkie?” Optimus asked in a much more concerned voice. “I feared for your safety while I was transforming. Nothing on you was crushed or damaged, was it?”

“Don’t worry you bid worry wart, I’m totally okay!” Pinkie exclaimed as she spun around to show that she was. “Things got a bit tight in there, but I had front row seats to watch you make those mean Deceptacons rust themselves. Bet they’re going to have nightmares of you for weeks.”

“I am glad you are safe,” Optimus said before he turned and walked over to where Ratchet was being repaired, beginning a very serious conversation with him.

“So…you know about the Transformers too?” Fluttershy asked Pinkie after a moment had passed.

“Uh-huh! At first I thought that Optimus was just a really friendly truck, but then we got attacked by this helicopter Deceptacon when we were at a hotel!” Pinkie exclaimed with excitement. “I was out taking a stroll, because I can’t sit still for long periods of time, and so I was the only one of my family the Deceptacon went after. Then Optimus showed up and kicked his bumper back to wherever he came from. He then explained what was going on and about both sides and all that. He then told me he needed to head back here to help his fellow Autobots, but he didn’t want to leave me alone. So I decided to tag along with him! We’ve become great friends since, haven’t we Optimus?!”

“The bestest,” Optimus said over his shoulder to Pinkie before returning to his conversation with Ratchet. A moment later Ratchet rose from the table and limped over to the table where Curbcheck was laying. He grabbed a bag of tools and began to operate on the bot, occasionally barking out orders to the other medic.

“And your family is perfectly fine with you being with him?” Fluttershy asked once she had torn her eyes away from the scene.

“Yep! I just told them that a friend of mine was giving me a lift back home so that I can help another friend!” Pinkie said with a smile, before a more serious look crossed his face. “Optimus also told me about Sunset and the situation with Rainbow Dash…do you think?”

“I don’t know at the moment,” Fluttershy said with a shudder, trying not to think about how she had almost been captured like her two friends. Another Autobot walked by and Pinkie flagged them down by blasting confetti onto their face.

“Excuse me, Mr. Autobot, but we were wondering if you could tell us what happened to Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie asked.

“Sadly, the Cons managed to get away with Rainbow Dash. We managed to save Holy Diver, but we lost Dash in the process,” the Autobot replied with a sigh. “Fowler and his men have taken Rainbow’s family in and are briefing them on the situation, but they’re not handling it well. Can’t say I blame them.”

Pinkie and Fluttershy both gave each other the same look of concern and fear before a shaky smile broke out across the face of Pinkie. “Well, no need to worry. Optimus told me that the Cons needed us alive and unharmed to do whatever it is they’re doing, so I guess she’ll be safe for the time being. Right?”

Fluttershy thought back to Soundwave and how merciless he could be and began to very much doubt the safety of her friends. But then she glanced back to Pinkie, who looked to be on the edge of a breakdown. Fluttershy knew that she had to be the strong one.

“Yes Pinkie, I believe that they will be safe for now,” Fluttershy reassured her and Pinkie seemed to calm down a bit. That was until Ratchet let out a yell of frustration and hurled his toolkit across the base. “Ratchet, what’s the matter?!”

“It’s Curbcheck. I’ve done everything in my power to save him, but due to the extensive damage on my arms and the placement of the shrapnel I’m not doing enough!” Ratchet roared in reply, slamming his fists down onto the table.

“Ratchet, what do you mean?”

“What I mean, Fluttershy, is that Curbcheck is going to die. And there’s nothing I can do.”