• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

Fowler hadn’t stayed long at the base. After making sure that the girls were more or less alright, checking in with Prime for anything he might have missed, and taking some time to mock the Deceptacon prisoners, he headed back to his HQ to continue on with his work.

Yet despite Fowler being gone and no appearance of the Cons in nearly a week, the girls were still confined to the walls of the Autobot base. They each understood why they had to be there, that it was the safest place on Earth for them and that at least they were all together, but after a few days it started to get old. After a week, tensions were high.

Fluttershy spent most of her time working with Ratchet, learning more about surgery and how the transformers worked. When he was awake Curbcheck would allow Fluttershy to poke around inside of him, with Ratchet supervising the whole thing naturally. She learned how the wiring in them worked, how tiny enegon tubes carried their life blood through their bodies and, most importantly, how the data center in the central cortex was laid out. That she had to learn off of a dead Con, however.

The other girls weren’t doing as well. While Pinkie did her best to keep everyone smiling and in better spirits, even she began to feel the effects of being cooped up inside of a base for too long. What wasn’t helping the situation was that Rainbow and Sunset were either silent or bitter whenever someone tried to talk to time, making being around them equivalent to standing on thin ice. Rainbow Dash had already blown up once at Applejack that week. None of them wanted to go through that again.

“That was very good. A perfect incision if I am being honest,” Ratchet said with a nod of approval, watching as Fluttershy perfectly created a small slice in the chassis of Curbcheck’s armor, making so she could just barely reach a hidden layer of energon tubing beneath his armor. “Those tubes can be incredibly hard for a regular transformer to get to, with our size and all, but with your petite frame you would be able to fix any damage done in there with no trouble at all.”

“I guess the reason that it is so easy is because I have a wonderful teacher,” Fluttershy said with a small shrug as she transformed the magic around her hand from a blade to a beam of energy. She pressed the beam against Curbcheck’s armor and sealed it back up.

“While I am not doubting that the incredible wisdom of your teacher had much to do with your success, I would be foolish not to point out what a good student you are,” Ratchet replied, praising the both of them. “You learn quickly, follow directions and have good instinct for this. Maybe I should make you my prized student, instead of the other bots who have trouble following the simplest of instructions!”

As he said this Ratchet cast a glance over at Redheart and Red Alert, both of who made faces at the veteran bot. Ratchet smirked in reply before he lowered his hand and held it out for Fluttershy, who stepped onto it with a smile. “That is, sadly, all the time I can spare for today. We are still searching for signs of where the Cons have gotten to.”

“They haven’t shown up in a week, right? Think they might have left Earth for good?” Fluttershy hopefully asked, but Ratchet shook his head grimly.

“If they left by space bridge, the scanners would have told us. If they left by flying off world, the government would have been able to verify their departure. No Fluttershy, the Cons are still very much with us. The question is where?”

“And what are they waiting for?” Fluttershy added on. “Just waiting around isn’t going to help them get us out of your base. Either they’re as dumb as you said they are…or they’re waiting for something. The question is, what?”

“Exactly my thoughts, but until we learn more about what that what is there is nothing more we can do for the time being,” Ratchet said as he lowered Fluttershy onto the table where her friends had gathered. “Now if you will excuse me, I have work to get done. Try not to get into trouble.”

“Trouble tends to find us, don’t you think?”

“With pin point precision,” Ratchet agreed with a shake of his head before he turned and walked away. Fluttershy walked over to where her friends were gathered, taking a moment to appreciate the kindness of Fowler. He had men bring in some couches, a table, and a large screen TV with both video games and a movie player. Ratchet had mentioned that one-time Fowler had to stay inside the base for his own good and he nearly went insane with boredom. This was his way of making sure the girls didn’t suffer the same fate.

Unfortunately, as soon as Fluttershy approached her friends she could tell that she wouldn’t be relaxing. Rainbow, Sunset and Twilight sat on one couch, while Rarity, AJ and Pinkie sat on the other. Both sides were giving each other nasty stares, except Pinkie who looked concerned, which drew a sigh out of Shy as she joined up with them.

“Alright, what’s going on?” she asked with slightly more annoyance in her tone than she would have liked. He words snapped both sides out of their stare down and they all glanced up at her. ‘Clearly something has all of you upset, for the tenth time, so let’s just get it out so we can move on with this.”

“Because it’s just that easy,” Rainbow snapped at Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked over at her friend and raised an eyebrow just as Rainbow Dash rose out of her seat. “Because it’s just that easy to move on. With a little will and teamwork we can just move past all of our problems.”

“That is generally how it goes,” Fluttershy agreed, which only angered Rainbow Dash further.

“Well let me tell you something, it isn’t that easy. Not when you’ve gone through what we went through!” Dash snarled back at Fluttershy, pain and anger burning in the rainbow haired girl’s eyes. Fluttershy’s expression didn’t change. “For days, I was subjected to whatever form of torture Soundwave felt like inflicting upon me that day! Sunset was there even longer! And yet everyone wants us to just move on, like nothing ever happened. Well guess what, things did happen!”

“No one is saying that you shouldn’t feel what you’re feeling or just forget all about it. What we’re trying to tell you is that you can’t dwell on it. If you do, it may consume you entirely,” Fluttershy replied in an understanding tone, but at this point anything she said only made Rainbow angrier.

“That’s just it! You think you understand but you don’t!” Rainbow roared again at Fluttershy. “You don’t know what it’s like to be broken, to feel so much rage and helplessness and not be able to do anything about it! To watch your friends suffer! How can you stand there and tell us to move past it when you have no idea what it’s like?!”

For a moment to two girls stared each other down. One was a wildfire of pain and misery, who might just lash out at the first person to look at them wrong. The other was a blank slate devoid of emotion, who gazed into the fire with eyes so icy the reflected the flames within them.

“That’s the pain talking Rainbow, that’s not you,” Fluttershy calmly said, yet once more her words infuriated Dash. But this time Fluttershy didn’t give Dash the chance to get started once more. “And yes, I know what it’s like to watch your friends suffer. To feel helpless. I may not have been physically tormented the way you and Sunset were, but you better believe I have suffered all the same.”


“When Stickshift was murdered right in front of me,” Fluttershy replied, her voice icy enough to freeze Rainbow’s rage. For a long moment Rainbow, and the others, stared at Fluttershy, who gazed cooly back at her friend. “I couldn’t help him. He was dead before he hit the ground. But for days after that I felt the sense of helplessness and anger that you feel now. But thanks to Ratchet, I decided to take that anger and use it as fuel to ensure that no one would ever have to die for me again. Or if they did try, I could save them.”

“So I want to make it perfectly clear that I understand exactly what you are going through. And yes, the Cons have beaten me up too. I understand your anger. And if you truly need to get it out, to break something or lay into someone, then do it to me,” Fluttershy said as she stepped up to Rainbow Dash, who backed away slightly from Shy. “I can take it. I’ll heal.”

For a long moment the two simply stared at each other, with one gazing at the other with uncertainty while the other patiently awaited her friends decision. Then, after a long, tense moment of waiting, Fluttershy reached out and pulled Rainbow Dash into a hug. Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she looked at Shy in confusion.

“It’s alright. You’re safe here. I’m sorry you had to go through all that,” Fluttershy whispered to her friend.

That was what broke Rainbow. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged Fluttershy back, sobbing bitterly into the shoulder of her friend. Fluttershy then flashed Sunset a look and motioned for her to join in the hug as well. She did so, joining Rainbow Dash in the crying, before all of Fluttershy’s friends joined into one giant hug. And as they hug Fluttershy let her magic spread over them, softening the pain that all of them felt.

After a few moments of hugging the girls all let each other go, before they started to apologize to one another with tears still in their eyes. Fluttershy watched all of this with a soft smile on her face, before Sunset tapped Fluttershy on her shoulder and turned Shy’s attention to her.

“Thanks, Fluttershy, we needed that,” Sunset admitted before she gave Fluttershy a curious glance. “But I’m surprised. I don’t remember you…being this strong.”

Fluttershy simply smiled in reply.