• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,666 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Endgame (2)

Endgame (2)

“This power. This absolute power! This is what it is like to have one of those little batteries powering you!” Ultracon laughed with delight as he glanced down at his new form, taking time to savor the new feeling of power the likes of which he had never felt before. “Hahaha, no wonder Soundwave was so keen on having these girls, this power is insane! I feel like I could crush anyone that stands in my way! I feel like I could crush a Prime. In fact, I’m going to go crush Prime!”

“Not as long as I still function!” Ratchet roared as he charged towards Ultracon, who had been too busy with his new power to notice the other Autobot. So when he turned to look at Ratchet he took a boot to the side of his head. And even with his new, magical form, Ratchet was still big and heavy enough to cause the Con to stumble. “Release Fluttershy this instant! At the rate you are draining power from her you’ll kill her!”

“And that is supposed to concern me? She has five other friends who can all power me in the same way. I will drain Fluttershy until she is nothing more than a husk, then I will do the same to her friends!” Ultracon promised Ratchet, who bellowed with fury as he summoned his scalpel and machine gun. He unloaded everything that his gun had as he charged towards Ultracon, but the Con’s magical barrier stopped the energon bullets before they could reach him.

He then lashed out with his hand and grabbed Ratchet by the face, halting the Autobot in his tracks. Ultracon then lifted Ratchet into the air with a single arm, while his right arm brought out the whip sword once more.

“But you do bring up a good point. What is the point of killing this girl before I can properly use her? In fact, why should I use Fluttershy’s power alone when I have five other girls whose powers I can combine Fluttershy’s with?” Ultracon asked Ratchet, who kicked and clawed at the Con in an effort to kill him. “You are smarter than you let on, Ratchet. Thanks for helping me learn what to do with these powers. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Fluttershy. At least, for the short time she has left.”

Ultracon then hurled Ratchet across the room and through the nearest wall, which crumbled down on top of Ratchet and buried him beneath the rubble. Ultracon then let out a laugh of delight before he went charging down the corridors of his battle station, heading right for where Optimus Prime was. He turned a corner to find Prime standing over the armor that Ultracon had spent so many cycles working on, trying to pry open the front of it so he could free the other girls. Ultracon couldn’t let that stand.

Optimus didn’t hear Ultracon coming until the Con’s twin boots drove themselves into the side of Optimus’s head, sending him sprawling away from the suit of armor. Optimus groaned weakly as he slowly pushed himself back up to his feet, only to turn around to realize the horror of the situation he was in.

“Ultracon, what have you done?” Optimus asked in horror as he recognized the form that Ultracon had achieved.

“What have I done, Prime? I’ve done what only Ratchet was able to do! I have achieved unison with one of the human girls whose magic you have fought so hard to keep from me,” Ultracon informed Prime, before he lifted his cannon and fired it towards Optimus. Prime rolled out of the way of the attack and picked up his axe at the same time, so that when he sprung to his feet he was both in a better position and far better armed.

“Ultracon, release Fluttershy this instant and I promise you shall live to see tomorrow,” Optimus warned the Con as he swung the axe menacingly.

“Don’t act for a moment like you have any intention of fighting me, Prime,” Ultracon smirked at Optimus. “I still have one of you precious, little humans inside of me, one that might get hurt or killed if you try to fight me. Of course, you always could fight back, but today I feel like blocking all of your attacks with my chest. Is that a risk you’re willing to take, Optimus?”

“Is this how far into madness your goals have driven you? That you would use an innocent soul that has done nothing to you or anyone else to further your own twisted desires?” Optimus asked the Con, knowing that he couldn’t risk hurting Fluttershy. “I thought your goal was to create a world where none need fear being oppressed or kept down. Yet that is exactly what you’re doing to her.”

“I do dream of creating that world, Optimus. But that world doesn’t exist yet. So I will need to do everything in my power to make sure it does,” Ultracon said before he lifted his cannon and fired it at Prime. Optimus had been waiting for the attack and he rolled out of the way, before he shifted to his smaller vehicle mode to race around the rest of Ultracon’s shots.

Prime transformed back into a robot and slammed his fist into Ultracons face, staggering the Con. Ultracon might have been more powerful than Prime thanks to the effects of Fluttershy’s magic, but Prime was still a full head taller than him. And with that size came a lot of force.

Ultracon lashed out at Prime with his whip, but Prime held up an arm and allowed the whip to wrap itself around his limb. Once the blade was stuck Optimus then took his axe and drove it through the base of the whip sword, slicing it clean from Ultracon’s body. Ultracon roared with rage as Optimus tore the blade free from his body, before moving towards Ultracon once more.

“You may have Fluttershy’s magic, but I have centuries of experience and a knowledge of how you fight. I don’t have to hurt Fluttershy to beat you. I just have to tear off your arms and legs and leave you immobile so that I can remove her,” Optimus told Ultracon, who lifted his cannon towards Prime.

“No, this can’t be. I’m far more powerful than you!” Ultracon roared at Optimus.

“Your power isn’t enough,” Optimus snarled at Ultracon.

Those words seemed to hit Ultracon like a truck and for a moment he lowered his weapon. Then a laugh escaped his lips and he raised his weapon once more, but this time he aimed it above Prime. “You are right, Optimus! I can’t free Cybertron with the power of one girl alone! I will need all of them! And I have all of them!”

A blast of energon hit the ceiling over Optimus and forced him to leap out of the way off the falling rubble to avoid being crushed. With Optimus out of his way Ultracon raced over to where the suit lay fallen on the ground, glancing inside of it to see that the six girls that he had imprisoned inside were still there. A smile as wicked as his spark spread across his face before he pressed a button on the side of the armor. The head piece retracted and the chest plate opened, allowing just enough room for a certain Con to fit inside.

Optimus groaned and shook his head as he rose back up to his feet, still feeling the wear and tear of his fight with the cybertronian suit. He glanced down at his right arm to see energon leaking from the gashes caused by the energon whip saber. But he knew that Ultracon had to be stopped then and there, so he ignored the pain as he turned around to face Ultracon…only to see that Ultracon now stood a full head taller than him.

“Hello, Prime,” Armored Ultracon said before he slammed a fist into Prime’s chest, ripping the Autobot leader from the ground and hurling him down the hallway. Prime crashed onto the ground on his back, the momentum from the blow causing him to skid across the floor until he came to a halt in a central chamber.

Optimus groaned in pain as he slowly started to get back up, before his optics widened as Ultracon came barreling down the hallway towards him. Optimus transformed his left arm into the Cannon of the Primes and prepared to fire ancient energon that would have been strong enough to bring down a battleship. But then he remembered that not only was Fluttershy trapped inside of Ultracon, but Pinkie and the others were still in the armor. So with his arm shaking he lowered it to his side, right before Ultracon yanked him from the ground and drove him into the wall.

Prime cried out with pain as the metal folded against the impact, while Ultracon laughed at Optimus’s agony. Ultracon then grabbed Prime by the face and whipped Prime over his head, slamming the Autobot leader back first into the chamber floor. The floor buckled and bent under the impact of Prime, who groaned weakly as Ultracon walked over him.

“Am I strong enough now, Prime? Now that I have all of the precious, little humans that you fought so hard to keep safe?” Ultracon asked Prime, who cocked back a fist in response and slammed it into the side of Ultracon’s face. Yet the blow didn’t even budge the Con, who smirked at Optimus’s futile attempt to fight back. “Don’t you get it? I have all the six girls. I have access to all of their magic! And let me tell you Prime, this power is beyond anything I have felt before! Allow me to show you!”

With a kick of his legs Ultracon leapt into the air and came crashing down towards Prime, planning on crushing him on impact. Prime was still one of the best and had the sense to roll out of the way of the descending Con. Ultracon crashed into the ground where Prime had been a moment earlier and the force of his impact caved the floor in completely. Both Autobot and Deceptacon fell into the depths of the battle station, with Prime landing hard on his front while Ultracon landed on his feet.

Despite his cracked chassis, his sliced apart arm and the knowledge that he wouldn’t be truly able to fight back against Ultracon, Prime pushed himself back up to his feet, narrowing his optics as he found that Ultracon’s attack had put the two next to the central core of the base. Hundreds of energon tubes all fed into a central sphere filled with energon, one that Prime was certain fueled the base and its soldiers.

“This is where it ends, Optimus,” Ultracon said in a low voice, one that was devoid of his usual laughter or malice. “This is where the last Prime finally dies. And with him dies the ways of old, the Autobot Council and the oppression and injustice that has been forced down on Cybertron for so long. For when I slay the last Prime, none shall stand against me.”

“There will always be others that will rise up to fight against your evil,” Prime replied as he brought out his axe once more. “Even if you slay me, there will be others.”

“Perhaps, but they will not be you, Optimus…one shall stand,” Ultracon began as he created a magical sword.

“One shall fall,” Optimus finished.

And then the two charged.