• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Rescue (2)

Rescue (2)

Ratchet knew that he was only delaying the inevitable.

The ambush had been perfect. Despite his numerous calls for backup or support, no one came to his aid. And he knew why. He had sent all of them to deal with the Cons attacking Rainbow Dash and Holy Diver, which was an equally scary threat.

‘Lure me and Fluttershy out of the base to attack us while also attacking another of the girls and their guardian, forcing us to either split our forces and risk failure or focus on a single foe and lose one of the girls. I’d be impressed if I wasn’t about to be terminated,’ Ratchet thought as an energon blast caught him in the chest.

Ratchet was more heavily armored than most bots, what Fluttershy’s teacher had said about him being armored so that he could drive into dangerous situations was completely accurate, but with all of the laser fire raining down upon him even his armor wouldn’t hold up forever. Yet he also knew that there were too many Cons. He might be able to take six, maybe seven at his best, but there were over twenty, all sent to kill him and kidnap Fluttershy.

“Ratchet, what do you want me to do?” Fluttershy asked in a panicked voice over the comm channel, desperate to do anything to help her friend out.

“Stay low and out of sight. Once the Cons finish with me they will come looking for you!” Ratchet ordered as he drove his blade through the head of one of the Cons who had the bad sense to get too close. He grabbed the body and held it before him like a shield, using it to absorb the fire of the Deceptacons former teammates. “But if they don’t know where you are, the fools will most likely start to sweep the area and not right under their noses. Stay put and wait for backup.”

“I can’t just sit by and do nothing!”

“That is exactly what you will be doing!” Ratchet ordered once more before a volley of energon blasts tore apart the body he had been using as a shield. Ratchet scowled as he raised his rifle and shredded the Con closest to him, before rolling to make himself a smaller target. “They are after you. Killing me will make them feel better about their sad lives, but it won’t get them any closer to their goal. Getting ahold of you would turn the tides in their favor! For just this once listen to me!”

Whether or not Fluttershy responded Ratchet had no idea, for at that moment one of the Cons charged into Ratchet from the side and tackled him to the ground. The Con’s right arm transformed into a mace and shattered the concrete right next to Ratchet’s head, barely missing the Autobot. Ratchet had far better aim and drove his scalpel clean through the spark of the Con. Energon splashed across the chest of Ratchet before he could kick the Con off of him, but in doing so he left himself open.

One of the Deceptacons who didn’t entirely suck at shooting took careful aim and pulled the trigger, firing his shot right into the elbow joint of Ratchet’s gun arm. Ratchet roared with pain as metal and energon exploded out from the wound. Ratchet clutched at his arm as he fell to one knee, his medical expertise telling him that his arm was done.

‘Down an arm, my shooting arm, and I’m still surrounded by Cons,’ Ratchet thought to himself as he looked up to see the barrel of a gun pointed right at his face. “Aw scrap.”

The Con smirked at Ratchet, but before he had the sense to pull the trigger a blinding light shone into his face. He had just begun to lift his arm to stop the light when a vehicle slammed into him, a racing car that slammed right into the chest of the Con and sent him sprawling. The vehicle transformed into his robot mode before his wheels had even touched the ground and the next moment the dual shotguns of Curbcheck were ripping apart both the air and the Cons around them.

“Geez, I know that you’re an old timer, but do you really have to sleep on the job like this?” Curbcheck asked with a laugh at Ratchet, who smirked instead of scolding the rookie, figuring that he owed him at least that much for saving his bumper. “How’s the damage, pops?”

“Right arm is totally useless and I’m losing energon. Other than that, I can still fight, but only up close,” Ratchet informed Curbcheck as he rose back up to his feet.

Curbcheck nodded to show that he understood before unloading a full burst into the chest of a Con that had the bright idea to charge the shotgun wielding Autobot. The other Cons weren’t as dumb and had begun to encircle the two, making it harder for a shotgun blast to hit multiple Cons.

“So why are you the only Autobot to come to my aid when I specifically sent a request asking for as many as we had?” Ratchet asked before using his thicker armor to take a shot for Curbcheck.

“Because I wasn’t in the base when I got your call. Thanks to the little fleshy over there the communication machine is completely scrapped up. Most of the time the messages get through, but if too many bots call in at once the machine stops working.”

“And why am I only being made aware of this now?!”

“It’s all good, pops,” Curbcheck said in a comforting and cocky tone as he ducked underneath of a shot. He fired back with far better accuracy and took the head right off of the Con. “You’ve got all of the backup you need right here. Besides, after what these Cons did to my brother the less friendly targets to get in my way the better. Careful not to step into my line of sight.”


“Good. I was taking a drive to clear my head when I heard your distress call. Since I was nearby, I decided to stop in and lend a-down!” Curbcheck instructed as he pulled Ratchet to the ground with him. A split second after he did so an energon grenade soared past where they had been standing and struck one of the highways signs, blasting it apart into scrap.

“Great, they got a heavy,” Ratchet snarled before he flumped his useless arm onto the back of Curbcheck and used his other arm to aim the gun. While he may not have been able to move his arm, he could still fire his weapon and that was exactly what he planned to do. Using his working arm to stabilize his shots, Ratchet unloaded every round in his gun into the chest and face of the Con with the grenade launcher.

The Con bellowed in pain before he fell backwards onto the ground, his grenade launcher going off one last time and turning him into a ball of metal and fire. Curbcheck helped Ratchet up to his feet and the two turned towards the remaining Cons, of which there were only six.

“Six on two, huh? I’d say they need a bigger handicap, but I’m already stuck with you,” Curbcheck said with a smirk at Ratchet.

“Your humor is just as impressive as your ability to follow orders. Nonexistent,” Ratchet retorted as he raised his arm with the scalpel. “But I do agree with you about the Con’s. They’re going to need all the help that they can-“

Then, almost as if his centuries of being a target on the battlefield had given him the ability to sense danger, Ratchet felt a chill run through his spark. The chill of death. But not his death. No, as a medic he knew when a bot was going to die. And his senses told him that the bot standing next to him was about to meet his end.

Faster than Ratchet thought possible he grabbed hold of Curbcheck and yanked him to the side, just as a sniper round tore through the air and through the chest of Curbcheck. While Ratchet may have been too slow to avoid getting Curbcheck shot, his actions had caused the round to miss Curbcheck’s spark and instead tear open a hole in the left side of his chest.

Ratchet slowly began to turn around as Curbcheck collapsed to the highway, unconscious and losing energon. Standing behind Ratchet, almost like a nightmare that would never go away, was Soundwave, with a sniper rifle as one arm and a machine gun as the other. And standing behind him were ten more Deceptacons.

Ratchet knew that he was dead. Even on his best day, he stood little chance against Soundwave. But being alone, while being down an arm, would turn any chance he had of winning to a certain loss. Yet he knew who Soundwave was there for and he could not allow him to get to her. So, in a desperate attempt to do anything, Ratchet took a step forward to charge at Soundwave with his blade.

He never got to take a second step. Soundwave’s rifle cracked and Ratchet’s right knee exploded, causing Ratchet to cry out in pain as he fell to the ground. He clenched his jaw shut as he seethed with both pain and rage, knowing that he had failed. While the other Cons may miss Fluttershy due to their own stupidity, Soundwave was thorough. He would find her.

‘Fluttershy. I’m so sorry,’ Ratchet thought to himself as he watched Soundwave begin to approach him.

“Fluttershy,” Soundwave said to Ratchet in a recording of Ratchet’s own voice. “Where?

“Get scrapped,” was all Ratchet said in reply. Soundwave lifted his rifle and fired it into Ratchet’s other arm, decimating the limb and getting another scream of agony out of the Autobot.

“Where?” Soundwave demanded again.”

“Wait…wait…I’ll tell you,” Ratchet said in a pained voice. “She’s…on the planet Earth. That help?”

Soundwave’s face plate was as blank and emotionless as ever, not giving away anything to Ratchet. All Soundwave did was raise his rifle and fire another round into Ratchet’s other leg, his last working limb. Once more Ratchet screamed into the sky in agony, yet he refused to say where Fluttershy was. And as all this went on, the girl in question watched, horrified and distraught by what she saw. By how Ratchet refused to give up on her. Then she watched Soundwave point the rifle at Ratchet’s head.

“Stop!” Fluttershy screamed as she ran out from her hiding place. The Cons turned to look at her as she raced underfoot, practically leaping onto Ratchet and climbing onto his chest. Once there, she extended her arms and stood between the Cons and him. “Stop. I’m right here. This is where I was hiding. I give up, okay? Just stop hurting him.”

“Fluttershy…no…you can’t do this,” Ratchet growled as he tried to stand up, but couldn’t.

“I give up, okay. I’ll come peacefully. Just leave him alone,” Fluttershy demanded to Soundwave, who stared silently down at her.

“…no…” Soundwave replied in Ratchet’s voice, getting Fluttershy’s eyes to widen in horror. Soundwave then shifted his machine gun arm into an actual arm and reached down to grab Fluttershy. That’s when Fluttershy’s communicator began to go off.

‘Call from Pinkie,’ the communicator said to her. Since she had forgotten to set the speakers on the communicator off, both Autobot and Deceptacon heard this and it gave Soundwave pause. ‘Answering.’

“Hi Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed joyously on the other end.

“Pinkie, now is not a good time,” Fluttershy whispered.

“I know. You’re in danger. My pinkie sense told me, so I’m coming to help you fight the bunch of bad guys that got you surrounded!”

“What?! No! Pinkie, do not come here! Stay away and...wait, how did you know that I was surrounded?”

“Because I can see you! Hi Fluttershy!”

“See me? Pinkie, what do you-?


All eyes, be them human, Autobot or Deceptacon, turned at the sound of the honking. There, barreling down the highway, was a massive semi-truck that was red in color. The truck blazed towards the ground at an incredible speed, with its horn blaring all the while. But it wasn’t the truck charging towards them that drew Fluttershy’s awe. It was the effect that the truck had on the Cons. Because the moment they laid their eyes upon the truck, all of them, even Soundwave, began to back away in fear.

And then Ratchet began to laugh. He threw back his head and let his laugh echo into the sky. But it wasn’t a joyous laugh. It was one of someone who was about to watch those he hated die.

“Ratchet, what is-“

Fluttershy never got to answer, for at that moment the truck leapt into the air and began to transform. The bed of the truck shot down and separated into legs. The cab shifted into a chest and arms unfolded from behind it. The wheels moved up behind the shoulder blades and spun fast enough to create fire. And then the head emerged, a blue head with Batman like ears and a face mask that hid all features except for the eyes. Eyes that burned with justice and power. The bot slammed down onto his feet before glaring down the Cons, who he made look like children with his size. And in the center of his chest was a symbol. The symbol of the Autobots.

“Who is that?” Ratchet asked with a laugh, laughing at the fear on the Cons faces. “Fluttershy, that…”

“Is Optimus Prime.”