• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Prisoners (3)

Prisoner (3)

A colossal right hook slammed into Optimus’s face, nearly ripping the face-plate from his jaw as the force of the blow sent him crashing into the ground. The moment he hit the ground he pushed himself to the side, just in time to avoid being impaled on the end of the dark star saber. He pushed himself back up to a vertical stance and drew his energon axe once more, but as he stared at the armor he knew that he dared not to use it.

Because the chest piece had moved slightly so that Optimus could see what was within the suit, what was powering it. And the sources of power that gave the suit life were six of the seven girls that he had sworn to protect, including his best human friend Pinkie. Their eyes were glasses and they didn’t seem to be completely conscious, but he knew that they were still alive. Because as long as they were alive, he wouldn’t dare fight back.

‘Ultracon truly has me in a corner,’ Optimus thought to himself before he raised his axe to intercept a blow from the dark star saber. Normally the dark weapon should have been able to cleave clean through his axe, but whether the saber had weakened over time or that perhaps the armor couldn’t use it properly, Optimus’s ax remained intact. But he knew that if he didn’t do something and soon, he wouldn’t be intact for much longer.

‘I need to incapacitate it,’ he decided after ducking under another blow from the suit of armor, before it swung around and caught him in the chest with a kick. Optimus was a giant even among giant robots, but the force of the kick was still strong enough to rip him from his feet and send him crashing into the wall.

The armor followed up by plunging the star saber at Optimus’s spark, but Optimus had realized a while back that the suit fought exactly like Megatron and he had predicted that the suit would try to finish him then and there. So as the blade plunged down towards his chest Optimus was already moving out of the way, just in time to avoid being impaled. He grabbed the handle of the saber as it swished past him and used his strength to drive it into the wall until it was buried up to the hilt. The armor pulled a few times on the sword, but it remained root in the wall.

Knowing that this might be his only chance to strike back, Optimus went low and slammed his axe into the leg of the armor, driving the blade halfway through the leg. He ripped his axe out and prepared to strike again, before the faint sounds of a human screaming reached his audio receptors. He glanced once more at the humans and found, to his horror, Pinkie was crying out in pain and trying to clutch at her leg. He realized that the spot she was clutching at was the same as where he had just cut the armor, getting him to narrow his optics as the armor rose back to its feet.
‘And none of the other girls are harmed in anyway,’ Optimus realized as he dropped his axe to the ground, leaving himself defenseless as the armor approached him once more. ‘Ultracon wired the armor so that any and all damage would be felt by Pinkie and Pinkie alone. He truly has figured out how to best me.’

Then the armor raised its cannon and blasted Optimus in the chest.


‘Left. Right. Right. Left,’ Ratchet thought to himself as he raced through the Deceptacon base, homing in on the faint trace of Fluttershy’s magic. He could only just barely sense it and even then, it was more like he had a general idea of where she was, leaving a lot of his choices up to chance. Ratchet generally hated leaving things up to chance and normally would have liked to have planned out each move so that there was no chance of anything going wrong. But with Fluttershy in danger, he needed to act.

‘Optimus will be able to handle that suit of armor without me. He fought and defeated the original Megatron, so a cheap knock off will be nothing to him,’ Ratchet thought as he ran, trying to comfort himself as best he could . ‘And Fluttershy will be okay. She’s tougher than everyone thinks she is, including herself. She will last until I make it to her. She has to.’

Ratchet turned another corner and stopped dead in his tracks. There standing before the very door that he knew lead to where Fluttershy was being held, was Soundwave, blade in one hand, machine gun in the other. Ratchet, on instinct, felt his own blade and rifle appear from his arms, but he approached Soundwave slowly, giving himself time to think.

He knew that Soundwave was a terrifying fighter, one of the best that Cybertron had ever produced. He also knew that Soundwave could afford to take his time in fighting Ratchet. Ratchet didn’t have time to spare. And then there was the fact that Ratchet wasn’t a bot designed for combat. He had learned to fight and had gotten pretty good at it, but he was no warrior. Not like Soundwave. But Fluttershy was on the other side of that door. So he had to go through Soundwave, by any means necessary.

“You know, I always kinda figured that one day it might come down to you and me,” Ratchet said as he approached Soundwave, whose face was as impossible to read as always. “With me being Prime’s right-hand man and you being Megatron’s, I always felt like one day it would come down to us. And here we are. You and me. Fate of everything on the line.”

Soundwave nodded before he took up a fighting stance, preparing to tear Ratchet limb from limb. Ratchet stared across the hallway at his opponent for a moment before he retracted his weapons back into his body and held up his hands, getting Soundwave to tilt his head in confusion.

“But I don’t have time to fight you. Not only am I fairly certain that I couldn’t beat you, but I don’t have time to waste fighting you either. So instead I’m going to bargain with you,” Ratchet told Soundwave in a no-nonsense tone, one that got Soundwave to slowly stand back up. “So what is it going to take, Soundwave? What is it going to take to get you to stand aside and let me save Fluttershy. What do you want more than anything in the world?”

Soundwave looked at Ratchet for a long moment, long enough for Ratchet to believe that he would truly have to fight his way past Soundwave to save Fluttershy. Then, Soundwave’s chest opened up and he pulled out a creature that Ratchet knew all too well. Soundwave then extended Laserbeak to Ratchet, who didn’t have to see the look on Soundwave’s face to know what Soundwave wanted.

“Alright Soundwave, I will repair Laserbeak,” Ratchet promised as he walked over to Soundwave and gingerly took the bird from him. “I swear to you that I will repair him not on my pride as an Autobot, but on my pride as a doctor. When this is over, I will return him to you once more. But to be honest…I didn’t think you’d agree so easily. Is there something else that you’re not telling me?”

For a long moment Soundwave stared at Ratchet, trying to discern if there were any lies in his promise to repair Laserbeak. But when it truly seemed like Ratchet was willing and able to repair Soundwave’s ally did Soundwave finally speak.

“Ultracon is no Megatron.”

And then Soundwave stepped aside.


Fluttershy looked away as the armor lifted Optimus over its head and threw him through the nearest wall, yet she was unable to block her ears so not to hear the cry of pain that Optimus let out. Ultracon on the other hand watched every second of Prime’s agony and suffering with glee, and he kept his eyes completely glued on the screen, which is exactly what Fluttershy wanted.

She nodded to the squirrel in her pocket and the fuzzy creature dropped from her pocket down to the floor below where Fluttershy was hanging. The creature then scurried into the base of the machine that was keeping Fluttershy trapped and vanished from her sight. She closed her eyes more a moment to pray for her furry friend before she turned her attention back to Ultracon.

“This is all the Autobots fault, you know,” he said to her, as if he knew she was looking at him.

“How’s that?” Fluttershy managed to spit out.

“I’m not talking about Prime or the Autobot’s here. No, as much as I hate them at least I have some respect for them. It’s the Autobot’s back on Cybertron that are truly to blame for all of this,” Ultracon clarified and Fluttershy chose to remain silent. “We had hoped that after the events of the first Deceptacon and Autobot war that things would change. That the Autobot council would try to make the new Cybertron a fairer world, unlike the one of old.”

“But the council once again let us down. Not only did they continue on with the way things used to be, but they somehow managed to make it worse. Not only were all Deceptacons hunted as war criminals that were to be executed on sight, but those that had tried to stay neutral in the war were now criminals as well. And now new Cybertron is under their militaristic control that puts down any that dare to speak out against them.”

“But with you and your friends magic, we can tear down the Autobot council once and for all, so that we may rebuild Cybertron to be a fair and just world. One where no bot is considered less than any other. One that will not be ruled by tyranny and oppression, but with freedom and choice. With your power, I can finally destroy the Autobot’s once and for all!”

“…and how many have to die before you achieve this dream of yours?” Fluttershy asked Ultracon, who finally turned to look at her.

“I am trying to make Cybertron into a world of peace freed from oppression. If a few must be sacrificed for that goal, then they should feel honored having to have died for the greater good,” Ultracon clarified for Fluttershy, who stared at him like he was nuts. “And with me as the ruler of Cybertron, I will make sure no one will suffer like the Deceptacons suffered under the Autobot oppression. I will use the magic and people of this earth to free my world and ensure that no transformer ever has to suffer like we did again. That is my promise.”

“So you’re going to use your military to take power and use it to oppress the Autobot’s that once oppressed you, while oppressing and using humans that you kidnapped and forced into your war for your own selfish goals. Sounds like your inner Autobot Council is showing,” Fluttershy weakly snarked in reply, but her words were still sharp enough to get Ultracon to narrow his optics.

“I do not expect you to understand my ideals. I expect you to stay and watch as the last hope of the Autobot’s dies before you become the source of my power to take back Cybertron!” Ultracon snarled at Fluttershy.

“Don’t think I’ll be doing either of those,” Fluttershy told Ultracon with a smile. “I’ll be seeing you later.”

The moment she said this the squirrel finished chewing through the wires to Fluttershy containment field and the energon restraints vanished. The moment she was free she activated her harmonic form and took to the skies, barely missing Ultracon’s hand and flying over to the terminal. She knew she only had a few second to try to deactivate the armor before Ultracon was on her and she didn’t know if she was fast enough.

So it was a good thing for her at that moment Ratchet blasted off the doors to the room.