• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,666 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

  • ...



“Hang on girls, I think she’s waking up!”

After hearing the voice say that, Fluttershy decided that it was indeed time to wake up. Her eyes cracked open, only for her to immediately regret it when she found a light was pointed right at her, and after a few moments of blinking she found herself looking up at the smiling faces of her friends.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to say something, but before she could she was tackled by her friends and hugged by all of them at once. There was laughing and crying and talking all going on at once and Fluttershy had no idea what any of them were saying. Through her friends she spotted Ratchet trying to say something, but each time he spoke louder her friends got louder in reply. It was only when Optimus spoke that the celebrating and hugging finally came to an end.

“I am glad to see that you are alright, Fluttershy,” Optimus said in a relieved tone to the girl, though Fluttershy noticed that Optimus sound weary and weak. “When the Deceptacon base came crashing down on top of you, the Autobot’s nearby feared the worse when they discovered you were not with your friends.”

“Yeah, guess I got lucky, huh? Speaking of, which one of you guys found me just in time?” Fluttershy asked. “Last thing I remember was passing out from lack of oxygen, so it couldn’t have been more than maybe ten seconds after I passed out.”

For a moment Optimus looked back at Ratchet, who smiled before shrugging his shoulders. “Let’s just say you were saved because somebody owed you their life. And that you were saved because you were right and this stubborn old fool…has a habit of being wrong.”

Fluttershy thought about Ratchet’s words for a moment, before a knowing smile crossed her face and Ratchet nodded to show she was right. “However, there is more to tell you. After we recovered you and brought you back to our secondary base to check for injuries, I did a scan on your body. And I found…well…”

Ratchet pushed a button on his arm and brought up a holographic image of Fluttershy’s body, except that everything but her veins were blacked out. Fluttershy looked at the image for a moment before she looked at Ratchet with a confused look upon her face.

“I don’t get it. What am I looking at here?” Fluttershy asked him.

“That Fluttershy, is your veins. The currently have blood and magic running through them…as well as energon.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened with shock and she looked back at the image, realizing that there was a third something running through her. “I don’t know how it got there or why your body is perfectly fine with it being there, but something happened that caused your body to tolerate energon inside of you with no negative repercussions. At least, none that I’ve seen so far.”

Fluttershy looked down at her arms, staring at her veins that seemed perfectly normal. Then she thought back to how Paintchange had been unable to control her or how she had managed to combine with Transformers so easily…and she started to wonder how much of an effect energon had on those moments.

“At the moment you’re perfectly healthy. More than that, since your friends copied your trick of healing others with magic and used it on you,” Ratchet continued and the girls piled into one giant hug once more. Ratchet tried to regain control of the situation, but once again it took Optimus speaking to silence the girls.

“Fluttershy, seeing as you care so much for the Deceptacons, I figure it only right you hear what happened to them. The one that saved you is still at large, as is Soundwave, but the others have been captured. After the fall of their base and the death of their leader Ultracon-“

“Paintchange,” Fluttershy corrcted, getting Optimus to look at her. “His name was Paintchange.”

“Very well. After the death of Paintchange, they gave up. They have been subdued without further incident and Fowler’s men are covering up what happened at the scene. Everything seems to finally be going back to normal, except for you.”

“I see. What did you do with Paintchange’s body?”

“We have it in stasis right now, but I plan to dissect it later to see if I can learn how he flawlessly turned into other bots without detection,” Ratchet explained. “If one of them could do it, imagine if there are others. We will need to know what we’re up against if any other shape changers like him pop up.”

“Actually Optimus, dissecting Paintchange probably won’t help the Autobot cause any,” Fluttershy revealed as she looked up at Optimus, who noticed her eyes now had a glow similar to that of a Transformers optics. “Before he passed, Paintchange told me his story. I think you should hear it.”


“Autobots, hear my words,” Optimus addressed each and every bot that was at the secondary base. Ratchet told Fluttershy that Fowler had a second base on standby in case the first was blown up. He had also said given their history, Fowler had the right idea. “Thanks to some new information about Fluttershy regarding our foe, Ultracon…”

“Paintchange,” Fluttershy muttered.

“…I have come to a realization. Being out here, fighting the war against the Deceptacons, is something that I have done for a long time. And in doing so, I have saved many lives and stopped many threats. However, by being away from Cybertron for so long, I have allowed corruption and injustice to spread at the very place I fought so hard to free from those same vices.”

Fluttershy and her friends were standing in a human zone, a part of the missile silo that had been crafted for an area specifically for humans to move around without fear of being crushed. Optimus stood in the center of the base with all of the Autobot’s standing in front of him. The base was a little cramped, but all eyes were still on Optimus. Ratchet stood beside Fluttershy and her friends, lost deep in thought.

“Fluttershy’s words, along with other reports from numerous other sources, including some old friends, have revealed to me that the Autobot council is just as corrupt as it was before the fall of Cybertron. The rich still get richer and the poor get poorer.”

“However, the first time the council was corrupted I was nothing more than a librarian, a bot with no name and no history that they would bother to listen to. But now I am Optimus Prime, last of the Primes and seen by many as one of the greatest legends to ever live. If there is any bot alive that can challenge the corruption of the council, challenge the evil that threatens our home that we fought so hard to free it from, it will be me. For when I speak, others listen.”

There was some laughter at that from the more veteran of the bots.

“However, I cannot do this alone. For while my word may carry more weight than any other, it may not be enough to sink the council. That is why I ask all of you, whoever wishes to join me, to return to Cybertron and speak out against the council. Speak out against those who wish for the old ways to continue. The old ways that spawned both Megatron and Ultracon. For if the old ways continue, who knows what type of Con will be spawned next. Perhaps the one that finally defeats us.”

“Know this is not mandatory. If you wish to return home and to your regular lives, you may. If you wish to stay on Earth and learn about the people and culture it holds within, I would not blame you. And if you simply wish to take to the stars and never look back, I wish you luck on your journey. But for those who wish to come with me, we leave in three days at dawn.”

“I’m with ya Optimus!”

“Me as well!”

“I’ve got nowhere else to go, so why not?!”

As Optimus looked out over the crowd of Autobot’s, each of who raised a hand or nodded with a smile when his gaze passed over them. He felt pride brimming in his chest and he made a silent vow to himself to make sure that all of them were rewarded for being the heroes they were, after they had made sure to bring down the corruption on their home.

“Sorry Optimus, but you’ll have to do this without me.”

All of the cheering and volunteering died down at those words and Optimus looked over his shoulder at Ratchet, the bot that had spoken. He wore a bitter smile on his face, but from the way he looked at Optimus the leader of the Autobot’s knew that his friend’s mind was made up.

“I am sorry to hear that, Ratchet. But knowing you, I assume you have a good reason.”

“I do. The first is that I am of the mind that believes we should not leave the Earth undefended,” Ratchet began. “After all, the Cons have come to this planet twice before now, and if word about Fluttershy and her friends magic gets out again, who knows how many more troublemakers might come looking for it.”

“That is a valid point.”

“The second point…is more of a selfish one. I…do not wish to leave this place,” Ratchet said with a smile as he looked around. “The first time I was here I couldn’t wait to be rid of it, to finally be home on Cybertron once more. But now I look at Cybertron and I see…what I refused to see when I first lived there. But here I see so much potential, so many things to see or do. And…I do not wish to leave my friends. Or my partner.”

Ratchet glanced down at Fluttershy as he said this, who mouthed the words “you big softy” up to him. “There is also the curious case of Fluttershy and the energon within her. Perhaps right now it is not dangerous to her, but if it does become a problem in the future it would be best if we had a bot that understood energon and its effects close by. I am one of those bots. And also-“

“You have made a compelling case, Ratchet, one that I could not being to find any flaw with,” Optimus cut his friend off with a wave and a smile, before walking over to Ratchet and placing a hand on his shoulder. “I know that for the longest time you have sought where you belong. If this is where you can finally feel…happy again, then I will not say anything else. Except that I will miss you, old friend.”

“And I you, Optimus,” Ratchet said with a bitter nod and smile, but at that moment Pinkie began bawling loud enough to turn every head in the room towards her. She said something to Optimus that no one could translate through her tears before she threw herself around at him, forcing Optimus to reach out and catch her before she could fall. She clutched one of his fingers as she sobbed and Optimus comforted her the best he could.

“You know Optimus,” Fluttershy said with a devious smile, one that put the Autobot leader slightly on guard. “Since we’ve still got some time left, we should have a going away party for you guys. But since Pinkie can’t plan it, why don’t you?”

Every Autobot in the room looked at Optimus as she said this, but Optimus stared down at her while she smiled back up at him. Then the devious part of her smile vanished and she motioned her head to Pinkie. “Come on. For her.”

“Very well, Fluttershy. But do not complain to me when you are unable to enjoy another Earth party after being to one of mine.”


‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,’ Ratchet’s voice said over the communicator as Fluttershy held up a hand to knock on the door. She took a deep breath after hearing his words before knocking, which resulted in the door being opened a moment later and a very confused teacher looking down at Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy?” Carol asked with some confusion. “What are you doing here? Class got out twenty minutes ago.”

“I know, but I was hoping to talk to you,” Fluttershy said as she peeked inside. Carol moved to the side to let Fluttershy into the classroom, where she sat down in front of the teacher’s desk, which Carol occupied a moment later. “I’m here to talk to you about classes. More specifically, about the fall ones.”

“Okay, I think I know what this is about,” Carol said with a smile as she brought up Fluttershy’s file on her computer. “You want me to get you into one of the classes with animals that you’ve already taken. Well, I did promise you so-“

“Actually, I was wondering if you would give me another chance at your class this fall,” Fluttershy cut her off, getting Carol to look at her with surprise. “I didn’t really…try when I was in your class, so I want to take it again. And this time I want you to know that I will do my best.”

“I got to admit that I’m a little…surprised by this,” Carol said with wide eyes. “Does this mean that you don’t plan on working with animals anymore?”

“No, it means...all my life all I’ve wanted to do was be with animals, so much to the point that I never really cared about anything else. But recently I realized…I was being stubborn. Stubborn to the point where I tried nothing knew and thought my way was best. Now I know better. Now I know that I want to try more, want to do more, instead of just being a stubborn old goat. Perhaps I will still work with animals. But maybe, just maybe, I might want to work with humans as well. Only one way to find out.”

“…alright Fluttershy. I’ll get you signed up for my class,” Carol said with a smile. Fluttershy smiled in reply as she stood up to leave, but Carol held up her hand to stop her. “And Fluttershy…thanks for giving this an honest try.”

“Not a problem,” Fluttershy said before she left the room. She was out of the school a moment later, where her faithful and very old ambulance was waiting for her in the parking lot. She hopped into it and had her new phone out a moment later.

“So how did it go?” Ratchet asked.

“Went well. I think she thinks a little bit better of me now,” Fluttershy said with a smile as she sent a few quick texts. “Now come on, we’re going to have to use the ground bridge to make it to our next appointment. And this is one that we can’t afford to miss.”


A black car pulled into one of the spaces at a park, a park which was pretty empty at this time on a weekday. The front door opened and a young man stepped out of the car, looking around with some confusion at the park. He ran a hand through his black hair before sighing and closing the door, locking up his car before heading towards the tables and benches.

He wore jeans and a faded t-shirt, with a hoodie overtop to fight off the cold. He didn’t know why he had bothered to come out to the park when he was summoned by such a bizarre and random text, but anyone that knew about the Transformers had to be dealt with carefully. He had already called Fowler, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to look into it himself.

He stood by the benches and waited a few minutes, wondering if it had just been a prank text or if someone had really wanted to talk to him. He was just about to give up before he heard the sound of feet running behind him. He spun around just in time to receive a talk hug that wouldn’t have put a football player down.

“JACK!” cried out a voice he knew all too well in a happy tone. Jack caught himself before he could fall and looked down to see an Asian girl with all sorts of color in her hair smiling up at him.

“Hey Miko!” Jack replied while returning the hug. The two broke apart after a moment and they looked at each other, as it had been quite a while since they had last met. “You seem to be doing well. And I love all the color in the hair, really highlights how crazy you are.”

“You talk about me doing well Jackrabbit, but look at you. When you get all tall and handsome?” Miko asked with a laugh before she elbowed Jack in the ribs. “So tell me mister tall, dark and handsome, do you have a special someone in your life yet?”

“Um, no?”

“Excellent! Me either!” Miko laughed before she looked behind Jack and her mouth dropped. “Jack turn around, you are never going to believe it.”

Jack had a feeling he knew who the third person was, but when he turned around to look at them he never would have recognized him. The teenager was as tall as him, but more muscular and had an air of wealth about him. But there was no mistaking the nerdy grin on his face or the way his eyes lit up when he saw his old friends.

“Miko! Jack!” Raph exclaimed before he ran over and pulled the two into a hug, crushing the life out of them. “It has been forever guys! How are you doing?”

“Better if I could breath,” Miko gagged out before Raph released both her and Jack, who took a moment to regain their breath. “Wow, look at you. I feel like I’m the only one that hasn’t grown since we last met.”

“I’m just as surprised to see how much the both of you have changed. Can’t believe it’s been five years already,” Raph said and the other two nodded in agreement. “But why are the both of you here? Did you also get a text saying that someone wanted to meet you to talk about the Transformers?”

“Yep. Had to know who knew our secrets,” Miko exclaimed as she looked around with a smile. “Think it’s some evil government? An alien hunter? Or maybe the Cons are back?”

“I contacted Fowler, but he told me that I’d be fine if I went,” Jack revealed to the other two. “The only question I have now is who could have contacted us?”

“That would be me.”

All three of them spun around to see a girl with a pink ponytail sitting on a bench, a bench that all of them knew had been empty a moment before. “Hi, I’m Fluttershy. I’m the one that contacted you about the Transformers and wanting to talk about them.”

“Who are you and why do you want to know about them? Or are you after us? Do you want my blood?” Miko asked as she got ready for a fight, but Jack pulled her back before she could start anything.

“Same old Miko. Look, while I may not be as…battle crazy as Miko is, I would like some answers too. Why do you know about the Transformers and why did you contact us?”

“I contacted you for two reasons. First, I do want to talk with you about the Transformers. Seems like there’s a lot going on that neither side knows all the answers to,” Fluttershy said with narrowed eyes and a stare so intense the three felt like they were looking at Prime. “But the other reason is an old friend wanted to see you guys, so I called you all together so you could meet up with him again.”

“Who are you-?”


All three heads turned towards the sound of a siren and their eyes rested on a single ambulance that sat alone in the parking lot. It wasn’t the shape of the ambulance, the fact that it was covered in armor or the way that the siren sounded that helped the three to recognize it. It was the symbol on the side, a symbol they all knew well.


Author's Note:

And with this story in the human world all wrapped up, it's time to roll out to the next story. A return to form, as we return to Equestria. But something is wrong with Equestria. Events have shifted, ponies are misplaced and something is causing ripples in the time stream. And the only one that can fix a time stream, is someone outside of it.

For in the next story, we're going into the deep end of the time pool. Better grab your Trunks.

Comments ( 30 )

I have to admit, you have a way with endings. Always leave us wanting more but still with a sense of closure!

Looking forward to the next one though. DBZ? Always awesome.

So Ends Fluttershy and Ratchet’s story. Now the Earth has a defender on watch and Fluttershy has gained much.

Next we get Future Trunks as once again saves the world. Is Mai with him I wonder and I wonder how long those two are planning on till they finally get married?

Quick, clean and finished with surgical precision.

But will there be

Cupcakes On Cybertron. :pinkiecrazy:

Imma gonna have to read the next one, just to find out who The Doctors beachwear is this time? :twilightoops:

Pool, Trunks, omg swimsuit Mario from Odyssey yes!

Oh boy, a Dragonball Z crossover is next. You have my attention.

This is the only fic that somehow makes me want to always read the author comments at the end of the story XD, it ended GOOD? now we go to Dragon Ball X :D, future versions, so I still thing Trunks is OP, at least to Equestria, he is more powerful than freezer and can defeat Cell in transformation 2 at least, so he can destroy planets, wonder what do you have in mind to mitigate this, because one way is not having him fight at all.

Not all foes can be beaten by force alone

good job! Hoping for a sequel but that is up to the author.

Comment posted by Dreadknight garen deleted Jan 16th, 2018

Yeah, I thought of you doing something that brute force and I won't be able to fix anything, like fighting Freddy Kruger in the dream real XD.

You sir are a master at being a author.

So next is a db story huh?
So i have to wonder if it really is Trunks or if youre going to be cheeky and make it a timepatroller.
Cuz to me, with how you wrote the hint, it could be either or.

Fair enough.

Well, it was good, too bad we could not see a little of the talk, how Fluttershy presented herself, how did it go with Optimus, etc.

Also, a little something I have a doubt... They needed all of them to whatever plan... When they rescued them, why not take a little vacation in Equestria? I don't think the Deceptacon could reach there or enter the mirror.

Another amazing story! I really enjoyed this one, especially how you have Optimus a sense of humor. Some surprising and enjoyable character development for both Fluttershy and Ratchet. Can't wait to see Trunks!

No, Soundwave was briefly captured and Laserbeak rescued him, they were together after that. The Autobots did knock a piece off of Laserbeak in the rescue and rigged a homing device with it, but nothing other than that.

Aw come on! What's wrong with Red Alert?!

This needs a Transformers tag, so it can be recognized as one.

Comment posted by Antiquarian deleted Jun 12th, 2019

Oh no, you had everything in caps, so I did everything in caps cause it felt right for some reason.

I'll admit I was worried this might be cringy. Ratchet, specially Prime Ratchet, is my favorite character you see, so I guess I was feeling picky about how he'd be written here.
And while I wouldn't say it's the best story I've ever read on this site, it was definitely worth the read.
The biggest sin that bothered me to no end was your referring to "Cybertronians" as "Transformers", even the Cybertronians themselves using that name. Otherwise, looking past the few spelling/grammar errors, I enjoyed this story. Good work!

You're right I remember now cause I just rewatched the series I honestly forgot I said this.

For in the next story, we're going into the deep end of the time pool. Better grab your Trunks.


Seriously though, I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories. :heart:

woah woah woah there partner! The 'Mexican hat dance' is called La Cucaracha. and the General Lee's horn isnt La Cucaracha, its Dixie.

Is there gonna be another story like this? To be continued with Ratchet and his human friends.

Most likely not. I'm happy with how it ended and, aside from resurrecting megatron, I can't think of a threat big enough to warrant a sequel.

what’s the Mexican Hat Dance?

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