• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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The ground bridge closed behind Ratchet as he walked into the Autobot base with Fluttershy still sitting on his hand while Twilight rested on his shoulder. Autobots were everywhere, with most of them celebrating their victory against the Deceptacons while a few were tending to the wounds that they had suffered during the battle. Ratchet spotted Optimus standing over a table off to the side, a table with three human girls on it instead of the one that they had left in the base.

One of the girls had crimson hair with yellow streaks in it while the other girl’s hair was every color of the rainbow. Both of them were sitting down with blankets over them, while Pinkie sat between them and seemed to be comforting them to the best of her ability. Optimus spied Ratchet and Fluttershy and walked over to them, a stern look on his face that told the pair that he wanted answers.

“Ratchet, Red Alert has informed me that you went off with Fluttershy during our attack of the Deceptacon base,” Optimus told Ratchet, who nodded to show that this was true. “What was so important that you not only left during a battle where I needed you at you post, but also took Fluttershy with you into, judging by the damage to your armor, a battle with the Cons.”

“She would be the reason, Optimus,” Ratchet said before he indicated to the sleeping Twilight on his shoulder, getting Optimus’s eyes to narrow.


“After I told Fluttershy to get Twilight off of our trail, Twilight seemed to take it as a challenge. She invented a device to track us,” Ratchet explained and Optimus sighed. “Her device worked and lead her straight to a Transformer. Unfortunately, it led her to a Con instead of an Autobot. They captured her and then Soundwave contacted us to offer a trade.”

“Twilight for Fluttershy. And you went along with this trade?” Optimus asked.

“Fluttershy would have gone regardless of what I said or did. So I decided to go with her so that she didn’t have to face Soundwave and his Cons alone,” Ratchet said with a shrug of his shoulders, waking up Twilight as he did so. Optimus shook his head at Ratchet’s explanation before he glanced down at Fluttershy.

“I thought you were supposed to be the least problematic of your friends,” he told her.

“No, I’m the most reserved and quiet of my friends. I can be very problematic if I set my mind to it,” Fluttershy corrected for him with an innocent smile.

“I shall remember that,” Optimus noted before he turned his gaze to Twilight, who was staring back at him with amazement written all over her face. He then glanced at the bruises and burns along her body and he felt anger surge through his spark. “Hello Twilight Sparkle. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobot’s. I will talk to you more about us later, but for right now would you mind waiting with your friends while I speak with Ratchet?”

“Um…sure,” she squeaked.

Ratchet caught the hint and walked Fluttershy and Twilight over to the table where the other girls were, gently reaching up so that Twilight could walk onto his free hand. He lowered that hand to the table and she stepped off, but when he tried to do the same for Fluttershy the girl refused to move.

“Whatever he has to say to you he can say to me. We’re partners now,” she said in a defiant, but still exhausted, tone. Ratchet smirked and knew he wouldn’t be able to change her mind, so with another shrug of his shoulders he walked back over to Prime.

“Fluttershy, I wish to speak to Ratchet alone,” Optimus repeated.

“Trust me Prime, I know her better than any bot and I know that once she sets her mind to something, she isn’t budging,” Ratchet explained and Fluttershy nodded to show he was right. “Besides, you’ll want her view on what happened as well.”

“Very well, Ratchet. How did you and Fluttershy not only manage to fend off, but destroy, over twelve Deceptacons and send Soundwave running?” Optimus asked.

“At first it went as badly as you would think. I had deposited Fluttershy and Twilight behind a building for cover and told Fluttershy to fly her friend out of there,” Ratchet recounted. “Then I went to engage the Cons, hoping to buy time for the girls to escape. I didn’t last long. Soundwave sent a bullet right bellow my spark.”

“And yet aside from some damage to your outer armor I do not see a scratch on you,” Optimus muttered.

“Getting to that. So I took a sniper round and went down hard. I figured that was it for me. They had jammed comms, jammed our ground bridge and I was severely outnumbered. I honestly thought I was going to die.”

“That’s when I showed up. I watched Ratchet go down and couldn’t just sit by and watch as he died. So I activated my magic and flew over to him, stopping Soundwave from shooting him,” Fluttershy picked up for Ratchet. “He didn’t dare shoot because he might hit me and I took that moment to try to heal Ratchet’s wound. Unfortunately, my magic wasn’t strong enough. I told him how sorry I was and that I was glad to be his partner. And he said that he was happy to be mine as well, right as Soundwave reached for me.”

“And then?”

“Then…we combined,” Ratchet told Prime, whose face didn’t change at the reveal. “Fluttershy was assimilated into my spark and her magical power became a part of me. My wounds were healed, my weapons became stronger and I felt like a brand-new bot. And with our powers combined, we made short work of the Deceptacons and sent Soundwave into a retreat. I even destroyed Laserbeak, much to Soundwave’s agony.”

“A fusion between human and Transformer. It does not seem possible,” Optimus muttered as he placed a hand to his chin.

“I wouldn’t believe it either had I not been there. But it happened, Optimus. That is how we not only managed to escape, but turn the tables on Soundwave,” Ratchet explained. Optimus then glanced down at Fluttershy and she nodded her head to confirm his story, causing Optimus to narrow his optics.

“I still find it hard to believe, but if your story is true then it might explain what the Deceptacons wanted with the girls. To use their magic to achieve a form similar to the one that you and Fluttershy achieved,” Optimus pieced together.

“That’s exactly what we thought, especially after Soundwave said that Ultricon had a similar idea to what we did,” Fluttershy added.

“I see. But if the girls are capable of granting bots such power, then why did the Cons not fight harder to protect Rainbow and Sunset? And why was Ultricon not there at all?” Optimus pondered aloud.

“Ultricon wasn’t there?”

“No, only large number of Deceptacon and even they fled for their lives after a while. After everything the Cons did to trap the girls, it does not sit well with me that they would give them up with so little a fight,” Optimus muttered to himself as glanced over at where Rainbow and Sunset were. “Fluttershy, you should probably check up on your friends. They have been through a terrible ordeal and could use your support. Ratchet, we have numerous injured bots that need your care. Please help them.”

“Of course, Optimus.”

“I need to think about what happened today and see if I can discern the Cons next move. I feel like they are up to something and I must know what,” Optimus said as he turned to leave, before glancing over his shoulder at Ratchet and Fluttershy. “But at least now I understand why the Cons couldn’t get the magic from your friends. Because the combination is dependent on trust. That is why you managed to achieve it first.”

Optimus walked off to think by himself after saying his peace, leaving Ratchet and Fluttershy alone. With the wounded Autobot’s needing his help, Ratchet dropped Fluttershy off at the table where her friends were before he headed over to the operating station. Fluttershy walked over to where her friends were gathered, only to stop in horror when she saw the state Rainbow and Sunset were in.

Both girls were bruised and burned similar to the way that Twilight had been, but their injuries seemed far worse than hers. Pinkie was trying to cheer the both of them up with jokes and smiles, but their eyes were cold and filled with pain. Fluttershy tried to think of something to say to comfort her friends, but she found herself unable to think of anything and was saved from having to speak when Twilight walked over to her.

“So…this was the secret that you were keeping from me, huh?” Twilight asked as she looked around the room at all of the giant robots doing their own thing. “Okay, I can see why you would want to keep this from me. Even if you did tell me I’m not sure that I would have believed you.”

“If I didn’t drive around in one of them every day I probably wouldn’t believe me either,” Fluttershy agreed before awkwardly lowering her head. “I’m sorry about the mean things I said to get you to stop following me. I know it won’t make you feel better, but I was trying to keep you safe. But maybe it would have been a better idea to tell you the truth to begin with.”

“And I’m sorry that you and…Ratchet nearly got killed trying to save me,” Twilight bitterly admitted, before she pulled out a small device that was blinking like crazy. “This is what I used to hunt down the Transformers. I got my first reading from your ambulance, but since you had told me to stay away I didn’t approach. The second came from Pinkie’s semi, but that one intimidated me way too much to approach.”

“Even as a vehicle Optimus can be pretty intimidating.”

“Finally I found a third one, a purple car that was following around Applejack. I chased after it hoping to learn who was driving it, only for it to transform and capture me. He brought me to Soundwave, who conducted a few…experiments on me,” Twilight whispered with a shiver. “Once he found out I wasn’t magic though, he decided to use me as bait. For you and Ratchet. You know what happened next.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that,” Fluttershy apologized.

“I’m sorry for what I put you and Ratchet through. I should have listened to you and just left it well alone,” Twilight apologized as well, before giving Fluttershy a meek smile. “Still friends?”

“Of course.” The two hugged for a moment, before Twilight noticed Fluttershy’s hair. “Huh, when’d you start wearing your hair like that?”

“When I decided to stop sitting on the sidelines.”

The sound of the ground bridge opening ended their conversation and the two turned their heads to see two more Autobot’s drive into the base. One looked like a Volkswagen Beetle, except painted in the Autobot colors. The other was a jeep that was the color of sand. The two came a halt and opened their doors, allowing Rarity and Applejack to step into the Autobot base.

“Whooee, you weren’t kidding when ya said there were a lot of ya,” Applejack muttered as she looked around at all of the Autobot’s. The two vehicles transformed into their robot modes and extended hands to the two girls, who stepped onto them and were quickly brought to the table where the rest of their friends were.

“Would someone mind telling me what’s going on?” Rarity asked as she looked around in confusion. “I only recently learned about the giant robot stalking me yesterday and now I’m in an underground base filled with them. This is not normal, even by our standards.”

“All shall be explained soon, Rarity,” Optimus said as he walked over to the table, getting AJ and Rarity to gawk as they stared up at the last Prime. “For too long now most of you have been kept unaware to what has been going on and why it is happening. But that can no longer be the case. The floor is open to you girls. I shall answer any questions that you have.”