• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,665 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Optimus spent the next hour talking to the Autobot’s about how they were going to approach the Deceptacon base. The scouts would monitor it first, making sure to mark areas where they might be able to sneak in and where the guards and security features would be located. He informed the Autobot’s that rushing in without knowing what they were up against would most likely get most of them killed. Caution came first.

Once he was done with that he began to order Autobot’s to different tasks, whether it be learning more about the base, keeping an eye out for any more Con activity or making sure that the other girls that hadn’t been captured were still alright. Once he was done with all of that, he finally turned and walked to where Fluttershy was standing on a table off to the side. But as he approached, he found that Fluttershy was in a call with someone else.

“…look, I’m sure that whatever you discovered is important, but I can’t go with you. My friends need me here at the moment and I can’t let them down,” Fluttershy said sternly into her communicator, a tired look on her face. “I’m sorry, but the answer is no, I won’t go with you. And it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just…hello? Ugh.”

Fluttershy shook her head and looked up to see Optimus standing over her, a look of interest on his face. “Sorry, that was Twilight. She was calling to ask if I could come over and hang out. Apparently she has something really cool she wanted to do with me, but I figured that you don’t want me out of the base until my friends have been rescued.”

“That is a very wise observation. I am sorry that you had to say no to your friend, but we cannot risk letting you fall into Deceptacon hands right before we launch a rescue mission. It would only complicate things further,” Optimus said in a wise tone, telling Fluttershy he was probably right. “You will not need to worry about being alone down here while we go through with this rescue operation. Pinkie and Ratchet will both be staying behind as well.”

“Pinkie I understand, but why Ratchet? Don’t you want your best medic up there with you guys in case one of you gets injured?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, that concern did cross my mind. However, at this point the Deceptacons are aware that you are Ratchet’s partner and I fear they would try to capture or kill him to lure you out,” Optimus said gravely. “Having him out there with us would only paint a bigger target on him, a target that may cost us both you and a close friend of mine. He will stay at the base and if something were to go wrong, he can always ground bridge to us or ground bridge us back to the base for safety.”

“That makes sense. But why are you going then? If the Cons know of my connection to Ratchet, won’t they know of your connection to Pinkie as well?”

“Fluttershy, I am the last Prime. I am their number one target whether or not I am partners with Pinkie,” Optimus said with a smile. “Being her partner hasn’t put me in any more danger than I was already in. Thou I will admit, the fact that she is my partner while Ratchet is your…is amusing.”

“Speaking of Ratchet, I wanted to tell you about the whole…injured Deceptacon thing,” Fluttershy began while she rubbed her left arm nervously. “I don’t know how you feel about me wanting to bring an injured Deceptacon back to base to save him, but I know I angered Ratchet by doing it. If I did something that goes against Autobot code, then I’m sorry.”

“Fluttershy, you wished to save a life and did everything you could to ensure that life was saved. Nothing about any of that was wrong in the slightest. Yes, the Cons are our enemies, but that does not mean their lives mean any less than ours. It is a testament to who you are that you would wish to save your enemy despite all the pain they have caused you,” Optimus said with approval to Fluttershy. “Perhaps if we had more bots like you, we would never have had the war in the first place.”

“As for Ratchet…he has suffered greatly at the hands of the Deceptacons. Not only have they taken those he has cared about from him, but they have also been the source of so many failures on his part. And if you know him, as I’m sure you do, you know that he takes failures harder than anyone else. That is one of the many things you and him have in common. It seems to be a trend.”

“Trend? What do you mean?”

“I mean I find it interest which humans pair up with which bots. Jack was like a younger version of Arcee. Headstrong, full of ideals and never letting anything get in the way of justice. She was that way too, until the war took her optimism from her. Miko loves to be loud and destructive, just like Bulkhead when he was younger. But the war showed him the consequences of blind devastation and that sometimes you have to be silent to survive. Raphael was almost an exact copy of a younger Bumblebee. Odd, intelligent and never really knew how to speak with others. But the war taught Bumblebee what it meant to be part of a family. You and Ratchet follow the same pattern.”

“He was a lot like you when he was younger. Kind, caring and wanting to save as many lives as possible. Yes, he also sought fame along with his desire to help others, but perhaps he sought that fame to make himself feel better about his shortcomings. I take it you too search for a way to forget about how you can mess up or fail badly?”

“It’s like you know me,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“But just like all of the others, the war changed him. It took his kindness and shredded it apart. One of the Cons that he saved on the battlefield returned during another fight and killed Ratchet’s best friend. Ratchet then beheaded the Con that he had once saved,” Optimus revealed, making Fluttershy’s eyes widen. “After that he never saved any wounded Con, unless he had a good reason to. Such when Starscream offered intel for medical treatment. But he was never kind to Cons again after that day. Kindness is often the first emotion to be decimated in a war, even though that is where it can be needed most.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“There is nothing to apologize for, Fluttershy. You saved a life today. Your kindness is a strength, not a weakness,” Optimus told her before he glanced towards where Ratchet was working on something. “But for many Autobot’s the scars run deep, deeper than we would like to believe. Ratchet will most likely never trust or aid another Con on his own again. But for you to convince him to do so shows how much he cares for you. He would not save one even if I ordered it of him. And yet he did it for you.”

“Any idea why?”

“Maybe he sees what I see. That you are a like a younger version of himself and he is trying to ensure what happened to him does not happen to you. Maybe you have sway on his thoughts and while he is stubborn, you can get him to see past his hatred. Or maybe he’s scared of the stern look you give someone whenever they are doing something that you do not agree with. It is quite intimidating.”

“Me? Have an intimidating look? Optimus, have you met me? I’m the meekest girl around. I get scared by my own shadow. How can I be intimidating?”

“When we first learned of you your words were true. You used to be meek, scared and hide behind your hair whenever someone gave you an angry look,” Optimus agreed before he held his reflective finger in front of Fluttershy so she could see her reflection. “But just like Arcee, just like Ratchet…and just like me, the war against the Cons has changed you. You are more driven now.”

“How so?”

“When we first brought you here, we could barely hear what you were saying and you constantly hid behind your hair. Now whenever lives are in danger or at risk, you will give a look similar to the one I give to disobedient Autobot’s. A look of authority that ends arguments before the can begin. And now you speak your mind, tells us of what you think is the right thing to do and challenge us if we don’t work with you, like when you challenged my idea on waiting out the Cons.”

“I…guess I did do that.”

“And I believe I know why. Before you were afraid of voicing your opinion and were afraid of what others might think of it and you. But now you know life and death hangs in the balance and you can’t afford to waste time on what others might think. You have to be strong and stand up to others. Because if you don’t, someone, like that Con or Curbcheck, might not make it. Being dragged into our war gave you confidence and drive. I am sorry that this is what it took to do so.”

“I think you’re right. Ever since the death of Stickshift…I want to make sure nobody dies for me or around. Not while I can do something about it,” Fluttershy said with drive.

“Death changes all of us. This is how it changed you. It made you driven to save lives. That is another feature you have in common with Ratchet. You make a good team,” Optimus said with a nod. Fluttershy nodded as well, before an idea so outlandish came to her that she had to ask.

“Hey Optimus, you said that all of the humans that partnered up with an Autobot were like a younger version of the bot, right?” Fluttershy asked and Optimus nodded. “So, and I know this sounds crazy, but back when you were younger were you a party loving bot who loved to crack jokes and make people laugh?”

“Before the war I was a librarian, Fluttershy. I spent most days in solitude and learning,” Optimus said to Fluttershy, who nodded her head and wondered why she had bothered to ask such a silly question in the first place. But then Optimus leaned in closer with a devious smile on his face. “But whenever it came time to throw a party for friends and collogues, I was the greatest party planner on Cyberton.”