• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,659 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

  • ...

The Call (2)

With a sigh Fluttershy laid the book she had been reading upon the bedstand next to her bed, a book given to her by Carol that was about rescue crews and the different tasks they did. She stretched out her arms, a yawn escaping from her mouth as moonlight entered in through her open window. She turned her head towards the moon lit sky, bathing her face with the light of the stars while a summer's breeze floated into her room. Fluttershy reached over to the lamp at her bedside and turned the switch, turning off the light in her room.

Fluttershy laid onto her back and closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep as quickly as possible to prepare for her big day tomorrow. Yet try as she might to fall into slumber, her brain had plenty of ideas that it wanted to discuss with her first. All of the information that she had read about in the book swirled around in her mind, causing the teen to think of what she would look like in the uniforms that first responders wore. Those ideas quickly faded from her thoughts only to be replaced with how nervous she felt about being inside one of the giant, metal vans that she had only seen around accidents.

But then her thoughts wandered off the beaten path and went to a darker place. She thought back to the metal bird that she was certain that she had seen. Fluttershy had a near encyclopedic knowledge of animals and knew for certain that there was no animal living that resembled anything close to what she had seen. At least, not in her world.

'But if that was a creature that came from Equestria...'


Fluttershy peeked her eyes opened and rolled her head to the side to see that her phone had buzzed. She glanced at her clock to see that it was far too late for her friends to be texting her, telling her either it was an emergency or Rainbow Dash was bored out of her mind. She assumed the later. Not wanting to be rude, she grabbed her phone and turned it on, a smirk crossing her face when she saw the text was indeed from Dash.

'Hey, you guys still up?' Dash's text said in group chat.

'Well I am now. What is it?' Applejack replied.

'Just seeing how you guys are doing. After all, friends are supposed to care about one another after all.'

'You're bored.'

'SSSSOOOOO bored! It's been raining non-stop here!'

'Well I know that I'm having the time of my life!' Pinkie interjected. 'We're playing count the red cars and we're nearly in the hundreds!'

'How long has your family been driving?' Fluttershy responded.

'Only about thirteen hours today. There's so much that's happened! We saw a family of birds fly overhead, a semi-truck with cows drove with us for a while. We even got to see a thunderstorm in the distance! Though we had to stop for a little bit when Limestone tried to open the door with her head. Said something about relieving the boredom or something like that.'

'...are you still driving?'

'You know it! Oh my gosh, the hundredth red car! YAY!'

'So what's up with you guys,' Rainbow texted. 'Anything interesting happening while I'm away?'

'Not much. Work. More work.'

'I'm going to be riding in an ambulance tomorrow,' Fluttershy added.

'That sounds cool! Think they'll let you play with the sirens?'

'I hope not,' Fluttershy replied, before a thought came to her. 'Hey, has anybody heard from Sunset recently? She hasn't contacted us at all in the past week. Think something might be up?'

'Eh, the scouts camp she volunteered at is pretty out in the woods, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had zero bars. Maybe she lost her phone or a bear ate it or something like that.'

'Like the time we went to the zoo and you dropped your phone in the gator pit? And we could hear your solo song playing from inside of the gator's stomach?'

'You're never going to let me live that one down, are you?'


'Well, I hope she's alright. I'd hate anything to happen while she was out there,' Pinkie added in.

'I think she's the lucky one. Surrounded by so much nature and all of those animals. I'd give anything to be in her position,' Fluttershy said, adding a frowny face to show her feelings.

'Come on Shy, you get to ride around in a giant truck that blares a siren that makes everyone get out of your way. Sounds awesome!'

'Maybe to you...hey, have any of you guys seen anything...different around town lately?'

'How would I? I'm at the beach?'

'I mean, Applejack, have you seen anything out of the ordinary?'

'Can't say I have, but I haven't been that far from the farm lately. Why, think we've got some visitors from Equestria paying us a visit?'

'Can't say for certain, but I thought I saw something the other day...I'm sure it was nothing.'

'Well keep an eye out and let me know if anything strange pops up. I'm going back to bed. Night ya'll.'

The conversation wrapped up after that, prompting Fluttershy to turn off her phone. She set it atop her book on the bedstand, before turning over and wrapping herself in her covers. After talking to her friends she felt sleepy, allowing her to close her eyes and begin to drift off.

Yet she couldn't fall asleep that fast. In a last ditch effort to keep her awake her brain made her think of Sunset and the metal bird that she had seen. Why hadn't Sunset contacted any of them? She wasn't the type to leave her friends high and dry. And what was that metal bird? Was it a creature from Equestria? Or was it something else, something that even Equestria didn't know about.

Then the dreams took hold.


'This is way too early.'

That was the only thought that allowed itself to cross Fluttershy's sleepy mind as she walked towards the high school. She had received a text from Carol at five in the morning, telling her that due to work reasons she would have to move up their time to earlier in the day. Fluttershy had been tempted to say no, but she figured that Carol was working hard and that the lady was taking time out of her day to try to show Fluttershy the cool things about her job.

It was only right that Fluttershy tried to make as much of an effort in return.

'You're doing this for the animals Fluttershy. You'll see what she has to offer, drive around in the ambulance for a bit, then respectfully ask to be transferred to the animal care summer class,' Fluttershy thought to herself, started to wake up as the world around her came to life as well.

Birds began to chirp overhead, calling out to all that the day had officially started. Within minutes of the birds calling out small critters began to scamper around, eager to get a head start on their day. Squirrels ran from yard to yard, looking for any sign of food. They perked up as she walked by, but aside from a smile and a wave she didn't bother them.

Yet once again as she looked up at the birds flying overhead her mind was drawn back to the metal bird she had seen. 'Is the poor thing lost? Maybe it flew through a portal from Equestria and got stuck in our world. Why did Sunset have to pick now to go silent on us? I could really use her help in sending a message to Equestria.'

Fluttershy shivered slightly in the cold morning air and she zipped up her pink jacket, before she sunk her face into her collar in an attempt to get warm. Despite the roads being nearly empty that early in the morning, Fluttershy raised an eyebrow when she spied a purple S.U.V. sitting alone on the side of the road. Aside from the purple coloring, Fluttershy also noticed a strange symbol that looked similar to the beak of a bird. She didn't remember seeing a car like it in the neighborhood before, but she dismissed it with the thought that someone had bought a new car.

Once again her thoughts went back to Sunset and she dug her phone out of her pocket, firing up a text to her friend.

'Hey Sunset, how are you doing? It's been a while since we last talked and I'm just wondering if you're alright. I know that you're probably fine, but I just want to make sure. Hugs.'

As she sent the message Fluttershy felt a bit of concern begin to clutch at her heart. Ever since she and her friends had been introduced to magic, she had always felt a little less safe. Yes, she could wield a portion of that magic and had overcome numerous foes alongside her friends, but there was always that thought in the back of her head. That there was another world out there, another world filled with beings she couldn't begin to comprehend.

The sound of an engine starting snapped Fluttershy out of her thoughts and she glanced behind her to see that the purple S.U.V had started up. She turned her eyes forward once more, glancing down at her phone in hopes that Sunset would respond. The car drove up next to Fluttershy, who was so absorbed in waiting for a reply that she didn't notice it until she heard a car door open.

She turned her head in time for a metal tendril to strike her in the chest, sending a surge of electricity through her body. Fluttershy collapsed silently to the sidewalk, dropping her phone as she fell. The tendril wrapped itself around her body before she connected with concrete, while her phone shattered against the ground. The tendril then dragged the unconscious body of the girl into the back seat of the car and the car door slammed shut the moment she was inside.

The S.U.V. waited just a moment to see if anyone had noticed what had happened, using the scanners in the vehicle to scan the nearby houses for any calls to the police. When it found that no one had seen what had happened, it put the petal to the metal and took off, leaving only a shattered phone on the ground to show any signs that something nefarious had taken place.


"Huh, she's late," Carol muttered to herself as she glanced down at her watch, which read five after eight. She was standing outside of Canterlot High, where she was supposed to meet Fluttershy. "She was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago and yet she still hasn't shown up. Maybe I was asking too much of her when I asked if she could change the ride along to this morning. Maybe I should call."

Carol tried the number that had been given to her by the school, but after a moment she ended up with Fluttershy's voice mail. The nurse sighed as she hung up, before she began to look up Fluttershy's home phone in the girl's school files. Yet even as she fretted over the teenager and wondering what had become of her, she never noticed that one of the ambulance's that they had brought to the school the other day was no longer parked where she had left it.

Or that it was the very same armored one with the weird symbol on it.