• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,737 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 45

The Universal Cosmic Destroyer

Back inside the castle, Celestia and Velvet continued trotting through the dark corridor.

The light from Celestia's horn illuminating their way through the darkness.

While making their way through the corridor, Velvet quickly spun around on her heel as she heard something behind her.

"Velvet! Velvet! Velvet!" she heard an eerie, raspy voice say to her, and she couldn't be certain, but she could swear that she saw a vague shape in the darkness.

Barely able to make out an outline...of something in the dark.

The only thing she could make out were two white feet and a hand that hung limp in the air.

The hand dangled close enough to the light that Velvet could at least make it out...or so she thought at first.

Despite logic dictating that the closer one is to something you should be able to see it, whatever this creature was, the closer Velvet got to it the less she was able to make out.

"W-who are you?" Velvet nervously asked.

Originally curious, she now felt a cold and disturbing feeling setting in the closer she got to this being.

"T-tell me your name, where you're from. Did you arrive here when Bill arrived?" Velvet asked the figure.


Looking down at the figure's feet, Velvet watched it curl its toes.

"Y-yes!" she nervously replied. "Do you not know who Bill Cipher?" she asked.

"Bi...ll...ciph...er?" the figure asked.

After it finished talking, Velvet immediatly furrowed her brows as she heard something running.

Craning her head down, she suddenly gasped as she watched blood running down along the figure's legs!

Staining its feet with blood, out of which grew bloody spikes.

As she watched the figure's toes get enveloped by the blood, they grew longer into pointed spikes!

Velvet's eyes widened, and she slowly started backing away from the figure.

"Mhmm. I feel g...o...o...d...friendsss...!" the figure said as it approached the frightened filly.

The white hand changing into a crimson, deformed titular claw as it reached out to grab Velvet.

Nearly grabbing the little's throat... Until she suddenly heard Celestia behind her!

"Velvet, get away from that thing!" Celestia called out to her, before firing a magical blast from her horn towards the deformed figure.

Her blast hit the figure, which exploded into a crimson puff of smoke!

Velvet stared stunned at the red smoke, until Celestia reached out and quickly pushed Velvet behind her.

"Quickly, get behind me!" Celestia said.

Mare and filly stared at the red smoke...until it suddenly started spiraling inwards.

Forming a horrible, perpetually screaming skull at its center!

"Mother of me!" Celestia said in shocked horror.

Velvet couldn't help but stare slack-jawed at this...this thing in awe and terror.

Feeling her bones freeze.

Making it impossible to move, even an inch!

Noticing the rest of the corridor behind her, Celestia quickly levitated Velvet up onto her back.

Then, without a second's hesitation started running in the oppisite direction of that...thing.

Running down the corridor, in the oppisite direction away from that thing...while the floating, swirling face started to shriek as it flew after the two mares!

The corridors dissapearing as the thing flew after them!

As Celestia ran down along the corridor with Velvet on her back, her eyes perked up as she heard a loud and horrific shriek echoing behind them.

Velvet's eyes widened, and she slowly turned her head to look behind her.

Only, as soon as she looked behind her, she immediatly regretted it.

"Celestia...do not look back! Whatever you do, don't look back!" Velvet softly said. Putting extra emphasis on the ''Don't's'.''

Celestia's fear started building as she heard this, but she didn't look back behind her.

Instead, she just looked ahead.

Keeping her eyes focused on the hardly illuminated corridor ahead.

Velvet, meanwhile, didn't dare to look away from the singular but multi-shaped mass chasing after them.

Her wide and terrified eyes watching the hundreds of creepily malformed arms that reached out for her.

Maintaining unbroken eye-contact with the perpetually screaming skull that stared right back at her.

"Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet...!"

She heard the skull screaming, even as its mouth didn't move.

Run, Celestia! Run for Equestria's sake! Velvet thought to herself as she couldn't bring herself to look away from this...thing's horrific face!


Watching the ongoing battle from his throne, Bill watched as his Xenomorph forces were being swarmed by Moon and the Magical High Commission.

Devastating the normally hazardous race!

Ultron, it appeared, must have taken a new body since his Sentries didn't fall into dis-array following his defeat.

In fact, it appeared that one specific Sentry had pulled itself back, and surrounded itself with two guards.

The Sentries' eyes had even changed from blue to red.

Holding his head in the palm of his head, Bill observed the battle, but had already gotten bored off it.

At the same time, a robed figure silently stepped out of the dark corridor into the vast chamber.

Looking out from where she stood, she spotted the platform that Bill's throne stood upon.

The entire chair resembled the lower half of a skull, though, lacked the upper portion. And sprouted six spider legs on the side.

Sitting upon a skeleton-throne and observing the battle transpiring outside...

She immediatly hid behind a pillar as Bill abruptly rose from his throne.

Holding his arms behind his back in a regal manner, he narrowed his brow at the carnage transpiring beyond the castle grounds.

Turning his head, he looked back towards the skeleton-throne, and said "Be gone. I will witness their defeat standing up" to his throne.

Without uttering a sound, the skeleton-throne crawled away.

Its bones rattling as it crawled up along the walls. Vanishing into the ceiling's darkness, above.

Turning back towards the battlefield, Bill scowled as he observed this clash of titans...;

A God Warrior fired a high-powered blast from its mouth towards Shandor's Destructor Form.

However, Shandor held out his hands and conjured a protective barrier, composed of crystals, around himself that absorbed the majority of the blast.

In spite of the crystals having cracked, Shandow clenched his fist. Crushing them into hundreds of crystal fragments, which were then thrown up at the God Warrior.

"Ohma, look out!" NausicaƤ cried out to the God Warrior as she flew around him in the air on her glider.

Noticing the incoming shards from Shandor... but in spite of her warning, the shards still impacted Ohma's body...!

Though, they merely bounced of his skin.

Ohma readied himself to discharge another blast towards Shandor in retalliation, but as the Architect raised the barrier around himself, Ohma instead thrust his giant fist towards him...

The fist shattered the crystals, and struck an incredible punch to the undead deity!

Shandor grunted from the punch, and shot like a speeding bullet towards the ground. Slamming into it and creating a large crater.

He groaned as the dust cleared, but immediatly gasped as hs eyes shot wide-open as he saw the God Warrior open his jaw to fire another blast...!

Barely able to react before bright purple light blinded him, and purple energy enveloped him!

Elsewhere on the battlefield, Bill watched Aku's remaining Daughters cut their way through the Equestrians.

Rapidly transforming their bodies into various shapes, and attacting the ponies before they had a chance to react!

Not even giving them time to prepare their defenses before they change again.

However, in spite of their progress in reducing the Equestrians' numbers, they are only making minimal progress, at best.

The Magical High Commission is still doing a good job desposing of the Xenomorph hordes, and Moon is, of course, blasting the Sentries with her magic.

Taking them one down one, perhaps even six, at a time due to her multiple arms.

Peeking out from behind the pillar, the humanoid looked back up towards Bill.

Noticing he wore an elegant silk robe...

Though, her attention fell upon the peculiar symbol on the back of his robes.

It resembled an eye, but had lightning-shaped lines on both sides.

Curious, she furrowed her brows.

Despite getting distracted by the symbol, she soon snapped out of her stupor as she heard a thundering boom outside the castle.

She quickly blinked her eyes and looked back up towards Bill.

His form obstructed her vision of what was transpiring outside, but she watched the clouds change from black to red.

Hearing another thunderous boom which made her flinch.

Bill just smiled as he narrowed his brows.

Outside the castle, the fighting between the Equestrians and the countless indescribeable creatures abruptly stopped when their attention snapped towards the castle.

Hearing and watching as blood-red bolts of lightning shot down from the crimson swirling clouds into the central tower.

The tower, itself, absorbing the lightning bolts' raw power!

Symbols along the structure started glowing.

Sending that power shooting up along the length of the tower towards the top, and the Fearamid.

Hero, villain, monster or pony...

All their attention shifted from trying kill each other towards the Fearamid.

Inside the Fearamid, the energy from the lightning went into the projector which started clicking.

The projector' lens started flashing.

In the skies above the Fearamid, a glowing sphere appeared.

Displayed within the sphere was a frowning bearded human face with wide-open eyes.

Outwards from each edge, fiery smoke spiraled outwards from the sphere.

Everyone looked up towards the sphere with a face.

All waiting for something to happen...until reality around them abruptly changed to another battlefield!

The Equestrians and their allies froze in place as dark silhouettes they didn't recognize appeared around them...

Pony and allie were about to do something until the silhouettes started shooting explosive shells through the air towards...other silhouettes that looked like them!

The shells violently exploded, leaving dead bodies to fall at their ponies and their allies' feet/hooves.

Some just burning, but other deformed from having their limbs blown off, or parts of their bodies blown off, or even large wounds in their bodies that their internal organs spilled out through!

The silhouettes, which the Equestrians and their allies recognized as humanoid, charged at each other and started firing their weapons at each other.

Brutally killing the each other unlike anything the Equestrians and their allies had seen!

Silhouetted shapes flew by overhead, and dropped similiar shells down onto the enemy.

Explosions erupted throughout the battlefield, and agonized screams echoed around the heroes and villains.

The heroes froze in their tracks.

Taken aback at the carnage that unfolded before them!

The villains had also frozen in place, but more for the sheer cruelty and horror that these creatures were able to do to each other.

However, of the few villains that weren't spellbound by the carnage around him, Aku smirked as he watched the humans slaughter their own kind.

Turning his head, he looked down at the samurai and smirked wider.

He could only imagine the thoughts that was going through the warrior's head as witnessing such horror.

The very thought that the samurai was witnessing his own race killing each other in brutal and horrendus wars brought a smile to the Shogun's face.

"You failed, samurai. You never saved the world for it was already doomed!"

The samurai didn't respond, but then again he didn't have to. His silence said more than words ever could...


Meanwhile in the chamber, Celestia continued running down the corridor.

Never slowing her pace for one second.

They'd been pursued by the crimson, swirling mass for some time now, and not once had it relented during the chase.

It then shot an invisible wave through the air, that threw Celestia forward.

Knocking her into the ground, which sent Velvet flying through the air...and over the edge of a vast chasm, that Celestia hadn't noticed!

She'd been so pre-occupied with outrunning the thing that she hadn't noticed where their chase was leading.

Judging by recent events, this thing had forced them to some sort of chamber...

Celestia, though, was snapped out of her stupor by Velvet screaming.

Reminding her that there was a filly to save...

"Velvet!" Celestia screamed as she rose back up to her hooves and ran towards the edge.

Leaping from the edge and unfurled her wings outwards.

With her hooves out in front of her, Celestia shot down towards the falling filly.

Spotting her light-grey coat through the dark-red blackness.

Swooping down, she made a sharp U-turn and caught Velvet in mid-air. Speeding back upwards to the where Velvet had fallen from...

"V...elvet...I am ha...p...p...y!"

However, as they flew back up, Velvet heard that eerie voice again.

Velvet looked in the direction of its source, but immediatly gasped at what she saw...!

"Celestia, look out!"

"Hu-? UGH!" Celestia grunts as a wave shot out of the darkness towards her.

Knocking both ponies back against the wall!

Slipping of the princess' back, Velvet fell down into the dark.

However, fortunatly, her body slammed against a ledge. Uttering a painful grunt upon impact.

Celestia, though, recovered much faster than the filly and immediatly started flying again.

Quickly flying in sporadic patterns so that whatever this thing is, it can't easily hit her again.

While flying, she looked towards the thing, but when she saw it, she felt what little courage had been burning within her freeze!

Staring into the swirling, crimson mass's perpetually screaming face struck fear in her that was unlike anything she'd ever felt before!

Every hair on her body stood up...and her body felt petrified.

Almost like her body was being frozen from the inside-out. Starting at her very core; her soul!

The only thing that snapped her out of it was hearing, what she pressumed to be, beams of energy shooting behind her.

Looking behind her to see the walls explode, and send cracked walls and boulders falling down into the chasm.

Swiftly flying down, Celestia fired several magical blasts back at the swirling mass...but her attacks just passed through its, like pufts of smoke!

Doing next to nothing to harm it!

In response, the swirling mass shot several more of those invisible waves out towards her.

Celestia, fortunatly, managed to dodge them, but she couldn't help feeling more confused every time it shot those waves after her.

Why couldn't she see the waves this thing was shooting at her?

While Celestia and the thing continued to exchange attacks, Velvet groaned as she stirred atop the ledge.

Sitting up on her hooves as she heard the battle between Celestia and the thing, and looked up.

Staring above her as she watched the two beings alternate between attacking the other.

One, whose very presence made one feel dead inside. Alone... While the other's presence made one feel happy to be in it. Comfort and happiness...

But as she looked up towards the two adversaries, something dawned on her.

Something that should've been obvious to her...or the princess for that matter.

"Of course! Oh i'm such a fool!" Velvet exclaimed.

Her attention shot back up towards Celestia.

"Princess, do you have the Elements of Harmony!?" she called up to Celestia.

Celestia dodged another wave, but shot the filly a confused glance before she flew down to avoid getting hit.

"Yes, of course I do! What about them!?" she called back to Velvet.

"Use them!" Velvet replied.

"Don't think! Just use them! GIVE IT EVERYTHING THE ELEMENTS'VE GOT!"

Celestia furrowed her brows confused, but did as the filly told her.

Enveloping her horn in a magical aura, before conjuring the Elements out of thin air.

She quickly looked down towards the ledge where Velvet was standing, before returning her attention to the thing.

Her face contorting into a stern scowl as she spun the Elements around herself.

Creating a golden sphere around herself.

The thing's swirling mass growled in pain as the light of her sphere touched it.

"It hurts, Velvet!" Velvet heard that voice speaking to her again.

"Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet, Velvet...!" the thing said over again in her head.

She clenched her eyes, but they soon shot open again as she looked up towards Celestia!

"DO IT NOW, PRINCESS!" she screamed up towards Celestia.

Celestia's head snapped down towards Velvet, but the thing shrieked as it saw its chance to dispose of Celestia and leaped into the air towards her.

Unfurling its crimson mass outwards like an umbrella to grab her...but Celestia's head snapped back towards the thing, and with a mighty scream felt the energy from the Elements explode!

Her eyes shot open and jaw hung slacked as light shot out of her body.

Glowing cracks tore through her body, and the small sphere around her erupted outwards. Enveloping their surroundings in light, and banishing the darkness!

As the thing was enveloped by the light, it shrieked in pain!

A shockwave shot outwards from Celestia that threw the thing backwards against the cave walls.

Its mass flailing as it screeched. Shrieking as the light from the Elements scorched its mass.

"Arrgh! Yaagh!... Velvet, It hurts...!"

Velvet's eyes shot open, and she gently craned her head upwards.

Lowering her hoof so that she could see the thing.

Her eyes widening as she saw smoke come off its crimson mass.

"Ahh, Grr, Ohhh..."

For all this thing had done to her; try to appear friendly, chased her and the princess, and ultimatly tried to kill them, Velvet was surprised that this thing could still shock and terrify her...even as it died!

As the light from the Elements burned and seared it, and glowing cracks spread outwards across its mass/body...it spoke in a soft and just as eerie tone as when it first spoke to her.

Even when dying, this...thing terrified her!

The glowing cracks in its mass saw the thing seperating into something that was identical to the thing's perpetually screaming face...before it seperated into another...and another...and another...and another, etc!

The lone entity was collapsing into hundreds, perhaps even thousands of identical faces.

Velvet could feel the cold and horror melting away, like the sun melting an icicle.

The thing's presence was fading...and Celestia was replacing it with her feelings of family towards protecting her home!

The thousands of thing' faces disentigrated...leaving only one more, and this final face, unlike all the other faces, started glowing.

White beams shattered the lone face, before an explosion of light erupted outwards from it!

Completly obliterating the final face!

Shattering it into thousands of shards, and sending a blinding wave of light towards Celestia and Velvet!

Author's Note:

Link1 - Oblivion Soundtrack; Fearful Odds