• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,736 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

  • ...

Chapter 44

Clash of Titans

Moon and the Magical High Commission had managed to outrun the golden tendrils, and sought refuge deep within the castle.

However, despite eluding the golden tendrils Hekapoo, Omnitrax and Rhombulus kept a close watch out.

Moon, meanwhile, tended to Princess Celestia.

Using her magic to restore the princess following...whatever it was that Bill Cipher did to her.

Velvet just sat for herself in a corner tucked away.

Her head hung and facing away from the princess.

A single tear running down along her cheek...


She and Night had managed to put some distance between themselves and Bill Cipher in the room, behind them.

Night, though, had been groaning with every step he took...and was struggling to keep pace with her.

Constantly holding a hoof to his chest which seemed to hurt at just the slightest touch.

Finally deciding that she couldn't continue tormenting him, she sat him down against a wall.

Giving him a moment to recover...

However as she sat there, watching him groan and wince in pain, she could see that he was suffering.

This brief rest wasn't enough to help him...and yet she wasn't going to give up on him.

She'd carry him if she must to safety.

The rest of her friends were dead.

Killed when the roof collapsed underneath their hooves...and-...and they fell to their deaths.

"I won't let him take you away from me... You're...the last friend I have!" she thought to herself.

Sniffling as she stared back at Night.

Hanging her head, and holding back the tears...until her ears perked up at hearing a weak voice.


Craning her head upwards, she saw Night weakly smiling at her.

His mouth twitching as if the very act of smiling was hurting him.

"Leave me, Velvet."

She narrowed her brows confused and shook her head from side to side.

Night nodded back, but clenched his eyes as he groaned.

"N-night, i'm not leaving you!"

Again, Velvet shook her head...but, again, he nodded.

"You must. You heard what Bill said back there," he said.

"He could be lying, Night. He could have just been saying that to break your spirit before he killed you!" Velvet replied.

Her voice breaking as she tried to prevent herself from breaking down into tears.

Again, Night groaned as he shook his head from side-to-side.

Fighting through the pain.

"You have to be the one to survive, Velvet. Not me, not Celestia...but you," he said.

"I've realized that the only reason Bill mentioned our daughter over Celestia was because she's a pony of interest to him-" he says extending his hoof out towards Velvet's face. Holding her cheek with his hoof, "...and the only way she becomes that pony is if you survive this."

Hanging her head, Velvet started sobbing.

Raising her own hoof and placing it atop his'.

"B-but how can I live without you?! Even if we win...y-you'll be gone!" she sobbed.

"Our daughter won't."

She heard.

Raising her head, she looked into his eyes.

Her destraught frown facing his warm smile.

"If not for me...then at least be there for her so she'll have a chance to grow up," he said.

"Take back what Bill stole from us."

Her eyes widened and jaw hung slightly slack.

Trying to find words, before she felt tremors through the floors.

Both she and Night looked up, and watched as dust fell down from the ceiling.

Turning her head, Velvet looked back down the corridor.

Seeing a bright light at the other end...

A light that was glowing brighter and brighter with every bygone second!

Her attention returned to Night at hearing him cough.

"Go!" he groaned.

Holding her hoof...until he pushed her away.

"Velvet...please," he pleaded.

Groaning louder as he grimaced in pain.

Velvet frowned sad at him.

Tears forming in her eyes as she leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek.

She then stood up and started running in the oppisite direction of the light.

Sobbing, as the darkness crept in around her.

Eventually consuming her, until she soon illuminated the corridor with a horn from her horn.

It being the only light she could see.

Velvet ran for as long as she could...until a large fist suddenly tried to punch her!

Her eyes shot wide-open, but she managed to quickly leap out of the way of the fist...!

However, not long after she dodged the fist were crystals fired at her.

Firing a couple magical blasts from her horn, she managed to destroy several of the crystals.

Assuming a battle-ready stance, she prepared herself for the next attack...when she heard a voice call out to her from the darkness...

"Velvet...is that you?"

Again Velvet's eyes shot wide-open, but this time from relief and joy.

"Hekapoo?!" she called out to the darkness.

From out of the dark corridor, several figures appeared that Velvet easily recognized.

The destraught filly smiled, and immediatly ran up to Hekapoo, Rhombulus and Omnitraxus.

She nearly hugged Hekapoo, but remembered that touching her would burn her so she just hugged Rhombulus instead.

"Velvet, you're alive!" Hekapoo said.

The three commission members approached the young filly, but Omnitraxus noticed something that seemed to be missing...

"Velvet, where are your friends?"

Velvet's eyes shoot open, and she backed away from Rhombulus.

Craning her head upwards, she saw each of Magical High Commission (MHC) members.

"They-" she said, but her voice started cracking and her eyes water.

On the verge of tears, she hugged Rhombulus.

Crying into him, while Hekapoo and Omnitraxus looked at each other.

Hekapoo and Omnitraxus exchanged saddened looks with each other, and Rhombulus held Velvet with his snake-hands...

*End Flashback*

Sitting there in her corner, Velvet continued to repeat that final moment when she kissed Night on the cheek over again.

Sniffling as she looked over towards Celestia's motionless body...

He was right. Its up to us to see this through to the end. One way or another, it ends today! Velvet thought to herself...

Soon, though, Celestia starts shifting in place.

Moon's eyes widen, and she stopped using her magic.

Instead grabbing and holding Celestia's body.

"Princess Celestia? Can you hear me?" she asked.

Celestia's face twitched at hearing someone call her name.


She slowly opened her eyes, and looked up to see Moon leaning over her.

Moon gasped excited, and smiled as Celestia opened her eyes.

"Oh thank goodness, you're alive!" Moon sighed as she sat up.

Hearing the relieved tone in Moon's voice, Velvet's head snapped up towards her.

Smiling as she saw Celestia had opened her eyes.

"Princess Celestia, you're awake!" Velvet said as she ran up towards Celestia.

Embracing the princess in a tight hug, which nearly knocked the air out of Celestia.

"Huh? Who? What?" Celestia asked confused.

Turning her head and looking around her surroundings.

Celestia noticed Moon out in front of her.

Her eyes widened, and she looked down and saw Velvet hugging her.

"Who are you and what happened?" she asked confused.

Velvet looked up towards the princess and smiled.

"I am Twilight Velvet Sparkle, and this is Queen Moon of Mewni," Velvet replied, pointing her hoof first at herself and then towards Moon.

Moon gently waved her hand and smiled at the confused mare.

"How do you do, Princess Celestia?" Moon asked.

Celestia just silently blinked her eyes.

"Well, my kingdom has been taken over by a psychotic triangle that was able to turn my sister against me, but other than i'm fine," Celestia replied.

Moon blinked shocked, but then turned and looked back over her shoulder.

"Rhombulus, Hekapoo, Omnitraxus, she's awake!" she called out behind her.

Celestia's attention soon snapped up, and eyes widened as she saw strange figures round the corner...

However, before she was able to make any action against them, Velvet held her back.

"No, princess, they're allies!" Velvet interjected as she jumped in front of Celestia.

Holding her hooves out defensively to prevent Celestia from attacking them.

Celestia looked down, and raised her brow.

"Allies?" Celestia asked confused.

"But they look so, for lack of a better word, weird," she said, pointing her hoof out towards the members of the MHC.

"Are you sure they're not henchmen of Bill Cipher? They don't look like they're from Equestria."

Velvet looked into her xenophobic princess's face and sighed.

"No, they're not. They've said that when Bill used the projector to open the rift in the sky, they were involuntarily ripped from their own into ours," Velvet explained.

"But from what the others have told us, they were more deposited here by some unknown force."

Celestia narrowed her brows, giving Velvet an intrigued frown.

"What ''others''?" Celestia asked sternly.

"Well, princess, these guys weren't the only ones who appeared," Velvet replied, pointing her hoof behind her back towards Omnitraxus, Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Moon.

Celestia's eyes widened as she looked back towards the MHC.

"One of which was the samurai Jack. A great warrior who has previous defeated the demon, Aku," Velvet continued.

Hearing mention of someone strong enough to defeat Aku, when she couldn't, caused Celestia's eyes to widen.

"And where may I ask is this great warrior? He could help us infiltrate Bill's lair, and put an end to this psychotic terror!" Celestia said in an excited tone.

"He, like everyone else, are under attack by Bill's forces and is currently fighting the Shogun of Sorrow, himself."

A voice abruptly said from behind Celestia!

The princess's eyes widened, and she quickly rose up onto her hooves.

Omnitraxus, Rhombulus, Hekapoo, Moon, Velvet and Celestia's attention snapped towards the dark corner behind them.

Watching as a dark silhouette emerged from the shadows (almost like how one rounds a corner) and stepped out into the light.

Revealing it to be a figure wearing dark robes, and clad in iron gauntlets and boots.

The newcomer's face was also covered by a mask.

"Who are you?!" Celestia demanded.

Charging up a spell, while Velvet shot the newcomer a confused look.

"Wait, what did you mean when you said that ''he was fighting for his life like everyone else''?" Velvet asked.

"Velvet, don't talk to...this thing!" Celestia called out to Velvet...

However, the masked figure slowly looked up from Velvet towards Celestia.

Silently staring at her.

"Okay then!" the masked figure exclaimed in a soft, womanly voice.

Shrugging its shoulders, before she turned around.

Putting her hands in the robes's pockets as she stepped back towards the shadows...

"Wait!" Velvet called out, causing the figure to freeze in her tracks.

Celestia, Rhombulus, Hekapoo, Omnitraxus and Moon's heads snapped down towards the little filly.

"Velvet, what are you doing?!" Celestia asked, but Velvet just ignored the princess as she stared towards the masked figure's back.

"You...have seen what is happening out there?" Velvet asked curious, but also cautious of what the answer might be.

The hooded figure hung its head, and looked down towards the floor.

"Yes...and its not what i'd call pretty," the masked figure replied in a sad tone.

Looking over its shoulder towards Velvet, the masked figure soon turned around and faced the little filly.

With a wave of her gloved hand, she conjured an amorphous screen in front of Velvet, Celestia and the MHC.

Displaying the events transpiring outside on the field outside the castle, which Velvet gasped as she saw!

Her eyes widening and jaw hanging slack as she witnessed the carnage;

Showing her Jack fighting another humanoid she didn't recognize that wore a mask...

An army of strange, black serpent-like creatures that were attempting to push through the Equestrians' protective barrier...

Overhead, Ultron and his Sentries swooped down and unleashed a barrage upon the struggling Equestrians.

Despite the Equestrians surviving the bombardment, it greatly weakened the barrier...allowing the serpent-creatures to push the ponies back.

Causing them to lose ground quickly!

Everyone was stunned by what they were seeing.

The masked figure waved her hand, causing the screen to fade away.

Velvet hung her head, and looked down towards the floor as she processed every bit of this update.

"We're losing!" she said in a soft, but terrified tone.

"Yes...and losing bad," the masked figure replied.

Rhombulus and Hekapoo exchanged nervous looks with each other.

Moon's look of shock changed into a stern frown as she turned around to face Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Omnitraxus.

"We've got to get back to the battlefield as soon as possible. If our forces outside the castle fall, then it won't be long before they turn their attention to those that managed to get inside the castle," she said to the MHC.

Velvet's eyes widened, and she spun on her heel to face the Magical High Commission.

"What?!" she exclaimed.

"Y-you can't leave now! Not after everything we've been through!"

Moon turned around to face Velvet.

"Velvet, we've got to help the ones outside the castle. We've got to keep Bill and his minions distracted for as long as possible so there's a chance we'll be able to destroy the projector," Moon replied.

"B-but how are we even going to get to Bill's tower without you?!" Velvet nervously asked.

"Bill is probably in the process of searching the entire castle, and with Celestia not yet fully recovered from whatever it was that he did to her we have no chance of getting to his tower all on our own!" Velvet said.

"Heck, he could be monitoring the entrance to the tower!"

"Good think you have me here to help you get there!" the masked figure chimmed in.

Velvet and Celestia's eyes widened, and they both turned around to face the masked figure.

Celestia just frowned at the masked figure, before raising a skeptical brow.

"How do we know that you're even truthworthy? You wear dark robes and a mask!" she said, pointing her hoof at the humanoid.

"Simple! If I were an allie of Cipher, i'd have called for rienforcements and had you brought before him by now," the masked humanoid replied.

Rhombulus, Omnitraxus and Hekapoo looked at each other.

Nodding in agreement.

"That does make sense. That's what I would've done if I was evil. Good thing i'm not, right?" Rhombulus said.

Omnitraxus and Hekapoo just rolled their eyes.

Velvet listened to what everyone was saying, before she turned back towards the masked humanoid.

Raising a suspecious brow at the masked figure, to which the masked figure sighed and hung her head.

"Look, I know that none of you have any reason to believe me, but I swear all I want is for Cipher to be stopped. That's all I care about," she said, holding out her arms defensively.

Velvet held her gaze, before turning around and facing Moon, Celestia and the rest of the Magical High Commission.

She turned her body around and faced Moon.

"Go. If the others need you, then you must go," Velvet said.

Celestia's eyes widened as she watched this young filly take charge like it came naturally to her.

Moon gently nodded her head.

"May you three succeed in destroying the projector," Moon said, before she turned around.

Walking back towards the Rhombulus, Omnitraxus and Hekapoo.

She jumped up into the air. Immediatly transforming into her butterfly form, and with a mighty beat of her wings flew down the corridor.

Rhombulus, Omnitraxus and Hekapoo smiled at each other, and started running after Moon as she dissapeared down the corridor.

Their forms turning into vague silhouettes as they were enveloped by the darkness. Dissapearing completly from sight.

After the Magical High Commission's departure, Velvet, Celestia and the masked humanoid looked at each other.

Silently staring back at each other in an awkward silence until the masked humanoid coughed and said, "Um, I think we should get a move on. The sooner we smash the projector the better."

Velvet and Celestia looked at each other.

Smiling, before they turned back towards the masked humanoid.

"Lead the way!" Celestia said.

Grinning behind her mask, but without uttering a single sound the masked humanoid turned around and ran down along the corridor behind her.

Velvet and Celestia running behind her.


Back outside the castle, Jack noticed Aku standing behind the final Daughter.

His hands behind his back, and a foul grin on his face.

"Aku?" Jack asked, confused as to why the Shogun hadn't fleed yet.

A tactic that he had utilized when he tricked Jack into murdering...

Instead of letting himself get distracted like that again, Jack tightened his grip on the sword.

Narrowing his brows as he glared towards the Shogun.

Aku looked towards the lifeless bodies of the slain Daughters, and frowned.

"Booring!" he remarked.

Grinning, Aku's eyes stated glowing.

The light blinded Jack, forcing him to cover his eyes with his hand.

Eventually, the light died down and Jack lowered his hand...but what he saw standing in front of him made his eyes widen in shock!

Before his very eyes, the bodies of the slain Daughters started flailing on the ground...just before they raised their legs in the air and pushed up from the ground. Landing on their feet!

Reinvigorated with life!

The revived Daughter's bodies started changing.

Their shoulders became sharper and more curved, four large horns grew out of their heads, and pale white eyes opened which soon saw two flaming eyebrows appearing over their eyes!

Jack's eyes widened as he recognized these dark figures.

Gasping as visions of the past flashed in his mind.

Showing the samurai one of these figures wielding a flaming sword as it fought him.

True, he had only fought one, but that moment had one of the worst he's ever experienced in his life.

"Kill me, Jack!" a voice suddenly screamed in his head.

"Kill me, then destroy Aku!" the voice said.

Startling him enough to shake his head.

Snapping himself back to reality.

The one Daughter that had survived her battle with him, brought her hand to her mask and removed the mask from her face.

Revealing an expressionless white face with red lips and flaming eyebrows.

Her shoulders and elbows curved inwards. The side of her feet curved upwards in a similiar manner.

From across the distance the distance that seperated them, Ashi stared blankly at the man.

A man she had once betrayed her own blood and kin to defeat her evil father, and in so doing, undoing her own existance.

Now, she stared at this very same man with unshifting contempt.

Contempt for abandoning her in her father's now-parallell timeline.

To again never see the man she had grown to love...and instead returning to live under her father's accursed reign.

Standing in a dark void, Ashi looked out towards Jack. A sad expression on her face.

"He betrayed us!" a red duplicate of Ashi said to her.

"He murdered our father, and there-in killed us... Killed you! He doesn't deserve to live!" Mad-Ashi said.

Gritting her teeth, Mad-Ashi grit her teeth as she balled her fist at the samurai.

Ashi narrowed her eyes at the samurai.

"Too long have you haunted my father, haunted his steps -" Ashi said in a sinister, cold tone towards Jack while her sisters gently walked up behind her, "...but no more, samurai!"

Ashi held out her hand and re-formed it into an elongated blade.

Then, kicking-off from the ground, Ashi leapt into the air towards Jack.

Raising her blade-arm above her head, but Jack side-stepped as she slashed it down towards him...

He raised his sword above his head in an attempt to slash her, but Ashi quickly spun around and held out her arm.

Transforming her hand into a giant fist that grabbed Jack.

However, the samurai used his sword to sever her fist.

Causing it to crash down onto the ground, but was unable to free himself before he heard Ashi charging up her eye-beams.

Jack's eyes widened, and he raised his sword to protect himself...only for the large hand that held him to explode.

His body flew through the air.

Smoking as his body slammed into the ground.

Robes torn from the explosion, revealing several cuts and a couple of bloody bruises.

Jack quickly scrambled for his sword on the ground, and then leapt back up from the ground. Landing back on his feet, before he abruptly leaped upwards into the air as Ashi lunged herself at him.

Growing several arms with spikes, that tried punching him in repeated succession.

Attempting to land a blow on his body, while at the same time puncturing his skin with the spikes.

He managed to avoid getting hit for...for a while, but was then punched in the chest.

Jack grunted, and stumbled backwards as he was hit. Feeling the spikes pierce his flesh.

Momentarily disorienting him, but a moment was all Ashi needed, before she started pummeling him again and again in the chest!

Delivering six punches to his chest per second, before delivering pulling her right arm back.

Almost hesitating for a moment, before her multiple arms formed a single fist that she shortly punched him hard in the chest!

Jack gasped as his eyes widened in pain, and he vomited up a pool of blood onto Ashi's face!

Ashi shook her head as the samurai's blood blinded her.

Aku's eyes widened at the surprising distraction his mortal enemy had utilized to distract her.

Not letting his chance get away from him, Jack kicked Ashi down onto the ground, and raised his sword to stab her through the chest...

Though, before he could do anything, Ashi stretched her torso.

Elongating it so that when he brought his sword down, he only severed her torso from her legs.

As Ashi's severed lower half laid motionless on the ground, her smoldering upper half formed several spiders to support her elongated torso.

Lunging herself at Jack, the ends of Ashi's arms formed into large scythe-like blades that she violently stabbed at the samurai...

Despite suffering a brutal beat-down from his former ally, Jack managed to slash the end of Ashi's left arm... Though, while Ashi managed to cut him in return, she fell forwards and partially pierced his back with her blade.

Jack grunted at the pain, but thrust the blade up above him...into Ashi's chest!

Ashi's eyes widened, and her mouth hung slack.

All while her body shivered as the hole in her chest smoldered outwards. Burning away at the rest of her body...yet, unlike her father, who'd been in a similiar situation, she was still part-human!

"No!" Aku growled in an angry, yet shocked tone.

Ashi gently stood back up.

Her body continuing to smolder, until a large hole was left in her chest, as she assumed a similiar height as Jack.

Her breathing shaking as she looked down at the ever-growing hole in her chest, before looking back up at him.

Mad-Ashi stood beside the real Ashi.

Grinning as she narrowed her brows. Glaring towards the samurai with her arms folded across her chest.

"See? See?! I told you he didn't care!" she whispered sadistically into Ashi's ear.

"He abandoned you with Aku, and then murders you the first chance he gets! He didn't even hesitate before striking you down!" Mad-Ashi said.

Scowling angrilly at the samurai, before she turned around and walked away from the dying Ashi.

"Jack..." Ashi said, her voice breaking.

Gently extending her hand out to touch his cheek with tears running down her chin.

"Jack, how could you?" she asked, which made Jack's brows jump in shock.

"I...trusted you...Jack," Ashi said as she took her last breath.

Ashi's body fell backwards and slammed against the ground.

"Ashi...!" Jack said, but before he could say another word Ashi's body disentigrated completly.

Only leaving a faint imprint in the ground of where Ashi's body laid...but was now gone.

"No! Ashi...!" Jack sobbed as his voice broke.

"Not again! Please, do not leave me again!" he desperatly pleaded.

Sobbing as he dropped to his knees.

Staring at her body's imprint as the wind started blowing dust over it. Obstructing it from view.

Tears running down along his face, which dripped onto the ground.

Standing nearby, Aku and his Daughters silently watched this scene unfold.

Aku stared slack-jawed at the lone survivor of his daughter and mortal enemy's duel.

Stunned that his ancient foe had managed to defeat his daughter, even after unlocking her full power, and ridding her of her rebellious spirit.

The remaining Daughters, though, only stayed put for long, before they charged at the samurai. Intent on avenging their fallen sister...

However, as the first Daughter attempted to rush Jack, he threw his sword and hit her in the chest!

That Daughter fell backwards, and her body slammed against the ground.

The other Daughter's head snapped towards her fallen sister.

Watching her motionless body as it laid on the ground...until it disentigrated away.

The Daughter's head snapped back towards Jack, and she re-formed her hands into scythe-like blades which she used to impale him.

Repeatedly slashing them through the air in an effort to hit him, but he just dodged her blows.

Leaping above her.

Landing behind her, next to his sword.

He quickly snatched up the sword, and stabbed it through her back. The sword's tip coming out through her chest.

He narrowed his brows, and sliced the blade up along her body. Cleaving the Daughter's upper body in half.

The vertical line in the center of the Daughter's body vanishes as both halves of her head seperates.

The cloven halves of her head hangs limp out to the side, and her body falls forward. Collaping onto the ground.

Aku doesn't utter a word.

Instead just silently staring at the lifeless bodies of his Daughters...before focusing his attention on the silent samurai warrior.

Unable to see Jack's face due to the long hair blowing in the wind.

Jack then turned around, and glares at the Shogun.

"You're next!" Jack growled.


Meanwhile, Bill watches from a balcony as the battle rages around him.

Watching Ultron and his Sentries perform another boming run on the Equestrians.

Despite only achieving minimal casualties, the ponies directed attention away from the barrier keeping the Xenomorphs at bay.

Not yet realizing that it is the Xenomorphs that pose the greater threat, and not Ultron and his Sentries.

Sitting back in his throne, Bill held his hands up in a way that his fingertips connected.

Smirking as he watched the ponies get closer and closer to their destruction.

Even the Queens and Praetorians were making their way to the barriers, and with their combined strength will surely crush their defenses.

Bill's smirk, though, soon faded as he noticed an explosion, and his eye abruptly widened as he watched Queen Moon, Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Omnitraxus come flying out!

Rhombulus jumped into the air and held out his arms. Firing his crystals, which pierced countless Xenomorphs...!

Hekapoo immediatly cloned her self, but while each of the clones started clearing out the Xenomorph horde by incinerating them, the original Hekapoo used her sciscores to teleport herself to the barrier.

Raising her hand, she raised a fire wall that scorched the nearby Xenomorphs.

Instructing the ponies to shift their attention to Ultron and the Sentries...!

Omnitraxus conjured a humanoid form to himself, and began crushing Xenomorphs underneath his feet as he charged straight for the Xenomorph Queens.

It wasn't difficult to attract the Queens's attention as every Xenomorph he (literally) ran over loudly screeched.

The Queens diverted their attention from the Equestrians towards Omnitraxus, and all of them charged straight for him.

Screeching enraged as they quickly swarmed him. Jumping atop him, and forcing him down onto the ground, which allowed their drones to swarm him as well...

However, as Omnitraxus was swarmed, he charged his energy, and suddenly released it in the form of a large blue, dome-shaped explosion that shot out across the battlefield!

Dissintegrating the screeching Xenomorphs into dust!

By the time Omnitraxus stood back up, a large crater surrounded him, and an extraordinary chunk of the Xenomorph horde was evaporated...!

Moon assumed her butterfly form, and flew into the air towards Ultron and his Sentries.

Firing several energy from multiple arms, which destroyed the Sentries.

Ultron, himself, noticed what Moon was doing, and growled as he flew straight for her.

Charging into her, and grabbed her head with arms.

Ultron smirked as he attempted to crush her skull with his hands.

"You know, its fortunate i'm not human, otherwise i'd find your death utterly repolsive!" Ultron chuckled.

Watching Moon's eyes shot open as she began screaming in pain.

Feeling Ultron's mechanical hands crushing her fragile Mewni skull with his bare hands...!

However, in a final attempt to save herself, Moon threw up her hands and grabbed Ultron's head.

Grabbing his metal skin hard as she screamed aloud.

Her palms glowing, before she fired a blast from her hands!

Ultron's eyes widened and jaw hung agape as bright light shot out of his eyes and mouth, before his head exploded!

Moon's two blasts impacted the other, causing a chain explosion that sent Moon flying out of Ultron's grasp!

Leaving Ultron's lifeless husk of a body to plummet down towards the battlefield.

Catching herself in mid-air, Moon panted heavilly as she held the side of her acheing head.

She managed to recover, and gasped as she watched Sentries closing in on her position.

Their arms held out in front of them as they fired their blasts at her.

Thrusting her (six) arms out beside her, she quickly conjured a protective force field around herself.

Catching the incoming blasts in her force field.

Opening her hands, she shot the blasts back out towards the Sentries.

Causing the sky around her to light up as the Sentries exploded...

Back inside the castle, Bill watched the Magical High Commission devastate his forces with dismay.

Omnitraxus, alone, was causing a lot more harm than anyone else, despite Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Moon being there.

Grumbling annoyed at how the tide of battle had turned in his enemies' favor, he angrilly slammed his fist against the throne' armrest...though, he still smirked at the sheer foolishness his enemies exhibited in leaving the castle.


Following the hooded humanoid for some time, Velvet and Celestia arrived at a large double-door.

Displayed prominetly on the doors was the insignia of a screaming skull with a spiral curving outwards from the skull's open maw.

Besides the insignia was written something in a unfamiliar language.

The hooded humanoid walked up towards the door and extended its index finger.

Pressing it against the writting as she read aloud;

"To any who seek to enter the Devil's Chamber..." she read aloud, before looking towards what was written on the other door, "Beware your mind...for it empowers the Cosmic Destroyer!"


The humanoid grumbled as she touched her chin.

She turned back towards the Equestrians, and looked at them for a while until she waved her hand through the air.

Conjuring six gems out of thin air.

Celestia's eyes widened as she saw the gems. Recognizing them.

"The Elements of Harmony!" she said in a stunned tone.

"Yes. They should prove capable of handling whatever is behind those doors," the humanoid replied.

Celestia's horn glowed, and enveloped the elements in her magical aura.

Levitating them over towards her.

"Indeed. They should prove capable of protecting you from whatever is behind that those doors," the humanoid said as she walked back towards the Equestrians.

She swung her arm out behind her towards the double-doors, causing the lock to click.

Creaking as both doors slowly swung outwards. Revealing a dark void inside.

"Go! I'll hold them off for as long as I can!" she abruptly said.

Celestia and Velvet's eyes widened, and they quickly looked behind them.

Looking back at each other, before they ran inside the dark void.

The doors slamming shut behind them, and clicking shut!

Turning her head to look back over her shoulder, the humanoid smirked to herself as she saw that the two were gone.

Still looking behind her, she started running down along the corridor.

Looking back in front of her as she ran.