• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 19

In my experience, there is no such thing as luck Part 2

Re-emerging from her teleport she glides through the air as she begins to make a slow descent towards her sisters’ and here’s castle from the sky.

“Ahh… Home sweet home,” she sighs.

Saying aloud to herself as a smile forms on her face from the prospect of having being back, albeit from a rather short trip, but a somewhat extended trip nonetheless.

I cannot wait for long, though, as when the Sun sets on this day then I and the temple will disappear…not to return until ten years of this world have passed…

Her mind is suddenly ripped away from the thoughts about seeing her home again after seeing nothing but black marble, -

…however, when her thoughts are almost forced to return to thinking about what Dooku had said her smile fades, changing into an immediate frown at being reminded about the upcoming choice that she must make.

With a lowered head, she exhales a heavy sigh, holding her wings still so she just continues gliding downwards to the nearest balcony where her hooves gently plant themselves against the soft surface of stone underneath them.

Raising her head her eyes look upon the transparent doors in front of her…but she doesn’t want to enter, fearful of the outcome should her choice be the wrong one.

It is not Dooku’s reaction should she return to the tower to tell him face-to-face that she is concerned about...but her sister’s.

Celestia might get a little too involved should she learn about this big responsibility that her younger sister had herself requested to undertake. Possibly even to the point where out of desperation she would imprison her within the castle until time was up and Dooku and the tower vanished, not to be seen until its ten-year absence would pass.

… Still, she deserved to at least be told about this decision and to prepare herself for the upcoming years where Luna would not be around to witness the advances of their civilization and culture. Ten years sounded reasonable to assume that there could be some big changes ready for her when she’d return.

Luna had already made her decision to become Dooku’s student, and to learn the ways of this great power called the Force…and nothing was going to stop her from achieving that end.

Finally, she would have something that made her stand above her sister, that would make her unique enough in the eyes of their people to finally be worthy of their love and adoration…as to them she was nothing more than ‘’the dark one’’ because of her dark-blue fur and that she operated mostly at night.

Trotting down the hallway her face contorted into an angry frown, and she began tapping deeper into that great power that she had felt earlier when confronted outside the tower.

What she had felt at that moment was unconquerable grief when it had been revealed that it was her own sister had delivered such pain and agony to her…but she had also felt something more in the moments as she was being mocked and tortured by what she had now come to describe as Dark Celestia.

Deep inside of her something had snapped, a power stronger than anything she had ever felt – or sensed – in her entire life, and while the pain of her sister’s lightning had stung her body with far more agony than should ever be felt she had felt her hatred grow stronger, this new power feeding it, empowering it with whatever energy it was, -

…and at the last moment it had ultimately been what saved her from certain death with the Dark Celestia, completely obliterating her with her own version of that lightning that she had just somehow been able to discharge from her hooves!

By giving in to sadness, pain…a path had been opened for her where the use of the very hatred she had felt for her sister at that very moment to survive the encounter and prolong her own life while Dark Celestia had been destroyed.

Gritting her teeth, exposing sharp fangs that very same anger was called upon once again as the anger and frustration was fueled by the frustration and rage at her sister being the only one to receive praise and love from the ponies of Equestria, -

…like she, and what she did, was worthless in the eyes of the population because most slept through it, giving way for them to think less of it.

However, as her hate and anger grew stronger within her she was fortunate enough to be pulled away from those thoughts by a voice that spoke to her from the right side of another hallway.

Quickly snapping her head in the direction of the speaker her eyes immediately fell upon one of her Celestia’s Royal Guards.

“What!?” she exclaimed in a rage that had been bubbling to the surface while her thoughts had been unable to think of nothing but the envy and jealousy of even basic kind gestures that she had yet to receive had continued to fuel her hate-filled fire.

The mare jumped as she saw the Princess’s staring directly into her own, giving off an aura that she had never before felt from the Princess of the Night.

“P-princess Celestia has summoned you to the throne room immediately, P-princess Luna,” she said as her body tried not to shake from the now-present fear surrounding her that had been created from the blue Alicorn’s unexpected outburst.

“Hmm…” was all Luna uttered as her face scrunched, still wearing nothing but an angry expression on her face.

Turning away from the mare she began down the hallway, having a subtle run in her pace so as to not be late for whatever her sister had planned.

As she rounded a corner the female Royal Guard that has been sent for her almost her eyesight was playing tricks on her, -

…but she could almost swear that the Princess’s eyes changed from a golden color back to its usual dark-green hue the second before her Princess’s head disappeared behind the wall.

“Uhhg,” she shivered as the uncomfortable aura surrounding the blue Alicorn vanished down the hallway along with her.


As she trotted through the vast and long halls of their childhood home Luna could not help but smile as she passed by many painted portraits depicting the previous rulers of Equestria that had held the title before she and her sister had claimed governorship of the Equestrian race.

Her smile fading slightly as two figures entered her vision, bringing her to a complete stop where she stood.

Turning around she sat down there, staring up at the two warming faces of ponies that she deeply wished were still here right now.

“Mother…Father,” she said softly, extending a hoof out in front of her and touching it against the soft fabric used in creating this wool tapestries of two beings that she would nothing more to have seen them achieve greatness in the world that they now ruled over.

While the conflict had indeed shaken the foundations of the world when it ended and peace had been restored in the aftermath, the biggest loss and unhealable scar left behind of its existence was the death of their parents.

The Castle of Trinity Peaks may have been destroyed and the Forges and Mines deep underneath the surface had been buried and lost to time, itself, and the Dark Lord defeated and cast down into the burning pits of Tartarus to suffer for his crimes for eternity nothing could ever compensate the warmth and kind spirits of her and Celestia’s parents who were said to have used their combined might to take defeat the Dark Lord, himself, in single-combat.

The struggle had been long and hard-fought…but in the end both of their parents were able to deal a crippling blow that brought that murderer to his knees long enough for their soldiers to arrive at where their great battle had taken place and take him away to be tried for crimes against Equestria.

Both the King and Queen had already passed away, lying beside each other as they held hooves one last time before the end, their dead eyes facing each other.

Luna’s mind instantly flashed back to the moments when the surviving Generals had brought the news to them about their parent’s passing…

Lowering her head, tears started gently running down her cheek as images of their parent’s funeral began to re-appear once more, as if she was actually there like long ago, relieving the sorrow it had brought.

Moving down through the hallway Luna gently raised her head, turning it to look down the right side of the hallway where the sound of gears originated from a wagon that was carrying quite the load.

Narrowing her eyes and raising a suspicious brow she was surprised not only by the fact that the wagon was coming from the castle wing where her chambers were located, but also that they were under an escort of six guards.

Atop the wagon were multiple books, many that she recognized, alongside multiple boxes that had been sealed up. These items were bound together by a rope that held them together.

Wait a minute, aren’t those supposed to be... W-what is going on?

Turning her head to face the Alicorn directly one of the mares of the group gave her an odd look as they passed her by.

What is going on here!? she thought to herself as her eyes followed the group until they rounded the corner and disappeared behind the wall.


Upon arriving at the doors to their throne room the guards stood at attention when she reached the doors.

Their magic activating and opening the two doors for her to gain entry inside the large room that lay beyond them.

With a friendly smile upon her face once more she nodded to both guards before disappearing inside the room, at which they closed the door behind her.

Raising her head and looking to the side as the sound of approaching hoof steps Celestia’s head turned away from a nearby stallion that she was clearly engaged in a discussion with to looking down at the blue Alicorn that was drawing closer to her.

Standing by the wall multiple guard’s eyes were clearly following the younger Princess as she stepped up towards their ruler’s throne, sitting

Guiding her gaze up away from the floor to where the two thrones were a smile settled on her face as she saw her sister on the throne that had the symbol of a Sun on it. The other beside it having a crescent Moon that was obviously her own.

… However, upon seeing Celestia’s face Luna’s warm smile faded slightly as she noticed that her sister was not smiling back, but instead wearing a newly-mounted frown that settled in after noticing her sister’s arrival.

“Sister, halt,” Celestia suddenly said with the raise of her hoof, signaling for Luna to not take another step.

Confused, Luna heeded her sister’s order, her hooves stopping in place, not taking another step.

The two sisters could do nothing but exchange silent stares between each other as the eerie silence settled in.

“Sister, is there some-“

“Do you have anything to say before we proceed?” Celestia so rudely interrupted her before she could finish inquiring about the situation.

Proceed with what? What is going on here!?

Luna’s face suddenly contorted into confusion that could be seen upon her expressions.

Turning her head around from side to side her eyes suddenly took notice of something that she hadn’t upon her arrival at the throne room; along the walls the standard guards stood, but there was far more of them there then she had ever beheld.

Unlike regular guards too their eyes were all on Luna, watching her where she stood.

Worry started to fill her as suspicions started to form, making her incredibly weary of her surroundings.

Looking back and forth between the unusually high number of guards in the throne room with herself and her sister Celestia thought it best to speak up, calm her sister before things accelerated to a point that they did not.

“Calm yourself, sister, I don’t know why…but it would seem that you are a little tense about something,” Luna’s left ear gently twitched as she once more heard the voice of Celestia reach out to her.

Gently turning back her eyes to where they once more looked upon the face of her sister, but this time a lot more calmly.

“Then explain yourself, sister, why are you treating me like I’m a criminal? What has warranted such suspicions?”

Several of the guards turned to look at one another, and some even stared directly towards Celestia.

For a few passing seconds her sister was quiet, unable to respond to the blue Alicorn, only locking eyes with her as a serious frown settled in on Luna’s face.

“Explain your actions, is- “

“A new threat has been revealed to us, Luna!” Celestia immediately replied, cutting her sister off before she could finish.

Luna’s courage was pulled back, listening with intrigue to what Celestia had to say now that she had at the very least given her something.

“Really?” she asked while raising her brow in a display that illustrated to Celestia that she was being very skeptical of her sister’s explanation.

“Have Sombra or Discord returned?” she asked the elder Alicorn.

“What, no! It is not they who poses a threat to Equestria…, - ” said Celestia as she gently shook her head.

“Okay, sister, my interest has been peaked-” Luna said replacing the suspicious stare with a blank stare, intrigued by what her sister had to say.

“…it is you, Luna.”

“W-what?” Luna replied in confusion and shock from what she had just heard what her own sister was accusing her of.

The first thing Luna felt after hearing this was sadness, sadness at hearing someone so close to her actually daring to say these things to her own sibling…

“Yes, sister…but I wanted you to know the evidence behind these accusations before you are taken away… Secretary?” Celestia said as she turned to face a stallion that stood beside her.

“Yes, your Highness. Here are the evidence items,” the stallion replied as he trotted up to her with several items suspended in mid-air by a telekinetic grasp.

First of the items was a book that Luna’s eyes immediately snapped to, growing wide-eyed as she clearly recognized that book, but was also confused as to why it of all things was being used as evidence against her in this preposterous ‘’accusation’’.

Hey, that is the book I found in my room…but what is it doing here? What does that book, which was a gift to me from someone anonymous, how is it incriminating evidence against me?

“Amongst containing pages with descriptions and illustrations of…creatures that are complete unknown to us and has never been ever seen before, there are also entire pages in this book devoted to have what I can only describe as ‘’Dark Magic’’ spells and enchantments.”

“Be that as it may, sister, from what you are telling me now there is hardly anything in that book, a gift to me, might I add, from what little I have seen is filled with descriptions of various, strange, creatures previously never seen before…, - “Luna explained to her sister.

“If anything, this book was more or less given to me because they felt I have proven myself worthy as a Princess of Equestria to keep it. That’s probably why they even bothered to go through the trouble of bringing it to my room in the first place!”

Reeling herself back from her post-aggressive tone she took steps back.

Standing still as she looked up at her sister again, a blank expression settling in on her face as she patiently waited for her sister to respond.

Atop the raised platform Celestia narrowed her eyes, staring down at her silent and patiently waiting sister with judgmental eyes.

“Alas, there are in spells in here, that after looking over them, I have deemed as not only dangerous but potentially world-ending. There are resurrection spells, as well as a few bookmarked ones that acts as a multiplier for one’s battle power…, -“

Said Celestia as she flipped through the pages of the book until she arrived at one of these bookmarked pages, which she then turned so her sister could see.

“…and if I don’t remember correctly, sister, your battle power is quite below my own…, - “

“Yes, that may be true, but there is no reason for me to want to- “Luna tried to explain but was interrupted by Celestia.

“…AND, there is also the issue of your continued stress over these past couple weeks. Was it not you, yourself that told me earlier today at breakfast how annoying it was that your night was not being enjoyed as much as the day?” Celestia suddenly spoke up, interrupting her.

Luna was immediately silenced, staring back at Celestia with her mouth agape as she tried to form words to speak, but not uttering anything outside of chocked sounds at her own disbelief that this was actually happening to her, -

…and it was her own sister that was accusing her of these things!

“B-but, sister- “

“Silence!” Celestia immediately snapped.

Her voice echoed around the room, making the guards that stood by the wall stand attention and look away and become stone faced once more.

“You are right, Luna, that I do know you…but recently a question has started to replace that trust…, - “Celestia said.

On her face, the smile that had slowly started to return, comforting Luna, now vanished as it contorted into a frown that glared down at the blue Alicorn.

“...and that question is: what?”

Luna, as well as everyone in the room was silent as it sunk in as much to them as it did Luna, though, probably in a different way than it did with them.

“What would Luna do to be loved by our subjects? What are the lengths she will go to in order to get some if not all the love you would say ‘’I have stolen from you’’? Who will she become if she sacrifices all to win everything…? -”

“Sister, please no. Don’t to this…” Luna spoke softly, -

…a single tear trailed down her cheek.

“…the only one that will be left for them to love and the only one left to rule them…, - “

Activating her telekinesis, she started to flip through the pages once again, -

…until arriving at the final page.

Narrowing her eyes, she intensified her glare so being almost hate filled.

“…which is also why you summoned this…Bill Cipher to aid you in your plot to not just destroy me, but usurp Equestria’s throne for yourself and him.”

Staring upon the page that Celestia had flipped to Luna’s jaw hung slack, staring in shock at the image on this particular page.

Her pupils shrinking as an image hearing Bill Cipher’s appearance greeted her eyes.

Surrounding him was a circle made up of various symbols that she had not seen in a long while, -

…except for when her sister and her first found and used the Elements of Harmony against Discord.

Her sister’s eyes shifted from the book’s insignia depicting the familiar triangular form of Bill Cipher surrounded by that wheel with all those various symbols around the band to staring down at the blue Alicorn who by now was looking back up at the white Alicorn with worried, wide eyes.

“But even if I did harbor these feelings, these schemes to which you are accusing me, you cannot seriously believe that I would put innocent lives at risk just to accomplish a goal that goes against everything we stand for as selfless rulers,” said Luna as she brought a hoof up to her chest, taking slight steps towards her sister.

However, the guards standing at the ready immediately pointed their spear’s sharp tips towards the accused, their stares growing sterner as they looked across the room, their gazes becoming transfixed on the Night Princess.

This action reached Luna’s attention as her eyes sharply looked back and forth to the guards that outflanked her both left and right.

“I would refrain from both saying and doing anything as you are placed under immediate arrest, sister…, - “Luna’s ears hears the voice of her sister’s voice as she begins to speak again, the warm tone of her usually motherly tone having all but faded as she now spoke to her with more stern strictness than had ever been heard before.

Slowly turning back Luna’s eyes looked up towards the white being who was staring back with a stern frown, but still did not hold a candle to the angry glare that she was now being sent by the blue Alicorn.

Her anger growing within her at the betrayal and lack of being given a voice to defend herself.

All the willpower that held her back her intensifying rage was quickly torn down, only being weakened even more by Celestia not deciding to close her big stupid mouth as anyone with a brain could have seen that the blue Alicorn’s rage was only growing stronger with every word that was spoken to her.

“... Until proven innocent you will be imprisoned and placed under 24-hour surveillance by only the strongest of guards,” Celestia said, but Luna had already stopped listening to her a while back.

She stopped speaking when she finally took notice of the lack of attention given to her by Luna.

Hanging her head low a heavy breathing could be heard as she deliberately diverted her eyes from the white Alicorn that sat at her throne.

“Sister?” she asked, but was only meet with the breathing intensifying as Luna’s left ear twitched ever so slightly as the mare’s words reached her ears, -

…and no response.

Celestia started to worry a little now, not for her sister, but for herself and everyone that was in the room with her.

“Luna?” she spoke again, but was again only met with the breathing getting stronger, almost angrier with every breath.

An aura of hate and rage surrounded the Night Princess, and Celestia knew it.

She turned towards multiple guards, giving them a nod that they may restrain her.

The guards nodded back before staring back at Luna, raising their spears at her as they stepped towards her.

Sweating, they nervously approached her where she stood, head hung low and eyes closed.

… However, as they approached the mare one of the guards, a Unicorn mare, noticed that her nostrils were flaring with a discomforting intensity.

However, that was not all…, -

…something, a presence unlike anything she had ever felt before stood towering over the Princess in front of her.

Something very…dark!

Her eyes immediately shot open, causing her to stop!

“Wait, stop,” she said to the guard beside her, extending her hoof out in front of him to prevent him from taking another step closer.

“What? She’s right there. Let’s go,” they would say in reaction to suddenly being stopped like that.

“No, look at her,” said Guard 1, nudging her head towards the blue Alicorn that seemed to almost be frozen in place by…something that from what she could sense was eating away at her from the inside.

“So? We should take her now while we’ve got the chance,” Guard 2 said with an obvious impatience in his voice as he asked her.

Something she slowly shook her head back at with a worried look on her face.

“I think that would be an unwise course of action. I don’t think she would like it very much,” Guard 1 replied.

“What are you talking about? It’s just Princess Luna, how bad can she be?” Guard 2 scoffed as he disputed Guard 1’s claims, slowly raising his spear back up as he aimed the tip back towards Princess Luna.

Slowly proceeding forward towards the blue Alicorn the mare instead only looked on towards.

In a second that lasted as long as a single heartbeat Luna’s eyes shot open, scaring everyone that was approaching her from the sides.

Jumping back, almost all the guards flinched when they saw that she was looking out at them.

Oh no!

She reacted internally the minute the blue Alicorn Princess’ eye looked directly at her.

This is not good!

“Surrender, sister, or you will leave us with little choice but restrain you until a proper holding cell can be arranged,” Celestia declared to her still sister.

Slowly raising her head, visibly seen to be experiencing some kinds of spasms.

Around her body small bursts of a blue power sparked.

With a stern frown, she looked back up at her sister, feeling nothing but contempt for her at this moment, -

…and that was hatred was doing nothing but turning a key inside a keyhole to a door that had already been ripped violently off its hinges.

A power she did not know she possessed had been unlocked to life once more.

All she had to do was use it…and this was the perfect opportune moment to do so!

Feeling her power rising way beyond what had ever been felt before, a smirk started appearing on her face, that had once been occupied by nothing but an enraged frown.

Watching her sister where she stood atop the raised platform where both their thrones stood.

“He he, he, he…, - “Luna chuckled as she closed her eyes, feeling that the time was right. “I think not, sister… for you see, I think your self-believed arrogance is finally starting to cloud that already mighty dense head of yours.”

Celestia’s only physical response to Luna’s remark was to frown even more sternly.

“It hardly matters what I think, sister. What I think and my opinions are something you are not going to be hearing in a long time where you’re going.”

“I don’t think so. I would think that the Princess of Equestria would have better things to do than transport a prisoner there, herself,” replied Luna.

“She does, which is why my finest guards will escort you to Tartarous where you will remain until a thousand years have passed. I should think that your evil delicious will have passed by then.”

“Hmh, hmh, hmh, hmh…” Luna chuckled.

Turning her head, she looked back at the multiple guards stationed throughout the throne room giving her serious stares.

“Oh, you mean- “


Suddenly, in the blink of an eye Luna completely vanished from sight!

Before Celestia’s finest could even react they all suddenly started to feel something hit them on the neck, paralyzing them.

Before their bodies collapsed to the floor they were suddenly grabbed and lifted up before the one carrying them vanished again.


Reappearing in what felt like a second Luna was seen holding up a pile of motionless Royal Guards, an evil smile on her face as she delighted in watching her sister’s stern frown suddenly contort to a surprised stare.

“Wha-… What- “

“…these guards, right?” Luna asked with a small underlying hint of malevolence in her tone.

Dropping the pile of unconscious warriors to the ground Celestia could not refrain from staring at their non-moving bodies in astonishment, before slowly shifting her focus back to her sister who was now hovering in the air with her hooves crossed and staring back at her directly with an unimpressed frown aligning her face.

“If that was indeed your ‘’finest warriors’’ then I pray for our subjects that she cannot find anyone strong enough to not only defend her but also themselves. Your unhealthy rule ends today,” Luna spat at her sister with contempt.

“Hmm. Not that I’m thinking about it, that does sound like a good idea…Yeahhh, maybe I’ll do that, replace you as the ruler of Equestria…Yesss, it is after all for the greater good.”

Holding her hoof up in front of her she tightened her grasp, feeling the new power that was flowing through her, what was even giving her the courage to say these things to Celestia.

“With this new power I didn’t even know I had but apparently I do, I now have all the strength I need to take you down…for good!”

Stumbling on her own words Celestia could not say anything besides uttering random words.

Good, I have her frightened! Luna smiled in joy as she watched her sister’s expression still retaining that initial shock from watching her deliver a pile of defeated soldiers in front of her.

With swift and sudden motion Luna suddenly threw her hooves out, letting her true power explode to the surface!

A shockwave shot out from her body that caused the entire castle to shake with violent force.

Stone pillars were shaken to the point where their foundations suffered tremendous damage strong enough to destabilize the whole thing and have it come crashing down…

Windows in the nearby proximity were shattered as the wave of force hit them…

The stone floors became cracked, and the dust started to come falling from the cracking ceiling, followed thereafter by whole stones falling from the crumbling ceiling, violently crashing into the already cracked floors.

An aura of blue energy started to appear around the power-emanating mare, growing stronger and fiercer for every second that she was unleashing everything she had.


[Meanwhile, halfway across the galaxy on another planet…]

Suddenly raising his head a hooded figure raised its head in surprise.

Its hidden eyes looking up towards the sky, turning his head and looking over his shoulder towards the source of the great power that he had just sensed.

“Oh dear, that cannot be good,” he commented.

Standing up, interrupting his meditation he could feel some of the initial power fade away, but the cause of concern still existing quite prominently despite the slight fade-out.

“It has been a long time since I have felt such a high level of power. I must find whose power level it was. Hopefully I should still have enough to be able to reach them before anything unfortunate transpires.”

Telekinetically calling his cane to him he hurriedly walked towards his Starfighter that was parked nearby, starting up the engines, and shortly after flying away from the ruined temple that he had been meditating in.


[Back on Equestria]

Still unleashing a loud shout of rage as her flaming aura now surrounded her, Luna violent aura finally started to lessen, reducing down into a normal aura that surrounded her whole body in blue flames.

Almost panting she slowly lowered her head back down, staring back down at her sister who was looking back down at her with frantic eyes.

A silence falling over the room as she stared angrily at her sister, her tears being dissolved by the energy that surrounded her form as she stared back towards her sister, who was now looking back awestruck at this incredible sight before.

“L-luna?” the worried Alicorn uttered as she could indeed feel a near extreme leap in power between Luna and herself.

For once, since the Dream Demon Bill’s arrival, she could actually feel fear, a fear that she had not expected to experience ever again.

As she looked back up into Luna’s eyes she could see deep down the jealousy that had been long-since been locked away in her mind…but was not unlocked by the unfathomable rage that she had experienced at her own sister’s treachery.

Somehow, I don’t know how…but somehow Luna’s power has surpassed what I thought she would ever be capable of! she hypothesized to herself as Luna seemed far more interested in flaunting this new level of strength that she was now in possession of.

P-possibly even to where she could…surpass me!

That was the final nail that doomed Celestia’s once-existing courage to waver, abandoning her in this moment of greatest peril.

Finally doing something again Luna gently inhaled a breath, calmly exhaling it.

Staring down at her sister, she was incredibly delighted when she saw that her face was covered in something she couldn’t quite recognize…oh wait yes, she could, it was fear.

Looking even closer at things she took notice of a small detail that brought a creepy, but subtle smile to her face.

Once more folding her arms she looked down at her tiny, almost insect-like sister with a more than confident expression.

“Ironic how easily things can change...I thought I was supposed to be in your shadow,” she remarked, raising her hoof to point down towards where her sister was standing.


“After I dispose of you then Bill and I will rule Equestria in your place and lead us all into a golden age. Aftercall, how is a leader expected to defend an entire kingdom if one’s own safety cannot be maintained?”

“L-luna, y-you have to calm down. You’re not thinking straight, your letting this incredible power you’re experiencing,” she said in an effort of trying to at least calm her sister to where she would be more manageable to take down at least.

However, instead Luna’s smile contorted itself in a stern frown.

For a time, she was silent as anger became more that a growing anger was prominent on her face.

“Goodbye, Celestia, it was nice knowing you…for a time-,”


Celestia’s eyes jumped as she suddenly watched the blue Alicorn completely vanish from sight.

Oh no! Where did she go! I didn’t see where she-


The next second before Celestia could complete her current thought she received an intense punch to the face!

She was violently sent back flying through the air until she crashed right through the wall, leaving behind a large open crater in the wall behind her as she re-appeared through the other side.

The first wall that she had crashed through was just one of many.

She collided through many more at the insane speeds that she was sent flying.


Appearing in front of the first cracked wall with her arms folded Luna frowned as she watched the destruction that just a simple had caused…No! Correction, was causing, as Celestia’s body could still be heard crashing through more walls that were further away.

Holding up a tightening hoof she smiled in delight as she looked down at it, truly feeling the power that had lain dormant within her.

“Hopefully she’ll at least provide some kind of challenge…it would be a pity if I got all this and was left with nothing to use it on,” she said to herself as her eyes looked back up, staring down into the darkness.

Her fiery aura ignited, once more surrounding her entire body, before she then started to effortlessly fly down through the many holes that littered the multiple walls she encountered.

As she left the throne room everything was silent…until gentle footsteps could be heard from outside the room.

“Hey, halt, the throne room is off-limits to anyone unless requested by the-… *Sudden impalement through the flesh* -… AHHH-…Urgghh.”

“No… No… NOOO -… *Sudden impalement through the throat* -… urrggghhh,”

*Bodies collapse to the ground*

The wooden door suddenly exploded, both being sent flying off its hinges and hitting the floor where it was destroyed even further.

With gentle steps a tall figure steps inside the throne room, a large puddle of blood forming behind it.

“Oh…, - “an impressed voice uttered behind a hood that obstructs its face, but out the top two red horns protrude.

Looking around the throne room the hooded figure smiles as it personally sees the devastating effect of what Luna’s hidden power had done to the room that it was now standing in.

“Gooood…everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.”

Holding its hands together its narrowed eyes looked up towards the large cracked hole in the wall.

A confident smile on its face.

“Hm hm hm hm,” it chuckled softly to itself as it folded its arms across its chest.

“Seems like she has already taken to her new gifts like a shark in an ocean…its already quite vast, but imagine the potential that awaits.”

Gently turning its head to look back over its shoulder he heard the sound of galloping hooves fill the entire chamber as shortly following the intrusion of the sound, then equally as intrusive the room was suddenly flooded by ten to twenty Royal Guards.

“Surround the intruder!” the Captain in charge of this small group of guards ordered as he pointed a hoof towards the tall figure surrounded by a dark hood.

“Yes sir!” a loud uproar of voices called back as they charged towards the tall figure clad in black, surrounding him and pointing their spears directly at the tall figure.

“He he,” he chuckled as his turned, looking at the individual equines that surrounded him.

Stepping up from the crowd of golden armor a mare and a stallion trotted up towards him.

Oh, this should be fun. My apprentice can wait until I have seen what these two want…though, if I have to be honest I think I already know what that they want.

Stopping just six steps short of him the mare and the stallion looked back at him with angry glares.

Hm. Surely, they aren’t upset about the mess, that was already here when I arrived, he thought.

“I don’t know what you are or how you managed to best so many of my most elite warriors…but whatever you did it just earned you a one-way ticket to Tartarous. I know the Princess would share my opinion, so there wouldn’t even be an issue worth discussing,” declared the stallion to him as if he was passing some sort of impactful sentence.

“What issue is not worth discussing?” a soft, well-mannered voice spoke out from behind the dark hood that hid the speakers’ face.

“The subject of whether to send you to Tartarous or putting you under arrest to be brought before the Princess, herself, but you won’t have to worry yourself with that,” the mare suddenly spoke up, taking a step closer.

Both males’ attention shifted from each other towards the mare, staring at her.

When she saw the stallion’s face she hung her head low in sadness.

“Apologizes for speaking out of turn like that, C-captain,” the mare apologized.

Turning back to face the hooded figure the stallion directed his attention back to the tall bipedal figure whose real form was hidden behind dark fabric.

“Now, where were we?”

His voice was almost faint and blurred as he spoke, probably because the dark-robed figure was no longer paying as much attention to him as he was to something else, -

…however, his enthusiasm shortly returned as the thoughts that had previously been in his mind returned, bringing with it a smile to his face.

His head turned towards the Captain, wearing a look of delight.

“I believe that what you said was you did not want to change your mind about going to hell.”

Becoming suddenly confused by his reply the Captain looked straight up at the hood’s darkness, trying to find a face.

“What are you talking about? I-I didn’t say that.”

“Oh…Well then…um…let’s get on with it. I don’t have all day, you know.”

“Ok-ay. All right, you two- “

“Oh, there is just one more thing I need to add before you take me away, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Groaning in irritation the Captain turned back to face the dark figure.

“Yes? And what would that be?” he growled through gritted teeth as his irritation in dealing with this difficult…whatever it now was.

“Say hello to Celestia for me when you see her.”

The Captain raised a confused brow at hearing this.

“But…the Princess is not going to Tartarous.”

“Oh, I am fairly certain you’ll be seeing her very soon in the hell that I am sending you to.”

Suddenly opening his mouth, he gently blew out small red forms of energy that moved through the room towards each of the soldiers surrounding him.

Beginning to spin around him the red energy then transformed into a powerful wind that when strong enough grabbed the guards with such violent strength that all of them were suddenly thrown up into the air as the spiraling air current threw them up into the air.

Screaming as they were tossed around like ragdolls some of them could see small glimpses of the others as they too were hurled upwards, but it never lasted for longer than a second before they were pulled away from their vision of sight or they, themselves, were moved around within the current.

Crashing through the roof they were thrown through the air with such wild intensity that none of them could recover quick to prevent their incredibly painful reunions with the ground.

Back inside the castle he looked up into the sky with a pleased smile.

He jumped up into the air with swift speed.

Once out the hole he suspended himself in mid-air just above it.

Thrusting his right arm out from behind his dark robes he pointed his index finger out towards one of the falling ponies, -

…and without hesitation fired off a red energy beam towards him.

Already experiencing great fear, he was not exactly in a good situation either way, but the moment when the energy blast pierced his body he felt more pain surging through his body than he believed was ever supposed to be felt.

When the screaming came to a stop so did his life, and he now fell to the ground a lifeless corpse.

Quickly turning himself around he pointed his finger at the other falling guards, and then another, and then another, and then another, etc…, -

… However, instead of merely shooting the rest like he had the first he shot the beams in random directions, opening portals that suddenly transported each of the beams to fire from random angles at the thirty-nine other guards.

As well as being accompanied by screams of agony the skies were filled with randomly discharging explosions.

Far quicker than even three minutes could supersede him. His finger beams had killed everyone that the whirlwind had flung up into the air.

Soon there was nothing remaining of them but the smoking lifeless bodies that plummeted towards the ground.

Returning his arm back inside his robes he slowly started to fly back inside the cracked ceiling, floating down to the floor where his three digited feet connected with the floor, his tail being the first part of him to physically touch the floor.

Regaining his composure as he stood up he could feel a wind gently tugging at his robe that was coming in through the multiple large cracked holes in the wall and through many smaller cracks that had been created when Luna’s hidden power had been unleashed.

“Excellent, soon everything can proceed as planned ~ He, he, he.”

Author's Note:

What is this?

Celestia betrays Luna?...Anyone think she's gonna regret that?

Stay tuned...for a change is on the horizon.

Link - Dragon Ball Super OST 46 - Frieza is Resurrected