• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 11

Adventures in the Dreamscape Part 1

*Meanwhile, in a faraway land…*

Standing close to one of the windows of her bedroom, Luna’s face was pressed up against the window, staring out, and watching as the sun descended gradually lower and lower down to the horizon. Its light diming as it got closer and closer to the ground.

Just a little more now…And we’ll be in business! She exclaimed excitedly in her mind as her pupils now followed the slowly dropping orb of fire.

Her face was obviously tense, as she was soon going to be returning to the Dreamscape, where she would – hopefully – meet with Bill Cipher again, that kind, generous soul who had shared a conversion with her for longer than two minutes, and spent actual time surrounded by the night, giving her compliments, and just generally treated her with the respect and admiration that she had expected to receive from her ponies out in the real world.

It was just too bad that he did not possess a physical form of his own, then their interactions could have lasted for longer than just a few hours before she had to wake up and leave him for a certain number of hours that was higher than the time they spent together.

Smiling, her eyes looked down to the side.

It is going to be great to see Bill again. After all, we did not get to spend too much time together due to Tia’s nightmare, she raised a confused brow, as her face contorted into pure confusion. Does that mean that my sister getting attacked at the mental level was a good thing? Without the parasite, or whatever that entity was, Bill would never have had to enter my sister’s Dreamscape, and if he had never visited her, then he and I would have never…

She shuddered at thinking not ever meeting an individual such as himself. Equestria may be a big planet, but it was somewhat limited by various cultures, and even some of the beliefs of superiority that dominated it, but belief in one’s superiority was not always the path to true peace. Bill may be a bit unstable, and possess both a chaotic side and a controlled side, but he could to some extent control it to where he did not necessarily believe himself the ultimate being just because he could do things that other could not.

Suddenly, she was snapped out of her depressed thoughts, as a shadow fell upon her face. She looked up, being just quick enough to witness the last shreds of daylight fade into the horizon.
Her face lit up with life, as she lifted it up, staring even more intensely out of the window as this news hit her. Grabbing the stone walls to better support her body.

Outside, the skies darkened, the eventual glow of starts following shortly after it got dark enough for them to shine brightly.

Closing her eyes, and grinning like mad, she knew that it was time, time for her to enter the Dreamscape.

Giddy like a schoolfilly, her horn was enveloped in a magical glow. From underneath the horizon, a round shape slowly crept up, moving up high, finally finding a place on the night sky, and shining brightly, illuminating the night of the world.

Pulling her head back away from the window, her smile ‘’demoted’’ itself down to a calmer, controlled one, instead of that super excited one that she had worn a few seconds ago.

‘’There,’’ she says out loud to herself, letting out a satisfied sigh at her handiwork. ‘’Now, on to more pressing matters...’’

With a turn of her head, she looks behind her, staring to right, looking upon the bed.

‘’Mhmm.’’ She calmly batts her eyes, inhaling deeply first, and then exhaling it shortly following.

‘’Finally, we shall see each other again.’’

Turning her body, she walks across the stone floor, the gentle sound of her hooves clopping on the floor accompanying her. Moving the covers out of the way, she gently gets into bed, moving the earlier-moved covers back over her, she lie her head down on the pillow, staring out, and meeting the wall in front of her.

Her eyes close shut, and a smile appears. Her mind calms itself, opening itself, and finally allowing her to enter the Dreamscape, and forget about the worries of the day.

When she opened her eyes again it became immediately clear that she was no longer in the real world, as she was no longer in her and her sister’s castle, but instead a castle throne room of a castle that looked to have been made with cream colored bricks of stone. Aside from a few covered up tapestries, torches on the walls, there is nothing really decorative outside of banners depicting an unrecognizable appendage. The closest thing she could come to was the paw of a Dragon. However, this one lacked the sharp claws on the end, and was white…Also sprouting an additional finger/claw.

Not far from where she stood was the entrance to a balcony, where outside was a clear, blue sky. It all seemed so calm and serene…if not for that small flock of winged eyeballs that flew across the sky.

Wait, what?

With a growing confusion and curiosity mounting itself in her head, she could not resist the urge to go and investigate what all of that was about.

As she started trotting up towards the balcony’s doorway, while flying by the balcony, one of the winged eyeballs stopped in mid-air, flapping its wings – that was standard Pegasus wings, aside from being a little bigger – as it hovered in place. It’s lone eye watching her as it was approached by her.

While watching her step out onto the balcony, several other by-passing eyeballs stopped in mid-air, their eyes also being drawn down to the blue Alicorn that was approaching her.

With a curious mindset at the moment, she gently turned her head, gradually observing as more and more of them had their attention drawn towards her. Now with her being out onto the balcony, she could better make out that faint sound that she had heard coming from out here. It had sounded like the chirping of birds, but the only creatures here were…

Her eyes went wide with realization, and she slowly looked at each of the eyeballs again. The original shock of the eyeball’s appearance was now being degraded back into just a simple shock with confusion in it.

All she could do was raise a confused brow, as she reached the end, stopping in front of the rail. The eyeballs almost surrounding her, just as confused like her by the creature that they were seeing.

‘’Wha- ‘’ she was about to ask, not knowing whether these creatures were actually sentient to speak, but before she got the chance, her attention was drawn away as a familiar voice sounded off to the side behind the small flock of eyeball…birds?

The eyeballs too turned around to see who the voice was coming. But rather unexpected a hand moved towards them, waving them off.
‘’Shoo, shoo!’’ He said, as he waved at them, getting the message across that he wanted to move. Which they started doing, flapping their wings much faster in order to move away from him as they headed up, or pretty much any direction as they scrammed away from her.

Once the eyeballs were gone, most likely have flown up to the roofs, Bill floated over towards her, a hand behind his back, and one just hanging. Coming to a stop in front of her, he raised his arm, holding it out, gesturing with his hand.

‘’Well, well, well, wellwellwell.’’ He said, his hands on his side, as he started to create duplicates of himself, which as more of them appeared, they surrounded Luna in a circle. ‘’Princess Luna of Equestria, my old pal.’’ His voice echoed as all the other Bill’s spoke along with…whichever one was the real one. Probably the one right in front of her.

Her smile returning, growing in place on her face.

‘’Bill Cipher,’’ she said softly, ‘’How are you?’’ She asked after greeting him.

He groaned, crossing his eye, and looking suddenly annoyed at being asked that.

‘’Well, it has been hell having to wait an entire day before I could hear your graceful voice and look upon your beautiful face once more.’’

She scoffed, ‘’Yeah, tell me about it.’’ She rolled her eyes, emphasizing the point that she too had been through Tartarus having to wait through the entire day before finally being able to go to sleep again.

Smiling his eye, he let his arms drop down.

‘’It really is good to see you again.’’ He said.

‘’And you too, Cipher.’’ She smiled.

After both of them finished talking, an embarrassing silence started to hang in the air between the two.

Luna gently touched her hoof to the back of her right, her eyes looking off to the side, and Bill just kicked a non-existent pebble.

‘’Sooo…’’ He said, finally interrupting the awkward silence. ‘’Want to see my airship?’’ He pointed behind him – his hand doing a thumbs-up – giving her a confused look.

Her squinting eyes suddenly opened more, giving it her face a more normal look about it. A smile returning alongside it.

‘’Yes.’’ She replied dumbfounded.

‘’Well,’’ he raised a hand and snapped his fingers, holding it still. ‘’Jump aboard.’’

Up from behind the balcony, the sound of spinning propellers followed suit. With time the propellers got louder and louder, and evidently closer, as up from behind the edge a large object suddenly emerged, flying up, but backing away from the balcony so that its large size did not collide with it or the nearby walls of the castle.

The airship looked like a regular ship that is used on the water, but the primary differences with this one and those were the elongated propellers that suspended it in mid-air, the three cannons on its sides, and the obvious grey Bill Cipher triangle on the front, which had everything except for the arms and legs.

A ramp descended down, crushing the rail of the balcony, and creating a perfect access point for Luna to ascend upon the ship.

Floating over towards her, Bill bowed respectfully in mid-air. Closing his eye, and putting one arm behind his back, and gesturing one towards the airship for her to board. ‘’My Lady.’’ He said.

Looking her shocked eyes up at him, she closed up her hanging jaw. Staring down at the bridge for a few seconds she was hesitant on crossing it, but then decided to just do it, and gently took a step out on it.

A step, which at the first was slow, but that eventually lead to her mustering up the courage to proceed further.
Soon enough, she was walking across it with no problems, no worries, and no concerns about it managing to support her.

Once on the other side, the bridge retracted itself back, standing up at first, but then just vanishing in a POP of magic. And speaking of vanishing and re-appearing…

Bill suddenly teleported beside her, wearing a Captain’s hat instead of his usual top hat.

‘’Welcome aboard, Lady Luna’’ He said with a gentle bow, closing his eye. Suddenly his eye opened, and he held out both of his arms. He touched his hand to his Captain’s hat, gently tipping it.

‘’I will be your Captain for the evening.’’ He put both arms behind his back, looking back at her with a blank look. ‘’If there is anything you require from me or the crew feel free to let us know.’’

He clicked his tongue, pointing his index finger at her, before turning away and floating over to some stairs that lead up to the bridge. The he positioned himself clearly enough so that he had a clear sight of what was in front of him.

‘’Okay…’’ He began saying to himself as he held out his arms, gesturing with through the air, moving them in strange patterns. ‘’Let’s see if I still have it.’’

The Airship’s blades started to spin a lot faster. Especially the one on the back, which turned right in synch with Bill holding out his right hand. Going up as he instructed it to. But having a gradual ascendance, eventually reaching the clouds after nothing but a completely clear sky.

While he was busy tending to…whatever it was that he was doing, Luna’s un-diverted gaze shifted away from him. Though, her calm state was interrupted by a double-take as confusion started to settle on her, and she stopped moving, and with the raise of an eyebrow, she asked, ‘’Wait, ‘’me or the crew’’?’’

Suddenly, something passed her by, distracting her from her train of thought. But as her eyes followed it, she that it was just Bill…no longer wearing the Captain’s hat, and instead a Sailor’s hat, holding a bucket in his hand as he walked away.

Her gaze, which had not been shaken by his movements, watched as he walked out towards the deck of the Airship, put the bucket down, and several more Bill look-a-likes downed their cloths with the water from the bucket, and began scrubbing it on the deck. Washing it clean. All of them wore the same Sailor hats, but some were a different color, like one was red, another blue, and one green. These three Bills were not doing anything, aside from point out jobs for the other duplicates to do.

One of the ones with the different color schemes looked away from his job. Eyes falling upon Luna. His eyes momentarily flinched, before calming itself. Hovering towards her through the air, he stopped a few steps away from her.

He raised a hand, moving the other behind him, and giving her a smile.

‘’So how are you enjoying the journey your travels so far?’’ She was asked. The question caught her off-guard, and she hesitated before answering him.

‘’Y-yes, I am enjoying it quite fine…Though,’’ she replied, looking her eyes off to the side. Intrigued, he moved closer.

‘’Yes? Is something bothering you?’’ He asked in concern. Her eyes being drawn back to him.

‘’Well…It’s just that It’s a little unnerving to see so many of you all at once. It messes with my eyes a little.’’

‘’Oh…Um,’’ his eye looked off to the side, putting his hands together and started fumbling with them as he tried to think of something that he could to make it a little easier for her. His eye moved along his body to the back where it looked out at all the other Bills going about with their chores. When it turned back he meet her eyes for a few seconds exhaling a soft breath, and turning his whole body around to face the other Bills.

‘’Eh hem.’’ He coughed. But none of the other Bills seemed fazed by him sounding off for their attention in the slightest. Crossing his eye, he stared back with anger predominant in it.

‘’EH HEM!’’ He coughed once again, his voice sounding demonic in its tone. The other Bills look up from their current jobs, staring back at the angry blue Bill.

Realizing that they would do best to not get him angry again they get up, and walk over to him. Forming a formation line, staying absolutely still as they await him to deliver the message that he was trying to get across to them.
‘’Now,’’ he began as he hovered in front of them. Both his hands behind his back, and a strict tone in his voice and his eye. ‘’You may have been given duties for the day. However, I am terminating those orders, and instead having you crew retire for the evening.’’ He said. His statement doing nothing other causing the other Bills to groan in frustration.

‘’But sir…We’re going to have to do the entire again. Never mind what we are skipping out on now.’’ One of the Bills said as it held up a hand to show which one of them that was talking.
‘’Yeah.’’ Some of the other Bills started muttering.

‘’We do deserve some kind of a break for all the work we do on this ship.’’ Another spoke up. Looking equally not as pleased as the others.

‘’If we are going to be forced to go through with being put on forced leave, we are going to get pay leave.’’ Another said.

‘’Yeah! Pay leave!’’ The whole group shouted in unison.

‘’GRRR…Fine! You won’t have to work, and you will get full pay for the time you are not working now! Just get out of here!’’

‘’WHO-HOOOO! Cancelled work, and paid leave!’’ The group said as they burst out into cheers at the news.

‘’Fine, fine…Just get out of here.’’ Blue Bill demanded, pointing his arm off to the side. Motioning for them to leave already in an ever growing frustration.

With happy snaps of their fingers, the overjoyed Sailor Bills all teleported off. Disappearing from sight, leaving only the Red, Blue and Green Bills, as well as Luna as the lone individuals on deck.

‘’There you go, Mrs. Luna.’’ She hears Blue Bill say to her. Hearing a sense of pride in his voice. With a turn of her head, she looks at him as he floats towards her.

‘’Thank you.’’ She says back. Smiling at him. ‘’It was getting a little weird with so many Bills on deck. One is enough.’’

To her surprise, she sees his expression changed into a blank stare.

‘’Oh…So does that mean that you would like for me and those two to leave you two together?’’ Blue asks.

She looks at Red and Green, and smiles as Red just looks angry, and Green just stares back at her with no particular expression.

‘’If it’s not to be a bother.’’ She smiles warmly at him.

‘’Well then, who am I to say no to such a lovely Lady such as yourself.’’ He says with a tip of his hat, making her blush at his comment.

Red just rolls his eye, and mutters ‘’Showoff.’’ Earning a look from Green.

‘’Thank you…Bill.’’ She says, a little confused by the whole naming thing at this point.

‘’Don’t mention it…After all,’’ he shrugs as he floats back towards the others. ‘’We are here to make your journey comfortable.’’

‘’Oh yeah, that reminds me...Where are we going?’’ She asked the trio. Gently she watched Blue’s eye become excited. He gently raised a finger up over where his mouth might have been.

‘’Spoilers…’’ And with that he snaps his fingers making the three of them teleport away, now leaving her as the sole occupant on the deck.

Looking her eyes around the deck, she smiles calmly as she sees that those Sailor Bills did do a good job of keeping it clean.

Turning around, she headed for the stairs leading up to where Bill was. Gently trotting up the steps as she ventured up to where he was controlling the ship from.

Gradually the ship started to lift upwards, flying increasingly higher and higher. Though it seemed to be something that she was not aware of.

‘’Bill?’’ A voice his non-existent ears heard was speaking to him. With a turn of his head he looked to the source of the voice. With a blink of his eye he watched Luna stepped towards him.

‘’Mam.’’ He said with a slight tip of his hat.

‘’Captain.’’ She replied with a gentle bow of her head.

While going back to controlling the ship with his powers, his eye turned back to her. Looking at her blankly for a couple seconds.

‘’So…I saw that you dismissed the crew.’’ He mentioned passively. His eye looking at her while awaiting an answer.

‘’Mhmm.’’ She nodded. ‘’I can get a little…crowded with multiples of one entity.’’ Her eyes grew wide as she said that. Her head turned, looking at him as she said ‘’No offense.’’ As a nervous smile of a grimace settled on her face.

‘’None taken.’’ He held up a hand to illustrate that he was fine with her speaking her mind. Her eyes looked down at the deck. Frowning a little.

‘’Hey Bill?’’ She asked, attracting his attention. Having his eye look at her, though she did not realize that his attention was on her until she heard him speak up with a ‘’Mmm?’’

At which point she turned around to face him.

‘’You never said…’’ She said, pausing, and turning her head to look back at him. ‘’You never said where we’re going exactly.’’

His eye smiled. Giving her a look that she couldn’t tell if was being creepy or just downright weird.

Raising his hand, he extended it up above him. Extending the index finger, and gently swiping it forward, touching something that appeared to be invisible at first, but then appeared to be disintegrating away.

‘’Why don’t you look for yourself?’’ He replied, holding out a flat motioning hand. ‘’I think you will the mere sight enough to answer any questions you have about our destination.’’

Raising a confused brow, but still heeding his suggestion, she turned around. But once she looked all the way to the left she held her gaze for a few seconds before turning back towards him.

‘’What? I don’t- ‘’ Her face suddenly froze, taking on a wide-eyed shock. She did a double-take, returning her attention back to that which lay beyond the railing of the deck.

The vast space that greeted her ever widening eyes and hanging jaw was almost impossible to describe in words. The only one that even close was Beautiful. But even then it could not capture that which she was seeing.

She trotted slowly up to the railing, stopping only when her body connected with it.

A black backdrop, upon which billions of billions of stars lay, all of them shining brightly, illuminating the darkness that outnumbered them. The Moon, undoubtedly, being the biggest contributor of light.

Thousands of planets were interspersed with the stars. Some black, some red, green, some yellow. Even some that were both green, yellow and red.

The Sun shone brightly, but its light was not as strong as the Moons, which seemed to be the primary provider of light.

‘’Space, the final frontier.’’ A voice said behind her, though she was still much to mesmerized to turn to face it. ‘’This is the voyage of the Airship Bill-O-War…It’s ongoing mission, to explore the unknown, and…’’ He paused.

A soft WHOSH moved through the air, moving up towards her from behind.

Gently, an arm draped itself around her shoulder, something that caused her to turn her head, looking to who had put it there…Only to come face-to-er-eye with Bill. A calm, soothing expression upon his face.

‘’And ensure that we have an enjoyable evening together…now that we finally have a chance to get to know the other better.’’ He smiled back.

‘’This…All this,’’ he said, reaching out with his arm to point out at the giant space of the universe that was before their very eyes. ‘’Is just for you.’’

A smile started to form on her mouth, as she stared back at him.

‘’B-bill…’’ She stuttered a little as she spoke.

‘’Wait, wait! Here comes the best part.’’ He suddenly interrupted her.

He gestured with his left hand, doing several motions. When the motions were done, the ship slowly started to turn right.

For a time, the ship only drifted soundlessly through the black waves of space.

‘’Wait for it…’’ He held up his finger, emphasizing the point that something was about to happen.

‘’NOW!’’ He retracted his hand from her, and pointed out in front of them.

Just as he was pointing, a large round shape came into view. Its bright light shining down on them as the ship moved in front of it. Putting the two of them in front of it.

Luna suddenly had to raise a hoof up to cover her eyes from the brightness of the light.

‘’Oh…What is that? It’s like it’s made of diamonds.’’ She groaned.

‘’That, my dear Luna…is the Moon.’’ He said. Luna’s eyes could be diverted from it as he said that. But they did widen when he said that it was the Moon. ‘’And not only is that the Moon…But it is a Moon made out of pure diamonds.’’ This was enough to get her to finally look away from it, and instead onto him. His eyes then meet hers, looking just as calm and comforting as his words.

‘’Do you remember the last time we saw each other? I said that the Moon was a diamond in the sky…And I meant what I said.’’

With once again a dropped jaw, she turned to look her eyes back upon the now revealed to be made out of diamonds Moon.

Gently she lowered her head.

‘’I always intended to- ‘’ But when he saw what she was doing he interrupted himself.

‘’Luna?’’ He inquired, putting a hand on her back.

That was when he noticed her lip was quivering, her breath was slower, and she was avoiding eye contact with him. He did know, however, not to let something that big of a sudden thing be ignored.

‘’Is something wrong?’’ He asked, moving in a little closer with more concern in his voice.

Down along Luna’s cheek ran a gentle trickling of soft water. Followed thereafter by a smile.

‘’Thank you…’’ He faintly made out as she mouthed it.

‘’What?’’ He inquired. ‘’Luna, you’re going to have to-WHOA!’’ Then, in mid-sentence he was suddenly tackled by her to the deck.

Looking up after she separated their bodies for breath, he looked up into her face. Seeing only what could be described as pure joy. Her eyes watered.

A single drop fell from her cheek, splattering against his golden form.

‘’Thank you, Bill Cipher *sniffle*…F-for….’’ She sobbed a few more times, having some difficulty forming cohesive sentences.

‘’For what? Being ki-‘’

‘’For being my friend.’’ She interrupted, clearly not having finished speaking to him.

His eye widened in surprise at hearing her say that.

‘’Y-you’re welcome.’’ He replied nervous. Their eyes locking with each other’s.

Luna, lowering her head, saw that she was standing over him. Her cheeks quickly began to blush, beckoning her to step back, getting off of him.

‘’Oh, dear me,’’ she said in obvious embarrassment. ‘’E-excuse me.’’ She smiled back. ‘’I-…Uhhh…’’

She quickly spun on her heel, and trotted away from him. Extending her wings at the steps, and quickly taking to the air, flying down to the deck, where she trotted up to the front. Seating herself, she immediately stared out into space. Her attention being taken up by the immensity of the universe that was quite literally on all sides of the Airship.

Getting to his feet, Bill started hovering in the air again. He got back to his spot, holding his arms out as he began to pilot the ship again.

While controlling the ship through space took up most of his time, his eye occasionally looked away from the limitless stars, planets, asteroid belts, and nebulas that they flew by, looking down to Luna as her attention was all but stolen away by the sights that they passed.

His eye smiled as she seemed to be enjoying herself, even if it was in the same manner one would entertain one’s child…

But hey, curiosity of the great mysteries of the universe is something that can dazzle a child as much as any adult.

For a time, they ventured across the galaxy. Seeing planets as they passed, great forms of nebulas and vast asteroid belts, the sea of stars and comets that flew across, riding the invisible waves of space.

The final sight of their sailing across space were the giant Moons and Suns that were always to be found in the hundreds of other galaxies.

Re-summoning the three differently colored Bills he set them to work on keeping the Airship on track. That way he and Luna could have some time together.

Sitting at the front, they spent the rest of journey together. Galaxy after galaxy, planets, whole portions of creation passing them by as the two sat there.

Standing in a corner, Red just frowned, Blue rolled his eye at Red’s unreasoned anger, while Green was piloting the ship by doing the same thing that had the original Bill had done with his hands.

Other than Red making a constant nuisance of himself with his pointless bickering there was nothing that disturbed the ship’s journey through the galaxies.

With time the ship started keeping a fixed course with one of the planets. This one, unlike many others, they were not going to try and avoid.

With the space behind moving like waves as the ship moved towards it, they truly had sailed far. Who would have known that a simple airship could get this far?

After landing the Airship on the surface below, Bill and Luna disembarked from it. With a snap of his fingers Bill used his magic to teleport both of them off to another part on the planet where they could be by themselves.

Leaving the three brothers behind to look after the ship.

On the other side of the planet re-emerged Bill and Luna, standing atop one of the towering mountains.

Stepping away from him towards the edge she dared to peek her head out to see how far down it was.

‘’Hey, Luna…Don’t stray too far!’’ Bill’s voice called behind her from the unseen spot of ground he was hovering over. ‘’It wouldn’t be much of a trip if you ended you getting lost.’’

‘’Yeah…’’ She said, holding on her only word before leaning herself a little further. ‘’It would be a real…shame.’’

‘’Anyway, let us just enjoy ourselves while we have the night for such things.’’



All of sudden the entire mountaintop became covered in smoke.

Fortunately, the smoke did not last long. And when it started to fade away, she was gradually able to see what he had summoned with his snap.

But as the smoke completely faded, leaving the mountain peak as it had once been. However, as her eyes set their sights on what he had done with his magic, she was a little shocked by what it really was.

With a raised brow she stared back at him. ‘’A picnic blanket?’’ She asked, somehow confused. Staring back up at him with a deadpanned look.

‘’Heheheh…One does not need to have the most advance of setups to have an enjoyable time on another planet. Even the simplest of things can become fun.’’ Replied Bill as he floated down towards the picnic blanket he had made ready for them to sit on while they enjoyed the sights of the planet they had come to.

‘’Come,’’ he said patting the blanket with his hand. ‘’Let’s just unwind…relax…do whatever we want.’’ Putting his hands up behind his back – where his eye would have been – and lay down against the blanket. His eye closing as he started to relax.

She was a little hesitant at first since it was a little too simple of a setup. But wearing something of a slight smile on her mussel, she stepped towards the blanket, sitting herself down on it.

Shifting around in her seat a little before finally getting into a position she found enjoyable.

Looking around at the surroundings she was surrounded by, her gaze fell upon Bill, some of the other mountains around, and the setting Sun in the horizon. Causing a flash of green light to flash up from the horizon. But instead of simply vanishing a second later, they instead spread across the sky like a wave, changing the one normal sky into that of a crossbred with blue, with yellow trimmings.

Sitting up in his seat, Bill watched as Luna’s eyes looked out towards the horizon. His gaze holding on her for a few seconds.

‘’Uh…Pie?’’ Her ear twitched upon hearing the voice, causing her head to turn in the direction it had come from in order to see it.

On her side she saw a suspended plate with a sliced piece of Pie on it and a fork. Looking beyond it, she saw Bill sitting up with his arms down on the carpet. She chuckled a little, smiling back at him.

‘’Sure…Thank you.’’ She said, grabbing the plate with her magic.


Suddenly another plate appeared of nowhere floating next to Bill. He grabbed both the plate and the fork with his hands.

Eyeing him as she ate she was a little surprised to see that when he made a small slice with his fork that he just held it there for a few seconds without anything happening.

What are you…


Suddenly the slice disappeared as it looked like someone had taken a bite out of it. Her eyes went wide from the surprise of seeing it just disappear like that.

Slowly turning her head back, she tries her best to shrug of what she had just witnessed, and instead just enjoy the time they have to spend here on this planet…

But she, like Bill, is unaware that a pair of eyes is watching them from across the giant gap of the mountains.

‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ The figure laughs by itself. ‘’What is this? Two armed guests who are not of pleasing?’’ It says. ‘’Quite interesting this could be.’’

‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’

Author's Note:

Appolagies for the delayed release...Had some personal matters that got in the way of it being posted yesterday.