• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,736 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

  • ...

Chapter 22

Author's Note:

The intro in the beginning is the indicator that now the Sibling Rivalry Saga is officially beginning. The previous chapter was just the few first minutes of an episode before the intro starts.

NOTE: An alternate title that i've thought that can be used is the Luna Vs Celestia Saga.

Link - TFS Dragon Ball Z Abridged - Opening 2

A Warrior Reborn Part 2

Goku in the intro is representative as Celestia, and Frieza is representative of Luna.

Back on Equestria the mysterious hooded individual that had saved her from her sister and the other much darker robed being stood silent as he was still looking up at the sun.

Hearing their Princesses coughing the guards that were still gathered around turned back to look down at her injured and battered body, -

…but they were shockingly surprised to find that not only was there hardly a scratch or mark on her body, but that she was actually standing back up without as much as a hitch.

Like her body had been miraculously healed by someone else’s magic and not her own.

“Y-you’re healed, your Highness?” a confused guard said aloud as he could not believe what his eyes were telling him.

The guards not seeing the Princess’ body standing back up all gasped and got shocked expressions.

Taking an incredible risk by looking away from the prisoner.

After hearing this the other guards all took the chance of looking away from the robed stranger to check if what they had picked up was in fact correct.

What they saw shocked them to no end.

It was just like when this battle between both Princesses took place it was almost insane how this all went down.

“P-princess Celestia? Ha-how did you recover from all that damage so insanely fast?!” a mare asked.

All the other guard’s mouths hung agape, stuttering as they released chocked noises.

None able to come to any sort of rational explanation as to why she was suddenly healed when just moments prior she had been laying down beaten and battered.

To the mare an idea popped into her head, an explanation she did not know how to verify in a manner that made sense.

With a slow turn of her head her eyes shifted back to the robed stranger.

Staring at him in awestruck intrigue at whatever form of magic he must have used to heal the Princess.

“It was because of the Senzu bean I gave her that healed all the damage that had been inflicted upon her.”

All the guards blinked at him, semi understanding what he was talking about.

They only managed to comprehend the basic concept of what he was talking about.

With a turn of his head he looked down at them.

“If not for me making it to this planet in time your sister would no longer be drawing breath, and we would not be having this conversation.”

Gently his pupils shifted upwards, staring directly at Celestia.

“Death is not a luxury you can be afforded at this time; your people need you now more than ever…especially with thought to what will soon come.”

Crossing her brows angrily she took several steps forward as she pressed pass the crowd of soldiers.

“Are you threatening me…or worse, my subjects?”

Soundlessly he shook his head from side to side.

“Not at all, your Majesty, but I am inclined to tell you when danger is afoot…and you are sure to lose the battles to come.”

Behind her, Celestia’s guards started to grow angrier.

Insulted by this…foreigner daring to tell their own Princess that she was even close to weak and that there even existed someone stronger than her.

“How dare you?!”

“You take that back!”

“The Princess could whoop your butt and you wouldn’t even know she was doing!”

“She could totally take you down! She is more powerful than anything in Equestria – with the exception of Tirek and Discord. If it was possible she could crush you with the power of the Sun, itself!”

A small uproar from the guards swiftly attracted Celestia and the new arrival’s attention back to them.

“While you are correct that she is indeed quite powerful a lot more than brute strength to defeat Princess Luna and whoever it was that abducted her.”

“Wait, Princess Luna’s been kidnapped?!”

“How is that even possible?! I thought she was supposed to be nearly as powerful as the Princess!”

With a gentle nod of his head he answered the soldiers.

Unsurprisingly this did little to help calm them after being this news as chatter started amongst them.

“Which is why…, - “

Celestia’s ear twitched as she heard him speaking to her directly again.

Turning back to face him she looked up to meet his eyes.

“…I have come here to help prepare you for the threat that lies ahead,” he said.

Like with her soldiers a horrified face appeared on Celestia’s face, but unlike her soldiers it was more restrained, not uttering a single word or sound.

Leaning down he stood on one leg with the other touching the ground.

Now he stood eye-to-eye with Celestia.

Staring into her eyes as she did with his.

“Understand this, Princess; on your own you might stand a chance…for a while, but trust me, whoever has your sister is not going to let her go a day without preparing for when they will return to Equestria and exact their revenge on you unless she gets stronger than you…, - “

His eyes grew sterner, his facial expression letting her know that he was not joking about their situation in any way.

“I swear on my life, Princess Celestia, allow me to train you so that upon your sister’s return you will be strong enough to stand a chance of beating her.”

Her mouth hung agape, but now with all that she was hearing was beginning to utter chocked noises much like her soldiers.

“If not for your own sake…, - “taking her hoof in his hand he held it as he looked straight into her face. “…then do it for those whom you have been fighting all this time to protect.”

For a time, she only looked at him blankly, not knowing what to choose as she did believe that what he was telling her was the truth, but was her allowing him to train her to become strong where she might defeat her sister truly the wisest course of action?

She had trusted Luna and look where that had gotten her.

“Come on, Princess, what are you waiting for?”

Gasping as she heard the voice speak to her.

Turning back around she looked into the eyes of her soldiers, all of which stood with their hooves pumped.

“Yeah! If this weird alien thing saved your life – twice – then what he is telling you has to be true if he is offering you the chance to become even stronger than you are now.”

Uh, excuse me?! ‘’Weird alien thing’’?

Turning back to the robed figure, seeing as it had remained quite silent for a while, she shot it a suspicious stare.

Raising one of her brows.

“Are my subjects in correct in saying that you are here to help us in this hour of need?”

“Your Highness, if my intentions were not well-intending then I would have not interfered in this world’s affairs, and just allowed Luna to destroy you.”

The guards were about to once again protest, bringing up how the Princess was strong enough to handle Luna, -

…but Celestia raised a hoof, silencing them.

“Then what do you suggest as our first course of action?” Celestia asked him.

“While your subjects repair your castle, you and I will go somewhere secluded where we can train.”

“Nah uh! No way the Princess is going anywhere with anyone as things are now.”

“Yeah! Never mind her own safety, but there are going to be asked questions about what happened here.”

“Then you are inform the populace that Princess Celestia is dealing with diplomatic affairs outside Equestria’s borders and will not be returning until the week is up.”

“Hang on, a week?!” exclaimed Celestia.

“My sister will be returning within a week?!”

“Let me put as simply as I can; once your sister finishes recovering from the damage that she has sustained here today, she and her allies are not going to rest until they know that she is strong enough to destroy you with a single blast…which is why I need to take you somewhere I can not risk destroying the entire planet.”

“What?! Destroy the entire planet?!”

Aside from her slight eye twitch, Celestia only stared back with her mouth slightly agape from hearing this quite…big news.

I don’t believe it. This guy, he’s-…he’s actually so powerful that he can destroy the entire planet?! Who is this guy?

Celestia was caught in a flurry of questions pertaining to this savior that had not only saved her life, but also told her that an even more powerful threat was soon to consume them…and he was willfully offering her his help in preparing her so she may combat this great danger.

“Yes…that is the extent of my power, and the reason for why we must leave Equestria to ensure no harm befalls your kin while preparations for the day upon all your fates will depend are underway.”

With a turn, his eyes shifted back towards Celestia, staring directly at her.

“I fear that in the days of peace since your last great battle with a powerful opponent, which I presume to have been Tirek or Discord, you have grown sloppy which was the reason why you were so easily defeated by your sister…which if we are to restore your strength back to what it once was, I will have to use fifty perfect of my power, otherwise you will surely be vaporized, and we don’t want that, do we?”


“No,” a nervous Celestia peeped up.

“Then unless you have any necessities you require to bring with you, I must insist that we depart as soon as possible to our new training grounds for the next 168 hours.”

Putting his long sleeved arms behind his back he stood motionless as he continued to maintain a constant eye contact with her.

“You will be allowed five minutes to appoint who shall temporarily replace you as leader of Equestria, but after that you and I must depart…, - “

With the raise of two fingers he brought them up to his forehead behind the hood.

“…see ya in five, your Highness.”


In little as a second’s notice he suddenly vanished from sight, seemingly masterfully teleporting away.

As soon as he was gone all of the guards gasped, exclaiming as they jumped in surprise at the great speed in which he teleported.

“Wha-…where did he go?!” one of the guards exclaimed.

She, like the rest of everyone presently there, stood with shocked looks on their faces from his sudden disappearance.

Shaking the surprise from her, Celestia turned herself around, facing the guards as she began relaying her current plans to them.

“Okay, now everyone, he has only given us five minutes to select who will represent me during this absence. Does anyone have suitable candidates for who could be our most likely choice?” she asked all of the guards.

Shifting their attention from the disappearance of the bipedal creature they all looked to their Princess instead, listening to what she had to say.

“Well…the only ones I can think of as a possible candidate is your assistant who manages all your paperwork. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a small increase.” a stallion suggested.

“Hm…, -“ Celestia thought.

Touching her hoof to her chin, entering into deep thought about her options.

“What about the mayor of Manehattan? Wouldn’t she be available?”

“A message can be sent, but it is uncertain whether it will arrive before- “


“Huh?” Celestia and the other guards reacted when they suddenly heard a sudden noise behind them.

Turning around they saw that the robed figure had suddenly vanished.

“Whah-…were did he go?”

For several seconds Celestia and the others only blinked in confusion as neither knew where he had teleported off to.


Sometime later, though, did actually see him finally return, -

…but he was not alone.

Beside his body, the flat palms of his hand touched the heads of two mares, who judging by the mare on the left and the one on the right both had differently contrasting reactions to suddenly being teleported by a mysterious creature.

Clad in a suit and more proper attire the mare on the left released chocked stutter as she was incapable of comprehending what had just transpired.

The other was clad in standard gold armor of an Equestrian Armed Forces General, with hers standing out with minor purple outlines and shoulder pads that were completely purple.

“What the-… Where have you brought us?!” the General shouted up at the hooded figure.

“What’s happened?! Why am I suddenly out here when I should be in my office signing the newest-? “

While the mayor was having her little freak out her eyes soon feel upon a white being clad in gold that attracted her attention towards itself rather than just shouting in alarmed panic.

“P-princess Celestia?! What is going on?! Please explain what is happening here.”

Requested the mayor who was more than weirded out by everything that was taking place right now.

Taking several steps forward she looked up at the hooded face, watching him give a gentle nod.

Raising a brow, the General craned her head up, staring at the robed figure suspiciously when she saw this happen, then back at the Princess directly.

“Yes, right…, - “

With her hoof, she brought it up to her mouth and gave a gentle cough.

“…as it would seem, General, mayor…my sister, Princess Luna, has turned on me. What you see around you are the results of our battle, which would have had an unfortunate outcome had he not come to my aid and rescued me from my sister’s wrath.”

Pointing directly at him with her right hoof the General and mayor looked up at him, staring at this mysterious, tall, bipedal figure.

Only shifting their attention back to her when she began speaking again.

“Not only is the betrayal of my sister a huge blow, but also when I was saved from certain death by him, Luna was being goaded into killing me by some or other dark figure that I suspect was observing our battle. Waiting for the opportune moment to intervene,” she explained.

“It goaded her until she started to charge up the final blast that would have killed me, while giving me this cruel smiling…almost like she was…enjoying what she was about to do.”

Hanging her head low she sobbed softly.

Upon opening her eyes again there was a small trace of fluid about to run down her cheeks.

Sniffling she raised her head, once again looking at the two mares most suited for taking her place while she prepared for next week.

“Now, the reason I have summoned you here is due to my sister and her allies’ eventual return by the end of the week. Now, he…, - “she said pointing her hoof at him. “…has said that I need to come with him so I can train my body to become stronger for when I face my sister….as she too will be preparing for the day she returns and exact her vengeance upon me.”

The mayor’s eyes were wide open, gently blinking her eyes, though, they did not deter the horrified, frightened grimace that was on her face.

“So…why exactly have you summoned us, your Highness?” asked the mayor, trying to smile friendly despite her disbelief at their entire situation.

“Because I must leave Equestria as he needs to be at his full power when training me…and when at full power he could...potentially destroy the entire planet.”

She slowly tried to avert her gaze from them, not wanting to see their shocked faces when they realized how strong the being they stood beside was.

However, the gasps that she had been expecting to hear being uttered by them did not come.

This surprised the Princess more than anything she had seen today.

“Huh? Wha-…, - “she responded confused.

Turning around her eyes jumped, surprise overwhelming her as neither of them were shocked or surprised by this news when it should have left speechless or even gawking at him.

Both of their faces were blank, just staring at her with raised brows that were more or less caused by them being surprised at her sudden reaction.

“What is it, your Highness? Is something else the matter?”

Questioned the General while taking several steps forward.

“You…you’re not surprised by the fact that the one I am going to train with for this week could wipe out Equestria if he wanted too?” Celestia stuttered.

With a hoof to her mouth the mayor let out a gentle cough before shifting her attention back to Celestia.

“We are surprised, your Highness, but we, like everyone else have seen you go up against foes that always claim that they actually possess the battle power that would make destroying a planet possible. It’s no biggie anymore.”

“I would have to say myself agreeing with the bureaucrat…, - “

…while talking, the mayor turned to him, glaring at him.

“…there is no more any surprise to any of the villains you’ve fought so far. Even Discord was turned to stone by your hoof.”

Exhaling a heavy sigh, she looked at her with blank eyes.

“You forget that was with my sister, I never actually defeated Discord in single-combat. Most likely, he might have removed my teeth or replaced my eyeballs with baby heads if we were to try and fight each other.”

She shuddered at the thought of Discord ever meeting that triangular menace; Bill Cipher.

Crossing her eyes, she glared out in front of her at the thought that her suspicions about him was correct.

Ever since awakening in that accursed casket they had found at the hill she should have known that no matter his little ‘’theatrics’’ that he was bad trouble, -

…just like Discord.


Repeatedly blinking her eyes a series of times she snapped out of the trance that it seemed like she had been under.

Quickly shaking her head, she looked down at the General.

“Huh? What?”

Questioned a confused Celestia as she did not understand what had happened.

“You were not responding for a few seconds there, your Highness. Almost like you were entered deep into thought about something.”

Raising a hoof to touch her forehead she lowered her head slightly, looking down at the at the ground.

“N-no, it’s nothing.”

“Are you sure? With all this talk about the end of the world I would not take you being engaged in deep thought to be something that should just be brushed aside.”

“I completely agree with your subordinate, Princess…, - “he said taking several steps towards her. “Whatever you have to say, if it pertains to our cause then you should speak up instead of remaining silent,” he said extending a hand out from his robes.

“Well-… You see, it-…” she stuttered trying to get the words she wanted to speak come out.

Seeing that she was struggling with what she was trying to say he closed his eyes, retiring his hand back inside his robe and beginning to concentrate.

Hanging her head, she looks down at the ground.

“I am thinking about this one being, Bill Cipher,” she finally said.


One of her guards spoke up, while the others turned to stare at each other with confused glances.

Exhaling a heavy sigh she raised her head.

“Bill Cipher is what he prefers to call a self-proclaimed Dream Demon, who has the power to enter one’s dreams and even manipulate them,” explained Celestia to the group.

The guard’s eyes jumped, staring back at their ruler with shocked and awestruck faces.

“B-but I thought only the Princess of the Night had the power to enter one’s dreams!” a very worried soldier guard suddenly spoke up.

“It would appear that she isn’t anymore.”

With a turn of her head, Celestia looked at the guard with a sad frown.

“Then what are we to do about this…Bill Cipher?” asked the General.

Taking a few steps closer she approached the Princess.

“Surely there must be something we can do about him before dealing with the crisis of Princess Luna’s revolt.”

Gently, she shook her head.

“No, whether I like to admit it, despite appearing in the back of a book in my sister’s possession I do not feel comfortable antagonizing him unless I have absolute reason to. He may exist within what my sister refers to as the Mindscape, but there is no telling what chaos we risk unleashing upon Equestria when we have not even dealt with the first one.”

“I could not agree more, your Highness,” said mayor taking a bow of respect.

“Exactly what we should be doin’, yer Majesty,” said the General.

The mayor could not help but spare the General a nasty glare at the disrespect thrown their race’s leader’s way.

“So then why have you summoned both of us here, Princess?” the mayor asked with a confused raised brow. “Surely the General would be more than well-equipped to maintain stability of the Empire while you’re off training.”

Raising a hoof up to behind her head Celestia gently scratched the back of her head, blushing embarrassed.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, mayor, I and the guards were already throwing up possible candidates, and while we mentioned both of your names…he, - “extending a hoof she pointed back up at him. “…just randomly brought you here before I had the chance to suggest anyone else.”

Turning around the two high-positioned mares looked back at the robed figure in-between them.

Shrugging his shoulders, he just returned his attention back to Celestia where he was meet with a slightly angry expression on her face.

“While it is unfortunate that in his impatience he was so brash to just bring you here without waiting for a confirmation whether it was you I wanted brought here…but I must admit with you both here it should be easy enough to find which one of you will govern in my place until I return from my training with him.”

Putting both his arms behind his back he took several steps back so they wouldn’t be distracted by him.

“However, my decision is that both of you will govern in my place until the week is up and I return to you.”

Both mares snapped their heads up at her upon hearing this, gaining confused expressions as they were taken aback by her decision.

“Uh, excuse me, your Highness, but unless my ears are mistaken I believe you said ‘’both of us’’.”

The mayor asked as she took several steps closer to Celestia.

“No, there is nothing wrong with your hearing, mayor. I want both of you to govern in my place.”

“B-but, your Highness, military and government bureaucrats don’t mix well.”

“Be that as it may, that is something the two of you will have to find out while I am gone. Time is important in this race to see which one of us will become stronger than the other before the end of the week…and honestly, we’ve spent quite a lot more than the five minute time limit I was supposed to hold myself to when selecting who will govern in my place, and my answer to that is just to choose whoever I have available right in front of me for that task…and right now you are the only options I’ve got physically standing before me to just brush it aside and be picky about my choice.”

Taking several steps forward she trotted forward as she stepped out towards the robed figure that had been patiently waiting for this conversation to end.

Craning her head up she looked up at his hooded face.

“Will it take long to reach this planet where we will be training?”

“No, it will even take hardly a second.”

“Good, because I fear that with these additional minutes spent debating and discussing my choices we have done nothing but waste time when we could have been already started sparring with eachother.”

“Then we shall be underway immediately, your Highness...if you just come over here and stand next to me.”

Raising two fingers to his forehead he lowered his left arm and touched Celestia’s back.

Staring out at the small crowd of equines she offered them the final smile they would see on her face for quite some time until their next meeting.

“Govern Equestria well…” were her final words before both her and the robed figure simply teleported away, -


…leaving the guards with dropped jaws at such speedy teleportation.

After she had gone and a silence started to fall over them, they all looked at each other with blank stares.

“So…when do we think we should begin fixing the castle? Does tomorrow sound nice?”

All of the ponies except the stallion that had asked the question looked first at him, then out at the ruined section of the castle they were standing in, before staring back at him again with frowning glares.

“What do you think?” asked the guard’s Captain in unimpressed tone while glaring at the stallion that had asked that.
A Warrior Reborn Part 2

Back on Equestria the mysterious hooded individual that had saved her from her sister and the other much darker robed being stood silent as he was still looking up at the sun.

Hearing their Princesses coughing the guards that were still gathered around turned back to look down at her injured and battered body, -

…but they were shockingly surprised to find that not only was there hardly a scratch or mark on her body, but that she was actually standing back up without as much as a hitch.

Like her body had been miraculously healed by someone else’s magic and not her own.

“Y-you’re healed, your Highness?” a confused guard said aloud as he could not believe what his eyes were telling him.

The guards not seeing the Princess’ body standing back up all gasped and got shocked expressions.

Taking an incredible risk by looking away from the prisoner.

After hearing this the other guards all took the chance of looking away from the robed stranger to check if what they had picked up was in fact correct.

What they saw shocked them to no end.

It was just like when this battle between both Princesses took place it was almost insane how this all went down.

“P-princess Celestia? Ha-how did you recover from all that damage so insanely fast?!” a mare asked.

All the other guard’s mouths hung agape, stuttering as they released chocked noises.

None able to come to any sort of rational explanation as to why she was suddenly healed when just moments prior she had been laying down beaten and battered.

To the mare an idea popped into her head, an explanation she did not know how to verify in a manner that made sense.

With a slow turn of her head her eyes shifted back to the robed stranger.

Staring at him in awestruck intrigue at whatever form of magic he must have used to heal the Princess.

“It was because of the Senzu bean I gave her that healed all the damage that had been inflicted upon her.”

All the guards blinked at him, semi understanding what he was talking about.

They only managed to comprehend the basic concept of what he was talking about.

With a turn of his head he looked down at them.

“If not for me making it to this planet in time your sister would no longer be drawing breath, and we would not be having this conversation.”

Gently his pupils shifted upwards, staring directly at Celestia.

“Death is not a luxury you can be afforded at this time; your people need you now more than ever…especially with thought to what will soon come.”

Crossing her brows angrily she took several steps forward as she pressed pass the crowd of soldiers.

“Are you threatening me…or worse, my subjects?”

Soundlessly he shook his head from side to side.

“Not at all, your Majesty, but I am inclined to tell you when danger is afoot…and you are sure to lose the battles to come.”

Behind her, Celestia’s guards started to grow angrier.

Insulted by this…foreigner daring to tell their own Princess that she was even close to weak and that there even existed someone stronger than her.

“How dare you?!”

“You take that back!”

“The Princess could whoop your butt and you wouldn’t even know she was doing!”

“She could totally take you down! She is more powerful than anything in Equestria – with the exception of Tirek and Discord. If it was possible she could crush you with the power of the Sun, itself!”

A small uproar from the guards swiftly attracted Celestia and the new arrival’s attention back to them.

“While you are correct that she is indeed quite powerful a lot more than brute strength to defeat Princess Luna and whoever it was that abducted her.”

“Wait, Princess Luna’s been kidnapped?!”

“How is that even possible?! I thought she was supposed to be nearly as powerful as the Princess!”

With a gentle nod of his head he answered the soldiers.

Unsurprisingly this did little to help calm them after being this news as chatter started amongst them.

“Which is why…, - “

Celestia’s ear twitched as she heard him speaking to her directly again.

Turning back to face him she looked up to meet his eyes.

“…I have come here to help prepare you for the threat that lies ahead,” he said.

Like with her soldiers a horrified face appeared on Celestia’s face, but unlike her soldiers it was more restrained, not uttering a single word or sound.

Leaning down he stood on one leg with the other touching the ground.

Now he stood eye-to-eye with Celestia.

Staring into her eyes as she did with his.

“Understand this, Princess; on your own you might stand a chance…for a while, but trust me, whoever has your sister is not going to let her go a day without preparing for when they will return to Equestria and exact their revenge on you unless she gets stronger than you…, - “

His eyes grew sterner, his facial expression letting her know that he was not joking about their situation in any way.

“I swear on my life, Princess Celestia, allow me to train you so that upon your sister’s return you will be strong enough to stand a chance of beating her.”

Her mouth hung agape, but now with all that she was hearing was beginning to utter chocked noises much like her soldiers.

“If not for your own sake…, - “taking her hoof in his hand he held it as he looked straight into her face. “…then do it for those whom you have been fighting all this time to protect.”

For a time, she only looked at him blankly, not knowing what to choose as she did believe that what he was telling her was the truth, but was her allowing him to train her to become strong where she might defeat her sister truly the wisest course of action?

She had trusted Luna and look where that had gotten her.

“Come on, Princess, what are you waiting for?”

Gasping as she heard the voice speak to her.

Turning back around she looked into the eyes of her soldiers, all of which stood with their hooves pumped.

“Yeah! If this weird alien thing saved your life – twice – then what he is telling you has to be true if he is offering you the chance to become even stronger than you are now.”

Uh, excuse me?! ‘’Weird alien thing’’?

Turning back to the robed figure, seeing as it had remained quite silent for a while, she shot it a suspicious stare.

Raising one of her brows.

“Are my subjects in correct in saying that you are here to help us in this hour of need?”

“Your Highness, if my intentions were not well-intending then I would have not interfered in this world’s affairs, and just allowed Luna to destroy you.”

The guards were about to once again protest, bringing up how the Princess was strong enough to handle Luna, -

…but Celestia raised a hoof, silencing them.

“Then what do you suggest as our first course of action?” Celestia asked him.

“While your subjects repair your castle, you and I will go somewhere secluded where we can train.”

“Nah uh! No way the Princess is going anywhere with anyone as things are now.”

“Yeah! Never mind her own safety, but there are going to be asked questions about what happened here.”

“Then you are inform the populace that Princess Celestia is dealing with diplomatic affairs outside Equestria’s borders and will not be returning until the week is up.”

“Hang on, a week?!” exclaimed Celestia.

“My sister will be returning within a week?!”

“Let me put as simply as I can; once your sister finishes recovering from the damage that she has sustained here today, she and her allies are not going to rest until they know that she is strong enough to destroy you with a single blast…which is why I need to take you somewhere I can not risk destroying the entire planet.”

“What?! Destroy the entire planet?!”

Aside from her slight eye twitch, Celestia only stared back with her mouth slightly agape from hearing this quite…big news.

I don’t believe it. This guy, he’s-…he’s actually so powerful that he can destroy the entire planet?! Who is this guy?

Celestia was caught in a flurry of questions pertaining to this savior that had not only saved her life, but also told her that an even more powerful threat was soon to consume them…and he was willfully offering her his help in preparing her so she may combat this great danger.

“Yes…that is the extent of my power, and the reason for why we must leave Equestria to ensure no harm befalls your kin while preparations for the day upon all your fates will depend are underway.”

With a turn, his eyes shifted back towards Celestia, staring directly at her.

“I fear that in the days of peace since your last great battle with a powerful opponent, which I presume to have been Tirek or Discord, you have grown sloppy which was the reason why you were so easily defeated by your sister…which if we are to restore your strength back to what it once was, I will have to use fifty perfect of my power, otherwise you will surely be vaporized, and we don’t want that, do we?”


“No,” a nervous Celestia peeped up.

“Then unless you have any necessities you require to bring with you, I must insist that we depart as soon as possible to our new training grounds for the next 168 hours.”

Putting his long sleeved arms behind his back he stood motionless as he continued to maintain a constant eye contact with her.

“You will be allowed five minutes to appoint who shall temporarily replace you as leader of Equestria, but after that you and I must depart…, - “

With the raise of two fingers he brought them up to his forehead behind the hood.

“…see ya in five, your Highness.”


In little as a second’s notice he suddenly vanished from sight, seemingly masterfully teleporting away.

As soon as he was gone all of the guards gasped, exclaiming as they jumped in surprise at the great speed in which he teleported.

“Wha-…where did he go?!” one of the guards exclaimed.

She, like the rest of everyone presently there, stood with shocked looks on their faces from his sudden disappearance.

Shaking the surprise from her, Celestia turned herself around, facing the guards as she began relaying her current plans to them.

“Okay, now everyone, he has only given us five minutes to select who will represent me during this absence. Does anyone have suitable candidates for who could be our most likely choice?” she asked all of the guards.

Shifting their attention from the disappearance of the bipedal creature they all looked to their Princess instead, listening to what she had to say.

“Well…the only ones I can think of as a possible candidate is your assistant who manages all your paperwork. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a small increase.” a stallion suggested.

“Hm…, -“ Celestia thought.

Touching her hoof to her chin, entering into deep thought about her options.

“What about the mayor of Manehattan? Wouldn’t she be available?”

“A message can be sent, but it is uncertain whether it will arrive before- “


“Huh?” Celestia and the other guards reacted when they suddenly heard a sudden noise behind them.

Turning around they saw that the robed figure had suddenly vanished.

“Whah-…were did he go?”

For several seconds Celestia and the others only blinked in confusion as neither knew where he had teleported off to.


Sometime later, though, did actually see him finally return, -

…but he was not alone.

Beside his body, the flat palms of his hand touched the heads of two mares, who judging by the mare on the left and the one on the right both had differently contrasting reactions to suddenly being teleported by a mysterious creature.

Clad in a suit and more proper attire the mare on the left released chocked stutter as she was incapable of comprehending what had just transpired.

The other was clad in standard gold armor of an Equestrian Armed Forces General, with hers standing out with minor purple outlines and shoulder pads that were completely purple.

“What the-… Where have you brought us?!” the General shouted up at the hooded figure.

“What’s happened?! Why am I suddenly out here when I should be in my office signing the newest-? “

While the mayor was having her little freak out her eyes soon feel upon a white being clad in gold that attracted her attention towards itself rather than just shouting in alarmed panic.

“P-princess Celestia?! What is going on?! Please explain what is happening here.”

Requested the mayor who was more than weirded out by everything that was taking place right now.

Taking several steps forward she looked up at the hooded face, watching him give a gentle nod.

Raising a brow, the General craned her head up, staring at the robed figure suspiciously when she saw this happen, then back at the Princess directly.

“Yes, right…, - “

With her hoof, she brought it up to her mouth and gave a gentle cough.

“…as it would seem, General, mayor…my sister, Princess Luna, has turned on me. What you see around you are the results of our battle, which would have had an unfortunate outcome had he not come to my aid and rescued me from my sister’s wrath.”

Pointing directly at him with her right hoof the General and mayor looked up at him, staring at this mysterious, tall, bipedal figure.

Only shifting their attention back to her when she began speaking again.

“Not only is the betrayal of my sister a huge blow, but also when I was saved from certain death by him, Luna was being goaded into killing me by some or other dark figure that I suspect was observing our battle. Waiting for the opportune moment to intervene,” she explained.

“It goaded her until she started to charge up the final blast that would have killed me, while giving me this cruel smiling…almost like she was…enjoying what she was about to do.”

Hanging her head low she sobbed softly.

Upon opening her eyes again there was a small trace of fluid about to run down her cheeks.

Sniffling she raised her head, once again looking at the two mares most suited for taking her place while she prepared for next week.

“Now, the reason I have summoned you here is due to my sister and her allies’ eventual return by the end of the week. Now, he…, - “she said pointing her hoof at him. “…has said that I need to come with him so I can train my body to become stronger for when I face my sister….as she too will be preparing for the day she returns and exact her vengeance upon me.”

The mayor’s eyes were wide open, gently blinking her eyes, though, they did not deter the horrified, frightened grimace that was on her face.

“So…why exactly have you summoned us, your Highness?” asked the mayor, trying to smile friendly despite her disbelief at their entire situation.

“Because I must leave Equestria as he needs to be at his full power when training me…and when at full power he could...potentially destroy the entire planet.”

She slowly tried to avert her gaze from them, not wanting to see their shocked faces when they realized how strong the being they stood beside was.

However, the gasps that she had been expecting to hear being uttered by them did not come.

This surprised the Princess more than anything she had seen today.

“Huh? Wha-…, - “she responded confused.

Turning around her eyes jumped, surprise overwhelming her as neither of them were shocked or surprised by this news when it should have left speechless or even gawking at him.

Both of their faces were blank, just staring at her with raised brows that were more or less caused by them being surprised at her sudden reaction.

“What is it, your Highness? Is something else the matter?”

Questioned the General while taking several steps forward.

“You…you’re not surprised by the fact that the one I am going to train with for this week could wipe out Equestria if he wanted too?” Celestia stuttered.

With a hoof to her mouth the mayor let out a gentle cough before shifting her attention back to Celestia.

“We are surprised, your Highness, but we, like everyone else have seen you go up against foes that always claim that they actually possess the battle power that would make destroying a planet possible. It’s no biggie anymore.”

“I would have to say myself agreeing with the bureaucrat…, - “

…while talking, the mayor turned to him, glaring at him.

“…there is no more any surprise to any of the villains you’ve fought so far. Even Discord was turned to stone by your hoof.”

Exhaling a heavy sigh, she looked at her with blank eyes.

“You forget that was with my sister, I never actually defeated Discord in single-combat. Most likely, he might have removed my teeth or replaced my eyeballs with baby heads if we were to try and fight each other.”

She shuddered at the thought of Discord ever meeting that triangular menace; Bill Cipher.

Crossing her eyes, she glared out in front of her at the thought that her suspicions about him was correct.

Ever since awakening in that accursed casket they had found at the hill she should have known that no matter his little ‘’theatrics’’ that he was bad trouble, -

…just like Discord.


Repeatedly blinking her eyes a series of times she snapped out of the trance that it seemed like she had been under.

Quickly shaking her head, she looked down at the General.

“Huh? What?”

Questioned a confused Celestia as she did not understand what had happened.

“You were not responding for a few seconds there, your Highness. Almost like you were entered deep into thought about something.”

Raising a hoof to touch her forehead she lowered her head slightly, looking down at the at the ground.

“N-no, it’s nothing.”

“Are you sure? With all this talk about the end of the world I would not take you being engaged in deep thought to be something that should just be brushed aside.”

“I completely agree with your subordinate, Princess…, - “he said taking several steps towards her. “Whatever you have to say, if it pertains to our cause then you should speak up instead of remaining silent,” he said extending a hand out from his robes.

“Well-… You see, it-…” she stuttered trying to get the words she wanted to speak come out.

Seeing that she was struggling with what she was trying to say he closed his eyes, retiring his hand back inside his robe and beginning to concentrate.

Hanging her head, she looks down at the ground.

“I am thinking about this one being, Bill Cipher,” she finally said.


One of her guards spoke up, while the others turned to stare at each other with confused glances.

Exhaling a heavy sigh she raised her head.

“Bill Cipher is what he prefers to call a self-proclaimed Dream Demon, who has the power to enter one’s dreams and even manipulate them,” explained Celestia to the group.

The guard’s eyes jumped, staring back at their ruler with shocked and awestruck faces.

“B-but I thought only the Princess of the Night had the power to enter one’s dreams!” a very worried soldier guard suddenly spoke up.

“It would appear that she isn’t anymore.”

With a turn of her head, Celestia looked at the guard with a sad frown.

“Then what are we to do about this…Bill Cipher?” asked the General.

Taking a few steps closer she approached the Princess.

“Surely there must be something we can do about him before dealing with the crisis of Princess Luna’s revolt.”

Gently, she shook her head.

“No, whether I like to admit it, despite appearing in the back of a book in my sister’s possession I do not feel comfortable antagonizing him unless I have absolute reason to. He may exist within what my sister refers to as the Mindscape, but there is no telling what chaos we risk unleashing upon Equestria when we have not even dealt with the first one.”

“I could not agree more, your Highness,” said mayor taking a bow of respect.

“Exactly what we should be doin’, yer Majesty,” said the General.

The mayor could not help but spare the General a nasty glare at the disrespect thrown their race’s leader’s way.

“So then why have you summoned both of us here, Princess?” the mayor asked with a confused raised brow. “Surely the General would be more than well-equipped to maintain stability of the Empire while you’re off training.”

Raising a hoof up to behind her head Celestia gently scratched the back of her head, blushing embarrassed.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, mayor, I and the guards were already throwing up possible candidates, and while we mentioned both of your names…he, - “extending a hoof she pointed back up at him. “…just randomly brought you here before I had the chance to suggest anyone else.”

Turning around the two high-positioned mares looked back at the robed figure in-between them.

Shrugging his shoulders, he just returned his attention back to Celestia where he was meet with a slightly angry expression on her face.

“While it is unfortunate that in his impatience he was so brash to just bring you here without waiting for a confirmation whether it was you I wanted brought here…but I must admit with you both here it should be easy enough to find which one of you will govern in my place until I return from my training with him.”

Putting both his arms behind his back he took several steps back so they wouldn’t be distracted by him.

“However, my decision is that both of you will govern in my place until the week is up and I return to you.”

Both mares snapped their heads up at her upon hearing this, gaining confused expressions as they were taken aback by her decision.

“Uh, excuse me, your Highness, but unless my ears are mistaken I believe you said ‘’both of us’’.”

The mayor asked as she took several steps closer to Celestia.

“No, there is nothing wrong with your hearing, mayor. I want both of you to govern in my place.”

“B-but, your Highness, military and government bureaucrats don’t mix well.”

“Be that as it may, that is something the two of you will have to find out while I am gone. Time is important in this race to see which one of us will become stronger than the other before the end of the week…and honestly, we’ve spent quite a lot more than the five minute time limit I was supposed to hold myself to when selecting who will govern in my place, and my answer to that is just to choose whoever I have available right in front of me for that task…and right now you are the only options I’ve got physically standing before me to just brush it aside and be picky about my choice.”

Taking several steps forward she trotted forward as she stepped out towards the robed figure that had been patiently waiting for this conversation to end.

Craning her head up she looked up at his hooded face.

“Will it take long to reach this planet where we will be training?”

“No, it will even take hardly a second.”

“Good, because I fear that with these additional minutes spent debating and discussing my choices we have done nothing but waste time when we could have been already started sparring with eachother.”

“Then we shall be underway immediately, your Highness...if you just come over here and stand next to me.”

Raising two fingers to his forehead he lowered his left arm and touched Celestia’s back.

Staring out at the small crowd of equines she offered them the final smile they would see on her face for quite some time until their next meeting.

“Govern Equestria well…” were her final words before both her and the robed figure simply teleported away, -


…leaving the guards with dropped jaws at such speedy teleportation.

After she had gone and a silence started to fall over them, they all looked at each other with blank stares.

“So…when do we think we should begin fixing the castle? Does tomorrow sound nice?”

All of the ponies except the stallion that had asked the question looked first at him, then out at the ruined section of the castle they were standing in, before staring back at him again with frowning glares.

“What do you think?” asked the guard’s Captain in unimpressed tone while glaring at the stallion that had asked that.